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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0169-Blue Hill Leader

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

0169 00/04/1938 3 1 R223 Reichstein, Gerald; D ACCIDENT: Bladen Gerald Reichstein Drowned While Hunting 0169 00/04/1938 3 1 R223 Reichstein, Gerald; D ACCIDENT: Bladen Gerald Reichstein Drowned While Hunting 0169 00/06/1938 8 2 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.; St. Paul Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 00/06/1938 8 2 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.; St. Paul Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 00/07/1938 6 7 P142 Pavelka, Hugo (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 00/07/1938 6 7 P142 Pavelka, Hugo (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 00/08/1938 1 6 B200 Buschow, Marie; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Marie Buschow Honored on 80th Birthday 0169 00/08/1938 1 6 B200 Buschow, Marie; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Marie Buschow Honored on 80th Birthday 0169 00/11/1938 1 4 M200 Muchow, Gesine; BD: York 0169 00/11/1938 1 4 M200 Muchow, Gesine; BD: York 0169 00/13/1938 1 6 A450 Allyn, A. E. (Mrs.); DN: Hastings 0169 00/13/1938 1 6 A450 Allyn, A. E. (Mrs.); DN: Hastings 0169 00/15/1938 1 4 W420 Wallace, Evelyn Maye; M: Hastings Wallace-Bock 0169 00/15/1938 1 5 W420 Welch, Myrtle (Homer); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 00/15/1938 1 4 W420 Wallace, Evelyn Maye; M: Hastings Wallace-Bock 0169 00/15/1938 1 5 W420 Welch, Myrtle (Homer); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 00/16/1938 8 2 H525 Hinkins, Lester (Velma); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 00/16/1938 8 2 H525 Hinkins, Velma (Lester); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 00/16/1938 8 2 H525 Hinkins, Lester (Velma); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 00/16/1938 8 2 H525 Hinkins, Velma (Lester); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 00/22/1938 1 4 C434 Caldwell, Fannie; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Fannie Caldwell Surprised on Birthday 0169 00/22/1938 1 4 C434 Caldwell, Fannie; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Fannie Caldwell Surprised on Birthday 0169 00/26/1938 8 7 K332 Kottwitz, Ervin (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 00/26/1938 8 7 K332 Kottwitz, Ervin (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 01/07/1938 1 3 M635 Martin, Martha L.; D: Rosemont Mrs. Martha Martin Dies at Rosemont 0169 01/07/1938 1 4 G635 Gartner, Raymond; M: Pauline 0169 01/07/1938 1 4 G420 Giles, Jane; M: Pauline 0169 01/07/1938 1 4 S500 Sime, Fred; DN: Burwell 0169 01/07/1938 4 7 R200 Rose, Henry; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 01/07/1938 6 2 S536 Sundermier, Anna; M: Blue Hill 0169 01/07/1938 6 2 W355 Wademan, George; M: Blue Hill 0169 01/07/1938 8 5 T616 Trobridge, Esther; BD: Blue Hill 0169 01/07/1938 1 3 M635 Martin, Martha L.; D: Rosemont Mrs. Martha Martin Dies at Rosemont 0169 01/07/1938 1 4 G635 Gartner, Raymond; M: Pauline 0169 01/07/1938 1 4 G420 Giles, Jane; M: Pauline 0169 01/07/1938 1 4 S500 Sime, Fred; DN: Burwell 0169 01/07/1938 4 7 R200 Rose, Henry; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 01/07/1938 6 2 S536 Sundermier, Anna; M: Blue Hill 0169 01/07/1938 6 2 W355 Wademan, George; M: Blue Hill 0169 01/07/1938 8 5 T616 Trobridge, Esther; BD: Blue Hill 0169 01/14/1938 1 3 W325 Watkins, Frank A.; HISTORY: Blue Hill F. A. Watkins Contributes Another Letter of Blue Hill 0169 01/14/1938 1 6 F620 Fricke, Alfred (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 01/14/1938 1 7 D620 Deriese, Hiram (Inglebee); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 01/14/1938 1 7 D620 Deriese, Inglebee (Hiram); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 01/14/1938 3 1 S330 Stout, Lydia; D: Bladen Final Summons for Mrs. Lydia Stout. 0169 01/14/1938 4 6 J500 Jahn, August; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 01/14/1938 6 4 F632 Fritz, George; ANN: Bladen 0169 01/14/1938 6 5 A416 Alberts, Albert (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 01/14/1938 1 3 W325 Watkins, Frank A.; HISTORY: Blue Hill F. A. Watkins Contributes Another Letter of Blue Hill 0169 01/14/1938 1 6 F620 Fricke, Alfred (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 01/14/1938 1 7 D620 Deriese, Hiram (Inglebee); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 01/14/1938 1 7 D620 Deriese, Inglebee (Hiram); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 01/14/1938 3 1 S330 Stout, Lydia; D: Bladen Final Summons for Mrs. Lydia Stout. 0169 01/14/1938 4 6 J500 Jahn, August; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 01/14/1938 6 4 F632 Fritz, George; ANN: Bladen 0169 01/14/1938 6 5 A416 Alberts, Albert (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 01/21/1938 1 5 P400 Piel, Velma Gertrude; D: Bladen Velma Gertrude Piel Died in Cal. 0169 01/21/1938 1 6 C600 Crow, Lura Cora; D: Pauline 0169 01/21/1938 1 6 H260 Hager, Wilma; M: Hastings 0169 01/21/1938 1 6 H255 Hesman, Stanley; M: Hastings 0169 01/21/1938 1 7 B650 Brown, Andrew J.; ANN: Mitchell Golden Wedding For Brown's at Mitchell 0169 01/21/1938 3 2 D120 Davis, Naomi; M: Bladen Davis-McIllece 0169 01/21/1938 3 2 M242 McIllece, Elton; M: Bladen Davis-McIllece Salt Lake City, Ut. 0169 01/21/1938 1 5 P400 Piel, Velma Gertrude; D: Bladen Velma Gertrude Piel Died in Cal. 0169 01/21/1938 1 6 C600 Crow, Lura Cora; D: Pauline 0169 01/21/1938 1 6 H260 Hager, Wilma; M: Hastings 0169 01/21/1938 1 6 H255 Hesman, Stanley; M: Hastings 0169 01/21/1938 1 7 B650 Brown, Andrew J.; ANN: Mitchell Golden Wedding For Brown's at Mitchell 0169 01/21/1938 3 2 D120 Davis, Naomi; M: Bladen Davis-McIllece 0169 01/21/1938 3 2 M242 McIllece, Elton; M: Bladen Davis-McIllece Salt Lake City, Ut. 0169 01/28/1938 1 2 K600 Karr, Edward M.; DN: Atkinson Death of Edward M. Karr at Atkinson 0169 01/28/1938 1 3 J121 Jap's Place; FIRE: Ayr 0169 01/28/1938 1 3 H435 Houlton, Lawrence Richard; D: Blue Hill L.R.Houlton Passes Away @ Vermillion S.D. S.D. 0169 01/28/1938 1 3 S113 Svoboda, Rose; M: Blue Hill Svoboda-Winn 0169 01/28/1938 1 3 W500 Winn, Thomas; M: Blue Hill Svoboda-Winn 0169 01/28/1938 1 6 F615 Fairbanks, Wendell Lee; B: Ayr 0169 01/28/1938 1 7 M400 Moell, R. H.; DN: Hastings 0169 01/28/1938 1 2 K600 Karr, Edward M.; DN: Atkinson Death of Edward M. Karr at Atkinson 0169 01/28/1938 1 3 J121 Jap's Place; FIRE: Ayr 0169 01/28/1938 1 3 H435 Houlton, Lawrence Richard; D: Blue Hill L.R.Houlton Passes Away @ Vermillion S.D. S.D. 0169 01/28/1938 1 3 S113 Svoboda, Rose; M: Blue Hill Svoboda-Winn 0169 01/28/1938 1 3 W500 Winn, Thomas; M: Blue Hill Svoboda-Winn 0169 01/28/1938 1 6 F615 Fairbanks, Wendell Lee; B: Ayr 0169 01/28/1938 1 7 M400 Moell, R. H.; DN: Hastings 0169 02/04/1938 3 2 J520 James, Mary Anne; B: Bladen 0169 02/04/1938 3 4 E251 Eigenberg, Gus: Rosemont 0169 02/04/1938 8 1 L630 Laird, Bruce (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 02/04/1938 3 2 J520 James, Mary Anne; B: Bladen 0169 02/04/1938 3 4 E251 Eigenberg, Gus: Rosemont 0169 02/04/1938 8 1 L630 Laird, Bruce (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 02/11/1938 1 3 F520 Funke, Ed. H.; ANN: Blue Hill Mrs. & Mrs. Ed. H. Funke Observe 25th Wedding Anniv. 0169 02/11/1938 1 5 C654 Cornelius, Caroline; D: Hastings Funeral Services For Mrs. Caroline Cornelius 0169 02/11/1938 3 1 C360 Cather, George P.; D: Grand Island Last Rites For George P. Cather. Pioneer. 0169 02/11/1938 3 3 S460 Saylor, John; BD: Bladen John Saylor Surprised on 78th Birthday 0169 02/11/1938 3 4 B530 Bennett, Challon: Bladen 0169 02/11/1938 6 5 K425 Kluseman, Herbert: Blue Hill 0169 02/11/1938 8 7 K630 Kort, Gilbert (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/11/1938 1 3 F520 Funke, Ed. H.; ANN: Blue Hill Mrs. & Mrs. Ed. H. Funke Observe 25th Wedding Anniv. 0169 02/11/1938 1 5 C654 Cornelius, Caroline; D: Hastings Funeral Services For Mrs. Caroline Cornelius 0169 02/11/1938 3 1 C360 Cather, George P.; D: Grand Island Last Rites For George P. Cather. Pioneer. 0169 02/11/1938 3 3 S460 Saylor, John; BD: Bladen John Saylor Surprised on 78th Birthday 0169 02/11/1938 3 4 B530 Bennett, Challon: Bladen 0169 02/11/1938 6 5 K425 Kluseman, Herbert: Blue Hill 0169 02/11/1938 8 7 K630 Kort, Gilbert (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/18/1938 1 4 W320 Woods, Ora S.; ANN: Ayr 0169 02/18/1938 1 7 W422 Wilcox, Elizabeth Alda; D: Cowles Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcox Called by Death 0169 02/18/1938 3 1 E152 Evans, Harm; DN: Hastings 0169 02/18/1938 4 6 A636 Arterburn, Andrew; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/18/1938 8 2 P362 Peterson, Dave (Infant, M); B: Stromsburg 0169 02/18/1938 8 4 J520 James, Clarence (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/18/1938 1 4 W320 Woods, Ora S.; ANN: Ayr 0169 02/18/1938 1 7 W422 Wilcox, Elizabeth Alda; D: Cowles Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcox Called by Death 0169 02/18/1938 3 1 E152 Evans, Harm; DN: Hastings 0169 02/18/1938 4 6 A636 Arterburn, Andrew; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/18/1938 8 2 P362 Peterson, Dave (Infant, M); B: Stromsburg 0169 02/18/1938 8 4 J520 James, Clarence (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/25/1938 1 2 B420 Bohlke, Oscar; ANN: Ayr 0169 02/25/1938 1 2 M520 Mankske, Nora: Ayr 0169 02/25/1938 1 3 S451 Shallenberger, Ashton C.; D: Franklin A. C. Shallenberger Stricken @ Franklin 0169 02/25/1938 1 4 J525 Johnson, John; ANN: Blue Hill Silver Wedding For Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson 0169 02/25/1938 1 4 P452 Polenske, Edna Ruth; M: Hastings Polenske-Stroh 0169 02/25/1938 1 4 S360 Stroh, J. Harold; M: Hastings Polenske-Stroh 0169 02/25/1938 1 5 B650 Bourne, N. J.; BD: Pauline 0169 02/25/1938 3 1 C200 Cox, Ronald W.; M: Bladen Stout-Cox @ Smith Ctr., Kan. 0169 02/25/1938 3 1 S330 Stout, Marlys Darlene; M: Bladen Stout-Cox Smith Ctr., Kan. 0169 02/25/1938 3 3 H560 Henry, Warren; DN: Bladen Warren Henry Dead 0169 02/25/1938 1 2 B420 Bohlke, Oscar; ANN: Ayr 0169 02/25/1938 1 2 M520 Mankske, Nora: Ayr 0169 02/25/1938 1 3 S451 Shallenberger, Ashton C.; D: Franklin A. C. Shallenberger Stricken @ Franklin 0169 02/25/1938 1 4 J525 Johnson, John; ANN: Blue Hill Silver Wedding For Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson 0169 02/25/1938 1 4 P452 Polenske, Edna Ruth; M: Hastings Polenske-Stroh 0169 02/25/1938 1 4 S360 Stroh, J. Harold; M: Hastings Polenske-Stroh 0169 02/25/1938 1 5 B650 Bourne, N. J.; BD: Pauline 0169 02/25/1938 3 1 C200 Cox, Ronald W.; M: Bladen Stout-Cox @ Smith Ctr., Kan. 0169 02/25/1938 3 1 S330 Stout, Marlys