NEGenWeb Project - Thayer County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


Who's Who


E. E. Correll

LetterEARLY two and a half decades before Thayer County became a Nebraska governmental unit, it was part of the great highway over which ambitious immigrants moved to the inviting lands beyond the Rockies. Many of the Mormons, too, passed through this region along the Little Blue, on their way to what they thought would be a Utah haven.
   The California Trail gradually left the divide between Big Sandy creek and the Little Blue river, crossing the "eighteen mile ridge," and following the Little Blue valley for sixty miles. Over this route in 1858, the Salt Lake Express carried the first mail. Stations on this line were fifty miles apart, and the route traversed through Thayer County was between Big Sandy on the east to Pawnee Ranch on the west. F. E. Roper and A. P. Hazard, former residents of Hebron, were drivers on this route
   The Salt Lake express, however, was too slow to satisfy the Pike's Peak adventurers, and so it gave way to the Ben Halliday Overland Stage line. And in 1859 the famous Pony Express came into service over this route. Its divisions were 100 miles apart, with stations every 25 miles. Big Sandy crossing, just east of the Thayer County line, and Kiowa Ranch and Hackney Ranch on the Little Blue were stations on both the Pony Express and the Overland Stage line. Other stations were later built to supplement these, including Thompson's Ranch, Widow's Place Ranch, and Daniel Deedland's Ranch.
   The county's first permanent settlers arrived in 1858. They were George Weisel, John, Charles and William Nightingale, who located in the vicinity of Alexandria. The Nightingales hauled part of the lumber for their first house from St. Joseph, Mo., and built it on the divide between the Big Sandy and the Little Blue, south of Alexandria.
   A year later Joseph Walker and James Reed came from Fort Kearny, locating on the Little Blue a mile west of the, county's eastern border. Isaac Alexander and his family settled on the Big Sandy; he brought a portable grist mill, which at first was run by hand. In the winter of 1860-61, heavy snow halted travel and the few settlers soon found their provisions almost gone. Reed and Walker had raised a crop of buckwheat, some others had a little corn and they ground out food for their immediate needs on Alexander's mill.
   Some persons believe a man named Christian Luth, a German, was Thayer County's first settler. He took ground near the government road, and travelers to the west made sport of him for attempting to farm on the "Great American Desert."
   During the Civil War, settlements were made only at the ranches. But the new arrivals were either killed in the great Indian raids of 1864 and 1867, or were compelled through fear to seek security elsewhere. In the years 1867-70, however, a large number of settlers arrived, because the government was then better able to protect the frontier.
   About 1866 Joseph Lamb, afterward known as "just judge," took up land on Rose creek. He became a probate judge before the county division.
   In 1864 one of the most carefully planned and skillfully executed Indian raids in history occurred. On Aug. 7, at exactly the same hour, Indian bands attacked nearly every settlement on the military road between Denver and Big Sandy, a distance of more than 600 miles. At morn the government road was a traveled thoroughfare, dotted with prosperous and happy homes; at night it was a wilderness strewn with mangled bodies and wrecked wagons, illuminated by the glare of burning homes. No mercy was shown; no captives were taken except women, and most of them would have preferred death.
   H. A. Hendershot wrote the following description of one Indian attack:
   The Sunday before the raid, in 1871, we were going home from church and met five soldiers hunting as many horses. They found them the next Sunday on Spring creek, near the county line, south of the present town of Ruskin. The Indians fastened them there and when the soldiers went to get them they hid. About forty Indians raised the warwhoop and came for them. The soldiers dismounted, led their horses in a circle, and shot them for breastworks and put up a fight with one to eight, killing four Indians. One soldier was shot through the wrist. They fought the Indians off for several hours until relief came, led by E. M. Correll. He was out with some land hunters and some Danes, who had located west of where the fight was, when the Indians saw the party coming, thinking it was more soldiers or help, they fell back but followed at long range. They lurked around several days stealing horses. One Dane had been to Beatrice for provisions. He got home that evening and found the folks gone. He put two calves in his wagon, tied two cows behind, and started down the divide for the settlement. It was a bright moonlight night, and as he came to a deep draw he found the Indians were camped within one hundred yards of him. Turning the team back, he jumped from the wagon and made for Spring Creek and followed it down to the settlement and joined his folks. The team was found two days later.

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   The Indians made extensive raids again in 1865, 1866 and 1867, nearly always leaving death and waste behind them. On the Prentice farm northwest of Hebron were found the graves of more than one hundred persons, thought to have died in a massacre or some epidemic. In 1895 Ed Prentice plowed up approximately 100 iron picket pins, supposedly left by white men, because Indians hobbled their horses instead of picketing them. Prentice also discovered on his farm approximately $1,800, probably buried by some Californian pursued by Indians or overtaken by illness.
   The continued Indian depredations caused organization in 1869 of Company A, First Nebraska cavalry, numbering approximately sixty-five in 1869. This group of volunteers built a stockade near Hebron on Spring creek and named it Fort Butler, in honor of Nebraska's governor. In 1870, however, a company of regulars was stationed at Kiowa, relieving Company A, most of whom were settlers. In order to get these troops, L. J. Correll had carried a petition to General Auger early in 1870, after Dr. Walker, E. M. Correll and B. F. Young had obtained enough signatures.
   Again on March 18, 1871, the citizens formed a company subject to the order of the governor and elected E. M. Correll, captain; Otis T. Johnson, first lieutenant; F. J. Hendershot, second lieutenant.
   In the meantime, what is now Thayer County had been passing through several stages toward its final organization. The territorial legislature of 1856 created Jefferson and Jones Counties at the same time. In 1867 these two counties were united under the name of Jefferson. Three years later the county was again divided into the present Jefferson and Thayer. The old Jones County succeeded in retaining the name Jefferson, thus keeping the records of the old county, and the region which had originally been named Jefferson County became Thayer.
   Capt. L. P. Luce, in an historical article on the county separation, said Jefferson County officers gave as their argument for retaining the name that they "had their stationery and records all printed with the name Jefferson!"
   At the first election in Thayer County (then called Jefferson) sixteen votes were cast. This was in 1867, the year David Butler was elected governor. The county's only voting place was the log schoolhouse on Rose creek. Governor Butler later visited Thayer County, accompanied by the militia, to see if there were any Indians.
   Up to the fall of 1871, all the official business of this county was performed by the officers of the then Jefferson County. The first election on the present Thayer County records, in 1871, showed the following officers were chosen: W. P. Wilson, G. B. Procter and T. C. Pluss, commissioners; Edward S. Past, clerk; J. B. Smith, treasurer; Newton Clark, judge; B. F. Young, superintendent; Tracy E. Ross, sheriff; C. E. Parton, surveyor; Hugh Ross, state representative; and N. K. Griggs, senator.
   The establishment of Fort Butler led to the founding of Hebron, now the county seat. Claims were taken up around Hebron and farther to the west under this post's protection. In July, 1869, a postoffice was established at the dugout of C. J. Rhodes, on the west side of the Blue. In August of the same year, E. M. Correll surveyed the present town of Hebron, on land belonging then to E. J. Huse. Lots were to be divided equally among the eighteen members of the colony. Certain blocks were set aside for public use and the remainder apportioned. These original Hebron town fathers were E. J. Huse, John C. Past, Ed S. Past, E. M. Correll, Jacob Hendershot, L. J. Correll, C. J. Rhodes, F. J. Hendershot, C. A. Elliot, Dr. C. W. Walker, A. C. Ring, W. F. Tolles, Fayette Kingsley, G. D. Proctor, William H. Bradt, A. Thompson, J. H. Williams, and Miss E. S. Potter.
   L. J. Correll erected the first building in Hebron in October, 1870. The lumber for it was hauled overland from Marysville, Kas. In December the Proctor House was erected and Miss E. W. Potter built a small frame office opposite it. This latter structure served as the first postoffice and in it the first issue of the Hebron Journal was printed in 1871.
   When E. M. Correll published this first paper on Feb. 9, settlers came from miles around to see the first copy pulled off the hand press. Its novel heading was carved by hand from stone taken out of the Little Blue river. Today Thayer County has seven papers in addition to the Hebron Journal, which is still being published.
   As early as Dec. 31, 1870, the Hebron Literary Association was formed. Both men and women were members, and the group held mock trials, debates and discussions on various problems. Eight years later a library was organized, and soon it had 300 volumes. Upon erection of the town hall--the "opera house"--several rooms were reserved for reading rooms. Later the mortgaged town hall passed into private hands and the books were stored for a few years until the library organization was revived.
   The Christian Sunday School first met on May 1, 1870, and the church was organized July 8. Six years later the first church in Hebron was built by the Catholics. In later years, the Christians, Methodists and Presbyterians all erected churches in the city. Lutherans have a strong organization in Hebron and have many rural churches throughout, the county.
   In 1874 the village of Hebron, having three or four business houses, organized a "bucket brigade" volunteer fire department. The buckets were wood and had a tendency to fall apart when needed most. Other equipment included several cisterns near the outskirts of town, and a hand pump with hose for use on building closer to the business district. In 1879 a hook and ladder wagon was bought and a firebarn erected. In the winter of 1884-85, the business section of Hebron was burned by a fire which started in a millinery store owned by Mrs. Surbaugh. The city purchased new hose carts and 1,000 feet of hose in 1891.



