NEGenWeb Project - Furnas County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940

in Nebraska


   GAREY, MERLIN ROBERT: Bank Cashier; b Beaver City, Neb Jan 17, 1900; s of Harry Breckenridge Garey-Lena Wittenbach; ed Beaver City HS 1918; U of N, BSc in bus administration 1922; Alpha Kappa Psi; m Cora Viola Johnson June 80, 1925 Wilsonville; s Neal Robert; d Marjory Ann; 1922-29 bkkpr & asst cash Wilsonville State Bank; 1929- cash & dir Farmers & Mchts Bank, Edison; with brother raises registered Hereford cattle, Beaver City; encourages farmers to raise crops, especially sorghums, suitable for locality; past mbr town coun; mbr sch bd; during World War ent US army Oct 4, 1918 Lincoln, disch Dec 13, 1918; past pres & past secy Comml Club; AF&AM 157; Chris Ch; hobby, fine livestock; office Farmers & Merchants Bank; res Edison.

   GOODWIN, JESSE OLIVER: Publisher; b Taylorsport, Ky Sept 13, 1869; s of Jesse Oliver-Sarah Margaret Creager; ed Crete; m Jessie Maud Johnson Nov 7, 1906 Crete; d Fern (Mrs W M Redenbaugh), Lois (Mrs Fred R Grant, dec); Elma (Mrs Ralph F Mowery); 1888-90 worked for daily papers, Lincoln; 1890-94 emp by Madison Star Mail, also Madison Reporter; 1894-1909 published Crete Herald & Crete Vidette; 1909-10 traveling representative for Western Newspaper Union, Omaha; 1910-19 mgr Omaha off Western Newspaper Union; 1919-33 mgr Western Newspaper Union off, Denver; 1933-36 owner & publisher Englewood Monitor; 1937- owner & publisher Cambridge Clarion; NPA; C of C; Rotary; past pres Optimist Club, Denver; AF&AM 288, Scot Rite, Omaha; El Jabel Shrine, Denver; hobby, golf; res Cambridge.

   GUNNELL, WILLIAM SCHUYLER: Lumber Dealer; b Mercer Co, Ill Nov 21, 1869; s of John Gunnell-Clarisa Mitchell; ed York Co; Meth Coll, York; m Nora B Coates, Keith Co (dec); m Jennie M Adams Dec 24, 1900 Elba; s Charles Austin (dec); came with parents to York Co 1876; 1888-98 emp by brother in lbr yard, Paxton; 1898-1905 elevator opr & grain dir, Elba; 1905-12 emp by Hansen & Green Lbr Co, Elba; 1912- lbr dlr Beaver City, ptr of P M Green since 1914; owns 480 A land, 320 A in Blaine Co; dir First State Bank, Beaver City; past mbr sch bd; past mbr town bd; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; C of C; AF&AM 93; Scot Rite; Tehama Shrine; Rep; hobby, business; res Beaver City.

   GUPTON, CLEVELAND GRANVILLE: Auto Dealer; b Oxford, Neb Nov 25, 1892; s of Pleasant Hugh Gupton-Mattie Drucilla Cooper; ed Oxford HS 1911; m Edna Louise Fuchs June 27, 1917 Oxford; d Lucille Pauline; Vernelle Adeline; during HS worked with father who owned Gupton Grain Elevator & Gupton Merc Store, Oxford; 1908 with A D Brigner opened first silent movie theater in Oxford; 1916 moved bus into Auditorium Theater; 1919 purchased entire bus which he still owns & oprs as side line; 1922 owner & opr Chevrolet Agcy; owner & mgr of 1760 A farm land in Neb & Kas; discontinued bus during flood of 1935 & gave garage for use as ARC hdqrs more than 2 mos; active in rehabilitation program of ARC; instrumental in securing for Oxford civic improvements including hosp, park, gravelled streets, hard surface roads east & west of, town; mbr baseball club & instrumental in bringing famous players to Oxford; past mbr village bd; dir Neb Chevrolet Dlrs Assn; past pres C of C, past treas South Platte C of C; Rotary; 50 Club; sponsor BSA troop 185; during World War 1918 instr in motor transport US army stationed at Valparaiso Ind, disch Nov 1918; ch mbr & past comm Amer Leg post 219; AF&AM 138; Scot Rite & Sesostris Shrine, Lincoln; Dem, 1934 candidate for Neb legislature; hobbies, fishing, BSA work; res Oxford.

   HALL, CHARLES ANDREW: Bank Cashier; b Pawnee Co, Neb Dec 9, 1878; s of William Hall-Hannah Manock; ed Pawnee City HS 1896; m Lucile Cripe Jan 18, 1909 Beatrice (dec); m Ruth Lancaster Nov 12, 1919 Lincoln; s Charles Melvin; d Evelyn Grace; 1897-1909 emp by RI RR as telegr opr & station agt in Neb & Kas; 1909-17 cash Citizens State Bank, Virginia; 1917 cash Bank of Crab Orchard; 1918- cash & dir Wilsonville State Bank; past mbr sch bd; past mbr village bd; past mbr village, sch & twp bd, Virginia; during World War active in Liberty Loan drives & ARC; mbr & past pres Comml Club; Royal Highlanders, Pawnee City; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; office Wilsonville State Bank; res Wilsonville.

   HAMILTON, EDWARD JOSEPH: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Johnson Co, Ia Oct 17, 1875; s of Cornelius Piper Hamilton-Clarinda Jane Ricker; ed Wilsonville HS 1897; Creighton U, PhG 1905; m Helen Lucinda Johnson July 5, 1910 Wray Colo; 1905-06 pharm, Omaha; 1906-13 pharm, Wilsonville; 1913-19 with C W Lindsay in real est & ins bus; 1919- ptr of F R Parker in real est & ins bus; during years 1919-20 sold over $1,000,000 worth of land each year; past mbr village bd; AF&AM 15; KT, Tehama Shrine, Hastings; MWA, Rep; hobbies, motoring, ball games; res Wilsonville.

   HEIDLOFF, DEWEY SCHLEY: Elevator Manager; b Oxford, Neb Aug 5, 1898; s of William Warren Heldloff-Hattie Belle Loose; ed Furnas Co; m Winefred White Nov 8, 1924 Horton Kas; s Jack G; 1916-21 farmed near Beaver City in Furnas Co; 1921-29 oprd Bill Bruce Elevator owned by Platte Valley Land & Investment Co, Edison; 1929- mgr Edwards-Kelley Elevator & part owner in grain & feed grinding bus, Beaver City; 1934- owner half int in Crittenden Elevator; mbr town coun; C of C; master AF&AM 93; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Beaver City.

   HOPPING, EARL EUGENE: Funeral Director; b Beaver City, Neb Jan 5, 1887; s of Charles Edward Hopping-Amna May Heston; ed Beaver City HS 1905; Creighton U, PhG 1909; m Selina Sarah Smith July 15, 1907 Beaver City; s Charles Edward; d Selina Jean (Mrs Dale Bauer), Florence; 1909-3O with father C E Hopping in drug store & undertaking bus, Beaver City, until father's death; 1930-35 with mother oprd undertakIng bus; 1911-36 mgr Hopping drug store, asst in undertaking; 1935-38 opr Hopping drug store & undertaking bus, Beaver City; 1938- opr Hopping Funeral Service, Beaver City; past mbr town bd; 5th Neb Dist Funeral Dirs Assn, secy; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn, secy; Natl Funeral Dirs Assn; C of C; Rotary; AF&AM 93; First Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, saddle horses, hunting; res Beaver City.

   JOHN, CLINTON WALTER: Pharmacist; b Cambridge, Neb Dec 7, 1885; s of James Henry John-Carrie Aaboe; ed Cambridge HS 1902; Neb Wes; Northwestern U, PhG 1907; m Eva Dukin 1911 Gibbon (dec); m Caroline Thuman, 1916 Cambridge; d Ava Adrianne, Ruth Pauline, Marjorie Lou; 1907-27 with father in drug bus, Cambridge; 1927- owner & opr John Drug Co, Cambridge; secy sch bd, mbr 16 years; mbr first fire dept org in Cambridge, past chief 2 years; past dir Cambridge municipal band; assisted with athletics in Cambridge HS several years; mbr local BSA coun; Neb Pharm Assn, C of C, past secy; past pres Rotary; Congl Ch, chmn bd of trustees; Rep; hobby, music; res Cambridge.

