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Christian woman, loved and respected by all who knew her. By this union there was one son, Jasper, who married Laura Archer. Our subject was again married December 26, 1894, his second union being with Miss Mary Leonard, a daughter of Joseph and Adeline (Folger) Leonard. Her parental grandparents were Joseph and Sarah (Swain) Leonard, and her maternal grandparents were Judge Jethro and Mary (Barnard) Folger, who were from Indiana. She is a descendant of Benjamin Franklin, and is of English and Irish extraction. One of her ancestors was Walter Folger, of Nantucket Island, the inventor of the one hundred year clock. Secretary of the Treasurer Folger, one of President Arthur's cabinet officers, belonged to the same family. Mrs. Bortner was born in Shelby county, Indiana, April 25, 1853, attended first the district schools and later the Spice Land Academy, and then successfully engaged in teaching both in Indiana and Nebraska. For six years she had charge of a school in Aurora, this state, and it was there she became acquainted with her future husband. She was reared in the Society of Friends, and Mr. Bortner was reared in the Freewill Baptist church. Wherever known they are held in high regard and their friends are many in Fillmore county. 

Letter/label or bar. W. MATSON, proprietor of a good farm on section 29, township 14, range 2, Polk county, is one of the most energetic and enterprising agriculturists of the community. He. is a man of sound judgment and intelligence, and is well worthy representation in a work of this kind.

      His father, George Matson, was born in Ockelbo Yestrikland, Sweden, in 1826, and 1849 came to this country, first locating in Knox county, Illinois, where he worked as a farm hand, and also split rails in winter until he acquired enough money so as to be able to buy some land, which he did soon after. He and his father bought forty acres of land together, which he farmed for a few years; then he sold his share of the forty acres, and in the early '50s he was married in Illinois to Miss Ellen Peterson, who was born in Skone, Sweden, in 1824, and they continued to reside in that state until 1853 when they removed to Carver county, Minnesota. There the father purchased one hundred acres of timber land, which he improved and resided upon for about eight years, and sold it in 1864, and then returned to Illinois in the same county where they formerly lived, where he again purchased eighty acres of prairie laud which he improved and resided on until 1872. The same year he sold his eighty-acre farm and moved to Polk county, Nebraska, to improve his six hundred and forty acres of railroad land, which he bought the previous year. He took an eighty-acre homstead (sic) on the east half of the northeast quarter of section 32, township 14, range 2, being the first settler in that locality.

      In the spring he built a plank barn, 14 x 28 in which the family lived until fall, when he erected the first large frame house in the neighborhood. The same year he broke sixty acres of land and raised some good sod corn. The following year raised twenty-four bushels of spring wheat to the acre, and also some corn; in 1874 raised wheat, but his corn was destroyed by the grasshoppers; and two years later those insects took half his corn crop. The first summer spent in Polk county he made fifty trips to Columbus, Nebraska, which was the nearest market, a distance of twenty-nine miles. In 1888 he sold his homestead and one hundred and sixty acres of the railroad land, and moved to Los Angeles county, California, and settled on a small farm, where he still resides, and, with the exception of our subject, the other members of



the family still live in that state. The parents are members of the Swedish Baptist church at Los Angeles, and are highly respected, have always been honored by all, and he has always given his support to those who were in need, and helped to make the world better. The children are J. W., C. H., F. A., Mary A. and A. E., of whom all are still alive. George Matson has had various positions during his life. In Minnesota he held the office of assistant postmaster and a member of the town board, and also was school director in Illinois. In Nebraska he organized school district No. 29, and was the first director. He has had the office of church treasurer at various times.

