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UNL, 1912 Yearbook

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   FLOSSIE LOUISE LYONS, Lincoln, Neb. Teachers.
EORGE LZICAR, Crane, Mont. Cross Country, '09. Arts and sciences.
OLLIE JUNE MCCOMB, Wilsonville. Neb. Delta Zeta, Union Literary Society, Sem. Bot., Arts and Sciences.
ILLIAM E. MCCONNELL, Lincoln, Neb. Y. M. C. A., Peru Club, Arts and Science.

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   JEAN E. MCGAHEY, Lincoln, Neb. Pi Beta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Arts and Sciences.
NNA CLAIRE MCKINNON, Silver Springs Ark. Y. W. C. A., Palladian, Arts' and Sciences.
RACE N. MCLAIN, 406 W. 19th St., University Place, Neb. Arts and Sciences.
LLAN THURMAN MALICK, Bloomington. Neb. Pharmacy Society. Pharmacy.

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  JESSE URIAH MALICK, Bloomington, Neb. Nebraska Pharmaceutical Society, Class Football (2, 3, 4), Arts and Sciences, Pharmacy.
   J. R
AY MARTIN, Holdrege. Neb. Engineering Society. Engineering.
LSIE FOREST MATHEWS, Lincoln, Neb. Achoth, Y. W. C. A., Silver Serpent, Latin Club, Phi Beta Kappa Pin Committee (2), Junior Play, Cornhusker Committee (3). Arts and Sciences.
GNES MATRAU, Norfolk, Neb. Y. W. C. A., Latin Club, Arts and Sciences.

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ATTIE METZGER, Cedar Creek, Neb. Achoth, Agriculture.
ARL AUGUSTUS MEYER, University Place, Neb. Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Y. W. C. A., Medical Society, Class Football '12, Class Track '11, Frat Basketball, Medicine.
RANK C. MILES, Lynch, Neb. Student Assistant in Horticulture, Member Fruit Judging Team '11, Arts and Sciences.
ETH HERBERT MILES, South Lancaster. Mass. Phi Rho Sigma, Uni Medical Society, Y. M, C. A., Arts and Sciences. Medicine, Sophomore.

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