April  2006


April Meeting 10 April 2006  7 P.M.

at the May Museum - 1643 North Nye

Fremont NE

Patty Manhart, Executive Director of the

Museum & Dodge Co Historical Society

will open the Museum to our members.  On display are old maps of the area, old photos, and 20 Plus rooms to walk through and each are filled with information on the

Fremont 150th Anniversary-the SQ 150.



BROWSE NITE is April 24, 2006 at 7 p.m.

Oh my, Claire was impressed and so were the members that atttended the meeting at the library.  The first 21 photos of Nebraska Memories were revealed. The Nebraska Memories is a major heading for all participating communities across Nebraska.  Dodge County's memory heading is "Picture This."  It contains Fremont Public and Business Buildings of early past.  Kate Freeman explained all of the strict guidelines used in completing this large project.  A total of 75 photos have been completed and the stories written for each photo. They must be approved by the State Library Commission in Lincoln, before they can be used.  Every t crossed and i dotted, along with no errors in spelling etc. And folks, even copyrights fit into the picture. This site on Dodge County's project will not be available until later this summer. We will keep you informed as to time of availability.

After this viewing and explanation was complete, we then went into the main library where we were instructed by Linda Francois, on the use of the project scanner. .  The scanner will digitize all the photos and in doing so they can enhance a photo and sometimes when it is done, you find people in windows and in one case it even showed the items on a table inside the home, as the door was open.  ,  Remarkable. 

Our next and final stop was upstairs and Linda Francois demonstrated the use of the new digitized copy/reader.  It involves a regular reader, but when ready for printing, you must make use of a computer, which is next to it. In plain words, the copier is no longer below the reader, with a 'print button' to use.

  THANKS to the both of you for a great evening and demonstrations.

 F-93    Thomas J Buns
            915 Highgate Ln
            Grayslake IL  60030-4120

F-94    Harry H Wagner
           109 Indian Springs Dr
            Kerrville TX  78028-2002


 It was no April fool joke on motorists yesterday when gasoline jumped from 20 ¼  to  22 ¼ cents per gallon, an increase of two cents, as the result of the state gasoline tax going into effect on that date.

By a provision of the law, it is said, farmers using gas in operation of tractors may have the tax rebated by mailing tickets to the state department.

                 From Fremont Herald 02 Apr 1935  8:3


At Grace church the confirmation class consisted of fourteen young people, as follows:

Max Bartling                                        Beulah Brandt

Dorothy Ehninger                                Gladys Fauss

Iona Fauss                                            June Heller

Margaret Kusel                                   Clayton Liston

Lolita Liston                                         Harold Livers

Mildred Schwab                                  Margaret Thedens

Mildred Thedens                                 Vyrlie Uehling


                From Hooper Sentinel  05 Apr 1928  1:2

BOOK 11 - APRIL 1906

John W Ziebel to Mrs Norah E Zeibel on 02 April
Leroy R Holtz to Myrtle E Kissell on 10 April
Raymond L Papan to Maude Dennison on 11 April
Edwin J Holtz to Eva Snyder on 12 April
Otto W Gaeth to L Maud Brugh on 15 April
William C Baum to Mary L Hrabak on 18 April
Fred Thielen to Emma E Dierks on 18 April
John Zuigg to Blanche Wilson on 25 April
David A Harris to Ana M Staver on 28 April
F'rank F Wetzel to Mrs Hattie Clark on 28 April



  Fremont's Easter weddings did not materialize in any great number, but the one or two we did have, were very interesting.  On April 18th, at the home of the groom, Miss Emma Dierks and Mr Fred Thielen, were joined in matrimony.  The bride is a highly respected young lady of Saunders county, and the groom, son of Mr and Mrs John Thielen, is a young man who has spent his boyhood in the city and attained a promising manhood here.

  The ceremony was preceded by the strains of the wedding march, rendered by Miss Mattie Reynolds, and the bridal couple took their places amidst cream and pink roses, carnations and lilies.  The bride's gown was fashioned of soft gray silk, forming a pretty back ground for the shower of bride's roses she carried.  Rev Foskett, pastor of the Baptist church, officiated, using the double ring ceremony.

  After the impressive moments, the party was served a five course dinner, the dining room being decorated in pink and white carnations, the library in cream and white roses, and the parlors in lilies and hydrangeas.  Only the immediate relatives were present.  In the afternoon the bridal couple left, expect to be at home after June 1 at the pretty little cottage built for the groom on East third street.

                Fremont Tribune 22 Apr 1906  5:2,3

 New on the bookshelf

 We thank Charles J Klitz for remembering our society. He presented a Dodge Criterion newspaper of their Centennial Edition.  It is quite interesting reading and may help someone seeking out family information.   Now if someone will step forward and ask to index the newspaper, it would be a great volunteering job.

 Mr Klitz also presented a one-page story on the history of the Purple Cane cemetery and also a 10 page story on the St Patrick's church of Clyde and Dublin(both NE)



Main Street and Elkhorn Avenue Principal Business Corner, Townsite Covers Forty Acres.


  A plat of the new town of Winslow, being the first stop on the Sioux City & Western north of Fremont, has been filed in the office of Register of Deeds John O'Connor.

  The townsite covers forty acres which, with the railroad right-of-way, take up the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section No 22, township No 19, range No 8, Dodge County.  The railroad passes in northeasterly and southwesterly directions through the east half.

  There are sixteen blocks, five east and west streets and three north and south avenues.  The east and west streets are named beginning at the north as follows:  Willow, Nebraska, Main, Logan and South.  The north and south avenues beginning at the west are named Elkhorn, Dodge and Washington.

The principal business corner, according to the plat, is at Main street and Elkhorn avenue.

  Noted in the Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune 5 Apr 1906  3:5


News from CROWELL

   The program and box social given by the Crowell school Friday evening was fairly well attended.  However, the boxes did not sell as good as expected, the highest price being $1.50.  The program given in connection with the social was excellent and as a whole did not receive the patronage which this social deserves.

         From Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune 05 Apr 1906  3:2

Copyright 2002-2007 Claire Mares

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