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Submitted by Robin Mosier

A Pretty Wedding

One of the prettiest weddings ever seen in Piggott occured at the First Methodist Church on last Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, when Mr. A. C. Dunlap and Miss Sudie Julian were united in marriage by the Rev. C. L. Castleberry.

The church had been tastefully decorated by the griends of the bride. At the appointed hour the ---- of Mendelssohn announced the arrival of the bridal party,

which was --- by Miss Bacon and L.W. Steadman, bridesmaid and groomsman, followed by the groom with Mr. Ed. Throgmorton, as best man. The matron of honor, Mrs. Ed Throgmorton, was preceded by two little flower girls, Madeline Stanley and Nell Putnam, of St. Francis. The bride came last and was met at the alter by Mr. Dunlap, when they stood under a bell of white roses, and a beautiful picture was made complete.

The bride wore a rob---- over taffetta, with bridal--------- and carried a boquet of br----.

The exquisite music re--- by Mrs. Hopper, pianist, and M- Dunne, violinist. The song "Call Me Thine Own", given in an able manner by Miss Annie Steadman, of P----, the dainty little fairies wh--  cted as flower girls, and the beautiful bride with her attendants all bonded in perfect harmony.

The Bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Julian and has lived in Piggott a number --- Mr. Dunlap is a substa--- also of Piffott.

Many substantial ------

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