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     St. Michael's Council, No. 1739, of Albion, Neb., reported last year a membership of 276; ninety in the insurance class and 186 in the associate class. This year this Council reports a membership of 305; ninety-one in the insurance class and 214 in the associate class. This Council also has cash on hand of $918.58. St. Michael's Council also has made arrangements to initiate a class on the first Sunday in June.
     St. Peter and Paul's Council, No. 1918, of St. Paul, Neb., reported last year a membership of seventy-one. This year this Council reports a membership of 143, consisting of forty-eight insurance members and ninety-five associate members. During the year three members have withdrawn and one has died. This Council reports cash on hand of $396.65 and $100 in liberty bonds.
     St. Peter and Paul's Council initiated a class of forty-seven members on May 16th of this year, which does not appear in this report, which will bring their membership up to 190, and their cash on hand to about $1,100.
     Ave Maria Council, No. 1794, of Humphrey, Neb., reported last year a membership of 261. This year this Council reports a membership of 354, consisting of 164 insurance members and 190 associate members. During the year there has been nine withdrawals. This Council also reports cash on hand of $1,500 at the present time.
     The total membership a year ago in this district was 1,049; at the present time the membership is 1,385, or an increase for the year of 336. With the class to be initiated in Albion the first Sunday in June will bring our membership to nearly 1,400 in the district. The different Councils in this district also show cash on hand of about $8,000.

Respectfully submitted,
District Deputy.

District No. 9

To the Officers and Members of the Nebraska State Council, Knights of Columbus:
     Beg leave to submit herewith my report as District Deputy for the Ninth district of Nebraska, comprising the Councils at Fremont, Norfolk, Madison, and the proposed Council at West Point.
     Phil Sheridan Council, at Fremont, is in a very healthy condition and shows a splendid gain during the past year, in fact, the second largest gain of any Council in the state. One year ago they had fifty insurance members and 234 associate, while this year they show 102 Insurance and 313 associate, or a total gain of 131.
     Sacred Heart Council at Norfolk has initiated one class during the year and have enough applicants for another class, which will be put on in a short time.
     Last year they reported eighty-one insurance members and 204 associate; this year they show eighty-nine insurance and 243 associate, or a total gain of forty-seven members. The Council is in fine condition and the officers are good live workers and promise many good things for the future of the Council.
     Owing to unfavorable local conditions, the Madison Council has not been active during the past year, but at the same time they have been able to keep up the financial end and their funds are in good


shape, and they now feel that the time has come when they will be able to take on new life and again become one of the live Councils of the district. One year ago they had forty-seven insurance and forty-six associate members, while their report this year shows forty-six insurance and forty associate, or a total loss during the year of seven members.
     The three Councils in the district last year reported cash on hand to the amount of $2,301.72, while this year they show a balance on hand to the amount of $3,887.62, or a gain in cash of $1,585.90.
     The proposed Council at West Point Is, I am sorry to report, still proposed, owing to conditions over which we had no control, but I am happy to report that the applications for a charter are now out and during the early fall they will no doubt be ready to institute their new Council, and which will undoubtedly prove to be one of the very best in the state, for their territory covers one of the best Catholic communities in the state and they should be able to initiate a class every six weeks for the next two years.

Respectfully sumbitted (sic),
District Deputy.

     On motion the foregoing reports of the District Deputies for Nebraska were adopted as read and ordered spread on the minutes of the convention.

     Adjournment for Noon Intermission

     At this time the hour of 12 o'clock having been reached, the State Council adjourned for lunch, to convene at 1:30 p. m.

Afternoon Session

     Promptly at 1:30 the delegates having assembled in the council chamber, the State Deputy called the convention to order and the pass-word was taken up by State Warden W. J. Donahue.

Report of the Committee on Audits

     The next order of business being the reoprt (sic) of the committee on Audits, the committee's report was rendered as follows:

Omaha, Nebr., May 25, 1920.