   JOHN, JAMES HENRY: Retired; b Dayton, Ohio Feb 3 1851; s of William Oliver John-Elizabeth Edwards; ed Ind; m Carrie Aaboe, Dec 1879 Mankato Kas; s William (dec), Clinton Walter; d Frances (Mrs Harve Keith); 1873 filed on a homestead in Mankato Kas; 1873-77 dep sheriff, Jewell Co Kas; 1877-79 drug clk in Dalton Drug Store, Mankato Kas; 1879-80 clk in groc store, Mankato Kas; 1880-1927 in drug bus, Cambridge, 1927 sold to son, Clinton; helped re-org town into an incorporated village & was one of first trustees; first secy-treas Cambridge L & B Assn; past mbr sch bd; past mbr village bd; notary pub & land agt 35 years; 1911-12 state representative from Furnas Co; Meth Ch, ofcr since 1885, SS supt 11 years, SS tchr several years; Rep; hobby, church work; res Cambridge.

   JOHNSON, ROBERT ALFRED: Clergyman; b Derby, England Jan 11, 1875; s of William Veasey Johnson-Mary Jane Roberts; ed diocesan & collegiate schools of England; LaSalle Extn U course in higher accountancy; m Kate Louisa Woodward Aug 5, 1901 Derby, England; s Stanley William (dec); d Constance Edith (Mrs George E Steele); prior to 1911 with father & brother in mdse bus, Derby England; 1911 came to Amer; 1911-18 with brother-in-law in mdse bus, Trinidad Colo; 1918-23 bkkpr & acct for Easley Produce Co, Trinidad Colo, during part of this time studied under Rev Archibald Sidders; 1923 ordained deacon by Bishop Ingley at Holy Trinity Ch, Trinidad Colo, 1924 became priest; 1923-28 pastor St Pauls Episc Ch, Steamboat Springs Colo; 1928- pastor St Pauls Ch, Arapahoe, also in chg of St Matthews Ch, Farnam; 1936 apptd exec secy of missionary dist of western Neb, also secy of bishopric & coun, auditor of bishops accts; chmn ARC, Rotary; hobby, travel; off Neb Coll of Commerce, Hastings; res Arapahoe.

   KALIN, LAWRENCE HENRY: Clergyman; b Steinauer, Neb Sept 16. 1900; s of Ignatz Kalin-Josephine Steinauer; ed Conception Coll, Conception Junction Mo; St Benedicts Coll, Atchison Kas, BA 1932; St Pauls



Who's Who

Seminary, St Paul Minn 1936; 1936 asst priest at St Josephs Ch, Beatrice; 1936-88 administrator at St Ann's Ch, Verdon; 1938- administrator St John the Baptist Ch, Cambridge; KC; Priests' Eucharistic League; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, ice skating, tennis; res Cambridge.

   KEE, MRS ALBERT LEE: Homemaker; b Cambridge, Neb June 15, 1888; d of Harold P Waite-Jessie B Randolph; ed McCook HS; Doane College, BFA; GFS; m Dr Albert Lee Kee Dec 9, 1913 McCook; s Kenneth Waite, Albert Lee Jr; tchr of piano & vocal music, Cambridge, before marriage; helped obtain new HS in Cambridge; during World War was active in ARC, present mbr; past pres Twentieth Century Club; Cambridge Music Club; OES 187; PEO; DAR, McCook; AAUW, McCook; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, collecting old dishes, fancywork; res Cambridge.

   KELLEY, CLARKE WILSON: Postmaster; b Beaver City, Neb July 10, 1906; s of Charles Marion Kelley-Millie Alice Robbins; ed Beaver City HS 1924; U of N, BA 1930; Acacia, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Scabbard & Blade, Pershing Rifles, lt-col ROTC; m Christine Pew Jan 24, 1931 Tulsa Okla; s Kent Clarke, John Wilson; 1924-25 tchr, Marion; 1925-26 tchr, Danbury; 1930-31 geologist for Producers & Refiners Corp, Tulsa Okla; 1931-33 with father in real estate & ins bus, Beaver City; 1933- P M, Beaver City; pres Beaver-Sappa Game Conservation Assn; Furnas Co chmn Natl Assn of P Ms; past secy C of C; past pres Rotary; SW Neb Sportsmans League, mbr exec com; Presby Ch, chmn bd of trustees; Dem; hobbies, photography, wild life conservation; res Beaver City.

   KEYES, EDWIN RANDALL: Farmer & Stockman; b Milford, Neb Jan 9, 1871; s of Stephen Kittredge Keyes-Esther Lacy Edom; ed Cambridge HS; m Christine Josephine Thompson Oct 23, 1895 Cambridge; d Esther Emma (Mrs Harold Glenn Fee): att early pioneer schs & said to be only living person who att log sch just north of present site of First Natl Bank; 1889- indep farmer & stockman; resident of Cambridge comm 66 years, now resides on 360 A farm with modern home N W of Cambridge; secy of Farmers Elevator 13 years; 1919- pres Cambridge Sales Barn since orgn; Neb st hail adjuster 1 year; Furnas Co commr several years; pct assessor; past mbr Furnas Co Farm Bur; mbr Land Use & Planning bd; during World War was 4-min speaker & worker in ARC & Liberty Loan drives; mbr SW Neb Hist Soc; Neb St Hist Soc; org & first pres Furnas Co Old Settlers Assn; past pres Cambridge Comm Club: ARC; Congl Ch; Dem, past mbr Furnas Co Central Com; hobby, baseball; res Cambridge.

   KOLLER, MRS EDWARD STANTON: Lumber Dealer & Philanthropist; b Polaska, Wis Oct 27, 1871; d of Neal A Pettygrove-Mary Meichel; ed Oxford; m Edward Stanton Koller June 22, 1892 Oxford; d Adaline (Mrs M E Gillis); 1892-1917 homemaker in Aurora, Hastings, Lincoln, McCook, Galesburg Ill, Omaha, Denver Colo; since husband's death 1917 has resided in Oxford; 1936- owner half int in Pettygrove & Koller Lbr Yard at Oxford & managed by brother; owns & manages farm at McCook; has traveled extensively in US & Europe; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fancywork, quilting, reading; husband with CB&Q RR as traveling auditor, chief clk & trainmaster, supt of McCook div, gen supt, Galesburg Ill, asst gen mgr under C W Holdrege, Omaha, also VP & gen mgr of Colo & Southern RR, Denver; father was one of early Furnas Co pioneers & first P M of Oxford; res Oxford.

   LaBOUNTY, CLARA: Homemaker; b Perry Co, O July 8. 1867; d of Charles Garey-Rebecca Leonard; ed Hastings HS 1882; PSTC 1895-97; U of N, life teaching certificate; m John Burkholder 1905 Arapahoe; m Gilbert LaBounty Aug 5, 1925 Arapahoe; 1883-87 primary tchr, Harvard; 1887-89 tchr, Arapahoe; 1889-95 tchr in grade sch, Orleans; 1897-1900 tchr in grade sch, Sterling; 1900-17 tchr in grade sch, Arapahoe; 1918-19 head of departmental work in grade sch, Wymore; 1919-25 tchr, Arapahoe; 1925- homemaker; past mbr PEO; past mbr OES; Meth Ch; hobbies, baseball, keeping in touch with former students; res Arapahoe.

