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Lee County Kentucky Biographies

If you'd like to submit a biography on a person who was born, raised or later lived in
Lee County contact me, Debi Houser Kendrick




Candidate for County Clerk - A Self Made, Deserving Man.

Mr. D.B. PENDERGRASS, self-made man that he is, was born in Lee county, Va., May 13, 1857, and is one of a family of twelve children - his parents moving to Owsley county, when he was but two years old, and his father being a blacksmith and a farmer by vocation, and incidentally a Methodist preacher of 48 years standing, in which good work he was known in the States of Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee.  Ten of the twelve children are yet living, and it will therefore be ovserved that Mr. PENDERGRASS comes of a long-lived familiy.

Obtaining a common school education, he began teaching at the age of 16 years, at which profession he engaged to the age of 19, when he took up the watchmaker and jewelers trade which he later connected with general merchandising.  In 1890, he experienced a disastrous fire - losing all, and having no insurance but a debt of $2,300 and a wife and four children to support.  By dint o energy and economy he iccumulated a few jewelry tools and took up his old trade on Main street in Beattyville, and is today the exclusive jeweler for a great scope of surrounding county. 

Born and reared a Republican, he has, from early manhood, been a hard party worker and a liberal contributor to its material welfare.  He served as Store Keeper and Guager under President HARRISON, but has never held any elective office at the hands of his people.  However, he is today a canidate for the nomination for the office of County Clerk of Lee, and should he be chosen our people will have made no mistake.

Mr. PENDERGRASS is strictly temperate in his habits, having never tasted intoxicants, of whatever nature, that of tobacco, or played a card.  As Odd Fellow of high rank and of ten years standing, a K.of P. for two years, and a J.O.U.A.M. for one year, he has ever taken a warm interest in Judge work.

Beattyville News, Friday, April 14, 1905

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