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Reports of Committees.


   Your committee beg leave to report that the accounts of Treasurer Secretary, and missionary monies distributed by the Presiding Elders, have been carefully examined, and we find them all correct.
spacerG. W. Norris, J. B. Leedom, Wm. Esplin, G. A. Luce.

American Bible Society.

   WHEREAS, the Bible is God's Word, and is the only authentic history of the scheme and plan of redemption and salvation, and contains the only divine standard of morality and spiritual life; therefore every one ought to have, and it is our duty to provide, as far as possible, that every one may have, a Bible; and
   WHEREAS, the American Bible Society is one of the best equipped agencies to this end, is undenominational in its character, tends to the univication of Protestantism, and has the special endorsement of out General Conference, therefore be it
   Resolved, That we will earnestly endeavor to awaken our people to the importance of this duty, and try to secure largely increased collections for the same.
spacerD. C. Worts, W. A.. Wilson, W. H. Carter, Wm. Van Buren.

Church Extension.

   We rejoice that Dr. A. J. Kynett, the father of this society, with mental vision undimmed and ardent devotion unabated is still at the helm in this day of need and peril.
   The thrilling words, unflagging energy, consuming zeal, and amazing activity of our apocalyptic Spencer stir our emotions, command our admiration, and, awaken within us a high resolve concerning our activity and devotion during the coming year. We thank God for bringing to His Kingdom such a man for such a time as this. We do not forget our obligations to this great arm of power in our Zion. It has been our helper in too many places, and upon too many occasions, for such ingratitude or indifference on our part. In this day, when its very beneficence -- of which we have been such large sharers -- threatens to paralyze its work, it shall be recompensed at our hands. In making this promise we do not forget our fruitless fields, and blighted harvests; but we are mindful also of this fact, The Lord God is our strength. He will make our feet like hinds' feet. He will make us to walk upon



the high places, and we will joy in the Lord of our salvation. Therefore
   Resolved that: First, We will think, and talk, and pray, and preach, and circulate literature, and solicit and collect for the Church Extension Society the coming year, until in our hearts we can say, we and our people are clear in this matter.
   Second, We request our Presiding Elders to send us our several aportionments at the earliest practicable moment, and, after our educational collections, this shall be the first presented to our people; and, the Lord helping us, we will do our part to have the full apportionment of this Conference in the treasury at Philadelphia by Jan. 1, 1895.
spacerJ. H. FRAZER, Chairman.
   T. C. CLENDENING, Secretary.


   WHEREAS, The earnest efforts of the ministry and laity in our mid-summer campmeetings have resulted in two hundred and eighty-one conversions, clearly demonstrating that work and faith can produce soul cheering results now as in the days of early Methodism;
    Resolved, That we affirm our belief in the utility of campmeetings, not only as a means of grace, but also useful in producing conviction and the conversion of the unsaved, and the sanctification of believers, when honored with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost.
   Resolved, That while we do not disparage the holding of as many camp and grove meetings as possible, we do recommend that each District, if practicable, hold at least one campmeeting annually, and that all other camp or grove meetings on each District be held at a time which will not militate against the largest attendance and greatest possible success of the District Campmeeting
spacerJ. H. Vogt, J. M. Bothwell, G. H. Main

Current Book Accounts.

   After due examination in of the accounts of the brethren, we find many are careless beyond reason: there being many in this conference whose names we find upon the book, account who have not so much as called upon the agent this session.
   Some men have been given credit who today are not to be found in Methodism, others are dead and some have gone to the foreign field. We suggest that as Methodists and ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ we should keep our records clear and beyond reproach in financial dealings as well am in other things.
   It is the opinion of your committee that no probationer should be allowed credit at the book rooms unless his Presiding Elder can and does vouch for him, and no member of the conference should be given



credit for more than one year except in very rare cases. We feel that were this the rule ministers and publishers would profit thereby.
spacerJ. P. Yost, R. N. Throckmorton, Wm. R. Phelps, J. A. Roads.

District Conference Records.

   Your committee finds that Omaha District has no District Conference. That Grand Island and Norfolk District records are properly kept. Your committee did not succeed in obtaining the records of Neligh District conferences, but was told that they were properly kept.
spacerA. V. Wilson, J. R. Gearhart, O. Eggleston.


   Recognizing the importance of education under distinctively christian auspices, as it is the only adequate preparation of our youth for the battle of life, we note with pleasure the increasing prosperity of our educational institutions in general, and of our Nebraska Wesleyan University in particular: this last is indicated by the three hundred and twenty-five students within her halls, the rapidly augmenting fund for the liquidation of her debt, and the increasing interest manifested in her by the Methodists from all sections of the state.
   As contributing to this splendid result for our university we recognize, First -- The untiring and self-sacrificing devotion of the board of trustees, and especially approve their action in granting free tuition; Second -- The efficient and scholarly work of the facility; Third -- The enthusiastic and aggressive spirit of the financial agent, Rev. T. C Clendening; and, Fourth -- The masterful grasp, eminent ability and wise administration of our chancellor, Isaac Crook, D. D.
   We note with pleasure the magnificent resources of our institution, deplore the fact that most of these are unavailable, and believe that; as rapidly as possible the unproductive real estate should be converted into interest hearing paper. To secure this result, we recommend that every preacher consider himself a sub-agent of the university.
   We bemoan the loss by fire of the beautiful and commodious "Haish Manual Training Building," believing as we do in the great importance of that department of the university, but we deem the temporary suspension of the same to be wise under existing circumstances.
   While the friends of the institution may congratulate themselves upon what has been accomplished in its behalf, nevertheless, since peril is imminent, arising from unmet obligations, they must needs be alert and on guard. We therefore respectfully request our presiding Bishop to call a council of the Presiding Elders of the state at an early date, to consider and advise relative to the interests, financial and other, of our university.
   We are pleased by evidences of the enthusiastic devotion of Alumni,



and recommend that, at the earliest practicable time, they be given a representative upon the board of trustees.
   We believe that our pastors should give right-of-way to the chancellor and financial agent in their churches.
   We recommend that Article Eight of the charter of our University be amended to read as follows:


