NEGenWeb Project - Civil War

  G.A.R. Reunions



Source: Nebraska State Journal
(newspaper microfilm at NSHS, Lincoln, NE)


13 Sept 1897

Opening of Camp Lincoln for 19th G.A.R. Reunion

Article 1


14 Sept 1897

Speech by Governor

Article 2


15 Sept 1897

Nebraska Day, Wm. J. Bryan speaks

Article 3


16 Sept 1897

Women's Day at the G.A.R. Reunion

Article 4


17 Sept 1897

Report on previous day, J. Sterling Morton speaks

Article 5

Plans for Lincoln Day

Article 6


18 Sept 1897

Lincoln Day - Report on parade & living flag presentation

Article 7

Closing of Camp Lincoln, end of G.A.R. reunion

Article 8

As so often happens with NEGenWeb, this project has been a cooperative venture. Brenda Busing "discovered" the date and location of this GAR reunion while seeking other data; she passed that info along. Bill Wever secured copies of the newspaper clips from NSHS Library. The typing and indexing is by T&C Miller, so file comments/complaints with them.
We are ALL hoping you will find your Civil War ancestors here.


Many individuals appearing in the index were identified by surname, with their military or political titles. Those same people had a "rank" related to their membership in G. A. R. or another organization, and were sometimes given those titles.  The "old soldiers" referred to one another as "comrade". The members of the women's organizations were called "sister & comrade". You will find "Mrs. Dr. ..." and "Mrs. General ..." listed. When there was a question about whether it was the SAME person, the decision is left to you. Make certain to cross-check for slightly different spellings, while some may be blamed on the newspaper, others are the result of the difficulty of reading the microfilm copy. At times, words or even partial sentences are missing because the few letters that could be distinguished didn't make sense.

There was no "list of attendees" published in The Nebraska State Journal, but you could check the newspapers for the area of ancestral residence and see what the local newspaper printed about people that went to this reunion. Many made the trip by wagon, some by train. Arrangements had been made in advance for speakers (although several could not attend at the last moment) and for the "living flag". Other events seem to have been added to fill the gaps - the Women's Day and the parade were put together on short notice.

Some surnames from the listings of business floats in the parade have been included in the index. Maybe you'll be lucky and learn something from those.

There are tidbits in these articles that really should be pursued: 1. The lady spy from Grand Island, who was elected to serve as an officer of her state G. A. R headquarters. 2. What caused the rumor about the "dead man"? - the paper did not report an incident in these G.A.R. clips, but does state that people wanted to see the body! 3. Look for the "crime reports" of missing horse teams, a lost "wheel" (bicycle), purse snatchers & con games. Quartermaster checked the departing wagons for tents.

Following not included in index -
For additional information see Rollcall for 1897 Encampment
Extracts from Journal of the 21 Annual Encampment of the Dept. of Ne, GAR, 10 Feb. 1897