   LARMON, EDWIN B: Publisher; b Tolono, Ill Apr 15, 1865; s of Isaac Larmon-Mary Elizabeth Crosthwait; ed priv sch, Ill; m Alberta E Ebersole Dec 8, 1889 Boone Ia; s Neil Edwin, Rolland C; d Marie Adell; 1882-94 emp by Manson Ia Journal; 1994-1904 owner & opr Pomeroy Ia Herald; 1904-07 engineer in coal fields at Rugby Colo; 1907-10 printer for Holdrege Citizen; 1910- owner & printer Oxford Standard, now assisted by son Neil who is bus mgr; past mbr sch bd; past mbr village bd; NPA; C of C; Natl Edit Assn; Rep; hobbies, reading history, pinochle; res Oxford.

   LARMON, NEIL EDWIN: Business Manager Newspaper; b Pomeroy, Ia Aug 15, 1896; s of Edwin B Larmon-Alberta E Ebersole; ed Oxford HS 1915; U of N; Chicago Tech, 1919; m Rose A Zadrow July 11, 1931 Fairbury; s Edwin John; d LaRetta Mae, Rita Delores; 1919 with Austin Machinery Co, Winthrop Harbor Ill; 1920-26 with Worden-Allen, Milwaukee Bridge Co & chief draftsman for North Milwaukee Bridge Co, Milwaukee Wis; 1926-27 with Dixon Engineering Co, St Louis Mo; 1927 resides at Oxford; 1932- bus mgr for Oxford Standard, published by father; while in engineering work helped design Tainter Gate for Roosevelt Dam, 300 foot span bridge over Kentucky river at Hazard Ky, also bridges in all parts of US; helped design steel work & reenforced concrete in Chicago's Woolworth Bldg & Orpheum Theater Bldg; helped design machinery & steel work of double lift bascule bridge across Milwaukee river in Milwaukee Wis; during World War enl in US army 1917, O/S with A S, disch Kansas City Mo Dec 1918; Amer Leg 219; past mbr Amer Soc of Engrs; NPA: C of C; Bapt Ch; hobby, inventions; res Oxford.

   LICHTENBERGER, ALLAN RINGGOLD: High School Superintendent; b Bradshaw, Neb June 10, 1909; s of Josiah Lichtenberger-Marie Johanna Enderle; ed Bradshaw HS 1926; PSTC, BA 1931; U of N, MA 1936; Bete Beta Beta; Phi Delta Kappa; m Josephine Elizabeth Rhoads May 21, 1934 Beaver City; d Janice Jo; 1927-29 rural sch tchr, York Co; 1931-35 prin Beaver City HS, 1935- supt; NSTA, mbr scope com on improvement in HS program; Neb Schoolmasters Club; C of C; past pres Rotary; United Luth Ch, Hampton; hobby, constructing artificial fishing lures; res Beaver City.

   LOPER, WILLIAM FRANK: Grocer; b Douglas, Neb Feb 7, 1883; s of Gilbert Lafayette Loper-Hulda Belle Scott; ed Norcatur Kas; m Rosena Sweeney Feb 7, 1909 Denver Colo; s William Frank, Richard Major; d Frances Lucille, Gladys Mae (Mrs M Clarine); m Anna Beard Oct 25, 1924 Norton Kas; 1895-1908 with father on farm near Norcatur Kas, also worked on ranch near Fresno Cal; 1908-13 emp by Denver Gas & Electric Co. Denver Colo: 1913-16 emp by CB&Q RR, Orleans; 1916-17 oprd recreation parlor, Alma; 1917-19 emp by CB&Q RR at Oxford, Orleans & McCook; 1919- in groc bus, Oxford, now owner & opr IGA store; past mbr village bd; IGA; C of C; IOOF 309; MWA; hobby, reading; res Oxford.

   LUTHER, WALTER ADOLPH: Merchant & Stockman; b Thayer Co, Neb Oct 25, 1895: s of Henry Luther-Mary Ann Wiedel; ed Harlan Co; m Zola Evangeline Beddeo Nov 26, 1914 Orleans; s Walter Aaron, Richard Maurice; d Mary Lou; 1908-11 butcher, Orleans; 1911-13 emp by Bonnahue Bakery, Wellington, Kas; 1913-15 owner & opr bakery, Orleans; 1915- owner groc & meat market, Cambridge; 1919- auto dealer & livestock buyer; 1934- impl dealer; owner & opr 3480 A of farm land, has purebred Hereford cattle & buffalo herd; IGA; Rotary; C of C, dir; MWA; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, saddle horses, good mules, football, res Cambridge.

   McCOY, PAUL WHITE: Postmaster; b Lincoln, Neb July 22, 1901; s of Samuel White McCoy-Dora E Copes; ed Stamford HS 1921; m Mable Gertrude Martin May 15, 1925 Stamford; d Bonnie Dee; 1922-23 played professional baseball with Lincoln Baseball Club; 1924 played professional baseball with Beatrice Baseball Club; 1925 played professional baseball with Salina Kas Baseball Club; 1926-27 owner & publisher Edmond New Leaf, Edmond Kas; 1927-34 owner & publisher Edison Echo; 1934- P M. Edison; past mbr town coun; during World War joined US army 1917, O/S with 65th CAC 6 mos, disch Mar 17, 1919; Amer Leg 343, past post comm; Neb ch Natl Assn of P Ms; Comml Club; past chmn ARC; Chris Ch; Dem; hobbies, baseball, gen sports; off PO; res Edison.

   McCUE, LUCILE: County Superintendent of Schools; b Moline, Neb Sept 11, 1895; d of Rufus Morris Wilmot-Mary Olive Chatterton; ed Wilsonville HS 1912; PSTC; KSTC, BA 1933; Neb Sch of Bus, Lincoln; m Owen Woodward McCue Oct 16, 1920 Norton Kas (dec); s Robert Maynard; 1915-17 tchr in Wilsonville HS: 1917-18 HS tchr, Kenesaw; 1918-20 Bayard HS tchr; 1920-28 homemaker & clubwoman; 1928-34 tchr rural sch near Wilsonville; 1934 HS tchr, Wilsonville; 1935- Furnas Co supt of schs; 1930 helped org Wilsonville city lib, one of first bd mbrs; past mbr Wilsonville sch bd; helped org Furnas Co Administrators Club, secy; NSTA, secy


in Nebraska


dist 5; NEA; C of C; OES 197; PEO; Meth Ch; off Courthouse; res Beaver City.

   MARSHALL, ROY D: Clerk of District Court; b Seneca, Kas Dec 22, 1894; s of Walter D Marshall-Mary Elizabeth Ford; ed Beaver City HS 1914; m Murrel Effie Crocker Jan 4, 1920 Beaver City; s Walter D; d Ruth Marie; 1914-17 farmer & stockman with father, Furnas Co; 1920-25 farmed & raised Duroc Jersey hogs, Furnas Co; 1926-27 worked for various orgns in Neb; 1927-34 night watchman, Beaver City; 1934- clk of dist court; mbr sch bd; past city assessor 6 years; during World War ent US marine corps Aug 1917, O/S 10 mos, wounded in action, med disch Apr 1919, Norfolk Va; Amer Leg post 28; C of C; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, outdoor sports; off Courthouse; res Beaver City.

   MAXWELL, FRANCIS MARION: Superintendent of Schools; b Henderson, Ia Mar 18, 1909; s of Marion Dexter Maxwell-Bertha Mae Strader; ed Jackson HS, Lincoln 1926; Neb Wes, BSc 1930, BA 1936; U of N; m Lois Irene Jefferies Feb 2, 1934 St Paul; 1930-32 emp by S S Kresge store, Omaha; 1932- 37 HS tchr, Cotesfield HS, 1936-37 supt; 1937-39 prin Culbertson HS: 1939- supt Holbrook HS; NSTA; Meth Ch; hobby, fishing; res Holbrook.

   MERWIN, ERNEST MILES: Publisher; b Beaver City, Neb July 20, 1902; s of Fletcher Newton Merwin-Merta Isadora Foland; ed Beaver City HS 1920; Merghanthaller Linotype Sch 1920; U of N; m Mary Myrtle Mitzner Aug 6, 1931 Beaver City; s Vaughn Edward; d Maryanne, Barbara Ruth; 1922-33 with father, publisher of Times Tribune, Beaver City; 1933- publisher Beaver City Times Tribune; NPA; SW Neb Press Assn; past secy C of C; Beaver-Sappa Game Conservation Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing: res Beaver City.

