Laurel County School Census
District 11
Taken 21 Apr 1895 for the school year ending 30 June 1896.
By J.W. Cox
(Extracted from Branches of Laurel, Vol IV, No.3, Renee Beets)

Student's Name, Age, and Gender
John Adams
Maggie 8f,  Hattie 6f
John Brace
Mary 14f,  Emma 12f,  William 9m,  Elizabeth 7f
W.H. Baxter
Lizzie 6f
George Bell
Frances 13f,  Mary 11f,  Abraham 9m,  Idie 6f
J.E. Cornell
Louis 16m, William 12m,  Anna Jane 8f
J.B. Clark
Ben 15m,  Charles 13m,  Idae 10f, Hattie 7f
John W. Cox
Johnny 7m
David Chumly
Huce 19m,  Lee 16m,  Marshall 14m,  Richard 11m, Sarah 8f
M.J. Cullas
Milly 8f,  James 6m
A.J. Delph
Richard 7m,  Bennie 10m
Mike Dunaho
Mike Clisham 12m
Sarah Gragg
Joseph 19m,  Hank 15m
Moses Gatliffe
Jesse 10m,  Louvina 8f,  Masiah 12f
Jacob N. Hutchison
George 8m, Fred 6m
Joseph Hicks
Esther 13f,  Mary 10f
Joseph Hughs
Willie 13m, Lizzie 11f, John 9m,  Joseph 6m
Eveline Johnson
James 15m
John Jeffrey
Thompson 6m
Charles Lunsford
Allie 8f, Sarah 6f
Harrison Maslow
Allice 19f
Peter McCam
Robert 18m, Bettie 13f
Wm McFadden
Martha 19f, Barbra 16f,  George 14m, Tommy 6m
Sterling Martin
Matthew 7m,  William ?Masion 13m
Crawford Pike
Lindsy 14m,  John 12m,  Lulu 10f
Samuel Roberts
Iola 16f,  Edgar 14m,  Haly 12m
Wm Spurlock
Nannie 15f,  Sarah 13f
Samuel Slone
Tilden 19m,  George 17m,  Charles 17m,  Dora 14f
Mike Sheedy
Mary Ann 7f
Green Sears
Louisa 17f,  Charles 13m,  Marthy 8f
George Taber
Russell 14m,  Peter 11m,  James 9m,  Lucinda 6f
John Williams
Mary 7f
Welington Warren
Katie 15f,  Lizzie 13f,  Luther 7m
Richard Weust
Richard 16m, Walter 14m,  Henry 12m
Parks Webb
Fred 13m,  Laura 11f,  Fannie 6f

NOTE:  Student's surname is the same as parent/guardian unless otherwise noted.

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