14 February 2000  7 p.m.
   Mares Meeting Room-1722 E 19
   Fremont NE-Come join us!

   Program: Trippin’ thru Czechland with
   Nona Wiese.

   Browse nite:  28 February 2000 7 p.m.

Last month - 

David Wells of Omaha presented to our group a very informative program in regard to locating military records pertaining to our ancestors who served in the Civil War.  There are many places to locate these records in many unknown places.

I highly recommend his program to other Genealogical societies who have not had him as a speaker.

We Extend Our Sympathy

To the family of Norma Schutt (society member) who passed away on 27 Dec 1999.

To the family of Illa Jean Laker whose mother Frances Nissen and father Bodolf Nissen passed away on 25 Dec and 22 Dec 1999.

To member Mary Johnson and her family in the loss of her husband, Howard Johnson on 20 Jan 2000.

To member Robert Hasebroock in the loss of his aunt, Meta Hasebroock on Jan 21, 2000.


Doctor Sexton was shelling, and selling his rent corn last week, about 10,000 bushels.

P E Van Horn is kept busy shelling corn.

The largest wedding that ever occurred in this township was at the hoe of Reubin Falconer last Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock.  His daughter, Miss Lulu and Charles Boschult were married, Rev Slothower, of Nickerson, officiating.  Miss Lulu was born and raised on the farm where she was married, and has been teaching music for number of years in this country.  Mr Boschult is a prosperous young farmer living near Nickerson, and was raised in Washington county , near Fontanelle.  His father bought the Phillip Gentzler farm several years ago, and his two sons, Will and Charley, have been farming there for a few years.  About one hundred invitation cards had been sent out, and the good people responded promptly by coming, and bringing many fine presents.  Miss Etta Falconer, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and William Boschult was best man.  The couple will start in married life with flattering prospects, and may their lives be long and happy.  JAG.

Fremont Semi-Wkly Herald 23 Jan 1900  4:1

by Lloyd Hosman for AntiqueWeek dated 2 January 2000 page 17B.
From the first census in 1790 there has existed what may be called the census date.  All questions were to have been answered as of this date.  To begin with, it was the first Monday in August.  Then it was moved to June 1, then April 15 and finally to Jan 1.  Notice the following chart:
Official Date
2 Aug
4 Aug
6 Aug
7 Aug
1 Jun
15 Apr
1 Jan

To illustrate the importance of this, let’s assume that in 1850 the enumerator(census taker) came to a house in mid-August.  In the home was a mother caring for a month old baby.  The baby could not be counted in the census because it had not yet been born on the first of June.  On the other hand, suppose that in the household an individual had died a month before the visit.  That person would be listed in the census as though still living because on June the first he was.

It is especially important to keep this in mind in looking at censuses 1850 and later.  In these, there is a place at the top of each page for the enumerator to enter the date of the visit.  Many assume that the questions were answered as of that visit date, but such was not the case.  Observing the census date can be very helpful in resolving an otherwise puzzling record.


Old Kentucky Entries & Deeds 

by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD
No-Frills Guide to The British Isles
No-Frills Guide to the 50 States & Dist of Columbia
  both by Christina K Schaefer
(they are Instant Info on the Internet!)
Omaha(NE) By Eileen Wirth(1996) 
donated by Ardie Grimes

Ruby Coleman of Valentine NE has the following Web page address: http://incolor.inetnebr.com/rcoleman
  Ruby recently moved from Iowa back to Nebraska and has now established her web page.  Check it out! Ruby has been a member of our society for several years.

Jeff Kappeler loaned a scrapbook of “old goodies” which was kept by Mrs Lottie Rogers. 

Articles from newspapers of late 1890’s thru about 1915 are noted.  Mrs Rogers was a daughter of Rev Isaac Heaton and came to Fremont as a young girl in the 1850’s.  There are handwritten accounts in the book written by Mrs Rogers, and in some cases family history on early pioneers.  Needless to say, Claire will make use of some of the vast information in future quarterlies and the newsletters.  Thanks Jeff!

One such news article from the Rogers scrapbook dated 1911:

Electroliers in 1874 - Councilman Henry Hoelsher had a picture of a typical scene on one of Fremont’s business streets in 1874.  It is a photo of a crowd in front of the old European hotel building and shows plainly the old frame buildings, the unpaved roads and the old kerosene street lights and “electroliers of 1874”, as Mr Hoelscher termed them when showing the picture to the council last evening.

Cheryl Baker          F-28
5951 Meinhardt Rd
Westminster CA  92683-2428
Judy Czarnecki     F-29
904 S Canyon Blvd #A
Monrovia CA  91016
Raymond E Jefferies     F-30
204 East L St
Ogallala NE  69153-2815
Michael Harms       F-31
1413 Devens Dr
Brentwood TN  37027

(Note:  to new and old members, we need your + four code including the regular zip code-check your address and if missing, please send it, your label will have a red*)



