Submitted to the Richardson County NEGenWeb Page by Mary Ryan Schirmer

The following was scanned and converted to text from "The Dawson Reporter Souvenir Edition" by J.R. Harrah. It was originally published in 1914. The original contains many black and white photographs of the various businesses and homes in Dawson, Nebraska. This is not the complete text of the publication. I omitted most of the text associated with the photographs and the advertisements. I corrected the computer converted text for errors, but the original contained many typographical errors and most were left as they were originally published.


Historical Sketch Of Dawson

A sketch embodying numerous circumstances

and difficulties encoundered and remedied

in the Days of early settlement

At the annual old settlers picnic it had long been one of the standard jokes to encourage Uncles Wilson Maddox, Jesse Crook and Wade Whitney to assert their respective claims to the distinction of being the first white settlers of Richardson county, The matter was finally compromised on the part of the Old Settlers Association by voting a gold spade to Uncle Wilson Maddox, and when later on the floods on the Nemaha began to make trouble for the farmers Uncle Wiltse was called to explain why he dug the channel of the river so crooked, he explained that, Uncle Jess Crook, as chainman, had been sampling so much hard cider along the route that he was responsible for the crooks that is causing a later generation hundreds of thousands of dollars to straighten out.

It would be inviting the discussion of a debatable question as that of the famous one of "16 to 1," to assume to say who was the first settler of Grant precinct, but the arrival of the first pre-emptors along the rich Nemaha valley was so nearly about the same time that all who settled previous to the breaking out of the civil war were entitled to the disinction of being considered Pioneers. In this class should be included the Rothenbergers, Honnens, Elys, Schumakers, Kountses, McMahons, Warners, Boyeds, Whitneys and all who settled along the water courses and had secured possession of the timber along the various streams.

Like Robinson Crusoe in his lonely island, the original settlers along the Nemaha were prosperous, happy and contented in their isolation, With plenty of oak rails from their forests they fenced in fields of their rich virgin soil to raise corn for the hogs and cattle that were permitted to roam at will over the wide expanse of plain and woodland. While it is the landable custom at old settlers reunions to extol the pluck that prompted the original pioneers to blaze their way through what our early school books styled the "Great American Desert;" yet it is a historical truth that, so satisfied were the original pioneers who settled along the valley of the Nemaha with their happy and prosperous surroundings, that they would much prefer to continue in their state of happy isolation as cattle and timber barons rather than curtailed by the presence of venturesome neighbors.

At the close of the civil war many a patriotic union soldier longed to settle down to the peaceful pursuit of farm life, and after the grand muster out in the summer of 1865, not less than fifty of the veterans under Sherman, Grant and Sheridan established themselves in homes in Grant precinct, and it is sad to note the fact that out of a prosperous G. A. R. Post of forty five members that flourished in Dawson's early history, only half a dozen of frail-veterans now survive. Among this group of settlers it is a pleasure mingled with sadness to recall such familiar names as Belden, Crowe, Miles, Lair, Quinlan, Libbee, Page, Clancy, Fletcher, Johnson, Happis, O'Donnell, Ryan, Smerz and Snethen, who are long since "mustered out," as well the survivors of the old guard--Allen, Barlow, Buser, Clancy, Kelly, Libbee and Scott. With this group of settlers should be included such will remembered citizens as Tiehens, Smith, Woods, Williamson, Young, Schockeys, etc.

The next important colony was a group of relatives and neighbors from Connecticut in 1867 and 1868; consisting of the Fentons, Rileys, Rigans, O'Gradys, Keims, Murphys, O'Donnells' Rourkes, Sullivans, Carvers and others. Soon after fhe completion of the railroad the last, but not the least, industrious colony of Pennsylvania farmers settled north of town--they were the Herms, Uhlmars and other relatives. While the aggregation of early settlers constituted a most diversified and cosmoplitan population, no community was ever blessed by a more tollerant or, amicably disposed set of neighbors, and the grand spirit of fraternity, charity and loyalty that ever pervaded this band of pioneer neighbors was never impaired by any lesser power than that of the grim reaper.

