Abbott, Dr. J. L., 194.                      Bennett, John B., 149. 
Abolition, 70-79.                            Bennett, Rachel, 164. 
Academy of Sciences, 196,                    Ben Thompson Post, 309. 
Actions at law, 159.                         Benton, Fort, 48. 
Adoption of Iowa code, 135.                  Benton, Mrs. George H., 168. 
Afraid-of-Soldiers, Indian, 190.             Benton; T. H., Jr., 46, 142. 
Agencies for land, 1855, 147.                Bessey, Prof. C. E., 196. 
Agricultural Society, Oakland, Mich., 103.   Bethlehem, Ia., 164. 
Agricultural Society, Otoe County, 64.       Big Foot's band, 188. 
Albion, Mich., 164.                          "Big Six," 131. 
Alden, Isaac R., 124.                        Birkett, Indian agent, 17. 
American Fur Company, 37, 47, 48, 163.       Blackbird Mission, 46. 
Ames, Oakes, 102.                            Blackfeet, 48. 
Annin, W. E., 115.                           Black Hawk War, 93. 
Annin, Mrs. William E., 115.                 Bloomer, Mrs. Amelia, 177. 
Antelope, 54.                                Boulware, Mrs. John, 168. 
Area of Nebraska, change in 1882, 11.        Boundary of Nebraska, Northeastern, 
Argenta, Ark., 123.                              11. 
Armstrong and Clark, Omaha, 174.             Bond system, 67-69. 
Attica, N. Y., 128.                          Box Elder canyon, 51. 
Atkinson, Fort, 194.                         Bradford, A. H., 88, 118, 124, 127, 176. 
Attorneys, qualifications in 1855, 139.      Bridget, Fort, 50. 
Baker, Martha (Mrs. J. D. N. Thompson),      Bridger, Jim, 50. 
   93.                                       British influence on Indians, 18. 
Bangs, S. D., 46.                            Broady, Judge J. H., address, 144-152, 
Barber, M., 182,                                 197. 
Barbour, Prof. E. H., 196.                   Brooks, E. C., 184. 
Barrett, Jay Amos: Article on Ponca          Brown, Miss (Mrs. Alfred Sorenson), 177. 
   Indians, 11-25; biographies of mem-       Brown, John, 70-79. 
   bers of first legislature, 124-134; 195.  Brown, Mary A. (Mrs/ Fleming David-
Bartlett, Sidney, 103.                           son), 120. 
Bellville, Ohio, 95.                         Brown, Miss Nellie, 177. 
Bellevue, city, 36-47, 117.                  Brown, Richard, 117, 127. 
Bellevue precinct, election of 1853, 133,    Brown, Mrs. William D., 177. 
   note.                                     Brown, William D., 177. 
Bennet, H. P., reminiscences, 88-92, 117,    Brownville, 60, 93, 117, 122, 123, 150. 
   124,127.                                  Brownville & Fort Kearney R. R., 61. 
Bennet, Isaiah H., 88, 164.                  Brule Sioux, 26. 



Buchanan, W. W., 73.                         Collins, Mrs., 178 
Buffalo County, survey, 53.                  Columbus, city, 23, 56. 
Buffalo Courier, quoted, 127.                Cooking, camp, 54. 
Buffaloes, 49.                               Corporations, 1855,156. 
Burbank, John, 74.                           Cosmopolitan, article on Sitting Bull, 179, 
Burbank, Joseph, 74.                         Cost of Indians, 24. 
Burials, Indian, 41.                         Cost of local government, 58-69. 
B. & M. R. R., 62.                           Council Bluff, 13. 
Burlington, Ia., 129.                        Council Bluffs, Ia., 92, 129. 
Burt County, 65, 117.                        Counties, original, 136. 
Burt, Gov. Francis, 164.                     County expenses, 68-69. 
Bull Head, Indian, 183-190.                  Cowles, C. H., 119. 127. 
Byers, W. N., 130, 131.                      Credit Mobilier, 102. 
Caldwell, H. W., 194-197.                    Creighton, Edward, 106. 
California road, 55.                         Creole women, 163. 
Calloway County, Missouri, 121.              Criminal Code of 1855, 139. 