Articles 1 and 2

NEGenWeb Project - Civil War

G.A.R. Reunions


Nebraska State Journal
Monday morning, 13 September 1897 -


Camp Lincoln Visited by Many From the City Yesterday


Rev. W. R. Halstead and Rev. H. O. Rowlands Make Brief Addresses -
What Is in Store
     The orderly city of tents at the fair ground, arranged to shelter the veterans of Nebraska for a week of reminiscent reunion, was visited for the first time yesterday by any (sic) large number of people from the city. They found everything in military order and excellently arranged. The main body of tents was between the road running north of the main hall, to be used as an auditorium, and the race track. The headquarters tents are on this street just east of the art hall. Back of them is another body of tents. Two or three of the buildings are fitted up as barracks, where the single men or those here without their families will sleep in bunks.
     Quite a few amusements are on hand, from a merry-go-round run by a steam engine, to a Texas snake charmer, who fondles big rattlers. Refreshment stands are plentiful.
     A very large number of people drove out or rode out on bicycles during the afternoon, but the heat was so great that they did not look with favor on entering a building and listening to sermons. Two o'clock was the hour set for the religious services that should open the reunion, but it was almost 3 before the crowd indoors was sufficient to begin. There were plenty outside and the noise of the merry-go-round engine or the strident voice of the snake show caller mingled with the sounds of worship when they got started. At an impressive point in one sermon an ice man driving past the door let out one of his resonant calls, "Ice!" Passing trains moved one minister to say, "Can't talk against a railroad train," and another, "That's the Nineteenth century going by."
     A raised platform has been built in the east wing of the art hall facing the other three wings which have been seated with plank seats at the sides and chairs directly in front of the stage.
     John Currie's model of Lincoln, "figger," he calls it, stands rigid at one corner, looking toward the audience. The boughten head gleams quite differently from the chiseled plaster of the fence rail legs. The "figger" is backed by strips of bunting. At each side of the platform a handsome flag hung in natural folds. Two ornamental plants relieved the plainness of the surroundings.
     The crowd gathered till it numbered two or three hundred.
      At 2:45 a quintet of grizzled veterans sang "America" accompanied by J. B. Ferguson on the piano.
     After a little wait, during which the crowd gradually swelled, Colonel Pace asked the audience to rise and sing "Nearer My God to Thee." After the hymn Dr. Hull offered prayer.
     Mrs. Mark Woods rendered "Consider the Lilies" in a marvelously clear voice that rose and swelled in its unlovely surroundings of whitewashed and plain planks as sweetly as if in Gothic cathedral aisles.


     Colonel Pace introduced Dr. W. R. Halstead of St. Paul's M. E. church, who spoke on "The World's Religions."
     Dr. Halstead called attention to the universality of religion, man being called a religious animal, and to the multiplicity of forms of faith. He would take up only Islam, Buddhism and Christianity. He would say that the base of all religions was true, yet some would lead to death rather than life.
     Taking up the Mohammedan faith the speaker said that its extension by the sword unfitted it for universal acceptance. The religion that brings soul peace is strange to sanguinary teachings. Then Islam's chief tenet is fatalism, a doctrine that teaches submission and not progress. It is the Semetic religion as opposed to western spirit of push and enterprise. There is no relation between the faith and morality, it requires no inherent life.
     Buddhism's chief characteristic is asceticism. Repose is its key. If oppressed or afflicted one is taught to cease desire even for existence. The climate is favorable to such faith. Warm sun, a fertile soil and a few physical needs easily supplied allow a life of contemplation without hardship. A few Dakota blizzards over India would ruin Buddhism.
     Christianity is a simple religion. It enables men to be active in all pursuits. It teaches to resist temptation, not to avoid it. Activity, not quietism, is its watchword. It never compromises the truth, so it has not always shown toleration. It manifests an unchangeable individuality. Christianity has an ideal. Islamism has not. Buddhism has not, unless it is to sink back into nothingness. Christianity never gets discouraged and is appalled by no problems. It is the momentum of the procession today. There may be criticism of its methods, but there need be no fear of the end. Christianity has a conception of God's kingdom. It breaks down all barriers, reduces all ranks. It looks forward with assurance to the salvation of all the world.
     A. Haydn Myer sang "For All Eternity", with excellent effect.


