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Proceedings of Ninth Annual State Council,
Held at Omaha, May 13, 1913

State Officers

T. P. Redmond, State Deputy
1021 South 30th Avenue, Omaha
W. B. Straub, Past State Deputy
1220 P Street, Lincoln
C. J. Pass, State Secretary
North Platte
John Biglin, State Treasurer
P. F. O'Gara, State Advocate
Rt. Rev. J. H. Tihen, State Chaplain
Joseph Ryan, State Warden
Edward F. Leary, District Deputy
407 First National Bank, Omaha
Hugh J. Boyle, District Deputy
Geo. B. Corcoran, District Deputy
J. F. Crowley, District Deputy
William Rooney, District Deputy
E. W. Simeral, Master Fourth Degree

Proceedings of the Ninth Annual State Council of Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska, May 13th, 1913.

     The Ninth Annual State Council of the Knights of Columbus of Nebraska convened in accordance with the action of the last State Council.

     The State Council was called to order by State Deputy W. B. Straub, at 10:00 a. m. and prayer offered by State Chaplain Rev. W. Wolf.

     State Warden John M. Liewer reported all present were entilted (sic) to remain during the meeting.

     Roll call of State officers and the following were noted as present:

     State Deputy W. B. Straub, State Secretary Mark Burke, State Treasurer, J. P. Boler, State Advocate P. F. O'Gara, State Chaplain Rev. W. Wolf, State Warden John M. Liewer, Past State Deputy Arthur F. Mullen, District Deputies E. B. Hirchman and William Maloney, and Master of the Fourth Degree E. W. Simeral.

     The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting were dispensed with.

     State Deputy W. E. Straub appointed the following members as a committee on credentials: P. F. O'Gara, of Hartington; F. J. Doran, of North Platte; Dr. F. H. Morrow, of Columbus; Frank M. Colfer, of McCook, and W. P. Rooney, of Chadron.

     State Deputy Straub presented E. W. Simeral, who addressed the Council on the good work being done by the members of the Fourth Degree.

     The Committee on Credentials presented the following report: We, your committee on credentials, find that the following delegates from eighteen councils are entitled to seats in the State Council:


Delegates and Council No
L. A. Hoffman, Omaha, 652
J. H. Schmitt, Omaha, 652
H. J. Boyle, Chas. Carroll of Carrollton, 701
P. J. Flynn, Chas. Carroll of Carrollton, 701
L. G. Brian, Fitzgerald, 833
A. V. Johnson, Fitzgerald, 833
Dr. F. H. Morrow, Columbus, 938
J. W. Herrod, Columbus, 938
W. H. Buechsenstein, Alliance, 975
Daniel Lynch, Alliance, 975
Stephen Swigle, Hastings, 1123
J. F. Crowley, Hastings, 1123
F. M. Colfer, McCook, 1126
C. J. Ryan, McCook, 1126
W. P. Rooney, Chadron, 1128
Parley Hyde, Chadron, 1128
J. H. Mullen, St. Mary's, 1159
Grand Island
Patrick Fagan, St. Mary's, 115.9
Grand Island
F. J. Doran, St. Patrick's, 1211
North Platte
C. J. Pass, St. Patrick's, 1211
North Platte
P. F. O'Gara, Hartington, 1233
P. M. Thies, Hartington, 1233
J. J. Kennedy, Count Creighton, 1238
F. J. Kane, Count Creighton, 1238
A. P. Mentgen, Wymore, 1295
George Coffee, Wymore, 1295
William McDann, Emerson, 1309
Nicholas Ryan, Emerson, 1309
P. J. Kerrigan, Bishop O'Connor, 1312
Rev. Patrick Flanigan, Bishop O'Connor, 1312
John Gagnon, Falls City, 1336
Falls City
R. A. Cope, Falls City, 1336
Falls City
T. A. Fahey, Phil Sheridan, 1497
Luke Munday, Phil Sheridan, 1497
Emmet F. Reel, Immaculate Conception, 1666
D. J. Cronin, Immaculate Conception, 1666

     Also all State Officers and Past State Officers that may be entitled to seats or a vote in the State Council.

     Voted that the report of the committee on credentials be accepted and adopted as read.

