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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0287 COLUMBUS DAILY TELEGRAM

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction 0287 10/01/1987 19 02 B242 Bucholz, Mrs. Emil; D-FN: Columbus d. Chula Vista CA, fun Chula Vista CA, former Col. 0287 10/01/1987 19 02 B420 Bielke, Christine M.; D: Columbus Obit 0287 10/02/1987 19 02 S345 Stillinger, Earle E.; D: Albion Obit 0287 10/02/1987 19 02 D120 Davis, Lawrence (Larry); D: Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 19 02 C500 Coan, Daniel (inf. M); B: Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 20 02 B260 Becher, Edgar F.; D Obit: Columbus Obit 0287 10/02/1987 20 02 H620 Horak, Emma; D: Schuyler Obit 0287 10/03/1987 20 02 B242 Bucholz, Emil; D-FN: Columbus d. Chula Vista CA, fun Chula Vista CA, former Col. 0287 10/03/1987 20 03 K620 Kresha, Anthony (inf. F); B: Columbus from Clear Lake 0287 10/03/1987 20 03 B622 Brichacek, Eugene (inf. F); B: Columbus from Schuyler 0287 10/02/1987 18 28 G300 Guyett, Tom; M: Columbus former Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 21 02 A425 Allison, Alex M.; D-FN: Omaha d. Omaha, from Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 21 02 B242 Bucholz, Clara; D: Columbus Obit, d. CA, funeral CA 0287 10/01/1987 21 02 B242 Bucholz, Emil; D: Columbus Obit, d. CA, funeral CA 0287 10/02/1987 21 02 Z200 Zoucha, Leona; D: Columbus Obit 0287 10/02/1987 21 02 B650 Beran, Gilbert J.; D: Schuyler 0287 10/02/1987 21 02 M635 Martenson, Lena F.; D: York d. York, from Monroe 0287 10/03/1987 21 02 W452 Williams, Marion; D Obit: Beatrice 0287 10/03/1987 21 02 D560 Donner, Richard (inf. M); B: Columbus from Duncan 0287 10/03/1987 21 02 S132 Spitz, Kurt (inf. F); B: Columbus, RR #2 0287 10/03/1987 21 02 S530 Smith, Michael (inf. M); B: Columbus from Osceola 0287 10/01/1987 22 02 A425 Allison, Alex M.; D: Omaha Obit, d. Omaha, from Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 22 02 S550 Semin, Edward A.; D: Butler Co. Obit, from David City 0287 10/02/1987 22 02 S530 Schmidt, Mark; D: formerly Humphrey Obit, d. Peoria IL 0287 10/02/1987 22 02 K452 Klimes, George; D: Schuyler Obit, from Clarkson 0287 10/03/1987 22 02 A453 Allinder, Elmer; D: Stromsburg Obit, from Osceola 0287 10/03/1987 22 03 B563 Baumert, Gary (inf. F); B: Columbus from Howells 0287 10/03/1987 22 03 F400 Fiala, Larry (inf. M); B: Columbus from David City 0287 10/03/1987 22 03 H520 Hanus, Richard (inf. M); B: Columbus 0287 10/03/1987 22 03 H320 Hitz, Brian (inf. M); B: Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 23 02 K200 Koza, Josephine; D: Omaha Obit, from Silver Creek, d. Omaha 0287 10/02/1987 23 02 L220 Lucas, Helen; D: Scottsbluff Obit, d. Scottsbluff, from Gering 0287 10/03/1987 23 02 S622 Swerczek, Frank; D: Columbus Obit, d. Monrovia CA 0287 10/03/1987 23 02 F600 Fry, Ethel Morgan; D: Wahoo Obit, from Wahoo, d. Oklahoma 0287 10/01/1987 25 02 K652 Krance, Daniel C.; D: Columbus Obit 0287 10/02/1987 25 02 B655 Biermann, Dennis; D: Columbus Obit, from Humphrey 0287 10/01/1987 25 14 H200 Hake, Erv - Caitau, Lonny; Sharkys; purchase of Co., pict: Columbus 0287 10/04/1987 25 14 B625 Borgmeyer, Rod; Nielsen Chevrolet; appointment, pict: Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 25 15 R340 Redel, Larry; First National Bank; V.P.: Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 25 15 B633 Brathwait, Rachel; First National Bank; V.P.: Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 25 25 M632 Martis, Amy; M: Lindsay from Lindsay 0287 10/01/1987 25 25 O165 O'Brien, Tim; M: Lindsay from Albion 0287 10/02/1987 25 25 M500 Moon, Jodie; M: Columbus from Columbus 0287 10/02/1987 25 25 C623 Christiansen, Chad; M: Columbus from Lincoln, m. Columbus 0287 10/02/1987 25 25 W420 Wallace, Karen; M: Columbus from N.J., m. in N.J. 0287 10/02/1987 25 25 W240 Wessel, Douglas; M: Columbus from Columbus, m. N.J. 0287 10/03/1987 25 25 L200 Laska, Linda; M: Columbus 0287 10/03/1987 25 25 P621 Prokupek, Patrick C.; M: Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 25 26 D423 Dahlkoetter, Joe; M: Columbus 0287 10/01/1987 25 26 B520 Bonk, Bev; M: Columbus

0287 10/02/1987 25 26 G652 Goering, Kimberly K.; M: Platte Center from Platte Center
0287 10/02/1987 25 26 J620 Jarosz, Carl G.; M: Platte Center from Humphrey
0287 10/02/1987 25 26 K640 Karel, David J.; M: Columbus from Columbus
0287 10/02/1987 25 26 C360 Ceder, Angela A.; M: Columbus from Monroe
0287 10/04/1987 25 26 S536 Saunders, JuLynn; M: Columbus m. Colorado, parents Columbus