     Dr. H. O. Rowlands of the First Baptist church was introduced to speak on "Christianity and Human Reason."
     He said it was most appropriate that religion should have its part in the great annual gatherings of defenders of the country. Save the army of Cromwell no army was so religious as that which fought for four or five years in our civil war. The chaplains were evangelists and many men now deacons and church workers were converted during the war.
     Speaking of the authority for religions one large body says: "My church teaches so." Another large body says "The Bible teaches so." But Christ taught not so. He taught truth that was recognizable as such. Hence the present movement, "Back to Christ." Even the doubter cannot take from or add to Christ's teaching to improve it.
     We have many euphemisms for sin nowadays. A writer read recently called it the "incidentals of evolutionism," "errors of judgment," and so on. It is like the flowers with which we now mark the grave and the casket in which we make the corpse beautiful. But after all it is a dead thing we bury. We must look at sin as Christ did.
     Dr. Rowlands illustrated the love of God and the divinity of Christ by several illustrations.
     Why do we love the union soldier more than even the revolutionary soldier? Because it is out of their blood and lives that our country flourishes. The mother whose child is lost does not send a maid to hunt for it. With frenzied eye she plunges into the thicket and finding it clasps it all torn and soiled in her arms. When man left God, was besmirched, mutilated, is God less than the mother? "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him may have eternal life."
     Colonel Pace spoke for a brief time on the living flag to be shown next Friday at the Capitol grounds and about the significance of our flag. Then he drew a vivid and touching picture of the burial in trenches of the unknown dead, without a coffin or a plank, or a board, to mark the grave. Such pictures he had been unable to drive from his mind after witnessing them. He went on to say:
     "The flag of this country shines for all. Under its folds every man is a king and every woman a queen if they walk uprightly and all may worship God as they please."
     The soldiers' choir sang "Sleeping for the Flag" as appropriate to the words of Colonel Pace.
     "Marching Through Georgia," by the choir, joined in at the chorus by all the crowd, gave stirring Grand Army close to the exercises.


     Governor Holcomb will deliver the address of welcome today at 2 p.m. and the camp will be formerly turned over to Department Commander Ehrhardt, who will respond to the address. The choir of the East Lincoln Christian church will furnish music.
     Mr. Bryan, after sending word that he could not speak on Thursday as desired, notified Colonel Pace yesterday that he could and would be here on Tuesday and would attend the reunion, so that the old soldiers who wish to meet and greet him will be afforded a chance. Congressman Strode, Greene and Stark are expected to speak on Tuesday.


     The G.A.R. committee have designated Friday, September 17, as Lincoln day, and a vast amount of work has been done to make a "red letter day" of the encampment.
    Chairman W. A. Woodward, and the different citizens' committees appointed by him, have been earnestly at work for the past ten days, and the details have been worked out in every particular. It is the aim of the committee to do honor to their guests on that day on a magnificent scale.
     One of the great attractions will be the "living flag," a representation of 2,000 school children of the flag of our nation, costumed in the national colors and singing the national airs. This representation has never been given but twice before in the United States, and the ladies and gentlemen in charge of this feature have spared no time, or expense to make it a great success. Those who have witnessed its production claim that it is one of the most soul inspiring scenes ever witnessed.
     The seven wards of the city will each represent two of the original states and the District of Columbia, which will be an historic display of great splendor and magnificence, as there is a spirited rivalry to see which ward will produce the most beautiful representation. Each ward is engaged in a lively voting contest to decide which of its beautiful ladies shall represent it on that day. It is proposed to make a parade consisting of every educational and civic society and business industry of the city. Every interest is to consider itself invited without further notice, and prepare and put in line such representation as they may determine to present to the visitors, an idea of what there is in Lincoln. The parade will be reviewed by the governor of the state and staff, and veterans at Fifteenth and K streets, at the north side of the state house grounds, at which point the "living flag" will be waving.
     Speakers of national reputation will address the people, fourteen brass bands will furnish music to enliven the proceedings, and during the evening there will be a grand band concert on the postoffice square in which all bands will participate. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon an exhibition fire run will be made by all the departments in the city. Special excursions will be run on all railroads entering the city, and special rates given.
    Now let every citizen prepare for the greatest day seen in Lincoln for many a year. Circumstances and all propitious, and all that is necessary to be done is that every citizen, having the interest of Lincoln at heart, constitute himself at once into a committee of one to do his share to make "Lincoln day" a grand success.
     Colonel Ed R. Sizer, marshal of Lincoln day parade, can be found at all hours at room 129, Lindell hotel; telephone No. 5.
     Everyone expecting to take part in the parade should notify him at their earliest convenience of the extent and nature of their display, that they may be assigned a place in line.
     All suburbs and adjoining precincts are especially invited to take part in the reception to the veterans.
     Every school in the county is asked to be present and take a part in the demonstrations.
     The cyclists, both ladies and gentlemen, will take a prominent part in the parade, and everyone who rides a wheel is invited to decorate and be in evidence. The largest and the smallest wheel in the world will be in line.


