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Boone and Bell, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Edwards and Russell

~Abstracts from The Elkton Gleaner, May 1884~

Elkton, Kentucky, May 1884

  In no other country of the world is the necessity of education so apparent as here. The opening of each new day developes increased opportunity for the educated and the energetic, and a failure to profit by the advantages offer to the youth of our time in the matter of procuring useful knowledge is a crime no greater than which can be committed by a parent against his children.  Various and useful fields have been opened up in this country for ladies of education and refinement; many of our public offices and leading schools are conductor and filled with women, whose genius and talent are alike a credit to the postition and institution they occupy.  This being assured, the next important question is, where can such, obtain most thoroughly, practically and comprehensively, the education and intelligence necessary to successfully and properly fit them either for ornaments in the social world, or to fill those many positions of trust and dignity now open to the population of the nineteenth century.  This question is easy of correct and satisfactory solution, for,  without doubt, the Elkton male and female College offers not only the best educational advantages, but is also, to those who like to make it so, a home, and training place, possessing all the requisites necessary to starting young ladies and gentlemen in the world, either as useful and clever wives or husbands, a credit to any sphere, or capable, if stern necessity demands it, of filling any position, which may enable them to earn an honest living.  Elkton College contains within  itself all the best elements of educational excellencies, and its successful carreer is the strongest proof of the worth and power in the work it claims to perform.  The college itself is beautifully located.  The building is capable of accommodating boarders, the rooms being large, well-ventilated and elegantly funished, the locality is most healthy, and in fact nothing is wanted to render it a most attractive, comfortable and beautiful home.  Our limited space will not permit us to go into details regarding the many advantages offered by this institution, but we would simply advise those who have daughters to educate, to place themselves in correpondence with Prof. H. O. Snow the President who will gladly furnish all particulars as to terms, etc., upon application.

   This gentlemen has been engaged in this line of business for a period of one year and has, by his energy,  industry and perseverance, built up a large trade throughout this and adjoining counties for the Singer sewing machine company.  The machine that Mr. Savells represents is indeed a good one, being far superior to some in many respects, and with him as agent it has almost become a household word to every family in Todd county.  We bespeak for him and his excellent sewing machine a still further patronage.

  During our visit to Elkton, Ky., we were particularly struck with the becoming get up of suits worn by most of the leading citizens, and our curiosity being aroused we were informed that they were turned out at the artistic, merchant  tailoring establishment of Messrs. Bell and Tobin.
After paying this firm a visit, we were fully satisfied that no establishment in the country possessed better facilities or took greater pride in furnishing garments cut in the very latest styles and of the very best material.  They have been engaged in this business here for the past two years and have by their honorable and fair dealing built up a trade which extends all over this and adjoining counties. Mr. Buchanan is the manager at this point, and knows just how to cater to the wants of his customers.  Persons wishing a handsome suit of clothes and a good fit should not fail to call on Bell & Tobin. They are located on the South corner of Public Square and Clarksville street.
Bell & Tobin, Merchant Tailors

   Practically, a wide gulf separates the mere trader in drugs and him whose knowledge of pharmacy enables him to discriminate between the genuine and the adulterated article. Doubtless this explains the wide-spread popularity in Elkton and Todd County of the fine drug store of E. B. Weathers, a gentleman whose education and knowledge of this business assures his knowing the intrinsic value of every drug passing through his hands, just as well as he knows its market value. He has been engaged in the business here about ten years, and his 
E. B. Weathers, Pure Drugs, Chemicals Paints
establishment is located on the Public Square.  Her a large store 63 feet deep by 22 wide, is filled to repletion with a most complete stock of pure drugs, patent medicines, toilet articles, school books, stationery, etc.; the cellar is devoted to paints, oils, window glass and heavy goods in bulk.  Promptness and punctuality in the filling of prescriptions, precision and accuracy in all preparations, and the purity and quality of the ingredients used in their compounding are the standard business principles with Mr. Weathers, and it is there fore not to be wondered at that, in this important department, he enjoys an immense practice, and the fullest confidence of physicians and the public.   At the present time this establishment contains one of the finest stocks to be found in the city, including fancy notions of every description, elegant dressing cases, work boxes, writing desks, albums, odor cases, and innumerable other articles of vertu [sic] and ornament too numerous to mention.  Cigars are also a specialty with this house, and all lovers of the weekend have long since become aware that this is the best  place  in Elkton to procure a really luxurious smoke. Mr.  Weathers himself is a courteous and affable gentleman, an honorable merchant and one of Elk-ton's most enterprising and highly respected citizens, and he enjoys a large and constantly increasing patronage.  He is assisted by his brother, Mr. J. J. Weathers, a  very worthy and popular young man.

History of Our County.
   The company publishing the history of Christian county are about to extend their operations to Todd county.  Mr. J. H. Battle has just arrived, and will take charge of the literary work on the Todd County book, which will include also a sketch of Christian and the parent county.  The style of book published is an attractive one. In half morocco binding, and the plan of the history is such as to place in the hands of the reader a systematic compendium of the county's history which will prove invaluable.  The assistance of some of our oldest and best informed citizens will be enlisted, and we confidently predict a valuable book as the outcome of this united effort.  We bespeak the support of our citizens for the enterprise.