0287 10/04/1987 25 26 S516 Sanford, Warren; M: Columbus m. Colorado
0287 10/01/1987 26 02 S152 Spence, Lloyd E.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 10/03/1987 26 02 B200 Bohac, Frank (Tuffy); D: David City Obit, from Schuyler, d. David City
0287 10/04/1987 26 02 N243 Nickolite, Neil M.; D: Duncan Obit
0287 10/04/1987 26 02 F253 Fosnot, Lestia; D: Schuyler Obit

0287 10/04/1987 26 02 W240 Wessel, Antoinette; D: Norfolk Obit, from Humphrey, d. Norfolk
0287 10/04/1987 26 02 C650 Curran, John T.; D: Boone Co. Obit, from Albion
0287 10/05/1987 26 02 A630 Aradt, Leona; D: Norfolk Obit
0287 10/05/1987 26 02 S420 Scholz, Mark T.; D: Butler Co. Obit, from Brainard
0287 10/05/1987 26 02 K630 Korth, Russell (inf. F); B: Columbus from Humphrey

0287 10/05/1987 26 02 H616 Harper, Melville (inf. M); B: Columbus RR #2
0287 10/01/1987 26 03 N243 Nickolite, Neil M.; D Acc: Duncan
0287 10/01/1987 26 05 K236 Kuester, Tracy; Homecoming Queen, pict: Leigh
0287 10/01/1987 26 05 O425 Olson, Mike; Homecoming King, pict: Leigh
0287 10/01/1987 27 02 M620 Merrick, Helen M.; D: Osceola Obit

0287 10/05/1987 27 02 M263 McCarthy, George (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/06/1987 27 02 F420 Fallys, Michael; B: Schuyler from Howells
0287 10/01/1987 28 02 B650 Brown, Terry L.; D: Lincoln Obit, d. Lincoln, formerly Columbus, from Wahoo
0287 10/01/1987 29 02 L255 Lechmann, Rev. Harold; D: Columbus Obit, d. Colorado, formerly Columbus
0287 10/02/1987 29 02 H400 Howell, Malcolm C.; D: Albion Obit, lived in Oregon, d. Chicago, from Albion

0287 10/01/1987 30 02 B326 Boettcher, Olga L.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 10/01/1987 30 02 C650 Cerny, Julius L.; D: Columbus Obit, DN, from Silver Creek, d. Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 30 02 S526 Schumacher, Jack W.; D: Omaha Obit, d. Omaha, formerly Platte Center
0287 10/02/1987 30 02 B426 Blaser, Lorene; D: Columbus Obit, d. Colorado, formerly Duncan
0287 10/03/1987 30 02 G000 Gay, Tobias (inf. F); B: Columbus

0287 10/03/1987 30 02 S160 Sueper, Melvin (inf. M); B: Columbus from Lindsay
0287 10/03/1987 30 02 R163 Roberts, William (inf. F); B: Schuyler from Columbus
0287 10/03/1987 30 02 S432 Sladek, Charles (inf. F); B: Schuyler
0287 11/01/1987 1 02 J520 Jones, Robert V.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 11/03/1987 1 02 E460 Eller, Mike (inf. M); B: Columbus from Shelby

0287 11/03/1987 1 02 K540 Kuhnel, Kraig (inf. M); B: Columbus from Stromsburg
0287 11/03/1987 1 02 N425 Nelson, Allen (inf. F); B: Columbus from Genoa
0287 11/04/1987 1 03 W460 Weller, Martin N. Jr.; D Acc
0287 11/01/1987 1 24 H200 Haas, Paula K.; M: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 1 24 P425 Pilkenton, Terry H.; M: Columbus

0287 11/01/1987 1 24 B532 Benedict, Mark; M: Lincoln from Columbus, m. Lincoln
0287 11/01/1987 1 24 S552 Simmons, Sandra; M: Lincoln
0287 11/02/1987 1 24 M600 Moore, Ray L.; M: Randolph from Lincoln, m. Randolph
0287 11/02/1987 1 24 G626 Gregorius, Lynn; M: Randolph from Lincoln, m. Randolph
0287 11/01/1987 2 02 D616 Dreifurst, Agnes T.; D: Columbus Obit

0287 11/02/1987 2 02 J525 Johnson, Violet M.; DN: Omaha
0287 11/02/1987 2 02 H412 Hellbusch, Marie; DN: Omaha
0287 11/02/1987 2 02 H400 Hall, Howard H.; D: Omaha Obit, d. Omaha, funeral Exeter
0287 11/03/1987 2 02 C400 Cheloha, Clara E.; DN: Columbus from Duncan
0287 11/03/1987 2 02 P153 Povondra, Edna Thomazin; DN: Omaha

0287 11/04/1987 2 02 R232 Richtig, Stazie; D: Stanton Obit
0287 11/04/1987 2 02 S430 Shuldt, Frank William; D: Central City Obit, d. Central City, funeral Clarks
0287 11/05/1987 2 02 K520 Knigge, John; D Acc: Dix
0287 11/06/1987 2 02 P635 Prothman, Daniel (inf. M); B: Columbus from rural Albion
0287 11/06/1987 2 02 P536 Ponder, Francis (inf. F); B: Columbus

0287 11/06/1987 2 02 F462 Fellers, James; B: Columbus from Genoa
0287 11/01/1987 3 02 J525 Johnson, Violet M.; D Obit: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 3 02 M624 Marshall, Lester (Smokey); DN: Columbus
0287 11/02/1987 3 02 C400 Cheloha, Clara; D Obit: Columbus
0287 11/02/1987 3 02 B236 Buechter, Elizabeth; DN: Omaha d. Omaha, from Columbus

