Last Updated (none)

2016 Membership Roster

The Time Is Now!
Time To Donate to USGenNet!

Each hour represents $1,000.00. The green represents donations received.

USGenNet's financial needs have increased! As USGenNet-hosted websites continue to add data, the cost of hosting all these websites increases. USGenNet has recently added additional space, and that has significantly increased our hosting expenses. We need your support now more than ever, and are truly appreciative for every donation!

If you'd like to see how we spend the money you donate, visit our Corporate Records page to see our Financial Reports, including our 2014 Operating Budget

To make a donation by mail, send it to:

USGenNet Treasurer
999 Bridgeport Way
Rio Vista, California 94571
[Please make checks payable to USGenNet]

To make a donation through PayPal:
Paypal payments should be made to:

If you are already a USGenNet Patron, we thank you for your support and invite you to become a member or to renew your current membership by submitting a Membership Application/Renewal Form.

Don't forget to grab a USGenNet Member graphic!

Honorary Member
  Jim Cole, USGenNet's Volunteer Star SysAdmin  
  Linda Talbott, USGenNet's Data Repository Administrator    

Lifetime Member (In Memoriam)
Carole Hammett

Sustaining Members
(Voting Members)

Patrons who contribute $100.00 or more within the membership accounting year are entitled to Sustaining Membership.

The (+) sign indicates contributions exceeding the $100.00 membership contribution.


  1. Rhoda L. Fone (+)

  2. William J. Walker

  3. Ed Van Horn

  4. Van Horn Realty

  5. Ron Eason (+)

  6. Scott Anderson (+)

  7. Karen Foster (+)

  8. Janet & Stan Schwarze (+)

  9. Pam Riesch (+)

  10. Ginger Cisewski

  11. Robert Devlin

  12. YOU


Supporting Members

Patrons who contribute $20.00 to $99.99 within the membership accounting year year are entitled to Supporting Membership. The (+) sign indicates contributions larger than the $20.00 membership contribution.

Note: Supporting Memberships can be converted to Sustaining Memberships ($100 voting) at any time during the membership accounting year.*

  1. Terry Warren

  2. Don Wright

  3. Arnold L. Buhr

  4. Edith Kortus

  5. Karen Foster

  6. Dave Henderson

  7. Cecelia Furman

Other Contributions
(Under $20.00)

Note: These Contributions may be converted to Supporting Memberships ($20 non-voting) or to Sustaining Memberships ($100 voting) at any time during the membership accounting year.*



*All USGenNet Patrons who have contributed a minimum of $20.00 since 15 Sep 2014 are eligible for Year 2014-15 Supporting (non-voting) Memberships. If you contribute at least $100.00, you are eligible for a Sustaining (voting) Membership. If you are a Supporting Member and your contribution level reaches $100.00 at any time during the membership accounting year, (15 Sep to 14 Sep) your membership will automatically be converted to Sustaining. Membership renewals are always welcome. All contributions are voluntary, tax-deductible and separate from USGenNet Website Services, in full compliance with IRS Charitable Organization Rules. **2014 Contribution.

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United States Genealogy Network, Inc. (USGenNet), the First and Only Nonprofit Historical-Genealogical Web Hosting Service on the Internet!

USGenNet is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation -- a nonprofit web-hosting service providing historical and genealogical websites on the Internet for nonprofit organizations such as the American Local History Network (ALHN), the USGenWeb Census Project, the American History and Genealogy Project (AHGP) and the USGenWeb Project. USGenNet's nonprofit Articles of Incorporation strictly prohibit any and all forms of commercial abuse.

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