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News Extraction Project

NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0169-Blue Hill Leader

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Code  Date (m/d/y)  Pg Col  SNDX  Extraction

0169  01/02/1957  1  3  N250  Nissen, Myrtis; M: Blue Hill  Nissen - Alber
0169  01/02/1957  1  3  A416  Alber, Harold; M: Blue Hill  Nissen - Alber
0169  01/02/1957  1  6  J520  Jones, D. P.; D: Hastings  Death of D. P. Jones
0169  01/02/1957  1  6  G160  GeBauer, Walter; Dn: Ord  Father of Walter GeBauer Dies at Ord
0169  01/02/1957  1  7  R000  Ray, William Wallace; D: Grand Island  Rites Held for W.W. Ray
0169  01/02/1957  2  3  B361  Bauder Family; Organization: Pauline  
0169  01/02/1957  3  2  L532  Lindgren, O. L.; Ann: Bladen  
0169  01/02/1957  4  7  A536  Anderson, Victor ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  01/02/1957  4  4  J520  Jones, Gale (Infant M); B: Milford  
0169  01/02/1957  1  2  A653  Arndt, Louis O.; D: Omaha  Louis Arndt Dies in Omaha
0169  01/02/1957  1  3  N250  Nissen, Myrtis; M: Blue Hill  Nissen - Alber
0169  01/02/1957  1  3  A416  Alber, Harold; M: Blue Hill  Nissen - Alber
0169  01/02/1957  1  6  J520  Jones, D. P.; D: Hastings  Death of D. P. Jones
0169  01/02/1957  1  6  G160  GeBauer, Walter; Dn: Ord  Father of Walter GeBauer Dies at Ord
0169  01/02/1957  1  7  R000  Ray, William Wallace; D: Grand Island  Rites Held for W.W. Ray
0169  01/02/1957  2  3  B361  Bauder Family; Organization: Pauline  
0169  01/02/1957  3  2  L532  Lindgren, O. L.; Ann: Bladen  
0169  01/02/1957  4  7  A536  Anderson, Victor ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  01/02/1957  4  4  J520  Jones, Gale (Infant M); B: Milford  
0169  01/09/1957  1  3  L320  Leetsch, William H.; D: Blue Hill  Wm. Leetsch Dies at 92
0169  01/09/1957  1  3  G641  Gerloff, Arthur; D: Ayr  Arthur Gerloff Dies in Illinois
0169  01/09/1957  1  5  B420  Blauch, Diane; M: York  Blauch - Foster
0169  01/09/1957  1  5  F236  Foster, Joseph Hodell; M: York  Blauch - Foster
0169  01/09/1957  1  6  M600  Meyer, Shirley; M: Blue Hill  Meyer - Buck
0169  01/09/1957  1  6  B200  Buck, Paul; M: Blue Hill  Meyer - Buck
0169  01/09/1957  3  1  S634  Skrdlant, Russell Earl; B: Hastings  
0169  01/09/1957  3  3  S322  Stokes, Chester: Bladen  
0169  01/09/1957  3  3  J500  Jahn, Henry; Ann: Bladen  
0169  01/09/1957  3  4  K400  Kelley, Glen; Dn Accident: Bladen  
0169  01/09/1957  6  5  G352  Goding, Luther (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  01/09/1957  1  3  L320  Leetsch, William H.; D: Blue Hill  Wm. Leetsch Dies at 92
0169  01/09/1957  1  3  G641  Gerloff, Arthur; D: Ayr  Arthur Gerloff Dies in Illinois
0169  01/09/1957  1  5  B420  Blauch, Diane; M: York  Blauch - Foster
0169  01/09/1957  1  5  F236  Foster, Joseph Hodell; M: York  Blauch - Foster
0169  01/09/1957  1  6  M600  Meyer, Shirley; M: Blue Hill  Meyer - Buck
0169  01/09/1957  1  6  B200  Buck, Paul; M: Blue Hill  Meyer - Buck
0169  01/09/1957  3  1  S634  Skrdlant, Russell Earl; B: Hastings  
0169  01/09/1957  3  3  S322  Stokes, Chester: Bladen  
0169  01/09/1957  3  3  J500  Jahn, Henry; Ann: Bladen  
0169  01/09/1957  3  4  K400  Kelley, Glen; Dn Accident: Bladen  
0169  01/09/1957  6  5  G352  Goding, Luther (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  01/16/1957  1  3  K550  Kiminau, Theodore; Ann: Blue Hill  Theo. Kiminau Honored on Silver Anniversary
0169  01/16/1957  4  5  D123  DeVoogd, Henry; Dn: Roseland  
0169  01/16/1957  6  3  P412  Phelps, Gertrude; Dn: Bladen  
0169  01/16/1957  7  5  F200  Fox, John:  Farm News and Views
0169  01/16/1957  1  3  K550  Kiminau, Theodore; Ann: Blue Hill  Theo. Kiminau Honored on Silver Anniversary
0169  01/16/1957  4  5  D123  DeVoogd, Henry; Dn: Roseland  
0169  01/16/1957  6  3  P412  Phelps, Gertrude; Dn: Bladen  
0169  01/16/1957  7  5  F200  Fox, John:  Farm News and Views
0169  01/23/1957  1  3  B623  Broxton, Eugene (Mrs.); Dn: Ogallala  
0169  01/23/1957  4  2  E652  Ernst, Margaret; Dn: Bladen  
0169  01/23/1957  4  2  H300  Hiatt, Lucy; D: Hastings  
0169  01/23/1957  1  3  B623  Broxton, Eugene (Mrs.); Dn: Ogallala  
0169  01/23/1957  4  2  E652  Ernst, Margaret; Dn: Bladen  
0169  01/23/1957  4  2  H300  Hiatt, Lucy; D: Hastings  
0169  01/30/1957  1  2  B620  Barrows, Harry M.; D: Red Cloud  Judge H. Barrows Dies
0169  01/30/1957  1  4  S363  Stratton, Edgar S.; D: Hastings  Edgar Stratton Dies
0169  01/30/1957  1  4  K626  Krueger, Louis D.; Ann: Blue Hill  Golden Anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Krueger
0169  01/30/1957  1  6  T160  Toepfer, Edwin (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  01/30/1957  3  3  P425  Paulson, Janet Ruth; B: Lincoln  
0169  01/30/1957  6  3  S636  Schroeder, Dale (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  01/30/1957  1  2  B620  Barrows, Harry M.; D: Red Cloud  Judge H. Barrows Dies
0169  01/30/1957  1  4  S363  Stratton, Edgar S.; D: Hastings  Edgar Stratton Dies
0169  01/30/1957  1  4  K626  Krueger, Louis D.; Ann: Blue Hill  Golden Anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Krueger
0169  01/30/1957  1  6  T160  Toepfer, Edwin (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  01/30/1957  3  3  P425  Paulson, Janet Ruth; B: Lincoln  
0169  01/30/1957  6  3  S636  Schroeder, Dale (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  02/06/1957  1  2  W630  Ward, Cheryl; M: Hastings  Ward - Stiles
0169  02/06/1957  1  2  S342  Stiles, Darwyn; M: Hastings  Ward - Stiles
0169  02/06/1957  1  6  G400  Goll, Charles (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill  
0169  02/06/1957  1  7  E162  Ebersole, Samuel (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Mrs. S. Ebersole Services Held
0169  02/06/1957  3  1  K430  Klatt, Herman August; D: Hastings  
0169  02/06/1957  3  6  C650  Crom, Will; Ann: Beatrice  
0169  02/06/1957  4  6  S363  Stratton, Edgar S.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  02/06/1957  6  3  C462  Clark, Harry J.; D: Hastings  Services Held in Kearney for Harry Clark
0169  02/06/1957  6  5  G641  Gerloff, Livonia B.; M: Hastings  Gerloff - Wengler
0169  02/06/1957  6  5  W524  Wengler, Gary J.; M: Hastings  Gerloff - Wengler
0169  02/06/1957  1  2  W630  Ward, Cheryl; M: Hastings  Ward - Stiles
0169  02/06/1957  1  2  S342  Stiles, Darwyn; M: Hastings  Ward - Stiles
0169  02/06/1957  1  6  G400  Goll, Charles (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill  
0169  02/06/1957  1  7  E162  Ebersole, Samuel (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Mrs. S. Ebersole Services Held
0169  02/06/1957  3  1  K430  Klatt, Herman August; D: Hastings  
0169  02/06/1957  3  6  C650  Crom, Will; Ann: Beatrice  
0169  02/06/1957  4  6  S363  Stratton, Edgar S.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  02/06/1957  6  3  C462  Clark, Harry J.; D: Hastings  Services Held in Kearney for Harry Clark
0169  02/06/1957  6  5  G641  Gerloff, Livonia B.; M: Hastings  Gerloff - Wengler
0169  02/06/1957  6  5  W524  Wengler, Gary J.; M: Hastings  Gerloff - Wengler
0169  02/13/1957  1  6  B200  Boos, Oscar John; Dn: Blue Hill  O.J. Boos Dies in Maryland
0169  02/13/1957  3  4  K355  Kathman, Donald Lee; B: Hastings  
0169  02/13/1957  5  4  H652  Harms, Walter; Ann: Hastings  
0169  02/13/1957  1  6  B200  Boos, Oscar John; Dn: Blue Hill  O.J. Boos Dies in Maryland
0169  02/13/1957  3  4  K355  Kathman, Donald Lee; B: Hastings  
0169  02/13/1957  5  4  H652  Harms, Walter; Ann: Hastings  
0169  02/20/1957  2  3  P362  Peterson, Charles (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Death Comes to Mrs. Charles Peterson  
0169  02/20/1957  3  1  L146  Lafler, Charles; Dn: Hastings  
0169  02/20/1957  5  6  B520  Banks, Ira; Ann: Riverton  
0169  02/20/1957  2  3  P362  Peterson, Charles (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Death Comes to Mrs. Charles Peterson  
0169  02/20/1957  3  1  L146  Lafler, Charles; Dn: Hastings  
0169  02/20/1957  5  6  B520  Banks, Ira; Ann: Riverton  
0169  02/27/1957  1  1  B340  Bodley, George (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  02/27/1957  1  2  D400  Dealey, Michelle Louise; B: Gothenburg  
0169  02/27/1957  1  5  W623  Wright, Leland (Infant M); B: Lincoln  
0169  02/27/1957  1  6  T520  Thomas, Ivy Lillian; Dn: Blue Hill  Mrs. Ivy Thomas Dies in California
0169  02/27/1957  4  3  H635  Hartman, Sally; M: Red Cloud  Hartman - Koertner
0169  02/27/1957  4  3  K635  Koertner, Rolland; M: Red Cloud Hartman - Koertner  
0169  02/27/1957  4  3  L263  Lockhart, Lonnie Mark; B: Hastings  
0169  02/27/1957  1  1  B340  Bodley, George (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  02/27/1957  1  2  D400  Dealey, Michelle Louise; B: Gothenburg  
0169  02/27/1957  1  5  W623  Wright, Leland (Infant M); B: Lincoln  
0169  02/27/1957  1  6  T520  Thomas, Ivy Lillian; Dn: Blue Hill  Mrs. Ivy Thomas Dies in California
0169  02/27/1957  4  3  H635  Hartman, Sally; M: Red Cloud  Hartman - Koertner
0169  02/27/1957  4  3  K635  Koertner, Rolland; M: Red Cloud Hartman - Koertner  
0169  02/27/1957  4  3  L263  Lockhart, Lonnie Mark; B: Hastings  
0169  03/06/1957  1  1  G641  Gerloff, Herman; Ann: Hastings  60th Anniversary Open House
0169  03/06/1957  1  2  K500  Kuhn, Barney (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Mrs. Barney Kuhn Dies
0169  03/06/1957  1  3  G526  Gingrich, Russell Craig; B: Hastings  
0169  03/06/1957  1  4  B620  Barrows, Helen; Dn Accident: Riverton  Highway Crash Kills Mother and Daughter
0169  03/06/1957  1  4  D400  Doyle, Leo (Mrs.); Dn Accident: Riverton  Highway Crash Kills Mother and Daughter
0169  03/06/1957  1  5  S315  Stevens, Revere L.; D: Blue Hill  Former Resident Dies in Colorado
0169  03/06/1957  1  5  W520  Wonka, Diane Kay; B: Hastings  
0169  03/06/1957  1  6  L220  Lukas, Roberta; M: Rosemont Lukas - Turner  
0169  03/06/1957  1  6  T656  Turner, Wilden; M: Rosemont Lukas - Turner  
0169  03/06/1957  2  3  Z565  Zimmerman, O.F.; Ann: Hastings Half Century of Marriage For Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman  
0169  03/06/1957  3  1  B340  Bodley, Leota; D: Bladen Services For Mrs. Leota Bodley  
0169  03/06/1957  3  2  C656  Cramer, Cheryl Ann; B: Hastings  
0169  03/06/1957  4  3  H562  Hinrichs, John; Ann: Blue Hill  
0169  03/06/1957  1  1  G641  Gerloff, Herman; Ann: Hastings  60th Anniversary Open House
0169  03/06/1957  1  2  K500  Kuhn, Barney (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Mrs. Barney Kuhn Dies
0169  03/06/1957  1  3  G526  Gingrich, Russell Craig; B: Hastings  
0169  03/06/1957  1  4  B620  Barrows, Helen; Dn Accident: Riverton  Highway Crash Kills Mother and Daughter
0169  03/06/1957  1  4  D400  Doyle, Leo (Mrs.); Dn Accident: Riverton  Highway Crash Kills Mother and Daughter
0169  03/06/1957  1  5  S315  Stevens, Revere L.; D: Blue Hill  Former Resident Dies in Colorado
0169  03/06/1957  1  5  W520  Wonka, Diane Kay; B: Hastings  
0169  03/06/1957  1  6  L220  Lukas, Roberta; M: Rosemont Lukas - Turner  
0169  03/06/1957  1  6  T656  Turner, Wilden; M: Rosemont Lukas - Turner  
0169  03/06/1957  2  3  Z565  Zimmerman, O.F.; Ann: Hastings Half Century of Marriage For Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman  
0169  03/06/1957  3  1  B340  Bodley, Leota; D: Bladen Services For Mrs. Leota Bodley  
0169  03/06/1957  3  2  C656  Cramer, Cheryl Ann; B: Hastings  
0169  03/06/1957  4  3  H562  Hinrichs, John; Ann: Blue Hill  
0169  03/13/1957  1  5  K626  Krueger, Dale (Infant F); B: Lincoln  
0169  03/13/1957  7  4  F200  Fox, John: Blue Hill Farm News and Views  
0169  03/13/1957  8  1  V515  Van Boening, David Charles; B: Red Cloud  
0169  03/13/1957  8  7  K532  Kohmetscher, Gerald (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  03/13/1957  1  5  K626  Krueger, Dale (Infant F); B: Lincoln  
0169  03/13/1957  7  4  F200  Fox, John: Blue Hill Farm News and Views  
0169  03/13/1957  8  1  V515  Van Boening, David Charles; B: Red Cloud  
0169  03/13/1957  8  7  K532  Kohmetscher, Gerald (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  03/20/1957  1  3  M250  McKinney, John Campbell; D: Red Cloud Rites for John McKinney  
0169  03/20/1957  1  3  D250  Dixon, Frank; Dn: Blue Hill  Frank Dixon Dies in California
0169  03/20/1957  1  4  S530  Smith, Charles M.; D: Blue Hill  Charles Smith Dies Suddenly
0169  03/20/1957  1  5  N550  Newman, Imogene; M: Blue Hill Dealey - Newman  
0169  03/20/1957  1  5  D400  Dealey, Joseph; M: Blue Hill Dealey - Newman  
0169  03/20/1957  3  1  M245  McCallum, John H.; D: Red Cloud  Rites for John H. McCallum
0169  03/20/1957  3  2  O162  Oberg, Mary; Bd: Geneva  
0169  03/20/1957  3  7  M240  Mizzell, Curtis Alan; B: Hastings  
0169  03/20/1957  4  4  J652  Juranek, Stephen Arthur; B: Pauline  
0169  03/20/1957  1  3  M250  McKinney, John Campbell; D: Red Cloud Rites for John McKinney  
0169  03/20/1957  1  3  D250  Dixon, Frank; Dn: Blue Hill  Frank Dixon Dies in California
0169  03/20/1957  1  4  S530  Smith, Charles M.; D: Blue Hill  Charles Smith Dies Suddenly
0169  03/20/1957  1  5  N550  Newman, Imogene; M: Blue Hill Dealey - Newman  
0169  03/20/1957  1  5  D400  Dealey, Joseph; M: Blue Hill Dealey - Newman  
0169  03/20/1957  3  1  M245  McCallum, John H.; D: Red Cloud  Rites for John H. McCallum
0169  03/20/1957  3  2  O162  Oberg, Mary; Bd: Geneva  
0169  03/20/1957  3  7  M240  Mizzell, Curtis Alan; B: Hastings  
0169  03/20/1957  4  4  J652  Juranek, Stephen Arthur; B: Pauline  
0169  03/27/1957  1  2  K630  Kort, Alvina; D: Blue Hill Rites Held for Mrs. G.F. Kort  
0169  03/27/1957  1  3  G642  Gerlach, Geraldine; D: Lincoln  Rites For Mrs. Elmer Gerlach
0169  03/27/1957  1  6  K550  Kimminau, JoAnn; M: Hastings  Kimminau - Sidlo
0169  03/27/1957  1  6  S340  Sidlo, James; M: Hastings Kimminau - Sidlo  
0169  03/27/1957  3  4  M600  Morey, C.E.; Bd: Bladen  
0169  03/27/1957  8  2  G236  Gestring, Debra Elizabeth; B: Hastings  
0169  03/27/1957  1  2  K630  Kort, Alvina; D: Blue Hill Rites Held for Mrs. G.F. Kort  
0169  03/27/1957  1  3  G642  Gerlach, Geraldine; D: Lincoln  Rites For Mrs. Elmer Gerlach
0169  03/27/1957  1  6  K550  Kimminau, JoAnn; M: Hastings  Kimminau - Sidlo
0169  03/27/1957  1  6  S340  Sidlo, James; M: Hastings Kimminau - Sidlo  
0169  03/27/1957  3  4  M600  Morey, C.E.; Bd: Bladen  
0169  03/27/1957  8  2  G236  Gestring, Debra Elizabeth; B: Hastings  
0169  04/03/1957  1  2  W521  Wynkoop, Curt Norman; B: Hastings  
0169  04/03/1957  1  2  F455  Fleming, Barbara Lee; B: Omaha  
0169  04/03/1957  1  3  K640  Krull, David Eugene; B: Hastings  
0169  04/03/1957  1  2  R160  Reiber, Jake; Ann: Blue Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reiber Celebrate 50th Anniversary  
0169  04/03/1957  1  3  B636  Brithrupt, U.C.; Dn: Trumbull  
0169  04/03/1957  3  1  R225  Richison, Robert; Ann: Bladen Celebrate Fifty-Seventh Wedding Anniversary  
0169  04/03/1957  6  1  E251  Eigenberg, Rudolph H.; D: Grand Island  Rudolph H. Eigenberg Dies
0169  04/03/1957  6  1  S000  Shay, Lester (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  04/03/1957  6  1  M246  McCleery, John (Mrs.); Bd: Ayr  
0169  04/03/1957  1  2  W521  Wynkoop, Curt Norman; B: Hastings  
0169  04/03/1957  1  2  F455  Fleming, Barbara Lee; B: Omaha  
0169  04/03/1957  1  3  K640  Krull, David Eugene; B: Hastings  
0169  04/03/1957  1  2  R160  Reiber, Jake; Ann: Blue Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reiber Celebrate 50th Anniversary  
0169  04/03/1957  1  3  B636  Brithrupt, U.C.; Dn: Trumbull  
0169  04/03/1957  3  1  R225  Richison, Robert; Ann: Bladen Celebrate Fifty-Seventh Wedding Anniversary  
0169  04/03/1957  6  1  E251  Eigenberg, Rudolph H.; D: Grand Island  Rudolph H. Eigenberg Dies
0169  04/03/1957  6  1  S000  Shay, Lester (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  04/03/1957  6  1  M246  McCleery, John (Mrs.); Bd: Ayr  
0169  04/10/1957  1  2  K500  Kuhn, Bruce Steven; B: Lincoln  
0169  04/10/1957  1  6  S162  Siebrass, John (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill Mrs. John Siebrass Surprised on Birthday  
0169  04/10/1957  6  5  A425  Alexander, Susan Kay; B: Mitchell  
0169  04/10/1957  1  2  K500  Kuhn, Bruce Steven; B: Lincoln  
0169  04/10/1957  1  6  S162  Siebrass, John (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill Mrs. John Siebrass Surprised on Birthday  
0169  04/10/1957  6  5  A425  Alexander, Susan Kay; B: Mitchell  
0169  04/17/1957  1  1  S600  Sawyer, Russell (Mrs.); Dn: North Platte  F. Sawyer's Mother Dies
0169  04/17/1957  1  3  C200  Cook, James: Bladen The Rev. Cook Family to Pastorate in Africa  
0169  04/17/1957  3  7  S000  Shaw, Larry Robert; B: Franklin  
0169  04/17/1957  4  4  F320  Fouts, Daniel; Dn: Pauline  
0169  04/17/1957  4  4  G536  Gunderson, Charles; Dn: Hastings  
0169  04/17/1957  4  7  S530  Smith, Charles M.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  04/17/1957  6  4  B631  Breitfelder, Joseph; Ann: Lawrence  
0169  04/17/1957  1  1  S600  Sawyer, Russell (Mrs.); Dn: North Platte  F. Sawyer's Mother Dies
0169  04/17/1957  1  3  C200  Cook, James: Bladen The Rev. Cook Family to Pastorate in Africa  
0169  04/17/1957  3  7  S000  Shaw, Larry Robert; B: Franklin  
0169  04/17/1957  4  4  F320  Fouts, Daniel; Dn: Pauline  
0169  04/17/1957  4  4  G536  Gunderson, Charles; Dn: Hastings  
0169  04/17/1957  4  7  S530  Smith, Charles M.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  04/17/1957  6  4  B631  Breitfelder, Joseph; Ann: Lawrence  
0169  04/24/1957  1  1  K620  Kraus, Emil; Dn: Hebron  
0169  04/24/1957  1  2  J525  Johnson, Ray; D: Red Cloud  
0169  04/24/1957  1  4  C425  Classen, Donald (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  04/24/1957  1  5  K650  Kranau, Marilyn Eva; M: Lincoln  Kranau - Mohler
0169  04/24/1957  1  5  M460  Mohler, Philip I.; M: Lincoln  Kranau - Mohler
0169  04/24/1957  1  6  C210  Cosby, Carolyn Joyce; D: Hastings  Services Held for Mrs. Ray Cosby
0169  04/24/1957  1  7  H150  Hoppen, Jennie; D: Rosemont  Mrs. Harm Hoppen Dies at Rudd, Iowa
0169  04/24/1957  1  7  M255  McMahon, Clark: Red Cloud  
0169  04/24/1957  3  1  J500  Jahn, Henry; Bd: Bladen  
0169  04/24/1957  1  1  K620  Kraus, Emil; Dn: Hebron  
0169  04/24/1957  1  2  J525  Johnson, Ray; D: Red Cloud  
0169  04/24/1957  1  4  C425  Classen, Donald (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  04/24/1957  1  5  K650  Kranau, Marilyn Eva; M: Lincoln  Kranau - Mohler
0169  04/24/1957  1  5  M460  Mohler, Philip I.; M: Lincoln  Kranau - Mohler
0169  04/24/1957  1  6  C210  Cosby, Carolyn Joyce; D: Hastings  Services Held for Mrs. Ray Cosby
0169  04/24/1957  1  7  H150  Hoppen, Jennie; D: Rosemont  Mrs. Harm Hoppen Dies at Rudd, Iowa
0169  04/24/1957  1  7  M255  McMahon, Clark: Red Cloud  
0169  04/24/1957  3  1  J500  Jahn, Henry; Bd: Bladen  
0169  05/01/1957  1  2  G650  Graham, Debra Lynn; B: Omaha  
0169  05/01/1957  1  3  S330  Stout, Vern J.; D: Bladen  Final Rites For Vern Stout
0169  05/01/1957  1  5  K630  Kort, Arthur; Ann: Blue Hill  Celebrate Golden Anniversary
0169  05/01/1957  1  5  V515  Van Boening, Mark Virgil; B: Campbell  
0169  05/01/1957  1  6  D600  Derr, Clyde; D: Hastings  Services for Clyde Derr
0169  05/01/1957  1  6  S530  Schmidt, Keith Allen; B: Hastings  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  V250  Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  S352  Scheiding, F. G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  H235  Hastings Plumbing and Heating; Plumbing: Hastings  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  F656  Farmers Union Coop. Assoc.; Farm Supplies: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  3  Y520  Yung, Ernest; Real Estate: Red Cloud  
0169  05/01/1957  2  3  K500  Kamm, Frank; Blue Hill Clinic; General medical practice: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  3  L220  Lucas, Thomas; Blue Hill Clinic; General medical practice: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  3  C656  Corner's Service; Auto supplies: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  5  S352  Scheidings; Appliances: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  L140  Loibl, Max; Seed Dealer: Cozad  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  H525  Hansen, Donald; Seed Dealer: Kearney  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  P362  Peterson, Phillip; Seed Dealer: Norman  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  G400  Gohl, Carl; Seed Dealer: Culbertson  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  C655  Corman, Vernon; Seed Dealer: Edgar  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  P625  Pearson, Kermit; Seed Dealer: Cozad  
0169  05/01/1957  3  2  H155  Hoffman, Donna Mae; M: Bladen  Hoffman - Figgins
0169  05/01/1957  3  2  F252  Figgins, Gerald Ralph; M: Bladen  Hoffman - Figgins
