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The Todd County Progress Elkton, Todd County, Ky, 
Thursday, July 21, 1892
Frank Cartwright has the con-
tract for the brick for the new
Vanderbilt School.  Work has al-
ready begun on the grounds.
Perry Bradley, of this county,
sold on the Clarksville market
Tuesday 14 hhds. of tobacco at
$5.20 and $7.10.  Prices steady on
good grades.
Mrs. Sallie Roach, executrix
of John Roach, offers his farm of
300 acres for sale.  See advertise-
ment in to-day's Progress.
Personal Mention
  Dr. S. M. Lowry spent Friday in 
  Jessie Kendall is quite sick with 
typhoid fever.
  Ben T. Perkins is attending 
court in Russellville.
  Miss Sallie Bley, of Omstead, 
is a guest at Capt. J. B. Hutchings'.
  J. W. Kendall, Guthsie(sic), is the 
guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Kendall.
  Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lewis of 
Pembroke, are guests of relatives here.
  Miss Matt McReynolds returned 
Monday from a visit to Christian 
  Mrs. E. H. Petrie, of Hopkins-
ville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
H. R. Roper.
  Mrs. L. P. Goodbar and family, 
St. Louis, are visiting Judge G. 
Terry's family.
  Capt. "Pap" Russell and wife
and daughter, Miss Maud, return-
ed Tuesday from a visit to Nash-
  Mrs. J. B. Hutchings returned
Monday from a visit to Pembroke
accompanied by her mother, Mrs.
Forgy, and sister, Miss Minnie
The Garten Sanitarium
To Editor Progress:
  Will you please give me a notice
in this weeks' issue that I will be
in Elkton the latter part of the 
week, about Friday, in the interst
of the Garten Gold Cure, and will
remain for a few days and will be
pleased to talk and explain this
treatment to all who wish to know
of it.  Yours,
        Will L. WOODWARD
   July 19, 1892
  Dr. W. M. Carter, optician, will
be in Dr. McKinney's office in
Elkton July 16; in Dr. Morehead's
office in Allensville, July
15th.  Examination Free.*

Our accommodating and wide awake merchant, J.A. Stokes is doing a fair business.  He keeps a well assorted stock and sells at bottom prices.
Col. W. H. Jesup has 50 acres of drilled corn bordering the Russellville road.  Its nodding plumes and waving banners proclaim an immense yield.  It is the finest piece of corn in the Grove.

The Progress has again received complaint from the citizens of Elkton concerning the promiscous shooting that is carried on on our streets after dark.  Tuedsay night two gentlemen were walking up Clarksville street, and when near Mrs. Miles' residence a pistol fired in front of them, and narrowly escaped killing one of the boys. This is a serious matter, and should not be permitted.
Major and Mrs. W. H. Jesup of Fairview, entertained last evening elegantly, complimentary to their daughter, Miss Sallie, and her guest, Miss Wood, of Clarksville.  Band from Hopkinsville furnished the music for the dancers, and refreshments of the richest and rarest were served.  This estimable pair, the clever Marjor and his good wife, can always be depended on to answer when the roll of hospitality is called.
P. Swan, the experienced and popular monument dealer at Nashville, has a card to the people of Todd county in The Progress this morning.  Mr. Swan has been engaged in the marble business for a quarter of a century, keeps up with his profession and carries all the latest and handsomest designs.  He is now executing an order for Capt. Bell, of Springfield, that is something handsome.
The Vanderbilt Training School of the Louisville Conference will open in this city the first Monday in September. Prof. R. E. Crockett, the accomplished Principal, called to see us yesterday and talked knowingly and pleasantly of the bright prospects of the Institution. Prof. Crockett is a graduate of Vanderbilt University and a teacher of experience, and proposes to make for our people a school of which we can be proud. Our readers will find in our business columns a card from Prof. Crockett.

Although this place is not be found on the map of Kentucky, it's a reality.  It is situated nearly equidistant between Elkton and Fairview immediately on the Russellville road.  It is surrounded by one of the finest farming sections in Southern Kentucky.
Andrew Hurt, Ben and J. A. Stokes visited Clarksville last week.
For handsone ladies and productive soil, this locality can't be excelled.
The rain recently was beneficial to corn but injurious to wheat in the shock and tobacco.
Sheran Stokes who has just passed through a siefe of cramp colic, is out and all right again.
Messrs, Goodman, Grumbley and Porter, candidates, paid this vicinity an electioneering visit not long since.
Had Dr. Moody not withdrawn from the race for Circuit Clerk he would have received a handsone vote in this precints.
Tom Mobley has recently traded for a horse that when properly trained on corn, oats and mixed food will outrival Ten Brock or Maud S.
In this morning's Progress appears the formal announcement of Mr. John E. Byars, of this county, for the office of Commonwealth Attorney of this district, composed of the counties of Todd, Logan, Simpson and Muhlenbergh. Mr. Byars is now serving his second term as County Attorney, is young lawyer of experience and a gentleman of pleasant address, and we are pleased to place his candidacy before the people.  Mr. Byars will at once begin an active canvass, visiting every county in the district.
If you have a friend who is addicted to the liquor or morphine habit, induce him to go to the Hagey Institute, Bowling Green, Ky., and be cured. They charge nothing if they do not cure you.*
Attention Brethren
Circle No. 3 meets with First Baptist church of Elkton the 5th Sunday, July 31, 1892. Sermon in forenoon by W. C. Pierce, singing and short missionary talks in the afternoon and the pulit will be filled at night by J. D. Jordan. Everybody invited. Ample provision made for visiting brethren, andf none need go away hungry or dissatisfied.  Jas. A. Lyne, V. P.
Sold and Bought.