Darlene; M: Bladen Stout-Cox Smith Ctr., Kan. 0169 02/25/1938 3 3 H560 Henry, Warren; DN: Bladen Warren Henry Dead 0169 03/04/1938 1 1 J520 Jungck, Ed: Blue Hill 0169 03/04/1938 1 2 K626 Krueger, Elmer; M: Blue Hill Rose-Krueger 0169 03/04/1938 1 2 R200 Rose, Tena Marie; M: Blue Hill Rose-Krueger 0169 03/04/1938 1 3 W300 Wood, Clarence; ANN: Blue Hill Golden Wedding for Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Woods 0169 03/04/1938 1 6 R543 Reynolds, Mildred Lucille; M: Red Cloud Reynolds-Sack 0169 03/04/1938 1 6 R200 Rose, Faye; DN: Hastings 0169 03/04/1938 1 6 S200 Sack, John E.; M: Red Cloud Reynolds-Sack 0169 03/04/1938 1 7 M600 Meyer, Hugo; ANN: Blue Hill Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Meyer Honored on Silver Wedding 0169 03/04/1938 3 5 G600 G. A. R.; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 1913 0169 03/04/1938 3 5 K400 Kile, Lyle (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 03/04/1938 6 3 M000 May, Leander; DN: Blue Hill 0169 03/04/1938 8 3 B520 Banks, Myles Freeman; B: Vanango 0169 03/04/1938 1 1 J520 Jungck, Ed: Blue Hill 0169 03/04/1938 1 2 K626 Krueger, Elmer; M: Blue Hill Rose-Krueger 0169 03/04/1938 1 2 R200 Rose, Tena Marie; M: Blue Hill Rose-Krueger 0169 03/04/1938 1 3 W300 Wood, Clarence; ANN: Blue Hill Golden Wedding for Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Woods 0169 03/04/1938 1 6 R543 Reynolds, Mildred Lucille; M: Red Cloud Reynolds-Sack 0169 03/04/1938 1 6 R200 Rose, Faye; DN: Hastings 0169 03/04/1938 1 6 S200 Sack, John E.; M: Red Cloud Reynolds-Sack 0169 03/04/1938 1 7 M600 Meyer, Hugo; ANN: Blue Hill Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Meyer Honored on Silver Wedding 0169 03/04/1938 3 5 G600 G. A. R.; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 1913 0169 03/04/1938 3 5 K400 Kile, Lyle (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 03/04/1938 6 3 M000 May, Leander; DN: Blue Hill 0169 03/04/1938 8 3 B520 Banks, Myles Freeman; B: Vanango 0169 03/11/1938 1 2 W320 Woods, Clarence; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 03/11/1938 1 4 K332 Kottwitz Delbert; M: Doniphan Shields-Kottwitz 0169 03/11/1938 1 4 R350 Reddon, Mary; M: Blue Hill Reddon-Winters 0169 03/11/1938 1 4 S432 Shields, Anna Mae; M: Doniphan Shields-Kottwitz 0169 03/11/1938 1 4 W536 Winters, Roy; M: Blue Hill Reddon-Winters 0169 03/11/1938 1 5 R100 Reeve, Flora; D: Blue Hill Miss Flora Reeve 0169 03/11/1938 1 6 S365 Sterner, Truman (Infant, F); B: Red Cloud 0169 03/11/1938 1 2 W320 Woods, Clarence; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 03/11/1938 1 4 K332 Kottwitz Delbert; M: Doniphan Shields-Kottwitz 0169 03/11/1938 1 4 R350 Reddon, Mary; M: Blue Hill Reddon-Winters 0169 03/11/1938 1 4 S432 Shields, Anna Mae; M: Doniphan Shields-Kottwitz 0169 03/11/1938 1 4 W536 Winters, Roy; M: Blue Hill Reddon-Winters 0169 03/11/1938 1 5 R100 Reeve, Flora; D: Blue Hill Miss Flora Reeve 0169 03/11/1938 1 6 S365 Sterner, Truman (Infant, F); B: Red Cloud 0169 04/01/1938 3 4 L120 Lovejoy, Harry A.; M: Bladen 1913 0169 04/01/1938 3 4 P412 Phillips, Esther; M: Bladen 1913 0169 04/01/1938 3 5 H400 Hall, S. M. (Infant); DN: Bladen 1913 0169 04/01/1938 3 4 L120 Lovejoy, Harry A.; M: Bladen 1913 0169 04/01/1938 3 4 P412 Phillips, Esther; M: Bladen 1913 0169 04/01/1938 3 5 H400 Hall, S. M. (Infant); DN: Bladen 1913 0169 04/08/1938 1 1 W236 Waechter Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Reunion of the Waechter Family 0169 04/08/1938 1 2 Z565 Zimmerman, John; ANN: Blue Hill Silver Wedding Anni. for Mr. & Mrs. John Zimmerman 0169 04/08/1938 1 3 R152 Robinson, Charles D.; D: Lincoln C. D. Robinson Funeral Held at Red Cloud 0169 04/08/1938 1 4 G536 Gentry, Herbert Royal; DN: Blue Hill Death of Herbert Gentry at Peoria, Ill. 0169 04/08/1938 1 4 K630 Kort, Chris (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Chris Kort Honored on Birthday 0169 04/08/1938 1 6 E423 ELECTON RESULTS: Blue Hill Heavy Vote in Spring Election 0169 04/08/1938 1 6 W426 Walker, Tom; DN: Blue Hill Tom Walker Dead 0169 04/08/1938 3 2 B500 Bean, Olive: Bladen 0169 04/08/1938 3 3 M242 McIllece, R. M. (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 04/08/1938 3 3 S524 Samsel, (Mr.) (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 04/08/1938 3 3 V520 Vance, Raleigh (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 04/08/1938 5 4 M436 Mulder, Joe (Infant, F); DN: Blue Hill 0169 04/08/1938 8 7 H635 Hartman, Raymond (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 04/08/1938 1 1 W236 Waechter Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Reunion of the Waechter Family 0169 04/08/1938 1 2 Z565 Zimmerman, John; ANN: Blue Hill Silver Wedding Anni. for Mr. & Mrs. John Zimmerman 0169 04/08/1938 1 3 R152 Robinson, Charles D.; D: Lincoln C. D. Robinson Funeral Held at Red Cloud 0169 04/08/1938 1 4 G536 Gentry, Herbert Royal; DN: Blue Hill Death of Herbert Gentry at Peoria, Ill. 0169 04/08/1938 1 4 K630 Kort, Chris (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Chris Kort Honored on Birthday 0169 04/08/1938 1 6 E423 ELECTON RESULTS: Blue Hill Heavy Vote in Spring Election 0169 04/08/1938 1 6 W426 Walker, Tom; DN: Blue Hill Tom Walker Dead 0169 04/08/1938 3 2 B500 Bean, Olive: Bladen 0169 04/08/1938 3 3 M242 McIllece, R. M. (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 04/08/1938 3 3 S524 Samsel, (Mr.) (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 04/08/1938 3 3 V520 Vance, Raleigh (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 04/08/1938 5 4 M436 Mulder, Joe (Infant, F); DN: Blue Hill 0169 04/08/1938 8 7 H635 Hartman, Raymond (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 04/15/1938 1 1 L520 Long, Stanley D.; ANN: Blue Hill 0169 04/15/1938 1 4 H252 Haskins, Bernard James; B: Red Cloud 0169 04/15/1938 1 7 C400 Caley, William: Blue Hill 0169 04/15/1938 1 7 S542 Samuelson, C. L.: Blue Hill 0169 04/15/1938 3 2 J651 Jernberg, Esther; M: Bladen 1913 0169 04/15/1938 3 2 K625 Kershner, Roy; M: Bladen 1913 0169 04/15/1938 3 5 C400 Call, Joe: Bladen 0169 04/15/1938 3 5 K640 Kral, J. B.; BD: Hastings 0169 04/15/1938 6 2 A653 Ahrends, Claus; ANN: Rosemont 0169 04/15/1938 8 3 B630 Burt, Ina; DN: Campbell 0169 04/15/1938 1 1 L520 Long, Stanley D.; ANN: Blue Hill 0169 04/15/1938 1 4 H252 Haskins, Bernard James; B: Red Cloud 0169 04/15/1938 1 7 C400 Caley, William: Blue Hill 0169 04/15/1938 1 7 S542 Samuelson, C. L.: Blue Hill 0169 04/15/1938 3 2 J651 Jernberg, Esther; M: Bladen 1913 0169 04/15/1938 3 2 K625 Kershner, Roy; M: Bladen 1913 0169 04/15/1938 3 5 C400 Call, Joe: Bladen 0169 04/15/1938 3 5 K640 Kral, J. B.; BD: Hastings 0169 04/15/1938 6 2 A653 Ahrends, Claus; ANN: Rosemont 0169 04/15/1938 8 3 B630 Burt, Ina; DN: Campbell 0169 04/22/1938 1 5 P000 P. E. O.; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Chapter W Observes Anniversary 0169 04/22/1938 1 5 P000 P. E. O.; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Chapter W Observes Anniversary 0169 04/29/1938 1 4 K656 Kremer, H. J.: Blue Hill 0169 04/29/1938 1 7 S300 Scott, John; ANN: Campbell 0169 04/29/1938 3 3 F200 Feis, Louis E.; D: Gibbon Louis E. Feis listed 0169 04/29/1938 3 4 G350 Goodwin, Alice; M: Hastings 1913 0169 04/29/1938 3 4 K640 Kral, Krank C.; M: Hastings 1913 0169 04/29/1938 3 4 M235 McDonald, Charles (Mrs.); DN: Bladen 1913 0169 04/29/1938 3 5 R223 Rakestraw, Grace; BD: Bladen 1913 0169 04/29/1938 4 5 S340 Sidlo, Adolph; D: Red Cloud Last Rites Held Thurs. for Adolph Sidlo. 0169 04/29/1938 1 4 K656 Kremer, H. J.: Blue Hill 0169 04/29/1938 1 7 S300 Scott, John; ANN: Campbell 0169 04/29/1938 3 3 F200 Feis, Louis E.; D: Gibbon Louis E. Feis listed 0169 04/29/1938 3 4 G350 Goodwin, Alice; M: Hastings 1913 0169 04/29/1938 3 4 K640 Kral, Krank C.; M: Hastings 1913 0169 04/29/1938 3 4 M235 McDonald, Charles (Mrs.); DN: Bladen 1913 0169 04/29/1938 3 5 R223 Rakestraw, Grace; BD: Bladen 1913 0169 04/29/1938 4 5 S340 Sidlo, Adolph; D: Red Cloud Last Rites Held Thurs. for Adolph Sidlo. 0169 05/06/1938 1 1 J500 Jahn, Matilda; D: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 1 4 F246 Fassler, Hulda; D: Hastings Hulda Fassler Dies in Hastings 0169 05/06/1938 1 5 F246 Fassler, Mary Frederike; D: Blue Hill Fin.Summons for Mrs. Philip Fassler. Childn. listed 0169 05/06/1938 1 6 F620 Fricke, Henry; DN: Hastings 0169 05/06/1938 1 7 C563 Conrad, S. M. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. S. M. Conrad Observes 94th Birthday Anniversary 0169 05/06/1938 3 1 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; WALL PAINTS: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 3 4 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 3 5 H453 Holland, Jack; Central States Hail Insurance Co.; INSURANCE: Bladen 0169 05/06/1938 3 5 W361 Waterbury, Burell (Mrs.); BEAUTICIAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 B532 Bennett's Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 F656 Farmers Union Gasoline & Oil Co.; GASOLINE: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 M216 McBride, Edgar; Old Line Insurance Co.; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 N200 Newhouse, E. H.; OPTOMETRIST: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 T100 Toap, William E.; Toap's Garage; AUTO SERVICE & RESTAURANT: Bladen 0169 05/06/1938 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 4 4 C656 Corner's Service Inc.; AUTO SERVICE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 4 6 C562 Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 1 L426 Lowell Service: Lincoln The Nebraska Scene 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 D625 Drs. Amick and Amick; DENTIST: Hastings 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 K635 Kort Insurance Agency; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 M635 Merten Brothers; AMBULANCE SERVICE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 P412 Phillips, Clifford H.