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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 1321  WEEPING WATER REPUBLICAN

(for instructions go here)

Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

1321 07/27/1893 4 02 P362 Peterson, James (Mrs.); MENTAL HEALTH : Arrived in McCook from Aurora Refutes story of her attempted suicide
1321 07/27/1893 4 02 D000 Day, Warren; FIRE: Tamora Fire destroys businesses
1321 07/27/1893 4 02 P500 Pinney, J. E.; FIRE: Tamora Fire destroys businesses
1321 07/27/1893 4 02 H245 Highland, S. A. (Mr.); FIRE: Tamora Fire destroys businesses
1321 07/27/1893 4 02 C514 Campbell & Field; FIRE: Tamora Fire destroys businesses

1321 07/27/1893 4 02 O240 Oakley, W. L. (Mr.); D: Elkhorn Tramp killed by train, papers in pocket notes employed in 1891 by New York Compt
1321 07/27/1893 4 02 S530 Smith, A. O. (Mr.) (Infant); D: Newport Object stuck in throat, died enroute to Omaha
1321 07/27/1893 4 02 T260 Tucker, George W; CRIME: Fremont Serving time for drunkenness
1321 07/27/1893 4 02 W420 Wells, John; CRIME: Fremont Serving time for drunkenness
1321 07/27/1893 7 01 Y552 Yeomans, B. C. (Mr.); CRIME: Lincoln Charged with black mail

1321 07/27/1893 7 01 B346 Butler, Charrie (sic) (Miss); BD: Weeping Water Gives birthday party for mother
1321 07/27/1893 7 02 W425 Wilson, Frank; EMPLOYMENT: Plattsmouth Appointed steward and bookkeeper for feeble minded at Beatrice
1321 07/27/1893 7 02 S651 Schrumpf, Christ; MOVING: Weeping Water Leaving for Wisconsin where has a sister, in receipt of money from brothers est
1321 07/27/1893 7 03 H400 Hall, James (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Eight Mile Grove Cancer
1321 07/27/1893 7 03 H635 Hurd (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Dr. Thomas treating broken ankle of son, from Berlin

1321 07/27/1893 7 03 W423 Wolcott, Al
1321 07/27/1893 7 03 W423 Wolcott, Frank; MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to California
1321 08/03/1893 2 03 C632 Critchfield, W. P. (Mr.) (Dau.); FIRE: Weeping Water Dau. sets bed on fire
1321 08/03/1893 2 03 H400 Hall, George ; D: Alvo News of mothers death
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 S512 Sampson, M. A. (Mr.); MISC: Elm Creek Hardware business failed

1321 08/03/1893 4 01 P362 Peters, George W. ; D: Lincoln Lincoln architect died in Dayton, Ohio
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 S530 Smith, George; CRIME: North Platte Paxton man fined for stealing overcoat of Max Einstein at North Platte
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 H535 Huntington, E. J. (Mr.); MISC: Brady Island Notified of New York inheritance
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 H625 Harrison, George; D: Emerson Kicked by horse
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 A130 Abbott, Ella (Miss); EMPLOYMENT: Loup Co. Appointed Superintendent of Public Instruction

1321 08/03/1893 4 01 Y230 Yost, D. J. (Mr.) ; ACCIDENT: Sumner Son thrown from and stepped on by horse
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 P625 Person, Carl M. ; MOVING: Stanton Shoe repair and harness shop owner moving to Houston, Texas
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 B420 Block, John; FIRE: Petersburg Boys playing with matches, barn, corn crib, and grain destroyed
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 B620 Borowiak, Leo ; CRIME: Columbus Home burglaries
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 D120 Davis, Charles; CRIME: Columbus Home burglaries

1321 08/03/1893 4 01 G324 Gottschalk, Fred; CRIME: Columbus Home burglaries
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 S435 Sheldon, C. H. (Mr.); CRIME: Columbus Home burglaries
1321 08/03/1893 4 01 J520 Jones, Clarence B.; CRIME: Cozad Robbed in home at gun point
1321 08/03/1893 4 02 W425 Wilson, Cyrus; D: Virginia Coroner Albright called to home
1321 08/03/1893 4 02 S600 Sawyer, James (Mrs.); CRIME: Red Cloud Assaulted by tramp in home

1321 08/03/1893 4 02 G600 Gray, Thomas; MISC: Murray Bitten by rattlesnake
1321 08/03/1893 4 02 G152 Givens, R. C. (Mr.); CRIME: Lincoln Painter charged with felonious assault on Louis Poska
1321 08/03/1893 4 02 P425 Paulsen, Ed; CRIME: Arlington Shot in hip by tramp found in home
1321 08/03/1893 4 02 D242 Douglas, William; CRIME: Franklin Cashier charged with embezzlement
1321 08/03/1893 4 02 I620 Irig, Lewis; D: Chadron Continuous sleep for 3 mths

1321 08/03/1893 7 01 E152 Evans, Fred; MISC: Weeping Water Veterinarian bandages injured horse of J. Chase
1321 08/03/1893 7 01 P456 Palmer, C. D. (Mr.); CRIME: Nehawka Award offered for vandals who destroyed household contents
1321 08/03/1893 7 01 C400 Cole, Seth; LEGAL: Weeping Water Jury awards damages for team and wagon seized by D. Woodard
1321 08/03/1893 7 01 C400 Cole, Ed; LEGAL: Weeping Water Jury awards damages for team and wagon seized by D. Woodard
1321 08/03/1893 7 02 K600 Kerr, C. Herbert; MISC: Weeping Water Boy pianist

1321 08/03/1893 7 02 L000 Lee, Victor; D : Cedar Creek Louisville farmer drowns in Platte River
1321 08/03/1893 7 03 M230 McAdie, Eph (Mr.); EMPLOYMENT: Weeping Water Hotel Gibbons second cook
1321 08/03/1893 7 03 M624 Marshall, John; MISC: Weeping Water Planning trip to boyhood town in England
1321 08/03/1893 7 04 C636 Carter, Marshall; LEGAL: Weeping Water Home sold to satisfy court judgment
1321 08/03/1893 7 04 H400 Hall, James (Honorable) (Mrs.); D: Eight Mile Grove

1321 08/03/1893 7 04 M143 Mayfield, Emeline; LEGAL: Weeping Water Suit against Henry Bolln (sic) for damage to residence
1321 08/03/1893 7 04 H523 Hungate (Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Doctors wife purchases former home of Dr. J. E. Hall, to be occupied by Mr. C.


Newspaper Extraction Project

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