February 2007



12 February 2007  7 p.m.

Mares Meeting Room

1722 East 19-Fremont NE


Program:  DNA-Part II  Spencer Wells: Journey of Man.

 BROWSE NITE  26 Feb 2007  7 p.m.


Thanks Renee for your great program.  Everyone enjoyed the trip to Morocco, your clothing display was very fitting for the program.

The committee thought we should continue with the tape Journey of Man, as it would give us all a greater insight to DNA.  This appears to be the newest idea of tracking down our ancestors.

 Well folks, most people know that Claire loves to use her snow blower, but this year she has turned it over to a neighbor who is very good at cleaning the driveway and the sidewalks.  We have had week-end snows here in Fremont every week-end since the New Year Day. Guess Claire isn't living right, for it really dumps, not just a few flakes, but 4-6 inches.  At this writing, Fremont received 7 inches of new snow.  She is living on the emergency snow route, so the streets are cleaned very early, then it is back to re-cleaning the driveway at the street line.  Spring can come anytime, but wait!  Maybe she should take her decorative sign down, It reads, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!!

Valentine's Day will soon be upon us, you can't miss the date.  All the stores are loaded with valentines, in fact since the day after New Years Day.  Next will come the Easter decor, maybe something for St Patrick's Day in March.


That's strange:  half of my ancestors are WOMEN!
Friends come and go, but relatives tend to accumulate.
I trace my family history so I will know  whom to blame.

Those working in the northwest part of Dodge County or northeast part of Colfax might be interested in the following information!

 HOWELLS BIRTHS  Colfax County Press 10 Apr 1924

 Baby boys came to bless the homes of Mr & Mrs Jos F Kucera and Mr & Mrs Jake Ritzdorf.  Dr Myers had charge of the cases and it is reported that both families are doing real well.

 CLARKSON BIRTHS - Colfax County Press 24 Jul 1924

 Dr Kavan has presented the homes of Anton Vrbicky and Theodore Urbanek, northeast of town, with fine baby girls.

 CLARKSON GRADS - 1924 Colfax County Press 8 May 1924

Graduation exercises will be held for the Class of '24 at the local opera house on the evening of Thursday, May 15.  Hon. A. Z. Donato of Wahoo has been selected to deliver the principal oration.  Preparations are now in full sway for the scholastic event.

 The class is composed of the following:  Lillian Bukacek, Frank Cinfel, Edward Fillipi, Mildred Fillipi, Adeline Franek, Frances Gross, Elizabeth Gross, Clarence Hahn, Richard Jirovec, Agnes Juva, Elinor Noh, Ethel Petr, Helen Pokorny, Rose Prazak, Martha Smejkal, Emilie Swoboda, Josephine Swoboda, Stanley Swoboda and Lawrence Teply.


10 July 1924 Colfax Co Press

Naturalization Examiner Bode of Omaha was in Schuyler in the official capacity of filing petitions for naturalization.  Petitions were filed for the following applicants:  Mr & Mrs Josephine Kramar of Schuyler; Mrs Rose Mary Havlik of near Clarkson; Frank Steffel of near Dodge.  This now makes twelve petitions pending in the district court of Colfax County.  Petitions will be heard on Nov 12, 1924.

                        20 February 1930-Colfax Co Press

Term of district court in and for Colfax county, Nebraska convened with the Honorable Louis Lightner of Columbus, as the presiding judge.

  Full citizenship was granted to the following persons:

Mrs Tillie Glosner, Clarkson; Karl Friederick Ott, Leigh; George Hanges, Schuyler; Theo Louis Glauser, Schuyler; Miss Louise Dibelka, Schuyler; James P Kvetensky, Clarkson.

  Germany, Greece, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia were the countries represented at the hearings.  Judge Lightner very highly complimented the petitioners on their excellent preparation for the necessary examination on governmental affairs.


BOOK 11 FEB 1907


William Goldsmith Athey to Myrtle V Perkins on 02 Feb

Joseph Mahel to Maggie Slemmer on 04 Feb

Adolph Andersen to Camilla Petersen on 05 Feb

Charley Henry Schnoor to Louise A Sasse on 05 Feb

Charles M Greenlee to Stella Francy on 06 Feb

Charles Misfeldt to Olive M Tobler on 12 Feb

Fredrick R Ehricke to Violet Dickey on 12 Feb

R Chesley Healy to Mamie F Johnson on 14 Feb

Reuben Ritthaler to Alice Hager on 14 Feb

Joseph Ashenbrenner to Mrs Anna Schooley on 14 Feb

Paul Kruger to Wilhelmina F Loehding on 18 Feb

Charles H H Spies to Alice L Adams on 20 Feb

Ralph M Holbrook to Alice B Gibson on 20 Feb

Edward F Cain to Mayme W Sours on 20 Feb

John Stull to Sina Jorgensen on 20 Feb

Fred Rose to Dora Kortum on 21 Feb

Thomas E Jones to Anna Marie Stager on 22 Feb

Andrew C Johnsen to Clara J Rauch on 23 Feb

Murl Closson to Lydia Warner on 25 Feb

Willard Henry Rogers to Mary Kroeger on 25 Feb

Louis F Blasak to Christene B Feer on 26 Feb

Frank Delmar Lucke to Laura M Hill on 27 Feb


  Miss Alice B Gibson and Ralph M Holbrook were quietly married at high noon Tuesday.  The ceremony took place at the bride's home at Fourteenth and C Streets in the presence of a company of fifty relatives, being performed by Rev Dr John A Spyker, pastor of the First Methodist church.  Tho quiet, the nuptial event was an exceedingly pretty one.  The rooms were attractively decorated with cut flowers and ferns, and the appointments were in good taste.  At the appointed hour the couple marched unattended downstairs, thru the front hall to the parlor.  They were met at the foot of the stairs by Dr Spyker who preceded them to a corner which had been converted into a leafy bower of ferns.  Mrs Merrill Holbrook presided at the piano and sounded the strains of a wedding march.  The bride was becomingly attired in steel gray silk.  The groom was garbed in the conventional black.

   Immediately following the nuptial service the guests were served a delicious wedding dinner.  Twenty-six were served at a time at two long tables, at one of which the newly married couple, their parents and closest relatives, and Dr Spyker occupied places.  The table decorations were cut flowers and the wedding cake formed the centerpiece.  The young couple will make their home on a farm near Hooper.

        Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune 26 Feb 1907  3:5


26 Feb 1891 page 6

Some people say "the nearest way home is the farthest way around," So thought a young couple the other night when they started for home - a distance of one mile - and concluded they would go a three miles journey.  But they found it to their sorrow, for the snow was so deep that the road was impassable with their vehicle, hence they had to borrow a lumber wagon to finish their trip, a distance of one mile.  Time in snow - four hours.

24 Feb 1891      Purple Cane News


Contact: Renee Bunck -reneebunck@gmail.com

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