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   OPENING. -- The fourteenth annual session of the North Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church convened at the First Church, Fremont, Nebraska at 8:30 A. M., October 2, 1895, with Bishop John P. Newman, D. D., LL. D., presiding.

   SACRAMENT. -- The Bishop conducted the sacramental service, assisted by the Presiding Elders and others, -- a very impressive service.

   ROLL. -- The Secretary of the previous session called the roll and eighty-seven responded to their names.

   SECRETARIES. -- On motion of J. B. Maxfield D. C. Winship was re-elected Secretary by acclamation, and he was authorized to appoint his own assistants, and H. A. Barton, C. N. Dawson and N. A. Martin were selected.

   TREASURER. -- On motion of D. Marquette C. M. Griffith was elected Treasurer, and he appointed W. A. Rorninger and G. H. McAdam assistants.

   STATISTICIAN. -- On motion of J. B. Leedom J. B. Priest was elected Statistical Secretary, and he selected J. H. Wilcox, W. K. Gray, H. Trezona and J. P. Yost assistants.

   HOURS. -- On motion of F. M. Sisson it was ordered that our sessions begin at 8:30 A. M., to be preceded by a half hour of devotional services, and close at 11:45.

   LECTURES. -- On motion of A. Hodgetts the Bishop was requested to give a lecture on the qualities of ministerial efficiency at the opening of each morning session.

   BAR. -- On motion of J. W. Shank the bar of the Conference was fixed at the rear of the transcept.



   COMMITTEES. -- The Presiding Elders nominated the standing committees, and they were elected. (See list).

   METHODIST REVIEW. -- On motion of D. C. Winship A. L. Gray was appointed to take subscriptions for Methodist Review, and J. B. Leedom for the Gospel in All Lands.

   REFERRED. -- Various papers were referred to the proper committees.

   VOTE. -- On motion of A. Hodgetts the hour of eleven was fixed upon to vote on the various constitutional amendments.

   DELEGATES. -- On motion of J. B. Maxfield the hour for the election of delegates to the General Conference was fixed at 10 o'clock Thursday morning.

   LAY VOTE. -- On motion of D. Marquette a committee of one from each district was appointed to canvass the lay vote on the Hamilton amendment, and the following were elected: W. P. Murray, John Crews, J. W. Miller and J. T. Crooks; and the Presiding Elders reported the vote on their districts as follows:

Neligh District

For, 15
Against, 304

Norfolk District

"   52
   "    170

Grand Island District

"    9
   "    175

Omaha District

"   19
   "    341


"   95
   "    990

   On motion of J. B. Leedom, D. W. McGregor was appointed post master and A. Hodgetts railroad secretary, and J. W. Miller reporter for the daily press.

   VISITORS. -- The following visitors were introduced: Manly S. Hard, D. D., of the Wyoming Conference, one of the Secretaries of the Board of Church Extension; C. C. Lasby, D. D., H. T. Davis, D. D., and L. C. Lemon of the Nebraska Conference, and E. W. Jeffries, of the Upper Iowa Conference.

   CHURCH EXTENSION. -- Dr. Hard gave a business-like address in the interest of the Board of Church Extension.

   RELIEF. -- The Bishop recommended the election of a committee to take action with regard to the appointment of a Relief Commission. W. H. H. Pillsbury, A. J. Anderson, Frank Carroll



and T. L. Mathews were appointed to act with the Presiding Elders in the matter.

   OMAHA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. -- A memorial to the General Conference relating to the Omaha Christian Advocate was read, and Dr. J. W. Shank addressed the Conference in the interest of that paper.

   S. H. Pye was introduced and addressed the Conference in the interest of the Western Methodist Book Concern.

   THE XIII QUESTION was taken up, D. K. Tindall's character was passed, and he read his report for the Grand Island District.

   ORDER OF DAY. -- The order of the day was taken up. On motion of Frank Crane it was ordered that the votes on the constitutional amendments be taken by rising.
   The votes were taken and resulted as follows:
   Proposition I -- Hamilton Amendment: Ayes, none; noes, 64.
   Proposition II -- Baltimore Proposition: Ayes, 66; noes, none.
   Proposition III -- On Ratio of Ministerial Representation (Colorado Proposition): Ayes, 55; noes, 6.

   QUESTION XIII was resumed. The characters of D. Marquette, Presiding Elder of the Neligh District, and A. Hodgetts, Presiding Elder Norfolk District were passed, and they read their reports.

   Conference having adjourned by limitation of time, consent was given to hold an afternoon statistical session at 2 o'clock, and the Bishop appointed W. M. Worley to preside. Also W. M. Worley was appointed to conduct the devotional services to-morrow morning.