The absorbing topic that occupied the attention of those early settlers was that of a railroad within some reasonable distance of the settlement; at this time the only way to get in or out of the county was by way of steamboat to or from St. Joseph, and across the country from any river landing. The first incident to awaken hope in hearts of the people of a future town or hamlet was the arrival of Joshua Dawson & Son in the summer of 1867 with a complete outfit to comrnence work on a saw and grist mill. A dam and saw mill was installed early in the fall and massive oak and walnut logs were at once being transformed into lumber for the flour mill, planned to be raised in the ensuing spring. It is needless to remark that among the early inhabitants of Grant township--in fact the entire county--the Dawson "mill raising" was a red letter event that will never be erased from the minds of those who deemed it an honor to be invited to assist at such an important function. Of the hundreds of able bodied, light hearted, ambitious young men and women who assisted both Mr. and Mrs. Dawson at the famous mill raising in 1868, the present historian would earnestly suggest that every survivor of that happy event into whose hands this may fall, will drop a post card to the Dawson Reporter--so that all on this side of the river Styx may at least indulge in a post card reunion.

The construction of the grist mill necessitated the services of a blacksmith, and Dan Tigner was induced by. Mr. Dawson to set up in business in a slab sided shop on brink of the river near the mill. About this time in the spring of 1868, the question of voting bonds for a railroad commenced being mildly agitated, and the more the subject was discussed among good meaning neighbors, the more settled each became in his own conviction that bonds were all WRONG OR ALL RIGHT--and so, like the school boys snowball, the more the question was agitated the more unrelenting the strife between advocates and objectors, and so continued until at the November election in 1868 the vote in favor of bonds resulted in an overwhelming majority--and combative neighbors on both sides of the question composed their divergence of opinions by agreeing that an immediate railroad through the county would be worth all the cost and contention.

The voting of bonds seemed to have invited a race among capitalists for the rich prize to be awarded the first railroad to enter the county, and while construction was underway on the old A. & N. out of Atchison the surveyors were rushing the laying out of the line to Lincoln; work progressed with such gratifying rapidity that during the summer of 1869 the iron horse had worked his way to the county seat and every one rejoiced that, whether the route led up the north or south forks of the Nemaha, they would not be far removed from civilization.

For a long time after the bond election in 1868, there was much uncertainty as to which fork of the Nemaha would be selected as the route for the railroad, but after passing the south fork at Salem every one recognized that Dawson's location midway between Humboldt and Salem would entitle it to a depot, and with the idea of being ready to supply the wants of the railroad graders, two young men, Knight & Lappeus, established the first grocery store on the bank of the Nemaha, north of Riley park. With the opening of the road to commercial train, B. S. Chitenden had shipped in the needed material for a store and elevator, and for many years he was known and esteemed as Dawson's pioneer merchant.

As there was no suitable ground near the depot for building purposes, the early location of a town site was delayed at a time when modern town promoters would be busy booming its real or fancied resources. Early in March, 1872, W. F. Draper was induced to have surveyed into town lots what is termed South Dawson; the newly created town was recorded as Noraville, and Mr. Draper was very insistent it should be so called--in honor of his wife--but the good old masculine name, "Dawson," had too strong a hold on the affections of people to be supplanted by "Nora." In the meantime Knight & Lappeus sold their store near the river to Wm. Till, who soon after was united in partnership with Mr. Oakley and in March, 1872, they pulled the building up into the new town, and it was the first business house within the corporate limits of the new village, Dan Tigner's blacksmith shop was also transferred from the mill yard.

The first hotel was erected and conducted by Chris Warner, who made the mistake of neglecting a fine farm for a business of doubtful merit. About the same time M. B. Ryan erected a combined residence and store building and entered into business as the first druggist, in which business he continued for a generation, and which was conducted in a successful manner to retain the esteem of his patrons and at the same amass a rich competency.

During 1873 Till & Oakley sold out to John Holt and Ike Mead--with Mr. Mead as manager. Soon after John Holt's interest was purchased by Mr. Riley, and under the firm name of Meade & Riley, the business soon assumed mammoth proportions, and so conducted until a later rearrangement, when Mr. Riley decided to devote his attention to banking interests and Mr. Meade accepted the appointment of postmaster.

