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   Preparatory to the formal opening of the Eighteenth Session of the North Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Conference Board of Examiners convened in Hanscom Park Church, Omaha, Nebraska, 2 P. M., September 26, 1899, N. A. Martin, A. M., presiding.
   The usual business of the Board, which was deemed necessary prior to the opening of the Eighteenth Session of Annual Conference, was attended to.

   ANNIVERSARY. -- In the evening the anniversay (sic) of the Church Extension Society occurred, J. W. Robinson, D. D., presiding.
   H. L. Powers, D. D., assisted in the devotional exercises.
   Wm. A. Spencer, D. D., Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Church Extension, delivered a stirring address.



   The Eighteenth Session of the North Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church convened in Hanscom Park Church, Bishop Henry W. Warren, D. D. LL. D., presiding. The Bishop briefly addressed the Conference, then, assisted by the Presiding Elders, administered the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

   ROLL CALL. -- J. W. Jennings, Secretary of the last session, called the Conference roll and ninety-seven answered to their names as follows: E. R. Adriance, E. T. Antrim, H. A. Barton, A. Bishop, T. Bithel, B. Blain, J. M. Bothwell, J. H. Brooks,



F. W. Bross, L. Campbell, J. B. Carns, W. H. Carter, C. P. Cheeseman, J. Charles, C. C. Cissell, F. M. Clark, R. J. Cooking, G. W. Corey, E. E. Day, C. N. Dawson, L. R. DeWolf, W. L. Elliott, E. W. Erickson, Wm. Esplin, J. E. Fowler, J. Q. A. Fleharty, J. H. Fraser, E. T. George, J. R. Gearhart, Wm. Gorst, J. N. Gortner, A. L. Gray, C. M. Griffith, C. F. Heywood, F. A. High, A. Hodgetts, E. E. Hosman, J. H. Johnson, J. A. Johnson, J. W. Jennings, B. B. Kiester, A. L. Kellogg, H. G. Kemp, J. B. Leedom, G. A. Luce, G. H. Main, N. A. Martin, D. K. Marquette, J. C. Maxfield, D. W. McGregor, R. J. McKenzie, L. K. McNeil, R. C. McReynolds, A. L. Mickle, H. H. Millard, J. E. Moore, W. P. Murray, R. E. Neal, W. R. Peters, W. R. Phelps, H. L. Powers, J. B. Priest, J. W. Robinson, J. P. Roe, W. A. Rominger, F. H. Sanderson, R. F. Shacklock, E. E. Shafer, J. W. Shenk, W. W. Shenk, F. M. Sisson, H. H. St. Louis, D. K. Tindall, R. N. Throckmorton, H. Trezona, T. C. Webster, R. W. Wilcox, A. C. Welch, J. P. Yost, O. P. Mueller, J. F. Poucher, J. G. Shick, G. W. Shick, R. D. Snyder, E. C. Thorpe, A. J. Warne, H. A. Chappell, J. S. Greene, A. E. Fowler, E. B. King, G. W. Kliver, J. L. Phillips.

   SECRETARIES. -- On Motion of D. K. Tindall, J. W. Jennings was unanimously elected Secretary, and on his nomination, H. A. Barton, A. L. Mickel, J. E. Fowler and W. A. Rominger were elected Assistant Secretaries.

   STATISTICAL. -- On motion of J. B. Leedom, J. B. Priest was elected Statistical Secretary, and on his nomination, E. E. Hosman, Thomas Bithel, J. P. Yost and C. N. Dawson were elected Assistant Statistical Secretaries.

   TREASURER. -- On motion of J. B. Priest, H. H. Millard was elected Treasurer, and on his nomination, W. L. Elliott was elected Assistant Treasurer.

   STANDING COMMITTEES. -- The Presiding Elders presented a list of Standing Committees which was approved and the committees elected. (See list.)

   CONFERENCE BAR. -- On motion of J. W. Shenk the bar of the Conference was fixed to include the first seven tiers of seats from the altar.



   POST MASTER. -- On motion of A. Hodgetts, J. R. Gearhart was elected Post Master.

