Marriages 1915-1934

Transcribed by: Cynthia E Shay (Payne) Monroe, May 5, 1995


  Surname                    Surname                     Book,Date, #
Safarik, Jennie             Shimek, John E              E-515 2458-1918
Safford, Charles E          Greenfield, Elsie V         F-613 3138-1922
Sage.  Harold A             Blair, Luella C             G- 13 3183-1922
Sage, Harry F               Prasch, Eva M               G-142 3312-1923
Sager, Vera                 Dewing, Dick                G-298 4110-1930
Sala, Ruth                  Smith, Harry E              F-276 2802-1920
Salazar, Candido            Escalara, Josephine         H-87 3401-19'24
Salinas, Gregaria           Garcia, Perperto            H-347 3659-1927
Saling, Minnie 0 Jackson (Mrs.)Keefer, William H        G-221 4033-1930
Saling, Sarah E             Parker, Harry W             G-579 4392-1933
Salos, Albert               Loliola, Maria (Mrs)        F-76 2602-1919
Salyards, Archie            Love, Georgia               H-544 3856-1928
Sampont, Marie E            Duer, Cornell J             H-436 3748-1927
Sampson, Ross E             Bailey, Faith               E-533 2477-1918
Sampson, Ross E             Reeves, Sylvia M            H-381 3693-1927
Samudio, Jose               Ferreira, Antonio           F-I 15 2641-1919
Sanabria, Juan              Galvan, Maria               G-347 4159-1931
Sanberg, Oscar A            Hilliker, Inez Pearl        E-499 2442-1917
Sanbom, Zella 8             Boliski, Alexander          E-222 2165-1916
Sanchez, Candelana Cortez (Mrs)Navarro, Joseph          F-288 2814-1920
Sanchez,Jose                Cortez, Candelaria          F-1 70 2696-1919
Sanderson, Inez             Hayward, Walter I           G-1 19 3289-1923
Sanderson, John             Sowers, Mae                 H-518 3830-1928
Sandoz, George E.           Hughes, Helen D             F-233 2759-1919
Sandoz, Marguerete A        Johnson, Oscar H            H-195 3507-1925
Sandoz,Yvonne               Dykes,John W                H-548 3860-1928
Sappey, Viola               Lively, Clarence            E-15 1958-1914
Sarvers, Eli L              James, Emma D (Mrs)         G-328 4140-1931
Sateren, Caroline           Marsh, Frederick            H-91 3405-1924
Sauer, Elizabeth            Eisenach, Jacob             F-262 2788-1920
Sauerwein, Anna             Hahn, Chester A             E-302 2245-1916
Sauerwein, Eliza E          Carlson, Joseph W           E-473 2426-1917
Sauerwein, Fred             Grimes, Hattie P            F-132 2658-1919
Sauerwein, Jacob            Rudd, Estelle M             E-195 2138-1915
Sauha, Sabasi Tono          Roby, Maudie Lousadie       F-205 2731-1919
Saule', Ward                Williams, Lillian           F-350 2876-1920
Saunders, S J               Snyder, Earl W              H-513 3825-1928
Sawyer, Irene               Beach, Ray C                G-84 3254-1923
Sayers, Alice Duane         Wagers, William E           H-55 3369-1924
Sayers, William G           Young, Glenora M (Mrs)      H-383 3695-1927
Sayre, Thelma               Strube, Arthur              G-175 3987-1929
Schadwinkel, Albert E       Weaver, Orleatha Mae        H-594 3906-1929
Schadwinkle, Edith E (Mrs)  Lewis, Eugene R             H-488 3800-1928
Schafer, Alfredea           Bollerup, Christian A       F-285 2811-1920
Schafer, Charles F          Davis, Rosetta              F-I 33 2659-1919
Schafer, Henrietta W        Witowack, William A         E-161 2104-1915
Schandorff, Halger          Gahler, Maria (Mrs)         E-101 2044-1915
Schatt, Frances K           Griffis, Charles A          H-279 3591-1926
Schatz, Martha              Willner, William            H-501 3813-1928
Scheer, Leona               Pauwitz, Rudolph            G-572 4385-1933
Scherbacker/Sherbacker, Irving H   Arthur, Mildred      G-213 4025-1930
Schill, Margaret I          Fowler, James M             H-456 3768-1928
Schipper, Florence M        Ringer, James M             F-270 2796-1920
Schlayer, Eva               Stabal, Henry               E-138 2081-1915
Schleichardt, Karl F        Chapan, Inez                E-573 2512-1918
Schmer, Leona               Hoss, Fred                  G-349 416 -1931
Schmid, Ernst               Dubs, Fannie                F-359 2885-1920
Schmidt, Lawrence           Driever, Elvera             G-534 4345-1932
Schmidt, Philip             Kaufman, Amelia             E-362 2305-1917-
Schmitt, Edwin A            Hueke, Verda M              G-43 3213-1922
Schmoker, Henry             Dayley, Pearl               E-298 2241-1916
Schmoker, Jessie B          Cory, Ernest F              E-267 2210-1916
Schneider, Agnes            Correll, Clarence E         E-91 1994-1914
Schneider, Elizabeth        Eckhardt, Adam              E-181 2124-1915
Schneider, Emma             Jerqenson, Arthur M         E-326 2269-1916
Schneider, George J         lrey, Letha L               E-191 2134-1915
Schneider, George J         Davison, Susie              G-172 3984-1929
Schneider, Helen M          Bacon, George R             H-580 3892-1929
Schneider, Onalene Wilma    Friend, Wilbur M            G-1 54 3966-1929
Schoenfeld, Emma R          Mason, James R              H-164 3476-1925