Carlisle, city, 141.                         Crook, Fort, 47. 
Canada West, 72.                             Crooks, Zada (Mrs. William Poppleton), 
Cannon, Mrs. W. S., 177.                         95. 
Cannon, William S., 177.                     Crops of Ponca Indians, 18, 10. 
Cass County, 65.                             Cross, D. C., 123. 
Caste, social, 41, 42.                       Cross Hollow, Ark., 123. 
Catch-the-Bear, Indian, 187.                 Crowder, E. H., 184. 
Chapin, Capt. A. R., 184.                    Crowfoot, son of Sitting Bull, 186. 
Chapin, Hon. W. F., 159.                     Crow Indians, 48. 
Chatham gathering, 72.                       Cuming, Mrs. Margaret C., 168-171. 
Chester, city of 1865, 141.                  Cuming, Act. Gov. T. B., 58, 89, 90, 98, 
Cheyennes, 48.                                   136, 169, 170, 174. 
Cities, number of in Nebraska, 156.          Curtis, General, 67. 
Civil War, 93.                               Cushing, Mayor R. C., 104. 
Claim Clubs, 100.                            Dakota county, 65. 
Claim Club, Bellevue, 45.                    Dakota Indians, 18. See Sioux. 
Clancy, William, 131.                        Davidson, Fleming, 120. 
Clark, Imogen, 173.                          Davis, Miss (Mrs. Herman Kountze), 178. 
Clark, John T., 173.                         Davis, Jefferson, 101. 
Clark, M. H., 117, 132-134.                  Davis, John, 178. 
Clark, Miss (Mrs. King), 173.                Davis, Mrs. Thomas, 178. 
Clark, Dora (Mrs. Algernon Butte), 173.      Death of P. S. Real. 84. 
Clarke, Governor, of Mo. Territory, 13.      Decatur, Commodore Stephen, 43, 45, 91, 
Clarke, Hon. Harry H., 47.                       165. 
Clarke, Hon. H. T., 45, 46.                  Democratic government, 67. 
Clarkson, Bishop R. H., 104.                 Dennison, Major W. W., 80-82. 
Clayton, city, 141.                          Diary of J. P. Dunlap, 53-57. 
Code of Iowa, 135, 139.                      Dickey, Laura N., 196. 
Code of Illinois, 140.                       Dixon, J. W., 194. 
Code of Ohio, 140.                           Doniphan's Regiment, 93. 
Codes, early, 168.                           Dougherty, John, 38. 



Douglas County, 45, 65, 113.                 Folsom, Silas, 128. 
Douglas House, Omaha, 167, 170.              Fontenelle, 143. 
Downs House, 88.                             Fontenelle, Henry, 47. 
Drum, Lieut.-Col. W. F., 179-190.            Fontenelle, Logan, 40, 165. 
Dundy, Judge E. S., 74.                      Fontenelle, Lucien, 166. 
Dunlap, J. P., diary, 53-57, 194.            Fontenelle, Susan, 165, 166. 
Economic improvements, 1855-1897, 83-        Fording the Platte, 55. 
    87.                                      Foreclosure law, 1855, 138. 
Edmunds, Gov. Newton, quoted, 20.            Fort, I. A., articles by, 48-52, 80-82; 193, 
Eighth Cavalry, 179.                         Fort Benton, 48. 
Election, first, in the territroy, 126.      Fort Bridger, 50. 
Eleventh U. S. colored troops, 123.          Fort Kearney, 57. 
Elizabeth, city, 141.                        Fort Kearney, original, 44, 88. 
Elk, 54.                                     Fort Leavenworth, 81. 
Elk Hill, Bellevue, 40.                      Fort Lookout, 48. 
Elkhorn, 96.                                 Fort McPherson, 51 
Estabrook, Experience, 172.                  Fort Pierre, 48. 
Estabrook, Henry, 172.                       Fort, Sutter's, 50. 
Eureka Springs, Ark., 34.                    Fort Union, 48. 
Evans, John, 130; quoted, 162.               Forty-eighth Missouri Volunteer Infan- 
Expense of government, 58-69.                    try, 94. 
Factory system, 13.                          Fowler, John W., 97. 
Falls City, 72.                              Frances, city, 141. 