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 B442 Blue Hill Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 C140 Copley, Charles H.; INSURANCE: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 R546 Reinmiller, George G.; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 S530 Smith, Clyde; Kelliher (John D.); FARM IMPLEMENTS: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1938 5 7 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 6 3 G320 Gates, W. L.: Pauline 0169 05/06/1938 6 3 S452 Slonecker, Loren H.: Pauline 0169 05/06/1938 6 6 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; LUMBER 0169 05/06/1938 6 7 K520 KMMJ; RADIO STATION: Clay Center 0169 05/06/1938 8 2 C623 Christian Church; CHRISTIAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 2 C600 Carr, R. H.; Methodist Episcopal Church; METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 2 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 2 G200 Goos, Carl; Goos' Cash Grocery; GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 3 C400 Caley, William: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 4 T236 The Sterling; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 6 G613 Griffith's Drug Store; PHARMACY: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 6 K630 Kort, Oscar A.; Kort Insurance Agency; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 1 1 J500 Jahn, Matilda; D: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 1 4 F246 Fassler, Hulda; D: Hastings Hulda Fassler Dies in Hastings 0169 05/06/1938 1 5 F246 Fassler, Mary Frederike; D: Blue Hill Fin.Summons for Mrs. Philip Fassler. Childn. listed 0169 05/06/1938 1 6 F620 Fricke, Henry; DN: Hastings 0169 05/06/1938 1 7 C563 Conrad, S. M. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. S. M. Conrad Observes 94th Birthday Anniversary 0169 05/06/1938 3 1 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; WALL PAINTS: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 3 4 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 3 5 H453 Holland, Jack; Central States Hail Insurance Co.; INSURANCE: Bladen 0169 05/06/1938 3 5 W361 Waterbury, Burell (Mrs.); BEAUTICIAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 B532 Bennett's Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 F656 Farmers Union Gasoline & Oil Co.; GASOLINE: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 M216 McBride, Edgar; Old Line Insurance Co.; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 N200 Newhouse, E. H.; OPTOMETRIST: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1938 3 6 T100 Toap, William E.; Toap's Garage; AUTO SERVICE & RESTAURANT: Bladen 0169 05/06/1938 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 4 4 C656 Corner's Service Inc.; AUTO SERVICE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 4 6 C562 Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 1 L426 Lowell Service: Lincoln The Nebraska Scene 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 D625 Drs. Amick and Amick; DENTIST: Hastings 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 K635 Kort Insurance Agency; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 M635 Merten Brothers; AMBULANCE SERVICE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 5 P412 Phillips, Clifford H.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 B442 Blue Hill Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 C140 Copley, Charles H.; INSURANCE: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 R546 Reinmiller, George G.; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 6 S530 Smith, Clyde; Kelliher (John D.); FARM IMPLEMENTS: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1938 5 7 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 5 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 6 3 G320 Gates, W. L.: Pauline 0169 05/06/1938 6 3 S452 Slonecker, Loren H.: Pauline 0169 05/06/1938 6 6 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; LUMBER 0169 05/06/1938 6 7 K520 KMMJ; RADIO STATION: Clay Center 0169 05/06/1938 8 2 C623 Christian Church; CHRISTIAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 2 C600 Carr, R. H.; Methodist Episcopal Church; METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 2 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 2 G200 Goos, Carl; Goos' Cash Grocery; GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 3 C400 Caley, William: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 4 T236 The Sterling; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 6 G613 Griffith's Drug Store; PHARMACY: Blue Hill 0169 05/06/1938 8 6 K630 Kort, Oscar A.; Kort Insurance Agency; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/13/1938 1 3 M600 Meyer, Carl; D SUICIDE: Guide Rock Fun. Svc. for Carl Meyer Thursday. listed. 0169 05/13/1938 1 4 B442 Blue Hill High School; 12th GRADE GRADUATES: Blue Hill 0169 05/13/1938 1 6 A622 Ayr High School; 12th GRADE GRADUATES: Ayr 0169 05/13/1938 6 3 R160 Reiber, Katherine; D: Pauline Mrs. Katherine Reiber 0169 05/13/1938 8 6 F425 Flessner, Mike (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill 0169 05/13/1938 1 3 M600 Meyer, Carl; D SUICIDE: Guide Rock Fun. Svc. for Carl Meyer Thursday. listed. 0169 05/13/1938 1 4 B442 Blue Hill High School; 12th GRADE GRADUATES: Blue Hill 0169 05/13/1938 1 6 A622 Ayr High School; 12th GRADE GRADUATES: Ayr 0169 05/13/1938 6 3 R160 Reiber, Katherine; D: Pauline Mrs. Katherine Reiber 0169 05/13/1938 8 6 F425 Flessner, Mike (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill 0169 05/20/1938 1 1 M425 Muhleisen, Fred Jacob Charles; D: Blue Hill Final Rites Held Tues. For Fred Muhleisen. Perley,Minn 0169 05/20/1938 1 4 B442 Blue Hill High School Class 1931; REUNION: Blue Hill Class of '31 Hold Reunion 0169 05/20/1938 1 4 D220 Dusek, Joe (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 05/20/1938 1 5 P412 Phillips, Clifford H.: Blue Hill Newcomer 0169 05/20/1938 1 7 M600 Meyer, Carl Frederick; D: Blue Hill Obituary of Carl Frederick Meyer 0169 05/20/1938 3 1 L300 Latta, Roxine; M: Hastings Latta-Pavelka 0169 05/20/1938 3 1 P142 Pavelka, Emil; M: Hastings Latta-Pavelka 0169 05/20/1938 3 4 B435 Bladen High School; 12TH GRADE GRADUATES: Bladen 1913 0169 05/20/1938 8 4 J520 Jones, Lawrence; M: Grand Island 0169 05/20/1938 8 4 R200 Rice, Geraldine; M: Grand Istand 0169 05/20/1938 1 1 M425 Muhleisen, Fred Jacob Charles; D: Blue Hill Final Rites Held Tues. For Fred Muhleisen. Perley,Minn 0169 05/20/1938 1 4 B442 Blue Hill High School Class 1931; REUNION: Blue Hill Class of '31 Hold Reunion 0169 05/20/1938 1 4 D220 Dusek, Joe (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 05/20/1938 1 5 P412 Phillips, Clifford H.: Blue Hill Newcomer 0169 05/20/1938 1 7 M600 Meyer, Carl Frederick; D: Blue Hill Obituary of Carl Frederick Meyer 0169 05/20/1938 3 1 L300 Latta, Roxine; M: Hastings Latta-Pavelka 0169 05/20/1938 3 1 P142 Pavelka, Emil; M: Hastings Latta-Pavelka 0169 05/20/1938 3 4 B435 Bladen High School; 12TH GRADE GRADUATES: Bladen 1913 0169 05/20/1938 8 4 J520 Jones, Lawrence; M: Grand Island 0169 05/20/1938 8 4 R200 Rice, Geraldine; M: Grand Istand 0169 05/27/1938 1 2 K626 Krueger, Fred; BD: Blue Hill Birthday Party For Fred Krueger 0169 05/27/1938 1 3 K515 Kuhn Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 05/27/1938 1 3 B630 Barta, Raymond; M: Blue Hill Wright-Barta 0169 05/27/1938 1 3 W623 Wright, LaVeda; M: Blue Hill Wright-Barta 0169 05/27/1938 1 6 W123 Webster County Schools; EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATES: Webster Co. Eighth Grade Graduates of Webster Co. 1938 0169 05/27/1938 3 4 F320 Fitz, Bruce; M: Paxton Bruce Fitz a Benedict 0169 05/27/1938 3 4 L620 Larrick, Naomi; M: Paxton Bruce Fitz a Benedict 0169 05/27/1938 5 7 G650 Graham, Cooleen; B: Rosemont 0169 05/27/1938 6 5 H155 Hoffman, William (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 05/27/1938 8 5 A624 Ayr Schools; 8TH GRADE GRADUATES: Ayr 0169 05/27/1938 8 6 S516 Sanford, Judith Lee; B: Ayr 0169 05/27/1938 1 2 K626 Krueger, Fred; BD: Blue Hill Birthday Party For Fred Krueger 0169 05/27/1938 1 3 K515 Kuhn Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 05/27/1938 1 3 B630 Barta, Raymond; M: Blue Hill Wright-Barta 0169 05/27/1938 1 3 W623 Wright, LaVeda; M: Blue Hill Wright-Barta 0169 05/27/1938 1 6 W123 Webster County Schools; EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATES: Webster Co. Eighth Grade Graduates of Webster Co. 1938 0169 05/27/1938 3 4 F320 Fitz, Bruce; M: Paxton Bruce Fitz a Benedict 0169 05/27/1938 3 4 L620 Larrick, Naomi; M: Paxton Bruce Fitz a Benedict 0169 05/27/1938 5 7 G650 Graham, Cooleen; B: Rosemont 0169 05/27/1938 6 5 H155 Hoffman, William (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 05/27/1938 8 5 A624 Ayr Schools; 8TH GRADE GRADUATES: Ayr 0169 05/27/1938 8 6 S516 Sanford, Judith Lee; B: Ayr 0169 06/02/1938 6 4 C654 Cornelius, Clarence (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 06/02/1938 6 4 C654 Cornelius, Clarence (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 06/03/1938 1 2 F200 Fish, Royce W.; M: Hastings Jamison-Fish 0169 06/03/1938 1 2 J525 Jamison, Martha; M: Hastings Jamison-Fish 0169 06/03/1938 1 4 R160 Robare, Anna; D: Hastings Mrs. Anna Robare Dead 0169 06/03/1938 1 4 W635 Wratten, Jay Dean; B: Blue Hill 0169 06/03/1938 1 5 F425 Flessner, John; M: Blue Hill Talbert-Flessner 0169 06/03/1938 1 5 T416 Talbert, Alida; M: Blue Hill Talbert-Flessner 0169 06/03/1938 3 1 P300 Petty, W. B.; DN: Bladen Death Comes To W. B. Petty 0169 06/03/1938 3 4 D500 Denny, George (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1913 0169 06/03/1938 3 5 L326 Lidgard, Velma; M: Grand Island Lidgard-Patterson 0169 06/03/1938 3 5 P362 Patterson, Carrol; M: Grand Island Lidgard-Patterson 0169 06/03/1938 5 2 S516 Sanford, Jerry (Infant, F); B: Ayr 0169 06/03/1938 6 3 B263 Buzzard, lucille; M: Ayr 0169 06/03/1938 6 3 G140 Goble, Maxwell; M: Ayr 0169 06/03/1938 1 2 F200 Fish, Royce W.; M: Hastings Jamison-Fish 0169 06/03/1938 1 2 J525 Jamison, Martha; M: Hastings Jamison-Fish 0169 06/03/1938 1 4 R160 Robare, Anna; D: Hastings Mrs. Anna Robare Dead 0169 06/03/1938 1 4 W635 Wratten, Jay Dean; B: Blue Hill 0169 06/03/1938 1 5 F425 Flessner, John; M: Blue Hill Talbert-Flessner 0169 06/03/1938 1 5 T416 Talbert, Alida; M: Blue Hill Talbert-Flessner 0169 06/03/1938 3 1 P300 Petty, W. B.; DN: Bladen Death Comes To W. B. Petty 0169 06/03/1938 3 4 D500 Denny, George (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1913 0169 06/03/1938 3 5 L326 Lidgard, Velma; M: Grand Island Lidgard-Patterson 0169 06/03/1938 3 5 P362 Patterson, Carrol; M: Grand Island Lidgard-Patterson 0169 06/03/1938 5 2 S516 Sanford, Jerry (Infant, F); B: Ayr 0169 06/03/1938 6 3 B263 Buzzard, lucille; M: Ayr 0169 06/03/1938 6 3 G140 Goble, Maxwell; M: Ayr 0169 06/10/1938 1 4 C500 Cone, Henry Harrison; DN: Blue Hill 0169 06/10/1938 3 3 M320 Mattock, Earl James; M: Lincoln 1913 0169 06/10/1938 3 3 W425 Wolgamot, Agnes; M: Lincoln 1913 0169 06/10/1938 3 5 B643 Brouilette, Hector (Infant, F); B: Bladen 0169 06/10/1938 6 4 C640 Carrol, Herron; DN: Ayr 0169 06/10/1938 6 4 R160 Robare, Bridget Ann; DN: Hastings 0169 06/10/1938 8 5 R163 Robertson, E. C.: Blue Hill 0169 06/10/1938 8 7 A652 Armstrong, Ted (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 06/10/1938 1 4 C500 Cone, Henry Harrison; DN: Blue Hill 0169 06/10/1938 3 3 M320 Mattock, Earl James; M: Lincoln 1913 0169 06/10/1938 3 3 W425 Wolgamot, Agnes; M: Lincoln 1913 0169 06/10/1938 3 5 B643 Brouilette, Hector (Infant, F); B: Bladen 0169 06/10/1938 6 4 C640 