   Dr. Hard pronounced the benediction.


   Conference convened in statistical session at 2 o'clock, Wm. M. Worley in the chair. G. H. McAdam led the devotional exercises. The Statistical Secretary and Conference Treasurer called



the roll and received statistics and moneys. On motion of L. Campbell Conference adjourned with the benediction by C. N. Dawson.


   The opening devotional services were conducted by W. M. Worley.
   At 8:30 the Bishop took the chair and addressed the Conference on "Methods of Ministerial Study."
   The minutes of Wednesday's sessions were read and approved.

   A. J. Cheeseman was introduced, and his transfer from the Black Hills Mission Conference was announced.

   The roll of absentees was called and the following responded: Jabez Charles, R. J. Cocking, Frank Crane, J. T. Crooks, J. Q. A. Fleharty, C. F. Heywood, H. H. Millard, A. L. Mickel, D. T. Olcott, C. H. Savidge, Wm. Van Buren, Allen Bishop, F. G. H. Perry, F. H. Sanderson.

   THE VII QUESTION was taken up: "Who have been admitted into full connection?" and John P. Yost, Loton R. DeWolf, Albert L. Gray, Edward T. George and John A. Roads were called forward and responded to the usual disciplinary questions, and their characters were passed, they reported their collections, they were elected to Deacon's orders, and admitted into full connection. Edward T. George, also passed in the first year's examination.

   The characters of the following, already Deacons, were passed: Francis M. Clark, James M. Bothwell. They reported their collections; they were passed in their studies and they were admitted into full connection. Wm. J. Hatheral, already a Deacon, also was admitted, on condition of bringing up sermon and syllabi.

   ORDERS. -- The case of Thomas Aikman, who asked for duplicate certificate for Deacon's orders, was referred to the Committee on Conference relations.

   VOTE. -- The order of the day was taken up, viz: the election of delegates to the General Conference.



   On motion of J. W. Shank it was ordered that no blank ballots shall be counted.
   The following were appointed tellers: J. B. Priest, Wm. Gorst, C. O. Larrison and J. P. Yost. C. N. Dawson was appointed secretary for the tellers.
   A ballot was taken and the tellers retired.

   THE XIII QUESTION was resumed. The character of G. W. Norris was passed and his transfer to Missouri Conference was announced.
   The characters of the following were passed and they reported their collections: A. L. Mickel, F. W. Bross, W. H. H. Pillsbury, J. W. Miller, J. W. Robinson, N. A. Martin, G. H. McAdam, C. F. Heywood, Chas. Snavely, Henry Trezona, E. E. E. Rorick, C. O. Larrison, J. T. Knuckey, R. C. McReynolds, G. W. Martin, W. M. Worley, J. H. Wilcox, W. A. Wilson, G. A. Luce, C. M. Griffith, John Crews, Wm. Stanner, Bartly Blain, J. H. Johnson, Wm. Esplin, H. W. Conley, D. C. Winship, Wm. Van Buren, J. B. Leedom, W. R. Phelps, J. L. St. Clair, W. H. Carter, T. C. Webster, Wm. Gorst, D. W. McGregor, H. A. Barton, J. H. Brooks, H. C. Myers, J. R. Gearhart, H. H. Millard, E. A. Whitwam.

   PRESIDING ELDER'S REPORT. -- The character of J. B. Maxfield, Presiding Elder of Omaha District, was passed, and his report was read by the Secretary.

   FIRST BALLOT. -- The tellers reported the result of the first ballot: 88 ballots cast; 45 necessary to a choice; no election.
   A second ballot was taken and the tellers retired.

   THE XIII QUESTION was resumed. The characters of the following Elders were passed and they reported their collections: G. H. Main, F. M. Sisson, Jabez Charles, J. Q. A. Fleharty, Frank Crane, Lewis Campbell, Wm. P. Murray, T. W. Mathews, W. K. Beans, J. B. Priest, F. H. Sanderson, J. E. Moore, Oscar Eggleston, C. N. Dawson, J. W. Shank, Geo. M. Brown and T. C. Clendening.

   LETTER. -- The Secretary read a letter from J. J. Banbury,



Missionary to China. His character was passed, and the Conference united in singing "My Faith Looks Up to Thee."

   RELIEF. -- The Relief Commission nominated at yesterday's session was elected.
   J. A. Scammahorn and A. R. Julian of the Northwest Nebraska, C. M. Shepherd and A. C. Crosthwaite of the Nebraska, and James Leonard of the West Nebraska Conference, Relief Commissioners for their respective Conferences, were introduced. Chancellor Crook and G. W. Abbott of the Nebraska Conference were also introduced.

