Marriages 1915-1934

Transcribed by: Cynthia E Shay (Payne) Monroe, May 5, 1995


  Surname                    Surname                     Book,Date, #
Fagan, Edna L            Anderson, Lester L       F-590 3116-1922
Fahey, Margaret          Bridges, Ralph E         F-529 3055-1921
Failor, Anna E           Townson, Carl V          G-313 4125-1930
Failor, Ernest C         Sellers, Opal J          H-128 3441-1925
Fairley, Hazel Irene     Baumgardner, Crocket Charles  H-602 3914-1929
Fairman, Clvde S         Hagerty, Norine L        E-163 2106-1915
Fairman, Daniel B        Wayer, Catherine J       E-337 2280-1916
Fairz, Eiveta            Hernandez, Guillerno J   E-579 2521-1918
Falasehi, Sam            Floris, Maria            H-9 3323-1923
Falfar, Joseph           Frazier, Reba D          H-514 3826-1928
Faikington, Leslie E F   Conrad, Allie M          F-279 2805-1920
Falls, Arthur W          Osborn, Elsie C          F-445 2971-1920
Falls, Floyd A           Gregory, Mildred May     G-574 4387-1933
Faityn, Tillie           Lang, Anton J            H-619 3931-1929
Fam, John R              MacCool, Lydia (Mrs)     F-48 2574-1918
Fanning, William         Newcum, Nellie           E-360 2303-1917
Faris, Charles G         Glasspook, Grace F       E-18 1961 1914
Farley, Bessie M         Hansen, Carl A           F-504 3030-1921
Farley, Clara            Pederson, ldal M         G-235 4047-1930
Farley, Marie C          Coiling, Ralph P         E-491 2434-1917
Farley, Paul J           Davis, Meffa S           F-439 2965-1920
Farmer, Elmer L          Boatman, Helen M         E-537 2479-1918
Famam, Fred              Drewel, Emma             F-144 2670-1919
Farr, John H             Ross, Katherine          F-140 2666-1919
Farrar, Harry R          Grise, Elizabeth A       G-32 3202-1922
Farrel, Ameneida         Huckaby, Will A          E-512-2455-1918
Farrell, Joseph E        Martin, Hazel            F-218 2744-1919
Farros, Anna             Dentler, Harry G         F-152 2678-1919
Fast, Calvin C           Shonka, Emma B           F-286 2812-1920
Faubian, Bradford        Warden, Genevieve        H-578 3890-1929
Fauble, Don W            Miller, Ethel Grace      E-261 2204-1916
Faulkner, Be!ijamin      Simmons, Cleta           H-59 3373-1924
Faulkner, Eizie          Davis, J Vemon           H-184 3496-1925
Fay, Leona B             Harp, Charles            G-294 4106-1930
Feagins, Arthur E        Cooper, Myrtle           G-187 3999-1929
Feagins, Esther M        McFarland, Thomas 0      H-339 3651-1927
Feagins, Fred E          Mosher, Mabel B          E-247 2190-1916
Feater, Helen            Syrie, Cliff E           F-321 2847-1920
Fecht, Anna H            Toof, Clyde B            G-124 3294-1923
Felix, Clarence R        Duff, Nina M             H-309 3621-1926
Fella, Lena (Mrs)        Weinell, Fredrick        H-134 3447-1925
Fenner, Chester A        Clark, Laura 0           G-226 4038-1930
Fenner, Edna May         Miller, Raymond A        H-302 3614-1926
Fenning, George A        Ogden, Verda             F-77 2603-1919
Fenton, Sarah L          Pilkington, John         F-42 2568-1918
Ferguson, Earl E         Dunn, Vera               E-545 2487-1916
Ferient, Sida            Florez, Louis            H-156 3468-1925
Femandez, Sadie (Mrs)    Soto, Felix              G-354 4166-1931
Ferreiro, Antonio        Samudia, Jose            F-115 2641-1919
Fetter, Mable V          Woolston, Harley R       F-489 3015-1921
Fickel, Elvin F          Hollibaugh, Doris        H-458 3770-1928
Fickle, Grace            Herran, Frank            E-325 2268-1916
Field, Russell A         Thorne, Edith F          F-62 2588-1919
Fielding, Ihomas F       Block, Ella M (Mrs)      G-116 3286-1923
Fields, Clinton D        Rader, Christine         H-223 3535-1926
Fields, Hazel M          Wolf, Robert             E-336 2279-1916
Fiester, Tressa          Clark, Howard W          H-408 3720-1927
Fiesterman, Ben          Truscott, Genevieve      G-565 4378-1933
Fiesterman, mma          Boudy, Floyd             G-512 4323-1932
Fiffe, Lillian           Fritchell, Henry E       E-351 2294-1917
Figard, Don L            Herbaugh, LaVern         G-625 4438-19331
Fiink, Myrtle H          Chaney, William 0        F-616 3141-1922