   INTRODUCTIONS AND ADDRESSES. -- Lewis Curts, D. D., Publishing Agent of the Western Methodist Book Concern, and J. R. VanPelt, Ph. D., of Iliff School of Theology, were introduced and each addressed the Conference.

   DRAFTS. -- Drafts were ordered as follows: On the Omaha Christian Advocate, $25; on the Chartered Fund, $22; on the Book Concern, $526. Total, $573, in favor of Conference claimants.

   REPORT. -- J. W. Jennings as Secretary and publisher of the last Conference Minutes read report, showing a balance of $17.57 on hand.

   PRESS REPORTERS. -- On motion of J. W. Jennings, C. C. Cissell was elected press reporter for the World-Herald and C. M. Griffith for the Bee.

   QUESTION XIII. -- "Was the character of each preacher examined?" The character of D. K. Tindall was passed and he reported Grand Island District. The character of Wm. Gorst was passed and be reported Neligh District. The following named Elders reported their collections and their characters were passed, viz: J. B. Priest, R. W. Wilcox, J. B. Leedom, E. T. George, David Marquette, G. M. Couffer, E. E. Hosman, W. A. Rominger, J. P. Yost, A. L. Mickel, R. C. McReynolds, T. C. Webster, L. Campbell, F. H. Sanderson, R. E. Neal, A. L. Kellogg, H. Trezona, C. C. Cissell, N. A. Martin, C. F. Heywood, R. H. Gammon and J. B. Carns.
   The characters of W. A. Wilson, L. R. DeWolf and C. O. Larrison were passed.

   METHODIST REVIEW. -- On nomination of D. Marquette, H. H. St. Louis was appointed soliciting agent for the Methodist Review.

   INTRODUCTIONS. -- The following named visitors were introduced: Miss Abbie S. Hodgetts, A. B., of Beach Institute, Savannah, Georgia, D. C. Franklin, D. D., and M. C. Waddell of the Des Moines Conference, M. W. Chase, Ph. D., transferred to this Conference from the Northern New York Conference, and Deaconesses Lida Herrick, Hannah Taylor, Lulu I. Clifton and Victoria Tweedy.



   RESOLUTION. -- The following resolution, offered by J. W. Shenk, was unanimously adopted by a rising vote:
   WHEREAS, By the great Head of the Church, our beloved Bishop Warren passed a crisis in his life in a foreign hospital, and is spared to continue his labors as one of our chief pastors, therefore
   Resolved, That we praise God for this happy deliverance, and express our great pleasure in the presidency of Bishop Warren over this Conference.
   The Bishop responded with words of appreciation and thanks to God for his preservation.

    PUBLISHER. -- On motion of D. K. Tindall, J. W. Jennings was elected publisher of the Minutes.

    STATISTICAL SESSION. -- A Statistical Session was ordered to convene at 2 P. M., and the Bishop appointed D. Marquette to preside at that Session.

   ANNOUNCEMENTS. -- Announcements were made and the Conference adjourned with the benediction by the Bishop.


   2:00 P. M. The Statistical Session convened as per order, D. Marquette in the chair. Prayer was offered by R. W. Wilcox. The roll was called and statistics handed in.

   INTRODUCTION AND ADDRESS. -- Rev. L. W. Dickinson, a representative of the American Bible Society, was introduced and addressed the Conference.

   EPISCOPAL FUND. -- A paper on Episcopal Fund was referred to the Presiding Elders.

   ADJOURNED. -- On motion of C. N. Dawson the Session adjourned with benediction by W. H. Carter.


   Conference reconvened at 8:30 A. M. Thursday, September 28, 1899. G. A. Luce conducted devotional services, after which the Bishop took the chair. The minutes of Wednesday's regular and statistical sessions were read and approved.

   STATEMENT. -- The following statement was submitted by G. A. Luce, concerning amount of pledges for assistance to H. H. St.



Louis of this Conference and A. V. Wilson of the Nebraska Conference on account of loss of teams by fire at the seat of the Seventeenth Session, October 1st, 1898.