Carrol, Herron; DN: Ayr 0169 06/10/1938 6 4 R160 Robare, Bridget Ann; DN: Hastings 0169 06/10/1938 8 5 R163 Robertson, E. C.: Blue Hill 0169 06/10/1938 8 7 A652 Armstrong, Ted (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 06/17/1938 1 6 C600 Cary, Susie; BIO: Red Cloud Miss Susie Cary Announces Candidacy 0169 06/17/1938 1 6 R546 Reinmiller, George C.; BIO: Red Cloud George C. Reinmiller Files for Second Term 0169 06/17/1938 3 2 L263 Lockhart, ELias; BD: Bladen Elias Lockhart Celebrates 79th Birthday 0169 06/17/1938 3 3 C200 Cook, Vesta; M: Blue Springs 0169 06/17/1938 3 3 L520 Lang, Ellen; M: Wilsonville 0169 06/17/1938 3 3 M460 Miller, Vaughn; M: Wilsonville 0169 06/17/1938 3 3 W420 Welch, Jack; M: Blue Springs 0169 06/17/1938 3 4 I100 I. O. O. F.; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 1913 0169 06/17/1938 3 4 H230 Hogate, Charles; DN: Hastings 1913 0169 06/17/1938 5 4 L200 Lewis, Roxie Belle; DN SUICIDE: Red Cloud 0169 06/17/1938 6 5 F463 Fleharty, Stephen; M: Hastings 0169 06/17/1938 6 5 K614 Krabel, Louise; M: Hastings 0169 06/17/1938 6 5 W363 Woodworth, Ray E.; D SUICIDE: Ayr 0169 06/17/1938 1 6 C600 Cary, Susie; BIO: Red Cloud Miss Susie Cary Announces Candidacy 0169 06/17/1938 1 6 R546 Reinmiller, George C.; BIO: Red Cloud George C. Reinmiller Files for Second Term 0169 06/17/1938 3 2 L263 Lockhart, ELias; BD: Bladen Elias Lockhart Celebrates 79th Birthday 0169 06/17/1938 3 3 C200 Cook, Vesta; M: Blue Springs 0169 06/17/1938 3 3 L520 Lang, Ellen; M: Wilsonville 0169 06/17/1938 3 3 M460 Miller, Vaughn; M: Wilsonville 0169 06/17/1938 3 3 W420 Welch, Jack; M: Blue Springs 0169 06/17/1938 3 4 I100 I. O. O. F.; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 1913 0169 06/17/1938 3 4 H230 Hogate, Charles; DN: Hastings 1913 0169 06/17/1938 5 4 L200 Lewis, Roxie Belle; DN SUICIDE: Red Cloud 0169 06/17/1938 6 5 F463 Fleharty, Stephen; M: Hastings 0169 06/17/1938 6 5 K614 Krabel, Louise; M: Hastings 0169 06/17/1938 6 5 W363 Woodworth, Ray E.; D SUICIDE: Ayr 0169 06/24/1938 1 3 B640 Borley, Harriet; M: Hastings Borley-Koepke 0169 06/24/1938 1 3 K120 Koepke, Howard M.; M: Hastings Borley-Koepke 0169 06/24/1938 1 5 S360 Sautter, Russell; M: Lincoln Spence-Sautter 0169 06/24/1938 1 5 S152 Spence, Marjorie; M: Lincoln Spence-Sautter 0169 06/24/1938 1 7 S520 Schunk, Gilbert; M: Blue Hill Schutte-Schunk 0169 06/24/1938 1 7 S300 Schutte, Anne; M: Blue Hill Schutte-Schunk 0169 06/24/1938 5 3 B650 Bourne, Newton Jasper; D: Pauline Newton Jasper Bourne 0169 06/24/1938 5 4 S335 Stethem, Dwight; D: Pauline 0169 06/24/1938 8 3 H635 Hartman, Barbara Jean; B: Blue Hill 0169 06/24/1938 1 3 B640 Borley, Harriet; M: Hastings Borley-Koepke 0169 06/24/1938 1 3 K120 Koepke, Howard M.; M: Hastings Borley-Koepke 0169 06/24/1938 1 5 S360 Sautter, Russell; M: Lincoln Spence-Sautter 0169 06/24/1938 1 5 S152 Spence, Marjorie; M: Lincoln Spence-Sautter 0169 06/24/1938 1 7 S520 Schunk, Gilbert; M: Blue Hill Schutte-Schunk 0169 06/24/1938 1 7 S300 Schutte, Anne; M: Blue Hill Schutte-Schunk 0169 06/24/1938 5 3 B650 Bourne, Newton Jasper; D: Pauline Newton Jasper Bourne 0169 06/24/1938 5 4 S335 Stethem, Dwight; D: Pauline 0169 06/24/1938 8 3 H635 Hartman, Barbara Jean; B: Blue Hill 0169 07/01/1938 1 1 Y355 Yetman, Paul F.; M: Blue Hill Miss Ella Zitek Bride of Paul F. Yetman 0169 07/01/1938 1 1 Z320 Zitek, Ella; M: Blue Hill Miss Ella Zitek Bride of Paul F. Yetman 0169 07/01/1938 1 2 F550 Famon, William Earl; B: Hastings 0169 07/01/1938 1 3 R543 Reynolds, Myrl Luree; M: Red Cloud Reynolds-Watkins @ Mankato, Kan. 0169 07/01/1938 1 3 W325 Watkins, Howard L.; M: Red Cloud Reynolds-Watkins 0169 07/01/1938 1 6 S316 Stoffregen, Sarah; D: North Platte Mrs. Sarah Stoffregen is Dead 0169 07/01/1938 3 1 P362 Peterson, Esther; M: Grand Island Peterson-Porter 0169 07/01/1938 3 1 P636 Porter, George; M: Grand Island Peterson-Porter 0169 07/01/1938 3 3 L263 Lockhart, Floyd; M: Grand Island Whelan-Lockhart Salina, Kan. 0169 07/01/1938 3 3 W450 Whelan, Norma; M: Whelan-Lockhart Salina, Kan. 0169 07/01/1938 3 4 S562 Simerson, Leon; DN ACCIDENT: Bladen 1913 0169 07/01/1938 6 5 D626 Druecker, Fred (Infant, M); B: Plattsmouth 0169 07/01/1938 8 1 F246 Fassler, Mary; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 07/01/1938 1 1 Y355 Yetman, Paul F.; M: Blue Hill Miss Ella Zitek Bride of Paul F. Yetman 0169 07/01/1938 1 1 Z320 Zitek, Ella; M: Blue Hill Miss Ella Zitek Bride of Paul F. Yetman 0169 07/01/1938 1 2 F550 Famon, William Earl; B: Hastings 0169 07/01/1938 1 3 R543 Reynolds, Myrl Luree; M: Red Cloud Reynolds-Watkins @ Mankato, Kan. 0169 07/01/1938 1 3 W325 Watkins, Howard L.; M: Red Cloud Reynolds-Watkins 0169 07/01/1938 1 6 S316 Stoffregen, Sarah; D: North Platte Mrs. Sarah Stoffregen is Dead 0169 07/01/1938 3 1 P362 Peterson, Esther; M: Grand Island Peterson-Porter 0169 07/01/1938 3 1 P636 Porter, George; M: Grand Island Peterson-Porter 0169 07/01/1938 3 3 L263 Lockhart, Floyd; M: Grand Island Whelan-Lockhart Salina, Kan. 0169 07/01/1938 3 3 W450 Whelan, Norma; M: Whelan-Lockhart Salina, Kan. 0169 07/01/1938 3 4 S562 Simerson, Leon; DN ACCIDENT: Bladen 1913 0169 07/01/1938 6 5 D626 Druecker, Fred (Infant, M); B: Plattsmouth 0169 07/01/1938 8 1 F246 Fassler, Mary; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 07/08/1938 1 1 B200 Buss, Jacob; ANN: Blue Hill Golden Wedding for Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Buss 0169 07/08/1938 1 1 G200 Goos, Onno; D: Scottsbluff Onno Goos Passes After Long Illness 0169 07/08/1938 1 4 E122 Epkes, Krank Joseph; D: Blue Hill Frank Epkes Services Held on Sunday 0169 07/08/1938 1 5 B252 Busking, Andrew; D ACCIDENT: Lawrence Andrew Busking Dies after Cycle-Auto Crash 0169 07/08/1938 1 5 M460 Miller, Mary Lois; M: Carlton 0169 07/08/1938 1 5 R200 Rochow, Herbert; M: Carlton 0169 07/08/1938 1 6 L364 Luttrell, Lawrence; BIO: Red Cloud Lawrence Luttrell Files for Clerk of District Court 0169 07/08/1938 1 7 R520 Range, W. N. (Mrs.); BIO: Red Cloud Mrs. W. N. Range A Candidate for Accessor. 0169 07/08/1938 3 1 C425 Clawson, M. P.; DN: Bladen 1913 0169 07/08/1938 3 2 H400 Hawley, Elizabeth; B: Bladen 1913 0169 07/08/1938 3 3 W452 Williams Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Reunion of Williams Family 0169 07/08/1938 6 3 R200 Rose, Esther; M: Rosemont 0169 07/08/1938 6 3 W355 Wademan, Albert; M: Rosemont 0169 07/08/1938 8 5 B450 Blum, Oscar (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 07/08/1938 8 5 L152 Lofing, Chick (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 07/08/1938 1 1 B200 Buss, Jacob; ANN: Blue Hill Golden Wedding for Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Buss 0169 07/08/1938 1 1 G200 Goos, Onno; D: Scottsbluff Onno Goos Passes After Long Illness 0169 07/08/1938 1 4 E122 Epkes, Krank Joseph; D: Blue Hill Frank Epkes Services Held on Sunday 0169 07/08/1938 1 5 B252 Busking, Andrew; D ACCIDENT: Lawrence Andrew Busking Dies after Cycle-Auto Crash 0169 07/08/1938 1 5 M460 Miller, Mary Lois; M: Carlton 0169 07/08/1938 1 5 R200 Rochow, Herbert; M: Carlton 0169 07/08/1938 1 6 L364 Luttrell, Lawrence; BIO: Red Cloud Lawrence Luttrell Files for Clerk of District Court 0169 07/08/1938 1 7 R520 Range, W. N. (Mrs.); BIO: Red Cloud Mrs. W. N. Range A Candidate for Accessor. 0169 07/08/1938 3 1 C425 Clawson, M. P.; DN: Bladen 1913 0169 07/08/1938 3 2 H400 Hawley, Elizabeth; B: Bladen 1913 0169 07/08/1938 3 3 W452 Williams Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Reunion of Williams Family 0169 07/08/1938 6 3 R200 Rose, Esther; M: Rosemont 0169 07/08/1938 6 3 W355 Wademan, Albert; M: Rosemont 0169 07/08/1938 8 5 B450 Blum, Oscar (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 07/08/1938 8 5 L152 Lofing, Chick (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 07/15/1938 1 4 B200 Bock, Linden F.; M: Hastings Wallace-Bock 0169 07/15/1938 1 5 W420 Welch, Homer (Murtle); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 07/15/1938 1 6 N560 Niemeyer, Chris (Infant, F); B: Ayr 0169 07/15/1938 3 1 B500 Bean, Mary; DN: Red CLoud Oldest Webster County Resident is Dead 0169 07/15/1938 3 1 H300 Hoyt, Lynn; DN: McCook Lynn Hoyt is Dead at McCook 0169 07/15/1938 3 1 K436 Koelder, Elizabeth; D: Bladen Mrs. Frank Koelder listed. 0169 07/15/1938 3 2 F652 France, Everett (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 07/15/1938 3 3 A416 Alberts, Fred (Infant, M); B: Blaben 0169 07/15/1938 1 4 B200 Bock, Linden F.; M: Hastings Wallace-Bock 0169 07/15/1938 1 5 W420 Welch, Homer (Murtle); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 07/15/1938 1 6 N560 Niemeyer, Chris (Infant, F); B: Ayr 0169 07/15/1938 3 1 B500 Bean, Mary; DN: Red CLoud Oldest Webster County Resident is Dead 0169 07/15/1938 3 1 H300 Hoyt, Lynn; DN: McCook Lynn Hoyt is Dead at McCook 0169 07/15/1938 3 1 K436 Koelder, Elizabeth; D: Bladen Mrs. Frank Koelder listed. 0169 07/15/1938 3 2 F652 France, Everett (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 07/15/1938 3 3 A416 Alberts, Fred (Infant, M); B: Blaben 0169 07/22/1938 1 2 L562 Lammers, Anton; DN: Blue Hill Anton Lammers Dead 0169 07/22/1938 1 4 M635 Martin, George (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Geo, Martin Honored on 85th Birthday 0169 07/22/1938 1 5 R362 Rothrock, Ira (Jr.); DN ACCIDENT: Hastings 12 year old Boy Victim Unavoidable Accident 0169 07/22/1938 3 1 R230 Rust, Mary June; D: Bladen Death Comes To Mrs. Mary Rust. & Sibs. listed 0169 07/22/1938 3 3 F632 Fritz, Carl; M: Inavale Hanson-Fritz 0169 07/22/1938 3 3 H525 Hanson, Eunice; M: Inavale Hanson-Fritz 0169 07/22/1938 3 4 M460 Miller, Robert; DN: Bladen 1913 0169 07/22/1938 8 5 B252 Busking, Andrew Julius; D ACCIDENT: Rosemont Obituary 0169 07/22/1938 1 2 L562 Lammers, Anton; DN: Blue Hill Anton Lammers Dead 0169 07/22/1938 1 4 M635 Martin, George (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Geo, Martin Honored on 85th Birthday 0169 07/22/1938 1 5 R362 Rothrock, Ira (Jr.); DN ACCIDENT: Hastings 12 year old Boy Victim Unavoidable Accident 0169 07/22/1938 3 1 R230 Rust, Mary June; D: Bladen Death Comes To Mrs. Mary Rust. & Sibs. listed 0169 07/22/1938 3 3 F632 Fritz, Carl; M: Inavale Hanson-Fritz 0169 07/22/1938 3 3 H525 Hanson, Eunice; M: Inavale Hanson-Fritz 0169 07/22/1938 3 4 M460 Miller, Robert; DN: Bladen 1913 0169 07/22/1938 8 5 B252 Busking, Andrew Julius; D ACCIDENT: Rosemont Obituary 0169 07/29/1938 1 1 S530 Schmidt, Esther; D ACCIDENT: Rosemont Young Mother Drowns When Car Overturns. listed. 0169 07/29/1938 1 7 N425 Nelson, Edwin B.; D: Cowles Death Comes Suddenly to Edwin B. Nelson 0169 07/29/1938 8 1 N425 Nelson, Ed; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 07/29/1938 8 3 W416 Walburn Marion Wendall; B: Blue Hill 0169 07/29/1938 1 1 S530 Schmidt, Esther; D ACCIDENT: Rosemont Young Mother Drowns When Car Overturns. listed. 