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Report of Commission for Expenditure of Fund
Appropriated for Missionary Work In Western Nebraska

     Note--This Commission was created by the authority of a resolution passed by the State Council at O'Neill, Neb., May, 1915, the personnel of same being Rt. Rev. J. Henry Tihen, Bishop of Lincoln; Rt. Rev. James Duffy, Bishop of Kearney (Now Grand Island), and State Deputy and State Chaplain, ex-officio.


Alliance, Neb., May 9, 1917. Gentlemen of the State Council:

     The Commission named by the resolution adopted by the State Council at O'Neill in 1915, to supervise the expenditure of the fund to aid missionary work in western Nebraska, have met this date at the parochial residence at Alliance, Neb. All members of Commission present.
     The expenditure of $600 by Bishops Tihen and Duffy last year was duly ratified, the same having been paid to each Bishop. The amount collected, including this year's per capita tax, totals $1,516, a balance remaining from last year of $15.03, thus making the total sum to be distributed, $1,531.03.
     The Commission hereby orders that the sum of $750 shall be paid to Bishop Tihen and a like sum to Bishop Duffy out of said fund to be by them expended in the aid of poor missions in their respective dioceses, where said funds shall be needed. A more detailed statement of the facts covering the distribution of this fund may be found in the report of the State Chaplain, appearing in the minutes of the State Council.
     Under the terms of the above mentioned resolution, these funds will again be collected, said resolution having fixed the term of as- (sic)
     It is again recommended that, at the expiration of this three-year period, a similar resolution be passed by the State Council to the sessment (sic) at three years, the coming year being the last of the three. end that the good work now being carried out shall not be abandoned.

State Deputy,
For the Commission.

     Moved that the report of this Commission be approved. Carried.

Report of State Chaplain

Worthy State Deputy and Brother Knights:
     Two years ago at the state convention at O'Neill a resolution was passed providing for an assessment of 25 cents for each member for the purpose of putting a fund in the hands of the Rt. Rev. Bishops in Western Nebraska, to enable them to provide means or to supply a priest or priests to attend to those Catholics who were colonizing the western part of the state. That fund so created was put into effect last year, and I have the pleasure to report how one half was spent the half that was given to the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Linoln (sic). He turned over to Rev. Joseph Blacha, a priest ministering along the "High Line" extending from Holdrege, Neb., to Venango, Neb. (or more correctly to the Colorado state line west of Venango) the sum of $600. The Rt. Rev. Bishop calls this "a Special Knights of Columbus Donation for Missionary Work." It was distributed by Father Blacha in


the following manner: "To Farnam, Neb., church, to be dedicated May 28, $200; to Smithfield, Neb., church, 117.22; to Elsie, Neb., church, $45.14; $200 reserved for new church in Elsie, Neb., the cornerstone of which will be laid by the Rt. Rev. Bishop on May 29; $37.64 to priest's salary." This accounts for the $600 given by the Knights of Columbus in the state of Nebraska to the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Lincoln for the Catholic upbuilding of the western part of our great commonwealth. I know the Rt. Rev. Bishop Duffy has done equally well with the money entrusted to him.
     You may have reason to feel proud, Worthy State Deputy and Brother Knights, that the little sacrifice made has brought such splendid results. You have made it possible for a priest to devote all his time to those scattered members of the fold and to enable him to give to them the "Bread of Life." Your several councils have not missed the quarter of a dollar per member and it grew into a substantial fund and I know that your zeal will spur you on to greater deeds--to more generous donations to this fund. When the three years of the life of this Missionary Fund has expired, your state convention will, I am sure, make a more extensive offering for a longer period. People of our faith are flocking into that western country, and the sight of the Cross raised by the Knights of Columbus of Nebraska will be a sign which will tell the immigrant, "Here you can find a home with the blessings of the Church and the services of God's minister." You have done well as a body--as an organization.
     How about individual effort? How do Knights of Columbus, as individuals, co-operate with the clergy in parish and diocesan work? Do they co-operate to the fullest extent in the works of religion? Do they work hand in hand with their pastors? Do they uphold his hands, like the hands of Moses were upheld to carry out the destiny for which they were created--the honor and glory of God and the salvation of their own souls? In many places everything is left to the priest. Couldn't the Knights of Columbus lighten the load a little? He could by giving the pastor the benefit of his business experience. He has succeeded, let him therefore tarry a little of that success to enable Christ's minister to more effectively do the work that should be dear to every Catholic heart. A priest that has to carry the burden alone has to devote too much time to the temporal end. Help him and he will be able to do more effective spiritual work. Priests have complained of the carelessness in many ways of the K. Cs.--some have been soured against the Order and this has been caused by the neglect of hearty effort and spiritual co-operation in the work of the salvation of the individual soul.
     Let the delegates to this state convention strive each to his own community by word and work, by counsel and example, help the faltering ones, encourage the weak ones, and give a death blow to any listlessness that may be in sight. We are soldiers of the Lord and as such we should raise on high the Standard of the Cross and through weal and woe, make its beneficent effects felt even outside our own fold.
     The shadow of the Cross should extend over all our words, our thoughts and our actions, and this united with the protecting folds of the Stars and Strpes (sic) would make our country grander and the work of our Church more extensive until the Cross and Old Glory will shine