Finch, Bonita            Cole, Byrd L             G-360 4172-1931
Finch, Joseph W          Peterson, Laura Mable    F-372 2898-1920
Finch, Rodney A          Hodge, Mynona B          E-296 2239-1916
Findier, Walter          Werner, Ella             E-309 2252-1916
Fink, Ada L              Phillips, Fred H         H-84 3398-1924
Fink, Carolyn            Moore, Fred Percy        E-255 2198-1916
Fink, Henry H            Shores, Grace            F-66 2592-1919
Finke, Mabei             Logan, Veril C           G-381 4192-1931
Finley, Albert           Williams, Minnie         F-348 2874-1920
Finley, Fred F           Haoemister, Ella         E-103 2046-1915
Finney, Irene            Beards, Abe              F-333 2859-1920
Fitch, Burdett L         Kems, Edith M            G-210 4022-1930
Fitch, William           Jones, Inez M            G-421 4232-1931
Fitz, Ludmila            Krijci, Edward           G-115 3265-1923
Fitzgerald, Claude E     Emerson, Ina             F-503 3029-1921
Fitzgerald, Martin L     Krish, Hattie M          E-509 2452-1918
Fi!nerald, Hei(ie        Thompson, Clyde I        H-288 3600-1926
Flaherty, Semard J       Mellick, Lotabelle       H-253 3565-1926
Flaherty, Louis          Yauney, Ruth             F-169 2695-1919
Flaherty, Ruth           Heivie, Jame             H-607 3919-1929
Flatley, Mildred         Muzzy, Alvah             H-256 3568-1926
Fleet, Grace B           Wilson, George D         G-334 4146-1931
Fleet, William C         Lawrence, Anna L         F-220 2746-1919
F)eming, Isabell D       Butler, Ray 0            H-316 3628-1927
Fleming, Maud            Wright, Ira              F-39 2565-1918
Fleming, Pobert J        Boyden, LaVeta           F-137 2663-1919
Fletcher, (Zqorge Katherine  England, Allen S     F-629 3154-1922
Fletcher, Nelson E       Briggs, Carrie L         F-498 3024-1921
Flick, Carrie Marie      Thatcher, Daniel Webster E-532 2476-1918
Flint, Ctare M           Hamilton, Alvah H        G-237 4049-1930
Flint, Thelma G          Hamilton, Ransam L       H-487 3799-1928
Ftood, Margaret Alice    Stewart, John H          H-463 3775-1928
Florez, Louis            Ferient, Sida            H-156 3468-1925
Floris, Maria            Falasehi, Sam            H-9 3323-1923
Floth, Lyida             Shauqhnessy, James H     G-20 3190-1922
Flowers, William         Corbett, Catherine       E-213 2156-1916
Floyd, Frank             Cooper, Leota            E-6 1948-1914
Foley, Daniel J          Foley, Johanna (Mrs)     H-367 3688-1927
Foley, Harry             Maloney, Johanna         E-246 2189-1916
Foley, Hugh V            Delsing, Gertrude J      H-188 3500-1925
Foley, Johanna (Mrs)     Foley, Daniel J          H-367 3688-1927
Foley, John F            Delsing, Ella            E-574 2516-1918
Folk, Ida A              Snyder, Cecil D          E-198 2141-1915
Follyn, Mary             Codr, Frank P            F-465 2991-1921
Foote, Russell H         Werner, Lulu C           G-73 3243-1923
Forbes, Lloyd B          Hess, Emily              G-597 4410-1933
Ford, Julialyn           Shindler, C Albert       G-268 4080-1930
Forsman, Velma R         Olsen, Hans C 0          G-393 4204-1931
Forster, Mabel           Jamison, Robert          G-406 4217-1931
Forstrom, Carl J         Bouser, Edith W          H-146 3458-1925
Forstrom, Marie M        Bouser, Ellis L          H-144 3456-1925
Fosdick, Fern M          Marshall, Ernest R       E-310 2253-1916
Fosdick, Ward F          Ronzo,Zilpha             G-297 4109-1930
Fosket, John F           McDonald, Margaret       F-578 3104-1921
Fossey, Elden R          Shaw, Mabel M            F-179 2705-1919
Foster, Alta             Osborne, Clifford        G-621 4434-1933
Foster, Emiiy M          Marks, Oliver            E-97 2040-1915
Foster, Frank            Rust, Eleanor            E-285 2228-1916
Foster, Frank 0          Thornton, Bessie M       F-28 2555-1918
Foster, Mollie B (Mrs)   Comer, Thomas W          H-588 3900-1929
Foster, Rosie            Johnson,John W           G-155 3967-1929
Foster, Wiiiie           Lewis, William           F-378 2904-1920
Foulk, Minnie I          Stuart, Allie J          H-97 3410-1924
Fourtellotte, Raymond H  Jones, Ruth              F-109 2635-1919
