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solved, that, to this end the Supreme Board of Directors forthwith appoint a ritual commission with plenary powers to build said ritual.


     Resolved, That the State Secretaries again recommend that the State Council present a resolution to the Supreme Council, requiring each member to furnish an annual Easter Communion Certificate.


     Resolved, That a levy of twenty-five cents per member per annum be levied by the State Council, based upon the membership of the Knights of Columbus in Nebraska for the purpose of providing for missionary work in western Nebraska and that the same be collected from the various Councils in the state in the manner provided for in the collection of other assessments, and that said assessment be paid on or before January 1, 1916, and upon the first day of January and for three years thereafter; that said fund be disbursed by a committee consisting of the State Deputy, State Chaplain, State Treasurer and the Bishop of Western Nebraska.

Respectfully submitted,


     Upon motion the Convention adjourned until 1:30 p. m. Carried.

Afternoon Session

     Convention was called to order by State Deputy Thos. P. Redmond. Warden Jos. Ryan took up Third Degree Pass Word.

     Telegrams from Alliance extending invitation to the Twelfth State Council to come to Alliance. Motion that telegrams be received and place on record. Carried.

     Bro. Frank M. Colfer gave a very interesting talk on the ritual and showing the necessity of intermediate degrees, also read a letter showing work done by Bro. Coffer before Supreme Convention to bring about this valuable change; also showing attention of the Supreme Master of the Fourth Degree and Chairman of Supreme Ritual Committee.

      Resolution No. 8 expressing congratulation to the Rt. Rev. John Henry Tihen, State Chaplain, on the occasion of his election to the high office of Bishop passed by unanimous rising vote.

     Resolution passed that K. of C. clubs may be promoted, the expense of the same to be borne by the members interested. Carried.

Report of the State Chaplain

     Rev. Father L. A. Dumphey, representing State Chaplain Rt. Rev. John Henry Tihen, submitted, the report asking that an assessment be levied to provide two priests for mission districts of the Diocese of Lincoln and Kearney, to be used in Western Nebraska.
     Bro. Colfer assisted by Bro. Brain, moves the adoption and recommends a committee be appointed to draft a resolution to provide for an assessment. Carried.


     Committee as appointed--Bro. Frank M. Coffer, Patrick Fagan, Hugh J. Boyle.

Report of District Deputy Hugh J. Boyle, O'Neill District

To the Worthy State Deputy and State Council:
     I beg to submit the following report for the year ending May 1, 1915, on the membership and financial condition of the Councils in the O'Neill District.


     Charles Carroll of Carrollton Council No. 701, O'Neill, has a total membership of 319, of which 113 are in the insurance class and 206 in the associate class. During the past year of the insurance class, two were suspended; of the associate class eight were suspended, one withdrawn and one died.
     Hartington Council No. 1233, Hartington, has a total membership of 254, of which fifty-eight are in the insurance class and 196 in the associate class. During the year of the insurance class six were suspended and in the associate class twenty-nine were suspended.
     Count Creighton Council No. 1238, Creighton, has a total membership of 273, of which 102 are in the insurance class, 171 in the associate class. During the year of the insurance class one was suspended; of the associate class five were suspended; one insurance and three associate died.
     Emerson Council No. 1309, Emerson, has a total membership of 197, of which forty-one are in the insurance class, and 156 in the associate class. During the year there were five suspended in the insurance class and two in the associate class.
     On April 18th, 1915, there was instituted at Madison, Nebraska, a council known as the Madison Council No. 1788, with a total membership of fifty-four; thirty being insurance members and the balance associate members.
     The total membership of the District is 1,096, of which 344 are in the insurance class and 752 in the associate class.
     Norfolk has all preparations made to institute a new Council May 16th.


     Charles Carroll of Carrollton Council has cash on hand, $514.57; fixtures, $1,500; Knights of Columbus stock in their home, $8,000; total, $10,014.57.
     Hartington Council has cash on hand, $483.56; fixtures, $1,000; stock in Knights of Columbus home, $3,900; total, $5,383.56.
     Count Creighton Council has cash on hand, $2,870. 89; fixtures. $300; total, $3170.89.
     Emerson Council has cash on hand, $1,026.04; fixtures, $300; total, $1,326.04.
     Total property of all the Councils, $19,895.06, an increase of $2,064.52 since last report, which shows the Councils are saving their money and are getting in better financial condition each year, which is a pleasing fact to report.