Farming, Poncas, 18.                         Franklin Insurance Co., 142. 
Fechet, Major E. G., paper on death of       Free State League, 71. 
    Sitting Ball, 178-190; 194, 195.         Fremont, Col., 33. 
Ferguson, Judge A. N., 164.                  Furness Hon. R. W., 1547 193-197.
Ferguson, Judge Fenner, 45, 90, 164.         Gall, Indian, 179. 
Ferguson, George, 116.                       Game, 1844, 50. 
Ferris, Mrs. C. E. (Miss Folsom), 128.       Gardner, David, 55. 
Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. James, 177.              Garrett, Bishop, 108. 
Ferry, Margaret, 177.                        Gayle, Mary (Mrs. Joe La Flesch), 163, 
Ferry, Platte, 55.                           Gayle, Dr., 163. 
Fifield, Captain, 121.                       Geneva Lake, Wis., 172. 
Fifth Missouri Militia, 93.                  Gentry's Regiment, Colonel, 93. 
Fillion, Mrs., North Platte, 50.             Gere, Hon. C. H., 195-198. 
Fillmore county, Neb., 31.                   Gill, George B., 76. 
First Nebraska Volunteers, 112.              Gilmour, Mrs. William, 168. 
First territorial legislature of Nebraska,   Glenwood, Ia., 88, 93,119. 
    88-161.                                  Godfrey, A. S., 195. 
Fitch, Mrs. James, 168.                      Goodwill, Miss Adelaide (Mrs. Allen 
Florence, city, 116,117.                         Root, 177. 
Florence, city, origin of name, 129.         Goodwill, T. G., 118, 128. 
Florence legislature, 100.                   Goss, Hon. J. Q., 193, 194; article on 
Folsom, B. R., 90,118, 124, 125, 127-8.          Bellevue, 36-47. 
Folsom, Col. John B., 128.                   Government, local, 58-69. 
Folsom, N. R., 125, 128.                     Grafton, town, 31. 



G. A. R., James Shields Post No. 33, 36.         ris, 14; number, 12; Omahas, 12,14, 
Grand Central Hotel Omaha, 106.                  20, 37, 41; Osages, 41; Otoes, 14, 37; 
Grand River, 181-190.                            Pawnees, 14, 37, 56; Poncas,11-25, 
Grant, General U. S., 29, 33.                    52; presents to, 13; Rees, 51; Sioux, 
Grayson County, Texas, 92.                       51, 52; Territory, 21, 23; women, 162. 
Greene County, 141.                          Intemperance, Ponca treaty of 1858, 156. 
   Habeas Corpus Case, 24.                      Iowa code, 135. 
Hacker, T. C., 123.                          Iowa, settlements in western, 1854, 160. 
Hackbush, Henry H., 53.                      Iron Dog, Indian, 184. 
Hagood, Mrs. J. McF., 168.                   Izard County, 141. 
Hail, William B., 130.                       Izard, James S., 142. 
Hale, Harry E., 189.                         Izard, Gov. M. W., 45. 
Hall County, survey, 53.                     Jack Morrow ranch, 51. 
Hall, P. L., 196.                            Jackson County, 141. 
Hamilton, Amanda, 164.                       Jacksonian element in the first legisla- 
Hamilton, Elsie, 164.                            ture, 145. 
Hamilton, Maria, 164.                        Jacksonville, city of Nebraska Territory, 
Hamilton, Mary, 164.                             141. 
Hamilton, Miss M. E., 47.                    James, Judge, Council Bluffs, 126. 
Hamilton, Mrs. C. W., 171.                   Johnson, Hon. Hadley D., 132. 
Hamilton, Mrs. William, 164.                 Jones County, 136. 
Hamilton, Rev. William, 45, 46, 164.         Jones, Mrs. Alf. D., 176. 
Hanscom, Mrs. A. J., 173, 175.               Jones, Hon. A. D., 117,127, 128. 
Hanscom, Hon. A. J., 111, 180.               Jurors, 1855, 137. 
Harding, A. S., 195,                         Kanesville, Ia., 164. 
Harlan, Edward R., 45.                       Kenosha, Nebr., 92, 93, 121. 
Harper's Ferry, 70.                          K. C., St. Joe & M. R. R. Co., 63. 