Schonard, John              Rochford, Mary              E-294 2237-1916
Schopp, Albert              Campbell, Sarah Colvin (Mrs)F-98 2624-1919
Schott, Helen M             O'Keefe, Everett B          F-234 2760-1919
Schrader, Leo A             Granning, Alice K           H-34 3348-1923
Schram, Frank E             Manley, Mildred E           H-1 29 3442-1925
Schrautemier, H Virgil      Ackerman, Mildred F         H-51 3365-1924
Schriner, Katherine E       Cutts, Fredrick E           F-640 3166-1922
Schroeder, Ella D           Kemp, Henry                 F-313 2839-1920
Schubert, Otto F            Centmire, Edith             E-279 2222-1916
Schuck,Joseph W             Hazel, Delia M              E-280 2223-1916
Schufeldt, Jessie (Mrs)     Schufeldt, William          G-460 4271-1932
Schufeldt, Jessie A (Mrs)   Schufeldt, William C        H-190 3502-1925
Schufeldt, William          Schufeldt, Jessie (Mrs)     G-460 4271-1932
Schufeldt, William C        Schufeldt, Jessie A (Mrs)   H-1 90 3502-1925
Schuler, Fred G             Goodman, Margaret E         F-440 2966-1920
Schuler, John F             Buchlester, Effie           F-215 2741-1919
Schultz, Hen!y R            Kreps, Mabel M              H-635 3947-1929
Schulze, Frieda             Rust, Arthur W              G-227 4039-1930
Schumann, Oliver R          Randus, Maggie              E-417 2360-1917
Schwaderer, Edward          Will, Christina             E-305 2248-1916
Schwaderer, Rebecca         Noetze(mann, Edward         F-591 3117-1922
Schwenk, Louise F           Dabler, Herman N            F-30 2557-1918
Scofield, Earl              Hennesy, Emma               E-251 2194-1916
Scott, Glen G               Barr, Charlotte 0 Smith (Mrs) G-255 4067-1930
Scott, Homer D              Harrington, Edna            E-355 2298-1917
Scott, Ida                  Bangoff, Mick               E-239 2182-1916
Scott, Ida                  Banioff, Mick               E-239 2182-1916
Scott, John D               Scott, Surrepta B (Mrs)     F-491 3017-1921
Scott, LaVerne              Harris, Agnes J             G-472 4283-1932
Scott, Louise               Dickey, Albert              G-314 4126-1930
Scott, Pauline M            Williams, George N          G-146 3958-1929
Scott, Surrepta B (Mrs)     Scott, John D               F-491 3017-1921
Scott, Walter E             Loury, Helen M              H-359 3671-1927
Scouter, Kenneth P          Taylor, Wilda Naomi         E-456 2399-1917
Seam, Rosa A                Harding, Lloyd E            E-328 2271-1916
Seaman, Hattie              Warren 0                    E-354 2297-1917
Seaman,Ray                  Beem,Edna                   G-430 4241-1932
Searles, Edna M             Heath, Clarence L           G-222 4034-1930
Searles, Leolin             Wyland, Milton H            H-630 3942-1929
Sebesta, Agnes              Turek, John                 E-250 2193-1916
Secrist, Clifford W         Beeman, Grace (Mrs)         H-293 3605-1926
Seda,Rudolph R              Shimek, Alice L             H-415 3727-1927
Seder, Leola V              Dickinson, Cecil F          G-517 4328-1932
Sediak, Hynek               Turek, Anna                 E-124 2067-1915
Seeley, Franklin F          Hootman, Fern               F-212 2738-1919
Sees, Harry                 Weber, Barbara              G-526 4337-1932
Seidler, Annie              Bauer, William              F-7 2534-191 8
Seidler, Frank              Cooper, Malinda S           H-318 3630-1927
Seidler, Fred C             Bangert, Irene              G-303 4115-1930
Selden, William L           Dahl, Edna L                G-23 3193-1922
Selders, Edith Wray         Ohde, Henry F               E-78 2021-1915
Self, Jonia                 Arrowood, Milton            E-313 2256-1916
Sellers, Freda A            Meeker, Howard L            E-485 2428-1917
Sellers, Mae                Wickham, Ralph A            H-442 3754-1927
Sellers, Opal J             Failor, Ernest C            H-128 3441-1925
Sellers, Vivian R           Stinnette, Alice            G-351 4163-1931
Sem, Karoline               Lawrence, Harvey L          F-47 2573-1918
Senn, Anton                 McBeth, Elizabeth L.        F-3 2530-191 8
Septer, Bertha E (Mrs)      Nelson, Edward J            F-429 2955-1920
Septer, Florence            Lockard, John C             H-535 3847-1928
Serbausek, Bessie           Reeves, Leonard F           F-615 3140-1922
Seri, Luella E              Husted, Dewey E             G-21 3191-1922
Setha, Minnie J             Pavieff, Ellis              E-14 1957-1914
Seftles, Harry A_           White, Dolly M              F-552 3078-1921
Sewing, Arhtur J            Warner, Grace               E-1 50 2093-1915
Sexton, Perry               Sexton, Ruth (Mrs)          G-367 4179-1931
Sexton, Ruth (Mrs)          Sexton, Perry               G-367 4179-1931
Shabram, Anna               Roley, Charles E            H-626 3938-1929
Shackelford, Ila            Neumeyer, Perry             H-577 3889-1929
Shackelford, Murl E         Witler, Beulah              H-46 3360-1924
Shafenberg, Leland R        Colson, Ida C               E-370 2313-1917
Shafer, Clarence            Keeler, Nellie              E-272 2215-1916
Shaffer, George W           Telford, Nora               E-425 2368-1917