Respectfully submitted,
District Deputy.


District Deputy Report of W. J. Rooney of North Platte District

May 11th, 1915,

Worthy State Deputy and Gentlemen of this Convention:
     As District Deputy from the North Platte District, I beg you to accept the following as my report for the year:
     In the North Platte District there are but three Councils, and it is with much regret that I am unable to report an increase in Councils in that district this year. During the last six months I took the trouble to investigate the reason that so many new Councils could be formed in the eastern portion of the State while we were compelled to remain at an apparent stand still. I satisfied myself by competent figures that even though we were still three in number of Councils that a larger per cent of the Catholic men in our district, who are eligible to membership, belong to the order than do in other Districts in the State. In making this computation I took the figures of the balance of the State as a whole. I also found that we have a Council in all the towns in the district that have over two thousand population, which gives an idea of the general population according to the square mileage in the District.
     Alliance Council No. 975 reports fifty-five insurance members and 112 associate members in good standing. The Council reports seven suspensions, one death and one withdrawal during the year.
     On May second the Three Degrees of the order were exemplified to a class of twenty with four reinstatements. I had personal charge of the Third Degree and feel it my duty to report that the class just initiated shows excellent material. This is the second class of the year. The Council reports a good financial standing. It is located in one of the most aggressive towns in the west and the indications point to Alliance as having the brightest future of the Councils in the District, if not in the State. It has made substantial donations to both the Catholic hospital and Catholic school located at Alliance and has donated two gold and two silver medals to the pupils of the Catholic Academy and it has placed the Catholic encyclopedia in the Public Library.
      St. Patrick's Council No. 1211, of North Platte, is really the most substantial Council in the District, with a total membership of 212, with a class to be initiated on May 23rd of this year. It reports twenty-one suspended, one withdrawal and one death, with a good financial standing. It has seventy-three insurance members and 139 associate members. North Platte is the home of the present State Secretary, Brother Pass, and in judging the quality of the members of St. Patrick's Council I may say that he has always kept warm that feeling of loyalty and energy necessary to make the work a success.
     Chadron Council No. 1128 has not initiated during the past year, but contemplates a class in the near future. In membership it is the poorest in the district, while in money it is the richest. It has a total membership of but eighty-six, with three withdrawals, four suspensions and one death. It has cash on hand in the sum of $1,175.02, which proves that the smaller Councils need have no fear from a financial standpoint if properly conducted. Chadron Council has developed a Third Degree Team during the last year and its members ore always ready and willing to further the good work of the order.
     In my District the current wave of bigotry has had seemingly no


effect and as the country develops I predict a more substantial representation from the northwestern portion of the State. Respectfully submitted,


Report of District Deputy J. F. Crowley, Hastings District.

To Worthy State Deputy T. P. Redmond and Delegates of the Eleventh
      Annual State Convention of the Knights of Columbus of Nebraska.
     As District Deputy of the Hastings District I submit the following as my report from said District:


     Hastings Council No. 1123, Hastings, has a total membership of 221, of which forty-one are in the insurance class and 180 in the associate class. During the past year there has been no change in the insurance class; of the associate class one withdrew and one died. A class has been initiated since the above report was made and this Council now has a membership of 270.
     McCook Council No. 1126, McCook, has a total membership of 162, of which fifty-one are in the insurance class and 111 in the associate class. During the past year of the insurance class three withdrew and one died; of the associate class four withdrew and one died. This Council has also initiated a class since the above report was made and now have a membership of 186.
     St. Mary's Council No. 1159, Grand Island, has a total membership of 281, of which fifty-three are in the insurance class and 228 in the associate class. During the past year of the insurance class one was suspended, twelve withdrew and one died; of the associate class thirty-three withdrew.
     St. James Council No. 1728, Kearney, has a total membership of ninety, of which twenty-eight are in the insurance class and sixty-two in the associate class. During the past year of the insurance class two were suspended and one withdrew.


