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The Great War - National Project


In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place, and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)



Oh! sleep in peace where poppies grow;

The torch your falling hands let go

Was caught by us, again held high,

A beacon light in Flanders sky

That dims the stars to those below.

You are our dead, you held the foe,

And ere the poppies cease to blow,

We'll prove our faith in you who lie

In Flanders Fields.

Oh! rest in peace, we quickly go

To you who bravely died, and know

In other fields was heard the cry,

For freedom's cause, of you who lie,

So still asleep where poppies grow,

In Flanders Fields.

As in rumbling sound, to and fro,

The lightning flashes, sky aglow,

The mighty hosts appear, and high

Above the din of battle cry,

Scarce heard amidst the guns below,

Are fearless hearts who fight the foe,

And guard the place where poppies grow.

Oh! sleep in peace, all you who lie

In Flanders Fields.

And still the poppies gently blow,

Between the crosses, row on row.

The larks, still bravely soaring high,

Are singing now their lullaby

To you who sleep where poppies grow

In Flanders Fields.

John Mitchell



In Flanders Fields the poppies bloom,

Where standing crosses mark your tomb,

Where larks area gaily singing still,

But now we hear their skyward trill,

For all the guns have ceased to boom.

The crosses tells us you are dead,

But flaming poppies teal instead,

That you are living now anew,

In hearts who caught the torch you threw

From Flanders Field

Though you are sleeping ?over There?,

Wee know that you are living here,

We loved you then, we love you still,

So long as poppies bloom, we will;

