Letter to Evan and James Young from brother, Harrison Young



Bedford Lawrence CO Ind. Oct. 17th 1857.


Dear Brothers Evan and James.


            I now write to you a few lines to let you know where I am, and what I am doing. James I suppose that you remember that I told you what I expected to do, in our last conversation on the 8th of April, while on our way to Gossport. Well I remained steadfast and unmoveable in the faith,

suffering myself not to be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.  Untill I finally landed at Bedford on the 10th inst.


            On the morning of the inst. Eveline and I left the old stomping ground bound for Lawrence High School. They were all well then. We have not heard from them since. We are enjoying the best of health. After buying $2.50 worth of tickets at Gossport Deposit, Eveline and I stepped upon the car to enjoy our first railroad ride.  The Bell soon rang, the machine was instantly out into motion, and away we flew. Eveline soon became as sick as a Buzzard. But my bowels were never in better order.


            We arrived here at 11 o'clock A.M. Eveline was soon sealed in the "Ladies Room" and I walked the platform to the farthest extremity, when suddenly I beheld Uncle Jackson standing with his saddle just going to take the cars for Salem, on a preaching tour. He walked for enough back to

point out his residence. We found them all well and looking for us.  We entered school on the 12th Oct.  The students member some 40 odd.  The major part of who are from the country.  Eveline has 3 studies, English, Grammar, Arithmetic, and Geography. Also music. I am studying English Grammar,

Natural Philosophy, Arithmetic / Algebra and music. but we labor under great disadvantages as yet, having lost two weeks of the session.


            There is some 5 brick churches in town. Hence there is sometimes several bells ringin at the same time. The Campbelliles have meeting every Lord's day and night, and occasionally a night through the week.


            Every Tuesday evening Brother Conelly gives his students a lesson upon Vocal music. Each Wednesday night they meet to practice. I have got two Music books Vir.  The Carmina Sacred and The Nightengale.


            Every Friday night the Literary Society meet at the schoolroom. Each student must write a composition for one Friday evening and declaim the next.  There is some red cheeks and palpitating hearts.

            Uncle Jackson is boarding two young men at this time. A Mr. Foster and a Mr. Cogswell. We have a small house in the yard composed of two rooms. Where we (gentlemen) stay a part of our time. There is another two story brick church and schoolhouse within a few hundred yards of the Campbeliles establishment, and a high school going on.


            Uncle Henry Mathes and family came on a visit and were at our house a few days prior to our departure. They were all well except  Cousin Samey who was frequently embarrassed with the tooth aches.

            Miscellaneous items "Gan" is again located in Sheasville. James Brown is dead. Ira Williams of Gossport is dead. Samuel Wheeler and Mary E. Bourne are married. Thomas T. Hodges and Mahala Bourne will marry before long, it is supposed Dr. Holeman goes and takes Louisa Whitaker up to Samara and back and Blamooh tells "some of us" that he expects that they will marry. There is some talk of us selling "Liberty" to P. Mo. Blankenship for a schoolhouse and building a new one. They are going to build a new Samara. I learn that Nathaniel Gray is on his journey home. John Kennedy and Thomas H. Denny are in the Prarie state. I left Morgan a little to soon to get to vote. but I am almost tempted to address James Buchanan once before I die. Would it not be Polite? Heaven forbid that we should receive his damnable administration into good and honest hearts. So rouse ye lovers of Free speech and free will.


James I send you, Bonaparted Retreat,


write instantly,


Harrison P. Young





Bedford, Oct. 17.



Dear Cousins:


            "Old Harry" having written three pages on this sheet gave me permission to fill up the measure, if I felt disposed. But he has given you about all the news of importance that has transpired of late, and I am at a loss to know what to write. I have left the printer office, after having worked my time out, and am now attending the Lawrence High School. It is my intention now to go to school as long as I can muster the one things needful that is the "chink." Harrison and Eveline came here a few days ago, and are, so far am I am posted, well pleased with the school.


            We initiated Harrison into our society, the Adelphian Society--which he speaks of in his letter, and had a tall speech from him. He is now writing a letter to one of his women and talks of writing another or two this evening.   He is already in love with about half a dozen of our girls. You may expect to hear of his marriage before long, notwithstanding he pretends not to know what he will do. You ought to see him leany up to them. Write to me when you get this.


S.M.M. Mathers




The above letter is the property of Jack Bender who has given permission to this site, Allen County ALHN, to post the above.  This letter may not be printed or used on any other site without the written permission of owner Jack Bender.