     Hastings Council has $608.67 cash on hand; paraphernalia, $400; real estate, $9,000; encumbrance, $1,700.
     McCook Council, cash on hand, $280.92; paraphernalia, $400.
     St. Mary's Council, cash on hand, $5,682.97; paraphernalia, $400.
     St. James Council, cash on hand, $139.96.
     During the past year I have visited all the Councils in my District. I find that the laws of the order are strictly enforced, a fair attendance at all meetings and that the officers are doing all in their power for the good of the order. Hastings Council has purchased two sets of the Catholic encyclopedia, one set for the Public Library and the other for the Club Rooms which the Council will open the latter port of this month. I am informed that St. Mary's Council is making arrangements to put on a class before long, and has a committee appointed to investigate the purchase of a Club House site. St. James Council shows an increase of thirty-seven members during the past years and will put on a class in a short time, and will pledge $1,000 to the new parochial school to be erected in Kearney this fall.

Respectfully submitted,
J. F. CROWLEY, District Deputy.


Report of Charles F. McLaughlin, District Deputy

Worthy State Deputy and Gentlemen:
     During the year now ending, classes have been initiated at Omaha, Fremont, Columbus and Albion. Greeley, the only Council in Omaha district not holding an initiation this year, will be in readiness next fall with a large number of candidates.
     Omaha Council has at present 618 members, 114 of whom are insurance members, and 504 associate members. One year ago, Omaha Council had 531 members, 103 of whom were insurance members and 423 associate. During the past year three insurance members and seven associate members have withdrawn and one insurance and two associate members have died. Cash on hand, $371.69.
     Columbus Council has at present 266 members, forty-three of whom are insurance members and 223 associate. One year ago. Columbus had 238 members, forty-five of whom were insurance members and 193 associate. During the past year two insurance members and five associate members have been suspended; five insurance members and one associate member have withdrawn; thirteen insurance members and twenty-eight associate members have transferred to other Councils, and one insurance member and three associate members have died. Cash on hand, $106.21. Amount invested in Building & Loan Association, $1,100.00.
     St. Michael's Council at Albion makes its first report this year. This report shows that it had on April 5th, fifty-eight members--thirty-two insurance members and twenty-six associate members; that there had been no withdrawals and no suspensions; that there had been one death in the ranks of he associate members. Cash on hand, $206.07. While not officially included in this report, it is gratifying to mention the fact that on May 2nd, an initiation was held at Albion and sixty-three new members admitted in the St. Michael Council.
      Phil Sheridan Council at Fremont has at present 160 members, of whom thirty-four are insurance members and 126 associate, One year ago Phil Sheridan Council had seventy-nine members, twenty-nine of whom were insurance members and fifty-five associate. During the past year there have been no suspensions, withdrawals or deaths in the Council. Cash on hand $21.96. A goodly sum has been expended during the past year for Council paraphernalia and for the purpose of fixing up the Club Rooms.
     Bishop O'Connor Council at Greeley has at present 228 members, eighty-three of whom are insurance members and 145 associate. One year ago this Council had 236 members, eighty-nine of whom were insurance members and 147 associate. 'During the past year four insurance members have been suspended; one insurance member has withdrawn and two insurance members and one associate member have died. Cash on hand, $801.13.


     Total membership of Omaha district at present is 1,330, of whom 306 are insurance members and 1,024 associate members. One year ago the total membership of Omaha district was 1,084 of whom 266 were insurance members and 818 associate members. During the year just past there has been twenty-one suspensions, nine of which were of insurance members and twelve of associate members, sixteen


withdrawals, seven of which were of insurance members and nine associate members, and eleven deaths, four of insurance and seven of associate members.
     The above figures show the steady growth and development of the Councils of the Omaha district during the past year. With this increase in membership the enthusiasm and interest of the members has been maintained and has manifested itself in the social and charitable activities of the Councils.

Report of District Deputy George F. Corcoran, York

York, Neb., May 11, 1915.