William Lass-Mary Peters on Feb 1
Robert A Cameron-Alice Brittendahl on Feb 1
Charles D Simmons-May Dickerson on Feb 3
Edward F Holmes-Ida Eads on Feb 5
Henry Tank-Rosa Knoell on Feb 6
Diedrich G Stolle-Mrs Caroline Herreilers on Feb 6
Herman Harnisch-Lizzie Lehman on Feb 6
Marious Jorgensen-Matilda A Rasmussen on Feb 7
Edward M Havens-Esther V Bradbury on Feb 7
John Kortum-Ricka Stoltenberg on Feb 9
William D Acor-Mrs Emma Chinburg on Feb 10
Nicolaus Suhr-Matilda Ellinghausen on Feb 13
Fred Ruegge-Ida Schroeder on Feb 14
Richard Hinebaugh-Rebecca Eggers on Feb 14
Henry Hasebroock-Mary Luecking on Feb 15
Heinrich Schneider-Mary Roder on Feb 15
William T Banghart-Maud V Parrish on Feb 18
William J Baldwin-Nancy Beaumont on Feb 19
Henry Wulf-Carrie Studt on Feb 21
Mark Longacre-Martha Stoltenberg on Feb 21
John K Bell-Vina Brennan on Feb 21
James W Bryan-Ella Moody on Feb 21
John D  Schroeder-Minnie Raasch on Feb 22
Ignatius J Gallagher-Mary J Brogan on Feb 26
August C Ladehoff-Augusta M Dunker on Feb 27
Henry Meier-Minnie Thernes on Feb 28 
by Renee Bunck

For those of you who do not have Internet access, I thought you might like to see what our Dodge County NEGenWeb site looks like.  The “picture” below is the top of the main page.  This page serves as an index to the rest of the Dodge County site, lists a count of web “visitors”, offers links to ENGS newsletters and the Czechs in NE index, provides an opportunity to read or enter a query, search the entire Dodge County site, connect to web sites for surrounding NE counties, or search the USGenWeb archives for any state.  Links to other genealogy related sites and local Dodge County sites are also included.

The latest addition to the information available online is an index to Fremont’s Ridge Cemetery.  This index, typed by Claire Mares joins complete listings for 11 smaller cemeteries in Dodge County.  Thank you, Claire, for producing this index for our web site!  We do have several cemeteries to be typed and proofed if you have time to help with our project. 

According to the counter on the initial page, we have had over 10,000 visitors to the Dodge County site since Nov 11, 1997.  In that period, 205 queries have been posted and indexed by surname. 

Here are some of the latest queries - 

#202 OldWare@aol.com    Tue, 14 Dec 1999 
I am researching Mrs. Catherine Ann Troutt who settled in Dodge County, North Bend Nebraska sometime around  the 1880's she was a widowed mother with several children, including twins. She may have come to Nebraska with family, her maiden name was Hull. 

#203 Patricia Kurtz (pekurtz@cecomet.net) Mon, 27 Dec 
Inquiring regarding any information on Robert Habich (Habick) born in Fremont, Dodge County, NE in 1874.  He was my grandfather.

#204 Tammy Wild  (Famtree007@aol.com)   Wed, 29 Dec 
I'm researching  ECKROAT(E) & WINKAMP families.  Jacob D. ECKROATE & Barbara "Barby" KLEISS (both buried in Pleasant View Cem).  Had 7 children. ECKROAT Web page: http://eckroat.homepage.com 

#205 Linda Brink (JelenBrink@aol.com)     Fri, 31 Dec 
Searching for ancestors of Thomas & Edith SOUTHWELL for the purpose of compiling family history.  One of their children, Olive Viola  married William T. RUMP, and they resided in Fremont, NE.  I would like to correspond with any descendant to up-date the SOUTHWELL files, and I would share whatever information that I have gathered on this family. 

Maybe you can help someone in their search or connect with someone researching the same line.  If you do not have access to email and you would like to contact one of the people who posted a query, I would be glad to send your message for you.  Just write down your message and bring it to an ENGS meeting or mail it to ENGS  PO box 541 attn: Renee Bunck.  For those of you who live near Fremont, we will try to keep a current printout of the queries and surnames in the ENGS library for reference. 

Internet access is usually available at your public library.  If you don’t have access at home, don’t let that keep you from locating online clues to your family history.  In Fremont, Keene Memorial library has several computers available for “web surfing/research”.  If you need help getting started, library personnel are available.  Our ENGS web site, located on Connect Fremont can be a helpful place to start.  It offers a links to the Dodge County NEGenWeb site, the USGenWeb site along with links to a variety of helpful genealogy sites.

New/updated sites to check out:

The Internet site that hosts most of USGenWeb, www.rootsweb.com,  has expanded to offer a number of genealogy and non-genealogy areas.  Of special interest is the new World Connect project that provides space for GEDCOM files.  GEDCOM files are concise Genealogical Data COMmunication files that can be used to transfer family information from one genealogy program to another.  Most genealogy software offers the option to create or read a GEDCOM file.  Free space is being offered to house these files for genealogists and make them easily searchable by other researchers.  Rootsweb does not claim ownership of these files – they can be removed at any time by the submitter.  To protect the privacy of living subjects, researchers are encouraged not to include anyone born less than 100 years ago.  Connect to Rootsweb and look up a few names to get a feel for the type of information included.

A new site - not hosted by Rootsweb, 


is provided by the publisher of a new Genealogy magazine that should soon be available on the newsstands.  On this site, you can read some of the feature articles, subscribe, sample a genealogy tool kit and download research tools, or use the “Super Search” engine to search for family names on a number of web sites. This will be an interesting site to watch as the new publication matures. 


This page was submitted to the Dodge county NEGenWeb site
by Renee Bunck -reneebunck@gmail.com

Return to the Dodge county NEGenWeb site