   MERWIN, FLETCHER NEWTON: Retired; b Woodbridge1, Conn Oct 2, 1868; s of Henry Fletcher Merwin-Lucy Belden Blakeslee; ed Conn; Western Normal Coll, Shenandoah Ia; m Merta Isadora Foland Dec 1, 1892 Beaver City; s Henry Chester, Laurence Newton, Ernest Miles; d Esther Lucile, Lillian Evangeline (dec Aug 17, 1914), Edith Barbara (Mrs Wayne Eaton), 1886-89 owner & publisher DuBois Times; 1889-1900 owner & publisher Beaver Valley Tribune, Beaver City; 1900-33 owner & publisher Beaver City Times Tribune; past mbr village bd; past village clk; AF&AM 93, past master; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, reading detective stories; res Beaver City.

   1Woodbridge is an historic community in New Haven Co. Conn & 4 miles from Westville, the P O.

   MERWIN, LAURENCE NEWTON: Rural Mail Carrier; b Beaver City, Neb Mar 19, 1898; s of Fletcher Newton Merwin-Merta Isadora Foland; ed Beaver City HS 1916; m Helen Gertrude Sullivan Nov 23, 1938 Logan Kas; 1916-18 & 1919-24 with father on Beaver City Times Tribune; 1918 & 1933 RFD carrier, Beaver City: 1924-33 P M, Beaver City; during World War enl Sept 1918 in US army, stationed at Lincoln, disch Dec 1918; Amer Leg 28, past adjt, service ofcr & past comm; Natl Rural Letter Carriers Assn; Rotary, VP; C of C, Pres; Trans-Mississippi Philatelic Soc, Omaha; IOOF 96, past noble grand, past chief patriarch; Presby Ch; hobbies, photography, stamp collecting; res Beaver City.

   MERWIN, MERTA ISADORA: Writer; b Cobleskill, N Y Jan 27, 1874; d of Chester Henry Foland-Ida Elizabeth Miers; ed Beaver City HS 1892; m Fletcher Newton Merwin Dec 1, 1892 Beaver City; s Henry Chester, Laurence Newton, Ernest Miles; d Esther Lucile, Lillian Evangeline (dec Aug 17, 1914), Edith Barbara (Mrs Wayne Eaton); writer of column & feature material for Beaver City Times Tribune; author of Day Dreams published in 1931 & In Between published 1939; mbr lib bd; Neb Writers Guild; Womans Club, past pres; Amer Leg aux 28; OES, past worthy matron; Presby Ch; hobbies, writing verse, rock gardens, painting, crocheting; res Beaver City.

   METZGER, JOHN JACOB: Theater Operator; b Syracuse, Neb July 19, 1892; s of William Frederick Metzger-Josephine Charlotte Clark; ed Syracuse HS; m Catherine Abigail Littlefield Sept 14, 1917 Syracuse; s Warren Sanford; d Joan Lorraine; while in HS & short time after leaving sch clk in gen mdse store, Syracuse; 1914-15 clk in gen mdse store, Hawarden Ia; 1915-18 owned & oprd groc store, Syracuse; 1919-21 clk in gen mdse store, Syracuse; 1922-36 owned half int in Palace Theater, Syracuse; 1930-34 asst P M, Syracuse; 1935- owner & opr Oriental Theater, Beaver City; during World War ent US army 1918, O/S 1 year, in St Mihiel drive, Meuse-Argonne offensive & army of occupation, disch June 1919; Amer Leg 28, service ofcr, past co comm; VP sch bd; C of C, past pres; past pres Rotary; Furnas Co Fair Assn, secy; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res Beaver City.

   MINNICK, CLARENCE: Physician & Surgeon; b Republican City, Neb Aug 17, 1879; s of John Thomas Minnick-Carolyn Kellom; ed Cambridge HS 1901; Northwestern U, MD 1905, grad work 1913-14; m Flossie V Andrews Apr 22, 1908 Indianola (dec); s John Clarence, James Stanley; d Anastasia; m Ruth L Marples May 13, 1935 Logan Ia; 1905-12 prac med, Indianola; 1914-18 & 1919-24 prac med, Curtis; 1924-29 with Drs Kee & Stewart in Republican Valley Hosp; 1929-30 with Dr Kee, oprd Republican Valley Hosp; 1930- owner & opr Republican Valley Hosp; past mbr sch bd; past mbr Curtis village coun; during World War, ent US med corps Jan 1918, stationed at Kelly Field, San Antonio Tex, disch Apr 1919; Neb St & AMA; C of C, Cambridge, past pres at Curtis; AF&AM 160; Scot Rite, Tehama Shrine, Hastings; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Cambridge.

   MITCHELL, PHILIP HAROLD: Superintendent of Schools; b Knox Co, Neb Mar 31, 1910; s of J W Mitchell-Meda Knapp; ed Magnet HS 1928; WSTC, BSc 1932; U of N, MA 1937; U of Southern Cal; Lambda Delta Lambda; Phi Delta Kappa; m Ada Ruth Scheibe June 14, 1939 Lincoln: 1928-29 with father on farm in Cedar Co; 1932-33 athletic coach & tchr, Beemer; 1933-36 prin & coach, Beemer HS; 1936-38 prin Arapahoe HS; 1938- supt of schs Arapahoe; NSTA, VP dist 5; NEA; pres Rep Valley Athletic Conf; VP Mid-Valley Athletic Conf; Comml Club; past pres Rotary; IOOF 104; hobbies, golf, bridge, hunting; res Arapahoe.

   MODLIN, CARL AINSWORTH: Hardware & Implement Dealer; b Beaver City, Neb Oct 1, 1887; s of John Farris Modlin-Emily Rosa Ainsworth; ed Beaver City HS 1906; Neb Wes; Creighton U; m Mary Glen Sheely Aug 26, 1911 Fort Collins Colo; s John James; d Mabel Mary, June Viola, Margaret Jessie; 1912-21 clk of dist court, Beaver City, also in impl bus; 1921- in hdw & impl bus, Beaver City; mbr town bd; during World War mbr draft bd, also active in ARC work: Neb Retail Hdw Assn; C of C; IOOF 96; First Presby Ch, Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, trap shooting; res Beaver City.

   MOORE, ORVAL VERN: Merchant; b Arapahoe, Neb Aug 10, 1904; s of Oscar Frank Moore-Grace Lemira Horton; ed Arapahoe HS; m Hazel Mae Clemons Sept 11, 1926 Council Bluffs Ia; s Glenn Vern; d Grace Arlene; 1924-26 worked in Moore Brothers filling station, also with Clifford Hornaday owned & oprd Bon Ton, Restaurant, Arapahoe; 1926- owner & opr Moore's Modern Market, Arapahoe; mbr sch bd; Comm Club; AF&AM 197: Meth ch; Rep; res Arapahoe.

   MOUSEL, AARON ALBERT: Bank Cashier; b Cambridge, Neb Aug 20, 1885; s of Michael M Mousel-Mary Ellen Lawler; ed Cambridge HS 1904; LBC 1905-06; m Hazel Frances Downey Nov 26, 1908 Cambridge; s Harold Albert; d Mildred Frances; 1906-14 asst cash Wilsonville State Bank; 1914 cash First Natl Bank, Cambridge; 1923-28 in chg of liquidating failed banks for the guaranty fund commission, Neb st banking dept; dir First Natl Bank; dir Enterprise L & B Assn 23 years; mbr village bd; village & sch bd treas; pres Rotary Club; C of C; MWA, mbr since 1906; St John's Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Cambridge.