Harrison, Rev. C. S., 194.                   Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 14. 
Hartley, Prof. E. T., 196.                   Kearney, Fort, 44, 67. 
Harvey, Premo & Co., 49.                     Kearney, Old Fort, 88. 
Harwood, N. S., 193.                         Kellar, C. D., 42. 
Hawkman (Indian), 185.                       Kempton, Ron. William, 142. 
Henry County, Ill., 31.                      Kennedy, Sarah, 168. 
Herd law, 147.                               Keokuk, 169. 
Hileman, Blair & Co., 120.                   Keokuk County, Ia., 92. 
Holloway, C. T., 45.                         Kilbourne, Florence, 129. 
Hookstra, Dennis, 55.                        Kinney,  L. B., 45. 
Howard, A. E., Indian agent, 23.             Kirby, Mr., 42. 
Hunton, city, 141.                           Kountze, Mrs. Hermann, 178. 
Hurley, Lucinda (Mrs. R. B. Whitted,)        La Clete House, 169. 
    92.                                      La Flesch, Mrs. Joe, 163. 
Illinois code, 140.                          Lambert, William, 72. 
Immigration into Nebraska, 14.               Lancaster, town, 54, 57. 
Impeachment law of 1855, 148.                Land, prices, 161. 
Improvements since 1855, 83-87.              Lane, James H., 77. 
Indians, 48; character, 52; country, 14;     Linda, western Iowa, 1856-7, 160. 
    curiosity, 166; Mandans, 51; Missou-.    Larrimer, Judge, 169. 



Latham, J. McNeale, 142.                     Massena Springs, N. Y., 113. 
Latham, R. W., 142.                          Maxwell, Hon. Samuel, article on laws, 
Lawrence, city, 141.                             157-161. 
Laws of 1855, clarity and directness, 149.   Mechanics' liens, 84. 
Leavenworth, 53.                             Merchants' National Bank, Omaha, 116. 
League of Freedom, 72.                       Merrill, Rev. Moses, death and burial, 
Leavenworth, Colonel, 133.                       38; contract as missionary, 38-39. 
Legislature, 1855, 88 161.                   Merrill, Rev. Samuel P., 38. 
Lewis and Clarke's Expedition, 11, 37.       Messiah craze, 180. 
Lindsey, H. C., 194.                         Mexican War, 93. 
Lisa, Manuel, 13, 37.                        Mickelwait, Mrs. Wheatly, 168. 
Little Eagle, 189.                           Middle, Indian, 189. 
Lockwood, David, 75.                         Midland Pacific R. R., 62. 
Lockwood, Eugene V., 75.                     Miles, Gen. Nelson A., 182. 
Logan, Mrs. John, 177.                       Mill, Ponca treaty, 16. 
Log cabins of '55, 43.                       Millard Hotel, Omaha, 173. 
Loneman, Indian, 187.                        Miller, Dr. G. L., 128, 172. 
Lookout, Fort, 48.                           Miller, Mrs. G. L., 172,175. 
Lost cities, 141.                            Miller, Lorin, 149. 
Lovejoy, Reuben, 45.                         Mills County, Ia., 126. 
Lowe, Enos, 116.                             Mills, Maggie (Mrs. Dick McCormick), 
Lowe, Jesse, 136.                                176. 
Lumber cut by Poncas, 17.                    Mills, Mrs. George, 176. 
McCormick, Mrs. John, 173.                   Minick, Mrs. Alice A., article on Under-
McFarland, William, 74.                          ground R. R., 70, 194. 
McKenzie, Mrs., 178.                         Missionaries, 163. 
McLaughlin, Maj. James, 179-190.             Mission house, Bellevue, 37. 
McMechan, Mrs. John, 168.                    Missouri, Fifth Militia, 98. 
McMechan, John, 168.                         Missouri Indians, 14. 
McNeal County, 141.                          Missouri, 48th Volunteer Infantry, 94. 
Mack, Susie (Mrs. J. W. Paddock), 114.       Missouri Volunteers, Seventh Regiment, 
Mackinaw boats, 48, 49.                          27. 
MacLean, Chancellor G. E., 195.              Mitchell, J. C., 116, 129. 