      J. W. Matson, of this review, was born in Carver county, Minnesota, May 16, 1857, and at the age of six years accompanied his parents to Illinois and resided with them until 1872. When he was fifteen years of age he accompanied his parents to Nebraska in 1872. In the public schools of those two states and also of Nebraska he acquired his education, and he remained with his parents until his marriage. On the 16th day of May, 1884, he wedded Miss Johanna Jonson, a native of Sweden, by whom he has three children, Alice H., Elmer E. and Harold R. After his marriage Mr. Matson rented some of his father's railroad land and farmed it for four years, and in 1888 he moved out to Los Angeles county, California, with his parents, but after spending four years there removed to a place seven hundred miles farther north at Red Bluff, Tehama county. A year later, however, he returned to Polk county, Nebraska, with only four hundred dollars in money, and rented again the place he formerly farmed, having lost on the Pacific coast about four thousand dollars and five years lost time. He now owns one hundred and twenty acres of land, well improved and under a. high state of cultivation. In connection with general farming he is engaged in stock-raising, making a specialty of thoroughbred Guernsey cattle. He is a member of the Scandinavian Mutual Insurance Company, of Polk county, and is also a member of the Stromsburg Co-operative Creamery Company, of which he is a director. Mr. and Mrs. Matson are sincere and faithful members of the Swedish Baptist church, of Stromsburg, of which he is a trustee, and politically he is identified with the Republican party. He has served as clerk of elections in Polk county and as school director in district No. 29, and at all times is devoted to the best interests of the locality, giving his support to all measures for the public good. 

Letter/label or barHE CATHOLIC CHURCH, at Seward, Nebraska, was founded about the year 1878, under the charge of Reverend Fr. O'Brien. He was at the head of its affairs for some years. The church began to show decided life under the ministrations Father A. P. Lysagt. He came to Seward about 1884, and remained for eight years. He was of Irish descent, and a man of much administrative ability. He was succeeded by Rev. Dennis A. Kelley, who put new life into the rising church. He did good work for it. Several changes were then made and the history of the church is brought up to 1897. In that year its present pastor, Rev. W. Murphy, took charge. He was born in Bennington county, Vermont, in 1847, and was educated in the public school of his native town. He entered Holy Cross college at Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1862, and spent six years in its scholastic shades. He devoted two years to theological study at Troy, New York, and two at Montreal, Canada. In the spring of 1873 he was ordained to the priesthood, and had a brief charge in Vermont. He spent three



years in Europe in farther study, and in 1879 he was stationed at Peoria, Illinois, and was there engaged for five years. He was then transferred to the diocese of Omaha, and was under the episcopal direction of Bishop O'Conner. He was assigned to Grafton, and held the pulpit there two years. He was again transferred, this time to Lancaster county, and did mission work for five years, which was followed by five years in Johnson county, Nebraska. In 1897 he came to this county, and began work as pastor of the Catholic church in Seward. The parish is gradually increasing in strength and numbers under his ministrations, and at the present moment has about seventy-five families. It sustains a mission in Ulysses, and maintains the various organizations which are intended to promote its strength and efficiency. 

Letter/label or barOLOMON A. MYERS.--Among the prominent agriculturists and poineer (sic) citizens, of York county, who have assisted materially in its development, is Mr. Myers, a resident on section 20, Thayer township. He was born in Clay county, Indiana, December 16, 1850, a son of James and Sophia (West) Myers, natives of Ohio, and Indiana, respectively. The paternal grandfather, Solomon Myers, was born in Ohio, but at an early day removed to Indiana, where he spent the remainder of his life. His son James was reared to farm life, and on adopting a life-work he chose agriculture, which he has always followed. He now makes his home in Indian Territory.

      The subject of this sketch is the fourth in order of birth in a family of eight children--four sons and four daughters. He was reared to manhood in Illinois, and began life for himself as a farmer in that state. In 1876 he came to York county, Nebraska, and secured a homestead claim on section 30, Thayer township, at that time all wild prairie land with only a sod house upon-it. The place is now one of the best farms in the county, the land being under a high state of cultivation and improved with good and substantial buildings. For the past fourteen years, Mr. Myers has extensively engaged in buying, feeding and shipping stock, and has also given considerable attention to the breeding of a superior grade of road horses, owning two of the best stallions in the county.

      In 1870, Mr. Myers married Miss Eliza R. Kost, a native of Illinois, by whom he had four children: William E., John W., Orin F., deceased, and James C. The wife and mother died in 1887 and two years later Mr. Myers was united in marriage with Miss Jessie R. Rose, a native of Iowa. To them has been born one son, Charles B. The family is connected with the Methodist church, and socially Mr. Myers affiliates with the Masonic Order and the Mod-Woodmen (sic) of America. Politically he is a supporter of the men and measures of the Republican party, and he has been honored with election to a number of official positions, being assessor of his township, and for some time a member of the county board of commissioners in the early history of the county. 