0169  05/01/1957  3  4  B652  Barnason's IGA  
0169  05/01/1957  4  4  C225  Chuck's Conoco Service  
0169  05/01/1957  4  2  C332  C & D Hatchery; Hatchery: Red Cloud  
0169  05/01/1957  4  6  C224  Chicago Lumber Co.; Building Supplies: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  4  7  H416  Helbert, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  5  1  B200  Bock, Fred C.; Blue Hill Machine Shop; Machine Repair: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  5  1  J523  Jones Sheet and Metal Works; Heating and Air Conditioning: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  5  3  B532  Bentz (H.B.) Implement Co.; Farm Implements: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  A562  American Legion Post #176; Organization: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  P412  Phillips, Clifford H.; County Attorney: Red Cloud
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  K620  Kirk, L. C.; Osteopathic Physician: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  G231  Gustafson Veterinary Hospital; Veterinarian: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  F000  Foe, Howard S.; Attorney at Law: Red Cloud
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  L400  Lull, C.C.; Eye Glasses: Red Cloud
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  C462  Clark, Clairmont; Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  W453  Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Drug store: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  M635  Merten-Butler Funeral Home; Morticians: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  O425  Olson Auction Co.; Auctions: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  P160  Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hills Sales Co.; Auctions: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  W256  Wagoner, L.A.; Auctioneer: Red Cloud
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  D223  Dick's Sheet Metal; Heating Services: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  6  1  S364  Sterling Theatre; Movie Theatre: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  6  1  C636  Courtright's Food Market; Grocer: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  6  1  M216  McBride & Kort; Insurance agents: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  6  4  K425  Klickman, A.H.; St. Pauls Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  1  2  G650  Graham, Debra Lynn; B: Omaha  
0169  05/01/1957  1  3  S330  Stout, Vern J.; D: Bladen  Final Rites For Vern Stout
0169  05/01/1957  1  5  K630  Kort, Arthur; Ann: Blue Hill  Celebrate Golden Anniversary
0169  05/01/1957  1  5  V515  Van Boening, Mark Virgil; B: Campbell  
0169  05/01/1957  1  6  D600  Derr, Clyde; D: Hastings  Services for Clyde Derr
0169  05/01/1957  1  6  S530  Schmidt, Keith Allen; B: Hastings  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  V250  Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  S352  Scheiding, F. G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  H235  Hastings Plumbing and Heating; Plumbing: Hastings  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  F656  Farmers Union Coop. Assoc.; Farm Supplies: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  3  Y520  Yung, Ernest; Real Estate: Red Cloud  
0169  05/01/1957  2  3  K500  Kamm, Frank; Blue Hill Clinic; General medical practice: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  3  L220  Lucas, Thomas; Blue Hill Clinic; General medical practice: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  3  C656  Corner's Service; Auto supplies: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  5  S352  Scheidings; Appliances: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  L140  Loibl, Max; Seed Dealer: Cozad  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  H525  Hansen, Donald; Seed Dealer: Kearney  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  P362  Peterson, Phillip; Seed Dealer: Norman  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  G400  Gohl, Carl; Seed Dealer: Culbertson  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  C655  Corman, Vernon; Seed Dealer: Edgar  
0169  05/01/1957  2  6  P625  Pearson, Kermit; Seed Dealer: Cozad  
0169  05/01/1957  3  2  H155  Hoffman, Donna Mae; M: Bladen  Hoffman - Figgins
0169  05/01/1957  3  2  F252  Figgins, Gerald Ralph; M: Bladen  Hoffman - Figgins
0169  05/01/1957  3  4  B652  Barnason's IGA  
0169  05/01/1957  4  4  C225  Chuck's Conoco Service  
0169  05/01/1957  4  2  C332  C & D Hatchery; Hatchery: Red Cloud  
0169  05/01/1957  4  6  C224  Chicago Lumber Co.; Building Supplies: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  4  7  H416  Helbert, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  5  1  B200  Bock, Fred C.; Blue Hill Machine Shop; Machine Repair: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  1  J523  Jones Sheet and Metal Works; Heating and Air Conditioning: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  5  3  B532  Bentz (H.B.) Implement Co.; Farm Implements: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  A562  American Legion Post #176; Organization: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  P412  Phillips, Clifford H.; County Attorney: Red Cloud
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  K620  Kirk, L. C.; Osteopathic Physician: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  G231  Gustafson Veterinary Hospital; Veterinarian: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  F000  Foe, Howard S.; Attorney at Law: Red Cloud
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  L400  Lull, C.C.; Eye Glasses: Red Cloud
0169  05/01/1957  5  6  C462  Clark, Clairmont; Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  W453  Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Drug store: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  M635  Merten-Butler Funeral Home; Morticians: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  O425  Olson Auction Co.; Auctions: Hastings
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  P160  Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hills Sales Co.; Auctions: Blue Hill
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  W256  Wagoner, L.A.; Auctioneer: Red Cloud
0169  05/01/1957  5  7  D223  Dick's Sheet Metal; Heating Services: Hastings  
0169  05/01/1957  6  1  S364  Sterling Theatre; Movie Theatre: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  6  1  C636  Courtright's Food Market; Grocer: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  6  1  M216  McBride & Kort; Insurance agents: Blue Hill  
0169  05/01/1957  6  4  K425  Klickman, A.H.; St. Pauls Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill  
0169  05/08/1957  1  2  M460  Miller, Betty; M: Blue Hill  Miller - Mazour
0169  05/08/1957  1  2  M260  Mazour, Jerome D.; M: Blue Hill  Miller - Mazour
0169  05/08/1957  1  5  B260  Booker, Viola; M: Hastings  Booker - Gerloff
0169  05/08/1957  1  5  G641  Gerloff, Paul W.; M: Hastings  Booker - Gerloff
0169  05/08/1957  1  6  K355  Kathman, James E.; D: Omaha  Services For Kathman Son
0169  05/08/1957  2  3  A400  All-Faiths Chapel; All-Faiths: Ingleside  Dedication of Chapel at Ingleside
0169  05/08/1957  1  2  M460  Miller, Betty; M: Blue Hill  Miller - Mazour
0169  05/08/1957  1  2  M260  Mazour, Jerome D.; M: Blue Hill  Miller - Mazour
0169  05/08/1957  1  5  B260  Booker, Viola; M: Hastings  Booker - Gerloff
0169  05/08/1957  1  5  G641  Gerloff, Paul W.; M: Hastings  Booker - Gerloff
0169  05/08/1957  1  6  K355  Kathman, James E.; D: Omaha  Services For Kathman Son
0169  05/08/1957  2  3  A400  All-Faiths Chapel; All-Faiths: Ingleside  Dedication of Chapel at Ingleside
0169  05/15/1957  1  7  R200  Rose, Ellen; Dn: Brunswick  Mrs. Ellen Rose Dies Suddenly
0169  05/15/1957  3  1  C524  Conkling, Katherine; M: Bladen  Conkling - Reichstein
0169  05/15/1957  3  1  R223  Reichstein, Clifford; M: Bladen  Conkling - Reichstein
0169  05/15/1957  3  4  B523  Bannister, Linda Louise; B: Henderson  
0169  05/15/1957  5  1  B442  Blue Hill High School; High School Graduates: Blue Hill  
0169  05/15/1957  1  7  R200  Rose, Ellen; Dn: Brunswick  Mrs. Ellen Rose Dies Suddenly
0169  05/15/1957  3  1  C524  Conkling, Katherine; M: Bladen  Conkling - Reichstein
0169  05/15/1957  3  1  R223  Reichstein, Clifford; M: Bladen  Conkling - Reichstein
0169  05/15/1957  3  4  B523  Bannister, Linda Louise; B: Henderson  
0169  05/15/1957  5  1  B442  Blue Hill High School; High School Graduates: Blue Hill  
0169  05/22/1957  1  2  M460  Mueller, Marlene Joan; M: Omaha  Mueller - Meents
0169  05/22/1957  1  2  M532  Meents, Robert E.; M: Omaha  Mueller - Meents
0169  05/22/1957  1  3  K430  Klett, Walter A.; Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  05/22/1957  1  6  W123  Webster County Schools; Eighth Grade Graduates: Red Cloud  Eighth Graders Receive Diplomas
0169  05/22/1957  3  1  M245  McCallum, Della Eliza ; D: Inavale  Services Held for Mrs. McCallum
0169  05/22/1957  3  3  B435  Bladen High School; High School Graduates: Bladen  
0169  05/22/1957  6  3  W653  Wormuth, Robert Stanley; B: Red Cloud  
0169  05/22/1957  6  3  P362  Peters, Christie Marie; B: Kearney  
0169  05/22/1957  1  2  M460  Mueller, Marlene Joan; M: Omaha  Mueller - Meents
0169  05/22/1957  1  2  M532  Meents, Robert E.; M: Omaha  Mueller - Meents
0169  05/22/1957  1  3  K430  Klett, Walter A.; Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  05/22/1957  1  6  W123  Webster County Schools; Eighth Grade Graduates: Red Cloud  Eighth Graders Receive Diplomas
0169  05/22/1957  3  1  M245  McCallum, Della Eliza ; D: Inavale  Services Held for Mrs. McCallum
0169  05/22/1957  3  3  B435  Bladen High School; High School Graduates: Bladen  
0169  05/22/1957  6  3  W653  Wormuth, Robert Stanley; B: Red Cloud  
0169  05/22/1957  6  3  P362  Peters, Christie Marie; B: Kearney  
0169  05/29/1957  1  3  M246  McCleery, Carl K.; D: Hastings  Carl McCleery Dies in Hastings Hospital
0169  05/29/1957  1  3  C160  Cooper, Connie Lynn; B: Red Cloud  
0169  05/29/1957  1  5  R500  Rowen, Louis Raymond; D: Sidney  Louis R. Rowen Dies Suddenly
0169  05/29/1957  1  6  B526  Benker, Eleanor Jean; M: Rosemont  Benker - Ehrman
0169  05/29/1957  1  6  E655  Ehrman, Richard W.; M: Rosemont  Benker - Ehrman
0169  05/29/1957  5  2  W452  Willems Family; Organization: Gilead  
0169  05/29/1957  1  3  M246  McCleery, Carl K.; D: Hastings  Carl McCleery Dies in Hastings Hospital
0169  05/29/1957  1  3  C160  Cooper, Connie Lynn; B: Red Cloud  
0169  05/29/1957  1  5  R500  Rowen, Louis Raymond; D: Sidney  Louis R. Rowen Dies Suddenly
0169  05/29/1957  1  6  B526  Benker, Eleanor Jean; M: Rosemont  Benker - Ehrman
0169  05/29/1957  1  6  E655  Ehrman, Richard W.; M: Rosemont  Benker - Ehrman
0169  05/29/1957  5  2  W452  Willems Family; Organization: Gilead  
0169  06/05/1957  1  1  G526  Gingrich, Shirley Ann; B: Ayr  
0169  06/05/1957  1  4  J512  Jumbeck, Olga; Dn: Blue Hill  Mrs. Jumbeck Dies
0169  06/05/1957  1  4  J525  Johnson, Norman; Ann: Blue Hill  Norman Johnsons Observe Silver Anniversary
0169  06/05/1957  1  4  O536  Ondra, Frank; Dn: Lawrence  Frank Ondra
0169  06/05/1957  3  1  G656  Garner, Matilda; D: Bladen  Final Rites for Mrs. Matilda Garner
0169  06/05/1957  3  2  D600  Derr, Leonard; Dn: Bladen  Death of Mr. Derr at Valier, Montana
0169  06/05/1957  4  2  H255  Hesman Family; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  06/05/1957  5  5  V453  Valentine, Tida Margaret; D: Hastings  Death Comes to Mrs. Tida Valentine
0169  06/05/1957  5  6  O623  Orcutt, Helen; M: Doniphan  
0169  06/05/1957  5  6  P230  Post, Roland; M: Doniphan  
0169  06/05/1957  6  1  D530  Demuth, Jerry Richard; B: Ayr  
0169  06/05/1957  6  2  Z163  Zubrod, Harold (Infant F, Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  06/05/1957  6  2  H450  Hohlen, Elmer (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  06/05/1957  6  3  K234  Kistler, Bob; Dn Accident: Ayr  
0169  06/05/1957  1  1  G526  Gingrich, Shirley Ann; B: Ayr  
0169  06/05/1957  1  4  J512  Jumbeck, Olga; Dn: Blue Hill  Mrs. Jumbeck Dies
0169  06/05/1957  1  4  J525  Johnson, Norman; Ann: Blue Hill  Norman Johnsons Observe Silver Anniversary
0169  06/05/1957  1  4  O536  Ondra, Frank; Dn: Lawrence  Frank Ondra
0169  06/05/1957  3  1  G656  Garner, Matilda; D: Bladen  Final Rites for Mrs. Matilda Garner
0169  06/05/1957  3  2  D600  Derr, Leonard; Dn: Bladen  Death of Mr. Derr at Valier, Montana
0169  06/05/1957  4  2  H255  Hesman Family; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  06/05/1957  5  5  V453  Valentine, Tida Margaret; D: Hastings  Death Comes to Mrs. Tida Valentine
0169  06/05/1957  5  6  O623  Orcutt, Helen; M: Doniphan  
0169  06/05/1957  5  6  P230  Post, Roland; M: Doniphan  
0169  06/05/1957  6  1  D530  Demuth, Jerry Richard; B: Ayr  
0169  06/05/1957  6  2  Z163  Zubrod, Harold (Infant F, Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  06/05/1957  6  2  H450  Hohlen, Elmer (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  06/05/1957  6  3  K234  Kistler, Bob; Dn Accident: Ayr  
0169  06/12/1957  1  2  P360  Petri, Doris; Bd: Lincoln Grandchildren Honor Mrs. Doris Petri  
0169  06/12/1957  1  3  H255  Hesman, Nancy; M: Blue Hill  Hesman - Krueger
0169  06/12/1957  1  3  K626  Krueger, Alan; M: Blue Hill Hesman - Krueger  
0169  06/12/1957  1  6  V250  Vaughan, Katherine Ann; B: Hastings  
0169  06/12/1957  3  1  N425  Nielson, Janis Lee; D: Upland  Final Rites For Janis Lee Nielson
0169  06/12/1957  6  2  J530  Joynt, Millie; Dn: St. Paul  
0169  06/12/1957  1  2  P360  Petri, Doris; Bd: Lincoln Grandchildren Honor Mrs. Doris Petri  
0169  06/12/1957  1  3  H255  Hesman, Nancy; M: Blue Hill  Hesman - Krueger
0169  06/12/1957  1  3  K626  Krueger, Alan; M: Blue Hill Hesman - Krueger  
0169  06/12/1957  1  6  V250  Vaughan, Katherine Ann; B: Hastings  
0169  06/12/1957  3  1  N425  Nielson, Janis Lee; D: Upland  Final Rites For Janis Lee Nielson
0169  06/12/1957  6  2  J530  Joynt, Millie; Dn: St. Paul  
0169  06/19/1957  1  2  D140  Duval, Earl; D Accident: Bladen  Earl Duval Dies, Car Rolls Into Flood Washout
0169  06/19/1957  1  2  F600  Fair, Wayne J.; D: Red Cloud  Memorial Service For Wayne Fair To Be Held
0169  06/19/1957  1  3  K430  Klatt, Virginia Anne; M: Campbell  Klatt - Koepke
0169  06/19/1957  1  3  K120  Koepke, James E.; M: Campbell Klatt - Koepke  
0169  06/19/1957  1  6  H536  Hendrickson, Edith Ann; D:  Rites For Mrs. Hendrickson
0169  06/19/1957  3  1  M500  Mann, Audrey; M: Bladen Mann - Robinson  
0169  06/19/1957  3  1  R152  Robinson, Harry Leslie; M: Bladen  Mann - Robinson
0169  06/19/1957  3  2  D140  Duval, Earl Eugene; D: Bladen  Rites Held For Earl Duval
0169  06/19/1957  3  3  M200  McCoy, Allan R.; Dn: Bladen  Rites Held For Allan R. McCoy
0169  06/19/1957  1  2  D140  Duval, Earl; D Accident: Bladen  Earl Duval Dies, Car Rolls Into Flood Washout
0169  06/19/1957  1  2  F600  Fair, Wayne J.; D: Red Cloud  Memorial Service For Wayne Fair To Be Held
0169  06/19/1957  1  3  K430  Klatt, Virginia Anne; M: Campbell  Klatt - Koepke
0169  06/19/1957  1  3  K120  Koepke, James E.; M: Campbell Klatt - Koepke  
0169  06/19/1957  1  6  H536  Hendrickson, Edith Ann; D:  Rites For Mrs. Hendrickson
0169  06/19/1957  3  1  M500  Mann, Audrey; M: Bladen Mann - Robinson  
0169  06/19/1957  3  1  R152  Robinson, Harry Leslie; M: Bladen  Mann - Robinson
0169  06/19/1957  3  2  D140  Duval, Earl Eugene; D: Bladen  Rites Held For Earl Duval
0169  06/19/1957  3  3  M200  McCoy, Allan R.; Dn: Bladen  Rites Held For Allan R. McCoy
0169  06/26/1957  1  2  K520  Koons, Amelia Emily; D: Omaha  Mrs. John Koons Dies in Omaha
0169  06/26/1957  1  2  A416  Alber Family; Organization: Hastings  Alber Reunion First Since 1948
0169  06/26/1957  1  4  S360  Starr, Elias; Ann: Grand Island  
0169  06/26/1957  1  5  H460  Haller, Carl; Ann: Minden  
0169  06/26/1957  3  1  S323  Stoughton, DeLoris; M: Bladen  Stoughton - Meyer
0169  06/26/1957  3  1  M600  Meyer, Ivan; M: Bladen  Stoughton - Meyer
0169  06/26/1957  4  4  D160  DeVore, Harold (Infant F); B: Ogallala  
0169  06/26/1957  4  5  D140  Duval, Earl Eugene; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  06/26/1957  4  6  G656  Garner, Matilda; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  06/26/1957  5  4  M000  Mau, Betty Maxine; D: York Mrs. Morris Mau Dies Suddenly  
0169  06/26/1957  1  2  K520  Koons, Amelia Emily; D: Omaha  Mrs. John Koons Dies in Omaha
0169  06/26/1957  1  2  A416  Alber Family; Organization: Hastings  Alber Reunion First Since 1948
0169  06/26/1957  1  4  S360  Starr, Elias; Ann: Grand Island  
0169  06/26/1957  1  5  H460  Haller, Carl; Ann: Minden  
0169  06/26/1957  3  1  S323  Stoughton, DeLoris; M: Bladen  Stoughton - Meyer
0169  06/26/1957  3  1  M600  Meyer, Ivan; M: Bladen  Stoughton - Meyer
0169  06/26/1957  4  4  D160  DeVore, Harold (Infant F); B: Ogallala  
0169  06/26/1957  4  5  D140  Duval, Earl Eugene; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  06/26/1957  4  6  G656  Garner, Matilda; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  06/26/1957  5  4  M000  Mau, Betty Maxine; D: York Mrs. Morris Mau Dies Suddenly  
0169  07/03/1957  1  2  K655  Kroening, Margaret; D: Lawrence  Mrs. Kroening Dies at Lawrence
0169  07/03/1957  1  3  C656  Crumrine, Richard: Blue Hill  
0169  07/03/1957  1  3  S432  Shultz, Peggy Jo; B: Alliance  
0169  07/03/1957  1  6  L200  Lukow, Vance (Infant F); B: Campbell  
0169  07/03/1957  1  2  K655  Kroening, Margaret; D: Lawrence  Mrs. Kroening Dies at Lawrence
0169  07/03/1957  1  3  C656  Crumrine, Richard: Blue Hill  
0169  07/03/1957  1  3  S432  Shultz, Peggy Jo; B: Alliance  
0169  07/03/1957  1  6  L200  Lukow, Vance (Infant F); B: Campbell  
0169  07/10/1957  1  5  H200  Hesse, Donley D.; Lutheran: Rosemont  Rosemont Church Will Install New Pastor
0169  07/10/1957  1  7  V515  Van Boening, Denise Kay; B: Blue Hill  
0169  07/10/1957  3  3  K321  Katzberg, Leane; M: Kearney  Katzberg - Wessels
0169  07/10/1957  3  3  W242  Wessels, Rayburn; M: Kearney  Katzberg - Wessels
0169  07/10/1957  1  5  H200  Hesse, Donley D.; Lutheran: Rosemont  Rosemont Church Will Install New Pastor
0169  07/10/1957  1  7  V515  Van Boening, Denise Kay; B: Blue Hill  
0169  07/10/1957  3  3  K321  Katzberg, Leane; M: Kearney  Katzberg - Wessels
0169  07/10/1957  3  3  W242  Wessels, Rayburn; M: Kearney  Katzberg - Wessels
0169  07/17/1957  1  3  S315  Stabenow, Minnie; D: Blue Hill  Services For Mrs. M. Stabenow
0169  07/17/1957  1  4  K200  Kick, Henry J.; D: Blue Hill  Henry Kick Dies in Denver
0169  07/17/1957  1  5  O523  Ohmstede, Gerhard; D: Guide Rock  G. Ohmstede Dies at Age 101
0169  07/17/1957  1  6  L512  Lempke, Mary; D: Lawrence  
0169  07/17/1957  3  4  W255  Wegmann, John (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  07/17/1957  10  2  B532  Bentz, James Linden; B: Hastings  
0169  07/17/1957  1  3  S315  Stabenow, Minnie; D: Blue Hill  Services For Mrs. M. Stabenow
0169  07/17/1957  1  4  K200  Kick, Henry J.; D: Blue Hill  Henry Kick Dies in Denver
0169  07/17/1957  1  5  O523  Ohmstede, Gerhard; D: Guide Rock  G. Ohmstede Dies at Age 101
0169  07/17/1957  1  6  L512  Lempke, Mary; D: Lawrence  
0169  07/17/1957  3  4  W255  Wegmann, John (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  07/17/1957  10  2  B532  Bentz, James Linden; B: Hastings  
0169  07/24/1957  1  1  W123  Webster County Community Hospital; Hospital: Red Cloud  
0169  07/24/1957  1  1  A653  Arends, Louis Elmer; D: Rosemont  
0169  07/24/1957  1  3  B240  Beezley, William (Infant M); D: Blue Hill  Beezley Infant Services Held
0169  07/24/1957  1  3  H612  Harpster, Charles; Dn: Hastings  Charles Harper Dies
0169  07/24/1957  1  4  F626  Frazier, Ellen Adele; M: Cowles  Frazier - Jones
0169  07/24/1957  1  4  J520  Jones, Richard P.; M: Cowles  Frazier - Jones
0169  07/24/1957  1  5  Q240  Quiggle, Jettie A.; Dn: Lawrence  Death of J.A. Quiggle at Gooding, Idaho
0169  07/24/1957  1  6  H520  Hanich, Dorthea; Dn: Blue Hill  Death of Mrs. Dorthea Hanich
0169  07/24/1957  1  7  G140  Goble, Jay; D: Hastings  Jay Goble Dies After Long Illness
0169  07/24/1957  3  3  H240  Hassel, Nellie; D: Bladen  
0169  07/24/1957  1  1  W123  Webster County Community Hospital; Hospital: Red Cloud  
0169  07/24/1957  1  1  A653  Arends, Louis Elmer; D: Rosemont  
0169  07/24/1957  1  3  B240  Beezley, William (Infant M); D: Blue Hill  Beezley Infant Services Held
0169  07/24/1957  1  3  H612  Harpster, Charles; Dn: Hastings  Charles Harper Dies
0169  07/24/1957  1  4  F626  Frazier, Ellen Adele; M: Cowles  Frazier - Jones
0169  07/24/1957  1  4  J520  Jones, Richard P.; M: Cowles  Frazier - Jones
0169  07/24/1957  1  5  Q240  Quiggle, Jettie A.; Dn: Lawrence  Death of J.A. Quiggle at Gooding, Idaho
