May 2000

08 May 2000 7 p.m.
Mares Meeting Room
1722 East 19 - Fremont
Program: Potpourri of 19th
Century of Southern Family Letters
Presented  by Steve Cox, 
Midland Research Librarian. 

Browse nite: 22 May, 2000 7 p.m.

The May program was presented by Jeff Kappeler.  His program is being completed for the Midland Lutheran College Elderhostel, held in Oct 2000.  This is a portion of the five day session.  He spoke on Folk Homes, which did not include estates, manors or Victorian homes.

The Nebraska Territory was legally opened in 1854, along the Missouri river.  Fremont in 1856.  The first homes were dugouts, or Earth homes, size of about 9 x 12, one room. Then the Sodhouses made their appearance, and sometimes referred to as Soddies, size wise 16 x 20.  It took a ½ acre of prairie sod to build a Sodhouse.  When the Railroads made their appearance, the next homes were One Story, called Hall & Parlor Houses, also referenced as British Folk Form.  Then the Two story home, also called Hall & Parlor, and about 1905 the Pyramid home made its appearance and could be purchased thru Sears & Roebuck Co.  Building materials were also brought in by the railroads.  He had good photos of the various type homes and this made for a very interesting program.  Thanks so much Jeff for sharing a portion of this new program with our Society.

We have received a note that Lois Kaup Higgins of Newport NE is recuperating from an accident.  She was aiding her husband in the branding of calves, when a not-so-nice “MaMa” decided to take a run for Lois, who turned her back.  Lois had 25 stitches placed in her head, and luckily did not receive a concussion or brain damage.
We send her GET WELL WISHES for a speed recovery.

The Immigrant Genealogical Society in their March issue No 192, printed the following:

If you are planning air travel this summer, be aware that most foreign airports are now using new, high intensity X-ray scanners on all luggage to detect explosives.  The sad truth is that those machines will also destroy images on film.  Even the metallic bags sold to protect film may be inadequate.  It is suggested that you  carry your film in your carry-on bags.  The x-ray used on carry-ons does not affect the film, unless you go through the machines repeatedly.  
If  you want to be certain of preserving your pictures, hand carry your film through the check-point. It is the simplest if your film is in white plastic containers so that inspectors can see the tail of undeveloped film through the container.  Put these in a clear plastic bag so inspectors can inspect the rolls without opening the bag.  It’s better to be safe than sorry.
       (Der Ahnenforscher, Sep 1999)


On May 9, 2000 at 7:00 p.m.
Dodge County Historical Society, George Peek of Patrice Press will present the new book California Trail Map Book.  It covers the area from Omaha to Sacramento.  Included is the Donner Party of 1846-7.  For those who are not aware, the address is   1643 North Nye, Fremont NE which is the Louis E May Museum.  This should be a very good presentation.  The new book sells for paperback $29.95 and spiral edition is $34.95.  The book is available from The Patrice Press, Box 85639, Tucson AZ  85754-5639.  Shipping price for mail orders:  $3.95 for 1st book and $1.25 for each add’l volume.

NEW MEMBER        

Daniel L Ohlson
  63 Winship Avenue
     San Anselmo CA  94960


New on our shelf is The Index To The Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography Volume I - XXXII.  Written by Frederic A Godcharles and Walter D Stock.  Perhaps you have Pennsylvania ties and want to check this book out.


Joseph B Soukup/Mary Hoffman on 01May 1900
Lee Church/Emma Pascoe on 02 May 1900
Conrad Lehl/Mary Schuell on 06 May 1900
Julius Wendt/Emma Wickert on 08 May 1900
Ferdinand H Kurz/Clara Schumacker on 10 May 1900
Walter F Dimick/Anna M Wheeler on 12 May 1900
Paul Faltin Jr/Francies Havelka on 15 May 1900
Charles M Schueth/Mary T Uhlik on 16 May 1900
Jacob A Happel/Elizabeth Hansen on 16 May 1900
J C Semprez/Lulu Scott on 16 May 1900
Martin Mack/Ida C Calkins on 21 May 1900
James O’Hare/Maggie Gallagher on 22 May 1900
E R Bragdon/Gertrude M Arthur on 22 May 1900
George J Barrett/Tillie R Pfeiffer on 23 May 1900
Anton C Schien/Nellie McGraw on 23 May 1900
Otto Hasch/Anna Grantz on 30 May 1900
Charles W T Gilkerson/Amanda May on 31 May 1900

from the WebTV Network

My ancestors must be in a witness protection program!
I’m not stuck, I’m ancestrally challenged.
Only a Genealogist regards a step backwards as progress.

from Fremont Tribune 30 May 1895

Why do the flag-lillies open so early
 Their chalices royally blue?
Why are the woods strewn with daisies so pearly,
 If not for the loyal and true?

Why does the rosy-red columbine quiver
 Over the Spring’s lifted hem,
Or fairy cups nestle close down by the river,
 If not for a garland to them?

These are their colors, and nature remembers
 The heroes that dreamlessly rest;
She brings forth her flag to envelope their embers,
 Their embers that lie in her breast.
  Isabel Richey, for the Tribune.

DO you know - When was the Memorial to the Civil War Veterans erected at Ridge Cemetery?

  The handsome memorial to the Civil War Veterans, which is being erected by the Sons of Veterans and Daughters of Veterans, will be moved from the O A Peterson Monument Works, where it has been assembled, to the location at the entrance of Ridge cemetery within the next day or two.  The monument is to be unveiled at ceremonies held in connection with the regular memorial services on Decoration Day.

   It will stand fourteen feet above the concrete base, constructed for it at the cemetery.  The base is elevated 3 feet, thus making the total height about 17 feet above the level of the ground.  It will be at the Linden avenue entrance and will be visible down that street.

  The upper part of the memorial is a life-sized, bronze statue of a soldier of the Union army, which is over 6 feet in height.
      Fremont Tribune 25 May 1925   2:4



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by Renee Bunck

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