out together in every hamlet from Maine to California and from the Dakotas to the Gulf.
     The Crusaders of old left home and family to fight the infidel and to win back from unholy hands the places made sacred to every Christian heart by their association with the earthly life of our Lord. We, the successors of the Crusaders, have a more difficult fight because we have to war not only against the enemies of infidelity, irreligion and prejudice, but we have to keep up a continual warfare with our own flesh. Let us, therefore, by word and example, not alone as individuals, but as an organization, fight the battle of the Church, and by so doing, let us save the other sheep that Christ so loved and wished to gather into His fold. Let us so shape and direct our lives both in religious and civil activities that, deserving well of our fellow man we may at last when the course is run, receive the reward of the "faithful servant."
     I have just been advised by Bishop Duffy that while he cannot at this time make an itemized report of the expenditure of the $600 received from the Knights for the Western Nebraska Missionary Fund, he wishes me to say that he intends using this as a nucleus for a "Mission Fund," which may be added to from time to time, the interest on the same to be used in the support of mission priests or for the erection of chapels where needed. Bishop Puffy has five chapels in contemplation now and will, you may be assured, use this Mission Fund wisely and well. Both Bishops Tihen and Puffy desire me to express to the Knights of Nebraska their sincere gratitude for the work done in the above connection.

State Chaplain.

     Moved that the report of State Chaplain be approved as read. Carried.

State Council Extends Courtesies to Bishops

     Whereas, it appears that Bishops Tihen and Duffy have come to this session of the State Council at no small inconvenience and expense to themselves, it is moved that they be considered as delegates and vouchers for their expenses to said State Council be honored by Committee on Pe (sic) Diem and Mileage and paid by Treasurer. Carried by rising vote.

Report of State Advocate

Alliance, Neb., May 9.

Worthy State Deputy and Brother .Knights:
     It is with great pleasure that your State Advocate makes his first annual report to the State Council.
     For the past year the officers and members under this jurisdiction have worked together in harmony and the utmost good will has prevailed. Officers and members alike have vied with the other in doing the most good possible for our beloved Order, and as a result we have had a wonderful growth both in size and wisdom.
     During the past year no occasion has arisen to call into action any of the functions of the office of State Advocate and, as a result his offcial (sic) life during that period has been as pleasant as a summer day in Nebraska.
     With the hope and conviction that we will continue to grow in


size and wisdom and fulfill the fondest dreams of the members and that peace and harmony will always prevail, this report is

Respectively submitted,
State Advocate.

Report of Committee on Resolutions

     Moved that the report of State Advocate be approved. Carried.
     The Committee on Resolutions, being ready to report, moved by Brother James T. Brady, Chairman of said Committee, that State Council consider the adoption of resolutions one by one. Carried.