Who's Who

   The location of a mill, at Hebron in 1873 was important in the settlement, as it was the nearest mill for hundreds of persons in the southern part of the state. Some farmers brought their grain 200 miles, coming from Bloomington, White Rock, and Concordia, Kas., and many other points. Lumber used in construction was hauled from Marysville, Kas., and the stone obtained from a quarry nine miles east of Hebron. Wetherald, Wood and company built the mill on an acre of ground donated by Isaac Erritt of Cincinnati, Ohio, who owned the section of land north of it.
   Hebron's first school was built by Miss Potter in 1871, and was taught by Miss Weltha Rawson. It had one window, one door, and all around the single room were benches high enough to keep the pupils' feet off the floor. Students in this school came for miles on horseback. In the fall of the same year a second schoolhouse was built, measuring 12x14 feet.
   Thayer County has periodically been visited by damaging storms and drouths. In 1863 a severe dry spell parched the prairie, and similar conditions in the early nineties tested the farmers' endurance.
   In September, 1911, the Hebron College and Academy was founded with a faculty of three: Paul H. Buehring, president; Magnus Paysen, director of music; and L. Young. The teaching staff now numbers eleven, and the enrollment is approximately 150. The academy has been discontinued, and the institution now owns four buildings. Its a cappella choir has gained wide recognition on annual trips to Missouri and other points. Twenty-five trophies have been won at state musical contests by this group.
   A terrific wind storm on June 21, 1875, destroyed Alexandria's new $6,000 school house and damaged all the town's six business houses. On June 20, 1877, the same section was devastated by a hail storm in which some of the stones were as large as baseballs. Exactly four years later a tornado and rain storm again struck the Alexandria vicinity, killing Mr. and Mrs. Allen Vedder. Their daughter Mamie escaped death in the razed home when a massive chest prevented timbers from falling on her. Within half an hour after the storm passed, the Big Sandy had risen from its normal depth of two feet to a roaring flood which swept down the valley. The storm, three to six miles wide, extended thirty miles southeast.
   On Friday, June 5, 1908, two tornadoes passed over Thayer County within fifteen minutes of each other. One started near Republic, Kas., passed one mile west of Deshler and proceeded northward nearly to Davenport. The other began just southeast of Deshler and traveled two and a half miles east of that town northward to Carleton.
   Many persons were killed by these storms, and hundreds of buildings destroyed. Deaths numbered at least eight, and property damage was immense. Like all such storms, however, these produced some humorous incidents.
   "Dressed" chickens, for example, walked about in bewilderment at their semi-nude condition. Six feet of a tubular well was pulled out of the ground. Farm machinery was bent out of shape. A scoop shovel was driven into a brick chimney. A large building was shattered and a nearby haystack undisturbed. Sixteen pitchers and fifty glasses were buried under the wreckage of a church cupola in Carleton, but only one pitcher was cracked. Linen was sucked out of dresser drawers and hung in treetops. A pail of milk was set down in a. neighbor's yard unspilled. Trees were stripped of bark and straws driven into the trunks unbent. Yet despite its extreme violence, the storm passed over any given spot in less than a minute.
   Other disastrous storms struck Thayer County in 1911 and in 1932. The county's pioneers suffered from prairie fires, but few of them caused such suffering as these tornadoes.
   Thayer County was the first in the state to organize a permanent woman suffrage association. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton both lectured in Hebron. Representative E. M. Correll introduced a joint resolution to submit the woman suffrage question to a vote in 1881. The resolution passed both legislative houses, but was defeated at the polls. Correll was later made president of the American Woman Suffrage Association.
   The county has provided several state officers and legislators and its citizens have been powerful in many private organizations.

   BAILEY E PRESTON: Farmer; b Carleton, Neb 11, 1884; s of George Washington Bailey-Saphrona Naomi Lindsley; ed Carleton HS; U of N, 1908; Northwestern U 1909-10; m Winifred A Roberts July 18, 1917 Springfield; s E Preston Jr; d Arlene Winifred, Eileen Rose; Thayer Co farmer many years; also assoc with Farmers Grain Elevator Co, Carleton; past mbr Neb St legislature, 1923 author bovine tuberculosis eradication on the area plan, through his efforts Thayer Co became first tubercular free area in Neb; secy of roads & bridges & railroad coms; 1925 author of revised motor vehicle laws, introduced & sponsored first gasoline tax bill in Neb, chmn roads & bridges com, mbr claims & deficiencies com & rules & regulations com; 1927 chmn of com on committees, chmn Rep orgn in house, chmn of com on miscellaneous subjects, mbr finance ways & means com, rules & regulations com, chmn of com to ascertain amount of state deficit & to draft legislation to prevent recurrence of deficit; floor leader 1929 session; introduced legislation abolishing the guaranty fund commission; successful in changing Wheat Growers & Golden Rod Highways to state highways; instrumental in Thayer Co graveling projects; 1929 placed first state fish hatchery in Thayer Co; instrumental in locating first state park at Nebraska City; road overseer 4 years; past mbr sch bd 16 years; pct assessor 6 years; 1908-12 mbr of US res; 1918-19 lt of HG at Carleton, still holds this commission; during World War active in ARC work & Liberty Loan drives; Yellow Dogs; MWA; AF&AM 199, past master; YMCA; U B Ch; Rep, 1924-28 advertising supt State Central Com; hobbies, reading, mechanics, football, baseball; res Carleton.