Letter/label or barILLIAM M. WALROD is a farmer living near Bradshaw, Nebraska. He has made a home for himself and won a place in the honor and esteem of the world by the display of those qualities which are characteristically American. He is bold and enterprising, industrious and careful, and while his adventurous spirit displayed itself in settling in a new country, he has yet been careful and cautious, keeping close to shore, preferring safety and moderate results to dash and danger in business. He has a good name, and is an active worker for the advancement of every movement of



morals and religion that interests the community.

      Mr. Walrod was born June 30, 1843, in New York. His father, James, was born in Holland Purchase, in that state, September 18, 1818, and was a farmer all his life. Peter A. Walrod was the grandfather of William, and of Holland birth. He was born May 17, 1781, and was a hotel keeper. Eliza B. Hovey, the mother of William Walrod, was born June 20, 1825, in Ohio. Our subject's paternal great-grand mother, Hannah Hoover, was born in Germany, in 1796. His grandfather came from Holland in 1827, and settled in Holland Purchase, and from that tract he moved to Wyoming county, where he died at the advanced age of eighty-two. His grandmother died at the age of seventy-six. She had a history quite out of the common run. During the war of 1812 she was an ardent patriot, and with two of her brothers participated in a battle against the British. She carried powder to the gunners and rendered valuable service to the cause. James Walrod was married October 19, 1840, to Miss Hovey, daughter of John and Eliza Hovey, in the little New York village of Pike. They lived on a farm for four years, when they moved to De Kalb county, Illinois, and purchased a farm, on which they spent a second four years. From this place they moved to Kane county, where they remained but a brief time, moving to Sac county, Iowa, where he died November 7, 1886. The mother is still living on the Sac county farm, and is now seventy-three years old.

      William Walrod enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry August 15, 1862, when he was only eighteen. He was in many of the most important battles of the west, among which were those at Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hill, Black River, Canton and the forty-seven days' siege of Vicksburg. He was at the taking of Spanish Fort, and the defenses of Mobile. He passed through twenty skirmishes, many of which assumed the dignity of small battles. Although his place was in the front rank and his number No. 1, yet he was not wounded in any of these engagements, and was in the hospital only twice during his period of service. He was mustered out of the army at Chicago August 16, 1865, and immediately set out for his old home in Kane county.

      Mr. Walrod was married to Miss Calista A. Sheldon October 19, 186 5. She was an old schoolmate, and has made her husband a most helpful companion. They made their home on the farm until 1871, when they moved to this county and took a homestead claim on the southeast quarter of section 10, township 11, range 4 west. Here they have made their home to the present time. He says there was nothing on the land but grass, sunflowers and a government stake on one corner. He began with the inevitable dug-out on the side of a ravine, with the improved feature of a shingle roof instead of the ordinary sod. When he had paid for filing his papers he had one lone five-dollar bill in his hands, which soon disappeared, leaving them without money save for letter postage. He broke the prairie and planted trees. He now has a fine orchard of one hundred and twenty-five trees of the best fruits that can be raised in the state. His residence is set in the midst of most pleasant and attractive surroundings. His lawn is rich with Kentucky blue grass, and is kept in perfect order. He is the father of five children, four of whom are living and married. S. Eugene and W. Homer are married and have families of their own. Albert A., Ellen and Effie M. Eugene is a farmer, and Homer is a miner in the gold fields of the Black Hills. Albert is twenty-five years old, and in the spring of 1898 became a member of Company A, First Nebraska Volunteer Infantry,



but at the time of mustering the regiment failed to pass the critical examination. He and his sister, Miss Effie, are the only children at home. Mr. Walrod has been a life-long Republican, and says he still votes in the same way he shot in the '60s. He is a member of the Ancient Order of the United Workmen, and is a man of character, and with his wife is a member of the Bradshaw Methodist Episcopal church, and had been for many years its recording steward. 

Letter/label or barOHN C. MULFINGER is the manager of the Seward Cereal Mills, and at the head of this very important Nebraska institution he has won an enviable reputation for business proficiency and personal probity. The enterprise over which he presides is an extensive affair, and very materially enhances the profits of the farmers of the neighboring regions. It is owned by a corporation consisting of five well-known business men, of whom the manager is the leading spirit. George J. Harrison is the vice-president; John Zimmerer is the president; John Cattle, Jr., is the treasurer, and C. W. Barkley is the secretary. They are alert and shrewd, and their products are taken up in the best markets of the country.