     Several prairie schooners stand in the streets and show how a considerable number of veterans' families will reach the reunion.
     There will be a meeting of the Third ward Lincoln day committee at the Windsor hotel tonight at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested.
     Nebraska veterans attending the state reunion are requested to meet at Nebraska headquarters on Tuesday, September 14, at 3 p.m. to consider matters connected with the Nebraska soldiers' association.

NEGenWeb Project - Civil War

G.A.R. Reunions


Nebraska State Journal
Tuesday morning, September 14, 1897


Commander Ehrhardt Takes Charge of Camp Lincoln


Welcomes the Veterans to the City after Which the Committee Hands Over the Camp -
Prospects for a Good Time.

     Camp Lincoln was a lively place yesterday. The nineteenth reunion of the veterans of Nebraska commenced most auspiciously on the pleasant grounds north of the city. Nothing occurred during the day to mar the pleasure of those who were streaming in to find places to spend the week or those more fortunate ones who had come early and had gotten settled. The latter were swinging in hammocks at their ease or lounging around on the grassy plots swapping tales of that old camp life which was quite unlike that of the present. The sun shone brightly and made the perspiration flow noticeably among the workers, but they were all cheerful. they had been there before, and the veterans, some of them with halting step, got out and took pulls at ropes and hammered down refractory stakes with a good deal of energy. All were in the best of humor, if the sun was hot, and if the tents did not all go up of their own accord, and if the campers had to stand in a line before the quartermasters tent; and wait for a chance to get assigned.
     Early in the morning the people poured in. The railroad rates of one fare round trip, did not go in effect till yesterday, so the people who entered the grounds came mostly in wagons. But they came in such numbers that for the first day the lack of visitors brought by the railroads was not noticed. By night, the long row of stalls, which half encircles the fair grounds, was a continuous row of vehicles which had been backed up to serve as shelter for the owners in many instances.
     The wagons came in streams. In the morning a gatekeeper counted fifty with scarcely perceptible space between them. They were stored away in the roomy grounds and the horses were stalled, and in a short time there were places for more and there were more to fill them.
     The tents went up as fast as Quartermaster Parker could give them out. Early the 500 tents that had been pitched were spoken for, and then men were seen standing around wondering where they would stow themselves away. The barracks in the agricultural hall were filling up rapidly during the day, though many preferred tents and waited for them. By evening J. H. McClay, chairman of the committee on privileges, estimated that 900 tents were up. These had all been spoken for, but were not all occupied last evening.
     The booth privileges are snapped up quite greedily this year. It is estimated that fully 25 per cent more privileges are taken this year than last. A dance hall was running last evening and the various merry-go-rounds and other devices to amuse and catch the crowd did a fairly good business during the day. Few city people were out except in the evening. It was a day of preparation and of only slight anticipation. Arrangements are under way to have some horse racing one day. Nothing will be left undone to amuse the crowds that attend. The attendance by night was estimated at between 4,000 and 5,000 people, with the best of prospects for the remainder of the week.
     The grounds were not dusty; the arrangement for keeping them damp and cool being used effectively yesterday.


     The program today will be one of general interest. It is Nebraska day. J. Sterling Morton will not be present today as advertised, but he will speak sometime during the week. His place on the program will be taken by W. J. Bryan. The program for the day in detail is as follows:
     5:45 -   Reveille
     6:30 -   Breakfast
     7:30 -   Police call
     8:45 -   Assembly of bands
     9:30 -   Assemblies at state headquarters
     12  -     Dinner call
     1:30 -   Assembly of bands
     2:00 -   Addresses by Congressmen Strode, Stark and Greene, and by W. J. Bryan
     5:00 -   Supper call
     7:30 -   Campfire addresses by T. J. Majors, P. C. Johnson, Gen. C. J. Dilworth
     10:00 - Taps