   BAKER, SIDNEY EUGENE: Farmer & County Commissioner; b Ohiowa, Neb Jan 28, 1884; s of Eugene Newton Baker-Cora Evangeline Ransom; ed Belvidere HS 1900; m Tillie May


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Theobald July 25, 1906 Ohiowa; s Donald Lee; with father on farm until 1906; 1906- farmer, Thayer Co; 1936- salesman for Baldwin Gleaner combines; 1932- Thayer Co commr; past dir dist 99 sch bd; Neb St Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; IOOF 295, past noble grand; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; off Courthouse; res Carleton.

   BALDWIN, JOSEPH PEARSON: Attorney; b Cookeville, Tenn May 26, 1869; s of William Wiley Baldwin-Nancy Matilda Ann Pearson; ed Tenn; Grandview Normal Inst, Grandview Tenn; studied law in off of John C Locke, Spring City Tenn; adm to Tenn bar July 3, 1894; m Lydia Jane Franklin Jan 30, 1902 Chattanooga Tenn; s Robert Morton, William Orville; d Helen Franklin (Mrs William S Sherman); 1894-1901 prac law, Dayton Tenn; 1901-02 prac law, Claude Tex; 1902- prac law, Hebron; 1908-15 Thayer Co atty, dean of Thayer Co bar; during Sp-Amer War sgt 4th Tenn vol inf in Cuba, disch 1899; during World War mbr all local service coms; Thayer Co Bar Assn, pres; 7th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; Presby Ch; Dem, many years chmn Thayer Co Central Com, 1928 del from 4th congl dist to natl conv; res 448 N 4th, Hebron.

   BALDWIN, WILLIAM ORVILLE: Attorney; b Hebron, Neb Feb 1, 1905; s of Joseph Pearson Baldwin-Lydia Jane Franklin; ed Hebron HS 1922; PSTC; Maryville Coll, Maryville Tenn; U of Tenn, Knoxville; St Joseph Mo Municipal U; m Eleanor Davenport; s William Orville Jr, Joseph Pearson; d Nancy; 1931- prac law in firm Baldwin & Baldwin, Hebron; 1932-35 Thayer Co dep atty; 1935- Thayer Co atty; Thayer Co Bar Assn; pres 7th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb Se & Amer Bar Assns; dir Thayer Co Agrl Soc; VP Civic Club; BPOE 1203; Dem; hobbies, hunting, gardening; off Courthouse; res 416 Union Ave, Hebron.

   BANCROFT, JOHN RAYMOND: Osteopath; b Barney, Ia June 27, 1890; s of George Bradley Bancroft-Hattie A Sheldon; ed Nelson HS; LBC; Amer Sch of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo, recd certificate Jan 24, 1919; m Lillian H Kaiser Sept 8, 1916 Lincoln; s George Raymond; d Eunice Lorene (dec), Frances Elizabeth; 1920-23 prac osteopathy as ptr of Dr Classen, Hebron; 1923-27 indep osteopath, Hebron; 1927-36 ptr of Dr R H DeWitt; 1936- indep osteopath, Hebron; past mbr sch bd; Amer Osteopathic Soc of Proctology; Neb Osteopathic Assn, past pres; Amer Osteopathic Assn; Hebron Civic Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, hunting; res 440 N 5th, Hebron.

   BARBEE, HARVEY EDGAR: County Superintendent of Schools; b Fairbury, Neb May 18, 1899; s of Charles Mitchell Barbee-Mary Rosella Waymire; ed Plymouth HS; York Coll Acad; PSTC; U of N; Fremont Normal, BA 1917; m Mary Wilhelmina Ahlschwede June 9, 1917 Hebron; s Jack Mahlon, Gwyn Stanley; 1910-11 sch tchr, Cherry Co; 1912-16 sch tchr, Thayer Co; 1916-18 supt of Byron schs, 1918- Thayer Co supt of schs; 3 years pres Interstate Spelling Contest; chmn Neb St Fair spelling com 4 years; in last 21 years Thayer Co collective sch exhibits at Neb St Fair won 19 first prizes & 2 second prizes; 1918 wrote words & song "We're Coming Back to You Montana"; 1928 wrote "My Carnation & Star of Liberty," also 15,000 word novelette "Lure of the Sand Hills"; Neb Writers Guild; NSTA; Neb St Assn of Co Supts; AF&AM 43; past comm KT 18; OES 31, past worthy patron; IOOF 295, dep grand master of dist 38; Chris Ch, SS tchr 20 years; Indep; hobbies, school exhibit work, writing; off Courthouse; res 928 Olive Ave, Hebron.

: Secretary-Treasurer Insurance Co: b Carleton, Neb Oct 2, 1881; s of Walter C Bates-Mary Keim; ed Carleton HS; U of N; LBC; Omaha Coll of Pharm: in Eva May Miller Oct 3, 1906 Carleton; d Mary Katherine; 1903-05 registered pharm at Carleton & Gothenburg; 1905-20 farmed in Thayer Co; 1920- secy-treas of Farmers Mutual Ins Co, Thayer Co; mbr & past chmn Carleton sch bd; past clk village bd; secy Carleton Cemetery Assn; Progressive Brethren Ch; Indep; hobbies, raising chickens, gardening; res Carleton.

   BEHRING, HENRY FRED: Merchant; b Malcolm, Neb Aug 17, 1890; s of Ernst Henry Behring-Clara Droste; ed Concordia Coll, Seward; Brown's Bus Coll, Lincoln; m Augusta Meyer Feb 7, 1912 Oak; s Ernest Henry; d Erna Augusta Clara, Lucille Ruth; while in bus Coll emp as mail clk for Lincoln Freie Presse; 1900 came to Thayer Co; 1910-15 with H J Strave & Rudolph Koch in Deshler Mere Co Deshler; 1915-19 ptr of Rudolph Koch in mere bus, Deshler; 1919 emp in One Man Spreader Co, Deshler; 1919-24 pur half int in Toggery, owned by Ernst Lange, Deshler; 1924- owner & opr Toggery; past mbr vol fire dept 25 years; past mbr village bd 7 years; C of C; Lions, treas; St Peters Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res Deshler.

   BOLTON, CHARLES LINCOLN: Retired; b Maquoketa, Ia Mar 19, 1870; s of Isaac Bolton-Rebecca Schellenberger; ed Maquoketa Ia HS; bus coll, Davenport Ia; m Minnie Luella Williams Jan 4, 1899 Davenport Ia (dec Mar 19, 1937); d Frances Joyce (Mrs E Shelden Hallett): came to Neb 1891; 1892-1927 with brother Monroe in lbr & coal bus, Davenport; 1927-39 owner & opr E L Bolton Lbr & Coal Co; 1939- ret; has farm Ints; past mbr village bd; past mbr sch bd; past mbr Neb Lbr Mchts Assn many years; AF&AM 154; Meth Ch, mbr ofcl bd, 19 years SS supt, treas 23 years; Rep; hobby, home; res Davenport.

   BOYES, HERMAN LEE: Clerk of District Court; b Geneva, N Y Aug 20, 1866; s of William Henry Boyes-Eliza  Sarah Wolverton; ed Republic Co Kas; Co Tchrs Inst, Belleville Kas; m Marila Catherine Wagner Nov 15, 1887 Belleville Kas; s Clarence C, Floyd Lee; d Bessie Belle (Mrs Walter Clarence Hess); 1870 came with parents to Kas; 1890 came to Thayer Co; 1900-05 traveling representative; 1906-23 clk of dist court, Thayer Co; 1923-32 P M, Hebron; 1932-39 in real est & ins bus, Hebron; 1939- clk of dist court, Thayer Co; 1914-16 mbr sch bd; 1921-23 mayor; 1899-1919, chief vol fire dept; during World War mbr HG, mbr finance com of ARC; C of C; 1912 pres Neb St Vol Firemens Assn; MWA; Royal Highlanders; Hebron Golf Club; IOOF; AF&AM; RAM; KT; Sesostris Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, mechanics; off Courthouse; res Hebron.

