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  Box Butte County

MARRIAGES   1887 -1914
" L "


LaBar, John                 Weed, Leah B.               D-1910-1484
Lack, Steven A. Douglas     McCullough, Ida             A-1894-366
Lackeey, Mary               Schraudemier, John          D-1912-1723
LaClair, George             Johnstown, Lulu             C-1907-1131
Lamb, Emma Bliss(Mrs)       Gilbert, Ole                A-1890-175
Lamb, Emma                  Van Rothberg/y, Albert      A-1889-111
Lambert, John H.            Smith, May H.               A-1892-275
Lambertson, Carrie          Francis, Lonzo              D-1911-1521
Lamm, Will H.               Abbott, Maudria             D-1911-1532
Lammon, Caleb W.            Eaton, Glendora M. (Mrs),   B-1900-619
Lanam, Jesse G.             Sultz, Julia E.             D-1912-1656
Lancaster, Fannie           Bright, J. H.               C-1907-1069
Land, Sidney Ralph          Delaney, Anna M.            B-1902-791
Landon, Nellie M.           Covalt, Victor E.           C-1904-898
Landrigan, Katherine A.     King, Lambert               B-1902-730
Landrigan, Mary Elizabeth   Cunningham, Joseph H.       B-1901-716
Landuth, George             Graves, Zetta (Mrs.)        D-1914-1944
Lane, Ada M.                Irion, Charles H.           A-1893-350
Lange, William              McNus, Edna (Mrsli          D-1911-1595
Langford, Bert              Moravek, Mary               C-1905-933
Langford, Elizabeth         Horlburt, Norval            C-1907-1108
Langford, Kate M.           Fearing, Mearle F.          A-1890-146
Langford, Martha            Shupp, Jacob                A-1892-279
Langford, Walter A.         Parkin, Ada I.              D-1910-1411
Langrall, Claude D.         Hartz, Grace E.             C-1908-1245
Lansky, Emma                Hovorka, Albert             D-1911-1597
Lanviere, Delia             Collins, William W.         B-1901-692
Lapham, Carrie D.           Lore, Albert Kirby          B-1903-849
Lapham, Harry Irving        Leishman, Annie Maggie      A-1895-414
Lapham, Lois I.             Hashman, Joseph             A-1895-444
Lapham, Lois I.             Riley, Alvin                B-1898-573
Laravie, May A.             Hand, George J.             C-1906-1021
Larkins, Fred E.            Spicer, Marie L. (Mrs       B-1903-831
Larsen, Louis               Nicholson, Lusetta          A-1889-147
Larson, Gust E.             Nelson, Mary                A-1889-113
Larson, Hans P.             Jesse, Maud 1.              B-1898-555
Ltham, Emily                Bishop, James E.            D-1910-1460
Landuth, George             Graves, Zetta (Mrs          D-1914-1944
Laughman, Peter             Frolek, Celea               A-1895-433
Lawler, James               Hopkins, Marie              C-1909-1293
Lawler, Maggie              Wrenwick, Ray LaMont        C-1909-1297
Lawler, Mary E.             Walbridge, Floyd G.         D-1910-1475
Lawler, Thomas M.           Bruno, Anna H. (Mrs         D-1910-1473
Lawless, John J.            Kenny, Annie                C-1904-910
Lawrence, Agnes E.          Yeager, Alfred              C-1909-1285
Lawrence, Ira J.            Williams, Catharine M. (Mrs)D-1913-1807
Lawrence, John W.           Sutton, Laura E.            A-1890-148
Lawrence, Nancy Jane        Wicks, Arthur T.            C-1906-1054
Lawrence, Sarah (Mrs        Campbell, Claud             D-7911-1567
Lawrence, Wm. E.            Colvin, Sarah E.            C-1909-1313
Lawson, Otto D.             Christensen, Doris F.       C-1908-1239
Layton, Claudia B.          Kilgore, Wm. E.             D-1910-1453
Lea, Charles                Schaak, Ella (Mrs           D-1913-1845
Leach, Allen N.             Goldsmith, Annie M. (Mrs)   A-1894-449
Leach, Pearl                Jennings, Walter            D-1910-1477
Leavitt, Fred G.            Osborn, Ina E.              C-1905-950
Leavittt Jessie B.          Homrighausen, Louie         D-1912-1642
Lee, Cedar, M.              Benington, Arthrr           D-1910-1439