0169  07/24/1957  1  6  H520  Hanich, Dorthea; Dn: Blue Hill  Death of Mrs. Dorthea Hanich
0169  07/24/1957  1  7  G140  Goble, Jay; D: Hastings  Jay Goble Dies After Long Illness
0169  07/24/1957  3  3  H240  Hassel, Nellie; D: Bladen  
0169  07/31/1957  1  1  H525  Homecoming Days and 4-H Fair; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  07/31/1957  1  3  S610  Scharff, Herman; Ann: Red Cloud  Observe Golden Anniversary
0169  07/31/1957  1  6  R510  Rempe, Joseph H.; D: Lawrence  Joseph Rempe Rites Held
0169  07/31/1957  3  1  K430  Klatt, Mary Louise; M: Hastings Klatt - Kathman  
0169  07/31/1957  3  1  K355  Kathman, Edward (Jr.); M: Hastings  Klatt - Kathman
0169  07/31/1957  3  3  K640  Kral, Cindy Joan; B: Hastings  
0169  07/31/1957  5  4  B440  Blue Hill 4-H Fair; Premium Lists: Blue Hill  
0169  07/31/1957  1  1  H525  Homecoming Days and 4-H Fair; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  07/31/1957  1  3  S610  Scharff, Herman; Ann: Red Cloud  Observe Golden Anniversary
0169  07/31/1957  1  6  R510  Rempe, Joseph H.; D: Lawrence  Joseph Rempe Rites Held
0169  07/31/1957  3  1  K430  Klatt, Mary Louise; M: Hastings Klatt - Kathman  
0169  07/31/1957  3  1  K355  Kathman, Edward (Jr.); M: Hastings  Klatt - Kathman
0169  07/31/1957  3  3  K640  Kral, Cindy Joan; B: Hastings  
0169  07/31/1957  5  4  B440  Blue Hill 4-H Fair; Premium Lists: Blue Hill  
0169  08/07/1957  1  1  W123  Webster County Fair; Organization: Bladen  
0169  08/07/1957  1  4  B200  Bouska, James A.; Ann: Bladen  Mr. and Mrs. Bouska Observe 50th Anniversary
0169  08/07/1957  1  4  V536  VanDrew, Charlotte; M: Bladen  VanDrew - McMillan
0169  08/07/1957  1  4  M254  McMillan, Bruce; M: Bladen  VanDrew - McMillan
0169  08/07/1957  1  5  C535  Condon, Lucy; Dn: Blue Hill  Mrs. Condon Dies in California
0169  08/07/1957  3  1  P142  Pavelka, Frank; D: Bladen  Services Held For Frank Pavelka
0169  08/07/1957  4  4  E152  Evans, Eileen Julie; M: Bladen  Wedding Dinner For Mr. and Mrs. Rockford
0169  08/07/1957  4  4  R216  Rockford, Robert; M: Bladen  Wedding Dinner For Mr. and Mrs. Rockford
0169  08/07/1957  1  1  W123  Webster County Fair; Organization: Bladen  
0169  08/07/1957  1  4  B200  Bouska, James A.; Ann: Bladen  Mr. and Mrs. Bouska Observe 50th Anniversary
0169  08/07/1957  1  4  V536  VanDrew, Charlotte; M: Bladen  VanDrew - McMillan
0169  08/07/1957  1  4  M254  McMillan, Bruce; M: Bladen  VanDrew - McMillan
0169  08/07/1957  1  5  C535  Condon, Lucy; Dn: Blue Hill  Mrs. Condon Dies in California
0169  08/07/1957  3  1  P142  Pavelka, Frank; D: Bladen  Services Held For Frank Pavelka
0169  08/07/1957  4  4  E152  Evans, Eileen Julie; M: Bladen  Wedding Dinner For Mr. and Mrs. Rockford
0169  08/07/1957  4  4  R216  Rockford, Robert; M: Bladen  Wedding Dinner For Mr. and Mrs. Rockford
0169  08/14/1957  1  1  W123  Webster County Fair; Premium Lists: Bladen  
0169  08/14/1957  1  3  R200  Rose, Burdette; D Accident: Hastings  Services Held For Burdette Rose
0169  08/14/1957  1  4  E263  Eckhardt, Loretta Eileen; M: Campbell  Eckhardt - Kort
0169  08/14/1957  1  4  K630  Kort, Wesley; M: Campbell  Eckhardt - Kort
0169  08/14/1957  1  5  L320  Leeds, Jennie; D: Hastings  Services Held for Jennie Leeds
0169  08/14/1957  3  5  G526  Gingrich Family; Organization: Ayr  Gingrich Families Enjoy Reunion
0169  08/14/1957  6  1  M246  McClure Family; Organization: Hastings Annual McClure Picnic at Prospect Park  
0169  08/14/1957  1  1  W123  Webster County Fair; Premium Lists: Bladen  
0169  08/14/1957  1  3  R200  Rose, Burdette; D Accident: Hastings  Services Held For Burdette Rose
0169  08/14/1957  1  4  E263  Eckhardt, Loretta Eileen; M: Campbell  Eckhardt - Kort
0169  08/14/1957  1  4  K630  Kort, Wesley; M: Campbell  Eckhardt - Kort
0169  08/14/1957  1  5  L320  Leeds, Jennie; D: Hastings  Services Held for Jennie Leeds
0169  08/14/1957  3  5  G526  Gingrich Family; Organization: Ayr  Gingrich Families Enjoy Reunion
0169  08/14/1957  6  1  M246  McClure Family; Organization: Hastings Annual McClure Picnic at Prospect Park  
0169  08/21/1957  1  2  H240  Highley, Marlene; M: Ayr Highley - Rose  
0169  08/21/1957  1  2  R200  Rose, Richard; M: Ayr  Highley - Rose
0169  08/21/1957  1  4  S561  Sommerfeld, Fred J.; D: Blue Hill  Fred Sommerfeld Services in Illinois
0169  08/21/1957  1  4  N140  Niblo, William; Dn: Red Cloud  William Niblo Dies
0169  08/21/1957  1  5  E264  Eggerling, R. M.: Blue Hill  
0169  08/21/1957  3  3  K640  Kral, Mary Catherine; B: Franklin  
0169  08/21/1957  3  4  W452  Williams, Stella; Bd: Bladen  
0169  08/21/1957  4  5  S315  Stabenow, Minnie; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  08/21/1957  4  6  P142  Pavelka, Frank; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  08/21/1957  5  4  G635  Gartner, William; D: Hastings  Final Rites For William Gartner
0169  08/21/1957  6  2  O435  Old Timers Reunion; Organization: Ayr  
0169  08/21/1957  6  3  G140  Goble, Max (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  08/21/1957  6  3  V621  Versaw Family; Organization: Ayr  
0169  08/21/1957  6  4  D162  DeFreece, Valda; M: Douglas  DeFreece - Davidson
0169  08/21/1957  6  4  D132  Davidson, Loren; M: Douglas  DeFreece - Davidson
0169  08/21/1957  7  1  W123  Webster County Fair; Premium Awards: Bladen  
0169  08/21/1957  1  2  H240  Highley, Marlene; M: Ayr Highley - Rose  
0169  08/21/1957  1  2  R200  Rose, Richard; M: Ayr  Highley - Rose
0169  08/21/1957  1  4  S561  Sommerfeld, Fred J.; D: Blue Hill  Fred Sommerfeld Services in Illinois
0169  08/21/1957  1  4  N140  Niblo, William; Dn: Red Cloud  William Niblo Dies
0169  08/21/1957  1  5  E264  Eggerling, R. M.: Blue Hill  
0169  08/21/1957  3  3  K640  Kral, Mary Catherine; B: Franklin  
0169  08/21/1957  3  4  W452  Williams, Stella; Bd: Bladen  
0169  08/21/1957  4  5  S315  Stabenow, Minnie; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  08/21/1957  4  6  P142  Pavelka, Frank; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  08/21/1957  5  4  G635  Gartner, William; D: Hastings  Final Rites For William Gartner
0169  08/21/1957  6  2  O435  Old Timers Reunion; Organization: Ayr  
0169  08/21/1957  6  3  G140  Goble, Max (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  08/21/1957  6  3  V621  Versaw Family; Organization: Ayr  
0169  08/21/1957  6  4  D162  DeFreece, Valda; M: Douglas  DeFreece - Davidson
0169  08/21/1957  6  4  D132  Davidson, Loren; M: Douglas  DeFreece - Davidson
0169  08/21/1957  7  1  W123  Webster County Fair; Premium Awards: Bladen  
0169  08/28/1957  1  1  M255  McMahon Family; Organization: Hastings  McMahon Family Picnic
0169  08/28/1957  1  1  W230  Wiest, Patricia Ann; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/28/1957  1  3  H200  Huse, Mildred; M: Blue Hill  Huse - Willems
0169  08/28/1957  1  3  W452  Willems, Alvin; M: Blue Hill  Huse - Willems
0169  08/28/1957  1  5  H432  Holthaus Family; Organization: Blue Hill  Reunion
0169  08/28/1957  1  6  B623  Brewster, Marcia Kay; M: Blue Hill  Brewster - Woods
0169  08/28/1957  1  6  W320  Woods, Lester Alan; M: Blue Hill  Brewster - Woods
0169  08/28/1957  3  1  J552  Jennings, Nannie Elizabeth; D: Franklin  Rites Helds for Mrs. Nannie Jennings
0169  08/28/1957  3  4  P623  Preston, Archie; Ann: Bladen  Prestons Observe 50th Anniversary
0169  08/28/1957  4  6  S220  Soucek, Michael James; B: Hastings  
0169  08/28/1957  6  1  H255  Husman, Ernest Henry; D: Glenvil  Death Comes to Ernest Husman
0169  08/28/1957  6  4  P400  Piel, Dennis Lynn; B: Hastings  
0169  08/28/1957  1  1  M255  McMahon Family; Organization: Hastings  McMahon Family Picnic
0169  08/28/1957  1  1  W230  Wiest, Patricia Ann; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/28/1957  1  3  H200  Huse, Mildred; M: Blue Hill  Huse - Willems
0169  08/28/1957  1  3  W452  Willems, Alvin; M: Blue Hill  Huse - Willems
0169  08/28/1957  1  5  H432  Holthaus Family; Organization: Blue Hill  Reunion
0169  08/28/1957  1  6  B623  Brewster, Marcia Kay; M: Blue Hill  Brewster - Woods
0169  08/28/1957  1  6  W320  Woods, Lester Alan; M: Blue Hill  Brewster - Woods
0169  08/28/1957  3  1  J552  Jennings, Nannie Elizabeth; D: Franklin  Rites Helds for Mrs. Nannie Jennings
0169  08/28/1957  3  4  P623  Preston, Archie; Ann: Bladen  Prestons Observe 50th Anniversary
0169  08/28/1957  4  6  S220  Soucek, Michael James; B: Hastings  
0169  08/28/1957  6  1  H255  Husman, Ernest Henry; D: Glenvil  Death Comes to Ernest Husman
0169  08/28/1957  6  4  P400  Piel, Dennis Lynn; B: Hastings  
0169  09/04/1957  1  1  W123  Webster County Old Settlers Association; Organization: Cowles  
0169  09/04/1957  1  2  P362  Peterson, Jeanette: Blue Hill  
0169  09/04/1957  1  2  H140  Hubl, Thomas John; D Accident: Blue Hill  Thomas Hubl Killed in Road Construction Accident
0169  09/04/1957  1  2  B650  Baron, Frank; Dn: Grand Island  
0169  09/04/1957  1  5  H243  Hesseltine, Rochelle Kay; M: Bladen  Hesseltine - Brown
0169  09/04/1957  1  5  B650  Brown, Clifford Eugene; M: Bladen  Hesseltine - Brown
0169  09/04/1957  3  2  J250  Jackson, Walter; Dn: Blair  Rev. Walter Jackson Dies at Blair
0169  09/04/1957  1  1  W123  Webster County Old Settlers Association; Organization: Cowles  
0169  09/04/1957  1  2  P362  Peterson, Jeanette: Blue Hill  
0169  09/04/1957  1  2  H140  Hubl, Thomas John; D Accident: Blue Hill  Thomas Hubl Killed in Road Construction Accident
0169  09/04/1957  1  2  B650  Baron, Frank; Dn: Grand Island  
0169  09/04/1957  1  5  H243  Hesseltine, Rochelle Kay; M: Bladen  Hesseltine - Brown
0169  09/04/1957  1  5  B650  Brown, Clifford Eugene; M: Bladen  Hesseltine - Brown
0169  09/04/1957  3  2  J250  Jackson, Walter; Dn: Blair  Rev. Walter Jackson Dies at Blair
0169  09/11/1957  1  3  D130  David, Darlene; M: Lincoln  David - Helberg
0169  09/11/1957  1  3  H416  Helberg, Gordon; M: Lincoln  David - Helberg
0169  09/11/1957  1  4  F626  Frazier Family; Organization: Kearney Frazier Families Enjoy Picnic Reunion  
0169  09/11/1957  1  5  V515  Van Boening, Rosella; M: Rosemont  Van Boening - Harrifeld
0169  09/11/1957  1  5  H614  Harrifeld, Marvin L.; M: Rosemont  Van Boening - Harrifeld
0169  09/11/1957  1  7  V515  Van Boening, Robert: Blue Hill  
0169  09/11/1957  4  7  H140  Hubl, Thomas J.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  09/11/1957  1  3  D130  David, Darlene; M: Lincoln  David - Helberg
0169  09/11/1957  1  3  H416  Helberg, Gordon; M: Lincoln  David - Helberg
0169  09/11/1957  1  4  F626  Frazier Family; Organization: Kearney Frazier Families Enjoy Picnic Reunion  
0169  09/11/1957  1  5  V515  Van Boening, Rosella; M: Rosemont  Van Boening - Harrifeld
0169  09/11/1957  1  5  H614  Harrifeld, Marvin L.; M: Rosemont  Van Boening - Harrifeld
0169  09/11/1957  1  7  V515  Van Boening, Robert: Blue Hill  
0169  09/11/1957  4  7  H140  Hubl, Thomas J.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  09/18/1957  1  2  L550  Lowman, William (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Mrs. William Lowman Dies in Hastings  
0169  09/18/1957  1  6  B200  Bogue, Russel (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  09/18/1957  1  6  B650  Brown, Bruce Alan; B: Hastings  
0169  09/18/1957  3  1  J525  Johnson, William M.; Dn: Omaha  William M. Johnson Dies in Omaha
0169  09/18/1957  3  2  D600  Derr, Stanley Dwain; B: Hastings  
0169  09/18/1957  3  3  K600  Karr, Linda Kay; B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/18/1957  1  2  L550  Lowman, William (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Mrs. William Lowman Dies in Hastings  
0169  09/18/1957  1  6  B200  Bogue, Russel (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  09/18/1957  1  6  B650  Brown, Bruce Alan; B: Hastings  
0169  09/18/1957  3  1  J525  Johnson, William M.; Dn: Omaha  William M. Johnson Dies in Omaha
0169  09/18/1957  3  2  D600  Derr, Stanley Dwain; B: Hastings  
0169  09/18/1957  3  3  K600  Karr, Linda Kay; B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/25/1957  1  5  C452  Collins, Shirley; M: Blue Hill  Collins - Smith
0169  09/25/1957  1  5  S530  Smith, Dean; M: Blue Hill  Collins - Smith
0169  09/25/1957  1  6  C616  Crawford, Roxine; M: Rosemont Crawford - Hoit  
0169  09/25/1957  1  6  H300  Hoit, George; M: Rosemont  Crawford - Hoit
0169  09/25/1957  3  1  R000  Ray, Frances Eleanor; D: Grand Island  
0169  09/25/1957  3  4  P656  Pruner, Rex (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/25/1957  1  5  C452  Collins, Shirley; M: Blue Hill  Collins - Smith
0169  09/25/1957  1  5  S530  Smith, Dean; M: Blue Hill  Collins - Smith
0169  09/25/1957  1  6  C616  Crawford, Roxine; M: Rosemont Crawford - Hoit  
0169  09/25/1957  1  6  H300  Hoit, George; M: Rosemont  Crawford - Hoit
0169  09/25/1957  3  1  R000  Ray, Frances Eleanor; D: Grand Island  
0169  09/25/1957  3  4  P656  Pruner, Rex (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  10/02/1957  1  2  P522  Pancake, William; Dn: Blue Hill  William Pancake Dies in Washington
0169  10/02/1957  1  2  D132  Davidson - Brinkman Family; Organization: Nebraska City  Davidson - Brinkman Family Gathering
0169  10/02/1957  1  3  J525  Janssen, Henry G.; D: Hastings  Henry Janssen Burial Here
0169  10/02/1957  1  7  N120  Novak, Josephine; D: Pauline  Services Held For Mrs. Joe Novak
0169  10/02/1957  1  7  K155  Kaufman, Mildred; M: Blue Hill Kaufman - Siebrass  
0169  10/02/1957  1  7  S162  Siebrass, Harlan; M: Blue Hill  Kaufman - Siebrass
0169  10/02/1957  4  6  P142  Pavelka, Frank; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  10/02/1957  1  2  P522  Pancake, William; Dn: Blue Hill  William Pancake Dies in Washington
0169  10/02/1957  1  2  D132  Davidson - Brinkman Family; Organization: Nebraska City  Davidson - Brinkman Family Gathering
0169  10/02/1957  1  3  J525  Janssen, Henry G.; D: Hastings  Henry Janssen Burial Here
0169  10/02/1957  1  7  N120  Novak, Josephine; D: Pauline  Services Held For Mrs. Joe Novak
0169  10/02/1957  1  7  K155  Kaufman, Mildred; M: Blue Hill Kaufman - Siebrass  
0169  10/02/1957  1  7  S162  Siebrass, Harlan; M: Blue Hill  Kaufman - Siebrass
0169  10/02/1957  4  6  P142  Pavelka, Frank; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  10/09/1957  3  1  M620  Marks, Roelf Schaa; Bd: Bladen  
0169  10/09/1957  3  1  M620  Marks, Roelf Schaa; Bd: Bladen  
0169  10/16/1957  1  4  F620  Fricke, Alfred; D Accident: Ayr  Alfred Fricke Fatally Hurt
0169  10/16/1957  1  4  F620  Fricke, Alfred; D Accident: Ayr  Alfred Fricke Fatally Hurt
0169  10/23/1957  1  1  K630  Kort, Timothy Allen; D: Scottsbluff  Graveside Services for Kort Infant
0169  10/23/1957  1  2  M600  Meyer, Frederick Gottfried; D: Blue Hill  
0169  10/23/1957  1  6  D542  Daniels, Kermit (Infant M); Dn: Ayr  
0169  10/23/1957  1  6  S435  Saladino, Jean Marie; B: Hastings  
0169  10/23/1957  4  6  H315  Hoyt Family; Organization: Hastings  
0169  10/23/1957  1  1  K630  Kort, Timothy Allen; D: Scottsbluff  Graveside Services for Kort Infant
0169  10/23/1957  1  2  M600  Meyer, Frederick Gottfried; D: Blue Hill  
0169  10/23/1957  1  6  D542  Daniels, Kermit (Infant M); Dn: Ayr  
0169  10/23/1957  1  6  S435  Saladino, Jean Marie; B: Hastings  
0169  10/23/1957  4  6  H315  Hoyt Family; Organization: Hastings  
0169  10/30/1957  1  3  S162  Siebrass, Daniel Thomas; B: Bartley  
0169  10/30/1957  1  6  T262  Tjarks, Albert; D: Blue Hill  Rites Held For Albert Tjarks
0169  10/30/1957  1  7  J525  Johnson, Shari Lee; B: Lincoln  
0169  10/30/1957  3  3  B620  Brazee, David James; B: Holbrook  
0169  10/30/1957  4  7  M600  Meyer, Frederick  ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud
0169  10/30/1957  6  6  A536  Anderson, Merle (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  10/30/1957  1  3  S162  Siebrass, Daniel Thomas; B: Bartley  
0169  10/30/1957  1  6  T262  Tjarks, Albert; D: Blue Hill  Rites Held For Albert Tjarks
0169  10/30/1957  1  7  J525  Johnson, Shari Lee; B: Lincoln  
0169  10/30/1957  3  3  B620  Brazee, David James; B: Holbrook  
0169  10/30/1957  4  7  M600  Meyer, Frederick  ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud
0169  10/30/1957  6  6  A536  Anderson, Merle (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  11/06/1957  1  1  S163  Sheppard, Bert V.; D: Blue Hill Bert Sheppard Dies in Colorado  
0169  11/06/1957  1  1  M420  Mahlock, Michael; D: Lawrence  
0169  11/06/1957  1  2  T653  Trinity Lutheran Church; Ann: Blue Hill  
0169  11/06/1957  1  2  B652  Barnason, Peggy Ann; B: Red Cloud  
0169  11/06/1957  1  4  B240  Bigelow, Charles; D: Lexington  
0169  11/06/1957  1  6  B400  Beal, Frank W.; D: Lincoln  Frank Beal Services Held Here
0169  11/06/1957  3  4  R252  Riggins, Waldo B.; D: Bladen  Waldo Riggins Dies At Elko, Nevada
0169  11/06/1957  4  3  R160  Reiber, Ronda Kay; B: Hastings  
0169  11/06/1957  4  3  D120  Davis, Marvin (Infant M); B: Pauline  
0169  11/06/1957  4  3  K260  Kucera, Larry (Infant F); B: Pauline  
0169  11/06/1957  1  1  S163  Sheppard, Bert V.; D: Blue Hill Bert Sheppard Dies in Colorado  
0169  11/06/1957  1  1  M420  Mahlock, Michael; D: Lawrence  
0169  11/06/1957  1  2  T653  Trinity Lutheran Church; Ann: Blue Hill  
0169  11/06/1957  1  2  B652  Barnason, Peggy Ann; B: Red Cloud  
0169  11/06/1957  1  4  B240  Bigelow, Charles; D: Lexington  
0169  11/06/1957  1  6  B400  Beal, Frank W.; D: Lincoln  Frank Beal Services Held Here
0169  11/06/1957  3  4  R252  Riggins, Waldo B.; D: Bladen  Waldo Riggins Dies At Elko, Nevada
0169  11/06/1957  4  3  R160  Reiber, Ronda Kay; B: Hastings  
0169  11/06/1957  4  3  D120  Davis, Marvin (Infant M); B: Pauline  
0169  11/06/1957  4  3  K260  Kucera, Larry (Infant F); B: Pauline  
0169  11/13/1957  1  6  H635  Hartman, Florence Marie; D: Red Cloud  Services Held for Mrs. George Heartman
0169  11/13/1957  1  7  M246  McCleery, Jennie May; D: Ayr Services For Mrs. McCleery  
0169  11/13/1957  5  1  K540  Kinley, Roy James; B: Red Cloud  
0169  11/13/1957  5  6  M252  McConkey, Judith Ann; B: Red Cloud  
0169  11/13/1957  1  6  H635  Hartman, Florence Marie; D: Red Cloud  Services Held for Mrs. George Heartman
0169  11/13/1957  1  7  M246  McCleery, Jennie May; D: Ayr Services For Mrs. McCleery  
0169  11/13/1957  5  1  K540  Kinley, Roy James; B: Red Cloud  
0169  11/13/1957  5  6  M252  McConkey, Judith Ann; B: Red Cloud
0169  11/20/1957  1  3  M600  Meyer, Emma Caroline; D: Blue Hill Services Helds for Mrs. C.W. Meyer
0169  11/20/1957  1  4  P420  Pelz, Russell; D: Lincoln Russell Pelz Burial Here
0169  11/20/1957  1  5  B532  Benedict, Warren; Dn: Ayr
0169  11/20/1957  1  7  S652  Syring, Herbert; Dn: Hastings Adams County Farmer Dies Unexpectedly
0169  11/20/1957  2  5  P455  Pauline Methodist Church; Methodist: Pauline
0169  11/20/1957  3  2  K400  Kile, Steven Alan; B: Red Cloud
0169  11/20/1957  6  4  W300  Witte, Kathleen Sue; B: Hastings
0169  11/20/1957  1  3  M600  Meyer, Emma Caroline; D: Blue Hill Services Helds for Mrs. C.W. Meyer
0169  11/20/1957  1  4  P420  Pelz, Russell; D: Lincoln Russell Pelz Burial Here
0169  11/20/1957  1  5  B532  Benedict, Warren; Dn: Ayr
0169  11/20/1957  1  7  S652  Syring, Herbert; Dn: Hastings Adams County Farmer Dies Unexpectedly
0169  11/20/1957  2  5  P455  Pauline Methodist Church; Methodist: Pauline
0169  11/20/1957  3  2  K400  Kile, Steven Alan; B: Red Cloud
0169  11/20/1957  6  4  W300  Witte, Kathleen Sue; B: Hastings
0169  11/27/1957  1  2  K626  Krueger, Sophie; D: Blue Hill
0169  11/27/1957  1  6  K623  Karsting, Karen; M: Blue Hill  Karsting - Koelder
0169  11/27/1957  1  6  K436  Koelder, Rodney; M: Blue Hill  Karsting - Koelder
0169  11/27/1957  3  1  M263  McCord, Letha; D: Lincoln  Death of Mrs. Letha McCord
0169  11/27/1957  8  6  J530  Joynt, Orville; Dn: Roseland  
0169  11/27/1957  1  2  K626  Krueger, Sophie; D: Blue Hill  
0169  11/27/1957  1  6  K623  Karsting, Karen; M: Blue Hill  Karsting - Koelder
0169  11/27/1957  1  6  K436  Koelder, Rodney; M: Blue Hill  Karsting - Koelder
0169  11/27/1957  3  1  M263  McCord, Letha; D: Lincoln  Death of Mrs. Letha McCord
0169  11/27/1957  8  6  J530  Joynt, Orville; Dn: Roseland  
0169  12/04/1957  1  4  C620  Crouch, Thomas; D: Doniphan  
0169  12/04/1957  1  5  R534  Randall, Effie; D: Lincoln  
0169  12/04/1957  1  5  H255  Hageman, Ervin; Dn: Campbell  
0169  12/04/1957  2  1  V250  Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  1  B532  Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm Implements: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  3  C224  Chicago Lumber Co.; Building Supplies: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  5  S352  Scheiding, F.G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  5  K630  Kort, William; Real Estate: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  6  P160  Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auctions: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  7  A562  American Legion Post #176; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  7  K620  Kirk, L. C.; Osteopath  : Hastings
