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[The figures refer to the numbered sections.]

   NOTE. The most important dates are uninclosed; those given in parentheses are inserted simply to enable the pupil to follow the general chronological order of events.


Left brace

2. Who were they?

2. Iceland.

The Northmen

2. Greenland,


2. "Leif the Lucky."

2. Vinland (1000).

3. Results of the discovery of America by the Northmen.


Left brace

1. Ideas about the earth when Columbus was born.


1. The "Sea of Darkness."

Left brace

1. Birth of Columbus.

3. He probably never heard of Vinland.

4. What he wished to do.

4. Marco Polo's book.

4. First reason why Columbus wished to go to the Indies.

5. His second reason for wishing to go there.

5. Trade with the Indies. (Genoa; Venice.)

6. Portuguese voyages; Results.

Columbus, 1492

7. Plan of Columbus. (How far right, how far wrong.)

8. He seeks assistance.

9. He sails, 1492. Vessels; Canary Islands; equipment for the


10. Incidents of the voyage. (Compass; crew; birds.)

11. Land! 1492. (The West Indies; the Indians.)

12. Return. Letter of Columbus; division of the world.

13. Disappointment of Spain. (Columbus in chains.)

13. Death of Columbus. What he had accomplished.

Left brace

Right paren.14. John and
14. Sebastian

what they discovered in 1497.

The Cabots, 1497

14. Henry VII's notebook.

14. England's claim to America.

Origin of the

Left brace

15. Amerigo Vespucci.

name "Amer-

15. What happened in 1507.

ica," 1507

15. Did Amerigo Vespucci deserve the honor he received?





Left brace

16. What people thought of America.


16. What Magellan discovered about America (1519-1522).


16. How Europe felt about his discovery.

17. Summary of the section.


Ponce de Leon

18. Discovers and names Florida (1513)-


Left brace

19. Discovers the "South Sea" (1513). (Cortez proposes a canal

     across the Isthmus of Panama (1519).)


Left brace

20. The King of France; Cartier on the St. Lawrence (1535)


New attempts of

Left brace

21. De Soto's expedition (1539).

the Spaniards

22. Coronado's expedition (1540).

The French

Left brace

23 The Huguenots (1562).

(Huguenots) and

23. Menendez; St. Augustine (1565).

the Spaniards

24. De Gourgues. (Results of the struggle between the French and

     the Spaniards.)

Left brace

25. Frobisher; Davis.

English explo-

25. Sir Humphrey Gilbert: Drake (1577-1580).

rations and

26. Sir Walter Raleigh's expedition (1584)-

attempts at

27, Raleigh's first colony, 1585. (The new "root"; the new weed.)

settlement, 1585

28. Raleigh's second colony (1587).

29. Results of the Spanish, French, and English attempts up to 16oo.

Left brace

30. What America was found to be; physical geography. (Climate,

     soil, crops; healthfulness; superiority to Europe: natural

     wealth; what Gladstone said.)

31. The Indian population.

32. Personal appearance of the Indians. (The scalp lock.)

33. How they lived.

America and

34. Their work. (The moccasin; the snowshoe; the birch-bark canoe,)

the Indians

35. Government of tribes; "wampum."

36. Social condition; customs; "totems."

37. Religion; character.

38. Self-control; torture; respect for courage. (General Stark.)

39. The Indian and the white man; what the Indian taught the white man.

40. Influence of the Indians on the early history of the country.

     (The Iroquois; the Indian wars.)

Effects of the
discovery of
America on

Left brace

41. (1) Geographical knowledge.

41. (2) Spain, Portugal, France, and England.

41. (3) The precious metals.

41. (4) Trade and navigation.

41. (5) New products.


Left brace

41. (6) Sugar, cotton, rice, coffee.

41. (7) Effects on men's minds. opportunity.

42. Summary of the section. Spaniards, French, English; America

     in 1600.

   Effects of the geography of America on its history. See text and map, pages 42, 43.




The English
and the French
I. Virginia,

Left brace

43. Opening of the 17th century; the desire of the English to go to


43. England's need of America; the King grants a charter to settle


43. The London Company; the Plymouth Company.

44. Articles of the charter; instructions.

45. The London Company's colony sails; Captain John Smith.

46. Jamestown, 1607; condition of the colonists.

47. Sufferings of the colonists; their search for the Pacific; Pocahontas.

48. Gold? The French in Canada; Smith becomes governor; the

     colonists resolve to abandon Jamestown.

49. Lord Delaware; Governor Dale; the great land reform. ("This

     is mine.")