MacMurphy, Harriet S., article on the        Money, value, 83, 87. 
    women of 1855, 162-178, 195.             Moore, W. E., 142. 
Mail route proposed 1855, 151.               Morin, Edward, Life of, 48-52, 195. 
Majors, Col. Thomas J., 93-94.               Morgan, Thomas P., 196. 
Mundane, 48, 50, 51.                         Mormon women, 163. 
Manitou, Nebr., 141.                         Morris, Miss Sarah, 168. 
Marcy, William L., 113.                      Morrow, ranch, 51. 
Margaretta, city, 141.                       Morton, Mrs. J. Sterling, 167. 
Marquette, Hon. T. M., 78.                   Morton, Hon. J. Sterling, 43,45, 145, 
Married women's rights in law, 152.              193-197; article on Local Govern- 
Marsh, Mrs. Mary (Mary Thompson), 93.            ment, 68-69; article on Program since 
Martin, Mrs. Elza (Sarah Morris), 168.           1855, 83-87; tribute to A. J. Popple-  
Martyn, Carlos, 76.                              ton, 108-110; Sketch of Major Pad- 
Masonic lodge, first, 45.                        dock, 110-115. 



Mosier, Miss Caroline (Mrs. John Logan),     Paddock, William S., 113. 
    177.                                     Palladium, The, 167. 
Mounds and earthworks of Indians, 40.        Papillion, 46. 
Mt. Tabor, Ia., 73.                          Park County, Indiana, 92. 
Murphy, Fannie (Mrs. C. W. Hamilton),        Parker, Rev. J., 133. 
    171.                                     Parker, Samuel, quoted, 12. 
Murphy, Rev. William, Article, 26-35, 193.   Patrick, W. R., 194. 
   National Era, Washington, quoted, 125.       Patrick, Miss Lide (Mrs. Joseph Barker), 
Neal, Mrs. Louis, 47, 166.                       173. 
Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 196.           Pawnee City, 63. 
Nebraska City, 72, 117.                      Pawnee Indians, 14, 37, 48. 
Nebraska City Collegiate and Prepara-        Peters, Miss Valentine (Mrs. Morin), 51. 
   tory Institute, 143.                      Pierre, Fort, 48. 
Nebraska University, 1855, 143.              Pigeon Creek, 116. 
Nebraska Women of 1855, 162-178.             Platt, Mrs. Alvira Gaston, 164. 
Nekoma, 163.                                 Platte Valley and Pacific R. R. Co., 143. 
Nemaha City, 72.                             Plattsmouth, 117. 
Nemaha County, 60.                           Plattsmouth road, 56; women of, 168. 
Nesuma, 152.                                 Plumber, J., 133. 
Newtonia, Mo., 123.                          Ponca Indians, 11-25, 48, 52. 
Nickel, August, 184.                         Ponca Habeas Corpus case, 24, 105. 
Nineteenth annual meeting, 193.              Pontiac, Mich., 129. 
North and South Platte parties, 89, 117.     Pope, A., E., 193. 
Nott, Dr., 96.                               Poppleton, Andrew Jackson, biography, 
Nuckolls, S. F., 77, 88, 89, 90, 91, 119,        94-110, 111, 130. 
    124,125.                                 Poppleton, Mrs. A. J., 98, 172, 175. 
Oak Creek, S. D., 183-190.                   Poppleton, Benjamin, 94. 
Oakes, D. C., 149.                           Poppleton, Ebenezer, 94. 
Oakland County, Mich., 129.                  Poppleton, Mrs. Samuel, Jr., 95 
Ohio code, 140.                              Poppleton, Samuel, Jr., 94, 95. 
Old Fort Wayne, 123.                         Poppleton, Samuel, 94. 
Omaha, 46, 98 117; Bar Association,          Poppleton, William (son of Samuel), 94. 
    105; board of trade, 105; claim club,    Poppleton, William (father of A. J.), 95. 
    100; mayor, 1858, 100; public library,   Poppleton, Mrs. William, 95. 
    105; women of 1855, 168-178.             Poppleton, William S., 94. 
Omaha Indians, 12, 14, 20, 37, 41, 48.       Poultney, Vt., 95. 