0287 11/02/1987 3 02 B620 Brase, Robert L.; D Obit: Shelby
0287 11/03/1987 3 02 C650 Cerny, Julius L.; D Obit: Columbus
0287 11/06/1987 3 02 E145 Ebeling, George Bruce; D suicide: Fairbury
0287 11/06/1987 3 02 W325 Watson, Sherry; D murder: Fairbury
0287 11/05/1987 3 02 C650 Crane, Henry (inf. M); B: Columbus from rural Columbus

0287 11/05/1987 3 02 C552 Cummings, David (inf. M); B: Columbus from rural Norfolk
0287 11/06/1987 3 02 H246 Hassler, Kenneth (inf. M); B: Schuyler from Dodge
0287 11/02/1987 3 05 B620 Brase, Robert L.; D suicide: Shelby
0287 11/04/1987 4 02 B323 Budchter, Elizabeth C.; D Obit: Omaha from Columbus
0287 11/04/1987 4 02 F460 Floor, Marge; DN: Columbus d. Gillsville, GA

0287 11/04/1987 4 02 P625 Pearson, Helen; DN: St. Edward from Genoa
0287 11/04/1987 4 02 K510 Kemp, Michael E.; D Obit: Lincoln from Columbus
0287 11/05/1987 4 02 A536 Anderson, Lorraine; DN: Columbus from Osceola
0287 11/05/1987 4 02 B620 Borowiak, Ted; DN: Silver Creek
0287 11/06/1987 4 02 Y622 Yrkoski, Frank; D Obit: Grand Island from Silver Creek

0287 11/01/1987 4 03 H500 Hein, Adrian (inf. M); B: Columbus from St. Edward
0287 11/02/1987 4 03 K200 Koza, Russ (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 4 03 M265 McCormick, Michael S.; Crime, pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide: Columbus from Duncan
0287 11/01/1987 5 02 E524 Engel, Bertha; D Obit: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 5 02 M624 Marshall, Lester A. (Smokey); D Obit: Columbus

0287 11/02/1987 5 02 B620 Borowiak, Ted; D Obit: Silver Creek
0287 11/02/1987 5 02 F623 Froistad, Olaf; D Obit: Norfolk from Newman Grove
0287 11/03/1987 5 02 P625 Pearson, Helen; D Obit: St. Edward from Genoa
0287 11/03/1987 5 02 A536 Anderson, Lorraine; D Obit: Columbus from Osceola
0287 11/04/1987 5 02 A430 Alt, Nettie C.; D Obit: David City d. David City, of Osceola

0287 11/04/1987 5 02 S622 Swerczek, Frank P.; D: Duncan d. Monrovia CA, funeral CA, from Duncan
0287 11/02/1987 5 03 L250 Lueschen, Kevin (inf. M); B: Schuyler from Howells
0287 11/03/1987 5 11 M251 Meysenburg, Patrick & Suzanne (inf. F); B: Butler Co. David City
0287 11/03/1987 5 11 R100 Ryba, Kenneth (inf. M); B: Grand Island
0287 11/01/1987 6 05 O425 Olson, Earnest & Adella Hilger; 1st ann at Age 79 pict: Columbus

0287 11/01/1987 8 02 Z645 Zuerlein, Todd (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 8 02 T635 Tritten, Sara; D Obit: Columbus
0287 11/02/1987 8 02 H416 Halvorson, Florence; D Obit: Platte Center d. Sioux Falls SD, daughter at Platte Center
0287 11/01/1987 8 12 H130 Hefti, Hilbert & Mildred Nash; 50th Ann: Columbus
0287 11/03/1987 8 12 H320 Houdek, Emil & Mayme Spulak; 50th Ann: Columbus

0287 11/05/1987 8 12 M241 McElfresh, Hanson E. & Emma Pearse; 50th Ann: Columbus
0287 11/04/1987 8 25 M620 Myers, Pamela D.; M: Columbus
0287 11/04/1987 8 25 W635 Wurdeman, Byron; M: Columbus bride Pamela D. Myers
0287 11/04/1987 8 25 A452 Alms, Curtis; M: Columbus bride Caroline Cerny
0287 11/04/1987 8 25 C650 Cerny, Caroline; M: Columbus grrom Curtis Alms

0287 11/01/1987 8 26 G536 Guenther, Brian; M: Newman Grove bride Joni Broberg of Norfolk
0287 11/01/1987 8 26 B616 Broberg, Joni; M: Newman Grove groom Brian Guenther of Battle Creek
0287 11/01/1987 8 26 P623 Preister, Dan; M: Scotia bride Diane Bremer of Grand Island
0287 11/01/1987 8 26 B656 Bremer, Diane; M: Scotia groom Dan Preister of Genoa
0287 11/01/1987 9 01 C324 Cutshall, Jill; search for missing child: Norfolk

0287 11/01/1987 9 02 F220 Fuchs, Mary; DN: Madison from Humphrey
0287 11/01/1987 9 02 R300 Reed, Victor Leonard; D Obit: Grand Island from St. Edward
0287 11/03/1987 9 02 D320 Dodds, Elmer Wesley; D Obit: Osceola funeral Stromsburg
0287 11/04/1987 9 02 C140 Coufal, Leo H.; D Obit: Butler Co. from Brainard
0287 11/04/1987 9 02 I100 Ivey, Randolph P.; Crime Drugs: Columbus

0287 11/04/1987 9 03 O425 Olsan, John M.; Crime - chg. with robbery: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 9 05 O425 Ohlson, Terri; Homecoming Queen, pict: Monroe
0287 11/01/1987 9 05 C623 Carstenson, Rod; Homecoming King, pict: Monroe
0287 11/01/1987 9 05 H224 High school students; Platte Community College; Speech meet for 400: Columbus
0287 11/03/1987 9 05 K632 Kratochvil, Tom (Michaels, Jon); Bio, pict: Creston Disc jockey at KLIR