     State Deputy W. E. Straub appointed the following committee:
     Auditing Committee--A. V. Johnson, of Lincoln; C. J. Pass, of North Platte; Emmett F. Real, of Sutton.
     Committee on Mileage and Assessment--A. P. Mentgen, of Wymore; Nicholas Ryan, of Emerson; R. A. Cope, of Falls City.
     Committee on Resolutions--In accordance with resolution No. 4 of the 1912 state meeting, State Deputy W. B. Straub had appointed the following: L. G. Brian, of Lincoln; Leo A. Hoffman, of Omaha; H. J. Boyle, of O'Neill; J. F. Crowley, of Hastings; J. H. Mullen, of Grand Island.

     The State Secretary read telegrams and communications from the following State Councils, also in session (with the exception of the


communication from the province of Quebec, which the Secretary thought was written in Irish, and called on the Rev. Father Dunphy, of Sutton, to translate, when it was discovered to be French, and with the assistance of Brother John Cagnon, of Falls City, the same was translated into the good old U. S. A.): New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland. District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Ontario and Quebec.

     Voted that the State Deputy reply to all communications and telegrams of greeting received from other State Councils in session.

Report of W. E. Straub, State Deputy of the Knights of Columbus of Nebraska, May 13, 1913

To the State Convention of the Knights of Columbus of Nebraska:
     It is with the keenest pleasure I extend to you, the duly qualified representatives of the various councils of the State of Nebraska, a most sincere and fraternal greeting.
     In presenting to you my annual report, I shall try to make it as concise and brief as possible.
     With exquisite delight I can truthfully say that owing to the earnest efforts of those of you present and other enthusiastic members, we find at this our Ninth Annual Convention the affairs of our Order in a most flourishing and promising condition. This condition always exists when harmony prevails. I wish to make a strong appeal that you keep at the head of your Council, officers who have their hearts and souls engaged in the work. They will soon gather around them plenty of other active members who are ready to co-operate with them for the success of their Council and if your Council is a success your district will be a success and thereby make the order in your slate all that you hope for.
     The total membership of our order April 1st, 1912, was 271,890 with 1,558 councils. On April 1st, 1913, the total membership was 291,050 with 1,609 councils, a net gain of 19,160 members for the year and a net gain of 51 councils during the year. The membership in Nebraska on April 1st, 1912, was 3,706, consisting of 1,100 insurance members and 2,705 associate members. On April 1st, 1913, our membership in Nebraska was 3,969, 1,066 of which were insurance members and 2,903 associate members. There are now eighteen councils in the state, a new council No. 1666, having been instituted at Sutton since the last state convention. Three initiations in the three degrees held since April 1st have added about 120 members that are not included in the above figures and three more classes will be initiated within the next thirty days. Requests for new councils have been made in different places in the state, all of which were referred to the district deputies for investigation and recommendations.
     The order now operates in the United States, Canada, the Phillippine (sic) Islands, Panama, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico and Newfoundland.

Amount paid by the order in death claims for year 1912
$ 676,198.87
Death claims paid since organization up to Dec. 31, 1912


Assessments collected during 1912
Assessments collected since organization up to Dec. 31, 1912
Cost of management per capita, 1912
Death per 1,000 insurance members, 1912
Average age of membership of order, 1912
Total amount insurance in force, Dec. 31, 1912
Total assets December 31, 1912
Insurance Reserve Liabilities December 31, 1912, on total amount of insurance then in force as per actuary's calculation
All other liabilities, December 31, 1912