S. C. Barlow erected and operated the first wagon shop in the building now occupied by that rustling merchant, Charlie Cooper. Later Uncle Steve sold his wagon shop and purchased B. S. Chittenden's stock of good and engaged in the mercantile trade--in which in one form or other he may justly claim the distinction of being the oldest and best known and--if not the richest--the most highly esteemed business man of Dawson.

John Draper conducted the first lumber yard for W. P. Tinker of Humboldt, from whom it was taken over by Will Easly, and later by B. S. Chittenden.

John Hannah built the Commercial Hotel that, under the popular management of W. A. Albright and his good wife, the little hotel, had acquired such a reputation for solid home-like comfort that traveling men were wont to make Dawson at the end of he week so as to peacefully enjoy the home comforts of the little hotel over Sunday.

The little village was now so securely established that the attention of town people and friends in the county turned attention to the importance of a place for public meetings, and to the order of Odd Fellows is due the honor of erecting the first public building that for many years served every purpose of a lodge room, town hall, church, school,and everything of a public nature; the noble spirit displayed by the projectors of this early building has never since been excelled by any Christian denomination.

The limited area of the original town site was soon taken up, and as human nature was about the same then as now, those who got possession of choice building lots were content to see the business district confined to their own block; as a consequence of this selfish policy the growth of the town was retarded at a time when, with the application of the spirit of live and let live policy, it should have been enjoying a veritable boom. This "dog in the manger" spirit continued until 1881, when J. H. Hagadorn layed out an addition, and during the next few years the village made more progress than in all its previous existence.

At this time B. S. Chittenden sold his elevator and grain business to T. J. Ryan who, the next year sold out to the well remembered and revered, Morgan McSwiney. Mr. Chittenden then moved his store building from south of track to the corner at present occupied by Pierson's Cafe; it was the first building in the Hagadorn addition and was used or years in connection with the lumber yard.

S. C. Barlow, who was ever in the vanguard of each progressive movements, was the first to start the construction of the brick block; his example was at once followed by M. L. Libbee and Ed. Hanna, and soon after Mr. Chittenden and son-in-law, J. W. Herlocker, erected adjoining, the magnificent store rooms, now occupied by L. L. Kinsey & Son, which was conducted as one of the most extensive hardware stores in the west until destroyed by fire in 1890.

John W. Blomis was one of the well to do early day farmers who was a live wire in working for the advancement of the young village; he established an extensive implement trade that was later taken over by J. W. Herlocker.

Maurice O'Brien was a noted carpenter and builder. He built the present blacksmith shop and fitted rooms on the east end for a private residence; he next erected for a work shop the building now used by, M. J. Byrne as a cement store room.

Harry Joeckel, S. L. Umstead, A. R. Smutz, E. E. Duryea and Chas. Vanderplus were early day blacksmiths, while John Klima continued to handle the wagon department until he built his present quarters.

Judd & Stratton about this time erected a horse barn and engaged in the breeding and importation of thoroughbred horses. These were upright and popular young men who conducted an honorable business. Leroy Judd later purchased Mr. Stratton's interest, and the two brothers continued the business until the new barn was built west of the school house, when Leroy went farming and Norm conducted the business until he sold to Pat O'Grady.

With G. L. Wagner druggist, Joseph Potter and H. J. Shier harness makers, W.S. Allen, drayman, Tom Ryan shoemaker, Drs. J. A. Waggener and Harlan resident physicians, E. T. Hanna pool hall and restaurant and last, but not least, E. W. Buser as Postmaster merchant, and later founder and editor of the Newsboy, the town was now so well represented in every line of business and trade that nothing was lacking but a local bank to facilitate the exchange and handling of the rapidly growing volume of trade.

To meet this requirement a conference of reliable old friends resulted in the organization of the Dawson Bank, with the following original stockholders: M. B. Ryan, M. Riley, L. A. Ryan, Thomas Fenton, Dan Riley and Morgan McSwiney. M. Riley was elected cashier, which position he continued to fill with honor until the hour of his death, and so conscientiously devoted was he to the iinterests of his pet institution that it was often remarked by observant friends he devoted greater attention to the welfare of the bank than his health.

