October  2001

8 October 2001 Meeting
1722 East 19-Fremont NE
7:00 p.m.

Program:  Our Show & Tell
Traditional Opening

22 October 2001  7 p.m.
This could change!
Call before coming

Floyd Stork            F-58            
  735 Ukiah Way
    Upland CA  91786-4644

Mary Spillman        F-59
     Crown Colony
         Lamoni IA  50144-


Hooper Sentinel  24 Oct 1895  5:4
   The streets last Saturday presented a very lively appearance, every hitching post being occupied.  A number of teams were tied to wagons, etc.  There were about one hundred teams on our streets at one time.  It pays to trade with Hooper merchants.

Fremont Weekly Herald   7 Oct 1880  4:5
   One hundred and forty-six cars of cattle and two of tea passed east over the Union Pacific on Monday.  The cattle were all loaded at North Platte.


The 911 system of emergency communications, now used nationwide, was developed and first used in Lincoln, Nebraska. 

Our September meeting found us in Russia, with Dr William Christensen, who presented the program on his tour with the Pathfinder Chorus last year.  What beautiful slides of cathedrals, museums and a general all over view of that country.  We again thank you for sharing your trip with our group.  Some of our members descend from Germans from Russia and they were in attendance.

Our life, our hesitations have been disrupted with the horrific disaster in New York City of the World Trade Center area, the Pentagon and let us not forget the plane disaster in Pennsylvania, and the many lives lost.  

Claire’s husband, before he passed away, told her that he would not  see such disaster in the U.S., but that she could possibly witness such a thing!  How right he was.  

And Claire now “sez” take your mind off of the disaster, pull out your “put aside paperwork” and work on your family histories.  It is a great way to take your mind off the tension.  Claire has been steam pressing the old Hooper Sentinels for that office.  In days past, the old papers were partially rolled into bundles, and those are the ones she is pressing.  It is a dusty, long time consuming item, but she loves every bit of it. 5 years of papers have been completed.  The year 1903 is in very bad shape and really shouldn’t be handled by anyone, some were placed in tissue paper for preservation. 


PIONEERS, Southeastern area Passport 1770-1823
    By Dorothy Williams Potter

OHIO, Early Southwestern Ohio 1800-1840
    Compiled by Ellen T & David A Berry

NORTH CAROLINA, 1800 census index
    Compiled by Elizabeth Petty Bentley



George S Brown to T Daisy Taylor on 2 Oct 
Loren Vandewall to Della Denton on 4 Oct 
Emerson Corcoran to Ella Beemer on 5 Oct 
Alonzo E Odbert to Lotta Patterson on 6 Oct 


Francis O Judkins to Mrs Susie H Binney on 10 Oct
George A Eckles to Minnie L Sweet on 15 Oct
George Harske to Myrtle L Rogers on 15 Oct
George C Cruickshank to Annie O’Brien on 16 Oct
Martin A L Hostrup to Lulu Meyer on 16 Oct
Herman Holm to Bertha Haase on 22 Oct
Benjamin Quigley to Clara Porter on 22 Oct
Thomas A Fahey to Ella Bothwell on 22 Oct
J M Doan to Winifred Jordan on 23 Oct
J W Dickson to Adda Belle Ross on 29 Oct
Archie A Mitchell to Anna E Teddy on 29 Oct
Andrew Christensen to Olina Nelsen on 29 Oct


From Fremont Weekly Herald 14 Oct 1921  1:2

Monday, October 10, is something of an important historical date locally, many Fremonters on that date remembering that it is the anniversary of the opening of Midland College on its removal here from Atchison, Kansas, two years ago, and the stopping at the railway station here of the king and queen of Belgium, together with the young prince.

A number of Fremont’s population got a glimpse of the Belgian royal family when they passed through here on October 10 two years ago, but, it is said, only one man among the number had gumption enough to speak to the king.  That man was the pioneer merchant, John Hauser, who addressed his highness in French.

Persons who were bystanders at the time tell a Herald reporter that the conversation between the kind the Fremont merchant progressed amiably until his majesty inquired of Mr Hauser where he learned to speak French so well.  When Mr Hauser told him, naming a province of Germany, the king closed up like a clam.  After a time, however, the king swallowed his prejudice and continued the conversation, inquiring as to whether there were any Belgians or French people living in this city.

Being unused to seeing royalty, there were many among the curious throng who gathered at the depot at that time to catch a glimpse of the Belgian king who refused to believe that the ordinary human being they had beheld was really he.


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by Renee Bunck -reneebunck@gmail.com

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