     The reports indicate that the financial condition of the Nebraska Councils are, generally speaking, most satisfactory. In a few Councils, however, laxity in the collection of assessments and dues is noticeable, and in some cases has resulted, not only in a loss to Councils, but an injustice to the members who are prompt in liquidating their just obligations.
     The present laws in force are very stringent on the promptness in the payments of assessments and dues, and if obeyed and enforced will prove to be a protection to both members and Councils.
     I am advised that all but two of the Councils in Nebraska have made full payment to the Catholic University of America Endowment Fund Committee.
     As the years go by and our Order grows in strength, numerically and financially, more of the Councils are acquiring homes of their own. This procedure cannot be commended too highly, and I sincerely hope we may soon be able to report that a majority of the Councils are in their own homes.
     When new members are admitted, every effort should be made to make them feel at home and take an active interest in all Council affairs. Every means should be taken to increase the attendance at Council meetings and enhance the interest and enthusiasm of members. Entertainments of varied nature should he furnished whenever possible without expense to members. In my opinion, a great extent of the success of the Council depends upon the Lecturer. The office of Lecturer is one of the greatest importance, and he should lay out an attractive programme in advance for the season.
      I am sure all present have been advised and kept posted on the doings and proceedings of the Order in Nebraska through that splendid Catholic paper, the True Voice. We all owe a deep debt of gratitude to its able and efficient Editor and for the valuable space so cheerfully given to our Order, also to the Columbiad, the official organ of our Order. Through the medium of these two splendid publications, every member in the Order has been enabled to keep in close touch, locally and nationally, and I hope that every member in the State has, and will continue to avail himself of the opportunities they afford.
     Not wishing to usurp the credit that rightfully belongs to the five District Deputies, I have requested them to make a detailed report to this Convention of the condition of the Councils located in their respective districts, which report I hope will be included in the report of today's Convention.


     I have also complied with the instructions of the State convention held a year ago, by appointing the Resolutions Committee a month in advance of today's Convention. I heartily approve of your action in this matter, and I hope the time given the Committee has enabled its members to consider and submit for your consideration such recommendations that may assist in making this convention all that is hoped for.
     After two years of service as State Deputy, I retire from that honorable position and ask for my successor the same hearty co-operation and loyalty that have always been given to me. When the future historian chronicles that history of the Knights of Columbus, may Nebraska enjoy an exalted place.
     Answering the promptings of gratitude I wish to convey to you, and all other members of our Order in Nebraska, my ardent thanks and sincere appreciation for the kindness and consideration given me during my terms of office. I wish, especially, to thank the State officers, District Deputies and Grand Knights for their willingness to 'assist me, which they have expressed by acts and not by words alone. I am aware that whatever measure of success has attended my efforts to promote the best interests of the organization is due to the enthusiasm, loyalty and devotion of the Knights of Columbus of the State. It has been a great pleasure to serve you in the capacity of State Deputy and my efforts were more than repaid by the friendships I have formed and I wish to assure you that although retiring as State Deputy, my interest in the Order will not be diminish (sic). I shall deem it a great privilege and pleasure to assist my successor or any other officer or member in any possible manner and wish you all unlimited success.

Respectfully submitted,
State Deputy.

     Voted that the report of the State Deputy be accepted and given to the True Voice and other papers for publication, and included in the printed proceedings of this meeting.

Report of State Secretary

To the State Council Knights of Columbus of Nebraska:
     Worthy Sirs:
     To the best of my knowledge and ability I have complied with the duties incumbent upon me as state secretary. Proceedings of the last State Council were published in pamphlet form and copies sent to each local council pro-rata.
     It was voted at the 1912 State Council meeting that a twenty-five cents per capita tax be collected, and the following are the receipts from the various councils, also the number of insurance and associate members reported by the financial secretaries, as of good standing on April 1st, 1913:


Date Pd
Amt. Pd.
$ ....
Grand Island
North Platte
5- 9-13
5- 8-13
5- 9-13
Falls City

     All the above cash collected has been turned over to State Treasurer J. P. Boler, with the excetpion (sic) of the amount due from the Omaha Council, which will be paid to the newly elected Treasurer.

Respectfully submitted,
State Secretary.

     Voted that the report of the State Secretary be received, referred to the Auditing Committee and included in the printed proceedings of the meeting.