At this stage of Dawson's history it enjoyed the enviable reputation of being the most progressive little town in the west, but wih the completion of the U. P. and Rock Island railroads, fully half its territory was cut off, which necessitated a trimming of sails to conform with changed conditions.

In addition to the curtailment of trade by the opening of the railroads north and south of town may be mentioned the destruction by fire in 1889 of the first mill, that was looked upon by the farmers for many miles as the most useful and popular landmark in the county. The mill had just been overhauled and equipped with all modern machinery by Riley & Byrne, and the enterprising proprietors so richly merited the sympathy of the community in their great financial loss, that a joint stock cornpany was at once organized, and a $15,000 mill constructed, but unfortunately, no sooner was the new mill completed than it too went up in smoke. With just cause for discouragement the mill was rebuilt on a small scale a fourth time, and continued to be operated as a nonpaying investment until finally discontinued with the digging of the new channel and abandonment of water power.

Until the completion of the Odd Fellows building, already mentioned, religious services were conducted in the Iliff school house a mile east of town, and until the erection of the respective churches, the first floor of the building--better known as town hall--served for every purpose of union church, public hall, school house and everything of a public nature. In 1879 the Catholic congregation made the first start at the erection of a little church building. John Hanna was the builder and just as he had it fairly inclosed a storm set in while the congregation was gathering for evening devotion the last of May, and with not less than 50 women and children within the frail building, it was blown down--fortunately without serious injury to anyone. The next year it was rebuilt on a more substantial scale, and was no sooner completed--than it burned down. A third time it was again rebuilt and continued to stand until the fall of 1898, when, during the progress of an electric storm, it was destroyed by lightning and made way for the present substantial brick edifice--that in point of cost and artistic grandeur would do credit to a town many times Dawson's population.

A Catholic parochial school was opened last fall, but it is due to state in this review it was not started because of any dissatisfaction with our local public schools on the parts of Catholic parents, many of whom in early days divided time with pioneer neighbors in the use of a primitive house of Christian worship; and whose children for a generation have mingled in a spirit of fraternal harmony in a common school where the most scrupulous care was observed to see the rights of the humblest were sacredly respected; they conscienteously believe a denominational school in Dawson is an excessive and unnecessary burden.

The first union Sunday School was organized and conducted by Uncle Henry Allen in a primitive warehouse near the depot. After the death of Mr. Allen the good work was continued by the popular village blacksmith, A. R. Smutz, who was succeeded by E. W. Buser, who in turn has given way to Joseph S. Hein, who is noted as the most efficient superintendent in the state. About 1883 the present Evangelical Congregation was re-organized, and during the pastorate of Rev. Petitte a new church was built on the hill; the congregation increased in wealth and members so rapidly that in a few years later it became necessary to enlarge it, and it was remodeled and transferred into the present imposing edifice.

Since Dawson's earliest settlement it has been a fruitfull field for the growth of fraternal orders; the pioneer order was the Odd Fellows, and every early day member was a leader in everything of a progressive nature. There are also established flourishing local lodges of the Knight and Ladies of Security, Modern Woodmen, Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Degree of Honor.

A laudable institution intended to perpetuate the memory and self sacrifices of the early settlers is that of the Richardson County Old Settlers Association. A number of social neighbors congregated at the home of John Williamson in the summer of 1886, and after a picnic dinner out in the shaded lawn the pioneer spirit that pervaded the group of old neighbors suggested the idea of making such a social reunion an annual event. The suggestion met a hearty response from all present, and a permanent organization was effected by the election of a board of trustees with instructions to draft constitution and by-laws. John Brockman was elected first president and S. C. Barlow secretary. The next annual meeting at Mr. Williamson's private lawn was so numerously attended that it was decided to hold all future annual gatherings down in Rothenberger's grove, midway between Huboldt and Dawson; and for many years after, the citizens of both towns united in making the Old Settlers picnic one of the most numerously attended and popular.