Total pledgesspacer$125 93
Of which received cashspacer115 93
Balance, unpaidspacer10 00
   Of the amount paid, $55 was paid to H. H. St. Louis and $60.93 to A. V. Wilson.

   ABSENTEES. -- The Secretary called the roll of yesterday's absentees and the following named were noted present: Samuel Cates, H. W. Conley, O. Eggleston, E. E. Hunt, C. O. Larrison, W. Shambaugh, W. D. Stambaugh, W. H. Underwood, F. M. Wright, C. W. Davidson, J. L. St. Clair, D. T. Olcott and E. W. Wilcox, making total number present 110.

   STATISTICAL REPORTS. -- The Statistical Secretary called the roll to complete the file of statistics.

   QUESTION XIII. The Thirteenth Question was resumed. Character of J. B. Maxfield was passed, and at his request W. P. Murray read report of the Omaha District. The following named Elders reported and their characters were passed: J. Q. A. Fleharty, J. H. Fraser, H. A. Barton, W. P. Murray, F. M. Sisson, A. C. Welch, G. A. Luce, J. W. Jennings, C. N. Dawson, R. J. Cocking, H. H. Millard, J. Charles, O. Eggleston, J. W. Shenk, D. W. McGregor and H. L. Powers. The characters of the following named were passed: M. W. Chase, F. W. Bross, O. J. Nave, D. C. Winship, J. W. Robinson and J. A. Roades The character of Alfred Hodgetts was passed and be reported the Norfolk District. This being the close of his term of six years J. M. Bothwell, on behalf of the District, presented Dr Hodgetts with a copy of Webster's International Dictionary and holder. The characters of the following named Elders were passed and their work reported: R. N. Throckmorton, F. M. Clark, A. L Gray, B. B. Kiester, H. H. St. Louis, W. R. Phelps, J. M Bothwell, G. H. Main, E. E. Shafer, C. M. Griffith, Wm. Shambaugh, Wm. Esplin, L. K. McNeil, G. W. Corey, J. H. Johnson, Thomas Bithel, E. W. Erickson. The character of W. K Gray was passed.

   J. B. MAXFIELD. -- On motion of J. H. Brooks, the Presiding



Elders were made a special committee to present resolutions to the Conference in recognition of J. B. Maxfield, whose term of six years as Presiding Elder of the Omaha District terminates with this session.

   SUPERNUMERARY. -- The relation of D. C. Winship was changed from Effective to Supernumerary at his own request.

   QUESTION VII. -- Who have been admitted into full membership? The following named were called forward, addressed by the Bishop and were asked the usual Disciplinary questions. Their characters were passed, they reported their work, the Board of Examiners reported their grades, they were passed in their studies and on recommendation of their Presiding Elders, were admitted into full membership: Eli C. Thorpe, Abram J. Warne, Ellsworth W. Wilcox, George W. Shick, Charles W. Davidson, Oscar P. Mueller, Roddy D. Snyder. The following named were elected to Deacon's Orders: Eli C. Thorpe, Abram J. Warne, Ellsworth W. Wilcox, George W. Shick and Charles W. Davidson. Brothers Mueller and Snyder having heretofore received ordination as Deacon.

   FELLOWSHIP. -- The Bishop, on behalf of the Conference, extended in a most cordial manner the right hand of fellowship to the new members admitted.

   CONTINUED. -- On motion of Wm. Gorst, John G. Shick was continued in the studies of the second year, and his character passed.

   EPWORTH LEAGUE. -- On nomination of the Presiding Elders C. C. Cissell, E. E. Hosman, C. N. Dawson and J. E. Fowler were elected a committee on Epworth League.

   Omaha Christian Advocate. -- The following resolution offered by J. B. Carns was read and adopted:

   WHEREAS, The Omaha Christian Advocate has come to occupy a large place in the periodical literature of our Church, and is an almost indispensable factor in the Methodism of this Central West; therefore
   Resolved, That the North Nebraska Conference memorialize the General Conference to place the Omaha Christian Advocate



on the same business and financial basis as the other Advocates. published by our Book Concern; also
   Resolved, That if any new Book Depositories shall be established Omaha should receive first consideration.
   Signed spacer  J. B. CARNS.
spacerD. W. MCGREGOR.