      Mr. Mulfinger was born in Monroe county, Ohio, April 11, 1852, and was the only son of Michael and Mary J. (Neff) Mulfinger. His father was born in Germany, and came to this country in 1821. He began life as a baker, but in later years became a clergyman of the German Methodist Episcopal church. He was a man of much force of character, and did a good work as a clergyman. He died in Illinois.

      Mrs. Mulfinger was a native of Pennsylvania, and died in Illinois also. Her son received a good education, partly in Illinois and partly in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. He was also a student at Wallace University, and at Baldwin University, Berea, Ohio, where he spent two years. He became a miller, and learned his trade in Iowa, where he followed it for ten years in Iowa and central Illinois. In 1871 he went into a mill at Lincoln, Nebraska, and was there three years. In Fillmore he was engaged in the grain trade, and in the fall of 1879 came to Seward, and erected an elevator. He acted as its manager at first, but later secured an interest in it, and still continues in its operation. In 1893 he was elected county treasurer, and two years later received the honor of a re-election by an increased majority. In the city of Seward he has long been regarded as one of its most progressive and public-spirited citizens. He was mayor for two terms and has served in the city council for seven years. The very complete system of water works which the city possesses to-day was put in under his administration. He has been connected with the fire department for fifteen years, and was its chief for seven years. He was prominent in the erection of the Seward Cereal Mills, and has been conspicuous in its management from the first.

      Mr. Mulfinger was married in 1875 to Miss Mary J. Harrison, with whom he became acquainted at Lincoln, Nebraska, where she was born and reared, and was attending the State University. They are the parents of two children, Francis A. and Alta J. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is a Knight of Pythias. He is a Republican, and is at the present moment chairman of the county central committee. 

Letter/label or bar. B. CLARK, an influential and popular citizen of Seward county, is a worthy representative of one of the oldest and most distinguished pioneer families. He is a native of the far-off state of Vermont, his




birth occurring at Luningburg, December 30, 1839, while his parents, Rev. Elijah L. and Nancy (Munger) Clark, were born in Whiting, Vermont. The father was a Baptist minister, and engaged in preaching in the Green Mountain state. Later moved to Franklin county, New York, and in October, 1865, he became a resident of Seward county, Nebraska, locating on the farm where our subject now lives. After completing a dugout, in which the family lived, he turned his attention to the improvement and cultivation of his farm, which at that time was all wild. He organized the first Baptist church in the county, and served as its pastor until his death, which occurred in 1872. In early life he had given some attention to the study of law, and for a time engaged in practice in the early courts of this state, meeting with fair success. He became one of the most prominent and influential citizens of this section of the state, and was elected a member of the lower house of the legislature, where he ably represented Seward county for one term. It was at this time that the state capital was moved from Omaha to Lincoln, and as he favored the removal, he was compelled to hide to escape mob violence. Besides this position, he filled some minor offices of honor and trust with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. His wife died in 1874. In their family were eleven children, six sons and five daughters. Three of the sons became ministers of the Gospel, one died from wounds received in the Civil war, and two others were also in the Union service.

      S. B. Clark received a good practical education in the public schools of his native state, and when quite young turned his attention to farming, following that pursuit in Vermont and New York states, coming to Seward county, Nebraska, in 1866. He secured a homestead near Milford, which he operated until the death of his father, when he bought the old homestead and has since successfully engaged in its cultivation and improvement.

      While still a resident of Vermont, Mr. Clark was married in August, 1859, the lady of his choice being Miss Jennie Byrne, who was born in Ireland and came to the United States about 1853 or 1854. They have become the parents of four children, who all live in Seward county, namely: Edward L.; Effie C., now the wife of H. H. Furnald; Allison B.; and Adelbert O. The parents both hold membership in the Congregational church and politically Mr. Clark affiliates with the Republican party, which he assisted in organizing in Seward county. For some years he served as deputy sheriff, and his duties, whether public or private, are always discharged with the utmost fidelity and promptness, which wins the commendation and esteem of his fellow citizens. 

