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  Box Butte County

Marriages 1914-1934
" R "

Rader, Christine            Fields, Clinton 0           H-223 3535-1926
Rader, Roy                  Squibb, Leota               G-39 3209-1922
Rager (Rayer), Eva B        Bateman, James H            H-118 3431-1924
Rager, Mae                  Wallace, Lawson E           H-121 3434-1924
Rains, Nannie               Lanqson, Rufus K            E-426 2369-1917
Rails, Sarah L (Mrs)        Pilkingion, John            F-42 2568-1918
Ralstan, Belle R            Kittenbrink, William        G-504 4315-1932
Ramet, Ralph A              Parsons, Lucinda H          F-458 2984-1921
Ramell, Theresa E           Smith, Alfred C             H-371 3683-1927
Ramey, Hazel A (Mrs)        Ramey, Joseph Watson        E-106 2049-1915
Ramey, Joseph Watson        Ramey, Hazel A (Mrs)        E-106 2049-1915
Ramos, Graciano             Royes, Filamena             H-100 3413-1924
Ramsey, Charles B           Britton, Minnie M           E-233 2176-1916
Randall, Bertha E           Nelson, Edward J            F-429 2955-1920
Randall, Brida              Shimek,Henry J              E-1 37 2080-1915
Randall, Carl C             Nation, Goldie M            G-259 4071-1930
Randall, Joseph             Enyeart, Bernice            G-413 4224-1931
Randall, Walter L           Rider, Bernice G            H-434 3746-1927
Randus, Maggie              Schumann, Oliver R          E-417 2360-1917 
lankin, Lela R              Conley, William E           H-426 3738-1927 
Raser, Betty                Kruss, Towald               G-617 4430-1933
Rash, Elsie E               Catron, Roy L               F-89 2616-1919
Rasmussen, Fred             Laeger, Ruth C              G-357 4169-1931
Rasmussen, Pauline          Haile, Sanford B            G-390 4201-1931
Rathbum, Charles W          Taylor, Helen               F-139 2665-1919
Rathburn, Marie W           Proper, Lester A            H-197 3509-1925
Rathsack, Victor H          King, A Ruth                F-284 2810-1920
Rau, Peter                  Eberhardt, Mary (Mrs)       G-601 4414-1933
Rawley, Clarence A          Behm, Helen H               H-480 3792-1928 
Ray, Elgin D                Hathaway, Isabelle J        F-597 3123-1922
Ray, Thomas Jefferson       Ealy, Callie                F 460 2986-1921
Rayer, (Rayer), Eva B       Bateman, James H            H-118 3431-1924
Raymer, John L              Comer, Hallie L             F-558 3084-1921
Raynor, Sylvester V         Kirkpatrick, Myrtle M       E-16 1959-1914
Read, Charles M             Bennett, Hazel B            F-398 2924-1920
Real, James A               Simier, Mary                F-243 2769-1920
Reams, John M               Smith, Kate Davenport (Mrs) F-142 2668-1919
Reck, Laura H (Mrs)         Peterson, Edward T          F-536 3062-1921
Rector, Alice               Mann, William               H-494 3806-1928
Red Feather, Anna           Buffalo, Frank Good         H-295 3607-1926
Red Hawk, Susie             Sierna, Joseph              F-25 2552-1918 
Reddish, Beulah R           Grove, Philip F             F-328 2854-1920
Reddish, Edith              Anderson, Lyle M            F-158 2684-1919
Redfern, Montgomery         Snow, Arvilla               F-336 2862-1920
Redfern, Olive M            Chalfan, Thomas 0           H-437 3749-1927
Redfish, Elizabeth          Shop, Rogers N M            G-212 4024-1930
Redinbaugh, Myrtle          Elliott, Morbis D           F-374 2900-1920
Reed, Alta E                Muck, Merrel E              G-202 4014-1930
Reed,Charles D              Lunbury, Ethel Wilson (Mrs) E-376 2319-1917
Reed, Clara                 Casteel, ida                H-337 3649-1927
Reed,Lynn C                 Harrenstoh, Bertha          E-72 2015-1915
Reed,Nellie E               Ludington, Clyde            E-458 2401-1917
Reed,Olga M                 Gwinn, Bert E               F-149 2675-1919
Reed,Ruth                   Dougherty, Lee              G-359 4171-1931