: Junior College Professor; b Jubilee, Ia Mar 11, 1866; s of Herman Julius Theodore Brueckner-Sophia Graunstaedt; ed Lexington Mich; Wartburg Seminary, Mendota Ill; U of Ia, MA 1917; Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque Ia, DD 1938; special courses at U of N & U of Wis; Wartburg Literary Soc; m Leonore Schneider June 26, 1889 Portage Wis, s Leo John, Carl Herman, Paul Edward, Maurice (dec), George Conrad, William Emil, Anton (dec); d Marguerite Helen (Mrs Benjamin Thomas Rodgers), Miriam (Mrs Rufus Vaughn Morse); m Dorothy Staehling Jan 1, 1922 Waverly Ia; ordained to Luth ministry 1888, Derinda Center Ill1; 1889-94 pastor St Pauls Luth Ch, Streator Ill; 1894-98 pastor St Pauls Luth Ch, Paducah Ky; 1899-1903 pastor of Emanuel Luth Ch, Fond du Lac Wis; 1903-11 pastor St Pauls Luth Ch, Alpena Mich; 1911-26 pastor Zion Luth Ch, Iowa City Ia; 1926- prof in Hebron Jr Coll, tchr English literature, composition, rhetoric, German, English, French & Greek, now tchr courses in Christianity; while at U of Ia taught logic & social ethics; has translated 250 hymns from German & French into English; past contributing editor to Lutheran Youth; has written & published The Ideals of a Young Lutheran; past secy bd of edn, Wartburg Coll, Clinton Is; past secy literature com of Wartburg Publishing House; chmn text com Inter-Synodical Hymnal com; NSTA; Hebron Civic Club; Amer Luth Ch; hobby, literature; off Hebron Coll; res 916 Union Ave, Hebron.

   1 Derinda Center Ill PO discontinued; mail now comes from Elizabeth, Ill.

: Banker; b Bruning, Neb Sept 14, 1894; s of Frank Bruning-Anna Sophie Wilhelmine Kerl; ed Bruning; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha; m Frieda Bunting Jan 26, 1921 Bruning; s Frank Louis, Fred Herbert; d Marjorie LaVerne; 1912- with Bruning State Bank, 1918- cash, 1939- VP; mayor; during World War ent U S army 1918, stationed at Camp Funston, hdqrs Co 30th machine gun batt, 10th div, disch 1919; Amer Leg, Hebron; Businessmens Club; Uni Club, Lincoln; Amer Numismatic Assn; Trinity Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, livestock; father came from Germany to Amer 1861, settled at Eureka Ill, 1883 came to Thayer Co, 1891 with assocs estab German Bank, now Bruning State Bank; res Bruning.

   BRUNING, GEORGE: Farmer; b Milford, Neb June 15, 1874; s of Herman Bruning-Margaret Carstens; ed Thayer Co; m Louise Reichert May 14, 1903 Bruning; s Alvin H, Leon G; until 1902 with father on farm, Thayer Co; 1902- farmer, Thayer Co; past mbr dist 63 sch bd & Bruning consolidated sch several years; past



Who's Who

pct assessor several years; 1933- active in fed farm programs, now chmn of Thayer Co AAA; during World War bd mbr coun of defense; Trinity Luth Ch, past secy several years; Indep; hobby, work; AAA off, Hebron; res Bruning,

   BRYAN, HARRY DELOS: Farmer & Stockman; b Hebron, Neb Oct 10, 1897; s of James Marion Bryan-Anna Minerva Tripp; ed Hebron HS; m Ethel Viola Heimer Apr 25, 1917 Hebron; s Laverne Roy, Hugh DeLos; d Earlene Ethel; until 1917 worked with father on farm; 1917 farmer & stockman, Thayer Co; past mbr dist 35 sch bd; opr approximately 480 A, also dairy; First Chris Ch; Rep, committeeman of 1st Hebron pct, has att state convs several years; hobbies, educating his children, travel; res RFD 3, Hebron.

   BRYANT, JAMES HOWARD: Retired; b Martinsville, Ind Sept 15, 1866; s of Bowater Bryant-Lucetta Warthen; ed Fillmore Co; m Laura A Emerick Sept 6, 1906 Lincoln; s Lyle James; d Eulalia Marie (Mrs Keith J Sexton), Roma Margaret; came with parents to Fillmore Co 1871; farmed several years; 3 times census taker, 4 years pct assessor; first mail carrier at Carleton; past owner & publisher Carleton Leader 51/2 years; past real est dlr, Carleton; past village clk; past secy sch bd; Low Twelve Club; AF&AM 199, secy 28 years, mbr 48 years; Neb Veteran Free Masons Assn; Rep, mbr election bd 40 years in Thayer & Fillmore Cos; hobby, baseball; res Carleton.

   BUNTEMEYER, FRED J: Hotel Operator; b Oldenburg, Germany May 5, 1882; s of Gerd Heinrich Bunterneyer-Elizabeth Bollmann; ed Germany; m Alvina Mundt Apr 21, 1910 Crete; s Carl Frederick, Edward Frederick Carl, Paul Walter, Herbert Henry August; d Dorothy (Mrs Paul Paysen), Irma (Mrs Lyle Coles), Lenora; in 1904 came to Amer, settled at Princeton, later at Crete; 1907-10 emp by Deshler Lbr & Coal Co, Deshler; 1908- with Deshler Tele Co, mgr since 1910, pres 15 years; 1910-24 owner & opr Deshler Grain Co elevator; 1924-27 part owner & mgr Deshler Lbr & Coal Co; 1927-34 part owner & mgr Deshler Grain Co; 1934- lessor & opr Wolf Hotel, Deshler; past mbr sch bd; past mbr Peace Luth Sch bd; dir Thayer Co Agrl Soc; C of C, past pres; Peace Luth Ch, treas several years; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, pinochle; off Wolf Hotel; res Deshler.

   CAIN, THOMAS E: Superintendent of Schools; b Scottsburg, Ind Oct 20, 1898; s of George V Cain-Olive M Shake; ed Scottsburg Ind HS 1917; Central Normal Coll, Danville Ind, BA 1924; U of N, MA 1938; Ciceronian Twentieth Century; Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Pi Beta; m Delta Vere Craigie Sept 2, 1922 Scottsburg Ind; 1917-18 tchr Paris Crossing Ind HS; 1918-19 athletic coach Wilkinson Ind HS; 1919-21 coach, Waynetown Ind HS; 1921-22 dir physical edn & coach Danville Central Normal Coll, Danville Ind; 1922-23 prin Pekin Ind HS; 1923-25 supt of schs, Hay Springs; 1925-33 supt of schs, Cairo; 1933-39 supt of schs, Burwell; 1939- supt of schs, Hebron; Hebron Civic Club; NSTA; Meth Ch; hobbies, taxidermy, hunting, fishing, collecting Indian arrow heads, relics, & minerals; res 520 Duffield Ave, Hebron.