   ADDRESS. -- Homer C. Stuntz of the North India Conference addressed the Conference in the interest of the Missionary Society.

   SECOND BALLOT. -- The tellers reported the result of the second ballot. There being no election the third ballot was taken and the tellers retired.

   ADDRESS. -- Earl Cranston, D. D., of the Western Methodist Book Concern, was introduced and addressed the Conference.

   On motion of A. Hodgetts the time was extended.

   ADJOURN. -- J. E. Moore moved that when we adjourn it be to meet at 2 O'clock this afternoon. The motion prevailed.

   INDIANS. -- A memorial presented by J. W. Miller for the Grand Island District concerning educational work among the American Indians was referred to a special committee consisting of J. W. Miller, J. H. Wilcox, F. M. Clark and J. B. Priest.

   THIRD BALLOT. -- The tellers reported the result of the third ballot. There being no election another ballot was taken and the tellers retired.

   On motion of D. Marquette Conference adjourned. J. P. Roe pronounced the benediction.


   Conference convened at 2 P. M., the Bishop in the chair.
   The hymn, "A charge to keep I have," was sung and D. C. Worts led in prayer.



   The minutes of the morning session were read and approved.

   FOURTH BALLOT. -- The fourth ballot was announced as follows: Total vote cast 89; necessary to choice, 45. Alfred Hodgetts receiving 48 votes and John B. Maxfield receiving 45 votes were declared elected.

   RESERVES. -- On motion of C. N. Dawson the two candidates receiving the next highest vote for delegates, namely: Daniel K. Tindall and David Marquette, were declared elected reserve delegates.

   EXCUSED. -- At his own request J. B. Priest was excused from the special committee on educational work among the Indians, and F. H. Sanderson was appointed to fill the vacancy.

   THE XXII QUESTION. -- " Who are the Supernumerary Preachers?" was taken up, and the characters of the following were passed and their relation continued: H. L. Powers, J. W. Bovee, N. H. Gale, Samuel Cates, T. W. Owen, and J. P. Roe.

   LOCATED. -- On motion of J. B. Maxfield, Peter De Clark was located.

   EVANGELIST. -- At his own request the relation of D. W. Me Gregor was changed from effective to supernumerary, that he might enter the evangelistic field.

   On motion of A. Hodgetts the Bishop was requested to appoint E. A. Whitwam to a professorship in the Temperance University at Harriman, Tennessee.

   LOCATED. -- On motion of A. Hodgetts, W. H. Linn was granted location at his own request.

   QUESTION XXIII. -- "Who are the Superannuated Preachers?" was taken up and the character of the following were passed and their relation continued: Jacob Adriance, Charles Balson, D. C. Worts, D. T. Olcott, and Charles H. Savidge.
   Brothers Adriance, Worts, and Savidge addressed the Conference.

   CLAIM. -- J. W. Shank called the attention of the Conference to the fact that C. H. Savidge, when admitted to this Conference, waived all right to his claim on the Conference Claimants' fund,



and moved that the limitation be removed. The motion prevailed. On motion of D. Marquette, Wm. Stanner was granted a Superannuated relation at his own request.

   NEXT SESSION. -- On motion of J. W. Shank, the Presiding Elders were constituted a commission to select the place for holding the next session of the Conference.

   The memorial to the next General Conference, relating to the Omaha Christian Advocate, was taken up. Dr. Cranston was invited to speak, after which the memorial was adopted.

   A DRAFT -- was ordered on the Chartered Fund for twenty-five dollars, and on the Book Concern for seven hundred and forty-five dollars.
   The secretary read a communication from the Book Agents at New York, announcing the apportionment of $902.00 for the Episcopal fund, which amount was, on motion of J. W. Shank, referred to the Presiding Elders for apportionment to the Districts.

   NEBRASKA WESLEYAN. -- On motion of J. W. Shank, the Presiding Elders were authorized to apportion to the Districts the sum of $1,500.00 for Nebraska Wesleyan University.

   Announcements were made, and on motion of J. W. Robinson Conference adjourned.


   Devotional services were led by T. C. Webster.
   At 8:30 the Bishop took the chair, and addressed the Conference on "Ministerial Success."
   The minutes of yesterday afternoon's session were read and approved.

   QUESTION V. -- "Who have been continued on trial?" was taken up. The characters of the following were passed, they reported their collections, the committee on examination reported and they were continued, -- Allen Bishop, conditioned on Theory of Preaching

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