     Brother James T. Brady submitted by reading the resolutions to Council as follows:

To the Officers and Delegates of the Thirteenth Annual State Council, Knights of Columbus:
     Brothers--Your Committee on Resolutions beg leave to submit the following:


     BE IT RESOLVED, That the thanks of this convention be extended to Bishops Tihen and Duffy, to the Clergy, to the Alliance Commercial Club, and to all citizens of the City of Alliance for the very cordial, splendid and unique entertainment extended during our stay in their city.


     BE IT RESOLVED, That we congratulate our Worthy State Deputy, Hon. George F. Corcoran, on his untiring and successful efforts in the upbuilding of our Order and commend his work as worthy of the best ideals of our organization, and particularly note the growth of membership during the past year, and commend the establishments of new Councils in communities sufficiently strong to properly support them.


     WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called from his earthly labors, while in courageous performance of his active duties, Worthy District Deputy, Frank J. Doran of North Platte, and in his passing, we deeply deplore the loss of a true Knight, yet bow to the wisdom of God, and commend the uprightness of his life, therefore.
     BE IT RESOLVED, That we extend the sympathy of this convention to his family and offer its prayers for the repose of his soul.
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution duly authenticated by the Secretary and Chairman of this convention, be sent to the family of Brother Doran.


     WHEREAS, God in the exercise of that infinite wisdom which the finite mind must not question, has called from his earthly activities while yet his sun had scarctly (sic) reached its zenith. Nebraska's first State Deputy, that noble Knight and great lawyer, the Honorable Timothy J. Mahoney of Omaha, whose environs reached beyond him, his state, and whose fitting death place was the nation's Capitol, and


     WHEREAS, in the death of Brother Mahoney our Order and state have suffered a great loss which we deeply deplore, yet we how to the wisdom of God and commend the uprightness of his life to all Knights, therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED, That we extend to the family of Brother Mahoney the sympathy of this assemblage and offer its prayers for the repose of his soul, and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution duly authenticated by the Chairman and Secretary of this convention be sent to the family of Brother Mahoney.


     RESOLVED, That we extend to Rev. Peter Gannon, editor of the True Voice, our appreciation of his efforts for the Catholic cause in our state and recommend that his paper be put into every Catholic home in Nebraska.


     WHEREAS, Despite our hopes when last assembled in state convention, our beloved country, through unavoidable conditions is now at war with a great European power, and
     WHEREAS, Patriotism is one of the cardinal principals of our Order, therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED, That while we abhor war and particularly deplore the necessity of this one, we do hereby pledge to our president and our country our full, undivided and patriotic support in this time of trial and bespeak for each and every Knight of Columbus that lofty dignity and courageous devotion to duty that marks the Christian patriot.


     RESOLVED That we commend the action of our Supreme Officers in waiving the disabilities of soldiers of the army and navy as extra hazardous risks, and invite the attention of all members to the sufficiency of our insurance rates and the stability of our Order that permits such action, and call hte (sic) attention of our members to the encouragement of patriotic service given by this action.
     We further commend the action of said officers in voting any member who takes up arms with any nation at war with the United States is an alien enemy and forfeits his membership in our Order.


     RESOLVED, That we urgently recommend by all Councils the patriotic observance of our major national holidays.


     BE IT RESOLVED, That we heartily endorse the work of the Commission on Religious Prejudice, and believing that much of the opposition to our Church and Order now prevalent in our country comes from ignorance of what the Church teaches, we particularly endorse the efforts of said Commission to show that allegiance to our Holy Father in faith and morals does not conflict with our duties as citizens or our loyalty to our government.
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Supreme Secretary, urging the continuance by said committee of its good work In the overcoming of ignorance and prejudice.



     BE IT RESOLVED, That our members comply with the wishes of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVth by receiving Holy Communion more frequently than to merely comply with the strict law of the Church.


     BE IT RESOLVED, That we recommend to those in charge of and attending initiation exercises, careful decorum and a close attendance upon the conferring of all degrees that all may profit by the beauty and Impressiveness of the lessons taught therein.