0287 11/01/1987 10 02 F220 Fuchs, Mary; D Obit: Madison
0287 11/02/1987 10 02 S326 Steger, Leonard Henry; D Obit: Central City
0287 11/01/1987 10 02 K142 Kapels, Brian (inf. M); B: Columbus from Creston
0287 11/02/1987 10 03 C324 Cutshall, Jill; search: Norfolk
0287 11/05/1987 10 05 F453 FFA land judging team; to compete in Natl in Okla: Newman Grove

0287 11/02/1987 10 06 E145 Ebeling, George Bruce; Crime-autopsy: Fairbury no drugs found to explain murder suicide
0287 11/01/1987 10 21 S136 Svatora, Leslie & Mary (son Benjamin Allen); B: Platte Center
0287 11/04/1987 10 21 K510 Knapp, Kim; benefit for disabled: Osceola
0287 11/01/1987 10 06 H564 Honor Roll: Shelby
0287 11/01/1987 10 06 S132 Sabatka, Chris; selected All State orchestra pict violin: Silver Creek

0287 11/01/1987 11 02 S534 Sindelar, Adolph; D Obit: Elkhorn from Schuyler
0287 11/06/1987 11 02 B620 Brock, James (inf. F); B: Columbus from Creston
0287 11/01/1987 11 03 K614 Kreifels, John; All State band pict, sax: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 11 04 C324 Cutshall, Jill; search for: Norfolk
0287 11/03/1987 12 05 F422 Fowlkes, Dena; qualified State gym meet, pict: Newman Grove

0287 11/01/1987 12 06 C324 Cutshall, Jill; search ends: Norfolk
0287 11/01/1987 13 02 G620 Gress, Elvin Harold; D Obit: Fullerton from Belgrade, funeral Fullerton
0287 11/01/1987 13 02 N550 Niemann, Harry Carl; D Obit: Grand Island from St. Edward, d. Grand Island
0287 11/03/1987 13 02 R252 Reginek, Margaret; D Obit: Wayne
0287 11/05/1987 13 05 B625 Bruckner, Dave; award for 14 hr service pony league, pict: Platte Center

0287 11/01/1987 15 02 S512 Simpson, Therisia M.; DN: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 15 02 R300 Rade, Arthur W.; D Obit: Osceola from Columbus
0287 11/02/1987 15 02 S165 Siffring, Raymond E.; D Obit: Omaha from Clarkson
0287 11/01/1987 15 05 K120 Kopecky, Albert; bio retired farmer: Newman Grove does carpentry and wood working for churches & nursing
0287 11/04/1987 15 05 R324 Ratzlaff, Nik; bio making art from junk: Kearney

0287 11/01/1987 15 12 B652 Bring, Pat; Smart Set IV, 2012 23rd St.; opens in Columbus: Columbus new beauty shop opening
0287 11/03/1987 15 22 O453 Olander, John & Fern Christensen; 40th Ann: Columbus
0287 11/04/1987 15 22 L220 Losecke, Jim & Judy Pillen; 25th Ann: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 15 23 S365 Storm, Darrel W.; M: Columbus from Albion, bride Ann M. Dubas
0287 11/01/1987 15 23 D120 Dubas, Ann M.; M: Columbus from Columbus, groom Darrel W. Storm

0287 11/04/1987 15 23 S540 Simley, Neal; M: Genoa from Lincoln, m. Genoa, bride Kathleen Nelson
0287 11/04/1987 15 23 N425 Nelson, Kathleen; M: Genoa from Lincoln, m. Genoa, groom Neal Simley
0287 11/01/1987 15 24 F652 Fehringer, Joseph V.; M: Columbus bride Bobbi Shotkoski
0287 11/01/1987 15 24 S322 Shotkoski, Bobbi; M: Columbus groom Joseph V. Fehringer
0287 11/03/1987 15 24 A654 Arnold, Caroline M.; M: Columbus m. Kansas City, from Columbus, groom Steven L. Becher

0287 11/03/1987 15 24 B260 Becher, Steven L.; M: Columbus m. Kansas City, bride Caroline M. Arnold
0287 11/01/1987 15 24 B526 Baumgart, Bradley; M: Columbus bride Patricia A. Harrington
0287 11/01/1987 15 24 H652 Harrington, Patricia A.; M: Columbus groom Bradley Baumgart
0287 11/01/1987 15 24 B650 Bryan, Tom; M: Columbus bride Kelley Korte
0287 11/01/1987 15 24 K630 Korte, Kelley; M: Columbus groom Tom Bryan

0287 11/01/1987 16 02 B652 Brunken Fred; D Obit: Columbus
0287 11/02/1987 15 21 S512 Simpson, Theresia M.; D Obit: Columbus
0287 11/04/1987 16 02 F620 Faris, Timothy R.; D Acc: Clatonia from Tecumseh
0287 11/01/1987 16 03 K120 Kopecky, Kevin (inf. F); B: Columbus from David City
0287 11/01/1987 16 03 W530 Wendt, James (inf. F); B: Columbus

0287 11/01/1987 16 03 B215 Busboom, Alan (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 11/04/1987 16 03 C451 Columbus High School; Honor List: Columbus
0287 11/03/1987 16 05 B162 Beaver City General Store, G. W. Shafer & Son; History since 1907
0287 11/04/1987 16 06 W360 Weather: Kimball I-80 closed at Kimball, 12 inches snow Mullen
0287 11/01/1987 17 02 S324 Stejskal, Rena B.; D Obit: Lincoln from Albion

0287 11/01/1987 17 02 W422 Wilcox, Alta G.; D Obit: Madison from Albion
0287 11/02/1987 17 02 G634 Groteluschen, Rita; D Obit: Genoa d. Rochester MN, funeral MN, formerly Genoa
0287 11/01/1987 17 03 B400 Bell, Jerry (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 11/02/1987 17 03 W260 Wicker, Richard (inf. F); B: Schuyler from Richland
0287 11/01/1987 17 05 6135 60 bed nursing home to be built: Genoa 1.35 facility to be built