Shaffner, John              Neuman, Eva                 G-626 4439-1933
Shamblin, Alfred L          Strasburger, Maude          F-138 2664-1919
Shane,Juanita               Harrell, E Glenn            H-56 3370-1924
Shankland, R A              Bebb, Clara                 E-110 2053-1915-
Shanley, John Francisco     Cameron, Olive R            F-193 2819-1919
Shannon, Madge H            Lee, Fenton J               H-262 3574-1926
Sharp, Charles W            Spencer, Inez               E-109 2052-1915
Sharp, James L              Hauser, Catherine           F-326 2852-1920
Sharp, John                 Hoge, Anna R                F-312 2838-1920
Sharp, Lena                 Green, Emzy                 E-469 2412-1917
Sharp, Viola A              Daniel, Doctor A            E-562 2504-1918
Shaughnessy, Anna Elizabeth   Patton, Ernest C          G-245 4057-1930
Shaughnessy, Helen          Keiser, George              F-565 3091-1921
Shaughnessy, James H        Floth, Lydia                G-20 3190-1922
Shaughnessy, May            Bainbridge, Earl E          E-530 2472-1918
Shaw, Frank E               Nason, Lora M               E-508 2451-1918
Shaw, Mabel M               Fossev, Elden R             F-179 2705-1919
Shaw, Margaret G            Was, Frank J                E-245 2188-1916
Shawver, Margaret           Larkins, Charles C          F-521 3047-1921
Shawver, Noah F             Campbell, Nettie M          F-580 3106-1921
Shawver, Paul B             Nelson, Eula M              H-560 3872-1928
Shea, William H             Kirken, Nellie              E-561 2503-1918
Sheeley, Rose M             Lapham, Ralph               F-589 3115-1922
Sheets, Clinton A           Hanna, Nellie C             E-232 2175-1916
Sheldon, Berlha             Johnson, Dale L             H-618 3930-1929
Sheldon, Esther E           Andress, Esther E           F-405 2981-1920
Sheldon, Hazel M            Manion, John J              F-427 2953-1920
Shellstrom, Merle E         Moss, Charles E             E-553 2495-1918
Sheimadine, Margie          Mundt, Hilbert              G-382 4193-1931
Shepard, Ina F              Hebbert, Albert             H-614 3926-1929
Shepard, Mathew W           Tracy, Edna L               G-502 4313-1932
Shephard, Paul              Marshall, Rachel            E-227 2170-1916
Sherbacker/Scherbacker, Irving H  Arthur, Mildred       G-213 4025-1930
Sheridan, Helen             Wilson, Marcus E            F-392 2918-1920
Sherlock, Joseph L          Nepper, Elizabeth           F-593 3119-1922
Sherlock, Katherine         Tully, Patrick J            H-264 3576-1926
Sherlock, Margaret M        Breckner, James W           G-89 3259-1923
Sherlock, Michael C         Nepper, Frances             H-116 3429-1924
Sherlock, Patrick L         Rieper, Anna D              G-548 4361-1933
Sherlock, William J         Underwood, Bessie R         G-131 3301-1923
Sherwood, Ruth Agnes        Frederick, Robert           G-217 4029-1930
Shetler, Elva L             Dickey, Roy                 G440 4251-1932
Shigley, Hazel              Howell, George C            E-223 2166-1916
Shigley, John 0             Donahoe, Edith A            F-585 3111-1921
Shigley, Laura P            Wyland, Russell R           E-327 2270-1916
Shimek, Agnes M             Best, Noel 0                G-203 4015-1930
Shimek, Alice L             Seda, Rudolph R             H-415 3727-1927
Shimek, Ed E                Mabin, Dora                 F-449 2975-1920
Shimek, Henry i             Randall, Brida              E-137 2080-1915
Shimek, Jacob F             Jackson, Gertrude A         F-107 2633-1919
Shimek, John E              Safarik, Jennie             E-515 2458-1918
Shimek, Lillian             Fryberger, Jess             G-586 4399-1933
Shimek, Mary R              Walters, Michael J          E-308 2251-1916
Shimek, Matt J              Godden, Lillian             H-53 3367-1924
Shimek, Rosa M              Allison, William H          F-141 2667-1919
Shimek, Rose Hovorka        Kennedy, Charles V          E-502 2445-1917
Shimek, Wilma A             Tuchek, Charles             G-214 4026-1930
Shindier, C Albert          Ford, Julialyn              G-268 4080-1930
Shinn, Bepjamin             Goertler, Dorothea A        F-530 3056-1921
Shipman, Albert L           Covalt, Fay V               F-252 2778-1920
Shirley, Gertrude           Short, Walter S             F-402 2928-1920
Shoemaker, Walter C         Murphy, Ina R               E-73 2016-1915
Sholander, Olof             Johnson, Nora               E-277 2220-1916
Shonka, Emma B              Fast, Calvin C              F-286 2812-1920
Shoopman, Annabel           Carson, Merle U             G-205 4017-1930
Shoopman, Henry A           Rubottom, Violet M          H-431 3743-1927
Shoopman, Velma             Stigile, Robert J           G-200 4012-1930
Shore, Oscar M              Snow, Jessie J              E-275 2218-1916
Shores, Georgia             Patch, Arthur A             F-84 2610-1919
Shores, James W             Chavez, Lula M              H-418 3730-1927
Shores, Mary                Alisman, Ray G              F-462 2988-1921
Shores, Ro                  English, Massie             G-86 3256-1923