Governor Holcomb Makes an Address
of Welcome to the Veterans

     On account of the heat and the very general preparations under way all through the camp the dedicatory exercises were not begun till nearly 3 o'clock. Mercantile hall was comfortably filled at that time by those veterans and their families who were not willing to miss a single part of the program.
     The East Lincoln Christian church choir furnished some very acceptable music of a stirring kind, peculiarly fitting for the occasion.
    Before the exercises, there was music by the Pembleton baby drummers. The number was very attractive. Two snare drums were placed upon a small platform and were played by two little tots, son and daughter of M. L. Pembleton of York. Mr. Pembleton and his wife played the larger drums. The little people were dressed in the national colors and their performance was very taking.
     After another number by the choir, Colonel Pace of the reunion committee announced Governor Holcomb for an address of welcome to the veterans.
     Governor Holcomb said that a gathering of the nature of the reunion was particularly appropriate to occur in the state of Nebraska. The state, although in its infancy, furnished a large number of persons to preserve the union. Since the war, the state has been settled up largely by veterans and there is in it a strong loyal sentiment. For this reason, the reunion was particularly appropriate. The governor related an anecdote of foraging for supplies in the war and applied it to the veterans, telling them to "advance and take everything in sight" as they used to do. He thought the old soldiers needed no welcome. There is always general interest in the welfare of the veterans. The fact that there was such a strong desire to secure the reunion shows that the people like to have the soldiers with them. The people of Lincoln would not object if the veterans and their families should remain a month.
     Governor Holcomb compared the present with the past. He referred to the bountiful crops of the past season and said that it was pleasant that all could come, happy that their grain was garnered and their corn crops assured.
     The safety of the nation has always depended on patriotic citizenship, not on the valor of men trained to war. This was true in the war of the revolution and more so in the struggle of 1862. The closer the scrutiny of the civil war, the more it is apparent that the sacrifices of the union soldiers were monumental in proportion. Men who were not regarded as patriotic left wives and sweethearts to go to the front. Their sacrifices were great and people of the present generation should wish to do all in their power to show appreciation of these deeds and to prove themselves worthy sons of noble sires.
    To repay the men who fought, the pension system was inaugurated. No more laudable undertaking can be fostered by the government than to take up these pension claims as speedily as possible and repay the men who are weaker in body for their defense of the union.
    Governor Holcomb said, referring to his share in the war, that when fighting commenced he was "in arms," but in his mother's arms, though he said perhaps now it might not be believed possible.
     Speaking about the use and abuse of the national flag, the governor thought the flag should be preserved as an emblem of liberty and not be allowed to be used as a tag for merchandise or a trade mark for some special brand of beer. The flag is too sacred for this misuse. No name is great enough to appear upon the stars and stripes. The flag should be revered and should stand for the glories of a hundred years of freedom.
     After again bidding all comrades a hearty welcome, the governor closed.
     Colonel L. C. Pace made a few announcements. He stated that J. Sterling Morton would be unable to be present today, but that speeches would be made by W. J. Bryan and Congressmen Strode, Stark and Greene this afternoon.
     Miss Alice Gingery sang "Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean," with pleasing effect.
     Colonel Pace spoke briefly on the meaning of the annual reunion, enlarging on its patriotic significance. He announced that John Currie presented his statue of Lincoln to the old soldiers of Nebraska. The statue of considerable fame, gilded since Sunday, stood at the right of the platform. The announcement was received with applause.
     Colonel Pace spoke then in turning over the camp to Department Commander John A Ehrhardt of Stanton. Colonel Pace presented him with a silver tube containing a chart of the camp, and a flag, decorated with streamers of red, white and blue ribbon, and also a large portrait of Abraham Lincoln. These were given in token of respect to the commanders of 8,000 veterans. Colonel Pace, in behalf of the reunion committee again bade all comrades a most hearty welcome and presented Commander Ehrhardt to the audience.
     Commander Ehrhardt thanked Colonel Pace and the reunion committee for the tokens. Referring to a casual remark of Governor Holcomb's about the safety of Lincoln's chickens during the reunion, Mr. Ehrhardt said that locks on the chicken houses would do no good, as the boys had learned to take a board off the back of the coop in preference to breaking a lock.
     The reunion, Commander Ehrhardt said, is a school of patriotism, built on the principles of fraternity, charity and loyalty. These principles mean a great deal to comrades. The G. A. R. has no sympathy with the bearers of the red ring of anarchy. Absolute loyalty is demanded of all comrades.
     The commander expressed himself in sympathy with the governor as to the use of the American flag. he did not believe that Americans had gone flag crazy, however, in the profuse use of bunting. He had seen more flags on the reunion grounds than in the country for ten years before the war.
     Colonel Pace announced that H. C. Russell had received word from J. Sterling Morton that he would be present one day during the week. The audience rose, sang "America," and dispersed to meet again at the camp fire at night.