   MURPHY, HOWARD R: Physician & Surgeon; b Osceola, Ia Mar 15, 1870; s of Joseph J Murphy-Sarah Fesler; ed Gage Co; HS by priv tutor, Dr A D Williams, DD, Kenesaw; Doane Coll; Hillsdale Mich Coll, BA 1898, ED 1900; Lincoln Med Coll, MD 1912; m Emma Barbara Gehman Sept 1, 1891 Rockport; s Roland Edison; 1886-1900 pastor of Bapt Churches at Wabash, Kenesaw, Lincoln, North Adams Mich; known as boy preacher; 1900-25 Bapt foreign missionary in Midnapore, Bengal, India, served 4 years as hon magistrate for British govt; supt of Santali edn; mbr dist bd & during World War had chg of Convalescent Hosp at Midnapore, India; 1925- prac med & pastor Bapt Ch, Wilsonville; Bapt Ch: Rep, pct chmn: pres Y R Club; hobby, study of foreign languages; res Wilsonville.

   NIELSEN, FREDERICK PETER: Bank Cashier; b Oxford, Neb Dec 29. 1890; s of Peter Nielsen-Minnie Oberquill; ed Oxford HS; Brown Sch of Bus, Lincoln; m Opal Dett-



Who's Who

man Aug 12, 1925 Omaha; 1909-13 bkkpr & asst cash Bank of Edison; 1913-14 asst cash First Natl Bank, Oxford; 1915-16 asst cash Bank of Winchester, Idaho; 1916-30 asst cash & cash Bank of Oxford; 1930 Bank of Oxford consolidated with the Security State Bank of Oxford; 1930-34 VP Security State Bank, 1934- cash; past mbr village bd; past village clk; past village treas; past mayor; during World War ent US AS 1918, stationed at Vancouver Barracks Wash, sgt in ordnance off, disch Mar 1919; C of C: Rotary, past secy-treas; AF&AM 138, past master; RAM 47; KT, Holdrege; Tehama Shrine; OES, past worthy patron; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, travel; res Oxford.

   NISSEN, JACOB H: Retired; b Hoaftoft, Germany June 25, 1856; s of Peter Nissen-Marie Beusen; ed Germany; m Clara Luella Alloway Nov 15, 1892 Oxford; s Alfred H, William J; came to US 1886; 1886-38 owned & oprd dept store, in later years sons became ptrs in Nissen Dept Store; 1938- ret but still owns int in store; German Luth Ch; hobby, touring; res Oxford.

   NISSEN, WILLIAM J: Merchant; b Oxford, Neb Apr 6, 1895; s of Jacob H Nissen-Clara L Alloway; ed Oxford HS 1913; m Bernice Rhynalds June 12, 1928 Kearney; s Jerry Hunter; d Nancy Lee, Carrol Lou; 1913-15 emp by father in gen mdse store; 1915- ptr of father & brother in 3 J H Nissen & Sons Store; with brother owns & manages 1200 A farm land: past dir Bank of Oxford; past mbr village bd; during flood in Republican Valley 1935 org rescue work from Orleans west, directed NNG, also chmn ARC rehabilitation com; during World War ent US army 1918, stationed Camp Fremont Cal, Camp Lee Va, Camp Mills L I & Fort Dodge Ia, disch 1919; Amer Leg 118, past comm & past co comm; C of C, past pres; AF&AM 138; RAM 47; KT, Holdrege; Tehama Shrine; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Oxford.

   PAINE, CLYDE SMITH: Farmer & Stockman; b Story Co, Ia Mar 28, 1883; s of Smith Paine-Sarah Ellen Richardson, ed Arapahoe HS 1901; m Josephine Frances Cox June 24, 1908 Arapahoe; s Russell Dale; d Helen Katheryn; 1901-04 with father on farm; 1905-06 leased land & helped father, 1906- owner & opr farms near Edison; now owns 320 A with modern home & farm bldgs; 1928- raiser registered Holstein cattle; 1929- dir & mbr bank loan com Farmers & Mchts Bank, Edison; VP & dir Beaver City Fed Farm Loan Assn; 1931 Master Farmer; helped org temporary AAA program; past Furnas Co commr; past dir & pres Furnas Co Farm Bur; Arapahoe Rotary Club, 1930 del to Chicago conv; Comml Club; Chris Ch; hobby, history; res Edison.

   PAINE, JOHN WILLIAM: Publisher; b Abingdon, Ill Sept 6, 1864; s of Roswell Richmond Paine-America Smith; ed Drake U, 3 years prep work, Bible dept 2 years; m Carrie Florence Hall Mar 23, 1893 Grimes Ia; d May Ruth (Mrs Vincent C Janda), Lois A (Mrs Walter Ellis), Esther Grace (Mrs Benjamin Mason); 1894-99 pastor in SE Ia; 1899-1904 pastor in Kas; 1904-07 in printing bus, Meriden Kas: 1907-08 owner & opr Pawnee City Press; 1908-09 owner job printing shop, Fairbury; 1909-27 lived in Bethany, 15 years traveling representative for circulation dept of Omaha World-Herald; 1927- owner & opr Wilsonville Review; NPA; MWA, mbr since 1895; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, mechanics; res Wilsonville

   PARKER, FRANK RICHARD: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Furnas Co, Neb Dec 6, 1887; s of Ernest Wilfred Parker-Emma G Larson; ed Wilsonville HS 1904, U of N; m Glenne Johnson Sept 23, 1916 Colorado Springs Colo; m Rachael Clarice Faubion Mar 15, 1924, Norton Kas; s Frank Richard Jr; d Betty Lee; 1909-14 owner & opr Wilsonville Review; 1914-19 P M; 1919- ptr of E J Hamilton in real estate & ins bus: 1919-20 sold over $1,000,000 worth of land each year; hall adjuster for ins cos in Kas, Neb, Ia, Minn; secy sch bd; past mbr village bd; AF&AM 157; Rep; hobby, football; res Wilsonville.

   PATTERSON, CHARLES AMBROSE: Secretary & Manager Telephone Company; b Plattsmouth, Neb Nov 22, 1877; s of James Madison Patterson-Ellen H Cambell; ed Plattsmouth HS 1896; U of N; Rohrbough Comml Coll, Omaha 1898; m Charlotte Elizabeth Whipple Dec 10, 1919 Waukegan Ill; 1899-1901 emp by Columbia Natl Bank, Lincoln; 1901 resided at Macon, Ga; 1902 emp by CB&Q RR, St Joseph Mo; 1903 bkkpr for electrical co, Omaha; 1903-36 cash, VP, pres Arapahoe State Bank which was liquidated in 1936; 1904- dir Arapahoe Tele Co; 1913- mgr Arapahoe Tele Co: 1913- opr ins agcy, Arapahoe; dir Neb Tele Assn; past mayor, Arapahoe; secy Comml Club; Rotary, past pres; Neb St Tennis Assn, past pres & past secy; during World War chmn war saving drive in Furnas Co, 2nd in state in money raised; AF&AM 293; Episc Ch, mbr bishops com & treas; Dem; hobby, contract bridge; res Arapahoe.

   PATTIN, JESSE PAUL: Osteopath; b Chapman, Kas Aug 22, 1892; s of Thomas Pattin-Carrie Louise Simmers; ed Chapman Kas HS 1911; Washburn Coll, Topeka Kas; Amer Sch of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo, DO 1916; m Ruby Florence Farmer Dec 16, 1916 Kansas City Mo; d Frances Josephine; 1916-18 prac osteopathy, Norton Kas; 1918-21 prac osteopathy, Atchee Colo; 1921-22 interne at Laughlin Hosp, Kirksville MO; 1922 with Howard Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic, St Louis Mo; 1922-24 gen prac, Maitland Mo; 1924- osteopath, Arapahoe; mbr sch bd; city phys 3 terms; mbr town coun; SW Neb Osteopathic Assn, past pres; Neb Osteopathic Assn; hobbies, hunting, fishing, croquet; res Arapahoe.