Lee, David W.               Deck, Amy                   B-1900-662
Lee, George H.              Harvey, Anna May            B-1901-678
Lee, M. Frank               Howland, Elizabeth (Mrs)    D-1912-1701
Legg, Geo B.                McDonald, Lena              D-1913-1821
Lehman, Fred                Dowell, Olive               C-1909-1321
Lehnhoff, George H.         Christy, Minnie             B-1897-513
Leighton, Frank             Gaines, Roberta             D-1912-1655
Leishman, Alvin  A.         Colerick, Jennie            B-1904-878
Lieshman, Annie  Maggie     Lapham, Harry Irving        A-1895-414
Leishman, Norman            Long, Nellie                B-1896-472
Leishman, Peter             Arkells, Sarah 1.           A-1889-93
Leith, John                 Chapman, Annie (Mrs)        B-1898-564
Lembrick, Jacob             Kusan, Pauline              A-1888-67
Lemming, Jeremiah           Bristol, Esther             A-1889-123
Lemmono Roy E.              Neece, Anna                 C-1906-1020
Lenox, Walter R.            Cole, Ivy L.                B-1904-862
Lester, George              Broyles, Lillie             A-1895-423
Letak, Minnie               Manewal, Ernest Gus         D-1913-1781
Leverns, H. J.              Allen, Grace E.             C-1907-1136
Lewis,  Albert Ralph        Wills, Cora Mae             B-1902-734
Lewis,  Annie M.            Gillespie, Frank T.         A-1894-371
Lewis,  Carrie              Stanley, Orval L.           D-1914-1864
Lewis,  Catherine           Pahlow, J. A.               C-1908-1158
Lewis,  Chas. W.            Anderson, Anna M. Mrs       C-1907-1064
Lewis,  Christina           Ivey, Clarence E.           D-1910-1375
Lewis,  David F.            Cox, Lida                   C-1909-1346
Lewis,  Henry L.            Storm, Mary C.              D-1911-1561
Lewis,  Ida                 Palmer, Edson Merl          B-1902-732
Lewis,  James               Long, Minnie                D-1914-1863
Lewis,  Jerry M.            Wonzer, Irene               A-1887-10
Lewis,  Johnne D.           Kerr, Dais, Doris           B-1896-480
Lewis,  Loren A             Tompkins, Florence          B-1900-660
Lewis,  Mary                Snavlyi Ora S.              D-1910-1463
Lewis,  Mary J.             Kline, Fred D.              A-1891-257
Lewis,  S. A. Mrs.          Tillett) Charlie W.         D-1911-1517
Lewis, Smith P.             Hengler, Josephone N. (Mrs) D-1910-1394
Lewis, Thomas C.            Noreisch, Matilda L.        D-1914-1875
Lewiss, Estella M.          Hightower, Richard          D-1910-1429
Libby, Delbert A.           Nye, Mary A.                B-1898-544
Lichte, Wm.                 Hennings, Anna              C-1909-1268
Liddle, Fred C.             Fossey, Melba               B-1900-648
Lieth, Thomas S.            Brown, Ruth J.              C-1908-1221
Linderman, Bertha E.        Anderson, Otto J.           C-1908-1155
Lindley, Geo A.             Foster, Mary E.             D-1910-1365
Lindrom, Ethel R.           Prettyman, Cecil H.         D-1914-1904
Lindquist, August           Slawson, Estella            B-1901-681
Lindwall, Carl 0.           Merrell, Carrie M. (Mrs)    D-1912-1685
Lineback, Anna              Shigley, Arthur             D-1914-1876
Linhart, Jessie (Mrs)       Hashberger, Bernard C.      D-1911-1522
Lipi, Anna                  Schwartzkoff, Henry J.      D-1913-1755
Liska, Christie             Nekuday Ferdinand           C-1905-951
Lister, John M.             Cooley, Mary J.             A-1892-271
Lister, Ray E.              Carroll, Emma E.            D-1911-1510
Little, Frannie 11. (Mrs)   Abbott, Rufus               A-1894-382
Littleton, Michael W.       Bullock, Maud               A-1890-167
Livingston, Byron L.        Watson, Grace               C-1908-1235
Lloyd, Wm. E.               Pleasants, Effie            D-1911-1519
Locke, Margaret (Mrs)       Beutler, John               D-1911-1506
Lockwood, Ada               Spencer, George William     A-1890-200
Lodz, Charles               Case, Millie                C-1906-1025