In time the great mob became too unwieldly to properly handle, and as such annual gatherings began to attract the usual number of undesirable characters, Mr. Rothenberger decided it was time to select a location near some town that would afford the necessary police supervision. A popular vote on removal resulted in Dawson's selection as the future headquarters, and Dan Riley tentered the association the use of his magnificent grove, popular known as Riley Park, for future picnics. The progressive young business men of town at once constructed a cable foot bridge crossing the old Nemaha channel, this enabling people to enter the beautiful grove a few rods south of the depot. A spirited discussion was conducted in the local press last year as to the manner of conducting present day picnics; whether or not the censure of unfriendly critic was well founded, the incident should serve to remind both town officers and old settlers association that nothing in the future should be tolerated within the grounds to afford the least room for any unfriendly criticism; this can be done only by adhering to the simple rules of tihe honest early day founders by making the annual reunions an occasion for renewing old time friendships and a revival of pioneer reminiscences of a time when all occupied the same plane of equality.

Finally, Dawson of the present day has no aspiration to be classed as a town of commercial supremacy; but its churches and schools, in connection with neat cottage homes nestling in well kept lawns embowered in clean shaded avenues, lends to it the air and comfort of a metropolitan suburb that tend to make it a haven of quiet contentment and peaceful repose that can never be experienced in the roar and grind of a commercial metropolis. Many in youthful ambition have been lured to the cities in quest of fame or fortune, but with the disappearance of the gilded veneer their minds and hearts longingly reveret to the honest old fashioned home scenes of innocent youth. In these inspiring home scenes and tender memories Dawson will ever have more sentimental attraction for the scattered pioneers than any commercial metropolis.

A noted writer remarked that "sweet indeed are the uses of adversity;" and if adversities are conducive to the calling forth of the latent energies of a people or community, then the patrons of School District 95 have much cause to be thankful for the "touch of nature that tended to make them all a kin." Since the formation of the district in 1878 Dawson schools have enjoyed a most enviable reputation because of the unamity of the spirit of fraternal unity prevading the school patrons, and which happy condition is party to be accounted for from the fact that it required a united pull on the part of friends of the school to establish a town district at all, and it demanded that united and ceasless energies of the early friends to surmount the many adversities that beset the little district.

The present day graduate of our flourishing High school whose "commencement" pathway is bedecked with roses, could not conceive anything so inspiring or enobling for the subject of an "oration" as that of the self-sacrificies made on the part of honest parents to give their children an opportunity to acquire an education that they were deprived of in their early youth. The same ties of brotherly love-that cements the fraternal bonds between comrads of the civil war, welds in ties of enduring friendship the friends and founders of our Dawson Public Schools, that were intended more for the formation of manly and womanly character than the acquirement of the frivolous fads and frills of institutions depending on the benefactions of a Carnagie or a Rockefeller.

The progress of the little boys and girls who entered the primary department of the first town school later on called for a transformation from a county to a graded school, and during the efficient supervision of Prof. R. L. Hoff the original building was remodeled at considerable expense to conform to the requirements of an up-to-date regularly graded High school, which, from the start, took a prominent place among the high schools of the state for general efficiency. With a high school under the supervision of a most upright and conscentious educator, the patrons and friends of the schools congratu1ated one another that at last every obstacle was surmounted, and that for the future clear sailing was in store for the devoted friends who incessantly labored to get the schools on a firm basis.

But unfortunately for their asperations, with the installment of a new heating plant the building through some defect caught fire, just previous to the Christmas vacation in the winter of 1900, and in a few hours it was a smouldering ruin. Although the pecuniary loss to the citizens of the district was no small matter, yet the loss most keenly felt and regretted by all was the temporary disarrangement to the schools that were a scource of pride to the community. It was a pathetic spectacle, the morning after the fire, to witness groups of sorrowful children searching the blackened debris for some little souvenir to serve as a reminder of happy school day comradship.

Without one word of centure or repining, an impromptu school meeting was called at the scene of the fire, and with the light of the burning embers it was unanimously voted to authorize the school board to proceed at once and devise the necessary facilities for opening school as soon as possible after the regular Christmas vacation. At this time the board of education consisted of N. B. Judd, Dr. J. A. Waggener, Wm. Fenton, Joseph and Henry Heim, and in compliance with the vote of instruction the schools were temporarily installed in the opera house and city hall until the completion of the present substantial edifice.

