AUGUST  1999
Noted in many of the Nebraska newspapers


Getting a copy of your birth certificate will cost you less on July 1st.  On that date, the charge for certified copies of all vital records - birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates will decrease by $2. 

The fees for records was raised four years ago to pay for the automation of Nebraska vital records system.  A new optical imaging system allowed the records of Nebraskans’ vital events to be transferred from paper to computer discs holding images of 1.6 million certificates.  The new system is speedier, less costly to maintain and takes up  less space. 

Effective July 1st, the new fees for certified copies of birth certificates will be $8.  For copies of death, marriage and divorce certificates, the cost will be $7. 

To get copies, send the correct fee with the name, date, and place of birth, information about parents, and a copy of your driver’s license for identification to Vital Statistics, P O Box 95065, Lincoln NE 68509-5065. 

Copies can also be ordered over the Internet at:

One article stated further that the old system was outdated and presented storage problems. 

Renee’s Internet Connection hasn’t been discontinued. She has the summer months off, Claire doesn’t want to work her too hard.  Either September or October her articles will appear. 

 Noted in the Hebron Journal-Register under date of 30 Jun 1899 under FROM OUR FILES, this item was noted 


Not all the romance of life is within the covers of books, as evidenced by the long separation of a family of children from England, soon to be reunited in Nebraska.   Among the children sent to Hebron nine years ago by the Children’s Aid Society of New York City, to be adopted into homes, was a boy known as Ernest Kreel, who was adopted by C J Deming living northwest of Hebron.  The boy has now grown to manhood, and desiring to know something of his parentage wrote for information to the Children’s Home in New York City.  From there he was instructed to write to a given address in England.  He wrote and received a reply informing him that he was not an orphan as supposed and that his correct name was Ernest Keel - not Kreel; that he with an older sister and two brothers were sent from England to the Children’s Home in New York City; that his sister is living in Beatrice and one brother is at Smyrna, Nuckolls County, while the other brother is in the Army.  All this is very pleasing to Mr Keel, and Mr & Mrs Deming have very kindly written to the brother and sister to come to their home for a reunion with their brother Ernest, which is certain to be a happy occasion.  (I’ll bet that was a great reunion, back in those days.) 

Fremont Weekly Herald 5 Mar 1887  4:1

  John McBride, O’Neill; Jerry Tucker, Chadron; Judge A M Post and Frank J North  Columbus; C P Treat, Chicago, were at the New York Hotel. 
  E T Borkenhagen, Scribner; G H Mack, Columbus; W F Post, Mo Valley; L C Dunn, Council Bluffs; J L Baker, West Point, at the Eno Hotel. 


 The Dodge County Fair will run August 4 - 8, 1999.  ENGS will again judge the 4-H Section of Know Your Heritage.  There is some terrific talent out there in the youth, they deserve the credit they receive.  We will again honor the Best of Show Plaque to the person selected from our judging.  The plaque, itself, is in the shape of Nebraska and contains a special Best of Show, Dodge County Fair on it and our original logo is also included on the plaque.  The tree on the logo was designed by Mae Ritthaler, who passed away in 1998.  Mae also helped us with the judging.  The majority of the entries are forwarded to the Nebraska State Fair.  STOP by and view the entries-the judging is on August 4th. 

GERMAN CHURCH BOOKS (Beyond the Basics) 
  by Kenneth L Smith-donated by Marlene Heinsohn 

9th Edition Handybook for Genealogist by Everton Publishers Inc - 1999 


  It would hardly occur to present resident of this city, and particularly not to those of us who have arrived here within the past twenty or thirty years, that in the earlier history of Fremont the principal business section of town was actually located south of the tracks in what is known as Jensen’s and Turner’s addition.  But such seems to have been the case, as a Herald reporter has verified this week in interviews with Abraham C Jensen, who is a son of the late Andrew C Jensen, father of Jensen’s addition and L P Larson, who opened a general store in that then promising part of town long about 1876. 
  Abraham Jensen is not the first white child born in Fremont, though he is doubtless one of the first, his birth having taken place here fifty-five years ago, in 1867.  As may be imagined, this man’s father, Andrew C Jensen, was one of the number who “got in on the ground floor” in Fremont, as the saying goes.  He acquired title to quite a parcel of land south of the railroad tracks, and it is very interesting to know, according to the best recollection of the son, that this pioneer received this fractional piece of eighty or a hundred acres of land in exchange for a mere yoke of oxen. 
  Andrew C Jensen was Danish by birth but something of a real frontiersman, so far as his connection with the “Great American Desert” was concerned , for he had been much farther west, where he mixed with the various activities of the real “wild and woolly” before he returned, eastward and settled in Fremont, where he continued active, trading, freighting and selling a city lot occasionally, and reared his family. 
 Even the son, the A C Jensen of our day, carries about with him some very interesting memory pictures of the days of long ago, as one must who was born here and grew up through the wild period of development covered by the seventies and early eighties of the nineteenth century. 
  It was from Mr Jensen that the write learned of the importance of the so-called “southside” of Fremont in the city’s earlier history, which fact was later confirmed in a talk with Mr L P Larson, who, as stated, was himself one of the merchants in that part of town in the day of its zenith of importance.  Prior to 1880  there were two hotels south of the tracks, several grocery or general stores, several saloons, a beer garden and possibly other business places. 
  Mr Jensen testifies that those day were full of roughness and tragedy.  He tells of having witnessed with his own eyes the typically western sight of mounted cowboys coming riding into town and right on into the saloons, where they took their drinks from the bar in the saddle.  Shooting was a common occurrence, according to Mr Jensen, and runaway teams, with more or less serious casualties, were likewise frequent news events of the day.  But, this pioneer native son attests, despite these sharp punctuations in the early life in Fremont, people got along happily enough and paid but little attention to the roughness and the occasional tragedies. 

    Fremont Weekly Herald 17 Nov 1922  1:3,4,5


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