Short, Walter S             Marsh, Gertrude             F-402 2926-1920
Shot, Rogers N M            Redfish, Elizabeth          G-212 4024-1930
Shotwell, Ruth V            Alder, Homer E              E-237 2180-1916
Shrader, Ervin              Parkhurst, Eithet           G-282 4094-1930
Shreve, Leona D             Parker, Joy C               G-26 3196-1922
Shrewsbury, Don             Craiq, Sarah                G-108 3276-1923
Shupe, Emma                 Traster, Merrill            H-613 3925-1929
Shuto, Yoshio               Nomura, George K            E-386 2329-1917
Sickert, Bernhard A         Hamaker, Bertha M           E-99 2042-1915
Siders, Elsie               Wohlers, Marvin H           G-632 4445-1933
Sides, Ruth                 Barnum, Vernon L            G-473 4284-1932
Siebenater, Albert P        Whitlock, Bertha H          G-140 3310-1923
Siedow, Eva L               Worthington, Louis M        G-92 3262-1923
Siefers, Mabelle            Carson, Gerald J            G-452 4263-1932
Siekert, Bemhard            Hamaker, Bertha M           E-99 2042-1915
Siema, Jospeh               Red Hawk, Susie             F-25 2552-1916
Sievers, Mary               Pool, Merit A               F-525 3051-1921
Sigler, Pearl V             Nelson, Kenneth B           F-113 2639-1919
Sigley, Christine           Spitzer Sr, John            G-425 4236-1932
Similaer, Mary C            Mowry, Ray                  E-373 2316-1917
Simier, Mary                Real, James A               F-243 2769-1920
Simmons, Cleta              Faulkner, Benjamin          H-59 3373-1924
Simmons, Lill an            Nash, Ed                    E-452 2395-1917
Simon, Ethel H              King, Lloyd N               G-14 3184-1922
Simonson, Hazel (Mrs)       Osbom, Frank P              H-432 3744-1927
Simpson, Alfred F           Mclnroy, Eila J             F-598 3124-1922
Simpson, Alfroda J          Barry, Philip J             G-592 4405-1933
Simpson, Charles            Porter, Fem                 H-363 3675-1927
Simpson, Dallas D           Noah, Margaret E            G-317 4129-1930
Simpson, Etta               Carlson, Eric               H-313 3625-1926
Simpson, Eva                Strasburg, Vurl             G-439 4250-1932
Simpson, George H           DeLay, Edna M               G-135 3305-1923
Simpson, Ida F              DeLay, Alvia J              G-120 3290-1923
Simpson, Lillie M           Clinton, Everett C          F-512 3038-1921
5impson, Lois W             Drury, Alden H              G-276 4088-1930
Simpson, Retia J            Nye, William H              H-367 3679-1927
Simpson, Syrus W            Cuffy, Lucile F             F-228 2754-1919
Singer, Magdalena           Gerhard, Alexis E           E-392 2335-1917
Sipes, Florence             Wood, Milo T                F-20 2547-1918
Sipes, Harriet E            Behringer, David M          E-224 2167-1916
Sisley, Alta E              Colerick, Daniel W          E-208 2151-1915
Sisley, Charles W           Colerick, Sara E (Mrs)      H-453 3765-1927
Sisley, Clare 0             Brost, Adolph               H-368 3680-1927
Sisley, Ethel M             Colerick, John P            H-110 3423-1924
Sisley, John L              Pease, Nellie M             E-433 2376-1917
Sisley, Mary E              Tignor, Loy O'Donithon      F-194 2720-1919
Sisley, Mrna 0              Wastiakae, Fred L           F-507 3033-1921
Sisneras, Luis              Godinez, Nellie             H-329 3641-1927
Sitier, Anna                Boon, Ralph                 G-563 4376-1933
Sitzman, Henry C            Priess, Marie               E-1 1946-1914
Sivilia, Guadalupe          Ayola, Ignacia              F-353 2879-1920
Six, Charles A              Frederick, Esther           H-604 3916-1929
Sizir, Selma H              Clauser, Donald M           G-280 4092-1930
Skarda, Emil                Moravek, Mabel M            E-104 2047-1915
Skinner, Clarence L         Lewis, Mariam M             E-481 2424-1917
Skjoldal, Karl J            Harris, Elsie May           H-189 3501-1925
Slama, James                Welles, Barbara             G-236 4048-1930
Slaughter, Ethel            Davis, Clarance             H-400 3712-1927
Slaughter, Gertrude         Johnson, Alexander D        H-113 3426-1924
Slaughter, Goldie           Brown, Charles              F-70 2596-1919
Slaughter, Ollie            Darnell, William e          F-433 2959-1920
Slaymaker, Edith F          Marshall, Milo D            F-88 2614-1919
Slaymaker, Grace E          Warn, Lewis 0               F-303 2829-1920
Slaymaker, Mary A           Athey, Ross C               F-385 2911-1920
Slayter, Omar D             Abbott, Hazel M             F-64 2590-1919
Sleeper, Clifton P          Hankins, Dorothy D          H-115 3428-1924
Slemons, Ralph G            Jeffreys, Ida V             H-112 3425-1924
Sloan, Enos                 Stinson, Elizabeth          F-567 3093-1921
Sloan, Era F                Walker, James B             H-280 3592-1926
Sly, Ida May                Weaver, Stanley S           H-131 3444-1925
Small, Elsie M              McClanahan, Roscoe E        H-466 3778-1928
Smice, Beulah M             Rom, Joseph F               E-225 2168-1916
Smith, Alfred C             Ramell, Theresa E           H-371 3683-1927