0169 07/29/1938 1 7 N425 Nelson, Edwin B.; D: Cowles Death Comes Suddenly to Edwin B. Nelson 0169 07/29/1938 8 1 N425 Nelson, Ed; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 07/29/1938 8 3 W416 Walburn Marion Wendall; B: Blue Hill 0169 08/05/1938 1 4 G663 Gearhart, J. A.; M: Blue Hill Schmidt-Gearhart 0169 08/05/1938 1 4 S530 Schmidt, Ruth Barbara Marie; M: Blue Hill Schmidt-Gearhart 0169 08/05/1938 1 5 H652 Harrington, Harry; M: Fairfield 0169 08/05/1938 1 5 S352 Stansbury, Reba; M: Fairfield 0169 08/05/1938 3 2 L520 Lang, Nels (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 0169 08/05/1938 3 3 K155 Kaufman, Frederick (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 08/05/1938 3 4 W420 Wallace, Mary; DN: Bladen 1913 0169 08/05/1938 4 6 B200 Beck, G. R.; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 08/05/1938 4 6 C600 Cary, Susie; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 08/05/1938 4 6 H400 Hall, Earl; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 08/05/1938 5 4 S530 Schmidt, Esther; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 08/05/1938 6 6 C140 Copley, B. F.; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 08/05/1938 6 6 F200 Fausch, Henry R.; PHOTO: Guide Rock 0169 08/05/1938 8 1 R546 Reinmiller, George C.; PHOTO: Guide Rock 0169 08/05/1938 8 3 L000 Lee, John C.; PHOTO: Adams County 0169 08/05/1938 8 4 A416 Alberts, Pohanna; DN: Glenvil 0169 08/05/1938 8 5 L200 Lacey, Chub (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 08/05/1938 1 4 G663 Gearhart, J. A.; M: Blue Hill Schmidt-Gearhart 0169 08/05/1938 1 4 S530 Schmidt, Ruth Barbara Marie; M: Blue Hill Schmidt-Gearhart 0169 08/05/1938 1 5 H652 Harrington, Harry; M: Fairfield 0169 08/05/1938 1 5 S352 Stansbury, Reba; M: Fairfield 0169 08/05/1938 3 2 L520 Lang, Nels (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 0169 08/05/1938 3 3 K155 Kaufman, Frederick (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 08/05/1938 3 4 W420 Wallace, Mary; DN: Bladen 1913 0169 08/05/1938 4 6 B200 Beck, G. R.; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 08/05/1938 4 6 C600 Cary, Susie; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 08/05/1938 4 6 H400 Hall, Earl; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 08/05/1938 5 4 S530 Schmidt, Esther; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 08/05/1938 6 6 C140 Copley, B. F.; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 08/05/1938 6 6 F200 Fausch, Henry R.; PHOTO: Guide Rock 0169 08/05/1938 8 1 R546 Reinmiller, George C.; PHOTO: Guide Rock 0169 08/05/1938 8 3 L000 Lee, John C.; PHOTO: Adams County 0169 08/05/1938 8 4 A416 Alberts, Pohanna; DN: Glenvil 0169 08/05/1938 8 5 L200 Lacey, Chub (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 08/12/1938 1 1 E423 ELECTION RESULTS: Blue Hill 0169 08/12/1938 3 1 V536 Vonderfecht, William; ANN: Hastings Golden Wedding for the Vonderfechts 0169 08/12/1938 5 3 G635 Gartner, Herman (Infant, M); B: Pauline 0169 08/12/1938 5 3 T650 Thorne, John L.; DN: Hastings 0169 08/12/1938 6 3 K155 Kaufman, frederick John; B: Blue Hill 0169 08/12/1938 8 5 H200 Huse, AlberT (Infant F); B: Blue Hill 0169 08/12/1938 1 1 E423 ELECTION RESULTS: Blue Hill 0169 08/12/1938 3 1 V536 Vonderfecht, William; ANN: Hastings Golden Wedding for the Vonderfechts 0169 08/12/1938 5 3 G635 Gartner, Herman (Infant, M); B: Pauline 0169 08/12/1938 5 3 T650 Thorne, John L.; DN: Hastings 0169 08/12/1938 6 3 K155 Kaufman, frederick John; B: Blue Hill 0169 08/12/1938 8 5 H200 Huse, AlberT (Infant F); B: Blue Hill 0169 08/19/1938 1 4 C656 Corner, M.B.; ANN: Blue Hill 0169 08/19/1938 1 5 B320 Bates, Ray Alfred; M: Blue Hill Garner-Bates 0169 08/19/1938 1 7 G656 Garner, Goldie; M: Blue Hill Garner-Bates 0169 08/19/1938 1 7 L152 Livingston, Murial; DN: Blue Hill Former Blue Hill Teacher is Dead 0169 08/19/1938 3 1 C656 Cramer, Howard (Mrs; DN: Hastings 0169 08/19/1938 3 2 S613 Sharpton Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Family Reunion at R.E. James Home 0169 08/19/1938 3 2 L263 Lockhart, George; ANN: Bladen 0169 08/19/1938 3 3 B260 Baker, Nina; M: Cadams Baker-Kottmeyer 0169 08/19/1938 3 3 K356 Kottmeyer, Alfred; M: Cadams Baker-Kottmeyer 0169 08/19/1938 3 3 T640 Trail, Terry Gordon; B: Central City 0169 08/19/1938 3 4 L263 Lockhart, George; M: Bladen 1913 0169 08/19/1938 3 4 T520 Thomas, May; M: Bladen 1913 0169 08/19/1938 5 4 H635 Hartman, Oscar (Infant, M); B: Campbell 0169 08/19/1938 8 2 E524 Englehardt, Leon (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 08/19/1938 1 4 C656 Corner, M.B.; ANN: Blue Hill 0169 08/19/1938 1 5 B320 Bates, Ray Alfred; M: Blue Hill Garner-Bates 0169 08/19/1938 1 7 G656 Garner, Goldie; M: Blue Hill Garner-Bates 0169 08/19/1938 1 7 L152 Livingston, Murial; DN: Blue Hill Former Blue Hill Teacher is Dead 0169 08/19/1938 3 1 C656 Cramer, Howard (Mrs; DN: Hastings 0169 08/19/1938 3 2 S613 Sharpton Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Family Reunion at R.E. James Home 0169 08/19/1938 3 2 L263 Lockhart, George; ANN: Bladen 0169 08/19/1938 3 3 B260 Baker, Nina; M: Cadams Baker-Kottmeyer 0169 08/19/1938 3 3 K356 Kottmeyer, Alfred; M: Cadams Baker-Kottmeyer 0169 08/19/1938 3 3 T640 Trail, Terry Gordon; B: Central City 0169 08/19/1938 3 4 L263 Lockhart, George; M: Bladen 1913 0169 08/19/1938 3 4 T520 Thomas, May; M: Bladen 1913 0169 08/19/1938 5 4 H635 Hartman, Oscar (Infant, M); B: Campbell 0169 08/19/1938 8 2 E524 Englehardt, Leon (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 08/26/1938 1 1 M246 McClure, William; BD: Blue Hill 0169 08/26/1938 1 2 O262 Oak Creek Precinct Old Settlers; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Oak Creek Picnic Next Sunday 0169 08/26/1938 1 3 C416 Cloverton Homecoming; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Annual Homecoming at Cloverton School 0169 08/26/1938 1 4 K121 Koepke Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Reunion of Koepke Family 0169 08/26/1938 1 4 W552 Wenning, G.; DN: Blue Hill Former Pastor of St. Paul Church Dies 0169 08/26/1938 1 5 W123 Webster County Old Settlers; ORGANIZATION: Red Cloud 0169 08/26/1938 1 6 W123 Webster County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Large Attendance at Webster County Fair 0169 08/26/1938 1 6 S360 Sautter, Russell; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 0169 08/26/1938 3 1 C656 Cramer, Ruby Bertha; D: Bladen Final Rites Held For Mrs. Howard Cramer 0169 08/26/1938 6 2 K626 Krueger Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr 0169 08/26/1938 6 3 D626 Druecker, Clinton; M: Ayr 0169 08/26/1938 6 3 H235 Heistand, Thelma; M: Ayr 0169 08/26/1938 6 5 G625 Grogan, W. B.: Pauline 0169 08/26/1938 6 6 W400 Woll, Phyllis; M: Hastings 0169 08/26/1938 6 6 W320 Woods, George; M: Hastings 0169 08/26/1938 8 6 L163 LaPorte, Harvey; DN: Campbell 0169 08/26/1938 1 1 M246 McClure, William; BD: Blue Hill 0169 08/26/1938 1 2 O262 Oak Creek Precinct Old Settlers; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Oak Creek Picnic Next Sunday 0169 08/26/1938 1 3 C416 Cloverton Homecoming; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Annual Homecoming at Cloverton School 0169 08/26/1938 1 4 K121 Koepke Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Reunion of Koepke Family 0169 08/26/1938 1 4 W552 Wenning, G.; DN: Blue Hill Former Pastor of St. Paul Church Dies 0169 08/26/1938 1 5 W123 Webster County Old Settlers; ORGANIZATION: Red Cloud 0169 08/26/1938 1 6 W123 Webster County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Large Attendance at Webster County Fair 0169 08/26/1938 1 6 S360 Sautter, Russell; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 0169 08/26/1938 3 1 C656 Cramer, Ruby Bertha; D: Bladen Final Rites Held For Mrs. Howard Cramer 0169 08/26/1938 6 2 K626 Krueger Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr 0169 08/26/1938 6 3 D626 Druecker, Clinton; M: Ayr 0169 08/26/1938 6 3 H235 Heistand, Thelma; M: Ayr 0169 08/26/1938 6 5 G625 Grogan, W. B.: Pauline 0169 08/26/1938 6 6 W400 Woll, Phyllis; M: Hastings 0169 08/26/1938 6 6 W320 Woods, George; M: Hastings 0169 08/26/1938 8 6 L163 LaPorte, Harvey; DN: Campbell 0169 09/02/1938 1 2 J520 Jones, Katherine; M: Fairbury Miss Katherine Jones Wed 0169 09/02/1938 1 2 P362 Peterson, Maurice L.; M: Fairbury Miss Katherine Jones Wed 0169 09/02/1938 1 5 O262 Oak Creek Old Settlers; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Large Number attend Oak Creek Picnic 0169 09/02/1938 1 7 S152 Spence, Karl L.; D: Crawford 30 for Karl L. Spence Crawford Publisher 0169 09/02/1938 3 1 A536 Anderson, Florence Naomi; D: Bladen 1913 0169 09/02/1938 3 2 D100 Duffy, T. F.: Bladen 1913 0169 09/02/1938 8 4 B623 Broughton, J. C.: Blue Hill 0169 09/02/1938 8 4 W460 Wheeler, W. J.: Blue Hill 0169 09/02/1938 1 2 J520 Jones, Katherine; M: Fairbury Miss Katherine Jones Wed 0169 09/02/1938 1 2 P362 Peterson, Maurice L.; M: Fairbury Miss Katherine Jones Wed 0169 09/02/1938 1 5 O262 Oak Creek Old Settlers; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Large Number attend Oak Creek Picnic 0169 09/02/1938 1 7 S152 Spence, Karl L.; D: Crawford 30 for Karl L. Spence Crawford Publisher 0169 09/02/1938 3 1 A536 Anderson, Florence Naomi; D: Bladen 1913 0169 09/02/1938 3 2 D100 Duffy, T. F.: Bladen 1913 0169 09/02/1938 8 4 B623 Broughton, J. C.: Blue Hill 0169 09/02/1938 8 4 W460 Wheeler, W. J.: Blue Hill 0169 09/09/1938 1 1 B600 Bower, Gertrude; D: Blue Hill Mrs. F. J. Bower Dies After Short Illness 0169 09/09/1938 1 3 K626 Krueger, Frederick Carl; D: Blue Hill F. C. Krieger Called by Death 0169 09/09/1938 1 4 M600 Morrow, David; DN: Hastings David Morrow Funeral Services Held Today 0169 09/09/1938 1 6 K400 Kiel, Ella; M: Blue Hill Kiel-Toepfer 0169 09/09/1938 1 6 T160 Toepfer, Ernest; M: Blue Hill Kiel-Toepfer 0169 09/09/1938 1 7 M620 Marsh, Francis (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 09/09/1938 3 1 S363 Streit, Dorothy June; D: Bladen 0169 09/09/1938 3 3 W123 Webster County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 0169 09/09/1938 6 2 B200 Buss, Jake; BD: Blue Hill 0169 09/09/1938 6 4 J250 Jackson, Richard (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 09/09/1938 6 4 W362 Widersheim, Joe; DN: Blue Hill 0169 09/09/1938 1 1 B600 Bower, Gertrude; D: Blue Hill Mrs. F. J. Bower Dies After Short Illness 0169 09/09/1938 1 3 K626 Krueger, Frederick Carl; D: Blue Hill F. C. Krieger Called by Death 0169 09/09/1938 1 4 M600 Morrow, David; DN: Hastings David Morrow Funeral Services Held Today 0169 09/09/1938 1 6 K400 Kiel, Ella; M: Blue Hill Kiel-Toepfer 0169 09/09/1938 1 6 T160 Toepfer, Ernest; M: Blue Hill Kiel-Toepfer 0169 09/09/1938 1 7 M620 Marsh, Francis (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 09/09/1938 3 1 S363 Streit, Dorothy June; D: Bladen 0169 09/09/1938 3 3 W123 Webster County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 0169 09/09/1938 6 2 B200 Buss, Jake; BD: Blue Hill 0169 09/09/1938 6 4 J250 Jackson, Richard (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 09/09/1938 6 4 W362 Widersheim, Joe; DN: Blue Hill 0169 09/16/1938 1 1 S351 Stumpenhorst, Dorothy Adelheid Charlotte; D: Blue Hill Mrs H. Stumpenhorst Called By Death. listed. 