   CARTER, THOMAS HOUGH: Feature Writer; b Staten Island, N Y June 16, 1872; s of Oliver Franklin Carter-Harriet Ann Malliet; ed Ashland; m Rebecca Maude Clarke July 15, 1894 Hebron (dec); s Thomas Hough Jr (dec), Newton Clarke (dec); d Edna L (Mrs Will Long), Edith Marie (Mrs William H Bauman), Willia Adelene (Mrs Alfred Mullet); 1886-97 water boy for CB&Q RR bldg crew between Omaha & Ashland; 1887-90 emp by Wave Allen, farmer & stockman, Saunders Co; 1890-92 emp by flour mill, Ashland; 1892-1908 emp by Wetherald Brothers in flour mill, 1904-08 supt, Hebron; 1908-10 ptr of Bozarth Brothers in mill; 1910-18 with Will Bozarth owner & opr of mill, 1918-22 owner & opr; 1923 sold mill; 1922 built hydro-electric plant & formed Hebron Light & Power Co, sold 1925; 1926-27 helped org & begin construction of Northern Neb Power Co on Niobrara River between O'Neill & Spencer; 1929 org Thayer Co Taxpayers League, first ever organized & 1st pres; 1929- feature writer of articles on good govt & taxation; 1902-06 mbr city coun; 1912-15 mbr sch bd; 1915-19 Hebron mayor; during World War chmn coun of defense, pres of ARC, also govt appeal agt; pres of Thayer Co ARC 12 years; Episc Ch; Rep until 1928; org Bull Moose party in Thayer Co 1912, chmn until 1914; Dem since 1928; hobby, statistical research; off Hebron Register; res 621 Olive Ave, Hebron.

   CISSNA, MRS ABBIE GERTRUDE: Assistant Publisher; b Tipton, Ia Oct 19, 1898; d of Alexander Ehresman-Laurentia Amelia Wentzel; ed Cedar Co Ia; m Walter 13 Cissna Aug 18, 1920 Tipton Ia; d Arlene Gladys, Martha Mae; 1920- assists husband in newspaper work, Chester; Assembly of God; Rep; hobby, flowers; off Chester Herald; res Chester.

   CISSNA, WALTER B: Publisher; b Beaver City, Neb June 2, 1896; s of A J Cissna-Mary Matilda. Grone; ed Hebron HS; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Abbie Gertrude Ehresman Aug 18, 1920 Tipton; d Arlene Gladys, Martha Mae; when a boy owner & publisher paper at Byron; 1924-30 mgr Willow Springs Advocate, Willow Springs Mo; 1930- owner & publisher Chester Herald, Chester; with Donald A Cramer & John C Sell mgr Auditorium Theater; past mbr village bd; dir Chester Co-op Credit Assn; during World War enl in U S army 1917, stationed Wilber & Fort Crook, disch Feb 1919; NPA; Comm Club; IOOF 135; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, managing theater; off Chester Herald; res Chester.

   COFFENDAFFER, WILLIAM ARTHUR: County Sheriff; b Brunswick Mo Aug 14, 1889; s of William Coffendaffer-Ruth Jones; ed Ia & Neb; m Agnes N Hartmann May 23, 1915 Hebron; s Walter Charles; d Marjorie Ruth; 1903-06 emp by Fairfield Tele Co; 1906-12 emp by Neb Tele Co; 1912-25 night opr, trouble shooter, installer, switchboard man, local comml mgr & dist inspector, Lincoln Tele Co; 1925-30 emp by Stauber Impl Co, Hebron; 1930-31 mgr Korff Impl Co; 1931-35 emp by R W Hill Mortuary, Hebron; 1935- Thayer Co sheriff; past mbr city coun, 1st ward; mbr vol fire dept; Neb Sheriff's & Peace Ofcrs Assn, mbr legislative com; Tele Pioneers of Amer; Hebron Civic Club; IOOF 295, Belvidere, has held all offs, also past grand; BPOE 1203; Rep; hobby, reading; off & res Courthouse.

   CONKLIN, J E: Banker; b Hubbell, Neb Nov 23, 1889; s of William Hamilton Conklin-Lou Arbuthnot; ed Hubbell HS 1904; Phillips-Exeter Acad, Exeter N H 1908; Kappa Delta Pi; m Wilhelmina, Barrett Mar 29, 1911 Hubbell; s William J; d Wilhelmina Ruth; 1908-24 with father in Hubbell Bank; 1924- since father's death, pres & mgr Hubbell Bank: owner & mgr several farms in Thayer Co & in Kas; past mbr sch bd; past mbr town bd; during World War mbr Infantry Central OTS at Camp Pike; Amer Leg 317, past post comm; mbr legislative com of Neb Bankers Assn, pres group 1; Comml Club, past treas; AF&AM 92; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; IOOF 94; Meth Ch; Dem, past mbr pct com, past mbr State Central Com; hobby, good books; father came to Hubbell 1880, founded Hubbell Bank; res Hubbell.

   CONKLIN, MRS LOU A: Banker; b Allegheny Co, Penn Jan 24, 1850; d of James G Arbuthnot-Mary C Fogal; ed Penn; m William Hamilton Conklin Dec 2, 1883 Republic Co Kas (dec 1924); s J E; came with parents to Republic Co Kas 1871; sch tchr 10 years in Republic Co, Kas; 1883- cash, Hubbell Bank; Womans Club, ch mbr & past pres; Rebekah; OES, ch mbr, past worthy grand matron, past grand treas & grand chaplain; Presby Ch: Rep; hobbies, lodge work, quilting, crocheting; res Hubbell.

   C0NKLIN, MRS WILHELMINA: Homemaker; b Barrett, Kas Oct 3, 1889; d of William Barrett-Lorena Montgomery; ed Frankfort Kas HS; U of Kas; Kas St Coll; Lambda Lambda Theta; m J E Conklin Mar 29, 1911 Hubbell; s William J; d Wilhelmina Ruth; 1911- homemaker; an org, ch mbr & past pres first Womans Club in Hubbell; past pres Thayer Co Womans Club; in ARC work in Thayer Co, during World War in ARC at Little Rock Ark; Amer Leg Aux; Ore Trail ch DAR, past regent, past state chaplain & past state auditor; OES 143, past worthy matron, past grand Martha; Rebekah; one of 2 women who org Meth-Presby Home Mission Soc; Meth Ch; hobby, cooking; res Hubbell.

   CORLISS, MIRZA GEORGE: Retired; b Swanton, Vt Aug 7, 1850; s of Martin Corliss-Pauline Skinner; ed Vermont; m Rebecca Jackson Mar 4, 1885 Hebron; s George, Fred, Martin, Reuben; d Nellie (Mrs Frank Lake), Rhoda (Mrs M C McMahon); came to Neb 1876; 1876-79 ran cattle on range in Thayer Co, between Blue River & Rose Creek, near Hebron; 1879-1925 farmed 320 A & raised stock near Hebron; 1925- ret; when ret had a farm for each of children; while on farm gave an acre of land & helped build Liberty Ridge Ch, near Hebron; an org sch dist 77, mbr


in Nebraska


first bd of dirs; 1895-98 Thayer Co commr; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, livestock; family came from Vt; res 725 Olive Ave, Hebron.