Letter/label or barAMES VARNUM WOOD, a widely known and highly respected citizen of Olive township, Butler county, who is making his home and base of operations in section 14, was born in Newfield, York county, Maine, June 24, 1845. His father, Job P. Wood, was born at Acton, York county, Maine, June , 1803. He was reared as a tanner, currier and shoemaker, but later in life engaged in farming in his native state. Our subject's grandfather settled in York county, Maine, late in the eighteenth century. His great-grandfather, Daniel Wood, better known as Major Wood, fought in the battle of Bunker Hill. The Wood family is of Scotch origin but came from England to America in the latter part of the seventeenth century and was one of the prominent colonial families. Our subject's mother, Mercy Durgin, a daughter of Josiah Durgin, was born in York county, Maine, and was from Revolutionary stock.



Mr. Wood's grandmother, Hannah Bean,. was of Scotch descent. The mother of our subject's maternal grandfather, Josiah Durgin, was Rebecca Stuart, who came to America in 1746, and was supposed to have been a descendant of the reigning house of Stuarts, and our subject's paternal grandmother bore the maiden name of Miss Grant, and was a distant relative of U. S. Grant.

      Our subject was reared in his native state, with the advantages of the common school, until he enlisted, August 6, 1862, in Company I, First Maine Cavalry, at the age of seventeen years. He was in active service in this capacity until he was wounded at Boydton Plank Road, Virginia, 1864. During this time he participated in the first and second battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, where he acted in the capacity of orderly for General Wadsworth, who commanded the First Army Corps. After receiving his wound he was sent to the hospital and there remained until he was discharged May 20, 1865, at Augusta, Maine, on account of disability. He then returned to his home and resumed his studies in the public schools, and completing his studies at the Wakefield Academy, at Wakefield, New Hampshire. After teaching two terms of school he went to Boston, and was engaged as bookkeeper in the Faneuil Hall Market. After severing his connection with this firm, he entered the employ of J. S. & E. Wright, Winthrop Square, Boston, and later was with J. T. Kelly & Co., 609 Washington street, Boston. When he left the employ of the last-named firm, in September, 1869, he went to Chicago, Illinois, and from thence to Clinton county, Iowa, and made that his home until he moved to Butler county, Nebraska, his present home. He filed a homestead claim to the northeast quarter of section 14, township 15, range 2, having commuted same in February, 1872, and then returned to eastern Iowa, where he was engaged for two years in teaching and railroad work. Early in March, 1874, he returned to Butler county, Nebraska, and, on the 26th of that month, was married there to Miss Adah Vanderkolk. Miss Vanderkolk moved to Butler county in 1868 and taught the first school in the county. She was born at Pella, Iowa, in August, 1850, and died in Butler county, September 27, 1876. To this union were born two children, Merta M. V. and Viegar V., both of whom died in infancy. After the death of his first wife, our subject was united in marriage to Miss Tabitha Vanderkolk, a sister of his former wife. She was born in Friesland, Holland, January 11, 1846, and came to this country with her parents when two years of age. To this union were born five children, of whom we have the following record: Varnum P. W., born November 5, 1879; Adah M., born December 11, 1881; John S. and Katie C., twins, born June 8, 1884, and John S. died at the age of nine months; Amelia T., born July 25, 1888. Mrs. Tabitha Wood died November 14, 1895, and April 3, 1897, our subject was united in marriage to Etta Papa, a native of Friesland, Holland, born February 29, 1864.

      Our subject was united with the Park Street Congregational church of Boston, in June, 1869, and after moving to Butler county, he became a member of the First Congregational church of Butler county, Nebraska. He next joined the Summit church, of that county, and is now identified with the First Congregational church of David City. Mrs. Tabitha (Vanderkolk) Wood organized and superintended the first Sunday-school in Butler county, and both she and her sister, Adah, were charter members of the First Congregational church of Butler county. Mr. Wood is a member of the A. Lincoln post No. 10, Grand Army of the Republic.



Letter/label or barON. DAVID E. SEDGWICK, M. D., one of the prominent physicians and surgeons of York, York county, was born in Bloomingdale, Illinois, November 12, 1850, and a brief history of his parents will appear in the sketch of Judge S. H. Sedgwick, on another page of this volume.