   ORDER OF THE DAY. -- On motion of J. B. Priest it was ordered that the election of delegates to the General Conference be made the order of the day at 10 o'clock Friday morning.

   INTRODUCTIONS. -S. W. Gamble of the Kansas Conference, H. C. Dayhoff of the Missouri Conference, R. Wilhelmson and M. C. Block of the North Danish Conference and Chancellor D. W. C. Huntington and F. M. Esterbrook, Financial Agent of the Nebraska Wesleyan University, were introduced.

   ADDRESS. -- S. W. Gamble addressed the Conference on Sabbatarianism. The Bishop supplemented his address with a few concurring remarks.

   ADJOURNED. -- Conference adjourned with the benediction by the Bishop.


   The Conference reconvened Friday morning, September 29, at 8:30. J. Charles conducted devotional exercises, after which the Bishop took the chair. The Journal of Thursday's session was read and approved.

   RELIEF FUND. -- A report from R. B. Schneider as Treasurer of the Relief Fund of 1894, was presented by the Bishop, showing a balance of $20.69 on band. On motion of J. W. Jennings the report was accepted with thanks to Bro. Schneider for his efficient management of the Fund, and the balance of $20.69 was ordered turned over to the Conference Stewards for distribution to Conference claimants.

   QUESTION VII. -- Question Seven was resumed and John F. Poucher was called forward and asked, the usual Disciplinary



questions. He reported his collections, the Board of Examiners reported his grade, he was passed in his studies and on recommendation of Wm. P. Murray be was admitted into full connection and elected to Deacon's Orders.

   MINUTES. -- The Secretary called the roll for subscription to pay the expense of publishing the Minutes, and $109 was pledged. J. H. Johnson, J. N. Gortner, J. F. Poucher and L. R. DeWolf were appointed collectors of the subscription and to report the same to the Secretary at this session.

   QUESTION X. -- What members have completed the Conference Course of Study? The characters of the following named were passed, they reported their work, the Board of Examiners reported their grades, they were passed in their studies and elected to Elder's Orders: Frank A. High, Allen Bishop, Wm. D. Stambaugh, John N. Gortner, Elmer E. Day, Edward T. Antrim, Josiah E. Fowler, Willsbire R. Peters and Wm. W. Shenk.

   CONFERENCE CLAIMANTS. -- A. J. Markley donated to the Conference Claimant Fund $4, proceeds from the sale of his book, "The Source of Law."

   QUEST1ON IX. -- What members are in studies of fourth year? The characters of Ronald J. McKenzie and Robert F. Shacklock were passed, they reported their collections, the Board of Examiners reported their grades and they were advanced to the studies of the fourth year. The characters of Walter L. Elliott, Harry G. Kemp and Emerson E. Hunt were passed, their collections reported and they were continued in the studies of the third year.

   QUESTION V. -- Who have been continued on trial? The characters of Edward B. King, James S. Green, John L. Phillips and Henry A. Chappell were passed, their collections reported, the Board of Examiners reported their grades and they were advanced to the studies of the second year. The characters of Arthur E. Fowler and George W. Kliver were passed, they reported their collections and they were continued in the studies of the first year.

   ORDER OF THE DAY. -- The Bishop announced the time for the Order of the Day. He appointed as tellers Thomas Bithel, G.



H. Main, C. C. Cissell and E. T. George, and the Conference proceeded to ballot for two delegates to General Conference. The Secretary detailed A. L. Mickel as secretary for the tellers)and they retired to count the ballots.

   TRANSFERS. -- The Bishop announced the following named as transferred to this Conference: Mattison W. Chase from the Northern New York, Wm. J. Brient from the Austin, Richard H. Gammon from the Northwest Nebraska, E. Grant Hutchinson from the Virginia, Charles S. Hughes from the West Virginia, C. F. Kruse from the West German Conference.