     BE IT RESOLVED, That we recommend to the Supreme Council of our Order the establishment of a sanitarium for the treatment of members afflicted with tuberculosis, if, in its judgment, the financial burden involved be not too great, to the end that our afflicted brothers may obtain relief.


     BE IT RESOLVED, That our Order in Nebraska, through, this State Council, extend to His Grace, Archbishop J. J. Harty, a most hearty welcome to the Bishopric of Omaha.


     BE IT RESOLVED, That our State Deputy, State Secretary and State Chaplain be appointed as a committee to confer with the Bishops of Nebraska and Father Shine of the State Historical Society, with a view of bringing the co-operation of our Order in the state into action to the end that a more complete chronicle of Catholic activities in the development of Nebraska may he recorded.


     WHEREAS, As American citizens we believe in the rights of all nations, both great and small, to self-government, and whereas, we do most heartily commend the declaration of the President of our country, that the result of this war must be "to make the world safe for democracy," and whereas, we learn from the public press and various sources that the question of self-government for the Irish nation is at the present moment of international importance, therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED, That we, as citizens of a great democracy, do unhesitatingly express the hope that the Irish people may, without further delay, obtain the blessings of Home Rule.!


     BE IT RESOLVED. That we recommend to the Supreme Officers the adoption of some additional work to be used in the regular council meetings to the end that members may be better drilled' in the purposes of the Order and the teachings of the Church, and instruct our delegates to the Supreme Convention to work for the adoption of this suggestion.


     BE IT RESOLVED, That instead of incurring the great expense of publishing the proceedings of this convention in pamphlet form and furnishing a copy to each member, that said proceedings be published


in the True Voice and a half dozen copies of said paper be furnished every Council, to be used by the members in the Council chamber.

Respectfully submitted,


     On motion the above resolutions were adopted as read, by the State Council.

Election of Officers

     The next order of business being the election of officers for the ensuing year, the Worthy State Deputy called Past State Deputy W. E. Straub of Lincoln to the chair as presiding officer.
     After nominations and balloting was had in due form, the chair announced the election of the following named officers for the year 1917-1918:
     State Deputy--George F. Corcoran, York.
     State Secretary--Frank M. Colfer, McCook.
     State Treasurer--Patrick J. O'Donnell, O'Neill.
     State Advocate--John H. Barry, Wahoo.
     State Warden--W. H. Bueschsentein, Alliance.

Delegates to Supreme Council

     The following Brothers were elected as delegates and alternates to the Supreme Council at Chicago, Ill.:
     Associate Delegate--P. G. H. Boland, Omaha; Alternate, J. W. Guthrie, Alliance.
     Associate Delegate--Luke Mundy, Fremont; Alternate, P. P. White, Wahoo.
     Insurane (sic) Delegate--Rev. L. A. Dunphy, Sutton:; Alternate, Fred Kerber, Norfolk.
     Alternates--For State Deputy, John H. Barry, Wahoo; for Past State Deputy, James T. Brady, Albion.

State Chaplain

     At the conclusion of the election, the State Officers, pursuant to the permission given by the laws of the Order, chose Rev. L. A. Dunphy of Sutton to succeed himself as State Chaplain.

Selection of Convention City for 1918.

     Brother Ben Cunningham of Grand Island in a very gracious way set forth the advantages of Grand Island as a convention city and on motion it was voted to hold the 1918 convention at Grand Island, May, 1918.

Report of Mileage and Per Diem Committee

Alliance, Neb., May 9.

To the Worthy State Deputy and Brother Knights:
     The meeting place of the 1918 convention having been selected as Grand Island, your committee begs to report as follows:
     We recommend a per capita tax of 55c per member for the coming


year, assessed as follows: 25C per member for Western Nebraska Missionary Fund and 30c per member for General Fund.


     There being no further business to come before the State Council, the same was closed in due form to meet at Grand Island, Neb., May 14, 1918. I, Frank M. Colfer, Secretary of the State Council of the Knights of Columbus in and for the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing is a true transcript of the minutes of said State Council held at Alliance, Nebraska, May 8 and 9, 1917.