Orange County, N. C., 92.                    Pound, Dr. Roscoe, 197. 
Osage Indians, 41.                           Pound, Judge S. B., 197; article by, 154- 
Osborne, Caroline (Mrs. Samuel Popple-           157, 
    ton, Jr.), 95.                           Pownall, Vt., 94. 
Otoe Agency, 37.                             Presbyterian College, Bellevue, 40, 46. 
Otoe County, 62, 64, 65,118.                 Presbyterian Mission, 164. 
Otoes, 14, 37.                               Presents to Indians by agents, 13. 
Pacific House, Kanesville, 164.              President's communication, 1897, 83-87. 
Paddock, Ben, 115.                           Primeau, Louis, 184. 
Paddock, Mrs. J. W., 114, 175.               Proceedings of the Society, 1896, 1897, 
Paddock, Major J. W., 110-115.                   193-198. 



Prohibition law, 1855, 138, 145-147.         Salt basin, 54. 
Proof of the law, 1855, 155.                 Salt Creek, 54. 
Public lands of Iowa, 1856, 1867, 160.       Salt manufacturing corporations, 143. 
Purcell, Ellen (Mrs. Real), 31.              Sarpy County, 45. 
Purple, H. C., 127.                          Sarpy, Peter A., 43, 163. 
Rabbit & Cotton, 49.                         Sawmill, Brownville, 116; Ponca Res 
Railroad legislation of 1855, 150.               ervation, 17. 
Railroad, Nemaha Co., 60, 61.                Sawyer, Mrs. A. J., 194. 
Railroads, taxation for, 60-69.              Schimousky, Mr., 46. 
Rations, Poncas, 17.                         Schools for Indians, 15. 
Real, Captain P. S., 26-85.                  Sears, Caroline (Mrs. A. J. Poppleton), 
Reavis, Judge, 73.                               98. 
Red Tomahawk, Indian, 187.                   Second Kansas Cavalry, 123. 
Redick, Mr. J. I., 173.                      Seminole War, 93. 
Ree Indians, 51.                             Settlements, 49. 
Reed, Byron, collection, 105.                Settlers, character of first, 157, 159. 
Reed, D. E., 46.                             Settlers' Club, Bellevue, 46. 
Reed, David, 65.                             Sharp, J. L., Plattsmouth, 119, 1,30. 
Reese, M. B., 195, 197; article by, 135-     Shave Head, Indian, 187. 
    143.                                     Sherman, General, 28. 
Reeves, Mrs. Elizabeth (later Mrs. Will-     Sherrill, Dr., 108. 
   iam S. Cannon), 177.                      Shinn's Ferry, 55. 
Reeves, William Nebraska, 177.               Simpson University, 148. 
Repeal of the Iowa-code law, 1857,139,       Sioux City, 49. 
    154, 158.                                Sioux Indians, 12,17,18,48,51, 52; cost 
Report of treasurer, 1897, 198.                  of, 24; outbreak of 1890-1891, 179. 
Reservation, Ponca, 15.                      Sitting Bull's death, 179-190. 
Results of the Pioneer Session, 135-161.     Slavery in Nebraska, 45, 78. 
Richardson County, 59, 60.                   Slaves, escape of, 70-79. 
Richardson, J. W., 134.                      Sloan, Mrs., Pawnee, 165. 
Richardson, Mrs. Lyman, 173.                 Slocum, S. L. H., 184. 
Richardson, Hon. O. D., 90, 119, 125,        Smell-the-Bear, 184. 
    129, 158.                                Snowden, Mrs. William P., 176-177. 
Richardson, Gov. W. A., 159.                 Sorenson, Mrs. Alfred, 177. 
Richmond, N. Y., 95.                         South Platte party, 89. 
Richmond, Va., 81.                           Sprick, Henry, 130. 
Robertson, J. B., 129.                       Springdale, Ia., 72, 76. 
Rock Bluff, 121.                             Squatter settlers, 14. 
Rockwood, Misses, 169.                       St. Lawrence County, N. Y., 110. 
   Rocky Mountain News, 130.                    St. Mary's, 132. 
Rogers, Samuel E., 116, 127; sketch of       Standing Bear, 21, 22, 105. 
    legislature of 1855, 115-120             Standing Rock Agency, 179. 