0169 09/16/1938 1 3 M120 Mavis, Walter; M: Blue Hill Reddon-Mavis 0169 09/16/1938 1 3 R350 Reddon, Agnes; M: Blue Hill Reddon-Mavis 0169 09/16/1938 1 4 B442 Blue Hill Sales Barn.; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 09/16/1938 1 5 M246 McClure Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings McClure Family Reunion 0169 09/16/1938 1 6 G641 Gerloff, Albert (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 09/16/1938 1 6 K520 Kuhns, Lonnie (Infant, M); B: Ayr 0169 09/16/1938 3 2 R225 Richison, Robert (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 09/16/1938 3 3 R223 Rakestraw Family; ORGANIZATION: Bruning 0169 09/16/1938 3 5 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Bladen 0169 09/16/1938 6 2 R143 Reibolt, Irvin: Ayr 0169 09/16/1938 8 2 C415 Clopine, Rozella (Virgil); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 09/16/1938 8 2 C415 Clopine, Virgil (Rozella); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 09/16/1938 8 3 T653 Trinity Lutheran School; ENROLLMENT LIST: Blue Hill 0169 09/16/1938 1 1 S351 Stumpenhorst, Dorothy Adelheid Charlotte; D: Blue Hill Mrs H. Stumpenhorst Called By Death. listed. 0169 09/16/1938 1 3 M120 Mavis, Walter; M: Blue Hill Reddon-Mavis 0169 09/16/1938 1 3 R350 Reddon, Agnes; M: Blue Hill Reddon-Mavis 0169 09/16/1938 1 4 B442 Blue Hill Sales Barn.; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 09/16/1938 1 5 M246 McClure Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings McClure Family Reunion 0169 09/16/1938 1 6 G641 Gerloff, Albert (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 09/16/1938 1 6 K520 Kuhns, Lonnie (Infant, M); B: Ayr 0169 09/16/1938 3 2 R225 Richison, Robert (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 09/16/1938 3 3 R223 Rakestraw Family; ORGANIZATION: Bruning 0169 09/16/1938 3 5 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Bladen 0169 09/16/1938 6 2 R143 Reibolt, Irvin: Ayr 0169 09/16/1938 8 2 C415 Clopine, Rozella (Virgil); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 09/16/1938 8 2 C415 Clopine, Virgil (Rozella); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 09/16/1938 8 3 T653 Trinity Lutheran School; ENROLLMENT LIST: Blue Hill 0169 09/23/1938 1 6 K155 Kaufman, Martin (Sr.); DN: Bladen 0169 09/23/1938 3 1 D600 Dyar, Robert; M: Bladen Potts-Dyar 0169 09/23/1938 3 1 P320 Potts, Carolyn; M: Bladen Potts-Dyar 0169 09/23/1938 3 3 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Bladen 0169 09/23/1938 3 4 T100 Toap, William (Mrs.); DN: Bladen 1913 0169 09/23/1938 3 4 W635 Wratten, Frank (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 09/23/1938 5 1 B442 Blue Hill High School; SENIOR CLASS ROLL: Blue Hill 0169 09/23/1938 1 6 K155 Kaufman, Martin (Sr.); DN: Bladen 0169 09/23/1938 3 1 D600 Dyar, Robert; M: Bladen Potts-Dyar 0169 09/23/1938 3 1 P320 Potts, Carolyn; M: Bladen Potts-Dyar 0169 09/23/1938 3 3 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Bladen 0169 09/23/1938 3 4 T100 Toap, William (Mrs.); DN: Bladen 1913 0169 09/23/1938 3 4 W635 Wratten, Frank (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 09/23/1938 5 1 B442 Blue Hill High School; SENIOR CLASS ROLL: Blue Hill 0169 09/30/1938 1 1 B620 Bowers, Delbert L.; DN ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Trucks Crash on Narrow Bridge- Five are Dead 0169 09/30/1938 1 1 E430 Elliott, Lester; DN ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Trucks Crash on Narrow Bridge- Five are Dead 0169 09/30/1938 1 1 H600 Hare, Frank; DN ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Trucks Crash on Narrow Bridge- Five are Dead 0169 09/30/1938 1 1 P621 Percival, Ronald; DN ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Trucks Crash on Narrow Bridge- Five are Dead 0169 09/30/1938 1 3 D236 Duesterhoeft, Sophie; M: Blue Hill Duesterhoeft-Fielder 0169 09/30/1938 1 3 F436 Fielder, Clyde; M: Blue Hill Duesterhoeft-Fielder 0169 09/30/1938 1 3 L500 Lonn, W.; DN ACCIDENT: Hastings Fifth Victim of Truck Crash dies at Hastings Saturday 0169 09/30/1938 1 4 B452 Bloomgren, Charles; BD: Blue Hill Chas. Bloomgren Celebrates Eighty-Sixth Birthday 0169 09/30/1938 3 1 K155 Kaufman, Martin (Sr); D: Bladen Final Rites For Martin KaufMan Sr. 0169 09/30/1938 3 3 K652 Karnes, Dencil; M: Hastings Wynn-Karnes 0169 09/30/1938 3 3 W500 Wynn, Eleanor; M: Hastings Wynn-Karnes 0169 09/30/1938 3 4 M320 Mattock, J. R.; ANN: Bladen 1913 0169 09/30/1938 6 3 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LIST: Bladen 0169 09/30/1938 8 6 B260 Baker, Willliam (Infant, M); B: Morrill 0169 09/30/1938 1 1 B620 Bowers, Delbert L.; DN ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Trucks Crash on Narrow Bridge- Five are Dead 0169 09/30/1938 1 1 E430 Elliott, Lester; DN ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Trucks Crash on Narrow Bridge- Five are Dead 0169 09/30/1938 1 1 H600 Hare, Frank; DN ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Trucks Crash on Narrow Bridge- Five are Dead 0169 09/30/1938 1 1 P621 Percival, Ronald; DN ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Trucks Crash on Narrow Bridge- Five are Dead 0169 09/30/1938 1 3 D236 Duesterhoeft, Sophie; M: Blue Hill Duesterhoeft-Fielder 0169 09/30/1938 1 3 F436 Fielder, Clyde; M: Blue Hill Duesterhoeft-Fielder 0169 09/30/1938 1 3 L500 Lonn, W.; DN ACCIDENT: Hastings Fifth Victim of Truck Crash dies at Hastings Saturday 0169 09/30/1938 1 4 B452 Bloomgren, Charles; BD: Blue Hill Chas. Bloomgren Celebrates Eighty-Sixth Birthday 0169 09/30/1938 3 1 K155 Kaufman, Martin (Sr); D: Bladen Final Rites For Martin KaufMan Sr. 0169 09/30/1938 3 3 K652 Karnes, Dencil; M: Hastings Wynn-Karnes 0169 09/30/1938 3 3 W500 Wynn, Eleanor; M: Hastings Wynn-Karnes 0169 09/30/1938 3 4 M320 Mattock, J. R.; ANN: Bladen 1913 0169 09/30/1938 6 3 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LIST: Bladen 0169 09/30/1938 8 6 B260 Baker, Willliam (Infant, M); B: Morrill 0169 10/07/1938 1 5 T512 Thompson Family; ORGANIZATION: Superior 0169 10/07/1938 1 5 B650 Brown, Sarah Clemmette; D: Hastings Services Held for Mrs. Andrew Brown 0169 10/07/1938 3 2 H230 Hogate, William; DN: Bladen Wm. Hogate Dead in Oregon 0169 10/07/1938 3 3 B655 Burnham, Marvin Eugene; B: McCook 0169 10/07/1938 8 2 S524 Sunny Slope School Dist.#32; SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: Blue Hill 0169 10/07/1938 8 5 S162 Siebrass, Fred (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 10/07/1938 1 5 T512 Thompson Family; ORGANIZATION: Superior 0169 10/07/1938 1 5 B650 Brown, Sarah Clemmette; D: Hastings Services Held for Mrs. Andrew Brown 0169 10/07/1938 3 2 H230 Hogate, William; DN: Bladen Wm. Hogate Dead in Oregon 0169 10/07/1938 3 3 B655 Burnham, Marvin Eugene; B: McCook 0169 10/07/1938 8 2 S524 Sunny Slope School Dist.#32; SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: Blue Hill 0169 10/07/1938 8 5 S162 Siebrass, Fred (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 1 A562 American Legion Auxiliary; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 1 S362 Stark, Flora; BD: Republican City 0169 10/14/1938 1 2 F623 Forest, Roger Joseph; DN: Blue Hill Infant, Son of Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Forest Dies Suddenly 0169 10/14/1938 1 4 S365 Stromer, Harold (Infant, F); DN: Ayr 0169 10/14/1938 1 5 C563 Conrad, S. M.; HISTORY: Blue Hill 1870's Mrs. S. M. Conrad Recalls Early Days 0169 10/14/1938 1 7 B200 Bock, Philip (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 7 R163 Robertson, E. C.; BD: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 7 S162 Siebrass, Fred (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 7 W452 Williams, Emma; D: LincolN Mrs. Owen Williams 0169 10/14/1938 3 1 B634 Bartlett, William; DN: Bladen Wm. Bartlett Dead at Plainville, Kan. 0169 10/14/1938 3 6 C200 Cox, Ronald (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 10/14/1938 4 4 K626 Kruger, Friedrich C.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/14/1938 1 1 A562 American Legion Auxiliary; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 1 S362 Stark, Flora; BD: Republican City 0169 10/14/1938 1 2 F623 Forest, Roger Joseph; DN: Blue Hill Infant, Son of Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Forest Dies Suddenly 0169 10/14/1938 1 4 S365 Stromer, Harold (Infant, F); DN: Ayr 0169 10/14/1938 1 5 C563 Conrad, S. M.; HISTORY: Blue Hill 1870's Mrs. S. M. Conrad Recalls Early Days 0169 10/14/1938 1 7 B200 Bock, Philip (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 7 R163 Robertson, E. C.; BD: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 7 S162 Siebrass, Fred (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill 0169 10/14/1938 1 7 W452 Williams, Emma; D: LincolN Mrs. Owen Williams 0169 10/14/1938 3 1 B634 Bartlett, William; DN: Bladen Wm. Bartlett Dead at Plainville, Kan. 0169 10/14/1938 3 6 C200 Cox, Ronald (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 10/14/1938 4 4 K626 Kruger, Friedrich C.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/21/1938 1 2 M425 Muhleisen, Christina; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Christina Muhleisen Honored on Birthday 0169 10/21/1938 1 3 C654 Cornelius, Meent; BD: Blue Hill M. Cornelius Honored on 83rd Birthday 0169 10/21/1938 1 6 D255 Dykeman, Pearl Motley; DN: Hastings 0169 10/21/1938 1 6 M635 Martin, Mary; BD: Roseland 0169 10/21/1938 1 7 H236 HISTORY: Scottsbluff An Emigrant Grave Marker 0169 10/21/1938 1 7 C400 Call, Joel (Sr.) Mrs.); DN: Blue Hill Mrs. Joe Call (Sr.) Dies in California 0169 10/21/1938 10 6 K630 Kort, Neil Dean; B: Blue Hill 0169 10/21/1938 1 2 M425 Muhleisen, Christina; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Christina Muhleisen Honored on Birthday 0169 10/21/1938 1 3 C654 Cornelius, Meent; BD: Blue Hill M. Cornelius Honored on 83rd Birthday 0169 10/21/1938 1 6 D255 Dykeman, Pearl Motley; DN: Hastings 0169 10/21/1938 1 6 M635 Martin, Mary; BD: Roseland 0169 10/21/1938 1 7 H236 HISTORY: Scottsbluff An Emigrant Grave Marker 0169 10/21/1938 1 7 C400 Call, Joel (Sr.) Mrs.); DN: Blue Hill Mrs. Joe Call (Sr.) Dies in California 0169 10/21/1938 10 6 K630 Kort, Neil Dean; B: Blue Hill 0169 10/28/1938 1 3 K626 Krueger, Hugo (Infant); D: Blue Hill Infant Still-Born to Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Krueger. 