0169  12/04/1957  2  5  C656  Corner's Service; Auto dealer and service: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  3  1  D565  Donn (Raymon) Farm Machinery; Farm Machinery: Bladen  
0169  12/04/1957  3  3  C400  Call, Charles: Bladen  
0169  12/04/1957  3  4  B435  Bladen Methodist Church; Methodist: Bladen  
0169  12/04/1957  3  5  B652  Barnason's IGA; Grocery: Bladen  
0169  12/04/1957  4  1  G231  Gustafson, N.C.; Gustafson Veterinary Hospital; Veterinarian: Hastings  
0169  12/04/1957  4  1  A653  Arndt's (Paul) Store; Mens clothing: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  4  4  F000  Foe, Howard S.; Attorney at Law: Red Cloud  
0169  12/04/1957  4  4  S200  Sass, Bob; Florist: Hastings  
0169  12/04/1957  4  4  S352  Scheidings Appliances; Home Appliances: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  4  5  T261  The Service Center; Home Appliances: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  4  6  P412  Phillips, Clifford H.; County Attorney: Red Cloud  
0169  12/04/1957  4  7  A652  Ahrens (Walter) Auctioneer; Auctioneer: Kenesaw        
0169  12/04/1957  4  7  M635  Merten-Butler Funeral Home; Mortician: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  5  1  C225  Chuck's Conoco Service; Auto service        : Blue Hill
0169  12/04/1957  5  4  L400  Lull, C.C.; Eye care  : Red Cloud  
0169  12/04/1957  5  5  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Drugs, sundries: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  5  6  O425  Olson Auction Co.; Auction sales: Hastings        
0169  12/04/1957  5  7  W256  Wagoner, L.A.; Auctioneer: Red Cloud        
0169  12/04/1957  5  7  W453  Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  5  7  C514  Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell        
0169  12/04/1957  5  6  L220  Lukas, Thomas; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical care: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  5  6  K500  Kamm, Frank; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical care: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  6  1  M216  McBride, James; Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Nebr.; Life Insurance: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  6  2  H416  Helberg, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  6  2  H200  Hesse, D.D.; Calvary Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  6  4  C636  Courtright's Food Market; Grocery: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  1  4  C620  Crouch, Thomas; D: Doniphan        
0169  12/04/1957  1  5  R534  Randall, Effie; D: Lincoln  
0169  12/04/1957  1  5  H255  Hageman, Ervin; Dn: Campbell  
0169  12/04/1957  2  1  V250  Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  1  B532  Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm Implements: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  3  C224  Chicago Lumber Co.; Building Supplies: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  5  S352  Scheiding, F.G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  5  K630  Kort, William; Real Estate: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  6  P160  Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auctions: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  7  A562  American Legion Post #176; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  2  7  K620  Kirk, L. C.; Osteopath  : Hastings
0169  12/04/1957  2  5  C656  Corner's Service; Auto dealer and service: Blue Hill  
0169  12/04/1957  3  1  D565  Donn (Raymon) Farm Machinery; Farm Machinery: Bladen  
0169  12/04/1957  3  3  C400  Call, Charles: Bladen  
0169  12/04/1957  3  4  B435  Bladen Methodist Church; Methodist: Bladen  
0169  12/04/1957  3  5  B652  Barnason's IGA; Grocery: Bladen  
0169  12/04/1957  4  1  G231  Gustafson, N.C.; Gustafson Veterinary Hospital; Veterinarian: Hastings  
0169  12/04/1957  4  1  A653  Arndt's (Paul) Store; Mens clothing: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  4  4  F000  Foe, Howard S.; Attorney at Law: Red Cloud        
0169  12/04/1957  4  4  S200  Sass, Bob; Florist: Hastings        
0169  12/04/1957  4  4  S352  Scheidings Appliances; Home Appliances: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  4  5  T261  The Service Center; Home Appliances: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  4  6  P412  Phillips, Clifford H.; County Attorney: Red Cloud        
0169  12/04/1957  4  7  A652  Ahrens (Walter) Auctioneer; Auctioneer: Kenesaw        
0169  12/04/1957  4  7  M635  Merten-Butler Funeral Home; Mortician: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  5  1  C225  Chuck's Conoco Service; Auto service        : Blue Hill
0169  12/04/1957  5  4  L400  Lull, C.C.; Eye care  : Red Cloud  
0169  12/04/1957  5  5  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Drugs, sundries: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  5  6  O425  Olson Auction Co.; Auction sales: Hastings        
0169  12/04/1957  5  7  W256  Wagoner, L.A.; Auctioneer: Red Cloud        
0169  12/04/1957  5  7  W453  Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  5  7  C514  Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell        
0169  12/04/1957  5  6  L220  Lukas, Thomas; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical care: Blue Hill        
0169  12/04/1957  5  6  K500  Kamm, Frank; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical care: Blue Hill 
0169  12/04/1957  6  1  M216  McBride, James; Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Nebr.; Life Insurance: Blue Hill 
0169  12/04/1957  6  2  H416  Helberg, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill 
0169  12/04/1957  6  2  H200  Hesse, D.D.; Calvary Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill 
0169  12/04/1957  6  4  C636  Courtright's Food Market; Grocery: Blue Hill 
0169  12/11/1957  1  2  K630  Kort, Douglas (Infant F); B: Hastings 
0169  12/11/1957  1  3  K540  Kinley, Robert        ; D: Hastings  Robert Kinley Dies Following Stroke
0169  12/11/1957  1  4  K626  Kruger, Martha; D 
0169  12/11/1957  1  6  E524  Engelkes, Shirley; M: Pauline  Engelkes - Frahm        
0169  12/11/1957  1  6  F650  Frahm, Randall; M: Pauline  Engelkes - Frahm        
0169  12/11/1957  5  7  B260  Baker, William; Dn: Arcadia 
0169  12/11/1957  1  2  K630  Kort, Douglas (Infant F); B: Hastings 
0169  12/11/1957  1  3  K540  Kinley, Robert        ; D: Hastings  Robert Kinley Dies Following Stroke
0169  12/11/1957  1  4  K626  Kruger, Martha; D 
0169  12/11/1957  1  6  E524  Engelkes, Shirley; M: Pauline  Engelkes - Frahm        
0169  12/11/1957  1  6  F650  Frahm, Randall; M: Pauline  Engelkes - Frahm        
0169  12/11/1957  5  7  B260  Baker, William; Dn: Arcadia  
0169  12/18/1957  1  3  S423  Schlichtman, Rudolph C.; D: Hastings  
0169  12/18/1957  1  4  B260  Baker, William; D: Arcadia  William Baker Dies in Arcadia
0169  12/18/1957  1  4  P320  Pautz, Richard W.; D: Kearney  Richard Pautz of Sheldon Dies
0169  12/18/1957  1  5  M300  Moede, Max A.; Dn: Red Cloud  Max Moede Services Held
0169  12/18/1957  3  3  H562  Hinrikus, Herman; D: Pauline  Herman Hinrikus Dies At His Home
0169  12/18/1957  3  3  A416  Albers, Albert; Dn: Doniphan  Services For Albert Albers of Doniphan
0169  12/18/1957  4  4  C220  Cookus, Steve; Dn: Bladen  
0169  12/18/1957  6  3  R420  Rolls, Samuel R.; Dn: Sidney  Services Held For Samuel Rolls
0169  12/18/1957  6  5  W363  Woodworth, Jennie; Dn: Hastings  Services For Mrs. Jennie Woodworth
0169  12/18/1957  1  3  S423  Schlichtman, Rudolph C.; D: Hastings  
0169  12/18/1957  1  4  B260  Baker, William; D: Arcadia  William Baker Dies in Arcadia
0169  12/18/1957  1  4  P320  Pautz, Richard W.; D: Kearney  Richard Pautz of Sheldon Dies
0169  12/18/1957  1  5  M300  Moede, Max A.; Dn: Red Cloud  Max Moede Services Held
0169  12/18/1957  3  3  H562  Hinrikus, Herman; D: Pauline  Herman Hinrikus Dies At His Home
0169  12/18/1957  3  3  A416  Albers, Albert; Dn: Doniphan  Services For Albert Albers of Doniphan
0169  12/18/1957  4  4  C220  Cookus, Steve; Dn: Bladen  
0169  12/18/1957  6  3  R420  Rolls, Samuel R.; Dn: Sidney  Services Held For Samuel Rolls
0169  12/18/1957  6  5  W363  Woodworth, Jennie; Dn: Hastings  Services For Mrs. Jennie Woodworth
0169  12/25/1957  1  1  O635  Ortman, William H.; D: Blue Hill  William Ortman Dies at Coos Bay
0169  12/25/1957  1  2  M240  McCool, Patricia Inez; M: Blue Hill  McCool - Kort
0169  12/25/1957  1  2  K630  Kort, Larry L.; M: Blue Hill  McCool - Kort
0169  12/25/1957  1  3  P654  Parnell, Patty Ann; B: Hastings  
0169  12/25/1957  3  5  B500  Boom, Bertha; Bd: Bladen  Bertha Boom Honored on Birthday Anniversary
0169  12/25/1957  8  4  M500  Mummy, Donald William; B: Omaha  
0169  12/25/1957  1  1  O635  Ortman, William H.; D: Blue Hill  William Ortman Dies at Coos Bay
0169  12/25/1957  1  2  M240  McCool, Patricia Inez; M: Blue Hill  McCool - Kort
0169  12/25/1957  1  2  K630  Kort, Larry L.; M: Blue Hill  McCool - Kort
0169  12/25/1957  1  3  P654  Parnell, Patty Ann; B: Hastings  
0169  12/25/1957  3  5  B500  Boom, Bertha; Bd: Bladen  Bertha Boom Honored on Birthday Anniversary
0169  12/25/1957  8  4  M500  Mummy, Donald William; B: Omaha  
0169  01/01/1958  1  3  G160  GeBauer, Judy; M: Blue Hill  GeBauer - Van Matre
0169  01/01/1958  1  3  V536  Van Matre, Donald; M: Blue Hill  GeBauer - Van Matre
0169  01/01/1958  1  4  M600  Meyer, William F.C.; D: Hastings  William F.C. Meyer Service Held
0169  01/01/1958  1  5  S360  Stroh, Wilma; M: Rosemont  Stroh - Willems
0169  01/01/1958  1  5  W452  Willems, Russell; M: Rosemont  Stroh - Willems
0169  01/01/1958  3  1  P200  Paugh, Mary Elizabeth; D: Bladen  Mrs. Mary Paugh Dies in Colorado
0169  01/01/1958  3  1  B260  Baker, Joseph H.; D: Hastings  Services For Joseph Baker
0169  01/01/1958  1  3  G160  GeBauer, Judy; M: Blue Hill  GeBauer - Van Matre
0169  01/01/1958  1  3  V536  Van Matre, Donald; M: Blue Hill  GeBauer - Van Matre
0169  01/01/1958  1  4  M600  Meyer, William F.C.; D: Hastings  William F.C. Meyer Service Held
0169  01/01/1958  1  5  S360  Stroh, Wilma; M: Rosemont  Stroh - Willems
0169  01/01/1958  1  5  W452  Willems, Russell; M: Rosemont  Stroh - Willems
0169  01/01/1958  3  1  P200  Paugh, Mary Elizabeth; D: Bladen  Mrs. Mary Paugh Dies in Colorado
0169  01/01/1958  3  1  B260  Baker, Joseph H.; D: Hastings  Services For Joseph Baker
0169  01/08/1958  1  1  M600  Meyer, J.A.; Ann: Blue Hill  Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Meyer Celebrate Golden Anniversary
0169  01/08/1958  1  3  B442  Blue Hill Commerce Club; Organization: Blue Hill  Dr. Kamm New Head of Commerce Club
0169  01/08/1958  1  4  F650  Frahm, Karen; M: Blue Hill  Frahm - Schleeter
0169  01/08/1958  1  4  S436  Schleeter, Noris Dean; M: Blue Hill  Frahm - Schleeter
0169  01/08/1958  1  6  K650  Kranau, Eilene Kay; M: Blue Hill  Kranau - Schlachter
0169  01/08/1958  1  6  S423  Schlachter, Robert E.; M: Blue Hill  Kranau - Schlachter
0169  01/08/1958  3  1  R260  Ricker, John H.; D: Roseland  John Ricker Services Held
0169  01/08/1958  3  3  M320  Mattock, Mary Agnes; D: Hastings  Final Rites Held For Mrs. Earl Mattock
0169  01/08/1958  4  2  W452  Willems Family; Organization: Gilead  
0169  01/08/1958  4  3  H200  High, Kay; M: Hastings  
0169  01/08/1958  4  3  H155  Hoffman, Ronald; M: Hastings  
0169  01/08/1958  4  3  B255  Bachman Family; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  01/08/1958  4  5  M600  Meyer, William F.C.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  01/08/1958  6  3  S530  Smith, L.S. (Mrs.); Dn: Ayr  
0169  01/08/1958  8  5  T142  Toblassen, Jerry; D Accident: Franklin  
0169  01/08/1958  1  1  M600  Meyer, J.A.; Ann: Blue Hill  Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Meyer Celebrate Golden Anniversary
0169  01/08/1958  1  3  B442  Blue Hill Commerce Club; Organization: Blue Hill  Dr. Kamm New Head of Commerce Club
0169  01/08/1958  1  4  F650  Frahm, Karen; M: Blue Hill  Frahm - Schleeter
0169  01/08/1958  1  4  S436  Schleeter, Noris Dean; M: Blue Hill  Frahm - Schleeter
0169  01/08/1958  1  6  K650  Kranau, Eilene Kay; M: Blue Hill  Kranau - Schlachter
0169  01/08/1958  1  6  S423  Schlachter, Robert E.; M: Blue Hill  Kranau - Schlachter
0169  01/08/1958  3  1  R260  Ricker, John H.; D: Roseland  John Ricker Services Held
0169  01/08/1958  3  3  M320  Mattock, Mary Agnes; D: Hastings  Final Rites Held For Mrs. Earl Mattock
0169  01/08/1958  4  2  W452  Willems Family; Organization: Gilead  
0169  01/08/1958  4  3  H200  High, Kay; M: Hastings  
0169  01/08/1958  4  3  H155  Hoffman, Ronald; M: Hastings  
0169  01/08/1958  4  3  B255  Bachman Family; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  01/08/1958  4  5  M600  Meyer, William F.C.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  01/08/1958  6  3  S530  Smith, L.S. (Mrs.); Dn: Ayr  
0169  01/08/1958  8  5  T142  Toblassen, Jerry; D Accident: Franklin  
0169  01/15/1958  1  2  R223  Reichstein, Will; Bd: Blue Hill  Birthday Party
0169  01/15/1958  1  3  R152  Robbins, Gregory Kent; B: Arcadia  
0169  01/15/1958  1  6  G260  Giger, Lillian; M: Blue Hill  Giger - Sterling
0169  01/15/1958  1  6  S364  Sterling, R.A.; M: Blue Hill  Giger - Sterling
0169  01/15/1958  2  5  S363  Stratton, Edgar S.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  01/15/1958  1  2  R223  Reichstein, Will; Bd: Blue Hill  Birthday Party
0169  01/15/1958  1  3  R152  Robbins, Gregory Kent; B: Arcadia  
0169  01/15/1958  1  6  G260  Giger, Lillian; M: Blue Hill  Giger - Sterling
0169  01/15/1958  1  6  S364  Sterling, R.A.; M: Blue Hill  Giger - Sterling
0169  01/15/1958  2  5  S363  Stratton, Edgar S.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  01/22/1958  1  2  H155  Hofman, Henry (Mrs.); Dn: McCook  Pastor Hofman's Mother Dies
0169  01/22/1958  1  3  N100  Nohava, Jerry; Dn: Blue Hill  Jerry Nohava Is Found Dead
0169  01/22/1958  1  4  B625  Brockman, Donna Jean; M: Blue Hill  Brockman- Meyer
0169  01/22/1958  1  4  M600  Meyer, Willis A.; M: Blue Hill  Brockman- Meyer
0169  01/22/1958  1  5  K520  King, Otto; Dn: Lincoln  Former Resident Dies in Lincoln
0169  01/22/1958  2  5  M600  Meyer, William F.C.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  01/22/1958  1  2  H155  Hofman, Henry (Mrs.); Dn: McCook  Pastor Hofman's Mother Dies
0169  01/22/1958  1  3  N100  Nohava, Jerry; Dn: Blue Hill  Jerry Nohava Is Found Dead
0169  01/22/1958  1  4  B625  Brockman, Donna Jean; M: Blue Hill  Brockman- Meyer
0169  01/22/1958  1  4  M600  Meyer, Willis A.; M: Blue Hill  Brockman- Meyer
0169  01/22/1958  1  5  K520  King, Otto; Dn: Lincoln  Former Resident Dies in Lincoln
0169  01/22/1958  2  5  M600  Meyer, William F.C.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  01/29/1958  1  2  S340  Sidlo, Janice; M: Hastings  Sidlo - Pavelka
0169  01/29/1958  1  2  P142  Pavelka, Byron; M: Hastings  Sidlo - Pavelka
0169  01/29/1958  1  4  W320  Woods, T.C.  ; Ann: Blue Hill
0169  01/29/1958  3  4  K400  Kile, Barbara; M: Blue Hill Kile - Garvin  
0169  01/29/1958  3  4  G615  Garvin, Eugene; M: Blue Hill Kile - Garvin  
0169  01/29/1958  4  6  M455  Mohlman, Icy; Dn: Hastings  
0169  01/29/1958  1  2  S340  Sidlo, Janice; M: Hastings  Sidlo - Pavelka
0169  01/29/1958  1  2  P142  Pavelka, Byron; M: Hastings  Sidlo - Pavelka
0169  01/29/1958  1  4  W320  Woods, T.C.  ; Ann: Blue Hill
0169  01/29/1958  3  4  K400  Kile, Barbara; M: Blue Hill Kile - Garvin  
0169  01/29/1958  3  4  G615  Garvin, Eugene; M: Blue Hill Kile - Garvin  
0169  01/29/1958  4  6  M455  Mohlman, Icy; Dn: Hastings  
0169  02/05/1958  1  1  T262  Tjarks, Katie; D: Hastings  Services Held for Mrs. Tjarks
0169  02/05/1958  1  5  J215  Jesska Family; Organization: Blue Hill Five Generation Picture  
0169  02/05/1958  1  5  K510  Knoop, Frank D.; D: Lawrence Frank Knoop Dies Unexpectedly  
0169  02/05/1958  4  2  B263  Bosard, Mary Kay; B: Stamford  
0169  02/05/1958  4  6  B200  Buschow, Alfred O.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  02/05/1958  1  1  T262  Tjarks, Katie; D: Hastings  Services Held for Mrs. Tjarks
0169  02/05/1958  1  5  J215  Jesska Family; Organization: Blue Hill Five Generation Picture  
0169  02/05/1958  1  5  K510  Knoop, Frank D.; D: Lawrence Frank Knoop Dies Unexpectedly  
0169  02/05/1958  4  2  B263  Bosard, Mary Kay; B: Stamford  
0169  02/05/1958  4  6  B200  Buschow, Alfred O.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  02/12/1958  1  2  M532  Meents, George; D: Red Cloud  Final Rites For George Meents
0169  02/12/1958  1  2  P656  Pruner, Charla Kay; D: Red Cloud  Services for Pruner Baby
0169  02/12/1958  1  5  B530  Bennett, Clarence L.; D: Red Cloud  Death Comes to Clarence Bennett
0169  02/12/1958  6  3  E540  Emel, W.H. (Mrs.); Dn: Pauline  Mrs. W. H. Emel Dies in Kansas
0169  02/12/1958  6  3  B420  Black, Roy; Ann: Pauline  Blacks to Observe Wedding Anniversary
0169  02/12/1958  1  2  M532  Meents, George; D: Red Cloud  Final Rites For George Meents
0169  02/12/1958  1  2  P656  Pruner, Charla Kay; D: Red Cloud  Services for Pruner Baby
0169  02/12/1958  1  5  B530  Bennett, Clarence L.; D: Red Cloud  Death Comes to Clarence Bennett
0169  02/12/1958  6  3  E540  Emel, W.H. (Mrs.); Dn: Pauline  Mrs. W. H. Emel Dies in Kansas
0169  02/12/1958  6  3  B420  Black, Roy; Ann: Pauline  Blacks to Observe Wedding Anniversary
0169  02/19/1958  1  3  S520  Schunk, Louise; D: Blue Hill  Services Held for Mrs. Louise Schunk
0169  02/19/1958  1  3  W525  Wensinger, John; D: Lawrence  John Wensinger Dies at Home
0169  02/19/1958  1  5  V453  Valentine, Chris; Ann: Ayr  
0169  02/19/1958  8  7  K652  Kroenke, Robert (Infant M); B: Fremont  
0169  02/19/1958  1  3  S520  Schunk, Louise; D: Blue Hill  Services Held for Mrs. Louise Schunk
0169  02/19/1958  1  3  W525  Wensinger, John; D: Lawrence  John Wensinger Dies at Home
0169  02/19/1958  1  5  V453  Valentine, Chris; Ann: Ayr  
0169  02/19/1958  8  7  K652  Kroenke, Robert (Infant M); B: Fremont  
0169  02/26/1958  1  3  K416  Kluver, John; Ann: Pauline Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary  
0169  02/26/1958  1  4  T150  Toebben, D.L. (Infant F, Infant M); B: Omaha  
0169  02/26/1958  1  7  S625  Schreckengast, Gregory; Dn: Blue Hill  10 Year Old Boy Dies Suddenly
0169  02/26/1958  3  2  B325  Buettgenback, Vera; M: Grand Island  Buettgenback - Sims
0169  02/26/1958  3  2  S520  Sims, Sherrell W.; M: Grand Island  Buettgenback - Sims
0169  02/26/1958  6  1  K626  Krueger, Alan (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  02/26/1958  6  5  H632  Heuertz, Elmer (Infant F); B: Ayr  
0169  02/26/1958  1  3  K416  Kluver, John; Ann: Pauline Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary  
0169  02/26/1958  1  4  T150  Toebben, D.L. (Infant F, Infant M); B: Omaha  
0169  02/26/1958  1  7  S625  Schreckengast, Gregory; Dn: Blue Hill  10 Year Old Boy Dies Suddenly
0169  02/26/1958  3  2  B325  Buettgenback, Vera; M: Grand Island  Buettgenback - Sims
0169  02/26/1958  3  2  S520  Sims, Sherrell W.; M: Grand Island  Buettgenback - Sims
0169  02/26/1958  6  1  K626  Krueger, Alan (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  02/26/1958  6  5  H632  Heuertz, Elmer (Infant F); B: Ayr  
0169  03/05/1958  1  2  B525  Bahnsen, Lorene; D: Blue Hill  
0169  03/05/1958  1  3  K540  Kimle, Erma L.; M: Campbell  Kimle - Meyer
0169  03/05/1958  1  3  M600  Meyer, Donald; M: Campbell  Kimle - Meyer
0169  03/05/1958  1  5  K155  Kaufman, Margie Marie; D: Bladen  Mrs. Frank Kaufman Services
0169  03/05/1958  2  7  M532  Meents, George; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  03/05/1958  3  2  L120  Lovejoy, Earlene Jayne; B: Red Cloud  
0169  03/05/1958  1  2  B525  Bahnsen, Lorene; D: Blue Hill  
0169  03/05/1958  1  3  K540  Kimle, Erma L.; M: Campbell  Kimle - Meyer
0169  03/05/1958  1  3  M600  Meyer, Donald; M: Campbell  Kimle - Meyer
0169  03/05/1958  1  5  K155  Kaufman, Margie Marie; D: Bladen  Mrs. Frank Kaufman Services
0169  03/05/1958  2  7  M532  Meents, George; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  03/05/1958  3  2  L120  Lovejoy, Earlene Jayne; B: Red Cloud  
0169  03/12/1958  1  2  G236  Gestring, Henry; Ann: Cowles  Henry Gestrings Observe Anniversary
0169  03/12/1958  1  3  B260  Beuscher, John G.; D: Lawrence  Services For John Buescher
0169  03/12/1958  1  3  B623  Brewster, Wayne (Infant F, Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  03/12/1958  1  5  A210  Ashby, Diana; Dn: Hastings  Mrs. Diana Ashby Dies at 96 Years
0169  03/12/1958  1  5  W355  Wademan, David LaVern; B: Fairbury  
0169  03/12/1958  1  6  M363  Moothart, Mildred; D: Guide Rock  Mrs. Fritz Moothart Dies in Ohio
0169  03/12/1958  3  3  A416  Alber, Susan Kay; B: Red Cloud  
0169  03/12/1958  1  2  G236  Gestring, Henry; Ann: Cowles  Henry Gestrings Observe Anniversary