0287 11/01/1987 17 21 R263 Richards, Kurt; bio: Fullerton computerized feed lot
0287 11/02/1987 17 21 F250 Fujan, Dave; bio, starts hog buying sta IBP: Pickrell starts the station
0287 11/01/1987 17 02 N552 Newman Grove H.S.; Honor Roll: Newman Grove
0287 11/01/1987 17 02 S365 Stromsburg H.S.; Honor Roll: Stromsburg
0287 11/03/1987 17 02 D132 David City Aquinas H.S.; Honor Roll: David City

0287 11/01/1987 17 03 S416 Silver Creek H.S.; Honor Roll: Silver Creek
0287 11/02/1987 17 03 R252 Rising City H.S.; Honor Roll: Rising City
0287 11/01/1987 17 04 D132 David City H.S.; National Honor Soc.: David City
0287 11/01/1987 18 02 R120 Reeves, Ruby; D Obit: Fullerton
0287 11/02/1987 18 02 S260 Schaecher, Donald A.; DN: Boone Co. from Lindsay

0287 11/03/1987 18 02 K460 Kohler, Gordon E.; D Obit: Richland d. Ore, from Richland
0287 11/01/1987 18 02 R000 Riha, Randy (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 11/03/1987 18 03 C451 Columbus High School; Honor Roll: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 19 02 S260 Schaecher, Donald; D Obit: Lindsay
0287 11/02/1987 19 02 B624 Brickel, Raymond W.; D Obit: Albion

0287 11/03/1987 19 02 C200 Cook, Eldon (Al) S.; DN: Omaha d. Omaha, from Albion
0287 11/03/1987 19 02 A526 Ainsworth, Milton J.; D Obit: Norfolk d. Norfolk, from Madison
0287 11/01/1987 19 05 T125 Tobiason, Tim (pict); Designer Premixes Inc.; Phosphate plant: Silver Creek
0287 11/01/1987 19 09 H621 Hirshbrunner, Dick; 17 point tropy deer: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 20 02 C300 Cada, Bohous, A.; D Obit: Schuyler

0287 11/02/1987 20 02 C200 Cook, Eldon (Al) S.; D Obit: Albion
0287 11/03/1987 20 02 B632 Brdick, Floyd; D Obit: Fullerton from Albion
0287 11/04/1987 20 02 K310 Kadavy, Joseph J.; D Obit: Dwight funeral Brainard, from Dwight
0287 11/04/1987 20 02 S425 Selichnow, Brad A.; Crime: Columbus pleaded guilty
0287 11/04/1987 20 02 J520 Johannes, Myron (inf. M); B: Columbus

0287 11/04/1987 20 03 W600 Wray, Anthony J.; D Acc: Milford
0287 11/04/1987 20 03 C451 Columbus High S. , pict.; All State singers: Columbus
0287 11/04/1987 20 05 P212 Pospisil, Jim; pict.; All State band, fr horn: Rising City
0287 11/04/1987 20 05 B520 Bemis, Penny; pict.; All State band, clarinet: Rising City
0287 11/01/1987 22 02 N425 Nelson, Marvin G.; D Obit: Lincoln from Columbus

0287 11/01/1987 22 02 S462 Slerka, Frank; D Obit: Schuyler
0287 11/02/1987 22 02 O634 Oridel, Frank V.; D Obit: Schuyler from Clarkson
0287 11/02/1987 22 02 V520 Vanek, Edward; D Obit: Central City from Silver Creek, funeral Ord, d. Central City
0287 11/03/1987 22 02 N362 Nadrachal, Dorothy; D Obit: Schuyler Schuyler
0287 11/04/1987 22 02 M655 Mohrman, James (inf. F); B: Columbus from Monroe

0287 11/04/1987 22 02 W635 Wurdeman, Andrew (inf. M); B: Columbus from Platte Center
0287 11/01/1987 22 12 C624 Churchill, Gloria (pict); Bookworm; moves to Pioneer Plaza: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 22 20 W300 Witte, Mr. & Mrs. Herman; 50th Ann: Yutan
0287 11/01/1987 22 20 W300 Witte, Mr. & Mrs. Ferd; 50th Ann: Yutan
0287 11/02/1987 22 20 H430 Held, Robert & Lorraine Schroeder; 25th Ann: Leigh

0287 11/03/1987 22 20 H160 Hofbauer, Timothy D.; M: Osceola bride Tammie M. Colitzas
0287 11/03/1987 22 20 C432 Colitzas, Tammie M.; M: Osceola groom Timothy D. Hofbauer
0287 11/04/1987 22 20 A632 Arduser, Mark Allan; M: Silver Creek from Randolph, bride Danette K. Bialas
0287 11/04/1987 22 20 B420 Bialas, Danette K.; M: Silver Creek groom Mark A. Ardusen
0287 11/05/1987 22 20 N246 Nagler, Paul Joseph; M: Columbus from Fort Worth, m. in Dallas, bride Sara Schultz

0287 11/05/1987 22 20 S432 Schultz, Sara L.; M: Columbus from Dallas, m. Dallas, groom Paul Nagler
0287 11/04/1987 22 21 W260 Wieser, Joseph Patrick; M: Humphrey from Humphrey, bride Sheri A. Babel
0287 11/04/1987 22 21 B140 Babel, Sheri A.; M: Humphrey from Lindsay, groom Joseph Patrick Wieser
0287 11/01/1987 23 02 K560 Kummer, Elmer E.; D Obit: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 23 02 P450 Pelan, Leonard E.; D Obit: David City