Reed,Vivian                 Coly, Glen D                H-338 3650-1927
Rees, Bertha (Mrs)          Church, W Brown             E-461 2404-1917
Reese,Anna                  Basker, James L             F-387 2913-1920
Reeves, Leonard F           Serbausek, Bessie           F-615 3140-1922
Reeves, Marie V             Phillips, William E         F-485 3011-1921
Reeves, R. B.               Marvin, Lucy F              F-461 2987-1921
Reeves, Sylvia M            Sampson, Ross E             H-381 3693-1927
Regester, Vern E            Stolts/Stotts, Lydia        E-54 1997-1914
Rehder Jr, Fred W           Wessel, Jennie H            H-169 3481-1925
Rehder, Helen H             Eaton, Albert H             H-26 3340-1923
Rehder, John H              Nobb, Amanda                E-317 2260-1916
Rehder, Julius              Milstrey, Bertha A          F-324 2850-1920
Reid, Lodenia               Coy, Loren E                F-128 2654-1919
Reid, Mildred L             Jones, Walter J             G-17 3187-1922
Reid, Vera C                Marvell, Orrie 8            F-510 3036-1921
Reid, Wayne E               Tumer, Margaret T           G-569 4382-1933
Reidler, Walter E           Cronk, Bonnie A             G-326 4138-1931
Reigle, Eva                 Long,PaulC                  H-534 3846-1928
Reigle, Irene E             Phillips, Roy F             H-307 3619-1926
Reinders, Jessie G          Miller, Roy W               F-627 3152-1922
Reinoehl/Reinohl, Ruth      Nance, Frank                F-153 2679-1919
Reitnour, Fern A            Connelly, Martha            E-173 2116-1915
Reizenstein, Aleck          Ring, Letha                 H-625 3937-1929
Renick, Marie               Baird, Hugh S               G-604 4417-1933
Rensvold, Hilda C           Meade, Guy G                F-414 2940-1920
Reppel, Henry               Bathhauer, Lydia            G-41 3211-1922
Retherford, Lilly           Zapfen, Joseph              F-357 2883-1920 
Retke, Elsie                Gruhn, Emil                 G-309 4121-1930
Rexford, Wallace E          Mets, Pearl M               V-334 2830-1920
Reynolds, Emma G            Holcomb, Ernest             E-564 2506-1918
Reynolds, LeRoy 0           Price, Ethel C              E-436 2379-1917
Reynolds, Robert S          Logan, Doris E              H-541 3953-1928
Rhyan, Susie E              Hodges, Russell B           F-160-2686-1919
Rice, Clara Irene           Rust, Hall W                H-537 3949-1928
Rice, Hazel                 Martin, Charles E           E-430 2373-1917
Rice, Helen R               Beckwith, Blaine Gordon     F-86 2612-1919
Rice, Minnie                Rosetta, Harold E           F-366 2892-1920
Rice, Minnie May            Boon, Filmore M             E-119 2062-1915
Rice, Ruth J                Black, Eugene V             F-315 2841-1920
Rice, Shirley               Barclay, Lou Ella Morris (Miss) E-529 2471-1918
Rice, Walter                McKinney, Rhoda             F-382 2908-1920
Rice, Wayne W               Lee, Rowena M               G-329 4141-1931
Richard, Frank R            Crump, Madeline G (Mrs)     G-481 4292-1932
Richards, Agnes             Brumley, Luther C           E-196 2139-1915
Richards, Anna M            Hendryx, Harry C            H-201 3513-1925
Richards, Chloe             Wilt, Glen F                F-248 2774-1920
Richardson, Bertha J        DeBord, George T            E-47 1990-1914
RichaTdson, Lawrence E      Worden, Clara               F-106 2632-1919
Rickell, Bertha E           Squibb, Charles L           H-74 3388-1924
Rickertson, Henry W         Heath, Edna Mae             G-465 4276-1932
Ricket, Laura M (Mrs)       Evans, Thomas K             G-93 3263-1923
Ricketts, Burley            Tritle, Maverne             H-590 3902-1929
Riddle, Edgar E             Husted, Gladys              E-480 2423-1917 
Rider, Bernice G            Randall, Walter L           H-434 3746-1927
Rider, Hazel 8              Hood, Robert J              H-507 3819-1928