Captain Henry Manages One With a Truly Military Spirit

     Captain Henry of Fairmont, had charge of the first campfire of the reunion, held in mercantile hall at 7:20 o'clock. The captain is a fiery speaker his style of speaking partaking of the nature of the way he must have gone after the enemy. The audience did not run but they enjoyed the way he told how others had.
     He emphasized (sic) that the war was a fight to perpetuate a government of law. Captain Henry had a wealth of anecdote at his command to the great enjoyment of the audience. He said he was glad to see in the faces of the comrades that they were not as disconsolate as they were last year. This shot was received with cheers. "Hit him again" was shouted out, but Captain Henry asked if one couldn't be glad without there being politics in it.
     Comrade Ginger of St. Louis, was introduced as "Jamaica Ginger." He recited a poem which showed what part the privates took in the war. The poem was a "take off" on the duties of the commissioned officers whom the privates supposed always had a soft snap in a battle. It was in German dialect. When he closed he was encored and he sang a parody on "Marching Through Georgia."
     H. C. Russell was called on next. He commented on the thinning out of the ranks of the G. A. R. men in humorous fashion. He said the men were not thinning out but they were going to stay. He had heard some one say during the day that every worthy soldier should have a pension. He wondered how anyone but a worthy soldier could have a pension. It is time, he said, that such rot should be done away with. Pensioned soldiers are worthy. "There was a man in the White house who thought as this person did, but he is not there now."
     Three verses of "Rally Round the Flag" were sung, led by Judge J. H. Foxworthy of Lincoln.
     H.S. Staffer of Plainview was called upon in the absence of a regular speaker. He thought that no tongs (sic) could tell of the suffering in the army. He wanted to speak however for another class of people, who suffered quite as much, the wives and mothers at home, who wrote letters of encouragement and who sent their husbands and children to battle fields. These suffered much more than they have been credited with. The women were as much martyrs to liberty as the men. Judge Foxworthy sang a much appreciated song of the "soldiers who fought in their minds."
     Congressman J. B. Strode being present was called for. He got the audience in good humor by a funny shot at Captain Henry and Mr. Russell whose distant talk he said, had nearly turned over the street car in which he came to the ground. Mr. Strode referred to the interest which he took in the claims for pensions for old soldiers. He said that since the Journal in a report of a talk of his on last Memorial day had said that he took an interest in the old soldiers with claims, he had received letters from fifty soldiers outside the First district. Mr. Strode said that congressmen are powerless unless soldiers making application for aid, have their claims on file. He said that it is a congressmans' duty to look up claims that are slow in their progress though the pension department. He was the only representative from Nebraska who was a member of the G. A. R. and he would look after claims for other districts if the congressmen from the other districts would not do so. He said that the present administration was unlike the former administration, favorable to pensions. He desired to emphasize that pensions could be obtained now if the rules were complied with.
     Mrs. J. Aughe of Omaha delivered a recitation that was very well received.
     J. H. Foxworthy sang "We Were Soldiers Together."
     Adjutant General Gage then announced the program for today and the meeting adjourned with a cheer.
     There was a genuine soldierly spirit at the campfire. Excited veterans shouted out like happy people in a religious meeting. Their faces showed eagerness to listen again to the old stories in which there may always be found something new. The zeal with which the old songs were sung for the first time this year was interesting to see.


