July 2001

Lorene Thomsen gave us a lovely program on the cemetery tombstones and churches in Denmark and in Germany.  We had a nice crowd.


This has been found in a book on Polish Research and perhaps it will be of benefit to those doing research in Poland.

  January – Styczen
  February – Luty
  March – Marzec
  April – Kwiecien
  May – Maj
  June – Czerewiec
  July – Lipiec
  August – Sierpien
  September – Wrzesien
  October – Pazdziernik
  November – Listopad
  December Grudzien

JULY 1901 – BOOK 9

Edward A Horton to Cora Oberbillig on 2 July
William H Pageler to Mary E Ballard on 3 July
Julius Schmarge to Ella Matz on 3 July
Warren N Brunton to Marion M Carter on 3 July
Chris Rasmussen to Christina Rode on 6 July
John A Feinaigle to Marie M Muller on 10  July
Arthur E Morter to Pearl Twiford on 14 July
George Falconer to Emma Moore on 16 July
James R Burleigh to Dora Tunberg on 24 July
Chris Unkel to Ruby Falconer on 28 July


Wilma L Lorenz  F-53
  235 East 11
    Fremont NE  68025-4225

James A Novotny  F-54
  1240 Glenaire Drive
    Casper WY  82609-3074

A number of members have requested the address of the Allen County Public Library

The Periodical Source Index (PERSI) is compiled from the library’s extensive periodical collections and is a noncirculating facility, however limited research will be done by the staff. 

 Allen County Public Library
 Genealogy Department
 P O Box 2270
 Ft Wayne IN  46801

The library is located at 900 Webstrer St in case you are planning a visit.  If in the area, it is a must research library.

24 Jul 1890

  A young married couple in one of Dodge county’s prosperous and populous little villages were giving their first baby an airing in a newly purchased baby carriage, when they noted a look of amusement on the face of all they passed, which generally ended in a boisterous laugh.  One of them went on ahead to reconnoiter, and as she neared the carriage on her return, her eyes bulged and face flamed as she saw on the front of the carriage a placard which bore the legend, “Our Own Make.”



The Nebraska Mortality Schedules to the 1885 Federal Nebraska State census  Book 1  ADAMS – HOWARD Counties. – compiled by Ruby Coleman. 

While the following books are not a part of ENGS books, Claire will share her two new books:

1 – Eye of the Storm-diaries of Pvt  Robert Knox Sneden  His diaries and illustrations are almost unbelievable.

2 – War Letters from American Wars edited by Andrew Carroll.  Covers letters from the Civil War to the Persian Gulf . 

Day is Celebrated Here in Royal Manner.

All praise to the man who first said let’s celebrate the 4th, and it seemed to be a feeling of that kind that was in the breast of every person who was in Snyder last Saturday to help observe the anniversary of this the nation of nations, our United States.
   The celebration of the 4th of July in Snyder was held last Saturday and it was a safe and sane one in every way, so far as we have been able to learn, there being no accidents of any kind reported.
   After the ball game the following program was carried out:
 Free For All Foot Race
 Tug Of War Snyder vs World
 Bicycle Race Free For All
 Bun Race
 Egg Race
 Slow Bicycle Race
 Wheel Barrow Race
 Boys Race
 Girls Race
Sack Race
Fat Mans Race
Three Legged Race
Cracker eating Race
Old Womens Race
Tub Race

   As to contests, they were the best and were watched by an interested lot of onlookers  .Foot race was won by E Diedrichsen of Hooper, 2nd Walter Schnoor.  The bicycle race won by Herman Seebeck, 2nd by Max Sasse. 

     The funniest contest was the bun eating race.  This is a contest in which a string is stretched across the street and to it are attached buns tied to short strings that allow the bun to hang on a level with the contestants mouth and the fun comes when the boy tries to eat the bun without the aid of his hands.  About the time he has it where he thinks he can get a good bit out of it, the bun flees.  1st went to Hilbert Peltzer, 2nd to Fred Hoffmann and 3rd to Elmer Seebeck. 

  The egg race was won by Hattie Zahn, 2nd Norma Schoeneck.  Slow bicycle race won by Eugene Foelber, 2nd to Harry Sturbaum.  The wheel barrow race went to W Pateidl while Hilbert  Schoeneck and Fred Hoffmann divided first in the boy’s foot race, 2nd Elmer Seebeck.  The girls race 1st to Lena Weimann and Mary Hergenroder 2nd.  The sack race 1st went to W Pateidl and Herman Seebeck a 2nd.   The fat mans race went to John Bolte and 2nd Herman Bentz.  The three legged race started off with a horrible mix-up out of which shot all of a sudden, Alex Werblow and Henry Veitmeier, and they kept an advantage thus gained, to the end and won first.

   Only two ladies in the foot race, won by Mrs Wm Liermann and 2nd to Mrs Gus Baier.  In the cracker eating contest, was about the hungriest lot of lads in town judging from the manner in which they went to those 5 crackers.  For a few minutes the air was filled with cracker dust to an extent that the spectators thought a Kansas cyclone had struck a big Nebraska cracker factory.  When the spouting of the eaters had stopped, the judges wiped the dust out of their eyes and shook themselves like a water soused parrot, and declared Leo Roesch and Harry Sturbaum the 1st and 2nd winners.  Following this came the tug-of-war and the tub race.  Snyder won the first and Hibby Peltzer the other.
   After the contests were over the people went to the park where the orchestra was waiting and then the dancing commenced, and everyone enjoyed themselves until the lights went out. 
    Snyder Banner  9 JULY 1909  1:1,2


This page was submitted to the Dodge county NEGenWeb site
by Renee Bunck -reneebunck@gmail.com

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