Ridgeway, Lola I            Keller, Chloe E             F-310 2836-1920
Ridgeway, Maude             Keeler, Guy A               F-371 2897-1920
Rieper, Anna D              Sherlock, Patrick L         G-548 4361-1933
Rietveld, John H            Norbeck, Esther             F-54 2580-1918
Riggins, Gerald A           Roland, Anna K              H-44 3358-1924
Rightmire, Lucille L        Franey, Earl N              H-321 3633-1927
Riley, Agnes F              Coypons, Williams F         E-482 2425-1917
Riley,John W                Pearman, Nevada S           F-102 2628-1919
Rindle, Geo A               Brennen, Elsie A (Mrs)      E-67 2010-1915
Ring, Edith                 Goodrich, Hile              H-510 3822-1928
Ring,Letha                  Reizenstein, Aleck          H-625 3937-1929
Ring,Minnie E               Anderson, Walter            E-81 2024-1915
Ringer, Ethel M             Howard, Lloyd L             F-281 2807-1920
Ringer, James M             Schipper, Florence M        F-270 2796-1920
Ringleben, Frank L          Osbome, Josephine           E-141 2084-1915
Ringleben, Frank L          Borsalon, Josephine         E-141 2084-1915
Ringsby, Lorine W           Williamson, William F       G-513 4324-1932
Riny, Minnie E              Anderson, Walter            E-81 2024-1915
Riordan, Eleanor            Bixby, Laurence Y           H-360 3672-1927
Ritchey, Sina A (Mrs)       Dubs, Louis                 H-77 3391-1924
Ritchie, Lury L             Keffer, George              H-258 3570-1926
Ritter, John S              McKinney, Mary              E-307 2250-1916
Ritter, Prissley            McKinney, Mabel             E-324 2267-1916
Rizer, Mabel M              Hamilton, James D           H-589 3901-1929
Rizzi, Norena               Wheeler, Robert o           G-312 4124-1930
Robb, Burney E              Mishek, Emma L              H-174 3486-1925
Robberts, Lola P            Osborn, Willis A            G-85 3255-1923
Robbins, Dora               Swanson, Otto               H-245 3557-1926
Robbins, Fred C             McFerorr, Hattie            E-157 2100-1915
Robbins, Joseph S           Atz, Florence               E-409 2352-1917
Robbins, Thomas             Pierce, Vivian D            H-320 3632-1927
Robbins, Walter A           Grace, Lola M               F-610 3135-1922
Robenthaler, George h       Burke, Ann                  G409 4220-1931
Roberts, Anna               Wilson, Oliver Vern         E-156 2099-1915
Roberts, Blanche L          Tackey,John M               H-612 3924-1929
Roberts, Glen L             Suddeth, Faye N (Mrs)       H-212 3524-1926
Roberts, Jennie V.          Winslow, Clifford W.        F-24 2551-1918
Roberts, Myrtle             Gusman, Emer                H-35 3349-1923
Roberts, Opal               Cox, Russet                 F-635 3160-1922
Roberts, Russell            Deitchler, Laura            H-441 3753-1927
Roberts, Wayn) J            Haynes, Lois V              G-606 4419-1933
Robinson, Albert E          Drake, Martha               E-295 2238-1916
Robinson, Arthur L          Davis, Hazel M              E-33 1976-1914
Robinson, Bessie M          Jones, Roger L              F-211 2737-1919
Robinson, George C          Sundermejer, Viola          G-536 4347-1932
Robinson, Homer E (8?)      Tubbs,Pearl W               F-441 2967-1920
Robinson, Thomas J          Eastburn, Jessie            F-400 2926-1920 
Robinson, Wesley            Valentine, Hazel            E-534 2474-1918
Roby, Hazel V               Dunbar, Robert H            H-47 3361-1924
Roby, Maudia Lousadie       Sauha, Sabasi Tono          F-205 2731-1919
Rochford, Mary              Schonard, John              E-294 2237-1916
Rockey, Albertina           Piester, Robert             E-11 1954-1914
Rockey, Alice H             Lewis, Lyndell W            F-282 2808-1920
Rockey, Dale                Plauausky, Alice            G-638 4451-1933
Rockey, Hazel L             Farrell, Josep h E          F-218 2744-1919