   The Board of University Trustees shall annually elect a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The first three officers shall be members of the Board of trustees, the treasurer shall be a resident of Lancaster county, Nebraska, and may be a member of the Board or of the Faculty of said University, which officers shall hold their offices respectively until their successors are duly elected and have accepted; and the treasurer and any other officers that may be so required by said Board, shall, before entering upon the duties of their offices, give bond to said corporation in such sum as said Board shall fix, conditional on the faithful, and honest discharge of their duties, and the legal payment of all moneys coming into their hands, and said bond shall be approved by said Board of Trustees.
   We recommend further that article eleven be amended to read as follows:


   The highest amount of indebtedness to which at any time this corporation shall subject itself, shall not be more than $40,000.
   We recommend further, that article twelve shall be amended to, read as follows:


   When a majority of the annual conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the state of Nebraska shall authorize the university board of trustees acting as a joint commission to make any change in these articles of incorporation, said board of trustees may, if they so elect, make such changes by a majority vote at any regular or called meeting, due notice having been given as per article ten of this charter; except that any such change as may he proposed or endorsed by the majority of said annual conferences may be made at any annual meeting of said board of trustees, without special notice published in the call for said annual meeting. We recommend the election is trustees, of Rev. D. Marquette, D. D. and Mr. R. B. Schneider, Fremont, to fill vacancies caused by expiration of the term of Rev. D. Marquette, D. D., and Mr. A. J. Anderson of Neligh.
   The continued help to our young people in their efforts to see education afforded by the Educational Society deserves the hearty approval and earnest co-operation of all our people. That its beneficent work may be enlarged, we call upon all our preachers to give diligent



attention to the requirements of the discipline concerning educational collections, especially emphasizing the children's day collection.
   We recommend the election of the following officers, for our conference educational society: President, H. H. Millard; Vice-President, G. H. MacAdam; Secretary, W. P. Murray; Treasurer, C. M. Griffith.
   We recommend the following appointments as visitors: to Nebraska Wesleyan University, D. C. Winship, H. A. Barton, and Wm. Worley; to Iliff School of Theology, C. N. Dawson, and Frank Crane; to Garrett Biblical Institute, G. A. Luce, and N. A. Martin; to DePauw University, W. K. Beans, and A. L. Mickel; to Boston University, W. H. H. Pillsbury, and W. P. Murray.
spacerD. K. Tindall, N. A. Martin, C. M. Griffith, H. A. Barton.

Epworth League.

   The Epworth League is a child of our Methodism and is constantly demonstrating heirship by claiming more and more of its precious inheritance of Methodist doctrine and practice. It deserves a place in the organization of every society. Experience proves that its largest success comes only upon those charges where the pastors give it an earnest and enthusiastic personal support. Every Methodist Episcopal preacher should thus give his influence to the League and all League workers should maintain the closest relation to the pastor, faithfully attending the public services of the church and so ordering the work of the League as to make it a valuable assistant to the pastor in all his work. We express our appreciation of the work of Rev. Drs. Berry and Schell in upbuilding the League and commend to all our young people the Epworth Herald and the required course of reading for the League. Believing that the best interests of the League in our conference would be promoted by the organization of a Conference League we do so recommend, and respectfully suggest to the program committee of the next session of our annual conference the propriety of an Epworth League anniversary upon one of the evenings of the session. We nominate the Rev. H. H. Millard for the North Nebraska Conference Director for the Tenth District of the Epworth League. We also commend to our pastors and people the Junior League, believing that the systematic religious culture of our children is of the utmost importance, and that the Junior League under the oversight of the pastor can best fulfil the disciplinary idea "for the instruction of children."
spacerRespectfully submitted,
spacerW. P. Murray, B. B. Keister, J. H. Brooks, A. L. Kellogg.

Episcopal Fund.

   WHEREAS, This conference raises about one-third of its apportionments for the Episcopal Fund, and
   WHEREAS, The Discipline says it is the duty of the Annual Con-



erence to see that the amount apportioned to the different pastoral charges for the support of the Bishops is raised and forwarded quarterly to the treasurer of the Episcopal Fund; be it
   Resolved, That not only the letter but the spirit of this section (280) receive very careful attention of the preachers of this conference.
spacerC. C. Snavely, J. H. Johnson, J. Crews.

Freedman's Aid and Southern Education.

   Your committee on Freedman's Aid and Southern Educational work beg leave to make the following report:
   We have confidence in said society in the moral and Christian up-lift to needy persons of the South. We express our sympathy with said in its present indebtedness.
spacerG. A. Luce, J. W. Bovee, J. T. Knuckey.


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