   CORRELL, EARNEST ERASMUS: Publisher; b Hebron, Neb Oct 7, 1874; s of Erasmus Michael Correll-Lucy Lozier Wilder; ed Hebron HS; U of N; m Olive Robbins Hazard June 22, 1910 Hebron; s Donald Hazard, Earnest E, Jr; publisher of the Hebron Journal; past P M 2 years, Hebron; author of Thayer Co history for Who's Who in Neb; past mbr cemetery bd several years; during World War mbr of com on prisons & prison labor, secy Thayer Co coun of defense; Lions; MWA, consul; Mayflower Soc; AOUW, past master workman; AF&AM; KT 18, past comm; SAR; Chris Ch; 1910 state pres of Roosevelt Progressive Assn; Rep, mbr State Central Com, represented Fillmore, Thayer & Jefferson Cos several terms; hobbies, music, collecting hist relics; father, civil engr, came to Hebron 1869, surveyed site for Hebron, 1871 estab Hebron Journal; res 205 N 5th, Hebron.

   CORRELL, MRS OLIVE HAZARD: Assistant Editor; b Hebron, Neb Sept 14, 1889; s of Omar E Hazard-Ada Harriet Robbins; ed Hebron HS 1907; Uni Conservatory of Music, Lincoln; m Earnest Erasmus Correll June 22, 1910 Hebron; s Donald Hazard, Earnest E Jr; 1910- asst editor Hebron Journal; during World War Thayer Co chmn of women's coun of defense; Womans Club; past pres, past corresponding secy of NFWC; past regent DAR, past state treas; OES 41, past worthy matron; PEO, ch AE, past pres; First Chris Ch; Rep, alternate del to natl conv at Kansas City Mo, elec del to Chicago conv, unable to attend; hobby, gardening; res 205 N 5th, Hebron.

   CORY, MRS FRANK W: Merchant; b Brownville, Neb June 11, 1870; d of John Lanham-Susan Brake; ed Crete HS; Doane Coll; m Frank W Cory Oct 4, 1888 Wilber (dec 1925); s Merle Lanham, De Forest Erwin; d Maude Mae (Mrs Charles W Beer); 1888-1925 with husband in bus; 1925- with family opr same bus; an invalid 35 years, during much of this time gave instructions in embroidering; OES; Womans Club; Presby Ch, mbr missionary soc; hobby, her grandchildren; res Alexandria.

   COTTRELL, JAMES M: Dentist; b Marion, Ind Dec 15, 1867; s of Albert Cottrell-Elizabeth Stout; ed Brown Co; U of Omaha, DDS 1903; m Grace Beaman May 14, 1891 Lincoln; s Harry Glenn, James M Jr; d Floey Esther (Mrs L B Denman), Lillian; m Lillian Renner June 28, 1898 Hastings; 1903-06 priv dental prac, Morrill; 1907- dentist, Hebron; past mbr sch bd 12 years; past mbr city coun; past mayor; life mbr Neb St Dental Assn; Hebron Civic Club; Hebron Golf Club; AF&AM 47; RAM; KT; has been Mason longer than anyone else in Hebron; Rep; hobby, golf; res Hebron.

   CRAMER, DONALD A: Manager Lumber Co; b Chester, Neb Oct 27, 1904; s of Joseph Grant Cramer-Carrie Bell Mendell; ed Chester HS 1923; PSTC; m Mildred Fellers May 24, 1929 Chester; d Willa Jo, Carol Dee; 1924-28 job printer for A B Gadd, Lincoln; 1928-29 mgr Citizens Lbr & Supply Co, Carleton; 1929-33 mgr Citizens Lbr & Supply Co at Chester, 1933-36 also dir & treas, 1936- secy & gen mgr; with Walter B Cissna & John C Sell, opr Auditorium Theater; Comm Club, secy; IOOF 135; AF&AM 298; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby, amateur moving pictures; res Chester.

   CRONEK, JOHN BERNARD: Clergyman, b Riga, Latvia Apr 2, 1878; s of Martin Cronek-Elizabeth Fisher; ed Shakopee Minn & Galesville Wis; Luth Seminary, St Paul Minn, BA 1898; m Camilla Harms Feb 21, 1905 Wilbur Washington; s John Bernard (dec), Theodore; d Rita, Isabel (Mrs David S Higgins); ordained at St Paul Minn 1898; 1898-1900 pastor Christs Luth Ch, Wolverton Minn; 1900-24 pastor St Pauls Luth Ch, Wilbur Washington; 1924- pastor Trinity Luth Ch, Bruning; past regent Hebron Jr Coll 13 years; dir Martin Luther Home, Sterling; pres NW dist of Luth Ch of former Ohio synod while in Washington; hon mbr Businessmens Club; Amer Luth Ch; hobbies, history, philosophy; res Bruning.

   CRUMP, FREDERICK: Retired; b Lakemills, Wis Dec 8, 1855; s of David Crump-Jane Seed; ed Jefferson Co Wis; m Emma Alice Young Nov 20, 1881 Graham Co Kas; s Harry Ellis, Marion Leland (dec); 1876-79 farmed, Jefferson Co Wis; 1879 with brother came to Cloud Co Kas in covered wagon train; pur 320 A Thayer Co farm & 1883-1911 farmed, Thayer Co; 1911- ret; owns 160 A of original land; past chmn village bd; past mbr dist 54 sch bd; past mbr AOUW; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, walking; res Chester.

   DAVIS, JAMES MONROE: Abstractor; b Moores Hill, Ind July 1, 1852; s of James Davis-Jane Ransom; ed Muscatine Ia; Wilton Ia Seminary 1867-69; m Jane E Arnell June 24, 1876 Wilton Ia (dec); s Russell A; d May E (Mrs Charles C Root); 1870-80 teleg opr for CB&Q & CRI&P RRs: 1880-86 farmed near Beatrice; 1886-1920 in abstract bus, Fairbury; 1922- in abstract bus, Hebron; Neb Title Assn; Amer Title Assn; Rep; father came in covered wagon from Ind to Ia 1857; res 1211 D, Fairbury.

   DAY, CHARLES EUGENE: Photographer; b Abingdon, Ill Oct 1, 1881; s of Jefferson Eugene Day-Mary Ann Catt; ed Bruning HS 1899; m Laura Effie Hendrick Dec 16, 1903 Bruning; s Eugene Drew, Lee Allan, Charles Eugene Jr, Robert Duane; d Charlene (Mrs E J Beisner), Dorothy (Mrs Max Meek); 1899-1902 appr to William Griffin in photograph studio, Hebron; 1902-18 ptr of Mr Griffin in studio; 1918- owner & opr Day Studio, Hebron; past mbr sch bd 12 years; past mbr city coun 10 years; Neb St Photographers Assn, dir; Hebron Civic Club; Hebron Golf Club; AF&AM 43; Chris Ch, trustee, deacon, treas; Dem; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing, travel; off Day Studio; res 725 Eads Ave, Hebron.