0169  03/12/1958  1  3  B260  Beuscher, John G.; D: Lawrence  Services For John Buescher
0169  03/12/1958  1  3  B623  Brewster, Wayne (Infant F, Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  03/12/1958  1  5  A210  Ashby, Diana; Dn: Hastings  Mrs. Diana Ashby Dies at 96 Years
0169  03/12/1958  1  5  W355  Wademan, David LaVern; B: Fairbury  
0169  03/12/1958  1  6  M363  Moothart, Mildred; D: Guide Rock  Mrs. Fritz Moothart Dies in Ohio
0169  03/12/1958  3  3  A416  Alber, Susan Kay; B: Red Cloud  
0169  03/19/1958  1  2  B500  Bowen, Kenneth; Bio: Red Cloud  Kenneth Bowen Files for State Senator
0169  03/19/1958  1  2  B242  Buckles, Lester D.; D: Cowles  Lester Buckles Dies Suddenly
0169  03/19/1958  1  3  M620  Morse, Mary; D: Blue Hill  Services To Be Held for Mrs. Mary Morse
0169  03/19/1958  1  7  M455  Mohlman, Clayton Lyle; B: Grand Island  
0169  03/19/1958  3  1  L320  Lutz, John E.; D: Hastings  Services Held for John E. Lutz
0169  03/19/1958  3  2  B653  Bryant, Larry; Dn: Silver City  
0169  03/19/1958  4  4  R252  Rasmusen, Chris; Ann: Minden  
0169  03/19/1958  4  4  G641  Gerloff, Herman; Ann: Ayr  
0169  03/19/1958  1  2  B500  Bowen, Kenneth; Bio: Red Cloud  Kenneth Bowen Files for State Senator
0169  03/19/1958  1  2  B242  Buckles, Lester D.; D: Cowles  Lester Buckles Dies Suddenly
0169  03/19/1958  1  3  M620  Morse, Mary; D: Blue Hill  Services To Be Held for Mrs. Mary Morse
0169  03/19/1958  1  7  M455  Mohlman, Clayton Lyle; B: Grand Island  
0169  03/19/1958  3  1  L320  Lutz, John E.; D: Hastings  Services Held for John E. Lutz
0169  03/19/1958  3  2  B653  Bryant, Larry; Dn: Silver City  
0169  03/19/1958  4  4  R252  Rasmusen, Chris; Ann: Minden  
0169  03/19/1958  4  4  G641  Gerloff, Herman; Ann: Ayr  
0169  03/26/1958  1  1  L320  Leetsch, Dorothy B.; M: Omaha  Dorothy Leetsch Wed in Omaha
0169  03/26/1958  1  1  M420  Mills, Charles W.; M: Omaha  Dorothy Leetsch Wed in Omaha
0169  03/26/1958  1  2  P222  Pechoucek, Joseph; Bd: Blue Hill  Celebrates 93rd Birthday
0169  03/26/1958  6  3  B635  Barton, James; Ann: Ayr  
0169  03/26/1958  1  1  L320  Leetsch, Dorothy B.; M: Omaha  Dorothy Leetsch Wed in Omaha
0169  03/26/1958  1  1  M420  Mills, Charles W.; M: Omaha  Dorothy Leetsch Wed in Omaha
0169  03/26/1958  1  2  P222  Pechoucek, Joseph; Bd: Blue Hill  Celebrates 93rd Birthday
0169  03/26/1958  6  3  B635  Barton, James; Ann: Ayr  
0169  04/02/1958  1  2  L600  Lowery, Ray J. ; Bio: Oak  Ray Lowery Candidate for State Legislature
0169  04/02/1958  1  3  S353  Staunton, Edward W.; D: Blue Hill  E.W. Staunton Dies in California
0169  04/02/1958  1  4  B260  Becker, Alvin; D: Omaha  Services For Rev. Alvin Becker To Be Held
0169  04/02/1958  1  6  V536  Van Matre, Myra; M: Blue Hill  Van Matre - Buerer
0169  04/02/1958  1  6  B660  Buerer, James A.; M: Blue Hill  Van Matre - Buerer
0169  04/02/1958  1  7  K600  Karr, W. H.; Bd: Blue Hill  W.H. Karr Observes Birthday
0169  04/02/1958  3  2  S543  Schmild, Frank; Ann  
0169  04/02/1958  4  3  S340  Stahly, W.E.; Dn: Dix  
0169  04/02/1958  1  2  L600  Lowery, Ray J. ; Bio: Oak  Ray Lowery Candidate for State Legislature
0169  04/02/1958  1  3  S353  Staunton, Edward W.; D: Blue Hill  E.W. Staunton Dies in California
0169  04/02/1958  1  4  B260  Becker, Alvin; D: Omaha  Services For Rev. Alvin Becker To Be Held
0169  04/02/1958  1  6  V536  Van Matre, Myra; M: Blue Hill  Van Matre - Buerer
0169  04/02/1958  1  6  B660  Buerer, James A.; M: Blue Hill  Van Matre - Buerer
0169  04/02/1958  1  7  K600  Karr, W. H.; Bd: Blue Hill  W.H. Karr Observes Birthday
0169  04/02/1958  3  2  S543  Schmild, Frank; Ann  
0169  04/02/1958  4  3  S340  Stahly, W.E.; Dn: Dix  
0169  04/09/1958  1  2  M243  McLeod, Laura M.; D: Hastings  Mrs. McLeod Dies in Hastings
0169  04/09/1958  1  4  K400  Kelley, Tom; Bio: Red Cloud  Tom Kelley in Race For County Sheriff
0169  04/09/1958  1  4  M451  Malmberg, Effie; Dn: Axtell  Prayer Service For Mrs. Malmberg
0169  04/09/1958  1  5  B450  Bohlen, Joseph (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Mrs. Joseph Bohlen Services
0169  04/09/1958  3  1  W640  Worley, David R.; Dn: Campbell  Services Held For David R. Worley
0169  04/09/1958  1  2  M243  McLeod, Laura M.; D: Hastings  Mrs. McLeod Dies in Hastings
0169  04/09/1958  1  4  K400  Kelley, Tom; Bio: Red Cloud  Tom Kelley in Race For County Sheriff
0169  04/09/1958  1  4  M451  Malmberg, Effie; Dn: Axtell  Prayer Service For Mrs. Malmberg
0169  04/09/1958  1  5  B450  Bohlen, Joseph (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Mrs. Joseph Bohlen Services
0169  04/09/1958  3  1  W640  Worley, David R.; Dn: Campbell  Services Held For David R. Worley
0169  04/16/1958  1  5  B620  Borwege, Sharon K.; M: Blue Hill  Borwege Sisters Brides in Double Wedding
0169  04/16/1958  1  5  B622  Burgess, Darold W.; M: Blue Hill  Borwege Sisters Brides in Double Wedding
0169  04/16/1958  1  5  B620  Borwege, Bonna Beth; M: Blue Hill  Borwege Sisters Brides in Double Wedding
0169  04/16/1958  1  5  V520  Vance, Larry J.; M: Blue Hill  Borwege Sisters Brides in Double Wedding
0169  04/16/1958  1  6  F632  Fritz, George Edward; D: Bladen  George Fritz Dies in California
0169  04/16/1958  1  6  D400  Doyle, Mabel; Bio: Amboy  Mrs. Doyle Demo Candidate for County Clerk
0169  04/16/1958  1  5  B620  Borwege, Sharon K.; M: Blue Hill  Borwege Sisters Brides in Double Wedding
0169  04/16/1958  1  5  B622  Burgess, Darold W.; M: Blue Hill  Borwege Sisters Brides in Double Wedding
0169  04/16/1958  1  5  B620  Borwege, Bonna Beth; M: Blue Hill  Borwege Sisters Brides in Double Wedding
0169  04/16/1958  1  5  V520  Vance, Larry J.; M: Blue Hill  Borwege Sisters Brides in Double Wedding
0169  04/16/1958  1  6  F632  Fritz, George Edward; D: Bladen  George Fritz Dies in California
0169  04/16/1958  1  6  D400  Doyle, Mabel; Bio: Amboy  Mrs. Doyle Demo Candidate for County Clerk
0169  04/23/1958  1  2  S320  Sheets, Elwood H.; Dn Accident: Doniphan Young Farmer Dies in Tractor Mishap  
0169  04/23/1958  1  3  A416  Alberts, Hannah Albers; D: Cowles  
0169  04/23/1958  3  1  J520  James, Clarence; Ann: Bladen  Observe Silver Anniversary 25th
0169  04/23/1958  6  4  H300  Hate, Belle; Dn: Ayr  
0169  04/23/1958  1  2  S320  Sheets, Elwood H.; Dn Accident: Doniphan Young Farmer Dies in Tractor Mishap  
0169  04/23/1958  1  3  A416  Alberts, Hannah Albers; D: Cowles  
0169  04/23/1958  3  1  J520  James, Clarence; Ann: Bladen  Observe Silver Anniversary 25th
0169  04/23/1958  6  4  H300  Hate, Belle; Dn: Ayr  
0169  04/30/1958  1  5  S362  Stark, Flora; Dn: Alma  Death Comes to Mrs. F. Stark
0169  04/30/1958  1  6  W160  Weber, Ruth; M: Juniata  Weber - Hubl
0169  04/30/1958  1  6  H140  Hubl, Archie A.; M: Juniata  Weber - Hubl
0169  04/30/1958  6  1  K630  Kort, Larry (Infant F)  ; B: Red Cloud
0169  04/30/1958  6  2  K650  Kranau, Arlo (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  
0169  04/30/1958  1  5  S362  Stark, Flora; Dn: Alma  Death Comes to Mrs. F. Stark
0169  04/30/1958  1  6  W160  Weber, Ruth; M: Juniata  Weber - Hubl
0169  04/30/1958  1  6  H140  Hubl, Archie A.; M: Juniata  Weber - Hubl
0169  04/30/1958  6  1  K630  Kort, Larry (Infant F)  ; B: Red Cloud
0169  04/30/1958  6  2  K650  Kranau, Arlo (Infant M); B: Red Cloud   
0169  05/07/1958  1  1  H516  Hamper, Melvin; D: Blue Hill  Melvin Hamper Dies Suddenly  
0169  05/07/1958  1  6  R152  Robinson, Kathleen Ann; B: Red Cloud        
0169  05/07/1958  3  3  B260  Booker, Robert E.; D: Hastings  Booker Services Held  
0169  05/07/1958  3  3  B530  Bent, Elmer; D: Norman  Services Held for Elmer Bent  
0169  05/07/1958  2  1  G123  Gibbs (Dr.); Chiropractor: Hastings        
0169  05/07/1958  2  1  S352  Scheidings Appliances; Home Appliances: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  2  1  F656  Farmers Union Coop. Assoc.; Farm supplies: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  2  2  L400  Lull, C.C.; Optical supplies: Red Cloud        
0169  05/07/1958  2  5  K620  Kirk, L. C.; Osteopath  : Hastings  
0169  05/07/1958  2  5  C656  Corner's Service; Auto service        : Blue Hill
0169  05/07/1958  2  6  S211  Sass (Bob) Flowers; Florist: Hastings        
0169  05/07/1958  2  7  P160  Peper, Eldon; Trucker: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  2  7  A562  American Legion Post #176; Organization: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  2  7  S352  Scheiding, F.G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  3  1  R245  Roseland Mennonite Church; Mennonite: Roseland        
0169  05/07/1958  3  3  H235  Hastings National Farm Loan Association; Loans: Hastings  
0169  05/07/1958  3  6  P426  Pilgrim Holiness Church; Church: Bladen  
0169  05/07/1958  3  7  B435  Bladen Methodist Church; Methodist: Bladen  
0169  05/07/1958  3  5  B652  Barnason's IGA; Grocer : Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  4  1  V250  Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  4  6  B532  Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm Implements: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  5  1  O425  Olson Auction Co.; Auctions: Hastings  
0169  05/07/1958  5  1  W453  Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  5  2  G231  Gustafson Veterinary Hospital; Veterinary  : Hastings
0169  05/07/1958  5  4  F000  Foe, Howard S.; Attorney at Law: Red Cloud  
0169  05/07/1958  5  4  H235  Hastings Beauty Academy and Salon; Beauticians: Hastings  
0169  05/07/1958  5  5  P412  Phillips, Clifford H.; County Attorney: Red Cloud  
0169  05/07/1958  5  5  C514  Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell  
0169  05/07/1958  5  6  P160  Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auctions: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  5  6  L220  Lucas, Thomas; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical clinic: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  5  6  K500  Kamm, Frank; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical clinic: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  6  1  C224  Chicago Lumber Co.; Building Supplies: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  2  M600  Meyer, Robert J.; Insurance agents: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  2  A653  Arndt's (Paul) Store; Shoe Repair: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  2  L632  Laird's Hobby Craft; Gifts: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  K640  Krull, John; Mutual and Stock Co.; Insurance        : Blue Hill
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  B640  Berlie, L.M.; The Golden Key; Sporting goods: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  S162  Siebrass, Harlan; Seed dealer: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  C332  C & D Hatchery; Poultry: Red Cloud        
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Pharmacy: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  4  H416  Helberg, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  5  H155  Hofman, Martin F.; Trinity Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  6  H200  Hesse, C.D.; Calvary Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Rosemont        
0169  05/07/1958  6  7  K425  Klickman, A.H.; St. Pauls Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  6  S520  Schunk, Gilbert; House paint: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  8  1  M216  McBride, E.J.; Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Nebr.; Insurance: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  8  1  M216  McBride, James; Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Nebr.; Insurance: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  8  1  T256  The Commercial Bank; Bank: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  8  2  M426  Malesker, E.J.; Bladen Caf; Restaurant: Bladen        
0169  05/07/1958  8  4  C636  Courtright's Food Market; Grocery: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  8  6  B442  Blue Hill Cleaners; Dry cleaning: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  1  1  H516  Hamper, Melvin; D: Blue Hill  Melvin Hamper Dies Suddenly  
0169  05/07/1958  1  6  R152  Robinson, Kathleen Ann; B: Red Cloud        
0169  05/07/1958  3  3  B260  Booker, Robert E.; D: Hastings  Booker Services Held  
0169  05/07/1958  3  3  B530  Bent, Elmer; D: Norman  Services Held for Elmer Bent  
0169  05/07/1958  2  1  G123  Gibbs (Dr.); Chiropractor: Hastings        
0169  05/07/1958  2  1  S352  Scheidings Appliances; Home Appliances: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  2  1  F656  Farmers Union Coop. Assoc.; Farm supplies: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  2  2  L400  Lull, C.C.; Optical supplies: Red Cloud        
0169  05/07/1958  2  5  K620  Kirk, L. C.; Osteopath  : Hastings  
0169  05/07/1958  2  5  C656  Corner's Service; Auto service        : Blue Hill
0169  05/07/1958  2  6  S211  Sass (Bob) Flowers; Florist: Hastings        
0169  05/07/1958  2  7  P160  Peper, Eldon; Trucker: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  2  7  A562  American Legion Post #176; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  2  7  S352  Scheiding, F.G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  3  1  R245  Roseland Mennonite Church; Mennonite: Roseland  
0169  05/07/1958  3  3  H235  Hastings National Farm Loan Association; Loans: Hastings  
0169  05/07/1958  3  6  P426  Pilgrim Holiness Church; Church: Bladen  
0169  05/07/1958  3  7  B435  Bladen Methodist Church; Methodist: Bladen  
0169  05/07/1958  3  5  B652  Barnason's IGA; Grocer : Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  4  1  V250  Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  4  6  B532  Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm Implements: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  5  1  O425  Olson Auction Co.; Auctions: Hastings  
0169  05/07/1958  5  1  W453  Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  5  2  G231  Gustafson Veterinary Hospital; Veterinary  : Hastings
0169  05/07/1958  5  4  F000  Foe, Howard S.; Attorney at Law: Red Cloud  
0169  05/07/1958  5  4  H235  Hastings Beauty Academy and Salon; Beauticians: Hastings  
0169  05/07/1958  5  5  P412  Phillips, Clifford H.; County Attorney: Red Cloud  
0169  05/07/1958  5  5  C514  Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell  
0169  05/07/1958  5  6  P160  Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auctions: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  5  6  L220  Lucas, Thomas; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical clinic: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  5  6  K500  Kamm, Frank; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical clinic: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  1  C224  Chicago Lumber Co.; Building Supplies: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  2  M600  Meyer, Robert J.; Insurance agents: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  2  A653  Arndt's (Paul) Store; Shoe Repair: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  2  L632  Laird's Hobby Craft; Gifts: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  K640  Krull, John; Mutual and Stock Co.; Insurance        : Blue Hill
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  B640  Berlie, L.M.; The Golden Key; Sporting goods: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  S162  Siebrass, Harlan; Seed dealer: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  C332  C & D Hatchery; Poultry: Red Cloud        
0169  05/07/1958  6  3  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Pharmacy: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  4  H416  Helberg, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  5  H155  Hofman, Martin F.; Trinity Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  6  H200  Hesse, C.D.; Calvary Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Rosemont        
0169  05/07/1958  6  7  K425  Klickman, A.H.; St. Pauls Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill        
0169  05/07/1958  6  6  S520  Schunk, Gilbert; House paint: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  8  1  M216  McBride, E.J.; Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Nebr.; Insurance: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  8  1  M216  McBride, James; Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Nebr.; Insurance: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  8  1  T256  The Commercial Bank; Bank: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  8  2  M426  Malesker, E.J.; Bladen Caf; Restaurant: Bladen  
0169  05/07/1958  8  4  C636  Courtright's Food Market; Grocery: Blue Hill  
0169  05/07/1958  8  6  B442  Blue Hill Cleaners; Dry cleaning: Blue Hill  
0169  05/14/1958  1  2  E423  Election Results: Red Cloud Light Vote in May Primaries  
0169  05/14/1958  1  4  J212  Jacobs, Edna Ann; M: Omaha Jacobs - Jones  
0169  05/14/1958  1  4  J520  Jones, Jerry Hart; M: Omaha Jacobs - Jones  
0169  05/14/1958  3  1  B435  Bladen High School; High School Graduates: Bladen  
0169  05/14/1958  5  1  B442  Blue Hill High School; High School Graduates: Blue Hill  
0169  05/14/1958  6  4  G140  Goble, Fern; Dn: Sargent  
0169  05/14/1958  1  6  H516  Hamper, Melvin; Dn: Blue Hill Melvin Hamper Dies in California  
0169  05/14/1958  8  3  K650  Kranau, Jeff Randall; B: Red Cloud  
0169  05/14/1958  8  5  D220  Dusek, Mary; Bd: Bladen  Mrs. Mary Dusek Honored
0169  05/14/1958  1  2  E423  Election Results: Red Cloud Light Vote in May Primaries  
0169  05/14/1958  1  4  J212  Jacobs, Edna Ann; M: Omaha Jacobs - Jones  
0169  05/14/1958  1  4  J520  Jones, Jerry Hart; M: Omaha Jacobs - Jones  
0169  05/14/1958  3  1  B435  Bladen High School; High School Graduates: Bladen  
0169  05/14/1958  5  1  B442  Blue Hill High School; High School Graduates: Blue Hill  
0169  05/14/1958  6  4  G140  Goble, Fern; Dn: Sargent  
0169  05/14/1958  1  6  H516  Hamper, Melvin; Dn: Blue Hill Melvin Hamper Dies in California  
0169  05/14/1958  8  3  K650  Kranau, Jeff Randall; B: Red Cloud  
0169  05/14/1958  8  5  D220  Dusek, Mary; Bd: Bladen  Mrs. Mary Dusek Honored
0169  05/21/1958  1  4  K162  Kaforke, Sophia; D: Blue Hill  Services Held for Mrs. Sophia Kaforke
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  T460  Taylor, Jennifer Kathryn; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  K332  Kottwitz, Daryl Alan; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  P630  Pratt, Diana Marie; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  B431  Biltoft, Byron James; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  H300  Hoit, Neal Gates; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  5  7  M243  McLeod, Laura M.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  05/21/1958  6  6  P625  Pearson, Kathleen Arlene; B: Columbus  
0169  05/21/1958  1  4  K162  Kaforke, Sophia; D: Blue Hill  Services Held for Mrs. Sophia Kaforke
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  T460  Taylor, Jennifer Kathryn; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  K332  Kottwitz, Daryl Alan; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  P630  Pratt, Diana Marie; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  B431  Biltoft, Byron James; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  2  3  H300  Hoit, Neal Gates; B: Red Cloud  Births
0169  05/21/1958  5  7  M243  McLeod, Laura M.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  05/21/1958  6  6  P625  Pearson, Kathleen Arlene; B: Columbus  
0169  05/28/1958  1  1  H155  Hoffman, Frederick S.; D: Hastings  Former Blue Hill Resident Dies in Hastings
0169  05/28/1958  1  1  H300  Heath, Terri Lynn; B: Hastings  
0169  05/28/1958  1  6  L630  Laird, Paul D.; D: Blue Hill  Paul D. Laird Dies at Wiser, Idaho
0169  05/28/1958  1  6  J525  Johnson, Michael Ross; B: Hastings  
0169  05/28/1958  1  6  G614  Grabill, Chester; Ann: Roseland  
0169  05/28/1958  3  2  M650  Marymee, Mary Nancy; D: Kearney  
0169  05/28/1958  6  1  P452  Pauline Schools; 8th Grade Graduates: Pauline  
0169  05/28/1958  6  2  A265  Ackerman, Richard; Ann: Gothenburg  
0169  05/28/1958  6  6  V515  Van Boening, Daniel Kent; B: Red Cloud  
0169  05/28/1958  1  1  H155  Hoffman, Frederick S.; D: Hastings  Former Blue Hill Resident Dies in Hastings
0169  05/28/1958  1  1  H300  Heath, Terri Lynn; B: Hastings  
0169  05/28/1958  1  6  L630  Laird, Paul D.; D: Blue Hill  Paul D. Laird Dies at Wiser, Idaho
0169  05/28/1958  1  6  J525  Johnson, Michael Ross; B: Hastings  
0169  05/28/1958  1  6  G614  Grabill, Chester; Ann: Roseland  
0169  05/28/1958  3  2  M650  Marymee, Mary Nancy; D: Kearney  
0169  05/28/1958  6  1  P452  Pauline Schools; 8th Grade Graduates: Pauline  
0169  05/28/1958  6  2  A265  Ackerman, Richard; Ann: Gothenburg  