   PERRY, CHESTER ARTHUR: Lumber Dealer; b Oak Harbor, O Jan 31, 1884; s of Arthur V Perry-Nancy Goodsite; ed Cambridge HS 1901: Lincoln Acad 1904-05; m Edna Clay Mar 7, 1906 Lincoln; s Melvin E, Leonard C, Paul N; d Evalyn J (Mrs D K Peterson), Barbara J; 1901-04, 1905-08 with father in lbr bus, Cambridge; 1908- secy Perry Lbr Co which owns & oprs farm land in Frontier, Gosper & Furnas Cos; past chmn bd of trustees, Cambridge; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Comml Club; Rotary; AF&AM 150; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Arapahoe.

   PETTYGROVE, HARRISON McCURDY: Lumber Dealer; b Oxford, Neb Mar 18, 1876; s of Neal A Pettygrove-Mary Michel; ed Oxford HS; m Georgia Frances Learn June 10, 1897 Boulder Colo; s Neal Lewis, George Francis, John W; d Lucile (Mrs Raymond Hergenrother, dec), Laura, Irene (dec), Evelyn; 1892-95 asst cash Comml State Bank, Oxford; 1895-1900 ptr of father in Pettygrove Lumber Co; 1900-36 indep opr of H M Pettygrove Lbr Co, 1936- ptr of sister; said to be oldest resident in Oxford; past mbr village bd; past mbr sch bd; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Natl Retail Lbr Dealers Assn; past secy C of C; AF&AM 188; Rep; hobby, sports; res Oxford.

   PHILLIPS, CHANCELLOR ALFRED: Banker; b Baylis, Ill Oct 20, 1877; s of Joseph James Phillips-Lydia Adaline Grammer; ed Aurora HS 1898, valedictorian; U of N; Delta Tau Delta; m Clara Melvin Walker Mar 10, 1906 Plattsmouth, s Perry Walker, Rodney Herbert; d Jeannette Elenore; 1903-06 emp by Columbia Natl Bank, Lincoln; 1906-08 emp by First Natl Bank, Marquette; 1908- cash, Cambridge State Bank, 1911- owner; both sons are emp in bank; mgr farm ints; past mbr sch bd; helped org & was first secy Comm Club, Rotary, past pres; C of C, past secy & pres; Neb St Hist Soc; IOOF 132, past noble grand; AF&AM 150, grand master 1936-37, Scot Rite, Tehama Shrine, Hastings; Congl Ch, past bd mbr: Rep; hobbies, history, science; off Cambridge State Bank; res Cambridge.

   PHILLIPSON, PETER: Veterinarian; b Gosper Co, Neb Sept 1, 1880; s of Andrew Phillipson-Pettrena Olson; ed Holbrook HS; Kansas City Veterinary Coll, Kansas City Mo, DVM 1908; m Anna S Olson Dec 28, 1902 Holbrook; 1908- gen veterinary prac, Holbrook; 1908- owner one of best equipped veterinary hosps in SW Neb; pres Security State. Bank: partner of brother Vic in buying & feeding cattle; owns 1280 A of land in Furnas Co; asst Neb at veterinarian for S W Neb 20 years; past mbr village bd; past mbr sch bd: Past Pres Neb St Veterinary Med Assn; Comm Club; AF&AM 257; Scot Rite 32o & Tehama Shrine, Hastings; Norwegian Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Holbrook.

   PROUD, GEORGE CURTIS: Attorney; b Frontier Co, Neb Jan 2, 1890; s of John Proud-Harriet Townsley: ed Holbrook HS 1906; U of N, LLB 1910; m Florence French June 8, 1918 Des Moines Ia; s Richard French; 1912-17 & 1919- law prac, Arapahoe; city atty past several years; past mbr sch bd; during World War 1917 ent US army, stationed at Fort Snelling Minn & Camp Dodge Ia, commd capt, disch 1919; ch mbr Amer Leg 96; 14th Judicial Dist Bar Assn, past pres; Neb St Bar Assn; Rotary, ch mbr; AF&AM 293, ch mbr; Episc Ch; Dem; hobby, tennis; res Arapahoe.

   RANKIN, JOHN MURRAY: Grain Dealer & Stockman; b Haugh, Ayrshire, Scotland Jan 27, 1865; s of John Rankin-Jeanie Murray Hillhouse; ed Scotland; Mar 1886 came with parents to Cambridge & became ptr of brother, Robert H, in livestock,


in Nebraska


meat & poultry bus; 1888 sold meat bus; 1888-1937 in elevator & grain bus, became mgr; leased elevator at Cambridge to Walter M Rankin Jan 1, 1938; leased elevator at Holbrook to William Rankin; has raised purebred Hereford cattle past 25 years & now manages ranch near Holbrook; past mbr village bd; chmn 4-min men during World War; dir Kas Grain Dlrs Assn 30 years; dir Neb Grain Dlrs Assn: Grain & Feed Dlrs Natl Assn, chmn com on uniform grades 1930-31; SW Neb Hereford Breeders Assn; ARC, Furnas Co chmn since World War, chmn at Cambridge; Rotary, past pres; Comml Club; AF&AM 150; Scot Rite 32o; Tehama Shrine; First Congl Ch, choir mbr 50 years & choir dir 30 years; Rep; hobby, movie photography, took 1000 feet of pictures in Europe in 1927 when del to Rotary conv in Ostend; 1884 father came to Albany, N Y; Mar 1886 came to Franklin Co; res Cambridge.

   RENNECKER, HERMAN HENRY: County Sheriff; b Havana, Ill Jan 10, 1873; s of Herman Rennecker-Caroline Wilhelmena Desmier; ed Biggs Ill; m Sara Helen Robinson Feb 6, 1900 Beaver City; s Herman Wayne (dec 1932), Arthur Merl; d Lillie Marie; 1897 came to Furnas Co; 1898-1930 farmer & stockman; 1930- Furnas Co sheriff; past pct assessor 8 years; road overseer several years; mbr sch bd 8 years; Neb Sheriffs & Peace Officers Assn; C of C; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; office Courthouse; res Beaver City.

   RICE, JOHN WALLACE: Farmer & Stockman; b Monmouth, Ill Apr 17, 1869; s of Henry Rice-Eliza Calkins; ed Furnas Co; LBC: m Laura Frances Baxter Nov 29, 1894 Wilsonville; s John Ward; d Frances Eliza (Mrs L D Cole); with father & brother in Wilsonville State Bank from time of finishing sch until 1895; 1885- stockman, feeds thousands of head of cattle, sheep & hogs; 1910-29 one of largest cattle feeders in Furnas Co & Neb, shipping trainloads to Wilsonville from Tex, Colo, Oregon, Wash, & feeding them at his feed lots; was the only feeder who successfully used green alfalfa for pasture & roughage for summer feed; with his son also owns 1200 A of farm land; 1938 showed 4 carloads of hogs at the Natl Western Livestock Show, Denver, & took 3rd, 5th & 6th prizes; was one of first men to sell hogs in Denver stockyards; shipped horses to N Y & eastern buyers when CB&Q RR first came through Wilsonville; past mbr sch bd 30 years; past mbr village bd; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; res Wilsonville.

   RICHARDS, JAMES EZRA WILSON: Manufacturer; b Fulton Co. O Dec 80, 1861; s of James Webster Richards-Angellne E Borton; ed Neb; Hastings Coll; m Elizabeth McMakin 1885 Juniata (dec); s Claire C (dec); James W (dec); d Grace (Mrs Willis Zahm), Angeline E (Mrs H C Portwood), Helen E (Mrs Hayworth Woodgate); m Hattie Chandler Oct 1933 Minden; 1886-93 homesteaded in Dundy Co; 1893- in pump & well work & mfg equipment & supplies for gen farm use, prin article manufactured is stock waterer which he & brother invented & patented; 1933-35 mbr Neb legislature in one special & two regular sessions; past mbr city coun 15 years; past mbr sch bd 12 years; past pres Comml Club 13 years; Quaker Ch; Dem; hobbies, political campaigning, campaigned for William Jennings Bryan for pres, comm advancement; res Arapahoe.