0287 11/01/1987 23 02 S530 Smith, Fay M. Mary; DN: David City from Bellwood, d. David City
0287 11/01/1987 23 02 M632 Martischang, Frank; DN: Madison from Lindsay, d. Madison
0287 11/01/1987 23 02 Y520 Young, Clifford W.; D Obit: Albion
0287 11/02/1987 23 02 C300 Choat, Elmer R.; D Obit: Omaha from St. Edward, d. Omaha
0287 11/03/1987 23 02 M220 McKeag, Harlan; D Obit: Omaha from Osceola, d. Omaha

0287 11/03/1987 23 02 S250 Shagunn, Elsie; D Obit: Norfolk from Newman Grove, d. Norfolk
0287 11/03/1987 23 02 A536 Anderson, Florence O.; D Obit: Genoa from Clarks, d. Genoa
0287 11/03/1987 23 02 B220 Bosak, Mr. & Mrs. Todd (inf. F); B: Columbus from Genoa
0287 11/04/1987 23 02 L532 Landkamer, Mike & Katherine; 40th Ann: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 24 02 L536 Lindhorst, Kenneth R.; D Obit: Lincoln formerly Columbus

0287 11/02/1987 24 02 S530 Smith, Mary; D Obit: David City from Bellwood, d. David City
0287 11/02/1987 24 02 M632 Martischang, Frank; D Obit: Madison from Lindsay, d. Madison
0287 11/03/1987 24 02 D424 Dolezal, Anton B.; D Obit: Schuyler
0287 11/03/1987 24 02 S200 Skoog, Harold O.; DN: Genoa d. Maryland, from Genoa
0287 11/04/1987 24 02 C514 Campbell, John (inf. F): Columbus from Tarnov

0287 11/04/1987 24 02 M426 Melcher, Eric (inf. M); B: Columbus from Monroe
0287 11/04/1987 24 02 S652 Sarnek, Terry (inf. M); B: Columbus from Rising City
0287 11/04/1987 24 02 W200 Wiese, John (inf. F); B: Schuyler from Dodge
0287 11/03/1987 24 03 L212 Lakeview speech teem (pict) placement in Platte tourna.: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 24 05 L532 Lindsay Tree Festival; 650 attend: Lindsay

0287 11/01/1987 24 01 B200 Baxa, Jim & Becky (pict); Turkey farm: Richland
0287 11/01/1987 24 02 S316 St. Francis; Honor Roll: Humphrey
0287 11/03/1987 24 02 C536 Central High School; Honor Roll: Schuyler
0287 11/03/1987 24 02 B200 Bohac, Emma; 85th B.D.: Schuyler
0287 11/01/1987 24 03 H516 Humphrey High; honor roll: Humphrey

0287 11/01/1987 24 03 G522 Genoa High School; honor roll: Genoa
0287 11/01/1987 25 02 D360 Didier, Richard; D Obit: Butler Co.
0287 11/02/1987 25 02 T630 Treude, Margaret; D Obit: Columbus d. San Francisco CA, formerly Columbus
0287 11/02/1987 25 02 J210 Jacobi, Todd (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 11/03/1987 25 02 S520 Shonka, Allen (inf. M); B: Schuyler

0287 11/03/1987 25 02 N250 Neesen, Bill (inf. F); B: Schuyler
0287 11/01/1987 26 02 A235 Austin, Eunice B.; D Obit: Stromsburg
0287 11/03/1987 26 02 R150 Rubin, Walter F.; DN: Meadow Grove of Meadow Grove, formerly Columbus
0287 11/05/1987 26 16 C451 Columbus Scotus H.S.; Honor Roll: Columbus
0287 11/03/1987 26 20 C451 Columbus Lakeview; Honor Roll: Columbus

0287 11/01/1987 27 02 R000 Rhea, Harold; DN: Columbus from Rogers, d. Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 27 02 S113 Svoboda, Tillie R.; D Obit: Schuyler
0287 11/02/1987 27 02 B660 Brower, Robert; D Obit: Lincoln d. Lincoln, formerly Fullerton
0287 11/03/1987 27 02 H256 Housner, Frank E.; D Obit: Brainard
0287 11/01/1987 27 05 D125 Dobson, Thelma; bio pict beautician: Cedar Rapids

0287 11/01/1987 29 02 R000 Rhea, Harold E.; D Obit: Columbus from Rogers, d. Columbus
0287 11/02/1987 29 02 N425 Nelson, Myron E.; D Obit: Albion from Newman Grove, d. Albion
0287 11/03/1987 29 02 B620 Bourks, Herbert; DN: Omaha d. Omaha, funeral Genoa
0287 11/03/1987 29 05 P622 Prochaska, Joe; Bio pict tuba player: Abie
0287 11/01/1987 29 14 C200 Casey, Richard F.; Columbus Bank & Trust; elected Bd. of Dir. pict: Columbus

0287 11/03/1987 29 22 M220 Micek, Stephanie; Teenager of the month: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 29 23 N425 Nelson, Ron & Nellie; 45th Ann: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 29 23 F456 Feilmeier, Mr. & Mrs. Hugo; 50th Ann: Columbus
0287 11/01/1987 29 24 M220 Micek, Charles; M: Silver Creek from Columbus, bride Sandra D. Carman, m. Silver Creek
0287 11/01/1987 29 24 C655 Carman, Sandra D.; M: Silver Creek groom Charles Micek

0287 11/02/1987 29 24 C455 Clemente, Carol J.; M: Columbus m. Albuquerque, groom Phillip A. Upham
0287 11/02/1987 29 24 A500 Auham, Phillip A.; M: Columbus m. Albuquerque, bride Carol J. Clemente
0287 11/02/1987 29 24 T460 Taylor, Joan M.; M: Columbus groom Kevin L. Bennett
0287 11/02/1987 29 24 B530 Bennett, Kevin L.; M: Columbus bride Joan M. Taylor
0287 11/01/1987 30 02 D160 DeVore, Pearl R.; D Obit: Columbus d. KS, from Columbus