So long as larks sing in the air

In Flanders Field

James Heron

From ?The Measure of a Man? 1923
Private KACIN Joseph Clarkson DW 217
Ensign KALK Stanton Omaha RD NSHS
Private KALLEMEYN George E. University Place KIA 215
Private KALTAS Gust Omaha KIA 215
Private KAMPER William J. Palmer DD 217
Private KARNATZ Charles F. Burr Oak DD 217
Corporal KAYTON James Emery Octavia KIA 215 209
Private KEEZER Charley A. Ericson KIA 215 207
Private KEIL Henry Elgin DD 217
Private KEITH James W. Omaha KIA 215
Private KELLEY John R. Lawrence DW 217
Corporal KELLING William Hardy KIA NSHS
Private KELLOGG Francis L. Hendley DD 217
Private KENNEDY Edward H. Omaha DW 217
Private KENNEDY William Elsie DD 217
Private KENNY Henry G. Amherst KIA 215 207
Corporal KENT James E. Laurence KIA 215 207
Private KENT Ernest D. Minatare DD 217 207
Private KERL Chester R. Pawnee City KIA 215 209
Private KERNS Hugh J. Plattsmouth KIA 215
Private KESSLER James P. Spalding DW NSHS
Private KILGORE William V. Brule DD 217
Private KING Howard S. Omaha KIA 215
Corporal KINKADE Walter Steinaver WA 209
Private KINNIER Thomas S. Primrose KIA 215 209
Private KINTIGH Roy Clifford Kilgore KIA 215
Private KISSANE Jerry J. Omaha DA 218
Private KISTLER William Bladen DD 217
Sergeant KLADEK James Omaha DD 216
Private KLEGIN Lawrence F. Pierce KIA 215
Private KLINE Lloyd W. Wauneta KIA 215
Private KLINE Roy C. Aurora KIA 215 209
Private KLINE Frank K. South Sioux City DD NSHS
Private KLINE Charles L. Oxford KIA NSHS
Private KLING Benejamin E. Hickman DD 217
Private KLINGINSMITH Jason S. St. Paul DD 217
Corporal KNOBE William E. Falls City KIA 215
Private KNOBEL Roy D. Elm Creek DW 217
Private KNUDSON Olvin H. Round Valley DW 217 209
Private KOCA Frank B. Tobias KIA 215
Private KOCH Henry Jake Hastings KIA 215
Private KOCK Louie Peter Concord KIA 215 207
Private KOHLMORGAN William Charles Lincoln KIA 215
Corporal KOLER Emil Guide Rock WA 207
Private KOPECKY Charles Bruno KIA 215
Private KORFF Carl T. Hartington KIA 215
Private KORINEK James Joseph Omaha KIA 215
Private KORTE Carl W. Columbus WA 209
Sergeant KREGGER William John Harvard KIA 215 207
Private KRIEWALD Samuel H. North Loup KIA 215 209
Private KRIZ Joseph F. Dodge DD 217
Private KROMA Oldrich Omaha DW 217
Private KROMA Oldrich Omaha KIA NSHS
Corporal KRUPINSKY Archie Fremont DW NSHS
Private KRUPINSKY Arthur Fremont KIA NSHS
Private KRUSE Fred Grand Island KIA 215
Corporal KRUSEMARK Harry F. Wisner WA 212
Private KUEHNERT Walter K. Lyons KIA 215
Private KUNZMAN Joseph Richard Albion DD NSHS
Private KURKOWSKI William A. Grant DW 217 209
Corporal LAFRENZ Julius H. Tekamah KIA 215
Private LAMB Ray Thompson Bloomfield DW 217 207
Private LANGE August W. Seward DD 217
Private LANNING Maurice Cozad KIA 215
Private LARKOWSKI Ted Dannebrog KIA 215
Private LARSEN Lars P. Benson KIA 215
Private LARSON Ernest G. Fremont DW 217
Sergeant LARSON Edward H. Genoa DW 217
Private LARSON Edwin Wahoo DD 217
Private LAWSON Flovd Blue Springs KIA 215
Private LAYTON William A. Arnold KIA 215 213
Private LEE Herman Omaha DW 217
Private LEHR Manderson Albion KIA NSHS
Private LEMBKE John F. Elkhorn KIA 215
Private LENIG Harvey Lyons DW 217 207
Private LESCHINSKY Armand J. Grand Island DD 217
Private LEWIS Milton Oliver Fairfield KIA 215
Private LEWIS Harry Albert Fullerton DD 217
Sergeant LEWIS Taylor E. Superior DW NSHS
Private LIBOLT Orin J. Burton DD 217 207
Private LINDER Henry E. Omaha KIA 215
Private LINE Francis K. Sioux City DD 217
Private LISENBEE Joseph Irwen Omaha KIA 215
Private LISKA Frank W. Verdigre DD 207
Private LITTLE George Crab Orchard KIA 215 207
Private LITTLE William T. Pawnee DW 217
Private LIVINGSTON William R. Petersburg DD 217 207
Private LONDBERG Alfred S. Lynch DD 217 207
Private LONG Benjamin H. Havelock DD 217 207
Private LONGBERG Alfred S. Lynch DD NSHS
Mechanic LOOKER Gilbert W. Omaha DW 217
Private LORENZ Charles College View KIA 215
Private LOTT Peter M. Fairmont KIA 215
Private LOVELADY Grant Bermar DW 217
Private LOVELL Norman E. Springfield DW 217 207
Private LUDWIG John W. Amherst DD 217
Corporal LUND Lawrence N. Hooper KIA 215
Corporal LYONS Earl C. Lincoln KIA 215
Lieutenant MacDONALD Donald M. Holbrook KIA 215
Private MACK Arthur C. West Point KIA 215
Private MADSEN Jasper E. Heartwell DA 218
Private MADSEN Carl Wayne WA 206
Private MAIXNER Frederick Bee KIA 215
Private MALLY Anton Bee DD NSHS
Lieutenant MANDERSON Lehr Albion KIA 215
Private MANN Louis H. Humboldt DW 217
Private MANSON B. P. Shickley KIA 215
Private MAPES Ray D. Walton KIA 215
Private MARCY Warren O. Seneca DD 217
Private MARFICIE Frank J. Omaha DD NSHS
Lieutenant MARSH Arthur H. Blair DW 217
Private MARSHALL Harold Dayre Weeping Water KIA 215
Private MARTFELD William H. Stuart DD 217
Lieutenant MARTIN Ralph E. Bellevue DD 216
Private MARTIN Charles E. Alliance DW 217
Private MARTIN Paul R. Hershey KIA 215 206