To the Worthy State Deputy and Members of the State Council:
     We, your Committee on Audits, appointed by the State Deputy at this session of the State Council to examine the records of the State Council officers, beg leave to report that we have examined the records and accounts of Francis P. Matthews, State Secretary, and James F. Burke, State Treasurer, and find same complete and accurate and balanced both as to collection and disbursements of State Council funds.


     On motion, the foregoing report was adopted as read.

     The next order of business was the report of W. J. Coad, State Treasurer of the Nebraska Knights of Columbus War fund.


     At this time the Worthy State Deputy introduced W. J. Coad, State Treasurer of the Nebraska Knights of Columbus War Fund, who reported a balance on hand and submitted the following report, certified to by a certified public accountant:

Omaha, Nebr

Mr. W. J. Coad, Dear Sir:
     According to Instructions, I have made an audit of the cash-book and records of W. J. Coad, Treasurer, Nebraska Knights of Columbus War Fund, for the period from November 24, 1917, to August 19, 1918, and herewith attach statements showing the results thereof and which I certify to be in accordance with the cash-book and records.
     All cancelled checks issued during the period were verified, and a reconcilement was made with a statement received from the Packers National Bank. Details of this reconcilement are shown in Schedule I.
     The certificate of deposit was produced for inspection and is made out as follows:
     "Certificate No. 29574. July 15, 1918, Packers National Bank--$60,000.00. Interest 4%, due 12 months after date."
     The receipts during the period amounted to $199,092.56, while the disbursements were $184,382.89, leaving a balance on hand of $14,709.67. An analysis of the receipts and disbursements is given in Exhibit A.

Respectfully submitted,
Public Accountant, Auditor.

Receipts and Disbursements--November 24, 1917, to August 19, 1918
Exhibit A

November 24-30, 1917
$ 21,636.81
December, 1917
January, 1918
February, 1918
March, 1918
April, 1918
May 1918
June, 1918
July, 1918
August 1-18, 1918


 New York Drafts
Certificate of Deposit
Building Contractor
Furniture and Fixtures
Moving Pictures and Machines
Telephone and Telegraph
C. S. Burke, Expense
W. C. Fraser, Expense


Salaries of Secretaries
Stationery and Office Supplies (posters, advertising, etc.)
Traveling Expense
Auto Expense
Architect Fees
Athletic Supplies
Balance August 19, 1918
$ 14,709.67

     A Liberty bond for $50 has also been received.

Schedule 1
Bank Reconcilement, Packers National Bank. August 19, 1918

Balance per Bank Statement August 19, 1918
Deduct Outstanding Checks per List
Add Deposit in Cash Book not in Bank Statement
Balance per Cash Book

     Check to W. J. McGinley, Secretary K. of C. (10/4/18) to balance account, $14,709.67.

Receipts and Disbursements August 19, 1918, to May 22, 1920

September, 1918
November, 1918
December, 1918
January, 1919
February, 1919
March, 1919
June, 1919
November, 1919 (Interest on Certificate of Deposit)

September, 1918 $4,725.50
November, 1918 1,146.08
December, 1918 114.50
January, 1919 93.00
February, 1919 15.00
March, 1919 20.00
June, 1919 135.00
November, 1919 (Interest on Certificate of Deposit) 160.00
Total $6,409.08


Certificate of Deposit
Moving Pictures and Machines
Telephone and Telegraph
Traveling Expense
Miscellaneous, Salaries of Secretaries at Huts
Athletic Supplies
Auto Expense
Furniture and Fixtures
     Balance May 22, 1920
$ 210.68


Money Sent East

     On motion the foregoing report was adopted as read and ordered spread on the minutes of the convention.

Election of Trustees to Administer Fund to be Raised for Father Flanagan's Boys' Home

     The next item of business to be considered was the election of a board of three trustees to administer the fund to be raised for the benefit of Father Flanagan's Boys' Home, as provided in Article VI of the report of the Committee on Resolutions. State Deputy announced that nominations for the office of trustees would be received. Thereupon, Thomas P. Redmond, W. J. Coad and Francis P. Matthews were nominated, and upon motion duly made and seconded, nominations were declared closed.
     Whereupon, Thomas P. Redmond, W. J. Coad and Francis P. Matthews were elected by acclamation as said trustees.