   The subject of this sketch, Mr. T. G. Miles, formerly of Logan county has been engaged in this line of business in Elkton for 2 years.  His business house is located on the south side of the public square and is 22 x 65 feet, in dimensions. He has a large stock of drugs, paints, oils, stationery, cigars and tobacco, and the accuracy with which he compounds prescription can not be excelled.  His trade is a local one and his goods are of the best material and the cheapness of them are indeed very reasonable.  We would say to the good people of Elkton and Todd county when you want anything in this line go to T. G. Miles drug store where you will receive polite attention and pure drugs.

   The city of Elkton, Ky., is surrounded by small towns within easy driving distance and the consequence is commercial travelers often find it very convenient to hire a horse and buggy.  Here are good roads and a most beautiful country which render pleasure driving most enjoyable, and as a consequence we found several fine livery stables, the leading representative both on account of the fine stock kept, the elegant buggies and carriages, and the extremely low prices  charged, is  that of Messrs Spillman & Bell. Mr. Spillman, whom we found  to be a most courteous and pleasant gentleman, has now been some three years engaged in this business, and keeps some eighteen fine horses and every description of vehicle that can ge wished for.  The also do a large trade with the South in buying and selling of horses, and Mr. S.  is considered one of the best judges of this noble animal in the State. They are gentlemen with whom all will find it a pleasure to transact business, and we say to our commercial traveling friends wanting anything in this line to "be sure and give these gentlemen a call."

   Parties visiting Elkton either on pleasure or business should not forget the kennedy House when in need of a good meal or a clean, white bed to repose in.  This house has been in operation for 5 years, is well ventilated; and has excellent accommodations for all who  may  feel  thus inclined, and is the leading  hotel of Elkton.  Special attention is given to commercial tourists and fine  large rooms used for showing samples can be had at very reasonable rates.  The tables are supplied  with all the delicacies of the season and the polite and courteous treatment  shown to all by the Misses  Kennedy  cannot but help to please.  When you go to Elkton stop at the Kennedy  House.
Kennedy House

  Mr. W. C. Hutcherson, dealer in sewing machines, is located on Clarksville street and the Domestic and Household machines are his specialties.  He is an energetic and reliable dealer and has introduced those machines into many homes in Todd county.  He does all kinds of repairing on short notice and guarantees satisfaction in every instance.  Mr. T. D. Herndon is his traveling agent and is constantly  on  the road and will call on anyone needing a machine.

   In writing up the business interests of Elkton, we wish to call  the attention of the numerous readers of the Elkton's GLEANER to the well-known firm of Hancock & Grunley.  These gentlemen have been catering to the wants of a very handsome local patronage of Todd County for 9 years past with a large and well selected stock of dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, and gents' furnishing goods of the latest styles, and the prices which they are offering them at are  within the reach  of all. The building occupied by  them is a unique structure 19x 65 feet,  is well adapted for the business, and is centrally located.  The members comprising this firm are L. J. Hancock and J. S. Grunley and are  well and favorably known to the trade as fair and square dealers.  If  you  would have good, genuine goods, at low prices call and see Hancock & Grunley, and you will never regret it.  All orders promptly attended to, and letters of inquiry answered.
Hancock and Grunley for Dry Goods

   The gentleman whose name graces the headline of this article is a native of Todd county, and has catered to this branch of commercial industry for some time past.  He is occupying a suitable structure on the Southeast  corner of the  Public Square, on Clarksville street, where he has a large stock of groceries, queensware, hardware, etc., and the prices at which he sells goods to you are indeed very low.  His stock embraces everything  in the above line and parties wishing anything in this department should not fail to give J C. Russell a call, as he can and will suit you in quality, quantity and price.  Mr. Wm. C. Herndon, the clerk, never tires at showing goods, and the manner in which he waits upon you could not but please the most fastidious.  Call and see J. C. Russell and be happy.


   The subject of this sketch, G.B. Lewis, has been associated with the good people of Elkton for over 20 years and is too well-known for us to introduce him.  His stock of goods consisting of groceries, hardware, cutlery, plows and  farming utensils is full and complete, and he is offering them to his customers at rock bottom prices.  In addition to the above business he also owns and runs the Elkton City Mill, the capacity of which is 150 bushels of corn, and 125 bushels of wheat in 12 hours; it has all the latest improved Machinery is 40 horse power and is one of the best mills in Todd county.

G.B. Lewis

  In 1859, Mr. J. W. Lewis began this business, and so successful has he been, by honorable and square dealing, that he has built up a handsome local trade which extends throughout Todd county.  He is 
J. W. Lewis
occupying a frame building, 65x20, in which he carries a large and well selected stock of dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, hats, caps and clothing.  This is one of the oldest houses in the town of Elkton, and Mr. Lewis is well known far and near, for his quality of goods good measurement and reasonable prices.  Parties desiring anything in the line of trade kept by Mr. Lewis will consult their own interest by calling at his neat emporium before going elsewhere.  Mr. Thomas Pepper is his assistant in the store and will wait upon you in a jiffy.  Call and see him.