   QUESTION XXII. -- Who are the Supernumerary preachers? The characters of J. P. Roe, J. E. Moore, W. H. Underwood, Samuel Cates, Thomas W. Owen, Bartley Blain, James R. Gearhart, John H. Brooks, Thomas W. Matthews were passed and their relation continued. The characters of John Crews, James A. Johnson and Wm. H. Carter were passed and their relation changed from Supernumerary to Effective. The relation of Jacob B. Leedom, Wm. A. Wilson and Emory R. Adriance was changed from Effective to Supernumerary at their own request. James J. Banbury was permitted to withdraw from the ministry and membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church at his own request, in order to unite with a Congregational Church.

   QUESTION XXIII. -- Who are the Superannuated preachers? The characters of Jacob Adriance, Daniel T. Olcott, Charles Balson, Charles H. Savidge, John L. St. Clair and Henry W. Conley were passed and their relation continued.

   BALLOT. -- The Bishop announced the result of the first ballot for delegates to the General Conference as follows: Total number of votes cast 101, necessary to a choice fifty-one. Daniel K. Tindall having received fifty-four votes was declared elected, and, the Conference proceeded to take the second ballot. The tellers and secretary retired to count the vote.

   CHURCH INSURANCE. -- The Bishop introduced Frank L. Hart, special agent for Board of Church Insurance of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who addressed the Conference.

   BALLOT. -- The Bishop announced the result of the second ballot as follows: Total vote 100, necessary to a choice fifty-one.



There being no choice a third ballot was taken, and the tellers and secretary retired to count the vote.

   CHURCH INSURANCE. -- On motion of H. A. Barton, the Presiding Elders were requested to nominate a committee on Church Insurance.

   QUESTION XXX. -- Where shall the next Conference be held? On nomination of A. Hodgetts, Norfolk was unanimously chosen the place, and the Secretary was instructed to write a letter of thanks to the church in Norfolk for the invitation.

   JEWELS' HOME. -- The Bishop introduced Burwell Spurlock, Superintendent of the Mothers' Jewels' Home at York, Nebraska, who addressed the Conference.

   BALLOT. -- The Bishop announced the result of the third ballot as follows: Total vote 100, necessary to a choice fifty-one. There being no election a fourth ballot was taken, and the tellers and secretary retired to count the vote.

   ELDER'S ORDERS. -- On recommendation of the Trinity Quarterly Conference. of Omaha District, George J. Buck was recognized as a Local Elder in our Church, he having received ordination in the Congregational Church at Lenora, Kansas, June 16, 1891.

   PARCHMENTS RESTORED. -- On motion of D. K. Tindall the parchments of Israel Putnam, a Local Deacon, were restored.

   EFFECTIVE. -- On motion of Wm. Gorst the relation of E. Grant Hutchinson was changed from Supernumerary to Effective.

   BALLOT. -- The Bishop announced the result of the fourth ballot as follows: Total vote ninety-eight, necessary to choice fifty. Wm. Gorst having received fifty-three votes, was declared elected as delegate to the General Conference.

   REPORTS. -- The committees on American Bible Society and Periodicals made their report. J. W. Shenk addressed the Conference on Periodicals and the reports were adopted.

   INTRODUCTIONS. -- H. T. Davis, L. T. Guild, W. B. Alexander, A. H. Hull, Peter Van Fleet, O. W. Fifer of the Nebraska Conference, W. R. Jackson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, R. H. Gammon and W. J. Brient, recently transferred to this Conference, F. Kaltenbach of the West German Conference,



and H. B. Roller of the Central German Conference, were introduced.

   ANNOUNCEMENTS. -- Announcements were made and the Conference adjourned with the benediction by the Bishop.


   Saturday, September 30, 1899, Conference reconvened at 8:30, A. M. Devotional services were conducted by F. M. Clark, after which the Bishop took the chair. The minutes of Friday's session were read and approved.

   INSURANCE. -- On nomination of the Presiding Elders, H Trezona, E. T. George, J. A. Johnson and Wm. Esplin were elected a committee on Church Insurance.