Smith, Alfred D             Wehr, Beulah I              H-239 3551-1926
Smith, Alice B              Payne, Joseph J             F-177 2703-1919
Smith, Alta Lucielle        Astan, Verne R              H-460 3772-1928
Smith, Bela W               Lench, Hazel C              F-32 2558B-1918
Smith, Bernice              Tobin, Robert G             F428 2954-1920
Smith, Beulah               Darrow, Ralph A             E-165 2108-1915
Smith, Beulah               McCoy, Lew                  G-634 4447-1933
Smith, Carrie               Nichols, Geo F              E-410 2353-1917
Smith, Carrie               Kopac, Frank                E-572 2511-1918
Smith, Charles H            Brown, Bertha (Mrs)         E-187 2130-1915
Smith, Charlotte 0          Scott, Glen G               G-255 4067-1930
Smith, Cora B               Glendy, Thomas W            H-536 3848-1928
Smith, Daniel J             Carr, Leslie (Mrs)          E-544 2486-1918
Smith, Dewey W              Cummings, Mina              F-352 2878-1920
Smith, Dorothy M            Ostenberg Jr, William H     E-423 2366-1917
Smith, Edward               Starkey, Earlyn             G-250 4062-1930
Smith, Edward C             Snell, Mae M                H-221 3533-1926
Smith, Esther               Carey, Oscar M              H-375 3687-1927
Smith, Floyd L              Cory, Lelia P               H-417 3729-1927
Smith, Fred Vernnon         Hoffland, Mable Josephine   E-300 2243-1916
Smith, Gladys               Higgins, Dallas             E-53 1996-1914
Smith, Grace                Smith, Horace Roderick      E-252 2195-1916
Smith, Grace (Mrs)          Smith. Horace Roderick      E-252 2195-1916
Smith, Guy D                McCord, Charlotte           F-168 2694-1919
Smith, Harry E              Sala, Ruth                  F-276 2802-1920
Smith, Harry I              Rust, Elsie (Mrs)           F-618 3143-1922
Smith, Harvey J             Cornforth, Lela Liston (Mrs) G-101 3271-1923
Smith, Helen                Stahn, John C               G-635 4448-1933
Smith, Henry B              Bickel, Erna                F-277 2803-1920
Smith, Horace Roderick      Smith, Grace (Mrs)          E-252 2195-1916
Smith, Jake                 Miller, Bernice             G-161 3973-1929
Smith, James H              Porter, Irene E             F-477 3003-1921
Smith, James W              Zureher, Mabel              H-186 3498-1925
Smith, Kate Davenport (Mrs) Reams, John M               F-142 2668-1919
Smith, Laurence N           Wills, Janice E             G-392 4203-1931
Smith, Lewis A              Squibbs, Ruby V             E-578 2520-1918
Smith, Mable                Ogden, Ralph S              E-513 2456-1918
Smith, Mary B               Bell, Wilbur                G-405 4216-1931
Smith, Mary Nora            Roezell, Laroy              F-317 2843-1920
Smith, Mattie               Tidwell, Bedford F          H-287 3599-1926
Smith, May D (Mrs)          Rounsborg, Anton            F-207 2733-1919
Smith, Mayme E              Williams, Fred J            E-449 2392-1917
Smith, Mildred Grace        Glidden, Warren Chaucey     E-260 2203-1916
Smith, Murry G              Pyle, Mae                   F-130 2656-1919
Smith, Nellie               Fanning, William            E-360 2303-1917
Smith, Otah                 Tilber, Marvin W            E-476 2419-1917
Smith, Otto J               Green, Belle (Mrs)          G-385 4196-1931
Smith, Ray H                Briggs, Thelma M            H-527 3839-1928
Smith, Richard J            Van Nortwick, Esther M      G-199 4011-1930
Smith, Richard R            Sumions, Vivian V           G-484 4295-1932
Smith, Richard W            Sorensen, Anna K            E-95 2038-1915
Smith, Robert S             McGrail, Nellie             H-495 3807-1928
Smith, Roxanna              Lee, Walker                 E-505 2448-1917
Smith, Ruth E               Perry, Rexford A            H-446 3758-1927
Smith, Samuel A -           Perry, Hattie I             H-19 3333-1923
Smith, Samuel J             Turcott, Edith L            H-24 3338-1923
Smith, Walter               Stiles, Eva E               E-1 1948-1914
Smith, William R            Mack, Flora                 F-555 3081-1921
Smith, Willie N             Tomm, Leo A                 F-199 2725-1919
Smitte, Flora               Smith, William R            F-555 3081-1921
Snedeker, Morton B          Collins, Loretta            E-518 2461-1918
Snell, Mae M                Smith, Edward C             H-221 3533-1926
Snodgrass, Agnes A          Van Buskirk, Archie J       F-94 2620-1919
Snow, Arvilla               Redfern, Montgomery         F-336 2862-1920
Snow, Jessie J              Shore, Oscar M              E-275 2218-1916
Snow,June                   Hucke, Calvin A             G-454 4265-1932
Snow,Lynn                   Bouck, Joan                 F-307 2833-1920
Snow, Virgie V              Hearrell, John R            G-249 4061-1930
Snyder, Cecil D             Folk, Ida A                 E-198 2141-1915
Snyder, Earl W              Davis, Josephine E (Mrs)    H-513 3825-1928
Snyder, Gladys              Hullinger, Leo              G-291 4103-1930
Snyder, Harold R            Hall, Miynon G              E-1 12 2055-191 6.