   Situated on Russellville street in the above named factory.  He has bought very largely this season and has on hand 200 hog-heads.  He gives employment to a number of hands, is in full blast, and is rapidly prizing and putting it on the mark.  He handles his tobacco on the square and guarantees every hogshead to come up to sample, therefore, has no trouble in getting top prices. Mr. Lowry gets his tobacco principally from this section of country and has no trouble in buying from his neighbors from the fact he pays fair prices and all the contract calls for.  He is a man of true worth who carries the business on in perfect order; as every part of a machine has a specified work to do, so it is in this establishment, as there is clock work exactness in every department.

   The next house we visited was that of A. H. Millen, the furniture dealer.  Here we found him ensconced in a frame structure 65x20 feet with an ell 20 x 20 completely packed with light hardware and furniture of every description. He has been in this business since September, 1873, and has a large and daily increasing trade  which  extends throughout this and adjoining coun ties.  In addition to this he also has attached a cabinet shop, where he does all kinds of repairing on the shortest notice. We  commend him to the good citizens of Elkton and Todd county when in need of anything in this line.

   Whilst in Elkton, Ky., your correspondent, finding it necessary to get shaved, was directed to the first class tonsorial establishment of Robert Travis on the Public Square, as being the leading barber shop in Todd county.  We can safely pronounce him as artist of the very highest order in his business, and his establishment on of the neatest and best conducted of its kind in the county. He has been engaged in the business here for about thirty years.  We left the establishment fully satisfied that Elkton was possessed of one of the finest barber shops in the State and would advise our commercial traveling  friends, and the traveling public generally, who wish to obtain an artistic hair cut, or a first-class shave, not to fail to call on Robert Travis.

  Six weeks ago this firm entered into a partnership to carry on the business represented in the head lines of this article.  They are occupying a brick structure, measuring 65 x 22 feet, located on the west side of the public square, which is welfilled (sic) with a large stock of goods, consisting of fancy and staple groceries, queensware, woodenware, and in fact everything which goes to make up a first-class general store.  Messrs. Russell & Wilkins, are well known to the people of Todd county; and they have one of the freshest and cheapest stocks of goods in Elkton and we cheerfully recommend them and their new goods to all those wanting anything in their line.  Remember west side Public Square is their location.
Russell and Wilkins

  In calling attention to the many branches of industry of Elkton in three columns, none stand  more prominent than the well known house of S. H. Perkins.  He has been identified with the business interest of this place in this line of trade for 4 years, and is well and favorably known throughout this portion of country as an upright and honorable dealer.  His store, a brick structure measuring 85 x 24 feet, is well adapted to the purpose for which it is used, and his stock of goods consists of dry-goods, staple and fancy groceries, gent's furnishing goods and everything which goes to make up a first-class general 
S. H. Perkins, Dry Goods and Groceries
merchandicing store.  He also has a full line of harness, wagons, field seed and farming machinery on hand of all kinds and his is one of the best houses in Elkton.  Mrssrs, J. M. Weathers, Arthur N. Finney and E. W. Weathers are the polite and accommodating salesmen of the mammoth establishment and are ever on the alert looking to the wants of their customers.   One visit to this gentleman's store will be the result of many more.  Go and see him and be convinced for yourselves.  North side of Public Square is his location.

JNO. L.  MAUZEY (sic) & BRO.
  Situated on the south side of Public Square will be found the above named firm, who were formerly of Allensville, Ky., but have been in business in this county for four years.  The house occupied by these gentlemen measures 19 x 65, and in which they have a large stock of stoves, tinware  hardware and saddlery, from the best manufacturers, and they pay special attention to roofing and guttering and repairs of all kinds.  They have, by doing a fair and square business, built up one of the best trades in this section 
John L. Mauzy and Bros.
of country, and the prices for which they offer their goods are within the reach of all.  In connection with their business they have engaged the services of J. E. Goodman, a practical harness maker and saddler.  All needing goods in this line would do well to call on these gentlemen.

  Mr. Thompson is a native of this town and has been in business here for 19 years.  His shop is located on Washington street, and he has in his employ a number of practical workmen, who are kept busy in turning out his celebrated wagaons, buggies, plows, etc., and he pays particular attention to blacksmithing, having the reputation of being the best horse shoer in Southern Kentucky.  He has secured the services of Mr. J. C. Robinson, of Shelbyville, a gentleman who has a wide-spread reputation as a wagon and buggy maker.  He also has a fine painter to finish his work.  This is one of the largest concerns of the kind in Elkton, and farmers, if you want a good wagon or buggy, or your old one made new and your horse shod by the champion of Southern Kentucky, go to T. E. Thompson's on Washington St.
T. E. Thompson, Wagons, Buggies
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