   LAY ELECTORAL CONFERENCE. -- Pending action on the report of the Committtee (sic) on Education the Bishop announced the entrance of the Lay Electoral Conference. The Ministerial Body arose and welcomed the Lay Body. The Bishop introduced its chairman, S. K. Warrick, and the Acting Secretary, G. C. Terwilliger, and on his invitation, Chairman S. K. Warrick addressed the Conference on behalf of the Lay Body, and the Acting Secretary announced the election of Lay delegates to the General Conference as follows: Charles A. Goss of First Church, Omaha, and John W. Balson of Cedar Rapids. Reserves, Morris E. Ford, of Lyons, and Banks M. Smith, of Osmond. The Bishop responded most cordially to the greetings of the Lay Electoral Body.

   REPORT. -- The report of the Committee on Education was adopted.

   HOSPITAL. -- The Committee on Methodist Hospital and Deaconess' Home submitted report, and pending its adoption Mr. C. W. DeLamater, President of the Board of Trustees, and Mr. W. P. Harford, Treasurer of the Board, were introduced and addressed the Conference. Mrs. Lucy Rider Meyer, Principal of the Deaconess' Training School, Chicago, Illinois, was also introduced and addressed the Conference.

   REPORT. -- The report of the Conference Stewards was read and adopted.



   STATISTICAL. -- The report of the Statistical Secretary was read and adopted.

   INTRODUCED. -- Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Schell, General Secretary of the Epworth League, was introduced and addressed the Conference.

   RESERVE DELEGATES. -- The Conference proceeded to ballot for the election of two reserve delegates to the General Conference.
   The Secretary detailed J. E. Fowler to act as secretary for the tellers, and they retired to count the ballot.

   TREASURER. -- The Conference Treasurer read his report, which was adopted.

   WILLIAMS FUND. -- W. P. Murray read the report of J. H. Bexten as Treasurer of the Williams Fund, which was accepted and ordered published in the Minutes.

   REPORTS. -- Reports from the following standing committees were read and adopted, viz: W. H. M. S., Temperance, Auditing, Conference Relation, Sunday Schools and Missions.

   BALLOT. -- The Bishop announced the result of the ballot for reserve delegates as follows: Total number of votes cast ninety-two, necessary to a choice forty-seven. John W. Shenk having received forty-nine votes was declared elected. A second ballot was taken for one reserve, and the secretary and tellers retired to count the ballots, and upon their return the Bishop announced the result of the second ballot as follows: Total vote cast ninety-one, necessary to a choice forty-six. There being no election a third ballot was taken. The secretary and tellers retired to count the vote.

   TIME EXTENDED. -- On motion of J. W. Jennings time was extended.

   TRANSFER. -- On motion of J. W. Shenk the Conference invited the transfer of I. S. Leavitt, a Supernumerary of the Wisconsin Conference, to this Conference.

   INTRODUCED. -- James Leonard of the West Nebraska, and D. L. Rader of the Colorado Conference, publisher of the Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate, were introduced to the Conference. Mrs. George A. McCoy, a charter member of the first organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Omaha, and organizer



of the first Methodist Episcopal Sunday school in Omaha, at present a member of Trinity, was also introduced and addressed the Conference.

   TRACTS. -- The Committee on Tracts read their report, which was adopted, and the Bishop distributed a number of Tracts to the members of the Conference.

   BALLOT. -- The Bishop announced the result of the third ballot as follows: Total number of votes cast ninety-two, necessary to a choice forty-seven. Alfred Hodgetts having received fifty votes was declared elected reserve delegate to the General Conference.

   LOCAL DEACON. -- On recommendation of the Neligh District Conference Edgar D. Griswold was elected to Deacon's Orders, as a local preacher.

   RESOLUTION. -- A resolution presented by A. L. Gray in reference to collecting missionary money was, on motion of J. W. Jennings, referred to the Committee on tile State of the Church.

   ADJOURNED. -- Announcements were made, the Doxology was sung, and the Conference adjourned with the benediction by the Bishop.


   Conference reconvened Monday, October 2, 1899, 8.30 A. M. Devotional exercises were conducted by G. H. Main, after which the Bishop took the chair. The record of Saturday's session was read and approved.

   TEMPERANCE. -- On motion of D. K. Tindall, the Conference requested the appointment of R. D. Snyder as agent for promotion of Temperance.