   RICHARDSON, LLOYD CLIFFORD: Lumber Dealer; b Wisner, Neb June 3, 1888; s of Charles Richardson-Lillie Rose Sharp; ed Cambridge HS 1904; bus coll, Denver Colo; m Lola Edith Corell Mar 25, 1909 Cambridge; s Charles Paul; d Betty Ann; came with parents to Cambridge 1898; 1904-15 emp by Chicago Lbr Co, Cambridge, except for time in bus coll; 1915-25 with father in lbr bus, Cambridge; 1925- pres & gen mgr Cambridge Lbr Co; owner Neel Lbr Yard, Holbrook; owner & opr 800 A farm land; VP Cambridge Tele CO; dir United Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; mbr village coun; village clk; past mbr sch bd; during World War active in Liberty Loan, drives; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; C of C, past Pres; ch mbr Rotary, past pres; past master AF&AM 150; KT; Tehama Shrine; MWA; Meth Ch; hobbies, gardening, fishing; res Cambridge.

   SANDERSON, JONATHAN FRANCIS: Farmer; b Edgar, Neb June 26, 1883; s of Jonathan Sanderson-Rebecca Matilda McCloughan; ed Furnas Co; LBC; m Inez Bernice Slaughter May 22. 1930 North Platte; d Elva Frances; 1904-17 emp by Griswold Seed Co, Lincoln; 1917- farmer Furnas Co, lives on original Sanderson Ridge farm; 1939 active in planning Hardscrabble sch 50th anniversary celebration attended by former students & tchrs from all parts of US; MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, athletics, reading; father came to Furnas Co in 1891, built present Sanderson home in 1892; res Oxford.

   SANDERSON, RALPH VALENTINE: Farmer & Stockman; b Clay Co, Neb Feb 14, 1880; s of Jonathan Sanderson-Rebecca Matilda McCloughan; ed Clay & Furnas Cos; m Marie Vopat Feb 22, 1911 Furnas Co; s Wilmur Vopat, Jonathan Merlin; d Esther Maxine (Mrs Lyle Blincow), Ruth Adeline, GretheI Marie; 1892 with parents came to Furnas Co; 1905-11 ptr of brother in farming; 1911- indep farmer & stockman; Farmers Co-op Elevator, Edison; mbr dist 14 sch bd; IOOF 218; secy-treas Highland Union Ch; attends Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Oxford.

   SANDERSON, THOMAS WILLIAM: Farmer; b Edgar, Neb July 13, 1874; s of Jonathan Sanderson-Rebecca Matilda McCloughan; ed Clay Co; m Nellie Morgan Sept 16, 1903 Furnas Co; 1891-95 with father on farm, Furnas Co; 1896- indep farmer, Furnas Co; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, baseball, prize fights; res Oxford.

   SCOTT, JAMES HARRISON: Rancher; b Audrain Co, Mo May 9, 1889; s of James Henry Scott-Jessie Fremont; ed Mexico, Mo HS 1908; Epworth Bus Coll, Oklahoma City; m Mable Lucille Mollring June 15, 1920 Mexico Mo; 1912-14 bkkpr First Natl Bank, Curtis; 1914-17 traveling representative for Taylor & Patton Grain Co. Des Moines Ia; 1917-20 oprd fathers farm near Mexico Mo; 1920-22 farmed SW of Holbrook; 1922-30 Furnas Co treas, 1926 first man in Furnas Co to be given nomination on both Dem & Rep tickets; 1930-85 ranched until flood destroyed home; 1935- engaged in cattle bus & manages 800 A farm land; mayor of Arapahoe; past pres Neb Assn of Co Treas, past chmn legislative com; Comml Club; AF&AM 257; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, nature, fine livestock; res Arapahoe.

   SHAFER, GEORGE W JR: Banker, b Beaver City, Neb Nov 21, 1909; s of Michael Charles Shafer-Bertha M Koken; ed Beaver City HS 1927; 1927-32 ptr of father in G W Shafer & Son Gen Mdse Store, Beaver City; 1932-33 bkkpr First State Bank, 1933-38 asst cash, 1938- cash & dir; treas sch bd; city treas; past secy C of C; pres, & past secy Rotary; treas Furnas Co Fair Assn; Brethren Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; office First State Bank; res Beaver City.

   SHAFER, MICHAEL CHARLES: Merchant; b Furnas Co, Neb June 10, 1883; s of George W Shafer-Elizabeth S ___; ed Beaver City HS; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Bertha M Koken Mar 1902 Superior; s George Washington Jr, Dr James Koken; prior to 1907 with father in oprn of Beaver City Flour Mill, later sold; 1907-35 in partnership of father in G W Shafer & Son Gen Mdse, 1935- owner & mgr of store since death of father; dir First State Bank; past mbr town bd; mbr Fedn of Neb Retailers; C of C; IOOF 96; Brethren Ch; Rep; res Beaver City.

   SHANK, FREDERICK WILLIAM: Physician & Surgeon, b Yale, Ia Apr 15, 1886; s of Mahlon Elmer Shank-Belle Martin; ed Des Moines Ia HS 1904; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines, PhG 1907; U of N 1915-16; St Louis Coll of Phys & Surgs, MD 1919; m Florence Martin June 26, 1918 Lincoln; d Bette Jean; 1907-09 pharm, Bertrand; 1909-14 owned & oprd drug store; 1919-22 with Drs Wekesser, Becker & Rider in med prac, Lincoln; 1922- prac med with Dr L D James as Jr ptr, Oxford; phys & surg for CB&Q RR; pres Oxford Gen Hosp Corp & staff; registered pharm in Neb; mayor of Oxford; Neb St & AMA; Amer Assn of Railway Surgs; past pres Rotary; AF&AM 138, RAM 35, KT 19; Tehama Shrine; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, good automobiles; off Security State Bank Bldg; res Oxford.

   SHERWOOD, J HARVEY: Attorney, Real Estate & Insurance Agent; s of J H Sherwood-Katie F Clark; ed Oxford HS; Whitmore Bus Coll, St Joseph Mo 1908-09; U of N 1913; m Margaret M Manning July 12, 1913 Lincoln; s Edward Clarence, William Harvey; d Ruth M (dec); 1913 admitted to Neb bar by special examination; adm to prac law in all states & US fed courts; 1913- prac law, Oxford & handles real estate & ins agcy; 1914- city atty; owner & mgr 430 A farm land; mbr sch bd; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; AF&AM 138; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, res Oxford.

   SHOEMAKER, OME CARROL: Insurance Agent; b Handley, Neb Feb 28, 1904; s of Dr George Peter Shoemaker-Mary A Johnson; ed Cambridge HS 1922; 1922-31 with Robert L Rankin & Justin M Hollingsworth in ins bus, Cambridge; 1931- with



Who's Who

Justin M Hollingsworth in ins bus; 1931- secy Enterprise L & B Assn; 1931- secy Cambridge Tele Co; past secy & past pres Comm Club; secy Rotary; AF&AM 150, past master; past patron OES 132; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; res Cambridge.

   SIMON, EDWIN OLBERT: County Attorney; b Cambridge, Neb Oct 19, 1914; s of Olbert A Simon-Emma Thompson; ed Cambridge HS 1932; U of N, LLB 1938; Order of Coif, Tau Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; 1938 with uncle in law prac in Cambridge & in law firm of Simon & Simon, Arapahoe; 1938 Furnas Co atty; 14th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; Comm Club; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; office Kaelmel Bldg; res Arapahoe.