Report of the Committee on Resolutions

     At this time the worthy State Deputy recognized George F. Corcoran, who announced that the Committee on Resolutions was ready to report. The report presented by past State Deputy, George F. Corcoran is as follows:

Gentlemen of the State Council:
     We, your Committee on Resolutions, beg to report the following:


     Resolved, That this State Council extend its thanks to the splendid gentlemen comprising Sacred Heart Council of Norfolk for the many courtesies extended to the members of this body while their guests in this city. And to Rev. Father D. W. Moriarty and the other clergymen we wish to express our grateful appreciation for the magnificent service arranged for our edification this morning and as an entirely proper opening for this convention.


     Resolved, That we extend our most heartfelt congratulations to Hon. E. H. Whelan, State Deputy, upon the signal success of his administration as head of our beloved Order in the state during the year about to close and to assure him of the continued friendship and confidence of every true Knight in Nebraska. And in this connection we also wish to gratefully acknowledge the valuable service rendered to us, without money and without price, by all of the officers of the state Council during the past year.


     Resolved, That we again reiterate our admiration and the pride we all feel in that magnificent exponent of Catholic opinion, The True Voice, so ably edited by Rev. P. C. Gannon. This powerful instrument for the dissemination of Catholic truth we consider worthy the active and hearty support of every Knight and of every Catholic family within the radius of the field covered by it. In the words of a great man, "If you would have an honest press, you ought honestly support it."



     Resolved, That we sympathize with the people of Ireland in their struggle for civil and political liberty, which struggle they have so bravely maintained for more than 700 years. And we denounce the petty politicians of both political parties in this country, both in Congress and out of it, who have been for many months toying with the question of the freedom of the Irish people, with the manifest intention of deceiving the friends of Ireland in this country, and with the single purpose of gaining some immediate selfish advantage for themselves or their party, and with no honest purpose of really serving the interests of the cause of Irish freedom. We believe that the time has now come when every true Americon (sic) should array himself or herself on the side of self-determination for all small nations, including Ireland, and when that great fact is accomplished, we may all have the great privilege of greeting "Ireland a nation once again."


     Resolved, That the sum of $4,210.68, now in the hands of the special committee, being an unexpended balance of our fund for local war activities, be contributed and donated to the Father Flanagan Home for Boys, to be used by said home as it sees fit.


     Whereas, Rev. Edward Flanagan of Omaha has for three years performed a wonderful work in reclaiming the wayward and neglected boys by the means of the home which he has conducted in that city, and almost entirely by his own unselfish effort has financed and maintained this wonderful institution, which has resulted in saving hundreds of erring and neglected boys from utter ruin. Therefore,
     Be It Resolved, That this State Council heartily indorse (sic) the work of Father Flannagan, and beg to be allowed to render some assistance in a substantial manner to the further maintenance of this great and deserving work of Christian charity. And for the purpose of carrying this splendid work to a successful issue, it is further
     Resolved, That we assist in raising a fund from the membership of the Order in this state, equal to at least $2 per member, for the purpose of creating a permanent fund for the future maintenance of such home, and we further recommend that our state officers organize and push forward, during the coming year, a drive in every Council and in every Catholic community in this state for necessary funds to aid in the immediate construction of Father Flannagan's Home for Boys, at Florence, near the city of Omaha.
     We further recommend that a board of directors or trustees of three members be hereby created and elected by this body for the purpose of holding and distributing this fund. Said board of trustees shall have full power to distribute the sums placed in its care for said home in such amounts and at such times as in its discretion may seem best.


     Whereas, It is the belief of this State Council that the power and growth of this order is primarily due to those men who have, without stint, given service the most unselfish, in conducting class initiations; and whereas, the character of such service demands talent and sacrifice in a marked degree, therefore,
     Be It Resolved, That the District Deputy and Staff officer, confer-


ring any degree work, be paid a per diem of not less than $10 for such service so rendered in addition to necessary expenses, and
     Be It Further Resolved, That members of the Supreme Council from Nebraska be instructed to espouse and work for the passage of this resolution.