0287 11/01/1987 30 02 L256 Lockner, Fianna; D Obit: Schuyler
0287 11/02/1987 30 02 H240 Hoesly, Barbara; D Obit: Madison d. Madison, from Creston
0287 11/03/1987 30 02 B620 Bourks, Herbert L.; D Obit: Omaha funeral Genoa
0287 11/03/1987 30 02 F624 Frizzell, Dale; DN: Omaha from Osceola
0287 11/04/1987 30 03 K630 Korth, Michael (inf. M); B: Columbus from Newman Grove

0287 11/04/1987 30 03 K460 Kuehler, Donovan (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 12/04/1987 1 02 C636 Carter, Kenneth (inf. M); B: Columbus from St. Edward
0287 12/04/1987 1 02 F462 Fellers, Jeffrey (inf. M); B: Columbus from Genoa
0287 12/04/1987 1 02 L520 Lange, Thomas (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 12/04/1987 1 02 Y235 Yosten, Chris (inf. M); B: Columbus from Clarkson

0287 12/04/1987 1 02 H635 Harding, Frances E.; D Acc: Ames car acc.
0287 12/01/1987 1 03 S625 Scherzinger, Arlene; D Obit: Omaha from Columbus
0287 12/01/1987 1 03 M642 Morlok, Anna; D Obit: Columbus
0287 12/02/1987 1 03 J525 Johnson, David; DN: Platte Center d. TX
0287 12/03/1987 1 03 F624 Frizzell, Dale; D Obit: Omaha from Osceola

0287 12/03/1987 1 03 W435 Welding, Lloyd; D Obit: West Point
0287 12/04/1987 1 03 P362 Peterson, Alma; D Obit: Central City formerly Lindsay
0287 12/01/1987 1 05 F624 Frizzell, Dale; D article: Omaha additonal to obit was Polk Co. Clerk bio
0287 12/01/1987 1 05 C516 Cemper, Rich; crime: Columbus pleaded guilty to drug charges
0287 12/01/1987 1 05 V520 Venus, Jimmy D.; crime: Columbus pleaded guilty to drug charges

0287 12/01/1987 1 04 L220 Leigh H.S.; Honor Roll: Leigh
0287 12/01/1987 1 05 D132 David City; Honor Roll: David City
0287 12/01/1987 2 02 K552 Kamenske, Chris T.; D Obit: Columbus from Bellwood
0287 12/01/1987 2 02 M400 Malley, Antonia; D Obit: David City
0287 12/01/1987 2 02 M620 Myers, Hettie F.; D Obit: Fullerton

0287 12/02/1987 2 02 P362 Peterson, Alma A.; D Obit: Columbus
0287 12/03/1987 2 02 P412 Phillips, Reed (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 12/03/1987 2 02 S146 Siebler, Kelvin (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 D325 Data Center of NE: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 D242 Douglas & Lomason: Columbus AD

0287 12/02/1987 2 13 E231 Equitable Savings & Loan: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 E652 Ernst Auto Center: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 T223 The Exhaust Shop: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 F654 Farmily Thrift Center: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 F623 First Federal Lincoln: Columbus AD

0287 12/02/1987 2 13 F623 First National Bank & Trust: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 F426 Fleischer Drug: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 F655 Foreman Cash Lumber Co.: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 F655 Fremont Office Supply: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 G251 Gass Haney Funeral Home: Columbus AD

0287 12/03/1987 2 13 G643 Gerhold Co.: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 H522 Hinze Chiropractic Center: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 H000 Hy-Vee Food Store: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 J252 Jackson Service: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 J420 Joe & Al's: Columbus AD

0287 12/03/1987 2 13 K424 Kelly Jewelry: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 L625 Larson Florine: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 02 T423 Tooley's Drug Store; drug stores: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 02 C451 Columbus I; movie theater: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 02 C451 Columbus I; movie theater: Columbus AD

0287 12/04/1987 2 02 C451 Columbus II; movie theater: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 02 H630 Hurt, Dororthy, R.N.; Diet Center; diet cent.: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 02 J620 Jarecke, Jerry & Walthorn, Jerry; Master Care; carpet cleaning: Columbus AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 02 F546 Family Rent-a-Car; car rental: Columbus AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 02 J526 J & M Carwash; car wash: Columbus AD

0287 12/06/1987 2 02 N162 Nebraskaland/Safelite; auto glass: Columbus AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 02 N310 NETV; public television: Columbus AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 02 C523 Connecting Point; computers: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 03 F426 Fleischer Rexall; drug store: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 03 O163 Overhead Door; garage doors: Columbus AD

0287 12/03/1987 2 03 P363 Photo Arts (Westgate Center); photography: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 03 B632 Bert's Music; music store: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 03 P230 Pizza Hut; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 03 A612 Arby's; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 03 F655 Fremont Office Equip; office equip: Columbus AD

0287 12/05/1987 2 03 O522 Owen's Associates; stockbrokers: Columbus AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 03 G651 Green Valley Implement; farm equip.: Fremont AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 05 M235 McDonald's; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 05 A321 A Touch of Cuisine; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 05 T225 Taco Johns; restaurant: Columbus AD

0287 12/03/1987 2 05 M532 Mandy's Restaurant; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 05 N643 New World's Inn; motel, restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 05 C212 Cookbook; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 05 B653 Branding Iron; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 06 K460 KLIR; radio station: Columbus AD

0287 12/04/1987 2 07 B125 Bob's General Merchandise; tools, etc.: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 07 C526 Camcorder: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 08 V453 Valentino's; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 08 T420 Tooleys; drug store: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 08 E231 Equitable S & L Assoc.; S & L: Columbus AD

0287 12/01/1987 2 10 R221 R.C. I.G.A. Foodliner; grocery store: Albion AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 10 H261 Husker Bar; bar: Schuyler AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 10 S142 Spulaks Ready to Wear; clothing: Schuyler AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 10 C412 Colfax Co. Implement Co.: Schuyler AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 10 S462 Schuyler State & Trust; bank: Schuyler AD