Secretary, State Council K. of C.

State Convention of the Financial Secretaries Association, State of
Nebraska, Knights of Columbus

     Meeting called to order 11:00 A. M., Brother Luke Mundy in chair, Brother H. J. Hammond, secretary.
     The following responded to roll call:

Brother H. J. Hammond, O'Neill.
Brother Pryor, David City.
Brother E. F. Shields, Alliance.
Brother Crowley, Hastings.
Brother W. H. McLaughlin, Grand Island.
Brother C. J. . Dendinger, Hartington.
Brother Carl Balleweg, Creighton.
Brother A. P. Mentgen, Wymore.
Brother C. V. Dunn, Emerson.
Brother P. J. Barrett, Greeley.
Brother Luke Mundy, Fremont.
Brother Augus Zimmerer, York.
Brother A. J. Woelke, Beatrice.
Brother A. H. Berbig, Kearney.
Brother John W. Ahern, Friend.
Brother J. H. Pieper, Albion.
Brother Mark Burke, Columbus.
Brother Will Leary, Omaha,

     Election of Officers

     Brother A. P. Mentgen, Wymore, unanimously elected chairman. Brother E. F. Shields, Alliance, unanimously elected secretary. Brothers Mundy and Hammond resign their respective offices to the newly elected officers. Brother Mentgen in chair.

Approved  A. P. Mentgen, Chairman.
E. F. Shields, Secretary.

     Moved by Brother Berbig, seconded by Brother Dunn, that above resolution be adopted. Carried unanimously. The practice of members furnishing to their respective Council


officers Communion cards, noted, re-affirmed and highly commended as good practice.

Reports of Committees

     Brother Burke, chairman Committee on Resolutions, advised that on account of receiving the printed reports of the 1916 state convention so late, no resolutions were at hand, and asked that a new committee on resolutions be appointed.

     Majority of members present did not keep copy of report to State Secretary, so such reports were not read.

     General discussion followed in which valuable information was involved as to ways and means of handling the delinquent members, suspensions, and methods adopted for reinstatement.

     It was the concensus (sic) of opinion that the financial secretaries' convention urge concrete action by the respective councils, toward a more active program by the lecturers thereof to provide sound and suitable entertainment for the better retention of members.

     The chair appointed Brothers Mark Burke, Columbus, chairman, W. H. Laughlin, Grand Island, and Brother A. H. Berbig, Kearney, committee on resolutions.

     At this juncture Brother Laughlin read the insurance circular of Chartiers Council, Grafton, Penn. tending to the revision of our insurance rates. This brought out general discussion pro and con, the majority seeming to favor such division.

     Moved by Brother Berbig, seconded by Brother Zimmerer, that a committee be appointed to formulate resolution on insurance revision to be taken up with our Worthy State Advocate for presentation to the state convention. Carried.

     Chair appointed Brothers Laughlin, Pieper and Berbig on above committee. Moved by Brother Laughlin, seconded by Brother Mundy, that we petition the state convention, to curtail the number of printed copies of the proceedings of the State Convention, limiting them to three or four copies to each Council for sake of economy. Carried.

     Moved by Brother Pieper, seconded by Brother Mundy, we adjourn to meet at 7:00 P. M.

     Meeting called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Worthy Chairman Mentgen, necessary quorum being present.

     Brother Berbig, chairman Committee on Resolutions, presented the following:
     WHEREAS, We do believe that the insurance rates now in effect in the Knights of Columbus are not properly, equalized as to ages under the step rate plan, and in view of the present mortality rate, and the loyal and patriotic attitude and ruling of our Supreme officers in legalizing all insurance policies of members now enlisting in the United States army or navy, be it, therefore,
     RESOLVED, That we, the Financial Secretaries of the State of Nebraska, in convention assembled at Alliance, Neb., this 8th day of May, 1917, do. hereby petition the Worthy State Advocate to present the matter of whole life level rates for insurance, as set forth in the circular of Chartiers Council of Grafton, Penn., and as approved by the official actuary of the Knights of Columbus, to the state conven-


tion, with the recommendation that the state delegates be instructed to advocate the adoption of same.