     Resolved, That the State Council shall indorse a plan whereby the Supreme Council of the Order shall, by legislation, provide for the establishment of a permanent charity fund in each subordinate Council, which shall be created by annual appropriation of five per cent of the yearly gross revenue from dues of said Council, said fund to be augmented by subsequent annual assessments of five per cent and to be used and administered by the trustees of said Council for the alleviation of distress among the members of this Order, and,
     Resolved, That the members of the Supreme Council from Nebraska espouse and work for the passage of said law in the Supreme Council.


     Resolved, That the amount collected by the State Council for the Western Missionary Fund be designated The Nebraska Missionary Fund, and that the missionary funds now in the hands of the State Treasurer and the funds hereafter collected, be distributed among the three dioceses of Nebraska in such proportion as shall appear equitable to the State Missionary Commission, to which commission His Grace, Archbishop Harty, shall be added.


     Resolved, That the State Deputy, the past State Deputy and the present State Secretary constitute a committee, to employ a full-time State Secretary, locate and establish state headquarters at a place in the state which will, in their judgment, best serve the interests of the State Council; that a per capita tax of fifty cents per member be levied to defray the expenses of said State Secretary, and the Secretary be paid a salary from the proceeds of said fifty cents per member, which, in the judgment of said committee will be commensurate with the duties performed by him.


     Resolved, That The True Voice be designated as the official paper of the Nebraska State Council of the Knights of Columbus; that the State Secretary arrange for two columns of space in each issue of said publication, that the State Secretary furnish the publisher each week sufficient news items and other notes of general interest to fill said space, and that the State Secretary exert every effort to place The True Voice in the home of every member of the Order in Nebraska.

Respectfully sumbitted (sic),


     On motion the report of the Committee on Resolutions was adopted as read, with the exception of Paragraph No. 10, which was ruled


out by the State Deputy on a point of order raised by District Deputy F. H. Morrow of Columbus.

Report of the Committee on Finance

     At this time the Worthy State Deputy recognized L. G. Brian of Lincoln, who rendered the following report for the Committee on Finance:

Norfolk, May 25, 1920.

To the Worthy State Deputy:
     We, your Committee on Finance, respectfully report as follows:
     We recommend that a per capita tax of forty cents per member be assessed for the year 1920 and 1921 for the State Council fund.
     We further recommend that the state convention in 1921 elect a permanent secretary and the levy of a fifty cent per capita tax be made for the year 1920 and 1921 to cover expense of same, providing it is the will of the majority of the subordinate Councils of the stale, and this matter be brought up in the subordinate Councils at the time of the regular election of officers.
     And on ratification by the majority of the subordinate Councils of the state, the state officers be empowered to add the fifty cent per capita tax to the general fund tax levy.


     On motion the foregoing report was adopted as read and ordered spread on the minutes of the convention.

     At this time the Worthy State Deputy recognized State Secretary, Francis P. Matthews, who referred to the presence in the convention of Brother Frank F. Ferrell, Field Secretary of the National Catholic Welfare Council, in charge of the Boy Scout work in the Rocky Mountain region, and in behalf of Brother Frank F. Ferrell the State Secretary moved the adoption of the following resolution:

     Whereas, the Holy Father has seen fit to indorse the Boy Scout movement among the churches, and,

     Whereas, the Bishops of the state of Nebraska have heartily recommended the adoption of the Boy Scout program as part of the boys' work in their respective parishes;

     Therefore, Be It Resolved, That this State Council of the Knights of Columbus indorse the work of the Boy Scout Bureau of the National Catholic Welfare Council, and that this Council pledge its support, and render all aid possible, through its subordinate councils, to help the Field Secretary of the National Catholic Welfare Council in the effort to organize a Catholic troop of Boy Scouts in every parish in Nebraska.

     The motion of the State Secretary was duly seconded and carried unanimously and ordered spread on the minutes of the convention.

     At this time B. H. Patterson, treasurer of the Catholic Students' Association Equipment fund of the State Normal school, Kearney, Neb., rendered the following financial report:


Catholic Students' Association Equipment Fund

For Reception Room and Library, State Normal School, Kearney, Neb.