Rockey, Mable               Hazelton, Claude            F-537 3063-1921-
Rockwell, Cora A            O'Brien, George E           F-200 2726-1919
Rodell, Steve               Ogle, Frances               H-609 3921-1929
Rodgers, Francis Marie      Wright Jr, John C           G-232 4044-1930
Rodgers, Herman             Henson, Cora                G-383 4194-1931
Rodren, Joe                 Thanez?, Guadalupe          E-576 2518-1918
Rodriquez, Felicitas        Perez, Geramina             F-35l 2877-1920
Rodwell, Francis B          Baldwin, Murill A           G-627 4440-1933
Roe, Hope R                 Carrithers, Gale H          H-592 3904-1929
Roe, James L                Davis, Edna Josephine       E-130 2073-1915
Roe, Mary E (Mrs)           Brittain, Harry M           H-143 3455-1925
Roe, Paul E                 Underwood, Mary E           F-478 3004-1921
Roe, Wilma Ernestine        Evans, Virgil T             H-464 3776-1928
Roebuck, Florence           Will, John                  H-551 3863-1928
Roes, Henry J               Gasselling, Caroline F      E-453 2396-1917
Roes, Mary                  Christensen, Magnus C       H-476 3788-1928
Roes, Pauline               Christensen, EinerlEjner C  E-385 2328-1917
Roes, Wm                    Gasseling, Minnie           E-242 2185-1916
Roezelf, Laroy              Smith, Mary Nora            F-317 2843-1920
Roff, Ray                   Evens, Gertrude             E-539 2481-1918
Rogers, Ruth                Morrison, Clyde             H-215 3527-1926
Rahrback, Christina         Marker, Conrad              E-79 2022-1915
Rohrbauch, Chris            Fredrick, Bertha            F-256 2782-1920
Rohrbauck, Matilda          Allen, Elmer F              F-391 2917-1920
Rohrbouck, Jacob B          McIntosh, Mary L            F-588 3114-1921
Roland, Anna K              Riggins, Gerald A           H-44 3358-1924
Roland, Bertha              Hucke, Vern F               F-125 2651-1919
Roland, Elmer J             Annen,Edna C                H-4I 3355-1924
Roiand, Neitie 6            Hetherington, Arlington I   E-554 2496-1918
Ro)and, Vera                Deitchier, Harry            G-432 4243-1932
Roley, Charles E            Shabram, Anna               H-626 3938-1929
Rom, Joseph F               Harrinqton, Beulah          E-225 2168-1916
Romer, Mabel                Klemke, Albert              G-277 4089-1930
Ronzo, Zilpha               Fosdick, Ward F             G-297 4109-1930
Roof, Iva V Kline (Mrs)     Akeson, William A           F-292 2818-1920
Rooker, Chesiev W           Morris, Bertha V            E-65 2008-1915
Root, Harry R               Wilson, Bernice M           H-231 3543-1926
Root, Josephine (Mrs)       Brus, Henry                 G-486 4297-1932
Rosaies/Roselez, Eloisa     Gonzalez, John              F-213 2739-1919
Rose, Bailey H              Hawes, Ruth L               G-63 3233-1923
Rose, Rose L                Williams, James C           E-407 2350-1917
Rose,Tesa                   Hisey, Edwin R              F-71 2597-1919
Roseberry, Paul T           Boyer, Marie V              G-288 4100-1930
Loselius, Charles H         Squibb, Naomi E             H-522 3834-1928
Rosenberger, Earnest E      Mosher,Florence H           E-25 1968-1914
Rosenfelt, Daisie R (Mrs)   Longer, Frank W             F-186 2712-1919
Rosetta, Harold E           Weller, Minnie              F-366 2892-1920
Ross, Elizabeth Dumbleburger  Eastbum, Frank            E-536 2478-1918
Ross, Evelyn M              Aldrich Jr, Chester H       E-194 2137-1915
Ross, Gwen I                Porter, Forest C            G-244 4056-1930
Ross, Mary Grace            Hoffman, Elmer Harry        E-10 1953-1914
Ross, Rollin A              Hembry, Ethel M             F-305 2831-1920
Ross, Samuel P              Loomis, Frances             H-323 3635-1927
Rossa, Adam F               Pray, Grace M               F-531 3057-1921
Rosvar, Frank W             Stumf, Josephine R          H-158 3470-1925 