0169  05/28/1958  6  6  V515  Van Boening, Daniel Kent; B: Red Cloud  
0169  06/04/1958  1  3  B442  Blue Hill High School; Organization: Blue Hill  Old Grads Enjoy Banquet
0169  06/04/1958  1  4  L320  Leetsch, LaNora J.; M: Rosemont  Leetsch - Shay
0169  06/04/1958  1  4  S000  Shay, Melvin L.; M: Rosemont Leetsch - Shay  
0169  06/04/1958  1  5  G236  Gestring, Henry; D: Red Cloud Henry Gestring Services Held  
0169  06/04/1958  1  5  V520  Vance, Spencer; D: Red Cloud Spencer Vance Dies Suddenly  
0169  06/04/1958  1  7  S126  Spicer, Frank; Ann: Blue Hill  Will Celebrate Golden Anniversary
0169  06/04/1958  3  1  B435  Bladen High School; Organization: Bladen  Banquet Attended By Many
0169  06/04/1958  3  3  H524  Henzl, Agnes F.; Bd: Sidney  Observes 91st Birthday
0169  06/04/1958  3  4  L520  Lemke, George (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Births At Community Hospital, Red Cloud
0169  06/04/1958  3  4  F426  Folker, Ronald (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Births At Community Hospital, Red Cloud
0169  06/04/1958  3  4  B530  Bond, Charles (Infant M); B: Red Cloud Births At Community Hospital, Red Cloud  
0169  06/04/1958  6  3  H255  Hesman Family; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  06/04/1958  8  3  M600  Meyer, Marlin (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  
0169  06/04/1958  1  3  B442  Blue Hill High School; Organization: Blue Hill  Old Grads Enjoy Banquet
0169  06/04/1958  1  4  L320  Leetsch, LaNora J.; M: Rosemont  Leetsch - Shay
0169  06/04/1958  1  4  S000  Shay, Melvin L.; M: Rosemont Leetsch - Shay  
0169  06/04/1958  1  5  G236  Gestring, Henry; D: Red Cloud Henry Gestring Services Held  
0169  06/04/1958  1  5  V520  Vance, Spencer; D: Red Cloud Spencer Vance Dies Suddenly  
0169  06/04/1958  1  7  S126  Spicer, Frank; Ann: Blue Hill  Will Celebrate Golden Anniversary
0169  06/04/1958  3  1  B435  Bladen High School; Organization: Bladen  Banquet Attended By Many
0169  06/04/1958  3  3  H524  Henzl, Agnes F.; Bd: Sidney  Observes 91st Birthday
0169  06/04/1958  3  4  L520  Lemke, George (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Births At Community Hospital, Red Cloud
0169  06/04/1958  3  4  F426  Folker, Ronald (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Births At Community Hospital, Red Cloud
0169  06/04/1958  3  4  B530  Bond, Charles (Infant M); B: Red Cloud Births At Community Hospital, Red Cloud  
0169  06/04/1958  6  3  H255  Hesman Family; Organization: Blue Hill  
0169  06/04/1958  8  3  M600  Meyer, Marlin (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  
0169  06/11/1958  1  3  K400  Kile, Perry; D: Bladen  Perry Kile Dies Suddenly
0169  06/11/1958  1  4  A652  Ahrens, Edward; Ann: Rosemont  Celebrate 25th Anniversary
0169  06/11/1958  1  5  K623  Karsting Family; Organization: Hastings  Karsting Families Gather in Hastings
0169  06/11/1958  1  6  F400  Fell, Shirley Elizabeth; M: Blue Hill  Fell - Carpenter
0169  06/11/1958  1  6  C615  Carpenter, Jack Leland; M: Blue Hill  Fell - Carpenter
0169  06/11/1958  3  1  J525  Johnson, Emily Justine; D: Bladen  Services Held For Miss Johnson
0169  06/11/1958  4  3  B442  Blue Hill High School Class of 1933; Organization: Blue Hill  High School Class of 1933 Observe 25th Anniversary
0169  06/11/1958  6  7  L155  Lebanon, John Wayne; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Hospital Births
0169  06/11/1958  6  7  B520  Beins, Bruce Allen; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Hospital Births
0169  06/11/1958  1  3  K400  Kile, Perry; D: Bladen  Perry Kile Dies Suddenly
0169  06/11/1958  1  4  A652  Ahrens, Edward; Ann: Rosemont  Celebrate 25th Anniversary
0169  06/11/1958  1  5  K623  Karsting Family; Organization: Hastings  Karsting Families Gather in Hastings
0169  06/11/1958  1  6  F400  Fell, Shirley Elizabeth; M: Blue Hill  Fell - Carpenter
0169  06/11/1958  1  6  C615  Carpenter, Jack Leland; M: Blue Hill  Fell - Carpenter
0169  06/11/1958  3  1  J525  Johnson, Emily Justine; D: Bladen  Services Held For Miss Johnson
0169  06/11/1958  4  3  B442  Blue Hill High School Class of 1933; Organization: Blue Hill  High School Class of 1933 Observe 25th Anniversary
0169  06/11/1958  6  7  L155  Lebanon, John Wayne; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Hospital Births
0169  06/11/1958  6  7  B520  Beins, Bruce Allen; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Hospital Births
0169  06/18/1958  1  2  H155  Huffman, Raymond K.; D Accident: Webster County  Two Men Die in Car Crashes in Webster County
0169  06/18/1958  1  2  H430  Holliday, Floyd; D Accident: Webster County  Two Men Die in Car Crashes in Webster County
0169  06/18/1958  1  3  D236  Duesterhoeft, Emanuel Emile; D: Red Cloud  Death Comes to Emile Duesterhoeft
0169  06/18/1958  1  4  W150  Wibben, JoAnne; M: Bladen  Wibben - Kile
0169  06/18/1958  1  4  K400  Kile, Robert E.; M: Bladen  Wibben - Kile
0169  06/18/1958  1  5  K451  Klein Family; Organization: Hastings  Klein Family Picnic Held at Park
0169  06/18/1958  1  7  S536  Snyder, Lawrence; D Accident: Blue Hill  Highway Accident Fatal to Kansas Woman
0169  06/18/1958  4  3  E615  Erfman, Otto; Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  06/18/1958  1  2  H155  Huffman, Raymond K.; D Accident: Webster County  Two Men Die in Car Crashes in Webster County
0169  06/18/1958  1  2  H430  Holliday, Floyd; D Accident: Webster County  Two Men Die in Car Crashes in Webster County
0169  06/18/1958  1  3  D236  Duesterhoeft, Emanuel Emile; D: Red Cloud  Death Comes to Emile Duesterhoeft
0169  06/18/1958  1  4  W150  Wibben, JoAnne; M: Bladen  Wibben - Kile
0169  06/18/1958  1  4  K400  Kile, Robert E.; M: Bladen  Wibben - Kile
0169  06/18/1958  1  5  K451  Klein Family; Organization: Hastings  Klein Family Picnic Held at Park
0169  06/18/1958  1  7  S536  Snyder, Lawrence; D Accident: Blue Hill  Highway Accident Fatal to Kansas Woman
0169  06/18/1958  4  3  E615  Erfman, Otto; Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  06/25/1958  1  3  T650  Trine, Willard (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Mrs. Willard Trine Dies
0169  06/25/1958  1  4  A653  Arndt, Paul Carl John; D: Blue Hill  Final Rites Held For Paul C. Arndt
0169  06/25/1958  3  1  W635  Wratten, Hattie; D: Bladen  
0169  06/25/1958  4  3  C600  Crowe, Keith Alan; B: Red Cloud  
0169  06/25/1958  4  3  J250  Jackson, Sammy; M: Superior  
0169  06/25/1958  4  4  L500  Lynn, David; M: Superor  
0169  06/25/1958  6  1  D530  Demuth, Joe (Infant M); B: Hastings  
0169  06/25/1958  6  2  H562  Hinrichs, Richard Lee; B: Lincoln  
0169  06/25/1958  1  3  T650  Trine, Willard (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Mrs. Willard Trine Dies
0169  06/25/1958  1  4  A653  Arndt, Paul Carl John; D: Blue Hill  Final Rites Held For Paul C. Arndt        
0169  06/25/1958  3  1  W635  Wratten, Hattie; D: Bladen 
0169  06/25/1958  4  3  C600  Crowe, Keith Alan; B: Red Cloud 
0169  06/25/1958  4  3  J250  Jackson, Sammy; M: Superior 
0169  06/25/1958  4  4  L500  Lynn, David; M: Superor 
0169  06/25/1958  6  1  D530  Demuth, Joe (Infant M); B: Hastings 
0169  06/25/1958  6  2  H562  Hinrichs, Richard Lee; B: Lincoln 
0169  07/02/1958  1  2  A536  Anderson, Ed ; D: Pauline
0169  07/02/1958  1  4  K600  Karr, LaVeda; M: Bladen  Karr - Berns        
0169  07/02/1958  1  4  B652  Berns, Kenneth; M: Bladen  Karr - Berns        
0169  07/02/1958  1  5  M600  Meyer, LaDonna; M: Campbell  Meyer - Jesske        
0169  07/02/1958  1  5  J200  Jesske, Howard; M: Campbell  Meyer- Jesske        
0169  07/02/1958  3  2  F246  Fassler, Peggy Sue; B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  3  2  W640  Worley, Sandra June; B: Franklin  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  5  5  C413  Cliffton, Tommy; B: Omaha  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  6  6  F252  Figgins, Gary Lee; B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  6  6  W520  Wehnes, Arthur (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  6  6  S656  Schriner, Chester (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 
0169  07/02/1958  6  6  P620  Price, Charles (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 
0169  07/02/1958  1  2  A536  Anderson, Ed ; D: Pauline
0169  07/02/1958  1  4  K600  Karr, LaVeda; M: Bladen  Karr - Berns        
0169  07/02/1958  1  4  B652  Berns, Kenneth; M: Bladen  Karr - Berns        
0169  07/02/1958  1  5  M600  Meyer, LaDonna; M: Campbell  Meyer - Jesske        
0169  07/02/1958  1  5  J200  Jesske, Howard; M: Campbell  Meyer- Jesske        
0169  07/02/1958  3  2  F246  Fassler, Peggy Sue; B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  3  2  W640  Worley, Sandra June; B: Franklin  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  5  5  C413  Cliffton, Tommy; B: Omaha  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  6  6  F252  Figgins, Gary Lee; B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  6  6  W520  Wehnes, Arthur (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital        
0169  07/02/1958  6  6  S656  Schriner, Chester (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 
0169  07/02/1958  6  6  P620  Price, Charles (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 
0169  07/09/1958  1  2  B252  Busking, E.W.; D Accident: Wauneta  E.W. Busking Drowns at Swanson Lake        
0169  07/09/1958  1  2  D326  Doetker, Donna; D Accident: Wauneta  E.W. Busking Drowns at Swanson Lake
0169  07/09/1958  1  7  M260  Mazour, Linda Marie; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  07/09/1958  1  7  H630  Hurd, Jo (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  07/09/1958  2  7  A653  Arndt, Paul C.  ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud
0169  07/09/1958  3  1  R252  Riggins, Thomas J.; D: Bladen  Rites Held in Bladen For Thomas J. Riggins
0169  07/09/1958  3  3  P426  Pilgrim Holiness Church; Religious Organization: Bladen  Services Discontinued at Pilgrim Holiness Church
0169  07/09/1958  3  5  J520  Jones, Jeri Ann; B: Pauline  
0169  07/09/1958  6  5  M460  Miller, Ida; Dn: Ayr  
0169  07/09/1958  1  2  B252  Busking, E.W.; D Accident: Wauneta  E.W. Busking Drowns at Swanson Lake
0169  07/09/1958  1  2  D326  Doetker, Donna; D Accident: Wauneta  E.W. Busking Drowns at Swanson Lake
0169  07/09/1958  1  7  M260  Mazour, Linda Marie; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  07/09/1958  1  7  H630  Hurd, Jo (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  07/09/1958  2  7  A653  Arndt, Paul C.  ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud
0169  07/09/1958  3  1  R252  Riggins, Thomas J.; D: Bladen  Rites Held in Bladen For Thomas J. Riggins
0169  07/09/1958  3  3  P426  Pilgrim Holiness Church; Religious Organization: Bladen  Services Discontinued at Pilgrim Holiness Church
0169  07/09/1958  3  5  J520  Jones, Jeri Ann; B: Pauline  
0169  07/09/1958  6  5  M460  Miller, Ida; Dn: Ayr  
0169  07/16/1958  1  2  M455  Mohlman, Dennis Ray; D Accident: Wood River  Mohlman Infant Dies in Car Accident
0169  07/16/1958  1  2  K500  Kuhn, Jamie Lee; B: Lincoln  
0169  07/16/1958  3  1  J525  Jameson, Jean; M: Bladen  
0169  07/16/1958  3  1  H635  Harding, William C.; M: Bladen  
0169  07/16/1958  3  4  S636  Srader, Virginia Lee; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  07/16/1958  3  4  H420  Hills, Rosalie Ann; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  07/16/1958  3  4  B431  Biltoft, Donald (Infant M); B: Red Cloud Webster County Community Hospital  
0169  07/16/1958  1  2  M455  Mohlman, Dennis Ray; D Accident: Wood River  Mohlman Infant Dies in Car Accident
0169  07/16/1958  1  2  K500  Kuhn, Jamie Lee; B: Lincoln  
0169  07/16/1958  3  1  J525  Jameson, Jean; M: Bladen  
0169  07/16/1958  3  1  H635  Harding, William C.; M: Bladen  
0169  07/16/1958  3  4  S636  Srader, Virginia Lee; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  07/16/1958  3  4  H420  Hills, Rosalie Ann; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  07/16/1958  3  4  B431  Biltoft, Donald (Infant M); B: Red Cloud Webster County Community Hospital  
0169  07/23/1958  1  2  B326  Boettcher, Clarence Albert; D: Grand Island  Rites Held For Clarence Boettcher
0169  07/23/1958  1  3  W123  Webster County Historical Society; Organization: Red Cloud  Historical Society Names Board of Directors
0169  07/23/1958  1  5  S536  Sundermeier, William; D: Red Cloud Rites Held For Wm. Sundermeier  
0169  07/23/1958  1  7  B200  Busch, Arthur (Infant F); B: Hamlet  
0169  07/23/1958  3  1  M650  Marymee, Delores; M: Bladen  Marymee - Eades
0169  07/23/1958  3  1  E320  Eades, Robert E.; M: Bladen  Marymee - Eades
0169  07/23/1958  3  4  H426  Hulsker, Mattie V. ; Dn: Hastings  
0169  07/23/1958  6  4  T512  Thompson, Darrell D. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital
0169  07/23/1958  6  4  B600  Berry, Grant W. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital
0169  07/23/1958  6  4  R160  Reiber, Gary Allen; B: Hastings  
0169  07/23/1958  1  2  B326  Boettcher, Clarence Albert; D: Grand Island  Rites Held For Clarence Boettcher
0169  07/23/1958  1  3  W123  Webster County Historical Society; Organization: Red Cloud  Historical Society Names Board of Directors
0169  07/23/1958  1  5  S536  Sundermeier, William; D: Red Cloud Rites Held For Wm. Sundermeier  
0169  07/23/1958  1  7  B200  Busch, Arthur (Infant F); B: Hamlet  
0169  07/23/1958  3  1  M650  Marymee, Delores; M: Bladen  Marymee - Eades
0169  07/23/1958  3  1  E320  Eades, Robert E.; M: Bladen  Marymee - Eades
0169  07/23/1958  3  4  H426  Hulsker, Mattie V. ; Dn: Hastings  
0169  07/23/1958  6  4  T512  Thompson, Darrell D. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital
0169  07/23/1958  6  4  B600  Berry, Grant W. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  Red Cloud Community Hospital
0169  07/23/1958  6  4  R160  Reiber, Gary Allen; B: Hastings  
0169  07/30/1958  1  2  M635  Mortensen, L.P.; Dn: Blue Hill  L.P. Mortensen Dies in Washington
0169  07/30/1958  1  5  S363  Southworth, Don L.; Dn: Blue Hill Services at Fort Morgan For E.N. Southworth  
0169  07/30/1958  1  5  S363  Southworth, E.N.; Dn: Blue Hill  Services For E.N. Southworth
0169  07/30/1958  1  6  M436  Mulder, Richard (Mrs.); Dn Accident: Hastings Mrs. Richard Mulder Dies in Car Crash  
0169  07/30/1958  1  4  W123  Webster County Hospital; Hospital: Red Cloud  
0169  07/30/1958  1  7  S165  Schifferns, Mary; M: Blue Hill  Marriage Announced
0169  07/30/1958  1  7  L625  Larkin, Perry; M: Blue Hill Marriage Announced  
0169  07/30/1958  6  4  H652  Harrington, Edna; D: Bellwood  Mrs. Steward Harrington Dies Unexpectedly
0169  07/30/1958  8  2  L200  Lukow, Craig Alan; B: Red Cloud  
0169  07/30/1958  8  4  M600  Meyer, Byron Yale; B: Superior  
0169  07/30/1958  1  3  B445  Blue Hill Homecoming and 4-H Fair; Organization: Blue Hill  Homecoming and 4-H Fair a Success
0169  07/30/1958  1  2  M635  Mortensen, L.P.; Dn: Blue Hill  L.P. Mortensen Dies in Washington
0169  07/30/1958  1  5  S363  Southworth, Don L.; Dn: Blue Hill Services at Fort Morgan For E.N. Southworth  
0169  07/30/1958  1  5  S363  Southworth, E.N.; Dn: Blue Hill  Services For E.N. Southworth
0169  07/30/1958  1  6  M436  Mulder, Richard (Mrs.); Dn Accident: Hastings Mrs. Richard Mulder Dies in Car Crash  
0169  07/30/1958  1  4  W123  Webster County Hospital; Hospital: Red Cloud  
0169  07/30/1958  1  7  S165  Schifferns, Mary; M: Blue Hill  Marriage Announced
0169  07/30/1958  1  7  L625  Larkin, Perry; M: Blue Hill Marriage Announced  
0169  07/30/1958  6  4  H652  Harrington, Edna; D: Bellwood  Mrs. Steward Harrington Dies Unexpectedly
0169  07/30/1958  8  2  L200  Lukow, Craig Alan; B: Red Cloud  
0169  07/30/1958  8  4  M600  Meyer, Byron Yale; B: Superior  
0169  07/30/1958  1  3  B445  Blue Hill Homecoming and 4-H Fair; Organization: Blue Hill  Homecoming and 4-H Fair a Success
0169  08/06/1958  1  1  B420  Black, Roy (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Services Held For Mrs. Roy Black
0169  08/06/1958  1  4  W123  Webster County Fair; Organization: Bladen  Regular Fair Schedule Tonight
0169  08/06/1958  1  4  B650  Brown, Elizabeth; Dn: Lawrence  Mrs. E. Brown Died Tuesday
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  M246  McClure Family; Organization: Hastings McClure Family Reunion  
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  M455  Mohlman, Lloyd D.; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  C500  Conow, Arthur William; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  C500  Conow, George R. (Infant F); B & D: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  C450  Cline, Linda Rae; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  08/06/1958  5  3  H236  History: Cowles  Cowles in the Early Days
0169  08/06/1958  1  1  B420  Black, Roy (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings  Services Held For Mrs. Roy Black
0169  08/06/1958  1  4  W123  Webster County Fair; Organization: Bladen  Regular Fair Schedule Tonight
0169  08/06/1958  1  4  B650  Brown, Elizabeth; Dn: Lawrence  Mrs. E. Brown Died Tuesday
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  M246  McClure Family; Organization: Hastings McClure Family Reunion  
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  M455  Mohlman, Lloyd D.; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  C500  Conow, Arthur William; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  C500  Conow, George R. (Infant F); B & D: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  08/06/1958  1  5  C450  Cline, Linda Rae; B: Red Cloud  Webster County Community Hospital
0169  08/06/1958  5  3  H236  History: Cowles  Cowles in the Early Days
0169  08/13/1958  1  3  L530  Land, Evelyn Anne; M: Hastings  Land - Nunn
0169  08/13/1958  1  3  N500  Nunn, Michial William; M: Hastings  Land - Nunn
0169  08/13/1958  1  3  S500  Snow, John E.; D: Hastings  John E. Snow Rites Tuesday
0169  08/13/1958  1  4  B200  Bouska, James A.; D: Blue Hill  James A. Bouska Dies at Farm Home
0169  08/13/1958  1  4  P250  Pigeon, Esther; Dn: Blue Hill  Mrs. Francis Pigeon Dies in California
0169  08/13/1958  1  5  S526  Schumacher, Arlene Dorothy; M: Blue Hill  Schumacher - Kuhn
0169  08/13/1958  1  5  K500  Kuhn, Dale Dean; M: Blue Hill  Schumacher - Kuhn
0169  08/13/1958  1  6  B450  Blume, Emil J.; D: Red Cloud  Emil Blume Rites Held
0169  08/13/1958  3  3  P412  Phillips, Michael Jay; B: Omaha  
0169  08/13/1958  3  4  G615  Garvin, Randall Eugene; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/13/1958  3  5  R523  Romesdale, Mary Beth; M: Bradshaw  
0169  08/13/1958  3  5  H200  Haase, Charles; M: Bradshaw  
0169  08/13/1958  6  4  S362  Stark, Synthia Susan; B: Hastings  
0169  08/13/1958  1  3  L530  Land, Evelyn Anne; M: Hastings  Land - Nunn
0169  08/13/1958  1  3  N500  Nunn, Michial William; M: Hastings  Land - Nunn
0169  08/13/1958  1  3  S500  Snow, John E.; D: Hastings  John E. Snow Rites Tuesday
0169  08/13/1958  1  4  B200  Bouska, James A.; D: Blue Hill  James A. Bouska Dies at Farm Home
0169  08/13/1958  1  4  P250  Pigeon, Esther; Dn: Blue Hill  Mrs. Francis Pigeon Dies in California
0169  08/13/1958  1  5  S526  Schumacher, Arlene Dorothy; M: Blue Hill  Schumacher - Kuhn
0169  08/13/1958  1  5  K500  Kuhn, Dale Dean; M: Blue Hill  Schumacher - Kuhn
0169  08/13/1958  1  6  B450  Blume, Emil J.; D: Red Cloud  Emil Blume Rites Held
0169  08/13/1958  3  3  P412  Phillips, Michael Jay; B: Omaha  
0169  08/13/1958  3  4  G615  Garvin, Randall Eugene; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/13/1958  3  5  R523  Romesdale, Mary Beth; M: Bradshaw  
0169  08/13/1958  3  5  H200  Haase, Charles; M: Bradshaw  
0169  08/13/1958  6  4  S362  Stark, Synthia Susan; B: Hastings  
0169  08/20/1958  1  5  L500  Luhn, Fred; D: McCook  Obituary
0169  08/20/1958  1  5  G352  Giddings, Minnie; D: Harvard  
0169  08/20/1958  1  6  B500  Boom, John T.; D: Red Cloud  John Blum Services Held
0169  08/20/1958  3  1  W452  Williamson, Nancy; M: Hastings  Williamson - Gerten
0169  08/20/1958  3  1  G635  Gerten, Richard; M: Hastings  Williamson - Gerten
0169  08/20/1958  3  2  Y230  Yost, Karen; M: Doniphan  Yost - Rose
0169  08/20/1958  3  2  R200  Rose, Virgil; M: Doniphan  Yost - Rose
0169  08/20/1958  4  6  B450  Blume, Emil J.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  08/20/1958  6  4  B550  Bonham, Guy F.; D: Table Rock  
0169  08/20/1958  6  4  A624  Ayr School Reunion; Organization: Hastings  
0169  08/20/1958  7  1  W123  Webster County Fair; Organization: Bladen  
0169  08/20/1958  1  5  L500  Luhn, Fred; D: McCook  Obituary
0169  08/20/1958  1  5  G352  Giddings, Minnie; D: Harvard  
0169  08/20/1958  1  6  B500  Boom, John T.; D: Red Cloud  John Blum Services Held
0169  08/20/1958  3  1  W452  Williamson, Nancy; M: Hastings  Williamson - Gerten