Snyder, Jesse F             Kidd, Bertie                E-526
Snyder, Leo A               Powell, Leona C             G-270 4082-1930
Snyder, Leo H               Kellogg, Charlotte          G-543 4356-1933
Snyder, Otto                Linendol, Loel/Lael         G-35 3205-1922
Snyder, VaLora              Losher, Dewey P             H-246 3558-1926
Soden, Amenda E             Hayward, Charles 0          G-50 3220-1922
Soden, William A-           McCord, Alice A             H-218 3530-1926
Sokel, Joseph H             Stuml, Fannie               H-69 3383-1924
Soper, Charles R            Albertson, Grace F          G-594 4407-1933
Sorensen, Anna K            Smith, Richard W            E-95 2038-1915
Sorensen,John               Jensen/Christensen, Helga M E-121 2064-1915
Sorensen, Mads P            Futtrup, Anna N             H-224 3536-1926
Sorensen, Olga              Stenberg, Andreas           H-362 3694-1927
Soth, Clarissa E            Miller, Ralph               H-525 3837-1928
Soth, Edith Blanche         Clark, G Harold             G-300 4112-1930
Sath, Ruth C                Trenkle, Ralph W            G-483 4294-1932
Soto, Felix                 Fernandez, Sadie (Mrs)      G-354 4166-1931
Soukup, Charlie             Sleti, Alice (Mrs)          G-593 4406-1933
Southost, Bello R           Harrison, Napolean a        E-40 1983-1914
Sowash, Jay B               Wright, Emma (Mrs)          E-89 2032-1915
Sowers, Mae                 Sanderson, John             H-518 3830-1928
Spangler, Ruth              Ward, Charles A             G-296 4108-1930
Spann, Nathaniel            James, Willie (Mrs)         G-81 3251-1923
Spaur, Cecil                McMann, Barbara             G-447 4258-1932
Speak, Esther C             Sturgeon, Phito C           F-206 2732-1919
Speak, Ruth M               Trent, Walter F             E-486 2429-1917
Spealman, Grace             Olds, Alex M                F-203 2729-1919
Speck, Ray                  Datney, Helen               G-590 4403-1933
Spectzen, Harry J           Marienson, Ella             E-470 2413-1917
Speer, Bertha J (Mrs)       DeBord, George T            E-47 1990-1914
Speer, Homer 0              Hunsaker, Stella G          H-550 3862-1928
Speer, Iola J               Pullen, John M              H-282 3594-1926,
Speer, Louis F              Coe, Elizabeth              H-8 3322-1923
Speer, Mable C              House, William G            F-559 3085-1921
Spence, Dewey W             Test, Anna                  E-585 2527-1918
Spencer, Flora 8            Strong, Theodore Lee        H-122 3435-1925
Spencer, Inez               Sharp, Charles W            E-109 2052-191 5
Spencer, Mabel              Williams, William J         G-248 4060-1930
Spencer, Ray A              Blair,Nellie M              F-273 2799-1920
Spetman, Minnie             Gerdes, George C            H-18 3332-1923
Spiings, Fay                Gionakos, Ulysses           E-278 2221-1916
Spillman, Howard            Whaien, Anastasia           E-64 2007-1915
Spitzer Sr, John            Will, Christine Siglay, (Mrs)G-425 4235-1932
Spracklen, Bertha J         Green, Claude R             F-237 2763-1919
Spurgin, Cyril H            Mathews, Arsola M           E-17 1960-1914
Spurlock, Arthur            Gregory, Beiva (Mrs)        G-145 3957-1929
Spyers, Houser              Baker, Ida C                F-72 2598-1919
Squibb, Charles L           Rickell, Bertha E           H-74 3388-1924
Squibb, Hazel M             Marshall, John E            E-189 2132-1915
Squibb, John E              Griffith, Eva-Fern          H-299 3611-1926
Squibb, Kermit              Mather, Effie (Mrs)         H-444 3756-1927
Squibb, Leota               Rader, Roy                  G-39 3209-1922
Squibb, Naomi E             Roselius, Charles H         H-522 3834-1928
Squibb,Loula                Morrow, William             E-281 2224-1916
Squibbs Jr, Thomas L        Grimes, Dessa               F-265 2791-1920
Squibbs, Ruby V             Smith, Lewis A              E-578 2520-1918
Staab, Otto A               Brost, Sadie A              E-266 2209-1916
Stabel, Henry               Schlayer, Eva               E-138 2081-1915
Stackham, Elijah            Greamba, Florence           G-284 4096-1930
Stafford, Dorothy M         Germain, Vaughn W           F-245 2771-1920
Stafford, Margaret L        Tooley, Jesse w             G-457 4268-1932
Stafford, Rosalie           Osborne, Reuben J           G-228 4040-1930
Stahn, John C               Smith, Helen                G-635 4448-1933