      Our subject was educated in the Wheaton College, of Illinois, attending there for five years. He then began to read medicine, and in 1873, entered the Rush Medical College, of Chicago, Illinois, from which he graduated in 1875. He began the practice of his profession in Wrightstown, Brown county, Wisconsin, remaining there until the fall of 1879. During that year he was elected to the legislature from Brown county. In 1880 Dr. Sedgwick came to York county, and has followed the practice of medicine here since that date. The Doctor is a stockholder and one of the directors of the York Water Company. He is a member of both the state and the county medical societies, and in politics he is identified with the Republican party.

      Dr. Sedgwick was married, in 1875, to Miss Jennie Treat, of Wisconsin, and their home has been blessed by the presence of a family of three children, all of whom are still living, and whose names, in the order of their birth, are as follows: Julius P., Allen E. and Frederick G. The Doctor affiliates, socially, with the Masonic fraternity, holding his membership in the commandery, Knights Templar, and is also a member of some of the insurance fraternities. As a physician he has been very successful and enjoys a large and ever increasing patronage, 

Letter/label or barOHN J. LICHLITER, one of Butler county's enterprising and prosperous farmers, whose home is in section 31, Olive township, settled in this community in December, 1878. He was born in Hampshire county, Virginia, January 15, 1833, a son of George P. Lichliter. The father was a native of Maryland, a shoemaker by occupation, and died in Ohio in 1857, at an advanced age. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. His father migrated to the colonies from Germany with his father in 1769, settled in Virginia and both participated in the Revolutionary war. Our subject's mother, Rosa (Cook) Lichliter, was born in Maryland. The parents were married at Cumberland, Maryland, and eleven children were born to them, ten of whom grew to maturity, and of whom our subject is the seventh child and the third son. The eldest brother went to Ohio and from there enlisted in the Mexican war. After the close of that struggle he returned to Ohio and later moved from thence to southern Illinois, from where he enlisted in the Civil war. He died in Illinois. The second brother, George W., enlisted in the Civil war from Ohio, and died in Kentucky, during his service.

      John J. Lichliter, the subject of this sketch, left his native county in Virginia in early youth, moved to Ohio with his parents and settled in Knox county. He later moved to Richland county, and located in the village of Newville. This was about the close of the Mexican war. After living there four years he moved to Coshocton county and made that his home two years. From thence he went to Illinois, stopped in Livingston county for about a year, and then went to Ogle county and settled on a farm near Ruchelle. He was married to Miss Ruth Slaughter, daughter of Joseph Slaughter, an old settler of Ogle county, and orignally (sic) from Coshocton county, Ohio. The ceremony was performed September 20, 1856, and to this union two sons were born in Ogle county; Stuart Wilson and Joseph G., both of whom are now living in Butler county, Nebraska.

      Politically our subject was a Peter



Cooper Greenbacker when there was but three members of that party in Butler county, and when this party merged into the Labor Union party he was elected a member of the board of supervisors, and in that capacity superintended the construction of Butler county's new court house. Mr. Lichliter is interested in everything that has a tendency to promote the public good, and his farm and pleasant surroundings testify clearly to the success he has made in life. 

Letter/label or barESSE KNIGHT, one of the earliest settlers of Bee township, Seward county, has had a varied and eventful career. He is a grizzled veteran of the great war for the Union; he made his way through countless dangers to Pike's Peak, and began pioneering in Nebraska more than a quarter of a century ago. He has looked into the face of want and danger, and did not shrink, for the prize was great. Out of turmoil, stife (sic), suffering and privation he has won an honorable name, and at sixty years of age finds himself in the possession of a comfortable competence and securely intrenched in the good opinion of his friends and neighbors.

      Jesse Knight was born in Randolph county, Indiana, September 6, 1838, and was a son in the family of George and Armilla (Hiatt) Knight. His parents came from North Carolina. His grandfather, Andrew Knight, moved from North Carolina, his native state, to Indiana at an early day, and there spent his remaining days. George Knight was a farmer, and devoted all his years to agriculture. He came into Indiana in 1815, remained there for thirty-five years, and moved into Dallas county, Iowa, in 1850. This was his home until 1896, when he appeared in Seward county, and made his home with his son William until his death, which occurred November 5, 1898, being nearly ninety-five years of age.