Worthy State Deputy and, Gentlemen:
     I have the honor to submit my annual report as District Deputy for the Third Nebraska District, covering the period of the past year. At the time of holding the last meeting of this body the district comprised eight Councils. Since that time the district has been divided and the Councils of Lincoln, Beatrice, Wymore and Falls City detached and formed into a new district, leaving the Councils at York, David City, Sutton and Friend to constitute the third district. These are practically all new Councils. With the exception of the Council at Sutton, all have been organized within the last year and a half. No new Councils have been organized within the past year. One application was received for the establishment of a Council in a splendid field for good work, but in the judgment of the District Deputy sufficient interest was not manifested among the old members living in the locality to warrant starting the new Council at the present time. Each of the Councils in the district have received into their ranks a class of candidates during the past year and the Council at David City has had two such classes, and have arranged for another class on next Sunday, May 16th. This will make five classes initiated into this council since January 25, 1914, or within sixteen months.


     Comparing reports made as of January 1st, 1915, with the reports of the year previous, the membership of the different Councils are:

David City

     Net gain for the year, 178.

     In addition to these figures the Council at David City in January last added another good class to its membership. If this class was to be counted the number of Knights in our district would be at this time in round numbers, 540.
     A remarkable feature of the reports from these Councils and one which I am very gratified to notice is the small number of suspensions.
     In the four Councils named but two members are reported suspended during the year covered by the reports. They report five members withdrawn or transferred, and one member as having died during the year, This showing, probably would not he possible except for the fact


that the Councils are young and the greater portion of their membership has been but a short time in the order.
     At the direction of the State Deputy I visited each Council before making this report and made a personal examination of the books and find all to he kept in a very satisfactory condition, and the financial conditions of all Councils to be good. Nearly all of the Councils have considerable investments in furnishings of club rooms, and have pleasant and attractive places for their members to meet and to occasionally enjoy a social hour together. The four Councils have cash balances of $1,869.49.
     In addition I visited each Council after the election of their new officers and installed the officers in the manner provided by the ceremonial.
     We have organized no degree team in the district during the past year, but have been very generously assisted by the splendid teams of Omaha and Lincoln. These gentlemen whenever called upon have rendered splendid service, and the Knights of our district have been placed under lasting obligation to them, and to each of them. But one of the Councils in the district have become equipped with the robes and paraphernalia of the order. The Council at David City is well equipped in this respect, and their officers are to be commended for the very impressive and beautiful manner in which they confer the first and second degrees.
     We may add that the members of the order in this district are in earnest about their work and apply themselves to the upbuilding of the order with enthusiasm and ultimate success must and will crown their efforts.

Respectfully submitted,
District Deputy.

Report of District Deputy John W. Delehant, Lincoln District

To the State Deputy and Members of the Eleventh Annual State Council of the Knights of Columbus for the State of Nebraska:
     As deputy for the district comprising the Lincoln, Falls City, Wymore and Beatrice Councils, I beg to submit the following report as to the condition of the order in this territory during the year just past.
     At the outset, I wish to state that in entering upon my duties as District Deputy, I found everything in a most satisfactory condition, thanks to the energetic and thoroughly effective administration of my illustrious predecessor. It was due to his wise guidance that the growth of the order in the old district in the year preceding had been such that a redistricting of that part of the state was deemed necessary, and to him the members of my district must feel that they owe a debt of sincerest gratitude.
     I desire, also, to take this opportunity of expressing my sincerest thanks for the earnest cooperation and work that has been done by the members of each council in the district, and particularly by the officers of the Councils, during the past year. The work of the Deputy is materially lightened by such co-operation and the spirit of true fraternity improved. During the year, I have had the pleasure of personally installing the officers of all the councils la the district.


