NEGenWeb Project - Civil War


Plattsmouth Journal, April [unclear], 1918



More Than Fifty Years Have Now Elapsed, but the Recollection is Fresh in Their Minds.

From Monday's Daily.

Yesterday, the writer dropped into the Burlington station just before the afternoon train went east to see what the traveling public was doing, and found two of our dear old friends there telling of the time which has long since passed - of the battles of Pittsburg Landing and of Shiloh, which were fought fifty-six years ago Saturday and yesterday.

These men, now aged as we count life, were then in the prime of their young manhood and filled with enthusiasm for the cause. They are Justus LILLIE and Uncle John (Dad) RENNER. They were both in the battle and each received a wound. The battle, which lasted two days, was not without its effect in the ultimate outcome of the war, and although the northern forces were sorely beaten the first day they rallied on the next and with the aid of reinforcements, were able to carry off the honors. The first day of this battle was the 6th day of April, 1862, and it was on this day that the southern army drove the federal forces back with such rapidity that they nearly pushed them in to river. This was largely due to raw recruits being used in the northern army and the divisions were badly broken up and scattered. A detachment [illegible] - would, however, be detailed in hold back the rebel forces as long as possible while the troops were formed into a semblance of an army again, and thus the fighting continued until nightfall. By the morning of the 7th of April, General Buell had arrived with reinforcements and the result was the battle went against the rebels. Albert Sidney Johnson was in command of the rebels while Generals Grant and Sherman were in command of the union troops. The reinforcements which Buell brought up gave the northern side greater numbers, although the main advantage was in the troops which came to [article torn] being more seasoned fighters. The confederates were driven to Corinth, and the battle won by the Union troops. In the battle the Union troops lost in killed 12,573 men and the losses of the Confederates were 10, 699.

"Dad" RENNER was wounded in the left arm and suffered a slight scratch across his waist line, the bullet cutting the waist band of his trousers as he was standing sidewise to the direction from which the shot came, and passed through his left arm near the elbow.

Justus Lillie was wounded on the top of his left shoulder near the collar bone. The wounds of both these men were so near serious that the excitement was intense, especially when so many men were being killed, dropping on every side.

These two jolly comrades were talking and laughing about the battle yesterday, but then it is now more than fifty years removed from the present day, and the war of the rebellion has been a matter of history for a half century.

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