,Roth, Albert E             Hansen, MaTie C             F-239 2765-1919
Roth, Emma                  Boyle, John E               F-356 2882-1920
Roth, Frank J               Griffith, Opal M            G-278 4090-1930
Roth, Gladys M              Hyland, Pearl W             H-633 3945-1929
Roth, Lillian A             Lyman, Theron A             E-368 2311-1917
Rofter, Minnie J (Mrs)      Pavieff,Ellis               E-14 1957-1914
Rounsborg, Anton            Smith, May D (Mrs)          F-207 2733-1919
Rousseau, Clyde J           Bowman, Frances A           E-145 2088-1915
Rowe, Frank 0               Vance, Lura L               E-202 2145-1915
Rowley, Edith               Furman, Anson L             E-569 2511-1918
Rowley, Frank G             Russell, Myrtle I           H-394 3706-1927
Royes, Filomena             Ramos, Graciano             H-100 3413-1924
Rubottom, Maud              Loomis, Samuel H            G-305 4117-1930
Rubottom, Ruth              Staley, James               G-582 4395-1933
Rubottom, Thompson J        Hickman, Mary               G-475 4286-1932
irubottom, Violet M         Shoopman, Henry A           H-431 3743-1927
Rudd, Estelle M             Sauerwein, Jacob            E-195 2138-1915
Ruddick, Mary (Mrs)         Breckner, William L         H-153 3465-1925
Rudyard, Sarah              Thorpe, William H           F-69 2595-19i9
Ruffato, Attleo B           Burke, Alice M              G-618 4431-1933
Ruland, Henry W             Ballard, Helen              G-535 4346-1932
Run Close to Lodge, Anna (Mrs)Buffalo, Frank Good       H-295 3607-1926
Runyan, Esther A            Evan, William B             H-457 3769-1928
Runyan, Glenn E             Stewart, Emma E             E-558 2500-1918
Rupp, Edward                Cunningham, Irene           G-299 4111-1930
Rush, Elbert G              Mooney, Arminta A           F-637 3162-1922
Rush, Fred R                Burch, Bernice              G-623 4436-1933
Rusk, Harold                Huchinson, Margaret         H-639 3951-1929
Rusmesil, Robet L           Hull, Florence R            G-399 4210-1931
Rusmisel, Marjorie G        Dugger, Albert G            H-270 3582-1926
Russell, Earl               Mallerv, Doris M            G-584 4397-1933
Russell, Edna               Hall, John                  G-253 4065-1930
Russell, Ethyl              LaFieur, Harry              E-271 2214-1916
Russell, Francis W          Lanning, Irene E            G-191 4003-1929
Russell, Marvin G           Cottrell, Ruth B            H-334 3646-1927
Russell, Myrtle I           Rowley, Frank G             H-394 3706-1927
Rust, Arthur W              Schulze, Frieda             G-227 4039-1930
Rust, Clyde R               Gilleran, Frances            E-444 2387-1917
Rust, Eleanor               Foster, Frank               E-285 2228-1916
Rust, Elsie (Mrs)           Smith, Harry I              F-618 3143-1922
Rust, Hall W                Rice, Clara Irene           H-537 3849-1928
Rust, Henry A               Hodgkinson, Nellie          E-577 2519-1918
Rust. Joseph R              Bauer, Elsa Marie           E-474 2417-1917
Rust, Virginia              Cunningham, Clay B          F-451 2977-1921
Ruud, Gunda K               York, Edwin F               F-85 2611-1919
Ryan, Dennis P              Twiliger, Maude E           F-344 2870-1920
Ryan, Henry T               Carpenter, Bessie I         F-196 2722-1919
Ryan, Irene C (Mrs)         Strick, Andrew              F-509 3035-1921
Ryan, Lillian M             Graham, Bert E              E-497 2440-1917
Ryan, Mary M                Jackson, Victor L           F-540 3066-1921
Ryan, Maudie A              Phillips, William E         G-602 4415-1933
Ryan, Thomas M              Albright, Ruby              E-584 2526-1918
Ryder, Kate                 Meyer, Henry                E-472 2425-1917
Rynoldson, Gertrude McKee (Mrs)Hoagland, Frank          F-241 2767-1919
  Book 2 Marriage Index

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