     Since January 1 of the present year the work of our order has been exemplified to splendid classes in Fitzgerald council of Lincoln and in Beatrice council. Wymore council is now working for a class which will be initiated early in the fall, according to the present plan. This event will be in the nature of a joint initiation between the Wymore and Beatrice councils, held at Wymore. These two councils are adopting that plan and find it thoroughly commendable. I am also informed that there is material for a class at Falls City in the near future.
      The membership list in two of the councils of the district shows a loss for the year 1914. However, this fact is due to the large number of transfers from these councils to the new councils established in the district prior to the change of boundaries, and is in reality an evidence of growth in the order. The total membership for the district shows a net increase during the year of about ten per cent.
     While the reports submitted from the various councils show some suspensions--practically all of which are of associate members--the percentage of lapsation is relatively small. Fitzgerald council has suspended eight men during the year; Falls City, seven; Wymore. two, and Beatrice none.
     The financial condition of the order in the district seems to be splendid. The financial secretaries, without exception, are competent officials whose work is done accurately and promptly. Each council in its report shows a good balance on hand with which to begin the new year.
     Closely connected with this question, is the equally vital one of permanent homes for the various councils. The Falls City council has equipped a portion of a building for its own use as a club and maintains lodge rooms in a style well worthy of emulation. During the year Fitzgerald council of Lincoln has purchased and occupied property as its permanent home. Beatrice and Wymore councils both maintain club rooms in rented buildings.
     The Southeastern District enjoys the unenviable distinction of having within its borders one of the fledglings of the Menace brood, in the form of the Lincoln Times. This journalistic mushroom has attained some little notoriety during the year just past. Its columns are filled with the most vitriolic abuse of our church and our order and with stories which investigation has proved to be utter fabrications. Over-confident Catholics may assert that such papers exert no damaging influence. But I seriously fear that such an assertion merely affords an instance where: The wish is father to the thought."
     There are men and women who have no access to any literature counteracting this poison and we can not expect them, unaided, to completely withstand its influence. This particular paper will inevitably die a natural death, and in the coure (sic) of time will reflect nothing but discredit on those supporting it. But during its life it will be tireless in its dissemination of falsehood and in its fostering of denominational hatred.
     It may not be clear that the mention of this matter is particularly appropriate in this report. However, it seems to be a question of considerable concern to Catholics in the state and thereby to our order, and I did not deem it in ill taste briefly to call your attention to it.
     In conclusion, I desire to call attention to the fact that within


our boundaries there are numerous men outside our ranks who should make exceptional Knights of Columbus. Our order, within this state, has not nearly reached the zenith of its numerical growth. In these days when without our motives are assailed and our designs questioned it is but proper that we should convert the shadows that would fall upon us into light that will nourish and strengthen the order. Our society is recognized today as foremost among the organizations of Catholic laymen. Let us here in Nebraska continue our good work of extending the membership of the order and regarding first of all our standard of quality, let us strive to bring within our ranks every eligible prospect. The quality being present, we must recognize that "there is strength in numbers;" and with both quality and numbers, we may render vastly more effective our manifestation of the virtues of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.

Respectfully submitted,
JOHN W. DELEHANT, District Deputy,
Sixth District of Nebraska.

Report of State Advocate

    Brother P. F. O'Gara, State Advocate, submitted a verbal report, stating that the legal condition of Nebraska State Council was in excellent condition.

Election of Officers

     State Deputy announced the first office was State Deputy.
     Bro. F. J. Doran in a very able address nominated Geo. F. Corcoran for State Deputy, assisted by Dr. E. A. Watson and others.
     Bro. John J. Hinchey presented the name of Wm. McCormick. Bro. Hinchey showed that Bro. McCormick was well fitted for the office, pointing out the valuable work of Bro. McCormick in assisting the Good Shepherd Convent to make the persons circulating the untruthful statements make public statements admitting the falsity of said statements; also a retraction by the malicious attacking Menace.
      Nominations were closed; vote taken by ballot; first ballot showed Geo. F. Corcoran, 36; Wm. McCormick, 19.
     Moved that Geo. F. Corcoran be the unanimous choice of the Convention. Carried. Secretary cast vote for Geo. F, Corcoran.
     Moved by Bro. E. A. Watson, supported by Bro. J. R. Kirchner, that Bro. Frank M. Colfer be placed in nomination for State Secretary. Moved that nominations be closed and the Secretary cast the entire vote of the Convention for Bro. Colfer. Carried.
     Moved by Bro. Edw. Whalen, supported by Bro. O'Gara, that Bro. Patrick J. O'Donnell be placed in nomination for the office of State Treasurer. Moved that the nominations be closed and the Secretary cast the entire vote of the Convention for Bro. O'Donnell, Carried.
     State Advocate--Moved by Bro. Ryan, supported by Bro. O'Gara, that Bro. Jas. Lannigan be placed in nomination for State Advocate.Moved that nominations be closed and the secretary cast the entire vote for Bro. Jas. Lannigan. Carried.
     State Warden--Moved by Bro. Wm. Rooney, supported by Bro. Tomek, that Bro. Wm. Beckenstein be placed in nomination for the office of State Warden. Moved that the nominations be closed and the Secretary cast the entire vote for Bro. Beckenstein. Carried.