Report. of the State Treasurer

Balance on hand, May 14, 1912
Paid Out as per Vouchers--
E. F. Shields, Alliance
$ 33.64
A. J. Kennedy, Alliance
Hugh Boyle, O'Neill
P. J. Grady, O'Neill
Luke Mundy, Fremont
E. B. Hirschman, Hartington
G. M. Mullen, Creighton
T. C. Green, Creighton
A. V. Johnson, Lincoln
William McCormack, Lincoln
Rev. P. Flannagan, Greeley
F. M. Toohey, Greeley
F. M. Colfer, McCook
Patrick Fagan, Grand Island
J. H. Mullen, Grand Island
L. P. Wirth, Falls City
F. P. Uerling, Hastings
Roscoe Anderson, Falls City
W. C. Ryan, Emerson
J. M. Liewer, Emerson


F. J. Doran, North Platte
J. F. Crowley, Hastings
F. J. Gerharz, Columbus
S. J. Ryan, Columbus
E. J. Delehant, Wymore
W. R. Maloney, North Platte
A. P. Mentgen, Wymore
C. J. Ryan, McCook
Frank Real, McCook
William Chaulk, Chadron
W. P. Rooney, Chadron
W. E. Straub, State Deputy, Lincoln ,
W. E. Straub, State Deputy, Lincoln, Letterheads
Rev. W Wolf, State Chaplain, Grand Island
Mark Burke, State Treasurer
Mark Burke, State Treasurer, salary
Mark Burke, State Treasurer, badges
James P. Boler, State Treasurer
The Telegram Co., Columbus, Nebr., printing pro-
Creighton University, hall rent
To Mark Burke, expense account, postage and
     Balance on hand

Respectfully submitted,
State Treasurer.

     Voted that the report of State Treasurer J. P. Boler be accepted, referred to the Committee on Audit and included in the proceedings of the meeting.

Report of the State Chaplain

Worthy State Deputy and Delegates to the State Council:
     As State Chaplain of our great Order and meeting with you, the officers of the different Councils, and consequently the most representative Catholics of the State, I greet you with the old, old Catholic salutation: "Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever, Amen."
     An ancient ambassador of a foreign king returning from his mission to the Roman Senate, prefaced his report with these words: "The city of Rome appeared to me a temple of gods and the Roman Senate an assembly of kings."
     This impression a stranger should carry away after witnessing a session of any Council of the Knights of Columbus; he should feel as though present in an assembly of kings, or as Mother Church might express it and expects it to be: "An assembly of lay-apostles."
     In my report, I. am happily able to state that the chaplains of the different branches, with whom I have been able to consult, have given cheerful and hopeful accounts of the spiritual and religious condition


of their Councils and of the great influence they are wielding for social and civic justice and progress and for spiritual life. At the invitation of chaplains, the members all made their Easter Communion in a body and thus have given to their churches and congregations a glorious example of practical Catholicity. A large number of representative men approaching together the Communion rail is a delight for angels and men. Thus can I report a happy condition of religious fervor in our Councils under the faithful guidance of my confreres (sic), the chaplains of the State.
     Columbus Council deserves honorable mention for the interest they are taking in the care of the Catholic cemetery. They have a committee of Knights appointed, whose duty is to took after the grounds, the streets, alleys and neglected lots. Since the Columbus Catholic cemetery is located very close to the Union Pacific railroad tracks. many passengers on the different daily trains admire the splendid order and condition in which the city of the dead is now kept. This example of the Columbus Knights might with equally good results be followed by other Councils.
     St. Mary's Council at Grand Island has been especially favored of late by Providence. It has received by transfer as its most illustrious new member the First Bishop of the new Diocese of Kearney. After the installation of Bishop Duffy, we sent his lordship a memorial, extending to him a most hearty welcome to St. Mary's Council. Being well aware of the fact that a Bishop, a prince of the church is on account of his spiritual authority above all rules and by-laws of any and all Catholic societies, St. Mary's Council informed the Rt. Rev. Bishop that his transfer card was ipso facto in order. They expressed their great happiness in having the privilege to honor and esteem his lordship in future as the most exalted member of their council, and with their welcome they assured his lordship of their cheerful attention and readiness to his advice whenever given and their humble submission to his spiritual guidance and leadership at all times. May this happy relation with God's grace abide ad multos annos.
      Dear Delegates: We are assembled here, not only to deliberate in a business manner the temporal ways and means by which to make our glorious Order still more lasting and progressive, but also to enkindle in us to newer and brighter dame the spirit which underlies the principle and foundation of our great Order--the religious spirit and fervor which makes our Order a fruitful branch on the great tree, the Catholic church. We are here met to spend the day in that happy intercourse, which is only possible in a society based, as is our own, on solid Christian principles. We want to salute each other, talk to each other, encourage each other, as true Catholic followers of the great Christopher Columbus, and having ourselves received a new ambition fervor and dedication for the great cause, we want to return home and through our cheer, example and influence, lead and guide the other brothers to a greater love of Mother Church and to a faithful practice of their religious duties, so that all our Councils may abound in an energetic lay-apostleship.
     Apostolic courage and energy is decidely (sic) necessary in our times. Dear Knights, do not be deceived, the conditions are serious. The full hatred and the deep malice of infidelity are everywhere noticeable. Against the religious indifference and atheism of the day, we have to stand firm and determined. There has not often been a time when the