0169 10/28/1938 1 4 S561 Sommerfeld, Fred (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Fred Sommerfeld Celebrates 86th Birthday 0169 10/28/1938 1 5 M265 Magarin, August; D: Blue Hill August Magarin Passes Suddenly 0169 10/28/1938 3 2 B620 Borwege, Theran Kay; B: Bladen 0169 10/28/1938 3 2 J552 Jennings, Cy; BD: Bladen Mary Wheat and Cy Jennings Enjoy Joint Celebration 0169 10/28/1938 3 2 W300 Wheat, Mary; BD: Bladen Mary Wheat and Cy Jennings Enjoy Joint Celebration 0169 10/28/1938 3 3 M650 Marymee, M. F.; DN: Bladen 1913 0169 10/28/1938 3 4 B260 Baker, M. W. (Mrs.); DN: Bartley 0169 10/28/1938 6 5 W300 White, Edna; DN: Madrid 0169 10/28/1938 6 6 C600 Carry, Susie; PHOTO: Red Cloud 0169 10/28/1938 6 6 L325 Letson, William A.; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 10/28/1938 8 2 M265 Magarin, August F.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/28/1938 8 3 B656 Bernhardt, Reuben; M: Hastings 0169 10/28/1938 8 3 H652 Harrington, Hilda; M: Hastings 0169 10/28/1938 8 4 A453 Allender, Will; DN: Ayr 0169 10/28/1938 8 6 B620 Borwege, Sharon Kay; B: Bladen 0169 10/28/1938 1 3 K626 Krueger, Hugo (Infant); D: Blue Hill Infant Still-Born to Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Krueger. 0169 10/28/1938 1 4 S561 Sommerfeld, Fred (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Fred Sommerfeld Celebrates 86th Birthday 0169 10/28/1938 1 5 M265 Magarin, August; D: Blue Hill August Magarin Passes Suddenly 0169 10/28/1938 3 2 B620 Borwege, Theran Kay; B: Bladen 0169 10/28/1938 3 2 J552 Jennings, Cy; BD: Bladen Mary Wheat and Cy Jennings Enjoy Joint Celebration 0169 10/28/1938 3 2 W300 Wheat, Mary; BD: Bladen Mary Wheat and Cy Jennings Enjoy Joint Celebration 0169 10/28/1938 3 3 M650 Marymee, M. F.; DN: Bladen 1913 0169 10/28/1938 3 4 B260 Baker, M. W. (Mrs.); DN: Bartley 0169 10/28/1938 6 5 W300 White, Edna; DN: Madrid 0169 10/28/1938 6 6 C600 Carry, Susie; PHOTO: Red Cloud 0169 10/28/1938 6 6 L325 Letson, William A.; PHOTO: Webster County 0169 10/28/1938 8 2 M265 Magarin, August F.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/28/1938 8 3 B656 Bernhardt, Reuben; M: Hastings 0169 10/28/1938 8 3 H652 Harrington, Hilda; M: Hastings 0169 10/28/1938 8 4 A453 Allender, Will; DN: Ayr 0169 10/28/1938 8 6 B620 Borwege, Sharon Kay; B: Bladen 0169 11/04/1938 1 1 Morse, Edgar L.; D; Blue Hill; Serv. Held on Mon. for Edgar L. Morse. Morse.; Wife-Mary Kansier Morse. Par.-Harry P. & Mary Turner 0169 11/04/1938 1 2 Kort, Mark; ANN; Blue Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kort Celebrate 25th Anniversary; 25th 0169 11/04/1938 1 3 Corner, DeEtte; M; Blue Hill; Miss DeEtte Corner and Geo. E. Rhine are Wed.; Groom-George E. Rhine. Father-M. B. Corner 0169 11/04/1938 1 3 Rhine, George E.; M; Blue Hill; Miss DeEtte Corner & Geo. E. Rhine are Wed; Bride-DeEtte Corner. Father- E. B. Rhine 0169 11/04/1938 1 5 Spilker, William H.; D; Hastings; Final Summons Come To Wm. H. Spilker. listed.; Wife-Eleanore Sophia Gerlach Spilker. Par. & Children 0169 11/04/1938 1 5 Flessner, Mike; BD; Blue Hill; 70th 0169 11/04/1938 1 6 Dvoracek, Clara; M; Blue Hill; Dvoracek-Higgins; Groom-Roy Higgins. Mother-Katherine Dvoracek. 0169 11/04/1938 1 6 Higgins, Roy; M; Blue Hill; Dvoracek-Higgins; Bride-Clara Dvoracek. Father-William Higgins 0169 11/04/1938 3 1 Reichstein, Gerald; D ACCIDENT; Bladen; Gerald Reichstein Drowned While Hunting; Father-John Reichstein. Died in Illinois. 0169 11/04/1938 3 2 McCallum, Jemina; BD; Bladen; 88th 0169 11/04/1938 3 3 McMahon, Dick; Bladen; 1913; To El Campo, Texas 0169 11/04/1938 1 1 Morse, Edgar L.; D; Blue Hill; Serv. Held on Mon. for Edgar L. Morse. Morse.; Wife-Mary Kansier Morse. Par.-Harry P. & Mary Turner 0169 11/04/1938 1 2 Kort, Mark; ANN; Blue Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kort Celebrate 25th Anniversary; 25th 0169 11/04/1938 1 3 Corner, DeEtte; M; Blue Hill; Miss DeEtte Corner and Geo. E. Rhine are Wed.; Groom-George E. Rhine. Father-M. B. Corner 0169 11/04/1938 1 3 Rhine, George E.; M; Blue Hill; Miss DeEtte Corner & Geo. E. Rhine are Wed; Bride-DeEtte Corner. Father- E. B. Rhine 0169 11/04/1938 1 5 Spilker, William H.; D; Hastings; Final Summons Come To Wm. H. Spilker. listed.; Wife-Eleanore Sophia Gerlach Spilker. Par. & Children 0169 11/04/1938 1 5 Flessner, Mike; BD; Blue Hill; 70th 0169 11/04/1938 1 6 Dvoracek, Clara; M; Blue Hill; Dvoracek-Higgins; Groom-Roy Higgins. Mother-Katherine Dvoracek. 0169 11/04/1938 1 6 Higgins, Roy; M; Blue Hill; Dvoracek-Higgins; Bride-Clara Dvoracek. Father-William Higgins 0169 11/04/1938 3 1 Reichstein, Gerald; D ACCIDENT; Bladen; Gerald Reichstein Drowned While Hunting; Father-John Reichstein. Died in Illinois. 0169 11/04/1938 3 2 McCallum, Jemina; BD; Bladen; 88th 0169 11/04/1938 3 3 McMahon, Dick; Bladen; 1913; To El Campo, Texas 0169 11/11/1938 1 1 Webster County; ELECTION RESULTS; Webster County; 0169 11/11/1938 1 3 McClure, William Montgomery; D; Blue Hill; W. M. McClure Dies after Short Illness; Parents, Wives and Children listed 0169 11/11/1938 1 6 Carper, B. F.; ANN; Blue Hill; 51st Wedding Anniversary for Dr. & Mrs. B. F. Carper; 51st 0169 11/11/1938 1 6 Hogate, William Albert; D; Blue Hill; William Albert Hogate @ Cottage Grove, Or.; Wife-Mary Widdersheim. Childn.& GrdChildn listed. Died 0169 11/11/1938 3 1 Glenwood Precinct; ELECTION RESULTS; Bladen; 0169 11/11/1938 3 2 McCoy, Herb (Infant, F); B; Bladen; 1913; 0169 11/11/1938 3 2 Saylor, Earl (Mrs.); DN; Bladen; Mrs. Earl Saylor Dead in Denver; Died in Denver, Colo. 0169 11/11/1938 3 4 Dority, James (Sr.); DN; Kearney; Children listed 0169 11/11/1938 1 6 Crom, Charles (Infant, F); B; Bladen; Nov. 8 0169 11/11/1938 4 4 Spilker, William H.; ESTATE HEARING; Red Cloud; 0169 11/11/1938 5 5 Meents, Ernest (Infant, M); B; Guide Rock; 0169 11/11/1938 6 4 Brown, David Lee; B; Pauline; Nov. 5. Father Lloyd Brown 0169 11/11/1938 8 5 Dykeman, Virgil (Infant, M); B; Hastings; 0169 11/11/1938 1 1 Webster County; ELECTION RESULTS; Webster County; 0169 11/11/1938 1 3 McClure, William Montgomery; D; Blue Hill; W. M. McClure Dies after Short Illness; Parents, Wives and Children listed 0169 11/11/1938 1 6 Carper, B. F.; ANN; Blue Hill; 51st Wedding Anniversary for Dr. & Mrs. B. F. Carper; 51st 0169 11/11/1938 1 6 Hogate, William Albert; D; Blue Hill; William Albert Hogate @ Cottage Grove, Or.; Wife-Mary Widdersheim. Childn.& GrdChildn listed. Died 0169 11/11/1938 3 1 Glenwood Precinct; ELECTION RESULTS; Bladen; 0169 11/11/1938 3 2 McCoy, Herb (Infant, F); B; Bladen; 1913; 0169 11/11/1938 3 2 Saylor, Earl (Mrs.); DN; Bladen; Mrs. Earl Saylor Dead in Denver; Died in Denver, Colo. 0169 11/11/1938 3 4 Dority, James (Sr.); DN; Kearney; Children listed 0169 11/11/1938 1 6 Crom, Charles (Infant, F); B; Bladen; Nov. 8 0169 11/11/1938 4 4 Spilker, William H.; ESTATE HEARING; Red Cloud; 0169 11/11/1938 5 5 Meents, Ernest (Infant, M); B; Guide Rock; 0169 11/11/1938 6 4 Brown, David Lee; B; Pauline; Nov. 5. Father Lloyd Brown 0169 11/11/1938 8 5 Dykeman, Virgil (Infant, M); B; Hastings; 0169 11/18/1938 1 5 Householder, Helen; M; Blue Hill; Householder-Kort; Groom-Leon Kort. Father-A. M. Householder 0169 11/18/1938 1 5 Kort, Leon; M; Blue Hill; Householder-Kort; Bride-Helen Householder. Father-Mark Kort 0169 11/18/1938 3 1 Loughran, John; D; Bloomington; John Loughran Dies at Bloomington; Children and Siblings listed 0169 11/18/1938 3 2 Boom, Irma; M; Grand Island; Boom-Peters; Groom-Martin Peters. Mother-Dora Boom 0169 11/18/1938 3 2 Peters, Martin; M; Grand Island; Boom-Peters; Bride-Irma Boom 0169 11/18/1938 6 5 Cartmell, Ed; Ayr; To Hastings 0169 11/18/1938 8 4 Crawford, C. L.; ANN; Glenvil; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Crawford Honored; 25th 0169 11/18/1938 1 5 Householder, Helen; M; Blue Hill; Householder-Kort; Groom-Leon Kort. Father-A. M. Householder 0169 11/18/1938 1 5 Kort, Leon; M; Blue Hill; Householder-Kort; Bride-Helen Householder. Father-Mark Kort 0169 11/18/1938 3 1 Loughran, John; D; Bloomington; John Loughran Dies at Bloomington; Children and Siblings listed 0169 11/18/1938 3 2 Boom, Irma; M; Grand Island; Boom-Peters; Groom-Martin Peters. Mother-Dora Boom 0169 11/18/1938 3 2 Peters, Martin; M; Grand Island; Boom-Peters; Bride-Irma Boom 0169 11/18/1938 6 5 Cartmell, Ed; Ayr; To Hastings 0169 11/18/1938 8 4 Crawford, C. L.; ANN; Glenvil; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Crawford Honored; 25th 0169 11/25/1938 1 1 Grimes, Myra Eva; D; Hastings; Mrs. Myra Grimes, Early B.H. Teacher, Dies; Nee Lynch. Husb.-John F. Grimes. Childn.& Sibs. listed 0169 11/25/1938 1 2 Call, Priscilla Angeline; D; Blue Hill; Obituary of Mrs. J. M. Call Stockton, Cal.; Nee Bruce. Husb.-J. M. Call. Childn. listed. Died in 0169 11/25/1938 1 3 Stanley, Verna Ruth; M; Blue Hill; Stanley-Schulz in Denver, Colo.; Groom-Athur W. Schulz. Father-John D. Stanley. Married 0169 11/25/1938 1 3 Schulz, Arthur W.; M; Blue Hill; Stanley-Schulz @ Denver, Colo.; Bride-Verna Ruth Stanley. Father-G. F. Schulz. Married 0169 11/25/1938 1 4 Churchill, George; BD; Ayr; 74th 0169 11/25/1938 1 5 Kuhn, Eleanor; M; Hastings; Kuhn-Yilk; Groom-Charles S. Yilk. Mother-Emma Kuhn 0169 11/25/1938 1 5 Yilk, Charles S.; M; Hastings; Kuhn-Yilk; Bride-Eleanor Kuhn. Father-S. H. Yilk 0169 11/25/1938 1 6 Meinke, Helen Louise; M; Crete; Meinke-Johnson; Groom-Carl Johnson. Father-John Meinke 0169 11/25/1938 1 6 Johnson, Carl W.; M; Crete; Meinke-Johnson; Bride-Helen Louise Meinke. 0169 11/25/1938 1 1 Grimes, Myra Eva; D; Hastings; Mrs. Myra Grimes, Early B.H. Teacher, Dies; Nee Lynch. Husb.-John F. Grimes. Childn.& Sibs. listed 0169 11/25/1938 1 2 Call, Priscilla Angeline; D; Blue Hill; Obituary of Mrs. J. M. Call Stockton, Cal.; Nee Bruce. Husb.-J. M. Call. Childn. listed. Died in 0169 11/25/1938 1 3 Stanley, Verna Ruth; M; Blue Hill; Stanley-Schulz in Denver, Colo.; Groom-Athur W. Schulz. Father-John D. Stanley. Married 0169 11/25/1938 1 3 Schulz, Arthur W.; M; Blue Hill; Stanley-Schulz @ Denver, Colo.; Bride-Verna Ruth Stanley. Father-G. F. Schulz. Married 0169 11/25/1938 1 4 Churchill, George; BD; Ayr; 74th 0169 11/25/1938 1 5 Kuhn, Eleanor; M; Hastings; Kuhn-Yilk; Groom-Charles S. Yilk. Mother-Emma Kuhn 0169 11/25/1938 1 5 Yilk, Charles S.; M; Hastings; Kuhn-Yilk; Bride-Eleanor Kuhn. Father-S. H. Yilk 0169 11/25/1938 1 6 Meinke, Helen Louise; M; Crete; Meinke-Johnson; Groom-Carl Johnson. Father-John Meinke 0169 11/25/1938 1 6 Johnson, Carl W.; M; Crete; Meinke-Johnson; Bride-Helen Louise Meinke. 