    I have this day sold my meat
shop to Messrs. Miller & Chandler.
  July 19th, 1892.

   All persons having claims against B. 
C. Porter, are hereby notified to file
 the same with us properly proven, as
required by law.
            FORGY & PETRIE
 4tJun2   Assignees B. C. Porter
A. D. Page, Grocer, Elkton, Ky
Coffee, Rio..............  20c
Arbuckle.................  25c
Cheese, Full Cream.......  20c
America..................  15
Sugar, Granulated........  5 1/2c
Cut Loaf.................  8 1/3c
 Country Produce.
Dried Apples, per lb. 2 1/4c; Dried Peaches, per
b. pealed 7c; Eggs, per doz. 8 1/3c; Feathers, prime
Goose, per lb. 35c; Mixed 25c.
Butter, per lb., 20c; Beeswax, per lb., 18c
Family, per 100, $2.75; Low Grades, $2.40.
Molasses and Syrups.
Corn Syrup, per gal. 40c; Sugar Syrup, 50c;
New Orleans Molasses, per gal. 40c to 60c.
Hens, per doz. $2.25.
Hams, sugar cured., per lb. 12 1/2c; Bacon, clear
 sides, 10c; Clear rib sides, per lb., 10c' Should-
ers, per lb., 7c; Country Hams, 11c.
Prime steam, per lb., 9c; Leaf in tierce, per 
lb. 10c.
    Ginseng, per lb., $3.00; Rice, Louisiana, per
lb. 8 1/2c.

The Progress's Allensville correspondent, Mr. W. C. Mitchell, is one of the most regular and faithful correspondents this paper ever had anywhere.  He knows a news item when he sees it and exercies becoming courtesy toward all.  His letters are full of interest for his section every week.
Allensville Happenings.
  J. L. Orr returned from Chicago
last week.
  Miss Lula Snodgrass, of Rus-
sellville, is the guest of Mrs. Geo.
W. Gill.
  Master Babe Frazer is spending
this week with Roy and Walter 
  Miss Richardson, of Lewisburgh, 
was the guest of the Misses Shinnick
last week.
  Mr. Selby Breeding, Bowling 
Green, was a guest at A. R. Lawson's
last week.
  Miss Mary Collins, the popular
saleslady at Adams Bros'., spent
last week at home.
  Miss Lizzie Small, of Trenton,
is visiting her grand-parents, Mr. 
and Mrs. Sid Small.
  Misses Mary and Sallie Summers
of Cadiz, are visiting their 
grandmother, Mrs. Mary Gill.
  Mrs. W. H. Hancock returned
_____day after visiting her
____, Judge and Mrs. Ewing-
  Miss Annie Linsey, of Cadiz,
went home Thursday after a pleas-
ant visit to relatives in this neigh-
  Miss Tommie Frazer, of Russell-
ville, and sister, Mrs. Sue Towmey,
of Deluth, Minn, are guests at
Col. R. F. Allensworth's.
  Mrs. W. S. Gill returned last
week from Palestine, Texas, where
she had been to visit her son, Wal-
ter.  She was accompanied home
by Mrs. W. H. Gill, her son's wife.
  Mr. T. H. Borders and daughter,
Miss Lillian, and Mrs. Albert Rose,
of Keysburgh, and Misses Maggie
Young and Flora Stubblefield, of
this city, went to Clarksville last
  Mr. King, father of Mr. W. H. 
King, of this place, died Wednes-
day, the 13th, at the residence of
his son, and the funeral services 
were conducted by Rev. J. P. Stub-
blefield, after which the remains
were laid to rest in the town ceme-
tery.  Mr. King had been a help-
less invalid for several years.
  Mrs. N. B. Riley, who had a 
limb broken several weeks ago, an
account of which appeard in this 
column, had so fa________s to
be able to go on crutches, __ the
misfortune last Sunday to get
a fall, caused by her crutch slipping,
from the effects of which she is re-
ported quite sick at this writing.
  Mrs. Jane Hardaway, aged 77
years, died at the residence of her
son-in-law, Mr. W. W. Griffin, the
13th inst.  She had been in declin-
ning health for the past year or 
two; heart trouble was the imme-
diate cause of her death.  Rev. J.
P. Stubblefield preacher the funer-
al sermon the 14th at 2 o'clock,
after which she was interred at the 
family burying ground.  She leaves
three daughters and a son to
mourn their loss.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Cartwright & Dycus is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H.D. Dycus retiring and selling his interest to J. Calhoun Johnson.  The new firm will appreciate a continuance of the public patronage at the same stand. Greenville St.
   All persons having claims against B. 
C. Porter, are hereby notified to file
 the same with us properly proven, as
required by law.
            FORGY & PETRIE
 4tJun2   Assignees B. C. Porter
Admininistrator's Sale
The undersigned, as administrator of J. R. Pace, deceased, will on Thursday, Aug. 4th, 1892, at the residence of the late J. R. Pace, near Trenton, Ky., sell to the highest bidder on a credit of six months all the personal property on the place belonging to said estate, consisting of live stock, wheat, corn, hay, farming implements and household and kitchen furniture.
W. T. PACE, Admr'.
Just received-- a handsome line of carpets, floor oil cloths and wall paper, at S. Platowsky's, Elkton.*

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