While the plain old fashioned founders of our town school had no other aim in view than to provide the facilities for a sound common school education for their children that would tend to the makng of useful and upright citizens, those who compute everything from the standpoint of dollars and cents can figure for themselves the gain to a home community of a three years course of high school attendance for 156 students--the number graduated from the Dawson high school; not to mention the incalculable blessings of home environments during the important habit forming stage of young peoples lives.

Nothing hithero had stirred up such heated contention among the early settlers as did the effort to create a town school district; the village being located in the center of the township --Grant--the formation of a town district meant a general rearrangement of the boundary lines of half a dozen school districts, and it required the utmost diplomacy to get many to concede the needed territory for the contemplated new district. After a summer of all manner of conferences and compromises with the outlying districts, the present school district, 59, was at last established, and in the fall 1878, with Wm. Fenton, S. C. Barlow and E. D. Webb, members of first school board, and hall, and in the year 1880 a commodious two story four room building was occupied for the first time, and it is to the credit of the citizens that ever ince then they were ever a unit in generously providing every necessary equipment, and as a result of such whole hearted support the Dawson high school has long enjoyed such an enviable rputation among leading educators that it has come to be considered an honorable distinction to be one of its graduates.


The Dawson Newsboy

E.W. BUSER Editor

Vov- I Dawson Nebr., June, 21 1889 No. 52

Dawson From '68 Till Today. The Newsboy's First Anniversary


Only a few years have past and gone since the place where now thrives the little city of Dawson, was but a part of Nebraska's unlimited prairies and settlers in this section of the country then, (68) were very scarce.


Dawson Mills. About three quarters of a mile south of town stands the mill from which our town derived its name. This building was erected by Joshua Dawson in, 1868, who soon after its erection obtained a postal service and this post office was naturally known as the Dawson's Mill post office.


The Town Laid Out In 1871 the town was laid out by W. F. Draper who then owned the town site as a farm. Dawson is not the real name of our little city although it is known by that name. Its correct and original name is Noraville and its name has never been changed except by comon calling of the people not legally changed.


The First Building The first store and first building ever erected on the present townsite was built by Wm. Till and the post office was soon moved to Mr Till's place of business. Mr Till was postmaster for some time and was succeeded by B. S. Chitenden, who was afterward succeeded by S. C. Barlow. The post office is now at the corner of Third and Ridge streets, M. B. Ryan being the present postmaster


The First Blacksmith The first blacksmith shop was erected by Daniel Tigner, down on the Nemeha, but was soon after moved to our present town site. He hammeted away at his trade for several years, but has passed away and his smoky old shop still stands idle having fulfilled its mission.


Our School In 1878 a school was opened, with W. D. James teacher who was followed by others, all of their terms being short ones. We now have a splendid graded school with about one hundred and twenty scholars enrolled. The school work of the past year has been very successful and under the supervision of R. L. Hoff our school has been second to none in the county.


First Birth And Death The first child to see the light of day in Dawson was C. Till, who was born in '73. In '74 the mother died after a short spell of sickness.


Warner House The "Warner house" was the first public hosterly and was Erected in 1876 by Christopher Warner and cost $700, it was run till 1878, when J. H. Hanna built the, "Commercial," which cost.about $1200. The Commercial was soon after purchased by W. A. Albright who is still running it. Uncle Billy feeds his guests well and has an extensive patronage


Lumber Yard In 1873 Mr. E. P. Tinker, now a resident of Humboldt started a lumber yard at Dawson. After the yard had been bought and sold several times, it was purchased by B. S. Chittenden who can be found yet, just north of Judd Bros. stables with good stock of lumber at living prices, Give him a trial and we can assure you he will deal squarely and please you as to both quality and quantity. We will now hasten to our old business (?)en, having finished the early history of our town.


S.C.BARLOW & SON. One of the largest general stores in the county is that of S. C. Barlow & Son. They have a well selected stock of dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes clothing and everything usually found in a first class general Store. Everybody knows "Steve" Barlow. By his jolly ways he makes all of his customers happy and is doing an immense business. Ae is assisted by his son Elvon and his daughter Ada and these three make things hum.