Romeo, Mich., 96.                            Stansbury, Captain, 133. 
Root, Mrs. Allen, 177.                       Steele, General Fred, 112. 
Roger, General, 182.                         Steele, M. F., 184. 
Rulo, 73.                                    Stevens, Aaron Dewight, 77. 
Russel, Houstin, 74.                         Stephens, E. F., 196 



Steward, C. F., 196.                         United States packet, Mo. river, 48. 
Stewart, W. E., 196.                         Vandaventer, George, 94. 
Stolley, William, 193.                       Vermillion County, Ind., 120. 
Stouffer, Hon. B. R., 41, 194.               Voting, at first election, 126. 
Stowell, Martyn, 76.                         Walker, C. I., 97. 
Strickland, Silas A., 45.                    Walker, E. C., 97. 
Strike-the-Kettle, 187.                      Wallace, Capt. (Wounded Knee), 188. 
Strong, Charles, 73.                         Walnut Grove Cemetery, Brownville, 94. 
Strong, Hezekiah B., 75.                     Word, Prof. H. B., 196. 
Subterranean Pass Way, 71.                   Watson, W. W., 126. 
Suits in equity, 159.                        Webster, Geh. J. R., 152-154, 197. 
Survey of Buffalo and Hall counties, 53.     Welch, Frank, 91, 130. 
Sutter's Fort, 50.                           Welsh, Herbert, 179. 
Swezey, Prof. G. D                               196. 
Taffe, John, 109..                           Western Exchange and Marine Insur-
Taxation, local, 68-59.                          ance Co., 142
Taylor, member Nebr. legislature, 1860,      Whaley, Rosanna (Mrs. Samuel Poppleton), 94.    
    78.                                      Wheeling, Va., 120. 
Taylor, F. W., 196.                          White county, Tenn., 92. 
Teachers' institute, first, 4 7.             White, Dr., 1844, 60. 
Tecumseh, city, 34.                          White Eagle, 18. 
Thayer, Mrs. J. M., 169, 175.                White Earth River, 12. 
Thayer, Gran. John M., 45, 121, 169.         White, Frank E., 196. 
Thompson, B. B., 121-123; Elizabeth          Whitted, J. M., biography by, 92. 
   (Mrs. B. B.), 122; John C., 121; biog-    Whitted, father of R. B., 92. 
   raphy by, 92-94; J. D. N., 92-94, 121,    Whitted, Hon. Robert Bates, biog., 92. 
   158; J. Waldo, 91.                        Whitted, Pinckney, 92. 
Tipton, Hon. Thomas W., 61.                  Whitted, Simeon, 92. 
"Toledo War," 129.                           Wichita, Kan., 120. 
Toll and bridge charters, 153.               Widow's dower, 136. 
Towns, absence of in Nebraska, 166.          Wilkinson, Dr. G. W., 196. 
Trade, article of Indian, 49.                Witnesses in trials, 1855,138. 
Traders, 12, 37, 49, 50.                     Women, Indian, 162; French-Canadian, 
Trappers, 54.                                    163; laws regarding, 152; Nebraska 
Travels in Nebraska in 1866, 53-57.              City, 168; missionaries, 163; Mormon, 
Treasurer's report, 1897, 198.                   163; of 1855, 162-178; Omaha, 168, 
Treaty with Sioux Indians, 20.                   178. 
Treaty with the Poncas, 12, 15.              Wood River, 57. 
Tremble, A. W., 45.                          Woods, W. H., 194. 
Tubman, Mrs., 72.                            Woods, Rev. J. M., 111. 
Turnbridge, Vt., 127.                        Woolworth, Hon. J. M., 94; tribute to 
Twelfth Infantry, 179.                           A. J. Poppleton, 106-108. 
Underground Railroad in Nebr., 70-79.        Wounded Knee, 1117, 
Union College, N. Y., 96, 105.               Wright, Silas, 113. 
Union, Fort, 48.                             Yankee Creek, 53. 
Union Pacific R. R., 45, 56, 102, 103.       Young, Mrs. F., 168. 
    104, 113; bridge controversy, 1891, 105. Young, Elder J. M., 153, 197. 


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