   DECKER, RUDOLPH FREDERICK: Physician & Surgeon; b Fowler, Ill July 20, 1881; s of Henry A Decker-Sophie Muenstermann; ed Bureau Co Ill; Wartburg Coll, Clinton Ia, BA 1901; U of Ia 1902-04; Rush Med Coll, 1904-05; Jefferson Med Coll, Philadelphia, MD 1906; m Theodora Proehl Sept 20, 1916 Mendota Ill; s Rudolph F, Edgar C, Martin T; d Dorothy F; 1901-02 tchr, Bureau Co Ill; 1906-07 interne Milwaukee Hosp, Milwaukee, Wis; 1908- phys & surg, Byron; 1910-17 city trustee, 1911-17 chmn of bd; 1912- mbr bd of health; 1928- mbr Thayer Co bd of health; 1920- village clk; 1930- regent Hebron Jr Coll, secy since 1936; during World War 1917-18 mbr med advisory bd of Thayer Co, chmn Byron pct ARC; now secy Byron ch ARC; Oct 16, 1918-Jan 29, 1919 in US army at Fort Riley Kas, Camp Humphreys Va, Franklin Cantonment Md, Camp Dodge Ia; 1st It; capt in MORC; Amer Leg 180, first adjt; Thayer Co Med Soc, pres 1913-14, secy 1920-39; Neb St Med Assn, speaker house of dels since 1938, 1926-39 secy 7th dist; AMA; Comml Club, past secy; St Pauls Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, politics, stamp collecting; res Byron.

   DILL, MRS LYDIA ANN: Homemaker; b Pulaski Co, Ind Feb 23, 1861; d of George W Busard-Elizabeth Nancy Tilman; ed Cass Co Ind; m Miner C Dill Dec 28, 1880 Logansport Ind (dec 1933); s Earl P, Richard E; d Bertha M (Mrs Charles A Phelps), Clara C (Mrs Jacob C Bartel), Ethel B, Bessie M (Mrs Joe E Bowen); 1880- homemaker; 1881- came with husband to Belvidere; 1881-1924 with husband on farm, Thayer Co; 1924-33 lived in Belvidere until husband's death; 1933- resides with daughter Ethel in Belvidere; past mbr Womans Club; Chris Ch, past SS tchr many years; Dem; hobbies, raising flowers, gardening; Mr Dill was pres Thayer Co Farmers Mutual Ins Co many years; res Belvidere.

   DUMLER, HENRY: Clergyman; b Bunker Hill, Kas May 27, 1896; s of Fred Dumler-Elizabeth Milberger; ed Russell Co Kas; Martin Luther Seminary, Lincoln; Midland Coll, BA, 1924; Western Theological Seminary, Fremont, ED 1926; Chicago Theological Seminary, post grad work, extn dept; ordained St Paul's Luth Ch, Auburn Oct 13, 1926; m Elsie Margueritte Paulsen June 9, 1926 Atchison Kas; s Kenneth Carl, Martin Paulsen, Richard Eugene; d Corinne Margueritte, Constance Eloise, Elsie Dorothea; 1925-26 pastor Immanuel Luth Ch, Hampton; 1936-37 pastor St Paul's Luth Ch, Hildreth; 1937- pastor Christ's Luth Ch, Davenport; trustee Midland Coll & Western Theological Seminary 1935-39; United Luth Ch, del to eleventh biennial conv of United Luth Ch in Amer, Baltimore Md 1938; secy-treas South Platte conf of Neb synod 1926-31, pres 1934-35, 1936; Neb synod, statistical secy 1931-33, secy examining com since 1938, secy ministerial edn com 1938, mbr paper com 1936, mbr com on evangelism since 1938, since 1939 chmn com on inner missions; First Central Dist SS Assn of Neb Synod & Midwest Synod United Luth Ch in Amer, secy 1936-37, pres 1937; 1924 del from Western Theological Seminary to 9th Internatl conv of the Student Volunteer Movement, Indianapolis Ind, Dec 28, 1923 to Jan 1, 1924; Rep; hobbies, athletics, outdoor sports; res Davenport.

   DUNN, RALPH HOWARD: Store Manager; b Pendleton, Ore Apr 27, 1912; s of Howard Caleb Dunn-Mary Edith Patton; ed Pendleton Ore HS



Who's Who

1928; Oregon St Coll, Corvallis Ore 1930-31; Pi Kappa Phi; m Frances Irene Hunt Sept 13, 1936 Hiawatha Kas; farmed with father 2 years before entering coll; 1931-33 emp by Safeway Store, Lincoln; 1933-34 with Safeway Store, Beatrice, 1934-35 asst mgr Nebraska City, 1935-38 asst mgr Falls City, 1938- mgr Hebron; recently won 1st place in contest conducted by Safeway Stores of USA & Canada; Safeway Employees Assn; Hebron Civic Club, mbr retail trade com; Lions, dir & chmn membership com; Hebron Golf Club; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, golf, swimming; off Safeway Store; res 112 N 5th, Hebron.

   ENGELBRECHT, GEORGE BENJAMIN: Mortician; b Upland, Neb June 5, 1904; s of Gustav Englebrecht-Florentina Austerman; ed Edison HS 1923; Coll of Mortuary Science, St Louis Mo; m Letha Ahrendts June 3, 1931 Oxford; d Beverly Joan; 1923-24 traveling representative for Overland Tire Co, Omaha; 1924-25 traveling representative for Red Rooster Sales Co, Grand Island; 1927-28 opr Sanitary Bakery, Holdrege; 1928-30 appr under C A Lyons, undertaker, Oxford; 1930-31 while in coil was emp by Hoffmeister undertaking establishment, St Louis Mo; 1931- opr Engelbrecht Funeral Home, Deshler; mbr concert band; treas Deshler Tele Co; C of C; Lions Club; Neb Livestock Breeders & Feeders Assn; AF&AM, Ruskin; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, horse racing; res Deshler.

   EVERS, FRED: Farmer & Stockman; b Diephoiz, Germany Dec 13, 1874; s of William Evers-Dora Meier; ed Germany; m Mary Meyer Feb 14, 1898 Lincoln; s Louis, Fred W, Ernest; d Lena, Mary, Olinda, Gertrude, Marjorie; came to US 1888 with $2.25, 1888-1898 emp by Henry Korf on farm, Lincoln: 1898-1903 farmed in Lancaster Co; 1903- farmer Thayer Co, now owns 280 A; mbr dist 9 sch bd 21 years; past AAA program committeeman, Thayer Co 2 years; Amer Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, good literature, reading; res RFD 1, Hubbell.

   FELLERS, EDITH: Homemaker; b Newton, Ia July 18, 1873; d of Lee Donnell-Frances Townsend; ed Chester HS 1889, was one of first 3 graduates, in 1939 celebrated 50th anniversary of 1st graduating class; m William Alpheus Fellers May 24, 1904 York (dec 1933); d Mildred (Mrs Donald A Cramer), 1904- homemaker; 1904-06 lived in Burlington Colo where husband was emp in lbr co; 1906 retd to Neb; pres Citizens Lbr & Supply Co, with lbr yard at Chester & grain elevators at Chester, Hebron, Gilead & Deshler, also owns oil stations at Chester & Orleans; Womans Club; OES 289, past worthy matron; Meth Ch, past pres WHMS; Rep; hobbies, giving readings, collecting clippings & poems; husband estab Citizens Lbr & Supply Co, owned lbr yards at Chester, Carleton, Fleming Colo & Hays Kas; res Chester.

   FITZSIMONS, SAMUEL JOHN: Real Estate Dealer; b Mineral Point, Wis Aug 22, 1870; s of Samuel Fitzsimons-Mary Ann Hill; ed Thayer Co; m Anna F Sheets Dec 24, 1895 Geneva (dec Aug 17, 1939); s Ralph E; d Ethel M, Velma D (Mrs Lowell Riller); 1888-90 in hdw & impl bus, Bruning; 1890-1905 asst cash & later VP Bruning State Bank; 1899-1905 VP First Natl Bank, Hebron; 1905- in real est bus, Hebron; past mbr sch bd; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, making land deals; res 321 North 5th, Hebron.

