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   JUNE   2004

14 June 2004
Mares Meeting Room - 7 p.m.

Program: New CD’S on the Shelf.
presented by
Renee Bunck-Claire Mares and Betty Svitak

BROWSE NITE: 28 June 2004

This is our last meeting until September. Call Claire for an appointment to use the library during the summer - 721-9553.

The May Meeting was a trip to Scribner, Nebraska to tour the Musbach Museum. Nona Wiese, Gertrude Swanson and Gloria Swanson were hostesses. There are many items in that museum that bring back the memories of time past. The old Scribner newspapers are stored at that place, plus they are also on microfilm and are available at the Scribner Library. Our own library has several of the first papers on microfilm. They are in the process of replacing the furnace and putting in air conditioning so that it will be easier to do tours in the summer and then also in the winter. Thanks to the gals who cleaned and got the building ready for spring and for the refreshments. It was a good evening.

Just a Laugh

While working for an organization that delivers lunches to elderly shut-ins, I used to take my four-year-old daughter on my afternoon rounds. She was unfailingly intrigued by the various appliances of old age, particularly the canes, walkers and wheelchairs. One day I found her staring at a pair of false teeth soaking in a glass. As I braced myself for the inevitable barrage of questions, she merely turned and whispered, “The tooth fairy will never believe this!” Anon


The graduating exercises of the Purple Cane and Clyde schools, which took place at the Plymouth Presbyterian church last Thursday evening, were carried out to perfection. Miss Alice Robinson, teacher of the Purple Cane school, and Miss L Stout of the Clyde school had during the two preceding weeks prepared the program so that a failure would have been out of the question. Following the program as rendered:

Music - M W A Band.
Address of welcome-George McVicker.
Prayer - Rev A B Jamison.
Song - “Dreamland Faces” - Quartette.
Recitation - “The District School Mistress’ Guests”
                       - by Miss Pearl Scott.
Recitation - “Kate” by Archie Sumner.

Music - Band.
Recitation, “Sister and I” by Edith M Scott.
Vocal duet, “Rose of the Garden”
                      by Mrs E Johnson, Miss Robinson.
Oration - “Advantages” - Mabel Scott.
Vocal solo, Selected - by Mrs A B Jamison.
Recitation - “Charity’s Meal” by Edna V Hughes.
Song - “My Native Village Bells” - Quartette
Oration - “Purpose in Life” by Katie O’Hara.
Instrumental solo, Selected by Maggie Wiggington.
Recitation, “The Banner Betsey Made” by Maggie Tully.
Vocal solo, Selected by Agnes Scott.
Recitation - “The Verb Mince Pie” by Betsy Chapman. Recitation - “The German and the Bear” by George Marxsen
Music - Band.
Recitation - “The Twentieth Century Teacher” by Miss L Stout.
Class Song - Graduates.
Presentation of diplomas - Rev Jamison.
Song - Quartette, “Good Night.”
Benediction - Rev Jamison.

The graduates of district No 72 were Mabel Scott and Katie O’Hara. Those of district No 7 were Edith M Scott, Edna V Hughes and Maggie Tully.

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100 YEARS AGO - JUNE 1904 BOOK 10

Chas F Eckert to Bertha Reker on 2 June
John L Miller t Lena Miller on 2 June
Charles Bokowski to Agnes Groves on 4 June
Wallace Benjamin to Katherine Boke on 4 June
Chas E White to Ives Adell Harris on 6 June
Charles J Young to Selma Johnson on 7 June
Fred W McCluhan to Bertha High on 8 June
J C D Jensen to Fern Brown on 9 June
Frank E Vanek to Augusta Bauer on 11 June
O L Haymer to Augusta Graufors on 13 June
Richard Richter to Paula Recksick on 15 June
Bernard Wisnieski to Elizabeth Sellhorst on 15 June
Rainsford C Brownell to Mrs Cecelia M Collins 15 June
Herman Hoffman to Bertha Gerken on 15 June
Edgar Guidinger to Jane Brown on 15 June
Frank W Fuhlrodt to Laura L Mallette on 15 June
August Metschke to Justina Vietmeier on 16 June
C V Brokenicky to Bessie E Lhotak on 16 June
W Claude E Smith to Grace C Quick on 21 June
Stephen C Conrey to Mrs Celia A Snook on 21 June
Walter Christensen to Fern Hope Wintersteen on 22 June
David Fowler to Charlotte Nehrbas on 22 June
Edward B Byle to Grace E Holtz on 23 June
R B Skinner to Marion Allen on 28 June
Carl J Nuernberger to Anna Ruff on 29 June
Edward C Hoffman to Inez A Gardanier on 29 June
Lourie J Thompson to Estella M Enbody on 29 June 1904

MARRIED - Wednesday evening, June 8, Miss Bertha High to Fred W McCluhan, Rev G B Waren, PH B, officiated. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride’s parents, in the northwest part of town. The bride’s dress was white French linen and the groom was dressed in the conventional black. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and bride’s cake were served after the ceremony. The couple are well known here and all join in wishing them a long and happy married life. They will make their home at Read, Nebraska.

North Bend News in Fremont Tri-Wkly Herald 14 Jun 1904 2:4


The book committee has purchased a set of CD’s , in fact, there are 10. They contain copies of books which are readable and perhaps may help you in research. They range from United States books covering Colonial families, The old Genealogical quarterly, books from the 50 states. Some states only one or two are available, Mayflower descendants etc. They can be used by our members only and you need not down-load the set in order to read a CD. If interested, be sure to come to the June meeting and Renee and I will go through them, so you can understand what to do. Renee has already found several books she has been searching for, so perhaps you will be lucky too. Some of the old New England Hist & Gen Registers date back in the mid-1800’s. Marriages are also listed in certain (eastern) states. New York goes back to 1870’s. While not all of the books have been checked, those we did view had indexes in the back of the book.

NICKERSON TIDBIT NICKERSON FERRY COMPLETED  The ferry for use on the Elkhorn near Nickerson was put into commission last evening. It is 14 by 32 in dimensions and is operated by means of a cable. Business men of Nickerson and Fontanelle join in paying for it.

Fremont Tribune 12 May 1909 2:2  

Copyright 2002,2003,2004 Claire Mares

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