 Balance on hand, November 1, 1918, as shown by last report


The Catholic Education Press:
XVI Binding Catholic Educational Reviews, Vols. XIV, XV, XVI
$ 2.76
Extension Magazine
1 My Prayer Book
$ 3.00
The Queen's Work
1 Bound Volume, Part 2, Vols. VI and VII
$ 1.90
$ 2.09
Total disbursements
$ 7.85
Balance of cash on hand, May 24, 1920
$ 9.42


State Normal School,
Kearney, Neb.

May 24, 1920.

State Council of Nebraska, Knights of Columbus:
     The Catholic Club of this institution is a contributing factor to both the moral and institutional life of the school. Its co-operation with all other agencies for the best interests of the school is a matter of gratitude to the school authorities.
     The beautiful room used as the home of the club is a matter of pride to the membership and to all connected with the Normal school.
     We are very grateful to all who have contributed anything to its embellishment.

Respectfully yours,

     On motion duly seconded, the foregoing report was adopted and ordered spread on the minutes of the convention.

     The next order of business to be considered by the convention was the election of officers. Thereupon Worthy State Deputy announced that nominations would be received for State Deputy, and Past State Deputy George F. Corcoran placed in nomination for office the name of Edward H. Whelan of O'Neill, present State Deputy. The nomination was seconded by a number of delegates, and on motion of Brother. W. J. McNichols of Lexington, duly seconded, nominations were closed and Brother Edward H. Whelan was re-elected to the office of State Deputy for the ensuing year by unanimous vote.


     Worthy State Deputy then announced that nominations for the office of State Secretary would be received, whereupon District Deputy J. W. Guthrie of Alliance placed in nomination the name of Francis P. Matthews, Omaha, and Dr. F. H. Morrow placed in nomination the name of Brother Mark Burke of Columbus for the office of State Secretary. The vote was then taken by ballot, and the State Deputy announced thirty-three votes for Francis P. Matthews and thirty-four votes for Mark Burke. Francis P. Matthews then moved that the election of Brother Burke be made unanimous, and the Worthy State Deputy declared Brother Burke duly elected to the office of State Secretary of the Nebraska State Council for the ensuing term.

     The Worthy State Deputy then announced that nominations for the office of State Treasurer would be received, and Rev. L. A. Dunphy nominated James F. Burke for the office. No other nominations were made and Brother Burke was elected unanimously to the office of State Treasurer.

     The Worthy State Deputy then announced that nominations for the office of State Advocate would be received, and the name of Brother Barrie of Wahoo was nominated for the office of State Advocate. Brother W. J. Donahue of Albion was also nominated to the office, but promptly withdrew in favor of Brother Barrie, who was elected by acclamation.

     Nominations were then received for the office of State Warden, and thereupon W. H. Laughlin, Grand Island, Theodore A. Helmig, Beatrice, and Brother Liewer, Emerson, were nominated for the office of State Warden, Ballots were distributed, and at the conclusion of the balloting the Worthy State Deputy announced the following results: Theodore Helmig, nine; Brother Liewer, twenty-three; W. H. Laughlin, thirty-five; and the Worthy State Deputy announced that W. H. Laughlin was duly elected to the office of State Warden for the ensuing term.

     The Worthy State Deputy then annuonced (sic) that nominations would be received for delegates to the national convention in New York. After announcing that one insurance delegate and three associate delegates were to be elected In addition to the State Deputy and the Past State Deputy, who would be delegates ex officio, the Worthy State Deputy read the following communication:

Norfolk, Neb., May 25, 1920.

To the Worthy State Deputy and Members of the State Council in Session:
     We, the Financial Secretaries' Association, in meeting assembled on the 25th day of May, 1920, do here respectfully request that one memberr (sic) of this association be elected as insurance delegate to the national convention, and respectfully request that Mr. H. J. Hammond of O'Neill be nominated and elected as such delegate and that as his alternate, E. L. Kudrua be nominated and elected.