M. RILEY Jr. The oldest house in town is that of M. Riley jr. he, having been in the general merchandise business for the past fifteen years. In that time he has,gained a host of friends, through his genial manner and fair dealing. Ae carries a full line of drygoods grocerses boots, shoes notions etc.


J. W. HERLOCKER The hardware establishment of J. W. Herlocker in the brick block, has been under the present management for about two years, having changed hands several times just previous to this time. Mr. Heriacker enjoys a large and increasing business having been traveling salesman for St. Joe and Atchinson wholesale hardware houses for a number of years he knows how to buy and goods well bought" are half sold.


J. W. BEMIS is located just across the street from the brick block and has a large and well filled implement house. A full line of wagons, buggies and Agricultural implements. He handles the famous Minneapolis twine binder.


G. L. WAGNER. One of our most enterprising business men is Geo. L. Wagner, proprietor of the city Drug store. He has a well selected stock of drugs and medicines, paints, oils etc., and is enjoying a good trade.


JUDD Brothers. This firm owns some of the finest horses to be found in Nebraska and is doing considerable business in the way of buying and selling of fine blooded horses. Visitors from all parts of this state and also Kansas are not infrequent; the greater improvement in horses in this vicinity is plainly visible and can only be attributed to Judd Bros.' fine stock,


TOM RYAN, the shoemaker can be found in the old Warner building, pegging away at the shoes of his many patrons. Go let him fix your sole before it's too late.


MRS. H. J. SHIER The millinery establishment of Mrs. H. J. Shier is also located in the warner building and is doing quite an extensive business.


C. H. ALLEN & CO Our other drug store Is owned by C. H. Allen & Co. and is doing considerable business. They keep everything usually found in a good drug store, at living prices.


DOCTORS Dawsonhas two Practicing physicians, T.H. Emmerson and H. W. Patchen. both of whom are good doctors.


M. McSWEENEY. The elevator is owned by M. McSweeney and is doing an extensive business. Bring in your grain and Mc. will be glad to see you.


Drayman W. S. Allen runs the dray wagon and will haul your goods as cheap as anyone. He also runs a hack to and fronm all passenger trains.


BILLIARD HALL. The billiard hall is owned by E. T. Hanna and is doing quite a businesss.


E. W. BUSER. The only confectionery and fancy grocery in town is owned by E. W. Buser, who is also, editor of the Newsboy. He carries a fine line of confections, nuts, pop etc., at prices as low asanyone


Our Boom We will now call attention to the great improvement of our city during the past year, or since the existance of the Newsboy After struggling along for years without making any apparent progress, Dawson took a new start, Among the first enterprises was the Newsboy. Our people seeing they could not successfully compete with neighboring towns without a newspaper, the people encouraged us to start one and what benefits have accrued to our business the past year, the people can judge. Our paper at first was vesy small but receiving sufficient encouragement we enlarged about six months ago

Another of our new enterprises is the new iron clad implement building of J. W. Herlocker. It is 2Ox7O and is covered and sided with corrugated iron and filled with a good stock of agricultural implements of all kinds. The large Ice house built and filled with ice and afterward sold to Herm Reimers is a great Improvement on the old one and a credit to our town. The most attractive of all our new buildings is the meat market building of H. M. Reimers, with its Steven., patent cooling room; it acts as an appetizer just to go inside and we can eat Herm's tough beef with a relish, knowing it came from such an attractive place.


The old Allen building which has stood idle for many years and was fast going to decay, was purchased last spring and thoroughly remodeled and an addition was built to it. It is now serving as a dwelling and business house. Although the business carried on there is that of a saloon, it is much more orderly than is usually the case. Next we notice the new building of J. W. Hinks, which being on main street was built with a square front so it could be made into a store room if needed It is now used as a dwelling but is a good substantial building and will make good business house. Mr.Tiehen hat remodeled his house and built an addition to it making almost a new house. It is occupied by C. W. Jones as a dwelling

S. L Umstead located with us about six months ago and is the gentlemanly proprietor of our blacksmith and repair shop. He has in this short time by his honesty and integrity, together with his excellent workmanship established himself in a good business.