Places Where Comrades Meet and Review Their Army Acquaintances

     Headquarters for the various states are situated in a row along a street east of the main entrance of Mercantile hall. As one walks down the broad path he notices one of the most stirring scenes on the grounds. The veterans who enlisted from various states make it a solemn duty to register each year at their state headquarters. They go there to find their old friends and the long row of tents is the scene of many happy meetings and the renewal of old acquaintances.
     The Illinois headquarters are first. Yesterday Henry Hoaglund was very busy registering the comrades from the "sucker" state. Adjutant Tom Laird was on deck welcoming his old friends.
     John W. Brown of Lincoln and J. B. Beal of Crete, president and secretary of the Iowa old soldiers division were kept busy in the next tent where at 1 o'clock thirty-seven had registered.
     Indiana has two tents, one of which is used as a reception tent. A flag pole sixty feet high graces the entrance. The decorations are particularly well arranged.
     Wisconsin's tent is in the charge of Major Miller, president; Adjutant H. Bowerman of Kennard, and Quartermaster G. D. Eastman of Lincoln. The tent contains a fine picture of McKinley. The election of officers will occur tonight at 7 o'clock at the headquarters. The ladies of the Wisconsin division have reserved a portion of the tent for their use.
     Pennsylvania's tent yesterday was in the charge of past president John S. Wood of Omaha and J. W. Minick, vice president. Forty comrades from the Keystone state were on the ground at noon. The particular features of the decorations in the tent was a large silk banner with gold trimmings made of sweepings from the Philadelphia mint. The silk in the banner was woven by soldiers' orphans in a Pennsylvania institution. It is hand painted and carries the emblems of the different corps besides a large G. A. R. emblem. The election of officers is set for Wednesday noon from 12 till 2 o'clock.
     Jacob Wooster, of Hastings, president of the Ohio division and W. F. McLaughlin of Grand Island, secretary looked after the Ohio soldiers. It was given out confidentially that the camp was full of good fat Ohio people.
     Michigan's tent was in the charge of A. V. Cole, of Juniata.
     President W. T. McKnight of Lincoln had charge of the Missouri tent.
     Captain W. C. Henry of Fairmont, a genuine representative of the Empire state and past department commander was the presiding genius of the New York tent. The decorations were tastily arranged. Outside was a picture of Abraham Lincoln and his family loaned by Mrs. Emma Manchester of Lincoln.
     Nebraska's tent was in the charge of John Q. Goss. R. E. Doran of Lincoln looked after the Kansas veterans.
     C. J. Sergeant of Garrison was in charge of the New England tent which is next. The states of West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee have one tent in the charge of Comrade Golden. E. S. Post of Lincoln conducted the register in the Minnesota tent. Over the tent floats a banner, "Minnesota, The First in the Field."