Logan, Charles              Brandt, Nellie              B-1898-559
Logan, Clyde                Shimek, Wilma               C-1906-1048
Logan, Lillie G.            Driscoll, James P.          B-1897-503
Logan, Lois E. (Mrs)        Rock, Walter F.             D-1911-1593
Logan, Nora                 Carey, Joseph E.            A-1890-165
Logan, S. E. (Mrs)          Fitzsimmons, Michael        B-1899-601
Logan, Samuel               Bates, Iva E.               B-1899-609
Lohry, Ralph                Wainwright, Della S. (Mrs)  D-1911-1526
Long, Minnie                Lewis, James                D-7974-7863
Long, Nellie                Leishman, Norman            B-1896-472
Longan, Addie E.            Douglas, Hubert E.          D-1914-1858
Longden, Ottilia E. (Mrs)   Beverforden, August H.      D-1913-1792
Longfellow, Gabriella       Armour, James A.            B-1903-804
Longpre, Mary E.            Nugent, Alva F.             C-1904-887
Lony, Peter D.              McIvay, Anna                D-1910-1467
Lonyan, Mitchell A.         Browning, Lulu M.           D-1911-1520
Look, Maggie (mrs           Parker, George R.           A-1893-335
Loomis, Charles H.          Benedict, Pearl M.          C-1904-891
Loomis, William D.          Banks, Ollie E.             A-1891-244
Loothman, Eva               Hollinrake, John J.         D-1910-1448
Lorance, Bonnie Bell        Crawford, Fred              D-1911-1582
Lorance, Daisy F.           Bomgardner, Arthur S.       D-1911-1591
Lorance, William I.         Chilson, Lizzie M. (Mrs)    B-1901-677
Lore, Albert Kirby          Lapham, Carrie D.           B-1903-849
Lore, Anna E.               Denton, George B.           B-1902-726
Lore, Arthur L.             Moore, Berta (Mrs)          C-1909-1253
Lorimore, Roland C.         Ramsey, Myra L.             C-1907-1090
Lote, Carrie                Colvin, Wm. J.              D-1912-1703
Lotspeich, Charles M.       Bonds, Izetta               B-1896-471
Lotspeich, H. Alva          Hickman, Flossie L.         B-1903-852
Lotspeich, William E.       Graber, Sophia              A-1894-394
Loudan, Henry               Hoffmann, Alivina           A-1895-443
Lowery, Adeline             Spencer, A. J.              A-1888-60
Lowry, Sarah E.             Bly, John Walter            D-1913-1795

Lucas, Frank E.             Avery, June                 B-1901-687
Lucas, Minnie               Thompson, John W.           A-1892-290
Lucas, Robert  R.           Rubottom, Beryl             C-1906-1005
Lucas, Sallie  E.           Ilime, Charles A.           B-1903-843
Lucas, Willis               Bassett, Leeta S. (Mrs)     B-1898-540
Luft, Louis                 Pinkers, Marguerite         D-1911-1537
Lukehardt, J.  L. (Mrs)     Maloney, Timothy            D-1912-1652
Lunberg, Maudie             Donovan, James M.           A-1892-295
Lund, Annie B. Johannesen   Jensen, Jens P.             A-1887-26
Lund, Herman T.             Palmer, Helen               B-1900-636
Lund, Herman T.             Curry, Lura May             C-1905-964
Lund, Herman T.             Carnine, Alice Blanch       D-1912-1718
Lund, Mary                  Jensen, Christ              A-1894-376
Lute, Mettie E.             Nochols, Thomas B.          A-1893-332
Lyman, Frank W.             Zook, Elsie C. B. (Mrs.)    B-1900-643
Lynch, Daniel D.            Ready, Katherine J.         D-1913-1769
Lynch, Etham R.             Simmons, Lulu May           C-1908-1182
Lynch, Joseph P.            Broivn, Hannah K.           B-1898-533
Lyon, Cretia F.             McClain, Thomas             A-1894-388
Lyon, John J.               Kennedy, Zilpha             B-1902-753
Lyon, Myrtle Grace          Gager, Roy W.               B-1898-546
Lyon, Zilpha (Mrs)          Scott, James M.             D-1910-1389
Lyons, Catherine 1.         Michie, James               D-1910-1404
Lyons, George R.            Schaeffer, Clara            D-1910-1425
Lytle, William Harry        Wing, Ina Leora             B-1903-824

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