0169 12/02/1938 1 1 M532 Meents, Emma Julianne; D: Blue Hill Mrs. B.J.Meents dies Following Short Illness. Listed 0169 12/02/1938 1 6 G526 Gingrich, John; DN: Hastings John Gingrich Funeral Services Saturday 0169 12/02/1938 3 1 C343 Catlett, Steward; M: Bladen Weary-Catlett 0169 12/02/1938 3 1 F246 Fassler, Verna; M: Red Cloud Fassler-Reigle 0169 12/02/1938 3 1 R240 Reigle, Roy; M: Red Cloud Fassler-Reigle 0169 12/02/1938 3 1 W600 Weary, Louise; M: Bladen Weary-Catlett 0169 12/02/1938 3 2 D120 Davis, Arlie (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 12/02/1938 3 3 M220 Micek, L. S.; DENTIST: Campbell 0169 12/02/1938 3 6 C562 Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 3 6 T153 The Bennet (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen 0169 12/02/1938 3 6 T100 Toap, William E.; Toap's Garage; AUTO SUPPLIES: Bladen 0169 12/02/1938 3 7 B435 Bladen Lumber Co.; COAL & LUMBER: Bladen 0169 12/02/1938 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 Kort Insurance Agency; INSURANCE; Blue Hill; Ad. 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 B622 Bruce's Jewelry; JEWELRY: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 B544 Bunnel Oil Co.; GASOLINE & SERVICE: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 C462 Clark Hotel Garage; REPAIR & WRECKER SERVICE: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 L152 Lippincott Oil Co.; GAS. OIL & TIRES: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 T252 Two Johns Billiard Parlor; BILLIARDS: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 6 G613 Griffith Drug Store; PHARMACY: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 6 C140 Copley, Charles H.; INSURANCE: Red Cloud 0169 12/02/1938 5 6 T512 Thompson, Al; Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 M635 Merten Brothers Funeral Home; MORTICIAN 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 P412 Phillips, Clifford H.; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 6 3 S300 South-Central Conference Schools; PERFORMING ARTS: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 6 3 H255 Hesman, Stanley (Infant, F); B: Pauline 0169 12/02/1938 8 1 G222 Goos Cash Grocery; GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 1 K552 K.M.M.J.; RADIO STATION: Clay Center 0169 12/02/1938 8 1 P425 Paul's Shoe and Harness Repair Shop; SHOE & HARNESS REPAIR: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 1 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 2 A525 Amick & Amick; DENTISTS: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 8 3 C600 Carr, R. H.; Methodist Episcopal Church; METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 3 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 3 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 4 R452 Royal Neighbor Lodge; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 4 K656 Kreemer, H. J.; Holy Trinity Church; CATHOLIC: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 5 O162 Opera House; PERFORMING ARTS: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 5 T236 The Sterling; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 6 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; Lumber: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 6 C656 Corner's Service Inc.; AUTO DEALER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 7 B532 Buntjer, Andy; CLEANING & PRESSING: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 1 1 M532 Meents, Emma Julianne; D: Blue Hill Mrs. B.J.Meents dies Following Short Illness. Listed 0169 12/02/1938 1 6 G526 Gingrich, John; DN: Hastings John Gingrich Funeral Services Saturday 0169 12/02/1938 3 1 C343 Catlett, Steward; M: Bladen Weary-Catlett 0169 12/02/1938 3 1 F246 Fassler, Verna; M: Red Cloud Fassler-Reigle 0169 12/02/1938 3 1 R240 Reigle, Roy; M: Red Cloud Fassler-Reigle 0169 12/02/1938 3 1 W600 Weary, Louise; M: Bladen Weary-Catlett 0169 12/02/1938 3 2 D120 Davis, Arlie (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1913 0169 12/02/1938 3 3 M220 Micek, L. S.; DENTIST: Campbell 0169 12/02/1938 3 6 C562 Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 3 6 T153 The Bennet (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen 0169 12/02/1938 3 6 T100 Toap, William E.; Toap's Garage; AUTO SUPPLIES: Bladen 0169 12/02/1938 3 7 B435 Bladen Lumber Co.; COAL & LUMBER: Bladen 0169 12/02/1938 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 Kort Insurance Agency; INSURANCE; Blue Hill; Ad. 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 B622 Bruce's Jewelry; JEWELRY: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 B544 Bunnel Oil Co.; GASOLINE & SERVICE: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 C462 Clark Hotel Garage; REPAIR & WRECKER SERVICE: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 L152 Lippincott Oil Co.; GAS. OIL & TIRES: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 1 T252 Two Johns Billiard Parlor; BILLIARDS: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 5 6 G613 Griffith Drug Store; PHARMACY: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 6 C140 Copley, Charles H.; INSURANCE: Red Cloud 0169 12/02/1938 5 6 T512 Thompson, Al; Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 M635 Merten Brothers Funeral Home; MORTICIAN 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 P412 Phillips, Clifford H.; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 5 7 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 6 3 S300 South-Central Conference Schools; PERFORMING ARTS: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 6 3 H255 Hesman, Stanley (Infant, F); B: Pauline 0169 12/02/1938 8 1 G222 Goos Cash Grocery; GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 1 K552 K.M.M.J.; RADIO STATION: Clay Center 0169 12/02/1938 8 1 P425 Paul's Shoe and Harness Repair Shop; SHOE & HARNESS REPAIR: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 1 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 2 A525 Amick & Amick; DENTISTS: Hastings 0169 12/02/1938 8 3 C600 Carr, R. H.; Methodist Episcopal Church; METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 3 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 3 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 4 R452 Royal Neighbor Lodge; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 4 K656 Kreemer, H. J.; Holy Trinity Church; CATHOLIC: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 5 O162 Opera House; PERFORMING ARTS: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 5 T236 The Sterling; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 6 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; Lumber: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 6 C656 Corner's Service Inc.; AUTO DEALER: Blue Hill 0169 12/02/1938 8 7 B532 Buntjer, Andy; CLEANING & PRESSING: Blue Hill 0169 12/09/1938 1 3 M635 Merten, Judith Kay; B: Fairbury 0169 12/09/1938 1 6 G526 Ginge=rich, John W.; D: Rjoseland 0169 12/09/1938 3 1 M320 Mattock, James (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 1913 0169 12/09/1938 4 7 M532 Meents, Emma J.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 12/09/1938 6 2 V453 Valentine, M. H.; ANN: Hastings 0169 12/09/1938 6 6 K650 Kearney, John; DN: Hastings 0169 12/09/1938 6 6 M460 Miller, Richard (Infand, M); B: Harvard 0169 12/09/1938 8 6 F623 Forest, Alex; BD: Campbell 0169 12/09/1938 1 3 M635 Merten, Judith Kay; B: Fairbury 0169 12/09/1938 1 6 G526 Ginge=rich, John W.; D: Rjoseland 0169 12/09/1938 3 1 M320 Mattock, James (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 1913 0169 12/09/1938 4 7 M532 Meents, Emma J.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 12/09/1938 6 2 V453 Valentine, M. H.; ANN: Hastings 0169 12/09/1938 6 6 K650 Kearney, John; DN: Hastings 0169 12/09/1938 6 6 M460 Miller, Richard (Infand, M); B: Harvard 0169 12/09/1938 8 6 F623 Forest, Alex; BD: Campbell 0169 12/16/1938 1 3 L515 Lampman, Henry; ANN: Blue Hill Mr.& Mrs. Henry Lampman Celebrate 25th Anniversary 0169 12/16/1938 1 5 H614 Harrifield, George; M: Guide Rock 0169 12/16/1938 1 5 K626 Krueger, Berniece; M: Guide Rock 0169 12/16/1938 1 6 H236 HISTORY: Nebr. Famous Nicknames Part of Nebraska History 0169 12/16/1938 3 3 B620 Burge, Glen (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 12/16/1938 3 3 H460 Haller, Frank (Jr.) (Infant, F); B: Bladen 0169 12/16/1938 3 5 K635 Koertner, Carrie; BD: Blue Hill 0169 12/16/1938 6 4 M635 Martin, Mattie; POETRY: Rosemont 0169 12/16/1938 1 3 L515 Lampman, Henry; ANN: Blue Hill Mr.& Mrs. Henry Lampman Celebrate 25th Anniversary 0169 12/16/1938 1 5 H614 Harrifield, George; M: Guide Rock 0169 12/16/1938 1 5 K626 Krueger, Berniece; M: Guide Rock 0169 12/16/1938 1 6 H236 HISTORY: Nebr. Famous Nicknames Part of Nebraska History 0169 12/16/1938 3 3 B620 Burge, Glen (Infant, M); B: Bladen 0169 12/16/1938 3 3 H460 Haller, Frank (Jr.) (Infant, F); B: Bladen 0169 12/16/1938 3 5 K635 Koertner, Carrie; BD: Blue Hill 0169 12/16/1938 6 4 M635 Martin, Mattie; POETRY: Rosemont 0169 12/23/1938 1 3 B526 Benker, George John; D: Rosemont George J. Benker 0169 12/23/1938 1 4 B635 Barton, George; ANN: Pauline Golden Anniversary for Mr.& Mrs. Barton 0169 12/23/1938 1 4 B452 Bloomgren, Elmer; M: Blue Hill Walter-Bloomgren in Stoneham, Colo. 0169 12/23/1938 1 4 W436 Walter Mary E.; M: Blue Hill Walter-Bloomgren 0169 12/23/1938 3 2 H300 Hite, Ida May; D: Hastings Ida May Hite 0169 12/23/1938 3 4 M256 McNair, Etta; D: Bladen Mrs. Etta McNair listed. 0169 12/23/1938 1 3 B526 Benker, George John; D: Rosemont George J. Benker 0169 12/23/1938 1 4 B635 Barton, George; ANN: Pauline Golden Anniversary for Mr.& Mrs. Barton 0169 12/23/1938 1 4 B452 Bloomgren, Elmer; M: Blue Hill Walter-Bloomgren in Stoneham, Colo. 0169 12/23/1938 1 4 W436 Walter Mary E.; M: Blue Hill Walter-Bloomgren 0169 12/23/1938 3 2 H300 Hite, Ida May; D: Hastings Ida May Hite 0169 12/23/1938 3 4 M256 McNair, Etta; D: Bladen Mrs. Etta McNair listed. 0169 12/30/1938 1 1 G200 Goos, John; ANN: Blue Hill Mr. And Mrs. John Goos Married 25 years 0169 12/30/1938 3 1 L620 Larrick, Virginia; M: Bladen Virginia Larrick Bride of T. Lester Wade 0169 12/30/1938 3 1 W300 Wade, T. Lester; M: Bladen Virginia Larrick Bride of T. Lester Wade 0169 12/30/1938 3 2 D252 Dickenson, Lyda Frances; D: Lawrence Mrs. Lyda Frances Dickenson 0169 12/30/1938 6 4 F563 Finnerty, James; DN: Lincoln 0169 12/30/1938 8 6 K625 Kriegsmann, Kyle Lynn; B: Bridgeport 0169 12/30/1938 1 1 G200 Goos, John; ANN: Blue Hill Mr. And Mrs. John Goos Married 25 years 0169 12/30/1938 3 1 L620 Larrick, Virginia; M: Bladen Virginia Larrick Bride of T. Lester Wade 0169 12/30/1938 3 1 W300 Wade, T. Lester; M: Bladen Virginia Larrick Bride of T. Lester Wade 0169 12/30/1938 3 2 D252 Dickenson, Lyda Frances; D: Lawrence Mrs. Lyda Frances Dickenson 0169 12/30/1938 6 4 F563 Finnerty, James; DN: Lincoln 0169 12/30/1938 8 6 K625 Kriegsmann, Kyle Lynn; B: Bridgeport


Newspaper Extraction Project

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