John J. Klima has not been here quite so long but is fast following in the footsteps of Mr. Ulmstead. Both the gentlemen came here from Humboldt where they had been in business. E. M.Boker our jolly harnessmaker is also a newcomer, and has, in a short time established himself in an excellent business. Ed is a genial whole souled fellow and deserves the liberal patronage of our people The teree last mentioned are successors to others who represented the same business but as they are such an improvement we have classed them with our new enterprises.

The old meat market was purchased by C. W. Jones and remodeled and is now a cosy barber shop. George is getting quite a reputation as a tonsorial artist. The last not least but probably the greatest of our new accessions is the new general store of Jos. Spear who came here about the first of May with an immense stock of groceries, dry goods, notions, millinery, clothing, boots and shoes. Mr. Spear is a well qualified business man and by his low prices is gaining a large patronage. We have not done very much in the way of erecting new buildings, but something must be done in that, direction very shortly for every nook and corner is full to overflowing. Other enterprises would start up if any place for business could be procured.

Dr J. L. Gandy has moved to Lincoln. We suppose he will go into the real estate and mortgage business.


Terrible Accident It becomes our painful duty to chronicle one of the saddest accidents that ever occurred at this place. The particulars of the accident are as follows: Last Saturday afternoon Tommy Barlow and Frank Ulmstead were, both aged 9 were playing .in a bin of wheat at the elevator. The grain was running from the bin into a car, Frankie got too near the cener of the bin and was drawn down with the current and at the same time several hundred bushels of grain closed in over him, smothering him to death His companion immediately gave the alarm, and although a hundred willing hands aided in the rescue, an hour had passed away before the body was recovered and when taken out life was extinct. No one can be blamed for the accidert,

The funeral was Conducted by Rev. J. W. Scott of Humboldt at the house of the parents at 2 o'clock and a large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains to the Heim cemetery where the last sad rites were preformed.

We were kindly remembered with a mess of potptoes by G.W.Miller. They were of the "Sun Rise" variety, and were the finest we have seen this season.

The markets at that time were as foflows: Wheat 85c, Oats 18c; Corn 21c; Hogs 4c; Butter 10c; Eggs 8c.


Our Faithful Government Employes Postmistress O'Grady and Rural Carriers Walker and Bacon. Without these life in Dawson would be very dull indeed. Aliss O'Grady has faithfully staid by her post for about a year as successor to Miss Mamie Riley, who bears the reputation of being the most popular and efficient postmistress or postmaster that Dawson has ever had, and she served in that capacity for a number of years,

Mr Walker has been carrying mail on R. F. D. No. 2 for about two years, while Mr. Bacon is a veteran in his line, he having braved the broiling heat of the summer sun and faced the wintry blasts, manv times benumed with cold; but each day was alike to him, and each day patrons on R.F.D.No. 1 have received their daily mail, for the past eleven

years. Prior to the laying out and establishing of R. F. D. No. 1 he drove a star route to what was then known as Middleburgh postoffice, and his route today is one of the longest and roughest routes in Richardson county.




No better evidence of the prosperous condition of a community can be found than the presence in its center of sound financial institutions. They are the axis around which revolve all the business of their respective districts Without them our ourcommerce, local inter-state and national, would be but a dream.

That the people must have some medium of exchange to facilitate commercial intercourse is self evident, and that there must be some means by which the balance between commodities and this medium may be kept safe is equally indisputable. The bank is the scale whose function is to keep up this balance and so well is, it adjusted that the clogging of the wheels of commercial activity is practically unknown.

The people of this town and community have ample cause to be proud of the Dawson Bank, the capital stock and surplus of which amounts to $47,500.

The officers and directors include men of responsibility and sterling qualities, as you will see bv noting the following officers; President, Daniel Riley; Vice President, L. M. Ryan; Cashier. Dan J. Riley; Directors; L. M. Ryan; Daniel Riley, Tom R. Riley, Dr. B. M. Riley, Thos. M. Ryan, Dan J. Riley.