Respectfully submitted,

     The Worthy State Deputy then announced that the selection of the associate delegates would be made first, whereupon the following were nominated as delegates to the convention: J. F. Crowley, J. .J.


Hinchey, J. H. Barry, Dr. J. A. Colfer, Robert Daugherty, Charles J. Thielan, W. J. Guthrie, A. J. Dewald, H. J. Hammond.

     A number of ballots were taken before the four associate delegates, as required, were elected. At the conclusion of the balloting for associate delegates the State Deputy announced that the following had been elected as associate delegates: J. H. Barry, Wahoo; Dr. J. A. Colfer, Hastings; J. J. Hinchey, Omaha, and John E. Sullivan of Greeley.

     Thereupon the Worthy State Deputy announced that nominations would be received for insurance delegate, and in response to the request made, H. J. Hammond was elected as insurance delegate to the national convention.

     The Worthy State Deputy then announced that the election of alternates to the national convention was the next order of business, and on motion of Brother Frank Colfer of McCook the following were nominated as alternate delegates to the national convention: Alternate for State Deputy Edward H. Whelan, W. J. Laughlin, Grand Island; for Past State Deputy George K Corcoran, W. J. Donahue, Albion; for J. H. Barry, J. J. Bogan, Lincoln; for J. A. Colfer, Dr. F. H. Morrow, Columbus; for J. J. Hinchey, Wm. J. McNichols, Lexington; for J. J. Sullivan, Greeley, James Keefe, North Platte; for H. J. Hammond, O'Neill, William Kloke, Norfolk.

     The nominations as made by Brother Colfer were approved by the convention and the alternates named were unanimously elected.

     Worthy State Deputy then announced that there was a possibility that Nebraska would be entitled to an additional insurance delegate and Robert Daugherty was elected to act as insurance delegate in case Nebraska was entitled to such, and Dr. F. W. Leonard of Columbus was elected as alternate to Robert Daugherty.

     At this time the Worthy State Deputy announced that the next order of business would be the selection of a place to hold the 1921 convention and an invitation to meet in Lincoln in 1921 was accepted and unanimously voted that the next convention would be hold at Lincoln, Neb.

     At this time the Worthy State Deputy recognized State Secretary Francis P. Matthews, who offered the following resolutions:

     Whereas, it appears that there will be three additional members of the board of Supreme Directors elected at the meeting of the Supreme Council this year, and,

     Whereas, the Nebraska State Council has among its membership a Knights of Columbus who for four years rendered splendid service as State Deputy during a period when leadership to be successful had to ,withstand the severest tests, and, whereas, under his leadership the order prospered in the state and membership has grown without any deterioration in quality, and,

     Whereas, from the moment he assumed the high responsibilities of State Deputy he unselfishly and without reserve dedicated his time and ability to successfully maintaining and materially augmenting the good influence of the order in the state and,

     Whereas, while State Deputy he kept his vision as leader in Nebraska lifted above and beyond the horizon of his own jurisdiction, and,


     Whereas, through the record of magnificent results he has achieved at home, and by his close appreciation of the national policies and needs of the Order, he has proven beyond question his fitness and qualifications to hold higher office in the organization;
     Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the Nebraska State Council of Knights of Columbus, in convention assembled, do most heartily indorse the Hon. George F. Corcoran of York, Neb., for the office of Supreme Director and that the delegates of the state to the Supreme Council be, and they are hereby instructed, to place Judge Corcoran's name in nomination for Supreme Director at the proper time during the proceedings of the supreme convention, and that they employ every legitimate means to accomplish the election of Past State Deputy Corcoran as Supreme Director.

     The foregoing resolution was unanimously approved and adopted and ordered spread on the minutes of the convention.

     At the meeting of the state officers, held prior to the final adjournment of the State Council, Rev. L. A. Dunphy of Sutton, the present State Chaplain for Nebraska State Council, was unanimously elected for reappointment, and his appointment to that office for the ensuing term was accordingly announcel (sic) by the State Deputy.

     There being no further business to go before the convention, it was moved and seconded that the convention adjourn. Motion, on being put, was carried and the State Council was closed in due form.