   WITHDRAWAL. -- On motion of A. Hodgetts, Charles S. Hughes was, at his own request, permitted to withdraw from the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

   SUPERINTENDENT. -- On motion of D. K. Tindall, the Conference requested the appointment of J. B. Carns as superintendent of the American Anti-Saloon League, for Nebraska.

   INTRODUCTION. -- The Bishop introduced the Rev. Charles W. Savidge, of the People's Church, Omaha, and Isaac S. Leavitt, recently transferred to this Conference.



   EVANGELISTS. -- On Motion of W. P. Murray, the Conference requested the appointment of H. L. Powers and D. W. McGregor as Conference Evangelists.

   REPORTS. -- The reports of the following standing committees were read and adopted: W. F. M. S., Church Insurance, Church Extension, Freedman's Aid and Southern Education Society, Sabbath Observance, State of the Church, District Conference Records and Stewards.

   EDIT. -- On motion of H. A. Barton, the Secretary was authorized to edit all reports for the Minutes.

   COLLECTION. -- On motion of F. M. Clark, a collection was taken for the Janitor, which amounted to $12.75.

   EPWORTH LEAGUE. -- The Committee on Epworth League made report, which was adopted, and C. N. Dawson was approved as President of the Conference Epworth League, and he read report as President, which was accepted.

   DRAFTS. -- Drafts were ordered in favor of the Conference Claimants as per report of Stewards. (See report.)

   DR. MAXFIELD. -- The Presiding Elders presented resolutions in recognition of J. B. Maxfield, the retiring Presiding Elder of the Omaha District, which, on motion of J. W. Jennings, was adopted by a rising vote, after which words of appreciation of the Doctor's eminent services to the Church in the past were spoken by D. Marquette, A. Hodgetts and W. P. Murray, the latter closing his remarks with the presentation, on behalf of the pastors of the Omaha District, of an elegant easy chair to Dr. Maxfield, which was ordered delivered at his home, he being unable to attend the closing session of the Conference.

   SUPERNUMERARY. -- On motion of W. P. Murray, the relation of J. B. Maxfield was, at his own request, changed from Effective to Supernumerary.

   REMEMBRANCE. -- On motion of J. W. Jennings a letter of remembrance was ordered written to each superannuate absent from the Conference session.

   CHAIR. -- At the Bishop's request, D. Marquette took the chair while the Cabinet temporarily retired.

   INTRODUCTIONS. -- Rev. Dr. J. W. Hamilton, Corresponding Secretary of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society,



and Rev. Dr. A. B. Leonard, Corresponding Secretary of the, Missionary Society, were introduced and addressed the Conference.

   REENTERED. -- The Cabinet reentered and the Bishop took the chair and presented nominations of Triers of Appeals, Board of Church Extension and District Boards of Church Location, which were approved. (See list.)

   ADDRESSES. -- Rev. Dr. A. Hodgetts, representative of the Tenth General Conference District, addressed the Conference in the interest of Church Extension, and Rev. Dr. D. L. Rader, a member of the General Book Committee, addressed the Conference in regard to the Episcopal Fund.

   ON TRIAL. -- Fourth Question. Who have been admitted on trial? The Bishop introduced Edgar D. Griswold, Norton E. Wood and Dorson E. Baldwin, as candidates for admission on trial. On report of the Conference Examiners and recommendation of the Neligh District Conference, they were, on motion of Wm. Gorst, admitted on trial and placed in the studies of the First Year.

   APPROPRIATIONS. -- The report of appropriations and apportionment of missionary money as submitted by the Presiding Elders and concurred in by the Bishop, was approved.

   THANK OFFERING. -- On motion of G. W. Corey, the Standing Committee on Education, with the Presiding Elders ex-officio, was made a permanent committee on 20th Century Thank Offering.

   TRANSFERS. -- The Bishop announced the following named as transferred from this Conference: Elmer E. E. Rorick to North-West Iowa, Norman A. Martin to Nebraska, Francis M. Wright to Black Hills, Edward W. Erickson to Des Moines, and W. P. Murray to Erie Conferences.