   FOSNOT, PEARL BEATRICE: Missionary Teacher; b Davenport, Neb Oct 19, 1891; d of Charles C Fosnot-Ida G ___; ed Fillmore & Nuckolls Cos; Davenport HS, 1910; summer sch PSTC; Neb Wes, BA 1917; Boston U, MA 1921, candidate for PhD; Phi Kappa Phi; Theta Upsilon; sch tchr in & near Davenport 3 years; 1917-19 HS tchr, Wahoo; 1919-20 tchr Hastings Jr HS; 1921- missionary in West China, under WFMS of the Meth Ch, 1928- faculty mbr Womans Coll at West China Union U, Chengtu, Szechwan, China, also dean of women & mbr of Coll cabinet; West China Border Research Soc; Chengtu Internatl Assn of Uni Women: Womans Club, Davenport; Philosophical Club, Boston U; hobbies, students & their interests & problems; res Davenport.

   GORE, JESSE RATCLIFF: Pharmacist; b Talmage, Neb Dec 25, 1885; s of George Henry Gore-Eva Jane Rateliff; ed Talmage HS; Creighton U PhG 1907; m Adah White July 7, 1907 Stanton; d Dorothy Winifred (Mrs Walter Stiglemar), Margaret Lucile (Mrs Ward Jacques), Gwendolyn Bernell (Mrs Max Cramer), Vera Sue (Mrs Irvin Henning), Betty Jane; 1907-08 pharm for E E Cathcart, Meadow Grove; 1908-11 owner & opr drug store, Elk Creek; 1911-15 farmer & rancher, Rock Co; 1915-17 farmer in Bourbon Co Kas; 1917-19 chemist for Great Western Portland Cement Co, Mildred Kas; 1919-20 night chemist for Portland Cement Co, Superior; 1920-21 emp by George H Jerome Drug Store, York; 1921-26 emp by Johnson Music Co, York; 1927- owner Gore Pharm, Alexandria; past mbr town bd; past pres sch bd; past chmn Elk Creek town bd; Neb Pharm Assn; Thayer Co chmn Amer Wildlife Fedn; Hebron Civic Club, pres; AF&AM 74; Presby Ch, past elder at York; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Alexandria.

   HESS, HARVEY WILLIAM: County Judge; b Hebron, Neb June 6, 1892 s of Bryson Whitaker Hess-Louisa Mary Siegel; ed Hebron HS 1910; U of N, BA 1914, LLB 1916; Innocents; Silver Lynx; Phi Alpha Tau; Phi Alpha Delta; m Edna Morgan Hathway Oct 26, 1918 St Joseph Mo; s Harvey William Jr; d Emily Louise, Barbara Morgan; 1916-17 instr in English, U of Colo, Boulder; 1918- prac law, Hebron; 1919-23 Thayer Co atty; 1929- Thayer Co judge; secy sch bd, mbr 6 years; mbr lib bd several years; during World War ent US army Sept 1, 1918, disch Dec 22, 1918, priv 3rd Co 4th brigade, 164th depot brigade; Amer Leg 180, past comm; Hebron Civic Club; AF&AM 43; RAM 16; KT 18, past comm; First Chris Ch; hobby, raising flowers; off Courthouse; res 815 Lincoln Ave, Hebron.

   HIATT, MRS MARGARET E: Homemaker; b Milford, Neb May 20, 1892; d of James Lafayette Hughes-Sarah Martha Luttrell; ed Seward Co; m Miles Cleveland Hiatt Nov 29, 1911 Diller; d Orphalee Luttrell; 1911- homemaker; 1911-18 with husband on farm near Odell; 1918-19 with husband on farm near Hemingford; 1919-20 emp by Hall Gen Mdse Store & owner of tele system, Reynolds; 1924- emp at intervals at Golden Rule Store, Hebron; during World War in ARC work at Odell; 1936-37 & 1939P pres Womans Club, started comm chorus now directed by Prof Ralph Radloff of Hebron Jr Coll; NFWC, Thayer Co VP & 4th dist chmn of literature; First Chris Ch; Indep: hobbies, scrapbooks of clippings on govt, poetry: res 115 7th, Hebron.

   HILL, MRS BERTHA IRENE: Homemaker; b Oberlin, Kas July 22, 1894: d of Arthur Steele-Mertie Monti: ed Oberlin Kas HS 1913; U of Kas: m Ralph Wright Hill Dec 23, 1916 Oberlin Kas: d Joy Belle: prior to 1916 tchr at Dresden Kas; 1916- homemaker: came with husband from Oberlin Kas to Hebron 1927; during World War active in ARC work, Oberlin Kas; OES, past matron, Oberlin Kas; PEO mbr at Hebron, past pres Oberlin Kas; past regent Ore Trail ch DAR; Womans Club, past pres; NFWC, past pres 4th dist, state corresponding secy, past state recording secy; Meth Ch, pres ladies aid; Rep; hobbies, church & club work; res 7th & Lincoln Ave, Hebron.

   HILL, RALPH WRIGHT: Furniture Dealer & Undertaker; b Hebron, Neb Aug 7, 1893; s of William McCuin Hill-Annabelle Wright; ed Hebron HS 1912; U of N, Coll of Law: Phi Gamma Delta; m Bertha Irene Steele Dec 23, 1916 Oberlin Kas; d Joy Belle; 1916-17 in furn dept, Oberlin Mere Co, Oberlin Kas; 1917-27 owner & opr Hill Furn & Undertaking bus, Oberlin Kas; 1927- owner & opr father's furn & undertaking bus, Hebron; owner & opr 2 farms, stock raiser; 1929-32 mbr sch bd; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn, past VP: Hebron Civic Club; Hebron Golf Club; AF&AM 43; RAM; KT; Isis Shrine, Salina Kas; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, farming; res 7th & Lincoln Ave, Hebron.

   HILLARD, FRANK BENJAMIN: Educational Adviser; b Fairfax, Mo Apr 17, 1897; s of William Hillard-Mina Portis; ed Weeping Water HS 1917: PSTC, BA 1927; U of N; m Agnes Anna Lempka Aug 12, 1924 Tecumseh; William Robert; d Evelyn Veronica, Mary Ann; 1908 came with father to Weeping Water; 1918-20 tchr, Keyapaha & Johnson Cos; 1920-21 tchr, Vesta; 1921-25 supt of schs, Burchard; 1927-35 supt of schs, Spalding; 1935- CCC educational adviser, Hebron; during World War enl in US army Aug 1918, stationed at Kansas City Mo & Camp Jackson, Columbia S C, disch Dec 27, 1918; Amer Leg post 180, vice-comm, past Greeley Co comm; Greeley Co Fair Assn, past supt of sch exhibits dept; helped org Cedar Valley Conf Sch Activities Assn, was 1st pres; 4 years BSA scoutmaster troop 254, Spalding; Lions, ch mbr at Spalding, ch mbr & dir at Hebron; Hebron Golf Club; KC, Wymore; Sacred Heart Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, woodcraft, athletics; off CCC Camp; res 621 N 6th, Hebron.

   HINRICHS, HENRY WILHELM: Hardware & Furniture Dealer & Undertaker; b Minonk, Ill Feb 5, 1885; s of John Wilhelm Hinrichs



Who's Who in Nebraska (introduction & directory, list of abbreviations)

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