   SIMON, GJURLSON ELI: Attorney; b Gosper Co, Neb; s of Ole Simon-Barbara Julson: ed Arapahoe HS; Franklin Acad, 3 years in cadet service, mbr of football & track teams, pres football team 2 years; Creighton U, LLB 1914; m Sarah Grace McFadden, Holbrook (dec); s Eldon McFadden; m Susanne Thompson, Austin Minn (dec); 1914- prac law, Cambridge; 1938- sr ptr in law firm of Simon & Simon, Arapahoe; 1917-19 Furnas Co atty; 1922-31 Cambridge city atty; during 5 years of professional career assoc with Judge E B Perry, Lincoln & formerly of Cambridge; trustee Doane Coll, donor Simon Athletic Field; 1929 elected hon mbr D Club, Doane Coll; 1932 att Olympiad at Los Angeles; 1936 att Olympiad at Berlin Germany & visited Norway, especially Lilliehammer, birthplace of father; traveled by royal aeroplane to North Cape, Norway where he saw a day without a setting sun; during World War was dist govt appeal agt under selective service act & chmn of legal advisory bd of Furnas Co; also enl in branch of US secret service in which he did important work; past pres 14th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; S W Neb Hist Soc; Comm Club; Rotary; AF&AM 150; Scot Rite 32o, Sesostris Shrine, Lincoln; OES; ch mbr IOOF 132; MWA; trustee Meth Ch; Rep, 1930 candidate for lt gov of Neb; hobbies, athletics, marksmanship, hunting; father came to Gosper Co, 1873; res Cambridge.

   STEWART, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Physician & Surgeon; b Utica, Ia Sept 9, 1869; s of James Stewart-Jane C Paine; ed Birmingham Ia HS: Keokuk Ia Coll of Phys & Surgs, MD 1900: m Florence Mattis McCollum July 18, 1901 Walton Kas; d Helen Belle (Mrs Truman Moseley); m Ella Momyer June 23, 1926 Kansas City Mo; 1900-15 prac med Oklahoma City; 1915-17 prac med, Moorefield; 1917-18 prac med, Farnam; 1918-20 with Dr Kee in Republican Valley Hosp at Cambridge, 1920- 25 with Drs Kee & McCabe, 1925-30 with Drs Kee & Minnick; 1930- prac med, Cambridge; until flood of 1936 had one of best Shorthorn cattle herds in US & was int in farming; past pres C of C; past pres Rotary; IOOF 132; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fine livestock; off Cambridge State Bank Bldg; res Cambridge.

   STORY, ROSCOE EDGAR: County Clerk, Assessor & Register of Deeds; b Arapahoe, Neb Sept 25, 1913; s of Warren Edgar Story-Mabel Clare Crocker; ed Holbrook HS 1931; 1931-39 with father on farm; 1939- Furnas Co clk; S W Neb Co Clks Assn; C of C; Ch of God, Holbrook; Rep; hobbies, reading, sports; office Courthouse; res Beaver City.

   THEOBALD, CARL VAN: County Treasurer: b Mason City, Ill June 12, 1886; s of Conrad Theobald-May Boyle; ed Bruning HS; Hastings Acad; Hastings Coll, BSc 1911; m Lavina Anna Kelley Feb 14, 1918 Beaver City; s John Conrad, Robert Sterling, Carlton Kelley; d Martha Lavine; 1911-15 tchr Newport, Penrose Colo & York: 1915-19 wheat farmer, Saskatchewan Canada; 1919-31 farmer & stock feeder, Furnas Co; 1931- Furnas Co treas; past mbr sch bd, pres 1 year; Neb Assn of Co Treas; C of C; AF&AM 93; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies, reading, travel; off Courthouse; res Beaver City.

   TYSON, NOEL LEWIS: Superintendent of Schools: b Elmwood, Neb Apr 5, 1890; s of Lewis Abiather Tyson-Genevra Alton; ed Elmwood HS 1907; PSTC; U of N, BA 1921; Colo State Tchrs Coll, Greeley, MA 1982: grad work, Columbia U; Phi Delta Kappa; m Ida Frances Carr June 17, 1922 Lincoln; s William Butler, Ben Lewis, Dan Carr: d Ann; 1908-11 tchr, Cass Co, 2 years in historic Fairview sch; 1913-15 prin, athletic coach, manual training tchr, Stanton HS; 1915-16 manual training tchr, Lincoln HS & grade schs; 1916-17 prin Wahoo HS; 1919-27 prin Scottsbluff HS; 1927-28 supt Lake Alice1 consolidated schs; 1928-34 supt of schs, Minatare; 1934- supt of schs, Cambridge; during World War ent US army Dec 28, 1917 stationed at Kelly Field Tex, Fort Omaha, Fort Crook, Fort Arcadia Cal; served 13 mos, disch as 2nd lt; Amer Leg; NSTA, past pres dist 6; C of C; past pres Rotary; active in BSA work; AF&AM 209; Congl Ch; hobbies, BSA work, home & family; res Cambridge.

   1Lake Alice consolidated sch is North of Scottsbluff.

   WARNER, OTTO: Retired; b Achern Baden, Germany Nov 19, 1868; s of Fredolin Warner-Mary Fallert; ed Germany; m Leonie Kammerer Aug 26, 1897 Arapahoe; s Robert Otto; d Hilda Irene (Mrs Ross Snyder), Helen Mary Alice; with parents came to U S in 1885; 1891-1921 farmed near Holbrook; 1921- ret, owns 2 sections of land; during World War active in Liberty Loan drives; VP Security State Bank; helped org Farmers Co-op Elevator & Oil Co; mbr sch bd dist 75 several years; Comml Club; St Germanis Cath Ch; hobby, travel, in 1928 made a 3 mos visit to Germany; res Holbrook.

   WARNER, RALPH NEWELL: Farmer & Stockman; b Hendley, Neb Nov 30, 1894; s of George McClure Warner-Eliza Wornom; ed Beaver City HS; m Nellie Margaret Orr May 23, 1917 Hendley; s Ralph Newell Jr, Dale Orr, Jerry Dean; d Flora Marie; 1913-17 with father on farm; 1917- indep farmer of 170 A of land, also ext cattle & sheep feeder; Furnas Co commr; mbr sch bd; Beaver-Sappa Power & Irrigation Dist, dir S W Neb Assn of Co Clks & Commrs; Rep; hobbies, hunting, pinochle; office Courthouse; res, Beaver City.

   WILKINSON, JOSEPH PAUL: Pharmacist; b Wood River, Neb Nov 2, 1895; s of John Charles Wilkinson-Anna Mary Coyle; ed Wood River HS 1913; Highland Park Coll, PhG 1914; Creighton U 1915-16; 1919-20 mgr drug stores at Holbrook & Wilcox; 1920-30 mgr Preston Drug Store, Oxford; 1930- owner & opr Preston Drug Store, Oxford, also has complete line of electrical appliances & paint; 1931-36 mgr Oxford semiprofessional ball club; during World War ent US army med corps as sgt 1917, stationed in Allentown Penn & White Plains N Y, gen hosp 38, disch White Plains N Y 1919 as 1st lt; now 1st lt chemical warfare res; Neb Pharm Assn; Rotary; C of C; St Mary's Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, baseball, football; res Oxford.

   ZIEME, ALVA: County Judge; b Furnas Co, Neb June 29, 1892; s of Gotlieb Zieme-Sophia Wente; ed Beaver City HS 1914; LaSalle Extn U, Chicago; 1914-17 farmed in Furnas Co; 1919-20 salesman for Omaha Companies; 1920-33 farmed & assisted Furnas Co agrl agt; first chmn of Furnas Co AAA; 1935 apptd Furnas Co judge to fill vacancy; 1936- Furnas Co judge by election; during World War ent US army Dec 4, 1917 stationed at Fort Omaha; disch Jan 15, 1919; Amer Leg 28; AF&AM 93; OES 197; Amer Balloon Corps Veterans; C of C; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, photography, has exhibited pictures in Joslyn Memorial contest & Frederick Nelson Salon where pictures were exhibited from every country in world; pictures have also been in Omaha World Herald & in Denver Post; office Courthouse; res Beaver City.

   ZIKE, GOLDEN GLEN: Oil Dealer; b Edison, Neb Aug 18, 1900; s of William A Zike-Flora Virginia Hill; ed Exira Ia HS 1917; Ia St Coll, KSTC; Capital City Comml Coll; Theta Delta Chi; 1926-28 HS tchr, Edison; 1928- in oil bus, Edison; mbr sch bd; during World War ent US army Oct 1918, stationed at Ames Ia, disch Dec 1918; pres Comml Club; Dem, pct committeeman; hobby, reading; res Edison.




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