   RESOLUTIONS. -- A. Hodgetts presented resolutions in regard to W. P. Murray and other Brethren transferred from this Conference, which were adopted.

   MINUTES. -- On motion of C. F. Heywood, the minutes of the morning session were approved without reading.

   ADJOURNMENT. -- On motion of D. K. Tindall, it was ordered that after the reading of the appointments by the Bishop, the Conference stand adjourned sine die.



   APPOINTMENTS. -- The Bishop read Phillipians, Second Chapter, the Conference joined in singing Hymn Number 816, and was led in prayer by the Bishop, after which be briefly addressed the Conference and read the appointments. (See list.)
spacerSecretary. spacerPresident.


   This certifies that on October 1, 1899, in the city of Omaha, Nebraska, I ordained Eli C. Thorp, Abram J. Warne, George W. Shick, John F. Poucher, Charles W. Davidson, Ellsworth W. Wilcox, Edgar G. Griswold, as Deacons. And at same place and on same day, Allen Bishop, Edward T. Antrim, Frank A. High, John N. Gortner, Elmer E. Day, Josiah E. Fowler, Willshire R. Peters, William W. Shenk, and William D. Stambaugh, Elders in the Church of God, after the ritual of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
spacerHENRY W. WARREN, Bishop.


   TUESDAY EVENING occurred the anniversary of the Church Extension Society, J. W. Robinson presiding. The address was delivered by Dr. W. A. Spencer, Corresponding Secretary of the Church Extension Society.

   WEDNESDAY EVENING was the Temperance anniversary. J. B. Carns presided, and in the absence of Dr. F. L. Wharton, addressed the meeting.

   THURSDAY AFTERNOON the anniversary of the Woman's Home Missionary Society was held. Mrs. Mehl Uhl presided, and E. E. Tarbill, Superintendent of the Wyoming Mission, and M. C. Waddell, of Des Moines Conference, addressed the meeting.

   THURSDAY EVENING the Educational anniversary was held. F. M.



Sisson presided, and Chancellor D. W. C. Huntington and Bishop, Warren delivered addresses.

   FRIDAY AFTERNOON the Annual Missionary Sermon was preached by C. O. Larrison.

   FRIDAY EVENING the Epworth League anniversary was held. C. N. Dawson presided, and Dr. Schell, General Secretary of the Epworth League, delivered the address.

   SATURDAY AFTERNOON the Woman's Foreign Mission anniversary was held. Mrs. Ida J. Moe presided and Miss Griffith, of Japan, delivered the address.

   SATURDAY EVENING the anniversary of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society was held. Addresses were delivered by Dr. L. Rader, publisher of the Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate, and Dr. J. W. Hamilton, Corresponding Secretary of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society.

   SUNDAY MORNING at 9 o'clock the Conference Love Feast begun, conducted by J. B. Leedom. At the close of the Love Feast Eli C. Thorp, Abram J. Warne, Geo. W. Shick, John F. Poucher, Chas. W. Davidson, Ellsworth W. Wilcox and Edgar D. Griswold were ordained Deacons.
   At 10:30 the Bishop preached from the text, "Christ is the Power of God."

   SUNDAY AFTERNOON occurred the ordination of the following Elders: Frank A. High, Allen Bishop, William D. Stambaugh, John N. Gortner, Elmer E. Day, Edward T. Antrim, Josiah E. Fowler, Willshire R. Peters and William W. Shenk.

   THE following named were ordained Deaconesses: Christina Ferguson, Mary M. Ducker and Jennie M. Gasser.

    MEMORIAL services were held for Bishop Newman, John McQuoid and Wm. Stanner. J. E. Moore presided, and addresses were delivered by D. Marquette, Ralph Breckenridge, F. M. Sisson and Bishop Warren.

   SUNDAY EVENING the anniversary of the Missionary Society was held. Wm. Esplin presided, and the address was delivered by Dr. A. B. Leonard, Corresponding Secretary of the Missionary Society.

   SPECIAL REVIVAL services were conducted on the afternoons of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 4 to 5 o'clock, by Evangelists H. L. Powers and D. W. McGregor.

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