Lee County Kentucky Death Certificates

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WILLIAM G. TOLER;  Certif. 82-04210;  d. 2/11/1982, Athol, Breathitt Co. (outside city limits);  usual res.: Athol, Breathitt Co. (outside city limits);  male, white, citizen of USA, married, retired coal miner;  spouse: MARY McINTOSH TOLER;  age 85;  born 6/8/1896;  Father: LIGE TOLER;  Mother: MARY SPARKS;  cause of death: coronary occulsion [sic] died 11:30 p.m.;  Dean Spencer, Coroner, 2/15/1982;  burial: Jett Cemetery, Athol, KY on 2/14/1982;  Funeral director: Dean Spencer, Watts & Spencer Funeral Home, Jackson, KY;  Informant: Pearl Arnett, Athol, KY; (Margaret Millar Hayes)


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