      Jesse Knight received a very limited education in Indiana and in Iowa, where he began farming. The great gold excitement in Colorado carried him to the Rocky Mountains in 1860. He enlisted in Company K, 2nd Colorado Volunteer Infantry, and served throughout the war. He participated in several severe engagements, the most important of which were the battles at Independence and Newtonia, Missouri. He was a faithful and efficient soldier, and was mustered out at Fort Leavenworth,. Kansas. When the war had closed he came back to Iowa, and engaged in farming in that state until 1870. That year he sought a home in the unbroken wilderness of Nebraska, and entered a homestead claim upon the land where he is now living. His first residence was the familiar and omnipresent dug-out, and after that his first work was the turning back of the rich prairie sward, that should smile and break forth in countless harvests. He has made a fertile and attractive farm, and has it all under a high cultivation. He was married in Iowa, in 1868, to Miss Martha J. Sheely. She is a native of Vermillion county, Indiana, and is a lady of warm heart and hospitable spirit. They have two children, Zelpha M. and Lula A., both of whom are living. The mother and daughters are members of the Christian church, and Mr. Knight is an active member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He is a Republican, and has filled the office of assessor, but has never been an office seeker. He attends to his own business, has a good farm, and enjoys the respect and confidence of his friends and neighbors. 

Letter/label or barHOMAS SIMPSON, one of the oldest settlers of Morton township, was born in Delaware, in 1814, a son of Clements and Mintie (Dutton) Simpson, both of whom were natives of Delaware. The father was




a farmer and shoemaker by occupation. In 1818, he moved to Zanesville, Ohio, and spent the remaining years of his life in that state. He was twice married, and our subject is the oldest child by the second marriage.

      Thomas Simpson, the subject of this sketch, was educated in Ohio and began farming when quite young, and followed that occupation in that state for several years. He then moved to Indiana and was engaged in the pursuit of agriculture in that state for fifteen years. He then moved to Illinois, and settled on a farm near Peoria and made that his home until 1872, when he moved to York county, Nebraska, took a homestead claim on section 6, Morton township. Here he erected a small farm house and began to improve his farm, and from time to time has enlarged his residence and farm until he now has a cozy home and a well-improved and well-cultivated farm, and he is recognized as one of the leading farmers of the township.

      Mr. Simpson was married to Miss Rebecca A. Clark, of the state of Ohio. To this union have been born six children, four of whom are now living, and of whom we have the following record: Ellen, now Mrs. Parker; William M.; Caroline, now Mrs. Calhoun; and Thomas C., who is still living at home. Mrs. Simpson died in Tazewell county, Illinois. In politics Mr. Simpson is a stanch advocate of the policy of the Populist party, but has never sought a public office. He was one of the earliest settlers of the county, chose for himself a fine farm, built a pleasant home, and during his residence here has made many warm friends throughout the entire community. 

Letter/label or barR. B. F. LANG, physician and surgeon at York, York county, was born in Somerset county, Maine, December 12, 1856, and was educated at the Friends' Classical School at Providence, Rhode Island, graduating in 1880. He then took up the study of medicine, entering the Pulte Medical College, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and graduated from that institution in March, 1883.

      Doctor Lang began his practice at Cambridge, Ohio, where he remained until 1887. He then moved to Cass county, Nebraska, and from thence, in 1891, he moved to York. He is a member of the State Homeopathic Medical Society. Socially he affiliates with the Highlanders and the Modern Woodmen of America. In politics Dr. Lang has always taken a wholesome interest and stanchly (sic) advocates the Free Silver doctrine. The Doctor is the only homeopathist in York county, and enjoys a very large and growing patronage. 

Letter/label or barOSEPH C. DIETRICK.--Among those who supported the timid steps of civilization in its early progress westward we mention the gentleman whose name heads this brief chronicle. He has witnessed the rapid changes that have occurred in York county, and the state of Nebraska, during the past twenty-five or thirty years, and none is more familiar with its history than he. His pleasant homestead is located in section 5, Baker township.

      Joseph C. Dietrick was born in Monroe county, Pennsylvania, March 7, 1841, the son of Henry and Catherine (Smith) Dietrick, who were also natives of Monroe county, Pennsylvania. Henry Dietrick was a carpenter by trade, but in later years he adopted the more domestic life of a farmer. He died in Monroe county, Pennsylvania, as did also his beloved wife.

     Reared on the farm, our subject grew to manhood with the sturdy qualities of country youth. His education was obtained in the public schools of his native county. At the age of twenty-one he found employment

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