The inheritance of the Stoffer Berents on January 24, 1787.


Aaltje Derks, widow of Stoffer Beerents,

Albert Stoffers, their son, and wife Aaltje Hemmes.

Division of properties:

To widow and mother Aaltje Derks (Appearer 1):

  • The house with all the (im)movables, appraised at 800 guilders.
  • A loan, chargeable to Jan Schut and wife in Heveskes of 600 guilders (extra with 3 months interest at 5 guilders).
  • An debenture chargeable to Jan Pieters from the town Weiwert of 200 guilders (extra with 3 months interest at 10 guilders).
  • Dito chargeable to Duirt Garmts (= half-brother of Albert Stoffers!) of 100 guilders (extra with 3 months interest at 5 guilders).
  • Dito chargeable to the widow of Gerrit Pieters from the town Spijk of 400 guilders (plus 17 guilders and 10 stivers interest).
  • Dito chargeable to Lijsabeth Klazen and son of 500 guilders (plus 5 guilders interest).
  • Dito chargeable to Meerten Jacobs and wife of 200 guilders (plus 2 guilders interest).
  • In cash from Albert Stoffers: 35 guilders, 11 stivers and 5 doits.
  • Together: 2780 guilders and 5 doits.
  • To Albert Stoffers and wife Aaltje Hemmes (Appearers 2):
  • A "verzegelinge" (=loan?) to Albert Stoffers himself of 3000 guilders with 25 guilders extra interest.
  • The property of the "Halfscheid" 50%) of 52 "grazen" land, situated in (*the village) Jukwerd, appraised at 1600 guilders, with extra 3 months land rent of 65 guilders.
  • The property of 6 "grazen" land in (the village) Marsum, appraised on 210 guilders, plus an (1¼ year) interest of 16 guilders.
  • An debenture chargeable to the Mayor L. Tonkens of 700 guilders plus extra 7 guilders interest.
  • Dito chargeable to Obbe Tjallinge of 75 guilders with extra 3 guilders and 15 stivers interest
  • Together, after deduction of 35 guilders, 11 stivers and 5 doits, 5565 guilders, 4 stivers and 3 doits. Which Appearer 2 (Albert Stoffers) has to pay to Appearer 1 (his step-mother Aaltje Derks).

In mutual property stays:

  • A "verzegelinge" (=loan?) chargeable to the Saint Anthony Gasthuis in Appingedam of 400 guilders.
  • Dito chargeable to Cornellus Hylkes of 200 guilders.
  • Dito chargeable to Claes Roelfs of 100 guilders.
  • A house, situated in Uitwierda, appraised at 230 guilders and 10 stivers.
  • Loaned coins in Marsum of 60 guilders.
  • Together 979 guilders and 10 stivers.

Made in Appingedam by Judge Henricus Johannes Wieringa on January 24,1787.

Translated and summarized: Albert Geurink. Date: Friday, November 12, 2004.

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