Church needed and looked for the courageous help of laymen more than now. Happily in the life of the Church, when there was need of a particular type of leader or organization, it was always forthcoming. Providence called into the arena brave and energetic laymen, who, full of enthusiasm, labored for the truth of Christ's doctrine and the liberty of the Church. No Christian nation but has its heroes among the laity. Most conspicuous among the number stands forth a lay-apostle whom Ireland, with justifiable pride, calls her son, Daniel O'Connell than whom there is no greater lover of his people in history. This hero made it his life's aim to regain for his country religious and political liberty. The most brilliant talents were in this remarkable man united with the most childlike religious piety.
     And Germany had in her days of need her her (sic) Goerres (sic) and her Windhorst, men who not only professed their Catholicity in words, but gave testimony of it through their conduct and actions; who were not ashamed to carry a rosary or a burning candle in their hand and walk in a procession with the Blessed Sacrament; men who obtained their strength and courage through their daily prayers and the frequent reception of the Sacraments; men who by word and heroic labor gained the victory for the Catholic cause in Germany.
     And what shall I say about the lay-apostleship of our great Christopher Columbus? This Christian hero prized the gift of faith so highly that he, in order to bring its light to the benighted savages whom he supposed to inhabit this western hemisphere, encountered appalling dangers and sustained heroic hardships in its discovery, and who considered himself fully compensated for all his trials and sufferings the moment he was able to plant the cross on the new western shore; in gloriam dei--to the honor of God.
     These men should be bright models for the Knights of Columbus as lay-apostles in the Church.
     In the first place the Church has a right to exact from her children the obligation to lead an exemplary life. Words only move, but examples draw. The good example of one member in a society edifies and encourages the whole body. A good example is like the sun, whose genial rays constantly draw the buried seed into life and clothe the earth with foliage, flowers and with ripened grain. Holy Mother Church has a right to claim this good example, not only for the sake of believers, but for the unbelievers, according to the words of Christ: "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." It is more by the influence of good examples than by miracles that our dissenting brethren may be brought to the light of truth. An early father of the Church says: "There would be no heathens were we such Christians as we ought to be." Paul was but a man, yet how many did he not draw after him? How was it that this great saint attracted so many to Christ? He tells us himself: "Give no offense to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles; as I also please all men in all things not seeking what is profitable to myself, but to many, that they may be saved."
     It is clear, then, that every one who claims to be a practical member of the Church, as every Knight of Columbus does, is bound by a lasting and sacred obligation to give a good example at all times.
     However, of a good lay-apostle there is still more required. He is bound, like the knights of old to make sacrifices for religion and he