     Associate Delegate--Moved by Bro. Colfer, supported by Bro. Beckenstein, that the name of Bro. Wm. Rooney be placed in nomination for Associate Delegate. Moved that the nominations be closed and the Secretary cast the vote for Bro. Rooney. Carried.
     Associate Delegate--Moved by Bro. Father Muenich, supported by Bro. Patrick Fagan, that the name of Edw. Simeral be placed in nomination for Associate Delegate. Moved the nominations be closed and the Secretary cast the vote for Bro. Simeral. Carried.
     Alternate to Past State Deputy Thos. P. Redmond--Moved by Bro. JJas. (sic) Crowley that the name of Hugh J. Boyle be placed in nomination for Alternate Delegate to Thos. P. Redmond, Past State Deputy. Moved that the nominations be closed and the Secretary cast the entire vote for Bro. Boyle. Carried.
     Alternate to State Deputy Elect Geo. F. Corcoran--Moved by Bro. Delehant, supported by Bro. Doran that the name of Bro. F. J. Kain be placed in nomination for Alternate to State Deputy Elect Geo. F. Corcoran. Carried.
     Alternate to Associate Delegate Vim. Rooney--Moved by Bro. O'Gara, supported by Bro. Beste, that the name of Bro. John Hirschman be placed in nomination for Alternate to Wm. Rooney, Associate Delegate. Moved that nominations be closed and the Secretary cast the vote for Bro. Hirschman. Carried.
     Alternate to Bro. Simeral, Associate Delegate--Moved by Bro. Wm. Rooney, supported by Bro. Father L. A. Dumphey, that the name of Father Muenich be placed in nomination for Alternate Delegate to E. W. Simeral. Moved that nominations be closed and the Secretary cast the vote for Father Muenich. Carried.
     State Officers Elect adjourned and selected a State Chaplain. State Deputy Elect Geo. F. Corcoran was called to the chair by Bro. Redmond. Upon taking the same Bro. Corcoran announced the State Officers had selected Rev. Father L. A. Dumphey to be the State Chaplain.
     Moved that a vote of thanks be extended to the retiring State Deputy, Thos. P. Redmond. Carried unanimously by a rising vote.

Selection of Meeting, 1916

     Bro. Wm. Beckenstein places invitation to come to Alliance, stating that Alliance was the convention city of Western Nebraska, and assuring a good time and welcome to the Convention of 1916.

     Bro. J. A. Widhelm stated that Fremont was the place for the 1916 meeting; that there was several features about Fremont that could not be offered by any other place.

     Vote taken decided in favor of Fremont. Moved that it be made unanimous. Carried.

     There being no further business the Convention was closed in regular form to meet at Fremont May, 1916.

State Secretary.

State Deputy.


Minutes of 1915 Meeting of Financial Secretaries Association

     Called to order by Chairman Laughlin, with the Secretaries from the following Councils answering roll call: O'Neill, Lincoln, Columbus, Hastings, Chadron, Grand Island, North Platte, Hartington, Creighton, Wymore, Fremont, York, Kearney, Friend, Albion, Madison.

     Minutes of the 1914 meeting were read and approved.

     Brother Laughlin re-elected Chairman for the coming year without any opposition.

     The following Brothers were placed in nomination for the office of Secretary, Thies, Munday and Tanney. Ballot showed the following result: Brother Thies, one; Brother Munday five, and Brother Tanney, six. Moved by Brother Thies and seconded by Bro. Munday that Bro. Tanney be the unanimous choice of the meeting for the office of Secretary. Carried.

     Brothers Munday, Burke and Zimmer were appointed by the chair as a committee on resolutions.

     The following resolutions were read and adopted, and presented to State Convention for their action.