Private MARTIN Charles Marion Holdrege KIA NSHS
Private MASON Sweeny Rushville KIA 215
Private MASSIL William H. Unadilla DA 218
Private MATHERS William F. Bostwick KIA 215
Private MATHERS Charles W. Tryon DW 217 206
Private MATHIAS Oscar L. Diller DD 217
Private MATYA Andrew Tarnov DW 217
Private MAYER Abraham Naper WA 206
Private McCAIG Joseph C. York DD 217
Private McCARTHY Joseph A. York DW 217
Corporal MCCARTHY Edward J. Spalding DD NSHS
Private McCONNACHIE James Gering KIA 207
Private McCOY Marion Alliance DD NSHS
Corporal McCRACKEN Charles Springvicw DW 217
Master Electrician McCULLOUGH John H. Omaha DA 218 207
Private McDONALD Hugh E. Belvidere DD 217
Private McDONALD Willis E. Omaha DD 217
Private McDOWELL Emory E. Greenwood WA 206
Private McELWAIN Harley H. Bailey KIA 215
Private McENTAFFER Harry M. Emerson DD 217
Private McFARLAND Jess Albion DD NSHS
Corporal McFATE Ralph W. Gothenburg DD 216 206
Private McGEE Floyd D. Lincoln KIA 215
Private McGEE T.D. Lincoln KIA NSHS
Private McGREW LaVerne University Place KIA NSHS
Corporal MCKEEVER Charles E. Long Pine WA 206
Corporal McKENNAN Sylvester V. Lincoln DD 216
Private McKIBBEN Everett L. Emmett DD 217
Private McLAIN John B. Riverton DW 217 209
Corporal McLEOD Frederick D. Schuyler KIA 215
Corporal McMANN Arthur B. Brownville RD NSHS
Sergeant McMILLEN Frank J. Shelby DD 216
Private McMULLEN Orlie C. Wauneta DD 217 206
Private McNURLIN Walter B. Stanton DD 217
Private McNUTT George Palmyra DW 217
Private McVAY Ray H. Clearwater DW NSHS
Private McVEY Charles Franklin Virginia DW NSHS 213
Private McWILLIAMS Eugene L. Shelton DD 217
Private MEIDL Franke Meadow Grove DD 217
Private MELTON Bluff E. North Bend DW 217
Sergeant MENDE Clarence Amandus Lincoln DW 217
Private METTE Kurtis J. Beverly DD 217 206
Private MEYERS Harry Edward Preston DD 217 206
Private MICHALOWSKI Bronislaw H. Kearney DW 217
Private MICHELSON Milton L. St. Paul DD 217
Private MIEFERT Frank M. Marsland DW 217 206
Private MIELEVEK Frank Omaha KIA 215
Private MILLER Ralph Arnold WA 205
Private MILLER Merritt B. Pawnee City DD 217
Private MILLER Clifford Newman Grove KIA 215
Private MILLER Frank University Place DW NSHS
Private MILLER Peter Harvard DW 217
Private MILLER Glenn Brunswick DD 217 206
Private MILLER Gale G. Brownlee KIA 215
Cook MILLER Harry S. Tecumseh DD 216
Private MILLER Adam Culbertson KIA 215
Private MILLS Ira Valparaiso DD 217
Private MINER Harold J. Concord WA 206
Corporal MITCHELL George R. Holdredge KIA 215
Private MITCHELL Charles W. Holdrege DW 217
Private MOELLER Edward F. Bloomfield KIA 215
Corporal MOGENSEN Carl C. Baelus DD 216
Private MONTELLO Mike Omaha DW 217 206
Sergeant MOORE David M. Stromsburg DW 217
Private MORGAN David R. Virdell DD 217
Private MORGAN Harvey Jones Elwood KIA 215
Sergeant MORGENSEN Carl C. Boelus KIA 215
Sergeant MORLEY Newman Glenn Arlington DD 216
Private MORRISON Glenn Loomis DD 217
Private MRSNY Frank J. Madison DW 217
Private MUDRA Vincent Walnut DD 217
Private MULLIGAN James A. Greeley DD 217
Private MUNDAY Ralph H. Statesville DD 217
Private MUNSON Alvin Humboldt KIA 215
Private MUNSON James G. Norfolk KIA 215
Private MUSHANEY Albert R. Giltner WA 206
Private NACHTMAN Frank Pishelville DW 217
Private NAGEL Paul Staplehurst KIA 215
Private NASH Arthur W. Omaha DD 217
Private NEELY Charles V. Kimball DW 217 206
Private NEIDI Frank E. Meadow Grove DD NSHS
Private NEILSON Arnold Overton KIA 215
Private NEKOLITE John M. Columbus DD 217
Private NELSON Finn L. Bristow DW 217
Private NELSON Alfred Louisville WA 206
Private NELSON Theodore Morris Fremont DD 217 206
Private NELSON Adoph J. Hartington KIA NSHS
Private NELSON Carl A. Omaha DD 217 207
Private NELSON Lewis H. Sargent KIA 215 205
Corporal NICHOLS Earl Davenport DW NSHS
Private NICKERSON Howard B. Farnam KIA 215 206
Private NICOLAISEN Erwin Herbert Osmond DD 217 205
Private NIELSON Lauritz Omaha KIA 215
Private NIRZ Henry Plattsmouth KIA NSHS
Corporal NISSEN Jens Alex Omaha DW 217
Private NORDQUIST David Omaha DD 217
Private NORMAN Earl P. Wausa KIA 215
Private NORTHROP Leslie N. Giltner DD 217
Corporal NORTON Fred W. Fall City KIA 215 205
Private NORTON Harvey E. Stuart RD NSHS
Private ODDO Tony Omaha DW 217
Lieutenant OFFUTT Jarvis J. Omaha DW 217
Private OGLEVIE Richard Shelton DW 217
Private O'LEARY Joseph R. Omaha KIA 215
Private OLSEN Clarence Farwell DW 217
Private OLSEN Alva F. Hartington DW 217
Private ORT John A. Omaha DW NSHS
Private O'SULLIVAN John A. Prosser WA 213
Wagoner OTT John H. Dunning DD 216
Private OTTO Louis Pierce DW 217

Status Legend:
KIA = Killed in Action
WA = Wounded in Action
DW = Died of Wounds
DD = Died of Disease
RD = Reported Died

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NE WWI Resources NE Military Resources - Main
The Great War - National Project

Transcription Courtesy of: S.M. Anderson
Graphic © S.M. Anderson, 2004