Staley, James               Rubottom, Ruth              G-582 4395-1933
Stalos, Tom                 Olevizaki, Helen D          H-16 3330-1923
Stanford, Effie             Barker, Clayton             G-530 4341-1932
Stanford, Mary              Adamson, Ellie              G-295 4107-1930
Stanton, Dorothy E          Meyer, William E            H-515 3827-1928
Stapleton, Edward 0         Vanburg, Elsie May          F-95 2621-1919
Starkey, Earlyn             Smith, Edward               G-250 4062-1930
Steckman, Doral             Noah, Mae                   G-400 4211-1931
Steele, Jesse               Alleson, Fay                E-347 2290-1916
Steele, Rachel M            Wood, Robert 0              F-162 2688-1919
Steen, Burnice A            Patterson, Lowell B         H-276 3588-1926
Steggs, Clarence J          Case, Alma                  E-96 2039-1915
Steggs, Joseph              Lineback, Marie             E-405 2348-1917
Steggs, Mamie M             Thayer, Jacob S             G-42 3212-1922
Steinhausen, Walter C       Jackson, Ruth i             H-331 3643-1927
Steinman, Noah W            Watteyne, Visna             E-432 2375-1917
Stell, Alice (Mrs)          Soukup, Charlie             G-593 4406-1933
Steller, Antonette          Walker, William             F-572 3098-1921
Stenberg, Andreas           Sorensen, Olga              H-382 3694-1927
Stephens, Elsie M           Graham, Eugene S            G-628 4441-1933
Stephenson, Elmer E         Alt, Viola F                H-447 3759-1927
Stephenson, Oakley M        Caha, Lillian M             F-271 2797-1920
Stetsen, Ivy R              Hammer, Orley M             F-469 2995-1921
Stetson, Ershall I          Haqemeister, Alma A         G-141 3311-1923
Stettenpohl, George         Higgins, Eleanor            E-164 2107-1915
Stewart, Anna               Wright, Loyal S             E-184 2127-1915
Stewart, Emma E             Runyan, Glenn E             E-558 2500-191 8
Stewart, Helen              Troyer, E Leon              H-366 3678-1927
Stewart, John H             Louck, Margaret Alice (Mrs) H-463- 3775-1928
Stewart, Joseph J           Doxey, Katherine E (Mrs)    H-435-3747-1927
Stewart, Opal               Hesseltine, Albert C        G-234 4046-1930
Stewart, Ruth               Thomas, Cleo                G-252 4064-1930
Stickley, Esther M          Cox, William N              F-337 2863-1920
Stigile, Robert J           Shoopman, Velma             G-200 4012-1930
Stiles, Eva E               Smith, Walter               E-1 1948-1914
Stillion, Ernst M           Prazma, Rose E              H-631 3943-1929
Stimperl, Margaret E        Caldwell, Chester C         G-196 4008-1930
Stinnell, Eva A             Munnell, Herbert L          G-263 4075-1930
Stinnette, Alice            Sellers, Vivian R           G-351 4163-1931
Stinnette, Leah E           Edmondson, Lloyd            H-599 3911-1929
Stinson, Elizabeth          Sloan, Enos                 F-567 3093-1921-
Stirkle, Emma Mary          Dolen, James A              E-80 2023-1915
Stites, Dora Opal           Boman, Lester Earl          G-167 3979-1929
Stock, Catherine J          Bano, Michael De            F-599 3125A-1922
Stockman, Arthur L-         Young, Alta V               F-620 3145-1922
Stockton, Joseph 0          Hawes, Helen B              H-303 3615-1926
Stockwell, Charles A        Benhan, Jessie M            E-140 2083-1915
Stoddard, Marion            Bolinger, Juanita           G-496 4307-1932
Stoddard, Martin F          Mewhirter, Leila V          H-103 3416-1924
Stokes, J Aleen             Cone, Alys Elva             E-565 2507-1918
Stoldt, Frank W             Haslow, Edith               F-27 2554-1918
Stolldorf, Howard L         Bullock, Otie E             F-52 2578-1918
Stolt, Edith                Krumtum, Otto               F-87 2613-1919
Stolts, Lydia               Regester, Vern E            E-54 1997-1914
Stoner, Wilma L             Ash, Louis W                H-493 3805-1928
Stoop, Wm D                 Larson, Velma               E-349 2292-1916
Stotts, Lydia               Regester, Vern E            E-54 1997-1914
Stout, Edith F              Field, Russell A            F-62 2588-1919
Stower Jr, Fred J           Goodrich, Julienne          H-503 3815-1928
Stralow, Elmer C            Kincaid, Thelma             H-491 3803-1928
Strand, Elliott 0           Williams, Elvira            E-240 2183-1916
Strand, Milo G              Newbrough, Alida            H-533 3845-1928
Strasbeurger, William G     Pisel, Elsie E              E-41 1984-1914