Relief Corps Orders

     Headquarters Department of Nebraska, Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, Hastings, Neb., Sept 7, 1897 - General Orders No. 6:
     I. The nineteenth annual reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic will be held in Lincoln September 13 to 18, 1897.
     Wednesday, the 15th, has been designated as W. R. C. day and an interesting program will be participated in by the members of our order upon that day in the auditorium.
     II. The following named ladies are hereby appointed as committee on program and reception and will have entire charge of headquarters of the Woman's Relief Corps and make such arrangements for the comfort of the visiting members as they deem necessary.
     Appomattox W. R. C. No. 128 - Helen E. Cook, past president, chairman; Louise Alexander, president; Henrietta Goodell, past president; Frances Price, past president; Annis Carter, past president; Susan Byers, Anna Odell.
     Farragut W. R. C. No. 10 - Retta Harrop, president; Rebecca Frankforter, past president; Mary E. Ward, past president; Nellie M. Richardson, past president; Mary B. Cook, past president, Sarah Chappell, Mary Wiseman.
     Belknap W. R. C. No. 192 (?) - Theresa Woodard, past department treasurer; Harriet Pitman, Frances Weeks, Etta Brooks.
     III. Let every member of the Woman's Relief Corps who attends this reunion show her appreciation of the work of this committee by presenting herself at headquarters upon arrival, where she will find some member of the committee ready to welcome her and give any needed information.
     IV. The following corps are on roll of honor, for second quarter: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 28, 29, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 78, 79, 83, 95, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93, 94, 96, 105, 106, 109, 110, 112, 119, 120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 136, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 176, 177, 183, 184, 186, 187, 190, 191, 192, 193, 198.
     V. Two new corps have been chartered during the present quarter, No. 30 at Trumbull and No. 31 at Bloomfield.
     VI. The representation from this department in attendance upon national convention numbered ten. All have now returned and resumed their duties. Let each one who has taken the W. R. C. obligation use every effort to advance the order and increase its numerical strength. By command of

     JULIA S. BOWEN, Dept. President
     KATE O. BOYD, Dept. secretary.
Reunion Notes

     Fifty teams came from Kearney county alone.
     Department Commander Ehrhardt arrived on the grounds yesterday morning.
     The prisoners of war will meet this morning at the Pennsylvania headquarters at 9:30 o'clock.
     A few comrades are displaying badges from the national encampment, which receive much attention.
     No national guards are in attendance and it will be impossible to have the military maneuvers that were contemplated.
     The tents of the department commanders, adjutant-general, quartermaster and surgeon are on the street at the west of the main entrance to Mercantile hall.
     J. G. P. Hildebrand lives near the boulevard leading to Normal. He said that he was kept awake Sunday night by the noise from the continual string of teams going to the reunion.
     The heat of yesterday was very enervating but there were many old ladies on the grounds who during the middle of the day reclined in the tents and worked fans vigorously.
     The special one-fare rates did not go into effect until yesterday morning and there were many remarks that the crowd was composed largely of people who had driven in.
     The reunion committee met in the morning and received the reports of the chairmen of the various subcommittees. The committee on tents and barracks reported that one-half more people were here than were on the ground the same time last year. The committee was authorized to secure 200 tents more. Concessions of the value of $1,500 were reported sold.
     Among the prominent G. A. R. men present yesterday, were: Adjutant-General Gage, Quartermaster Figard, Seward; P. C. Johnson of Table Rock; H. C. Russell, W. E. Henry of Fairmont; Congressman Strode; A. V. Cole of Juniata.
     Post No 5, from Wilber, arrived yesterday with the little cannon, "Black Tom," which is familiar to all attendants at reunions. When the cannon is fired, the veterans about "lie down" just as they used to do when there was danger of grape and cannister (sic).
     Deputy Sheriff Routzahn ordered three crooks off the grounds yesterday, who have frequently been in trouble in the city before. Louis Otto has charge of the police on the grounds. T. C. Heller is sergeant. Gate keepers are set at each entrance to prevent the smuggling in of supplies against the interests of concessionaires.
     The Falls City military band arrived yesterday. The band is composed of twenty-five pieces and is under the direction of F. Storm. Six bands have been contracted for by the management in addition to the one on the grounds. They are the bands of Alma, Fairmont, Weston, Fullerton and the military band of Omaha.
     The Womans' Relief corps has the prettiest headquarters on the grounds in Floral hall. The three local organizations unite in (-----?) it and reception committees from (--?) are in charge each day. Hunter post of Ohiowa sent a beautiful floral design, "G. A. R.," in nasturtiums on a pansy bed. The walls are draped with bunting and large pictures of McKinley and Belknap adorn the room. Easy chairs and rugs make the place a cozy place for ladies. There is a private room for ladies also.



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