50. Cultivation of tobacco (1612). Four effects.

51. Virginia becomes practically self-governing, 1619. The House of

     Burgesses; wives.

52. Negro slaves, 1619; white "apprentices."

52. What settlements were made at the North.

53. Virginia loses her charter; Governor Berkeley; Puritans and Cavaliers.

54. Berkeley restored to power; the Navigation Laws; the King
     gives away Virginia. Other English colonies.

55. Condition of the Virginia colonists; the Indian war; the Bacon

     rebellion, 1676; Results.

56. Summary of the Virginia colony.

Left brace

57. Henry Hudson (1609).

58. The Indians.

II. New

59. The Dutch take possession of New Netherland (1614); the

Netherland, or

     English and the French.

New York

60. The Dutch purchase Manhattan Island, 1626.

(16l,l). Settled

61. The Patroons; Van Rensselaer.

by Dutch

62. Peter Stuyvesant; New Amsterdam. The English claim the

     country; they seize it (1664).

63. Summary of New Netherland, or New York.

Left brace

64. Dutch claim; English claim.

Ill. NEW

64. English get possession. Name New Jersey.

Jersey 1617)

63. The Friends, or Quakers. Treaty with the Indians; government

     of the colony.

66. Summary of New Jersey.

Left brace

67. Lack of religious liberty in England. Catholics, Puritans, Sepa-


68. Emigration; the Separatists, or Pilgrims, go to Holland (1607).

69. Why the Separatists, or Pilgrims, resolved to leave Holland for

IV. Massachu-


setts (Plym-

70. Where they intended to settle; how they got assistance.

outh Colony,

71. The Pilgrims sail in the Mayflower; Myles Standish.


72. Cape Cod; the Compact.

73. Exploring the coast; Plymouth Rock, 162o. The first winter.

74. Governor Bradford: Town meeting; treaty with the Indians.

75. The Pilgrims buy out the English Company. Growth of the

     colony; what made the Pilgrims great.



Left brace

76. Salem; Governor Endicott; religious toleration, cutting the

     cross out of the English flag.

77. Governor Winthrop; Boston, 1630. Great Puritan emigration to

     New England.

78. Government of Massachusetts; town meetings; who could vote;

     occupations of the people.

79. Banishment of Roger Williams; of Mrs. Hutchinson; Williams

     and Massasoit.

IV. Massachu-

80. The Boston Free Latin School (1635); Harvard University,

setts (Massa-

     1636; Rev. John Eliot; first Printing Press, 1639. Common

chusetts Bay

     school system founded, 1647.

Colony, 1630)

81. The New England Confederation, 1643; object; Results.

82. The coming of the Friends, or Quakers.

83. Why it excited alarm; what the Friends believed, what they

     refused to do.

84. Effect of persecution on the Friends.

85. What the Puritans of Massachusetts did to the Quakers.

86. King Philip's War, 1675. Eliot's Indians; Result of the war.

87. The Salem witchcraft.

88. Massachusetts loses her charter; Andros; the new charter.

89. Summary of Plymouth and of Massachusetts Bay colonies.

Left brace

90. Grant to Gorges and Mason; first settlements.

91. Division of the territory; New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine;

V. New Hamp-


shire (1623)

92. Londonderry: union of New Hampshire with Massachusetts.

     Voting; New Hampshire a royal province.

93. Summary of New Hampshire.

Left brace

94. Emigration to the valley of the Connecticut; Hooker's colony.

95. The Pequot War.

VI. Connecticut

96. The Connecticut constitution, 1639. Of what it was the parent.


97. The New Haven colony; Scripture laws.

98. The Regicides; Davenport's sermon; Andros and the Connect-

     icut charter.

99. Summary of Connecticut.

Left brace

100. The Catholic Pilgrims; Lord Baltimore; Maryland.

101. St. Marys; the wigwam church (1634).

102. Government of the colony; religious freedom; the Toleration

      Act, 1649.

VII. Maryland

103. Clayborne and Ingle; what the English commissioners did;


      how the Assembly or Legislature treated Lord Baltimore.

104. Lord Baltimore restored to his rights; Maryland loses her


105. Establishment of the Church of England: Maryland restored

      to Lord Baltimore; Mason and Dixon's line (1763-1767).

106. Summary of Maryland.

Left brace

107. Roger Williams; Providence; the first Baptist church in

      America (1639).

VIII. Rhode

108. Liberty of conscience, 1636. The Constitution of the United

Island (1636)


109. Settlement of the island of Rhode Island; the charter; Rhode

      Island and the Revolution.

110. Summary of Rhode island.


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