Strasbura.  Vurl            Simpson, Eva                G-439 4250-1932
Strasburger, Maude          Shamblin, Alfred            F-138 2664-1919
Strick, Andrew              Ryan, Irene                 F-509 3035-1921
Strobel, Floyd              Lovell, Anna                G-450 4261-1932
Strohmeyer, Clara B         Powell, George W            F-254 2780-1920
Stromberg, Gustaf E         Traylor, Mabel              F-110 2636-1919
Strong, Aletha              Winegar, Guy L              H-73 3387-1924
Strong, Della A             Ward, Charles B             E-348 2291-1916
Strong, Mable J             Osborn, Glenn A             F-190 2716-1919
Strong, Mary Bernice        Davig, Archibald 0          H-328 3640-1927
Strong, Theodore Lee        Spencer, Flora B            H-122 3435-1925
Stroud, Lucille E           Hardy, Howard A             H-278 3590-1926
Strube, Arthur              Sayre, Thelma               G-175 3987-1929
Strube, Floyd L             Handran, Helen E            H-451 3763-1927
Strube, Irene M             Lane, Horace C              H-423 3735-1927
Struble, Ralph R            Larsen, Myrtle C            H-390 3702-1927
Strum, Millie M             Culligan, Clarence W        F-290 2816-1920
Stuart, Allie J             Foulk, Minnie I             H-97 3410-1924
Stuart, Wesley A            Jacks, Edith R              F-634 3159-1922
Stucker, Frances Reginald   Case, Elna L                F-332 2858-1920
Stuckey, Louise             Gibbens, Harlan             G-545 4358-1933
Stull, Leslie A             Magnuson, Dorothy V         G-497 4308-1932
Stull, Paul H               Appleyard, Leona            H-397 3709-1927
Stumf.  Joseph J            Matousek, Frances E         G-343 4155-1931
Stumf, Josephine R          Rosvar, Frank W             H-158 3470-1925
Stumf, Lucy .               Kriz, Ignatius              H-621 3933-1929
Stumf, Oldrich              Barta, Agnes                F-423 2949-1920
Stuml, Fannie               Sokel, Joseph H             H-69 3383-1924
Sturgeon, Gladys            Beans, Lowell D             H-410 3722-1927
Sturgeon, Lulu E            Tiller, Harry K             H-304 3616-1926
Sturgeon, Nellie M          Agnew, John P               G-445 4256-1932
Sturgeon, Philo C           Speak, Esther C             F-206 2732-1919
Suddeth, Faye N (Mrs)       Roberts, Glen L             H-212 3524-1926
Suhr, Louis C               Bartels, Anna M             H-12 3326-1923
Suiter, Irma K              Crowther, Willis R          E-2 1946 1/2-1914
Sullenberger, Dayton        King, Hazel M               F-183 2709-1919
Sullivan, Addie G           Lowley, Earl                F-488 3014-1921
Sumions, Vivian V           Smith, Richard R            G-484 4295-1932
Summerman, Floyd            Bort, Ema Jean              G-353 4165-1931
Summers, Clyde J            Cornish, Ina L              H-387 3699-1927
Summers, Gertrude L         Annen,John B                G-70 3240-1923
Sundermeier, Viola          Robinson, George C          G-536 4347-1932
Sundermier, Harry W         Judevine, Floyce            G-493 4304-1932
Sutherland, Earl H          Grant, Nellie E             E-185 2128-1915
Sutton, Grover C            Denton, Estelle M           E-551 2493-1918
Sutton, LeRoy               Jelinek, Emma               G-577 4390-1933
Sutzbach, Charles F         Zurcher, Laura E            F-584 3110-1921
Svanda, Gladys P (Mrs)      Taylor, Frank A             H-407 3719-1927
Svoboda,Anna                Lauerman,John               E-311 2254-1916
Swalander, Sarah C          Frandsen, Emanuel           H-345 3657-1927
Swanson, Ethel C            Brecht, John J              F-560 3086-1921
Swanson, Loran E            Moore, Florence E           H-277 3589-1926
Swanson, Otto               Robbins, Dora               H-245 3557-1926
Sweeney, Jessie R           McGee, Lee                  E-36 1979-1914
Sweet, Bessie Mg            Brott, Herbert              G-48 3218-1922
Sweet, Clarence             Prentice, Dorothy           G-322 4133-1931
Sweeten, Rosa A             Harding, Lloyd E            E-328 2271-1916
Sweetland, Dean C           Witowack, Evelyn            G-633 4446-1933
Sweetland, Glenn            Duhan, Marie                G-609 4422-1933
Swiss, Eula (Mrs)           Howell, Diles               E-70 2013-1915
Switzer, Albert K           McDonald, Ella (Mrs)        E-270 2213-1916
Syrie, Cliff E              Feater, Helen               F-321 2847-1920


This page was last updated April 15, 2016.

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