0169  08/20/1958  3  1  G635  Gerten, Richard; M: Hastings  Williamson - Gerten
0169  08/20/1958  3  2  Y230  Yost, Karen; M: Doniphan  Yost - Rose
0169  08/20/1958  3  2  R200  Rose, Virgil; M: Doniphan  Yost - Rose
0169  08/20/1958  4  6  B450  Blume, Emil J.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  08/20/1958  6  4  B550  Bonham, Guy F.; D: Table Rock  
0169  08/20/1958  6  4  A624  Ayr School Reunion; Organization: Hastings  
0169  08/20/1958  7  1  W123  Webster County Fair; Organization: Bladen  
0169  08/27/1958  1  1  M455  Mohlman Family; Organization: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  1  2  B260  Baker, Harold; Ann: Red Cloud  Mr. and Mrs. Baker Honored on Anniversary
0169  08/27/1958  1  3  M340  Meedel, Edward F.; D: Blue Hill  Rites Held For Edward F. Meedel
0169  08/27/1958  1  4  G536  Gunderson, Dean (Infant M); B: Pauline  
0169  08/27/1958  1  5  K626  Krueger, Mark Allan; D: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  1  7  M425  Muhleisen, Sharon Kay; M: Blue Hill  Muhleisen - Uden
0169  08/27/1958  1  7  U350  Uden, Ivan Lee; M: Blue Hill  Muhleisen - Uden
0169  08/27/1958  3  3  G653  Grandstaff, Laurence; Ann: Bladen  Grandstaffs Honored on 25th Anniversary
0169  08/27/1958  3  4  M600  Meyer, Randy Lynn; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  4  3  K626  Krueger, Debra Lynn; B: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  G615  Garvin, Randall Eugene; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  M240  Mucklow, Valerie; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  M620  Morris, Nancy Jo; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  H525  Hansen, Terry Phil; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  A635  Ardean, Jeffery (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  S432  Sholtz, Darold (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  W256  Wagoner, Rebecca Jean; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  4  H520  Hayenga, Lubertus (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  6  6  R225  Richeson, Kevin Douglas; B: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  1  1  M455  Mohlman Family; Organization: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  1  2  B260  Baker, Harold; Ann: Red Cloud  Mr. and Mrs. Baker Honored on Anniversary
0169  08/27/1958  1  3  M340  Meedel, Edward F.; D: Blue Hill  Rites Held For Edward F. Meedel
0169  08/27/1958  1  4  G536  Gunderson, Dean (Infant M); B: Pauline  
0169  08/27/1958  1  5  K626  Krueger, Mark Allan; D: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  1  7  M425  Muhleisen, Sharon Kay; M: Blue Hill  Muhleisen - Uden
0169  08/27/1958  1  7  U350  Uden, Ivan Lee; M: Blue Hill  Muhleisen - Uden
0169  08/27/1958  3  3  G653  Grandstaff, Laurence; Ann: Bladen  Grandstaffs Honored on 25th Anniversary
0169  08/27/1958  3  4  M600  Meyer, Randy Lynn; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  4  3  K626  Krueger, Debra Lynn; B: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  G615  Garvin, Randall Eugene; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  M240  Mucklow, Valerie; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  M620  Morris, Nancy Jo; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  H525  Hansen, Terry Phil; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  A635  Ardean, Jeffery (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  S432  Sholtz, Darold (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  3  W256  Wagoner, Rebecca Jean; B: Red Cloud  
0169  08/27/1958  6  4  H520  Hayenga, Lubertus (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  08/27/1958  6  6  R225  Richeson, Kevin Douglas; B: Hastings  
0169  09/03/1958  1  2  W123  Webster County Old Settlers Association; Organization: Cowles  Old Settlers Meet at Cowles
0169  09/03/1958  1  2  M325  Mietzner, Douglas David; B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/03/1958  1  3  K630  Kort, Charles; Ann: Blue Hill  Charles Korts Observe 50th Anniversary
0169  09/03/1958  1  4  K600  Karr, William; D: Red Cloud  Services Held For William Karr
0169  09/03/1958  1  5  V536  Van Matre Family; Organization: Holdrege  Van Matre Reunion at Holdrege
0169  09/03/1958  1  5  W123  Webster County Farm Bureau; Organization: Guide Rock  Webster County Farm Bureau Organized
0169  09/03/1958  1  6  R150  Rippen, Leora; M: Gothenburg Rippen - Augustin  
0169  09/03/1958  1  6  A223  Augustin, Norris C.; M  
0169  09/03/1958  4  7  M340  Meedel, Edward F.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  09/03/1958  6  4  M530  Meinte, Martin: Blue Hill  
0169  09/03/1958  1  2  W123  Webster County Old Settlers Association; Organization: Cowles  Old Settlers Meet at Cowles
0169  09/03/1958  1  2  M325  Mietzner, Douglas David; B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/03/1958  1  3  K630  Kort, Charles; Ann: Blue Hill  Charles Korts Observe 50th Anniversary
0169  09/03/1958  1  4  K600  Karr, William; D: Red Cloud  Services Held For William Karr
0169  09/03/1958  1  5  V536  Van Matre Family; Organization: Holdrege  Van Matre Reunion at Holdrege
0169  09/03/1958  1  5  W123  Webster County Farm Bureau; Organization: Guide Rock  Webster County Farm Bureau Organized 
0169  09/03/1958  1  6  R150  Rippen, Leora; M: Gothenburg Rippen - Augustin   
0169  09/03/1958  1  6  A223  Augustin, Norris C.; M   
0169  09/03/1958  4  7  M340  Meedel, Edward F.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud   
0169  09/03/1958  6  4  M530  Meinte, Martin: Blue Hill   
0169  09/10/1958  1  2  F626  Frazier Family; Organization: McCook Frazier Family Reunion   
0169  09/10/1958  1  3  B442  Blue Hill High School Reunion; Organization: Blue Hill  Reunion Enjoyed By Class of '48 
0169  09/10/1958  1  4  B326  Boettcher, Gale Dwayne; B: Red Cloud   
0169  09/10/1958  3  5  P200  Peak, Horace (Infant F); B: Pauline   
0169  09/10/1958  3  6  F623  Forrest, Leland (Mrs.); M: Lincoln   
0169  09/10/1958  3  6  H430  Held, Albert A.; M: Lincoln   
0169  09/10/1958  4  5  J525  Johnson, Emily   ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud
0169  09/10/1958  4  6  K600  Karr, William H.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud   
0169  09/10/1958  1  2  F626  Frazier Family; Organization: McCook Frazier Family Reunion   
0169  09/10/1958  1  3  B442  Blue Hill High School Reunion; Organization: Blue Hill  Reunion Enjoyed By Class of '48 
0169  09/10/1958  1  4  B326  Boettcher, Gale Dwayne; B: Red Cloud   
0169  09/10/1958  3  5  P200  Peak, Horace (Infant F); B: Pauline   
0169  09/10/1958  3  6  F623  Forrest, Leland (Mrs.); M: Lincoln   
0169  09/10/1958  3  6  H430  Held, Albert A.; M: Lincoln   
0169  09/10/1958  4  5  J525  Johnson, Emily   ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud
0169  09/10/1958  4  6  K600  Karr, William H.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud   
0169  09/17/1958  1  2  W300  Witte, Doris; M: Blue Hill  Witte - Hartman 
0169  09/17/1958  1  2  H635  Hartman, Rodney E.; M: Blue Hill  Witte - Hartman 
0169  09/17/1958  1  3  F425  Flessner Family; Organization: Blue Hill  Flessner Family Reunion at School 
0169  09/17/1958  1  3  T150  Tobin, Janette; Dn: Blue Hill  Death Comes to Mrs. T.T. Tobin 
0169  09/17/1958  1  5  M236  Meester, Karen Elaine; M: Hastings  Donald Glebes to Make Their Home in Lincoln 
0169  09/17/1958  1  5  G410  Glebe, Donald R.; M: Hastings  Donald Glebes to Make Their Home in Lincoln 
0169  09/17/1958  1  7  C650  Crom, Sharon; M: Bladen  Crom - Berns 
0169  09/17/1958  1  7  B652  Berns, David; M: Bladen  Crom - Berns 
0169  09/17/1958  3  1  D140  Duval, Daisy Estelle; D: Red Cloud  Attend Services for Mrs. Duval 
0169  09/17/1958  6  6  O425  Olson, Gary Edward; B: Red Cloud   
0169  09/17/1958  6  7  W623  Wright, Levi; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud   
0169  09/17/1958  7  3  M240  McCall, Lucile; Dn: Red Cloud  
0169  09/17/1958  8  1  R521  Remes Family; Organization: Hastings  Reunion of Descendants of Czechoslovakian Couple
0169  09/17/1958  1  2  W300  Witte, Doris; M: Blue Hill  Witte - Hartman
0169  09/17/1958  1  2  H635  Hartman, Rodney E.; M: Blue Hill  Witte - Hartman
0169  09/17/1958  1  3  F425  Flessner Family; Organization: Blue Hill  Flessner Family Reunion at School
0169  09/17/1958  1  3  T150  Tobin, Janette; Dn: Blue Hill  Death Comes to Mrs. T.T. Tobin
0169  09/17/1958  1  5  M236  Meester, Karen Elaine; M: Hastings  Donald Glebes to Make Their Home in Lincoln
0169  09/17/1958  1  5  G410  Glebe, Donald R.; M: Hastings  Donald Glebes to Make Their Home in Lincoln
0169  09/17/1958  1  7  C650  Crom, Sharon; M: Bladen  Crom - Berns
0169  09/17/1958  1  7  B652  Berns, David; M: Bladen  Crom - Berns
0169  09/17/1958  3  1  D140  Duval, Daisy Estelle; D: Red Cloud  Attend Services for Mrs. Duval
0169  09/17/1958  6  6  O425  Olson, Gary Edward; B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/17/1958  6  7  W623  Wright, Levi; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  09/17/1958  7  3  M240  McCall, Lucile; Dn: Red Cloud  
0169  09/17/1958  8  1  R521  Remes Family; Organization: Hastings  Reunion of Descendants of Czechoslovakian Couple
0169  09/24/1958  1  2  H400  Heil, Barbara; D: Red Cloud  
0169  09/24/1958  1  3  M246  McClure, James; Ann: Blue Hill
0169  09/24/1958  1  4  S655  Sherman, Klen; D: Hastings
0169  09/24/1958  1  5  L532  Lindsay, James Steven; B: Holdrege
0169  09/24/1958  1  6  S130  Spade, Edwin A.; D: Mount Clare
0169  09/24/1958  1  6  T235  Tjaden, Anna Marie; M: Rosemont
0169  09/24/1958  1  6  H635  Hartman, George; M: Rosemont
0169  09/24/1958  6  1  C425  Classen, Donald (Infant F); B: Hastings
0169  09/24/1958  6  5  L620  L'Heureux, Cynthia Marie; B: Red Cloud
0169  09/24/1958  6  5  B660  Bohrer, Faye Marie; B: Red Cloud
0169  09/24/1958  6  5  S320  Stueck, Ronnie Joseph; B: Red Cloud
0169  09/24/1958  6  5  S530  Schendt, Lois Marie; B: Red Cloud
0169  09/24/1958  1  2  H400  Heil, Barbara; D: Red Cloud
0169  09/24/1958  1  3  M246  McClure, James; Ann: Blue Hill
0169  09/24/1958  1  4  S655  Sherman, Klen; D: Hastings
0169  09/24/1958  1  5  L532  Lindsay, James Steven; B: Holdrege
0169  09/24/1958  1  6  S130  Spade, Edwin A.; D: Mount Clare
0169  09/24/1958  1  6  T235  Tjaden, Anna Marie; M: Rosemont  
0169  09/24/1958  1  6  H635  Hartman, George; M: Rosemont  
0169  09/24/1958  6  1  C425  Classen, Donald (Infant F); B: Hastings  
0169  09/24/1958  6  5  L620  L'Heureux, Cynthia Marie; B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/24/1958  6  5  B660  Bohrer, Faye Marie; B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/24/1958  6  5  S320  Stueck, Ronnie Joseph; B: Red Cloud  
0169  09/24/1958  6  5  S530  Schendt, Lois Marie; B: Red Cloud  
0169  10/01/1958  1  1  J525  Johnson, William  ; D: Red Cloud
0169  10/01/1958  1  5  B526  Bangert, Delbert (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill  
0169  10/01/1958  3  2  K400  Kile, Elfreda; D: Bladen  
0169  10/01/1958  3  3  S000  Schaa, Roelf; Bd: Bladen  
0169  10/01/1958  3  5  F250  Ficken, Elaine; M: Davenport  
0169  10/01/1958  3  5  H524  Henkle, Robert; M: Davenport  
0169  10/01/1958  3  7  K255  Kissman, Warren (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  
0169  10/01/1958  3  7  K500  Keen, Duane Kevin K.; B: Red Cloud September 28.  Father: Duane Keen
0169  10/01/1958  4  6  W423  Walstad, Nellie Louise; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud  
0169  10/01/1958  4  7  W423  Walstad, Julius Oscar; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud        
0169  10/01/1958  8  3  S162  Siebrass, Janet Kay; B: Cozad  September 18.  Father: Hershel Siebrass
0169  10/01/1958  1  1  J525  Johnson, William  ; D: Red Cloud  
0169  10/01/1958  1  5  B526  Bangert, Delbert (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill        
0169  10/01/1958  3  2  K400  Kile, Elfreda; D: Bladen        
0169  10/01/1958  3  3  S000  Schaa, Roelf; Bd: Bladen        
0169  10/01/1958  3  5  F250  Ficken, Elaine; M: Davenport        
0169  10/01/1958  3  5  H524  Henkle, Robert; M: Davenport        
0169  10/01/1958  3  7  K255  Kissman, Warren (Infant F); B: Red Cloud        
0169  10/01/1958  3  7  K500  Keen, Duane Kevin K.; B: Red Cloud September 28.  Father: Duane Keen  
0169  10/01/1958  4  6  W423  Walstad, Nellie Louise; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud        
0169  10/01/1958  4  7  W423  Walstad, Julius Oscar; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud        
0169  10/01/1958  8  3  S162  Siebrass, Janet Kay; B: Cozad  September 18.  Father: Hershel Siebrass
0169  10/08/1958  1  2  S530  Schmidt, Frank; Ann: Blue Hill  50th photo  
0169  10/08/1958  1  3  T460  Taylor, William; Ann: Wahoo  50th  
0169  10/08/1958  1  4  K630  Kort, Mary; D: Hastings Nee: Plautz; Husband: Arthur; children and siblings listed        
0169  10/08/1958  1  5  B653  Briand, Larry Dean; B: Red Cloud  September 30.  Father: Sel Briand
0169  10/08/1958  1  5  D632  Drudik, Albert (Infant M); B: Red Cloud October 2nd        
0169  10/08/1958  3  2  R500  Rhine, Calvin; Dn: Bladen  Wife: Lucette Calvin; children and siblings listed; died in Denver, Colorado  
0169  10/08/1958  3  4  W240  Weakly, Lewis; Ann: Hastings  25th  
0169  10/08/1958  5  3  B400  Bayley, Harold; Dn Accident: Hastings  Wife: Beverly Clifton Bayley  
0169  10/08/1958  8  7  B452  Bloomgren, George W.; Dn: McCook        
0169  10/08/1958  1  2  S530  Schmidt, Frank; Ann: Blue Hill  50th photo  
0169  10/08/1958  1  3  T460  Taylor, William; Ann: Wahoo  50th  
0169  10/08/1958  1  4  K630  Kort, Mary; D: Hastings Nee: Plautz; Husband: Arthur; children and siblings listed        
0169  10/08/1958  1  5  B653  Briand, Larry Dean; B: Red Cloud  September 30.  Father: Sel Briand
0169  10/08/1958  1  5  D632  Drudik, Albert (Infant M); B: Red Cloud October 2nd        
0169  10/08/1958  3  2  R500  Rhine, Calvin; Dn: Bladen  Wife: Lucette Calvin; children and siblings listed; died in Denver, Colorado  
0169  10/08/1958  3  4  W240  Weakly, Lewis; Ann: Hastings  25th  
0169  10/08/1958  5  3  B400  Bayley, Harold; Dn Accident: Hastings  Wife: Beverly Clifton Bayley  
0169  10/08/1958  8  7  B452  Bloomgren, George W.; Dn: McCook        
0169  10/15/1958  1  3  S162  Siebrass, Wesley Harlan; D: Red Cloud  October 13.  Father: Harlan Siebrass
0169  10/15/1958  3  1  M240  McHale, Adelia; Dn: Inavale  Parents and siblings listed  
0169  10/15/1958  3  6  Z260  Zachary, Glen; Dn: Ayr  Siblings listed; died in Oregon  
0169  10/15/1958  4  5  W423  Walstad, Clara Matilda; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud        
0169  10/15/1958  6  4  H435  Holtmeier, Lee Roy (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  October 7th  
0169  10/15/1958  6  4  S362  Strickland, Richard (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  October 8th  
0169  10/15/1958  6  4  F620  Furse, Roger (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  October 8th  
0169  10/15/1958  6  4  L263  Lockhart, Floyd J. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  October 9th  
0169  10/15/1958  1  3  S162  Siebrass, Wesley Harlan; D: Red Cloud  October 13.  Father: Harlan Siebrass
0169  10/15/1958  3  1  M240  McHale, Adelia; Dn: Inavale  Parents and siblings listed  
0169  10/15/1958  3  6  Z260  Zachary, Glen; Dn: Ayr  Siblings listed; died in Oregon  
0169  10/15/1958  4  5  W423  Walstad, Clara Matilda; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud        
0169  10/15/1958  6  4  H435  Holtmeier, Lee Roy (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  October 7th  
0169  10/15/1958  6  4  S362  Strickland, Richard (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  October 8th  
0169  10/15/1958  6  4  F620  Furse, Roger (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  October 8th  
0169  10/15/1958  6  4  L263  Lockhart, Floyd J. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  October 9th  
0169  10/22/1958  1  2  L515  Lampman, Fred (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill 76th        
0169  10/22/1958  1  4  G415  Gilpin, Elaine; M: Hastings  Groom: Arthur Anderson; Father: Samuel Gilpin  
0169  10/22/1958  1  4  A536  Anderson, Arthur; M: Hastings  Bride: Elaine Gilpin  
0169  10/22/1958  1  4  B631  Breitfelder, Elizabeth; D: Lawrence  Husband: Joseph Breitfelder; children listed  
0169  10/22/1958  1  4  K532  Kohmetscher, LaVern (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  October 16th  
0169  10/22/1958  1  5  S351  Stumpenhorst, Mary Louise; D: Rosemont  Husband: Carl Stumpenhorst; Nee: Blobaum; children and siblings listed  
0169  10/22/1958  1  7  S530  Smith, Mary; Dn: Blue Hill  Nee: Novak; Husband: John B. Smith; parents and siblings listed; died in Oregon  
0169  10/22/1958  10  2  H325  Hutchinson, James Wesley; B: Chester  October 11.  Father: Duane Hutchinson
0169  10/22/1958  1  2  L515  Lampman, Fred (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill 76th        
0169  10/22/1958  1  4  G415  Gilpin, Elaine; M: Hastings  Groom: Arthur Anderson; Father: Samuel Gilpin  
0169  10/22/1958  1  4  A536  Anderson, Arthur; M: Hastings  Bride: Elaine Gilpin  
0169  10/22/1958  1  4  B631  Breitfelder, Elizabeth; D: Lawrence  Husband: Joseph Breitfelder; children listed  
0169  10/22/1958  1  4  K532  Kohmetscher, LaVern (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  October 16th  
0169  10/22/1958  1  5  S351  Stumpenhorst, Mary Louise; D: Rosemont  Husband: Carl Stumpenhorst; Nee: Blobaum; children and siblings listed  
0169  10/22/1958  1  7  S530  Smith, Mary; Dn: Blue Hill  Nee: Novak; Husband: John B. Smith; parents and siblings listed; died in Oregon  
0169  10/22/1958  10  2  H325  Hutchinson, James Wesley; B: Chester  October 11.  Father: Duane Hutchinson
0169  10/29/1958  1  2  J200  Jesske, Edward; D: Red Cloud  Children listed  
0169  10/29/1958  1  2  M324  Mitzelfelt, Emelia Marie; D: Hastings  Children and brother listed  
0169  10/29/1958  1  5  H635  Hartman, Barbara; M: Guide Rock  Groom: Jay Dee Nitzel; Father: Ben Hartman; married at Inglewood, California  
0169  10/29/1958  1  5  N324  Nitzel, Jay Dee; M: Guide Rock  Bride: Barbara Hartman; Father: F.H. Nitzel; married at Inglewood, California  
0169  10/29/1958  1  5  K626  Krueger, Kevin Douglas; B: Doniphan  October 17.  Father: Douglas Krueger
0169  10/29/1958  1  7  M460  Miller, Dean: Blue Hill  To Albion  
0169  10/29/1958  3  1  R252  Riggins, Charles M.; D: Tecumseh  Wife: Bertha Maude Metcalf Riggins; children and siblings listed  
0169  10/29/1958  3  5  L526  Liniger, Susan Ann; B: Indianola  October 21.  Father: Richard Liniger
0169  10/29/1958  6  7  B200  Bock, William E. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  October 22nd  
0169  10/29/1958  8  3  H300  Hiatt, Elmer; Dn: Hastings  Children listed  
0169  10/29/1958  8  3  D530  DeMuth, Oliver; Ann: Ayr  59th  
0169  10/29/1958  1  2  J200  Jesske, Edward; D: Red Cloud  Children listed  
0169  10/29/1958  1  2  M324  Mitzelfelt, Emelia Marie; D: Hastings  Children and brother listed  
0169  10/29/1958  1  5  H635  Hartman, Barbara; M: Guide Rock  Groom: Jay Dee Nitzel; Father: Ben Hartman; married at Inglewood, California  
0169  10/29/1958  1  5  N324  Nitzel, Jay Dee; M: Guide Rock  Bride: Barbara Hartman; Father: F.H. Nitzel; married at Inglewood, California  
0169  10/29/1958  1  5  K626  Krueger, Kevin Douglas; B: Doniphan  October 17.  Father: Douglas Krueger
0169  10/29/1958  1  7  M460  Miller, Dean: Blue Hill  To Albion  
0169  10/29/1958  3  1  R252  Riggins, Charles M.; D: Tecumseh  Wife: Bertha Maude Metcalf Riggins; children and siblings listed  
0169  10/29/1958  3  5  L526  Liniger, Susan Ann; B: Indianola  October 21.  Father: Richard Liniger
0169  10/29/1958  6  7  B200  Bock, William E. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud  October 22nd  
0169  10/29/1958  8  3  H300  Hiatt, Elmer; Dn: Hastings  Children listed  
0169  10/29/1958  8  3  D530  DeMuth, Oliver; Ann: Ayr  59th  
0169  11/05/1958  1  1  W123  Webster County; Election Results: Red Cloud        
0169  11/05/1958  1  2  D450  Dillon, Esther Pearl; Dn: Hastings  Children listed  
0169  11/05/1958  1  3  L515  Lampmann, Dick; Ann: Blue Hill  50th at Charles City, Iowa  
0169  11/05/1958  1  3  G642  Gerlach, Carolyn Louise; B: Red Cloud  November 2.  Father: Wayne Gerlach
0169  11/05/1958  1  4  H155  Hoffman, Selma Alexia; D: Hastings  Nee: Farman; Husband: George F. Hoffman; son and siblings listed  
0169  11/05/1958  1  5  K436  Koelder, Kathryn Ann; B: Red Cloud  October 31.  Father: Rodney Koelder
0169  11/05/1958  1  6  J200  Jesske, Edward; D: Blue Hill  Wife: Minnie Lesdau Jesske; children listed  
0169  11/05/1958  1  6  L220  Lukas, Frank; Ann: Blue Hill  20th; guests listed  
0169  11/05/1958  3  1  H300  Hite, Nova Elizabeth B; D: Nelson  Nee: Thomas: Husband: Henry H. Hite; parents and children listed  