Signed   A. H. BERBIG,

     Moved by Brother Burke, seconded by Brother Laughlin, that the Worthy State Secretary furnish an extra form of annual report blanks to each financial secretary for presentation at this convention, said blanks to reach our respective Councils not later than March 1st each year, to enable us to forward reports to Worthy State Secretary promptly, along with check for per capita assessment. Carried.

     Moved by Brother Laughlin, seconded by Brother Mundy, whereas it has been brought to the notice of this convention that certain Councils in state of Nebraska have adopted the practice of remitting the dues of enlisted men during present war crisis, resolved, that we favor the general adoption of this ruling, making the practice predominant throughout the state of Nebraska, subject to the ruling of the state convention. Carried.

     Moved by Brother Mundy, seconded by Brother Barrett, meeting adjourn until 11 A. M., Wednesday, May 9. Carried.

Wednesday, May 9

     Meeting called to order at 11 A. M. by Brother A. P. Mentgen.

     Brother Pieper suggested a permanent committee on resolutions be appointed. Moved by Brother Hammond, seconded by Brother Pieper, that the temporary committee on resolutions is hereby declared permanent committee on resolutions for the year 1917-1918. Carried.

     Brothers Mark Burke, Columbus, chairman; W. H. Laughlin, Grand Island, and A. H. Berbig, Kearney, members permanent committee on resolutions.

     Moved by Brother Mundy, seconded by Brother Hammond that the Financial Secretaries' convention meet the evening immediately prior to the date of the state convention. Brother Burke, with the consent of the second, amended motion to read: That the Financial Secretaries' Association convention be held, subject to call, time and place, of chairman and secretary of Financial Secretaries' State Association, due notice of same to be mailed each individual secretary by the State Secretary of Financial Secretaries' Association. Carried.

     Moved by Brother Hammond and seconded by Brother Ahern that this meeting now adjourn. Carried.

     Meeting adjourned, 11:40 A. M.

Signed E. F. SHIELDS,
State Secretary,
Financial Secretaries' Association.


District Deputies Appointed for Year 1917.1918

     Subject to the approval of the National Board of Directors. The State of Nebraska is hereby divided into districts as follows:

Councils in District
1--Capt. Chas. F. McLaughlin,
Omaha, No. 652;
     1527 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.,
Columbus, No. 938;
Phil Sheridan, No. 1497, Fremont;
Ave. Maria, No. 1794, Humphrey.
2--John C. Mullen,
Falls City, No. 1336; Fitzgeraid,
     Falls City, Nebr.
No. 833, Lincoln; Beatrice,
No. 1723; Wymore, No. 1295.
3--James F. Burke,
Immaculate Conception No.
     Sutton, Nebr.
1666, Sutton; Leo XIII No.
1708, York; Tihen, No. 1717,
David City; Father Crowe,
No. 1737, Friend; Wahoo, No. 1833.
4--A. H. Berbig,
St. James, No. 1728, Kearney;
     Kearney, Nebr.
Hastings, No. 1123; McCook,
No. 1126; St. Mary's, No. 1159,
Grand Island.
5--John H. O'Malley,
Bishop O'Connor, No. 1312,
     Greeley, Nebr.
Greeley; St. Michael's, No.
1739, Albion; Madison, No.
1788; Sacred Heart, No. 1793.
6--Edward H. Whelan,
Chas, Carroll, of Carrollton,
     O'Niell, Nebr.
No. 701; O'Neill; Hartington,
No. 1233; Count Creighton,
No. 1238; Emerson, No. 1309.
7--C. J. Pass
St. Patrick's No. 1211, North
     North Platte, Nebr.
Platte; Alliance, No. 975;
Chadron, No. 1128; Sidney,
No. 1861.

     Dated at York, Nebraska, this 30th day of May, 1918.


     Captain Charles F. McLaughlin of Omaha, designated above as District Deputy of District No. 1, is now in the service of the National Army, and Mr. John A. Bennewitz of Omaha, is the present encumbent.

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