State Secretary.

Seventh Annual State Meeting of the Financial Secretaries' Association of Nebraska

Norfolk, Neb., May 24, 1920.

     Meeting called to order by Chairman J. H. Pieper of Albion.

     The following Financial Secretaries answered present at roll call: W. A. Leary, Omaha; H. J. Hammond, O'Neill; R. Seguin, Lincoln; Mark Burke, Columbus; B. G. Bauman, Alliance; W. P. Rooney, Chadron; G. J. Bauman, Grand Island; C. L. Keefe, Hartington; Theo. A. Helmig, Wymore; C. V. Dunn, Emerson; P. J. Barrett, Greeley; J. T. Mullen, Falls City; Harry Connerly, Fremont; M. F. Fleming, Sutton; August Zimmer, York; Arthur Woelken, Beatrice; Jas. A. Cleary, Kearney; J. B. Wolf, Friend; J. H. Pieper, Albion; Dr. J. C. Tighe, Madison; B. J. Brown, Norfolk; Chas. P. Pfeifer, Humphrey; E. L. Kudrua, Wahoo; H. F. Nacke, Hebron; M. R. Delahanty, Lexington.

     The minutes of the 1919 meeting were read and approved.

     The chairman appointed the following brothers as a committee on resolutions: R. Seguin, G. J. Bauman, and August Zimmer.

     The duties of the Financial Secretary and how he keeps his Council on the map was taken up at this time and many very interesting and instructive talks were made by the Secretaries and visiting delegates to the state convention who were present. What is the voting sign of the Order was one question that was not answered.

     Adjourned at 11:10 p. m.

     Meeting called to order by Chairman Pieper at 10 a. m., May 25.


     Chairman announced that nominations for an insurance delegate to the national convention was in order. Brother G. J. Bauman of Grand Island then nominated Brother H. J. Hammond of O'Neill; Brother R. Seguin of Lincoln nominated E. L. Kudrua of Wahoo.

     Voted: That the candidate receiving the largest vote be elected delegate and the other candidate be elected as alternate.

     Brother Hammond, receiving the largest vote, was elected.

     The Committee on Resolutions then presented the following:

To the Officers and Members of the Nebraska State Council now in session:
     Greetings: Be It Resolved, That one insurance delegate to the national convention should be elected from the Financial Secretaries' Association.
     Be It Therefore Further Resolved, That Brother H. J. Hammond of O'Neill be elected as such delegate, and that Brother E. L. Kudrua of Wahoo he elected as alternate.
     Be It Resolved by the Financial Secretaries of the state that we recommend to the delegates to the national convention that they strongly urge that all correspondence of local Councils be addressed to the Financial Secretaries.
     Be It Resolved, That the State Secretary be selected from the Financial Secretaries of the state, they being familiar with the workings of the Order and creating a more familiar feeling between the Councils.
     Resolved, That the Secretaries again request that the State Secretary, when mailing blank copies of the annual report, enclose one extra copy to be placed with the files of the local Council.

Respectfully submitted,

R. SEGUIN, Chairman.

     Voted: That the report of the committee be adopted as read, and the Chairman be instructed to present copies to the State Council now in session.

     At this time a discussion arose as to the best way to raise a fund for the Father Flannagan Home for Boys, and finally decided by all members present, with one exception, that a drive, instead of a levy, would be most satisfactory.

     Voted: That the Financial Secretaries adhere strictly to the law of the Order in regard to keeping members of their Council in good standing.

     Boundary lines of the local Councils was taken up and fought to a draw. Decided that the Grand Knight and Financial Secretary of each Council take the matter up with their District Deputy.

     Voted: That the present officers be elected for the ensuing year.

     Voted: That a copy of the proceedings of the Financial Secretaries' meeting be sent to the Supreme Secretary and the Columbiad.

     Voted: That the State Secretaries meet at 8 p. m. of the evening before the next state convention.

     Many of the Secretaries being delegates to the state convention, a motion to adjourn was made and carried.

J. H. PIEPER, Chairman.
MARK BURKE, Secretary.

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