0287 12/01/1987 2 10 H650 Horne, Jim & Kathy; Floral & Greenhouse; florist: Schuyler AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 10 D362 Didiers Grocery; grocery: Schuyler AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 10 T153 Top Notch; restaurant?: Schuyler AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 10 S426 Solger, Nicholas & Wewel, James P.; Family Dentistry; dentist: Schuyler AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 10 B153 B & B Motor Supply: Albion AD

0287 12/02/1987 2 10 N354 National Bank of Albion; bank: Albion AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 10 M424 Muehlich Oil: Schuyler AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 10 G526 Gene's Restaurant; restaurant: Schuyler AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 10 B226 Bosh's Restaurant; restaurant: Schuyler AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 10 M246 McClures Flowers; florist: Schuyler AD

0287 12/02/1987 2 10 H515 Ham Bone Inc.: Schuyler AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 10 K323 Keith's TV Repair; TV: Albion AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 10 K355 Kayton Interior Inc.: Albion AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 10 W252 Wasenius Paint; paint: Schuyler AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 10 R525 Reinecke Motor Co.: Schuyler AD

0287 12/03/1987 2 10 D122 Dufeks Jack & Jill: Schuyler AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 10 P621 Prokupek Shoes: Schuyler AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 10 P120 Pepsi-Cola: Schuyler AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 10 L232 Last Chance Bar: Schuyler AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 10 C663 Carhart Lumber: Albion AD

0287 12/04/1987 2 10 S421 Schalk Ford: Albion AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 10 A415 Albion National Bank: Albion AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 10 A415 Albion Liquor: Albion AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 10 W332 Whited & Sons; farm equip.: Albion AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 10 B516 Ben Franklin; variety store: Schuyler AD

0287 12/04/1987 2 10 T614 True Value; hardware: Schuyler AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 10 S461 Schuyler Pharmacy: Schuyler AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 10 N264 Neujahr Realty: Schuyler AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 10 H264 Husker Oil; Conoco: Schuyler AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 10 W235 Wayside Inn; restaurant: Schuyler AD

0287 12/04/1987 2 10 D323 Dudeks Dept Store: Schuyler AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 10 R322 Radio Shack: Schuyler AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 10 T511 Tiny Bubbles; bar & grill: Schuyler AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 10 S312 Steve's Drive In Liquor: Schuyler AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 10 A652 Arrow Inn Caf?; restaurant: Schuyler AD

0287 12/05/1987 2 10 M323 Midwest Feed Mill: Schuyler AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 10 K260 Kucera-Rozanek; chapel: Schuyler AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 10 S462 Schuyler Co-op: Schuyler AD
0287 12/05/1987 2 10 F536 Fendricks Feed: Schuyler AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 10 W163 Weber Auto Parts: Schuyler AD

0287 12/06/1987 2 10 R324 Roth's Oil Co., Sinclair: Schuyler AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 10 T525 Town & Country Dress Shop: Schuyler AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 10 D614 Drueppel Repair; car repair: Schuyler AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 10 P522 Pancho's; restaurant (chix): Schuyler AD
0287 12/06/1987 2 10 F623 First National Bank: Schuyler AD

0287 12/06/1987 2 10 C552 Cunningham Drug: Schuyler AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 12 P123 Pabst Blue Ribbon: ? AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 12 K461 KLIR FM 101: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 A652 Aerni & Sons; well drilling: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 A436 Allied Tour & Travel: Columbus AD

0287 12/01/1987 2 13 A562 American Heartland Ins.: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 A516 A. & M. Printing: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 A536 Anderson Floral: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 B455 Behlen Man Co: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 B621 Brass Buckle: Columbus AD

0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C325 Citizens Bank & Trust Co.: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C434 Coldwell Bankers: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C451 Columbus Bank & Trust: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C451 Columbus Cleaners: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C451 Columbus Federal: Columbus AD

0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C451 Columbus Sales Pavillion: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C451 Columbus Tire & Service Center: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C212 Cookbook Restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/01/1987 2 13 C652 Cornhusker Office Supply: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 C652 Cornhusker Power Dist: Columbus AD

0287 12/02/1987 2 13 C536 Country Style Floral: Columbus AD
0287 12/02/1987 2 13 D442 Dale Electronics: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 L163 Loup Power Dist.: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 L626 Lohr 66 Service: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 M262 McChristy Jewelers: Columbus AD

0287 12/03/1987 2 13 M235 McDonalds; restaurant: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 M251 McKown Funeral Home: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 M655 Moorman Manufacturing Co.: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 M621 Mr. Wise Buys: Columbus AD
0287 12/03/1987 2 13 N643 New World Inn: Columbus AD

0287 12/04/1987 2 13 N425 Nielson Chevrolet: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 N632 Northwestern Motor Service: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 O451 Olympia Village: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 O135 Optometric Center: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 J215 J.C. Penney Co.: Columbus AD

0287 12/04/1987 2 13 P625 Person's Sport Shop: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 P612 Professional Eyewear: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 R262 Rogers Riley Motor Co.: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 R216 Russ Super Foods: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 S163 Sapp Brothers: Columbus AD

0287 12/04/1987 2 13 S536 Schneider OK Tire Service: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 S626 Sears Roebuck & Co.: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 S223 Showcase Waterbeds: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 W165 Weber Insurance Agency: Columbus AD
0287 12/04/1987 2 13 W536 Wunderlichs Catering: Columbus AD

0287 12/03/1987 2 03 P362 Pieters, LaVerne & Pieters, Sandi; pict. & article: Columbus fund for injured man, story of the family


Newspaper Extraction Project

© 2000-2013 by NSHS, Ted & Carole Miller