Fowler, James M          Schill, Margaret I       H-456 3768-1987
Fox, Margaret J          Freeman, Thomas W        H-101 3414-1924
Fraederick, Minnie       Ackerman, Christopher A  H-344 3656-1927
Fraedrich, Clara         Underhill, Harold        G-630 4443-1933
Fraedrick, Doly          As2den, Thomas F         E-253 2196-1916
Fragesser, William J     Carlson, Rose L          G-103 3273-1923
Frandsen, Emanuel        Swalander, Sarah C       H-345 3657-1927
Frandt, Jesse R          Kerr, Mary E             E-460 2403-1917
Frandt, Sadie            Soto, Felix              G-354 4166-1931
Franey, Earl N           Rightmire, Lucille L     H-321 3633-1927
Franklin, Bruce L        Thosen, Emma S           E-126 2069-1915
Franklin, Daniel L       Gillitte,May A           G-389 4200-1931
Franklin, Henry L        Davis, Leona             H-354 3666-1927
Frazier, Fred E          Katen, Hazel             F-548 3074-1921
Frazier, Reba D          Falfar, Joseph           H-514 3826-1928
Frazier, Virlene S       Tolstedt, Calvin F       H-465 3777-1928
Frederich, Rose          Holcom, Ralph            H-21 3335-1923
Frederick, Esther        Six, Charles A           H-604 3916-1929
Frederick, Robert        Sherwood, Ruth Agnes     G-217 4029-1930
Frederick, William       Mutchie, Thelma          G-509 4320-1932
Fredrick, Bertha         Rohrbauch, Chris         F-256 2782-1920
Fredrick, Carl R         Baker, Edna May          H-298 3610-1926
Fredrick, Lucy M         Brown, Fredrick C        G-118 3288-1923
Freeman, Benjamin F      Hublitz, Carrie          H-570 3882-1929
Freeman, Lisha           Westlake, Una            G-441 4252-1932
Freeman, Thomas.W        Phillips, Margaret (Mrs) H-101 3414-1924
Frei, Marie A            Lulow, Ernest C          H-185 3497-1925
Freimuth, Frank J        Breckner, Delia L        E-155 2098-1915
Freimuth, Lewis W        Mashek, Frances J        H-467 3779-1928
Freimuth, Mary Theresa   Brennan, Charles Clinton G-273 4085-1930
French, Bernadine E      Holsten, Bernard F       E-566 2508-1918
French, Earl R           Britton, Golden (Mrs)    H-62 3376-1924
French, Persus H         Weinell, Charles P       G-79 3249-1923
Freumuth, Joseph M       King, Mary A             G-72 3242-1923
Fricke, Charles M        Eastman, Jessie B        F-227 2753-1919
Fricke, Lawrence A       Parks, Eleanor M         E-374 2317-1917
Fricke, Louise D         Nolan, John E            H-573 3885-1929
Friel, Hazel F           Carter, Walter E         F-278 2804-1920
Friel                    Hole, Rosazelia          H-479 3791-1928
Friend, Belle            Peebles, Seth            E-342 2285-1016
Friend, James J          Miles, Hazel E           E-531 2473-1918
Friend, Margaret A (Mrs) Matthews, John H         H-228 3540-1926
Friend, Wilbur M         Schneider, Onalene Wilma G-154 3966-1929
Frill, Francis E         Henderson, Dick          F-120 2646-1919
Fritchell, Henry E       Gruenberg, Lillian       E-351 2294-1917
Frohnapfel, Anna         Gogert, Harris C         F-204 2730-1919
Frohnapfel, Lewis N      -Logan, Elnora M         G-224 4036-1930
Frohnappel, John H       Tuchek, Rose             H-468 3780-1928
Frohnappel, Roselle M    Jensen, Leo A            H-448 3760-1927
Fronapfel, Anna          Tschacher, Fred          F-513 3039-1921
Frost, Nellie B          Hetherington, Arlington I E-554 2496-1918
Fryberger, Je@s          Shimek, Lillian          G-586 4399-1933
Frye, Beatrice           Evert, Paul              G-174 3986-1929
Fuher, Clement J         Boon, Julie E            H-643 3955-1929
Fulcher, Clarence L      -Zurcher, Minnie         E-372 2315-1917
Fulmer, Kenneth C        Morrissey, Gertrude      G-537 4348-1933
Funke, Emma M            Herian, Edward L         H-373 3685-1927
Furman, Anson L          Rowley, Edith            E-569 2511-1918
Furnace, Myrta M (Mrs)   Ainslay, William J       H-396 3708-1927
Furze, Lillian A         Carr, Sam W              E-504 2447-1917
Futtrup, Anna N          Sorensen, Mads P         H-224 3536-1926
Futtrup, Marie N         Thomsen, Anton           H-88 3402-1924


This page was last updated April 15, 2016.

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