     1. Be it resolved, That owing to the increased number of Councils and the fact that the costs of the State Council meetings are also increasing, we, the Financial Secretaries' Association, recommend that the State meetings be held biennially instead of annually.
     2. Be it resolved, That Financial Secretaries' Association again recommend that the State Council present a resolution to the Supreme Council requiring each member to furnish an annual or Easter Communion certificate.
     3. Moved that the Secretaries' Association recommend to the State Council to recommend the adoption of a resolution legalizing the institution of sub-Councils or clubs dependent on the present council, to be know as the parent Council.
      4. Moved that the Secretaries' Association recommend to the State Council that a resolution be adopted requiring each applicant for membership, in any degree, be required to furnish a certificate signed by his pastor that he has received communion within four weeks prior to the date of initiation.

     Meeting adjourned to meet in Fremont, Nebraska, May, 1916.




Nebraska Districts--Knights of Columbus

     Subject to the approval of the National Board of Directors, the State of Nebraska is divided into Districts as follows:

     First District--Dr. F. H. Morrow, District Deputy, Columbus; composed of the following Councils: Omaha Council No, 652, Omaha; Columbus Council No. 938, Columbus; Phil Sheridan Council No. 1497, Fremont; Ave Maria Council No. 1794, Humphrey, and including the following counties: Douglas, Sarpy, Washington, Burt, Cuming, Dodge, Colfax, Platte, Nance and the east half of Merrick.
     Second District--J. W. Delehant, District Deputy, Beatrice; composed of the following Councils: Fitzgerald Council No. 833, Lincoln; Wymore Council No. 1295, Wymore; Falls City Council No. 1336, Falls City; Beatrice Council No. 1723, Beatrice, and including the following counties: Lancaster, Gage, Cass, Otoe, Johnson, Pawnee, Nemaha and Richardson.
     Third District--E. A. Coufal, District Deputy, David City; composed of the following Councils: Immaculate Conception No. 1666, Sutton; Leo XIII No. 1708, York; Tihen Council No. 1717, David City; Father Crowe Council No. 1737 Friend, and including the following counties: York, Polk, Butler, Saunders, Seward, Saline, Jefferson, Thayer, Fillmore, east half of Hamilton and east half of Clay.
     Fourth District--Judge J. H. Mullin, District Deputy, Grand Island; composed of the following Councils: Hastings Council No. 1123, Hastings; McCook Council No. 1126, McCook; St. Mary's Council No. 1159, Grand Island; St. James Council No. 1728, Kearney, and including the following counties: Adams, Hall, Howard, Nuckolls, Webster, Franklin, Kearney, Buffalo, Sherman, Custer, Phelps, Harlan, Gosper, Frontier, Red Willow, Hayes, Hitchcock, Chase, Dundy, west half of Merrick, west half of Hamilton, west half of Clay.
     Fifth District--Dr. F. J. McRae, District Deputy, Albion; composed of the following Councils: Bishop O'Connor Council No. 1312, Greeley; St. Michaels, No. 1739, Albion; Madison Council No. 1786, Madison; Sacred Heart Council No. 1793, Norfolk, and including the following counties: Blaine, Loup, Garfield, Valley, Wheeler, Greeley, Boone, Madison and Stanton.
     Sixth District--E. H. Whelan, District Deputy, O'Neill; composed of the following Councils; Charles Carroll of Carrollton No. 701, O'Neill; Hartington Council No. 1233, Hartington; Count Creighton Council No. 1238, Creighton; Emerson Council No. 1309, Emerson, and including the following counties: Holt, Boyd, Keya Paha, Brown, Knox, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne, Cedar, Dixon, Dakota and Thurston.
     Seventh District--F. J. Doran, District Deputy, North Platte; composed of the following Councils: Alliance Council No. 975; Alliance; Chadron Council No. 1128, Chadron; St. Patrick's Council No. 1211, North Platte, and including the following counties: Dawson, Lincoln, Perkins, Keith, Deuel, Garden, Cheyenne, Kimball, Banner, Morrill, Scotts Bluff, McPherson, Logan, Thomas, Hooker, Grant, Cherry, Sheridan, Dawes, Box Butte and Sioux.

     York, Nebraska, June 1st, 1915.

State Deputy.

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