0169  11/05/1958  3  4  B420  Bowles, Mark Mathew; B: Red Cloud  October 28.  Father: Leonard G. Bowles
0169  11/05/1958  3  4  D522  Dymacek, Debra Ann; B: Red Cloud  October 30.  Father: Gerald R. Dymacek
0169  11/05/1958  1  1  W123  Webster County; Election Results: Red Cloud 
0169  11/05/1958  1  2  D450  Dillon, Esther Pearl; Dn: Hastings  Children listed        
0169  11/05/1958  1  3  L515  Lampmann, Dick; Ann: Blue Hill  50th at Charles City, Iowa        
0169  11/05/1958  1  3  G642  Gerlach, Carolyn Louise; B: Red Cloud  November 2.  Father: Wayne Gerlach  
0169  11/05/1958  1  4  H155  Hoffman, Selma Alexia; D: Hastings  Nee: Farman; Husband: George F. Hoffman; son and siblings listed        
0169  11/05/1958  1  5  K436  Koelder, Kathryn Ann; B: Red Cloud  October 31.  Father: Rodney Koelder  
0169  11/05/1958  1  6  J200  Jesske, Edward; D: Blue Hill  Wife: Minnie Lesdau Jesske; children listed        
0169  11/05/1958  1  6  L220  Lukas, Frank; Ann: Blue Hill  20th; guests listed        
0169  11/05/1958  3  1  H300  Hite, Nova Elizabeth B; D: Nelson  Nee: Thomas: Husband: Henry H. Hite; parents and children listed        
0169  11/05/1958  3  4  B420  Bowles, Mark Mathew; B: Red Cloud  October 28.  Father: Leonard G. Bowles  
0169  11/05/1958  3  4  D522  Dymacek, Debra Ann; B: Red Cloud  October 30.  Father: Gerald R. Dymacek  
0169  11/12/1958  1  2  R120  Reeves, Harry; D Accident: Guide Rock  Children and siblings listed        
0169  11/12/1958  1  2  R120  Reeves, Louette; D Accident: Guide Rock  Children listed        
0169  11/12/1958  1  5  P456  Pohlmeier, Henry J.; D: Lawrence  Wife: Carol Sue Pohlmeier; children and siblings listed        
0169  11/12/1958  1  5  S353  Staunton, Katherine; D Accident: Blue Hill  Mother: Dorothy Staunton; siblings listed; died in Tulelake, California        
0169  11/12/1958  1  6  S561  Sommerfeld, Ella        ; D: Blue Hill  Nee: Schoff; Husband: Fred; Son: Leland; died at Peoria, Illinois
0169  11/12/1958  1  6  W320  Woods, David Alan; B: Lincoln  November 9.  Father: Alan Woods  
0169  11/12/1958  1  6  B620  Bruce, Ruth Irene; D: Wilcox  Nee: Samson; Husband: Earl Bruce        
0169  11/12/1958  2  6  M324  Mitzelfelt, Emelia Marie; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 
0169  11/12/1958  4  3  W452  Willems, Kerri Lynne; B: Red Cloud  November 7.  Father: Alvin Willems  
0169  11/12/1958  6  1  W160  Webber, Ellen Louise; B: Red Cloud  November 4.  Father: Phillip Webber  
0169  11/12/1958  6  1  B452  Blankenbiller, Lee (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  November 5th        
0169  11/12/1958  6  1  B223  Buschkoetter, Roger Anthony; B: Red Cloud  November 6.  Father: Robert V. Buschkoetter  
0169  11/12/1958  1  2  R120  Reeves, Harry; D Accident: Guide Rock  Children and siblings listed        
0169  11/12/1958  1  2  R120  Reeves, Louette; D Accident: Guide Rock  Children listed        
0169  11/12/1958  1  5  P456  Pohlmeier, Henry J.; D: Lawrence  Wife: Carol Sue Pohlmeier; children and siblings listed        
0169  11/12/1958  1  5  S353  Staunton, Katherine; D Accident: Blue Hill  Mother: Dorothy Staunton; siblings listed; died in Tulelake, California        
0169  11/12/1958  1  6  S561  Sommerfeld, Ella        ; D: Blue Hill  Nee: Schoff; Husband: Fred; Son: Leland; died at Peoria, Illinois
0169  11/12/1958  1  6  W320  Woods, David Alan; B: Lincoln  November 9.  Father: Alan Woods  
0169  11/12/1958  1  6  B620  Bruce, Ruth Irene; D: Wilcox  Nee: Samson; Husband: Earl Bruce        
0169  11/12/1958  2  6  M324  Mitzelfelt, Emelia Marie; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 
0169  11/12/1958  4  3  W452  Willems, Kerri Lynne; B: Red Cloud  November 7.  Father: Alvin Willems  
0169  11/12/1958  6  1  W160  Webber, Ellen Louise; B: Red Cloud  November 4.  Father: Phillip Webber
0169  11/12/1958  6  1  B452  Blankenbiller, Lee (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  November 5th  
0169  11/12/1958  6  1  B223  Buschkoetter, Roger Anthony; B: Red Cloud  November 6.  Father: Robert V. Buschkoetter
0169  11/19/1958  1  2  S162  Siebrass, Charles; Ann: Red Cloud  64th  
0169  11/19/1958  1  4  H150  Hoppen, Hinderika; D: Hastings  Husband: Dirk Hoppen; children listed  
0169  11/19/1958  1  4  J520  Jones, Margaret; D: Hastings  Nee: Richeson; Husband: Aaron Jones; parents, children and siblings listed  
0169  11/19/1958  1  5  A223  Augustin, Lucinda; D: Hastings  Children and siblings listed  
0169  11/19/1958  1  6  B200  Bock, Debra Jean; B: Omaha  November 13.  Father: Don Bock
0169  11/19/1958  1  7  S550  Seeman, Peggy Jean; B: Red Cloud  November 9.  Father: Melvin William Seeman
0169  11/19/1958  1  7  S550  Shannon, Michael Don; B: Red Cloud  November 15.  Father: Don Shannon
0169  11/19/1958  2  7  S351  Stumpenhorst, Mary Louise; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud        
0169  11/19/1958  3  3  G465  Gellerman, Ivan (Infant F); B: Holdrege  November 17th  
0169  11/19/1958  6  4  H562  Hinrichs, John (Mrs.); Bd: Glenvil  79th  
0169  11/19/1958  1  2  S162  Siebrass, Charles; Ann: Red Cloud  64th  
0169  11/19/1958  1  4  H150  Hoppen, Hinderika; D: Hastings  Husband: Dirk Hoppen; children listed  
0169  11/19/1958  1  4  J520  Jones, Margaret; D: Hastings  Nee: Richeson; Husband: Aaron Jones; parents, children and siblings listed  
0169  11/19/1958  1  5  A223  Augustin, Lucinda; D: Hastings  Children and siblings listed  
0169  11/19/1958  1  6  B200  Bock, Debra Jean; B: Omaha  November 13.  Father: Don Bock
0169  11/19/1958  1  7  S550  Seeman, Peggy Jean; B: Red Cloud  November 9.  Father: Melvin William Seeman
0169  11/19/1958  1  7  S550  Shannon, Michael Don; B: Red Cloud  November 15.  Father: Don Shannon
0169  11/19/1958  2  7  S351  Stumpenhorst, Mary Louise; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud        
0169  11/19/1958  3  3  G465  Gellerman, Ivan (Infant F); B: Holdrege  November 17th  
0169  11/19/1958  6  4  H562  Hinrichs, John (Mrs.); Bd: Glenvil  79th  
0169  11/26/1958  1  2  M262  McCorkle, C.M.; Bd: Hastings  90th  
0169  11/26/1958  1  4  S532  Schmidts, Harm; Ann: Hastings  50th  
0169  11/26/1958  1  4  B650  Brown, Cheryl Lynn; B: Hastings  November 18.  Father: Merle Brown
0169  11/26/1958  1  6  A415  Albin, Judith Lynn; M: Kearney  Groom: Kenneth L. Smith; Father: Lee Albin  
0169  11/26/1958  1  6  S530  Smith, Kenneth L.; M: Kearney  Bride: Judith Lynn Albin  
0169  11/26/1958  3  6  H560  Henry, Lyle LaVern (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  November 21st  
0169  11/26/1958  4  5  F300  Fate, Frances; M: Pauline  Groom: A.W. McSeveny  
0169  11/26/1958  4  5  M215  McSeveny, A.W.; M: Pauline  Bride: Frances Fate  
0169  11/26/1958  4  5  K260  Kucera, Larry (Infant F); B: Pauline  November 20th  
0169  11/26/1958  1  2  M262  McCorkle, C.M.; Bd: Hastings  90th  
0169  11/26/1958  1  4  S532  Schmidts, Harm; Ann: Hastings  50th  
0169  11/26/1958  1  4  B650  Brown, Cheryl Lynn; B: Hastings  November 18.  Father: Merle Brown
0169  11/26/1958  1  6  A415  Albin, Judith Lynn; M: Kearney  Groom: Kenneth L. Smith; Father: Lee Albin  
0169  11/26/1958  1  6  S530  Smith, Kenneth L.; M: Kearney  Bride: Judith Lynn Albin  
0169  11/26/1958  3  6  H560  Henry, Lyle LaVern (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  November 21st  
0169  11/26/1958  4  5  F300  Fate, Frances; M: Pauline  Groom: A.W. McSeveny  
0169  11/26/1958  4  5  M215  McSeveny, A.W.; M: Pauline  Bride: Frances Fate  
0169  11/26/1958  4  5  K260  Kucera, Larry (Infant F); B: Pauline  November 20th  
0169  12/03/1958  1  1  W123  Webster County Community Hospital; Hospital: Red Cloud  Photo; Fund drive for improvements  
0169  12/03/1958  1  2  K260  Kucera, Susan Marie; B: Hastings  November 22.  Father: Larry Kucera
0169  12/03/1958  1  4  S363  Stewart, Emma; Dn: Grand Island        
0169  12/03/1958  1  4  M216  McBride, Terrence Joseph; B: Red Cloud  November 26.  Father: James McBride
0169  12/03/1958  1  6  S656  Schriner, Robert Jess; B: Red Cloud  November 29.  Father: Paul W. Schriner
0169  12/03/1958  1  6  S545  Smullens, Ralph W. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  November 29th  
0169  12/03/1958  2  1  V250  Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  2  1  O425  Olson Auction Co.; Auctions: Hastings  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  2  1  F656  Farmers Union Co-op Association; Farm supplies: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  2  6  K620  Kirk, L.C.; Osteopathic Physician: Hastings  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  2  6  C656  Corner's Service; Auto service: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  2  7  R216  Raspberry, Gordon L.; Veterinarian: Red Cloud  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  R220  Ruschke, Carl (Mrs.); Bd: Bladen  91st
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  R200  Rose, George; Dn: Bladen  Father: J.C. Rose; died in San Diego, California
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  P412  Phillips, Clifford H.; County Attorney: Red Cloud  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  M635  Merten-Butler Funeral Home; Morticians: Blue Hill  Ad; also ambulance service
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  G653  Grand Island Rendering Co.; Livestock rendering: Grand Island  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  C224  Chicago Lumber Co.; Building supplies: Blue Hill  Ad; also appliances
0169  12/03/1958  3  2  W453  Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  7  F000  Foe, Howard S.; Attorney-at-law: Red Cloud  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  5  B652  Barnason's IGA Super Market; Grocery: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  1  M600  Meyer, Robert J.; Insurance: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  1  L632  Laird's Hobby Crafts; Crafts: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  1  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Pharmacy: Blue Hill  Ad; also toiletries and gifts
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  B532  Bentz Hilltop Floristry; Florist: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  S314  St. Paul's Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  H416  Helberg, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  H200  Hesse, D.D.; Calvary Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Rosemont  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  H155  Hofman, Martin F.; Trinity Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  5  P160  Peper, Eldon; Trucking: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  5  L400  Lull, C.C.; Medical doctor: Blue Hill  Ad; also eye treatment
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  A562  American Legion Post No. 176; Organization: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  B442  Blue Hill Clinic; General practice: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  L220  Lucas, Thomas; General practice: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  K500  Kamm, Frank; General practice: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  B532  Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm implements: Blue Hill  Ad; also appliances
0169  12/03/1958  4  7  S352  Scheiding, F.G.; Jewelry: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  7  K630  Kort, W.M.; Real Estate: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  7  S352  Scheidings Appliances; Appliance sales and service: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  5  6  V252  Vaughans Printers; Stationery: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  5  6  C514  Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician  : Campbell  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  5  7  P160  Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auction sales:  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  5  7  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Pharmacy: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  6  2  R160  Reiber, Reuben; Ann: Ayr  25th  
0169  12/03/1958  6  1  T256  The Commercial Bank; Bank: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  6  4  C636  Courtright's Food Market; Grocer  : Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  1  1  W123  Webster County Community Hospital; Hospital: Red Cloud  Photo; Fund drive for improvements  
0169  12/03/1958  1  2  K260  Kucera, Susan Marie; B: Hastings  November 22.  Father: Larry Kucera
0169  12/03/1958  1  4  S363  Stewart, Emma; Dn: Grand Island        
0169  12/03/1958  1  4  M216  McBride, Terrence Joseph; B: Red Cloud  November 26.  Father: James McBride
0169  12/03/1958  1  6  S656  Schriner, Robert Jess; B: Red Cloud  November 29.  Father: Paul W. Schriner
0169  12/03/1958  1  6  S545  Smullens, Ralph W. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud  November 29th  
0169  12/03/1958  2  1  V250  Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  2  1  O425  Olson Auction Co.; Auctions: Hastings  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  2  1  F656  Farmers Union Co-op Association; Farm supplies: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  2  6  K620  Kirk, L.C.; Osteopathic Physician: Hastings  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  2  6  C656  Corner's Service; Auto service: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  2  7  R216  Raspberry, Gordon L.; Veterinarian: Red Cloud  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  R220  Ruschke, Carl (Mrs.); Bd: Bladen  91st
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  R200  Rose, George; Dn: Bladen  Father: J.C. Rose; died in San Diego, California
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  P412  Phillips, Clifford H.; County Attorney: Red Cloud  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  M635  Merten-Butler Funeral Home; Morticians: Blue Hill  Ad; also ambulance service
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  G653  Grand Island Rendering Co.; Livestock rendering: Grand Island  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  1  C224  Chicago Lumber Co.; Building supplies: Blue Hill  Ad; also appliances
0169  12/03/1958  3  2  W453  Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  7  F000  Foe, Howard S.; Attorney-at-law: Red Cloud  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  3  5  B652  Barnason's IGA Super Market; Grocery: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  1  M600  Meyer, Robert J.; Insurance: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  1  L632  Laird's Hobby Crafts; Crafts: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  1  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Pharmacy: Blue Hill  Ad; also toiletries and gifts
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  B532  Bentz Hilltop Floristry; Florist: Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  S314  St. Paul's Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  H416  Helberg, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  H200  Hesse, D.D.; Calvary Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Rosemont  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  2  H155  Hofman, Martin F.; Trinity Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  5  P160  Peper, Eldon; Trucking: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  5  L400  Lull, C.C.; Medical doctor: Blue Hill  Ad; also eye treatment  
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  A562  American Legion Post No. 176; Organization: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  B442  Blue Hill Clinic; General practice: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  L220  Lucas, Thomas; General practice: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  K500  Kamm, Frank; General practice: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  6  B532  Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm implements: Blue Hill  Ad; also appliances  
0169  12/03/1958  4  7  S352  Scheiding, F.G.; Jewelry: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  7  K630  Kort, W.M.; Real Estate: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  4  7  S352  Scheidings Appliances; Appliance sales and service: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  5  6  V252  Vaughans Printers; Stationery: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  5  6  C514  Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician  : Campbell  Ad
0169  12/03/1958  5  7  P160  Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auction sales:  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  5  7  S621  Sawyer's Pharmacy; Pharmacy: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  6  2  R160  Reiber, Reuben; Ann: Ayr  25th  
0169  12/03/1958  6  1  T256  The Commercial Bank; Bank: Blue Hill  Ad  
0169  12/03/1958  6  4  C636  Courtright's Food Market; Grocer  : Blue Hill  Ad
0169  12/10/1958  1  3  K626  Krueger, Wendell (Infant F); B: Juniata  December 8.  
0169  12/10/1958  3  5  C400  Call, Mary Beth; B: Red Cloud  December 6.  
0169  12/10/1958  4  3  D650  Doran, Virginia; M: Hildreth  Groom: Leonard Wiegand  
0169  12/10/1958  4  3  W253  Wiegand, Leonard; M: Hildreth  Bride: Virginia Doran  
0169  12/10/1958  6  6  B242  Bucholz, D.R.; B: Hastings  December 8.  
0169  12/10/1958  1  3  K626  Krueger, Wendell (Infant F); B: Juniata  December 8.  
0169  12/10/1958  3  5  C400  Call, Mary Beth; B: Red Cloud  December 6.  
0169  12/10/1958  4  3  D650  Doran, Virginia; M: Hildreth  Groom: Leonard Wiegand  
0169  12/10/1958  4  3  W253  Wiegand, Leonard; M: Hildreth  Bride: Virginia Doran  
0169  12/10/1958  6  6  B242  Bucholz, D.R.; B: Hastings  December 8.  
0169  12/17/1958  1  3  S162  Siebrass, Dean Alan; B: Hastings  November 28.  Father: Donald Siebrass
0169  12/17/1958  1  4  S365  Stromer, Frieda; M: Glenvil  Groom: John Hoefer  
0169  12/17/1958  1  4  H160  Hoefer, John; M: Glenvil  Bride: Frieda Stromer  
0169  12/17/1958  1  4  D400  Dealey, Debby Lynn; B: Red Cloud  December 7.  Father: Joseph G. Dealey
0169  12/17/1958  1  3  S162  Siebrass, Dean Alan; B: Hastings  November 28.  Father: Donald Siebrass
0169  12/17/1958  1  4  S365  Stromer, Frieda; M: Glenvil  Groom: John Hoefer  
0169  12/17/1958  1  4  H160  Hoefer, John; M: Glenvil  Bride: Frieda Stromer  
0169  12/17/1958  1  4  D400  Dealey, Debby Lynn; B: Red Cloud  December 7.  Father: Joseph G. Dealey
0169  12/24/1958  1  2  P320  Potts, Lula May; D:  Husband: Arthur; children and siblings listed; died in The Dalles, Oregon  
0169  12/24/1958  1  6  H524  Henkel, Rudolph B.; D Accident: Campbell  Wife: Helen Henkel; children and siblings listed  
0169  12/24/1958  5  4  G655  German, Rex (Infant M); B: Cozad  December 13.  
0169  12/24/1958  1  2  P320  Potts, Lula May; D:  Husband: Arthur; children and siblings listed; died in The Dalles, Oregon  
0169  12/24/1958  1  6  H524  Henkel, Rudolph B.; D Accident: Campbell  Wife: Helen Henkel; children and siblings listed  
0169  12/24/1958  5  4  G655  German, Rex (Infant M); B: Cozad  December 13.  
0169  12/31/1958  1  2  G652  Grimes, E.L.; Dn Accident: Scottsbluff  Children and siblings listed  
0169  12/31/1958  1  3  M246  McCleery, Vera; Dn: Blue Hill  Husband: Carl K. McCleery; children listed; died in Gold Beach, Oregon  
0169  12/31/1958  1  4  L515  Lampman, Janice E.; M: Glenvil  Groom: Edward L. Skrdlant; Father: Harry E. Lampman  
0169  12/31/1958  1  4  S634  Skrdlant, Edward L.; M: Glenvil  Bride: Janice E. Lampman; Father: Joseph Skrdlant  
0169  12/31/1958  1  5  B526  Binger, Charles (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill  Children and siblings listed; died at Norton, Kansas  
0169  12/31/1958  4  3  G641  Gerloff, Paul  (Infant M); B: Hastings  December 22.
0169  12/31/1958  4  3  D600  Dyer, Paul; D: Grand Island  Wife: Edna Dyer; son and siblings listed  
0169  12/31/1958  1  2  G652  Grimes, E.L.; Dn Accident: Scottsbluff  Children and siblings listed  
0169  12/31/1958  1  3  M246  McCleery, Vera; Dn: Blue Hill  Husband: Carl K. McCleery; children listed; died in Gold Beach, Oregon  
0169  12/31/1958  1  4  L515  Lampman, Janice E.; M: Glenvil  Groom: Edward L. Skrdlant; Father: Harry E. Lampman  
0169  12/31/1958  1  4  S634  Skrdlant, Edward L.; M: Glenvil  Bride: Janice E. Lampman; Father: Joseph Skrdlant  
0169  12/31/1958  1  5  B526  Binger, Charles (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill  Children and siblings listed; died at Norton, Kansas  
0169  12/31/1958  4  3  G641  Gerloff, Paul  (Infant M); B: Hastings  December 22.
0169  12/31/1958  4  3  D600  Dyer, Paul; D: Grand Island  Wife: Edna Dyer; son and siblings listed


Newspaper Extraction Project

© 2000-2013 by NSHS, Ted & Carole Miller