must work for the Church. And in the selection and carrying out of the work, he may learn from the enemies of the Church. They try at every opportunity and in every possible manner to disseminate by word and pen erroneous principles and calumnies. Especially do they distribute bad literature in which the Church, her tenets and practices, are misrepresented and villified and Bishops, Priests and Nuns are reviled and calumniated. Against this nefarious work of the enemy the lay-apostle, in order to defend and protect the Church and her ministers must with all just and lawful means spread Christian, Catholic doctrine and principles. Foremost in this work is the assistance rendered the Catholic press. The press is in our age the mightiest engine that acts on public opinion and moves the destinies of the world.
     The Church needs the Catholic press in this struggle against the powers of darkness. It is, therefore, the duty of our lay-apostles, the Knights of Columbus, to assist the Catholic press by subscriptions, by advertisement, and, where the ability obtains, by contributing timely and instructive articles. Our Rt. Rev. Bishop proclaimed in this year's Lenten pastoral, in glowing words, the duty of excluding bad reading from all our Catholic homes and of introducing good reading matter therein. And especially did the Bishop advise that each congregation should have in the vestibule of the Church a supply of good literature, which the people might thus easily procure at but little cost.
      What a good work in every congregation it would be for our Knights of Columbus to manage and control this book stand.
     Moreover, the enemies of the cross are in our days most eagerly working to banish Christ, the word's Redeemer, from the heart of youth. The schools of the land, from the kindergarten to the university, are absolutely divorced from God and Christian, moral training. But God has given the child a heart, as well as a mind; a heart to be trained to virtue as well as a mind for science and art. Catholic parents are aware of the importance of this truth. They, therefore, maintain their own Catholic schools, where good Sisters give the undivided loyalty of there hearts to the work of our children's education. and the parents are keeping up these schools at considerable financial sacrifices. Here, then, another great work might present itself to the Knights of Columbus as lay-apostles. The princely gift of the Order towards the Catholic University, the readiness with which the appeal of the Archbishops for the large donation was accepted and the still greater eagerness with which the large sum was furnished has astounded the whole American nation, and this example of charity might be emulated by the different Councils towards the Catholic school in their parish. If not able to make our schools entirely free, our Councils might at least furnish the books and stationery free to all children and be thus instrumental in lightening the burden of many of our poorer families. This would be a very commendable work of charity; they would not suffer any loss, for God's richest blessing would rest upon the Council.
      Dear Sir Knights you see that in many ways Church and country most dear to us claim our love and service. How grand and flattering the thought that our particular type of an organization was necessary at this time, and that Providence has called our great Order into the arena to help resolutely to build up Christ's Church in our great,


growing and free republic. Will we, dear Sir Knights, prove equal to the occasion? Will we in the courts and streets, in factories, stores and workshops, in the market place and the open fields--in a word, wherever men congregate for other purposes--preach most effective sermons through our Catholic lives and conduct, and thus help to speed the day when all the world will hear the Master's voice and there be only one fold and one Shepherd? I know that in your hearts you are all ready to answer: "With God's grace and help, we will."

     Voted that the report of State Chaplain Rev. W. Wolf be accepted and given to the papers for publication, and printed with the proceedings of this meeting.

Report of District Deputy E. B. Hirschman, O'Neill District

To the Worthy State Deputy and State Council:
     I beg to submit the following report for the year ending April 1, 1913, on the membership and the financial condition of the Councils in the O'Neill district:


Charles Carroll of Carrollton Council, No. 701, O'Neill, has a total membership of 358, of which 104 are in the insurance class and 254 In the associate class. During the past year of the insurance class, nine were suspended and one withdrawn; of the associate class, twenty-three were suspended and four died.
     Count Creighton Council, No. 1238, Creighton, has a total membership of 247, of which ninety-one are in the insurance class and 156 in the associate class. During the year, of the insurance class, four were suspended and two withdrawn; of the associate class, thirteen were suspended and three died.
     Emerson Council, No. 1309, Emerson, has a total membership of 136, of which thirty-three are in the insurance class and 103 in the associate class. During the year, of the insurance class two were suspended and one withdrawn; of the associate class, six were suspended and one died.
     Hartington Council, No. 1233, Hartington has a total membership of 231, of which fifty-nine are in the insurance class and 172 in the associate class. During the year, of the associate class seven were suspended.
     The total membership of the district is 972, of which 287 are in the insurance class and 685 in the associate class, an increase of membership of 110 in the past year.
     Charles Carroll of Carrollton Council initiated a class April 20 of forty-seven members, seventeen insurance and thirty associate, which makes their total membership 405.
     Count Creighton Council initiated a class May 11 of thirty-six members, seven insurance and twenty-nine associate, which makes their total membership 283. Total membership in district to date, 1,055, of which 311 are in the insurance class and 744 in the associate class, a total increase of 193. Hartington Council will initiate a class May 18 and Emerson Council will initiate a class May 25.


     Charles Carroll of Carrollton Council has cash on hand, $134.16;

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