Business Directory for the city of Hudson,

Columbia County, New York

from Boyd's Business Directory of 1869-70


Pages 345 & 349


[Transcribed by Susan Stalker Mulvey]




HUDSON, Columbia County.


     Columbia county formed April 4, 1786.  Hudson lies upon the east bank of the river by that name, 115 miles from New York and 29 from Albany.  The manufactures are extensive, consisting principally of iron.  Hudson was incorporated as a city in 1785.  Population about 10,000.  Upon the summit of a bluff overlooking the river, a public square and a broad street, or promenade, have been laid out and ornamented with trees and shrubbery.  Fine views are here afforded of the city, the river, and of the country on the opposite shore, with the Catskill Mountains in the background.  The Hudson and Boston railway extends from here to West Stockbridge in Mass., connecting at Chatham with the Western railway (Mass.), and at West Stockbridge with the Housatonic railway.  From Athens, on the opposite side of the river, a railway has recently been completed to Schenectady, connecting with the New York Central railway, principally for the conveyance of freight, in connection with river navigation to and from the West.  There are 4 academies and colleges, 2 libraries, 10 churches, 5 newspapers, 4 banks, a gas light company, &c., &c.

     CITY GOVERNMENT,--Jacob W. Hoysradt, Mayor.  Theodore Snyder, Recorder, Aldermen, 1st Ward--John T. Burdwin, William H. Perry.  2d Ward--John S. Ray, M. Hoffman, Philip.  3rd Ward--Charles A. Dingman, William H. Van Tasel.  4th Ward--Charles C. Malcher, Stephen W. Ham.  William Bryan, Clerk.   


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Monell & Van Wyck, lawyers, 240 Warren Smith G. H. ins. agent, 163 Warren
Morris R. H. (Morris & Clark), Public square Smith Henry, dentist, 337 Warren
Moore Wm. cooper, Fleet cor. Water Smith H. Lyle, physician, 94 Warren
Morris Wm. R. variety store, 4 Warren SMITH J. A. manager A & P Telegraph Co. office at Hudson News Co. 173 Warren
Morris & Clark (R. H. Morris and J. M. Clark), boot manufacturer, Public square Smith Mary A. milliner, 280 Warren
Mulvein J. & Bro. plumbers, 216 Warren Smith Philip, grocer, Columbia c. Eighth
Munson M. T. coal, State corner Seventh Smith R. J. restaurant, 338 Warren
Myers Charles M. crockery, 305 Warren Snyder A. J. watchmaker, 160 Warren
Nack John, carriage trimmer, 192 Warren Snyder Theodore, lawyer, 173 Warren
Nadel B. clothier, 123 Warren Speed Burgess Mrs. Shirtmaker, Fifth n. Warren
National Hudson River Bank, S. A. Du Bois, pres't; A. B. Scott, cashier; 99 Warren Spencer F. P. hatter, 283 Warren
Nelson L. W. & Co. gas fitters, 213 Warren Spencer, William H. fancy goods and engraver, 285 Warren
Newkirk J. C. (Newkirk & Chace), 305½ Warren St. Charles Hotel, Wm. H. Van Tassle, prop. 34 Columbia
Newkirk & Chace (J. C. Newkirk and A. F. B. Chace), lawyers, 305½ Warren Steel C. L. paper hangings, 222 Warren
Newman A. P. milliner, 312 Warren Stephens A. gunsmith, 285 Warren
Nicholson Wm. marble yard, 29 Allen Stoddard Wm. B. printer, 131 Warren
O'CONNELL WM. plumber and gas fitter, 168 Warren Storm James, lawyer, 322 Warren
Olcott E. H. cooper, State cor. N. Fifth Storrs George, druggist, City Hall
O'Neal James P. insurance agent, 173 Warren Strauss Jacob (Strauss & Dosenheim), 303 Warren
O'Sullivan J. S. Rev. pastor St. Mary's R. C. church Strauss & Dosenheim (J. Strauss and N. Dosenheim), dry goods, 303 Warren
PALEN J. G. postmaster, City Hall Swartz S. M. hats, trunks, &c. 309 Warren
Parker Wm. ice dealer, Mill Sylvester Marks, clothier, 333 Warren
Parkman H. D. jeweler, 104 Warren Teal John, boots, 328 Warren
Parmenter R. H. bookseller, 173 Warren Ten Broeck J. (Ten Broeck & Carpenter), 10 South Front
PAYNE, attorney and counselor at law, 188 Warren Ten Broeck & Carpenter (J. Ten Broeck and W. H. Carpenter), manufacturers of soda, &c., 10 South Front
Payne, George M. grocer, 2 Warren Terry & Vosburgh, dry goods, 151 Warren
Peck Darius, lawyer, 104½ Warren Thomas Moses E. crockery, 17 Columbia
PECK HORACE R. attorney and counselor at law 104½ Warren Thomas Soloman, tin and sheet iron, 20 Columbia
Peck H. R. (M. H. Philip & Co.) 44 Columbia Thomas Wm. (Thomas & Roe), 67 Warren
PECK WILLARD, attorney and counselor at law, 104½ Warren Thomas & Roe (Wm. Thomas and J. H. Roe), grocers, 67 Warren
Persons C. sewing machines, 185 Warren Thompson Thomas, cooper, Academy hill
Perry W. H. restaurant, 101 Warren Thornton & Van Valkenburgh, mineral water manufacturers, 24 Allen
PHILIP J. insurance agent, 164 Warren Tiffany Edward (Tiffany & Edwards), 323 Warren
PHILIP JORDAN, proprietor Hudson Tea Co., 164 Warren Tiffany & Edwards (E. Tiffany and S. Edwards), druggists, 323 Warren
PHILIP M. H. & CO. (H. R. Peck), rectifiers and distillers, 44 Columbia Tilden A. insurance agent, 327 Warren
Phillips Frank, butcher, 345 Warren Tobey S. W. (C. W. Hinsdale & Co.), 305 Warren
Phillips & Gillespie, grocers, 141 Warren Tobey Silas W. paints, 297½ Warren
Pitcher Wm. H. physician, 180 Warren Tomlinson Charles W. Rev. pastor Universalist church
Plank Philo, dry goods, 325 Warren Tompkins Charles, hatter, 100 Warren
Potts Lewis, grocer, 161 Warren Townsend & Geiger's marble works, 238 Warren
Potts P. F. (Potts & Sheldon), 326 Warren Traver W. I. & Son (W. H. Traver), lumber yard and steam planing-mills, corner Fourth and Diamond
Potts & Sheldon, (P. E. Potts & H. Sheldon), grocers, 326 Warren Turner H. C. milliner, 85 Warren
Power Geo. H. pres't Hudson Iron Co. South Bay Tynan Thomas, blacksmith, 12 N. Fourth
PUNDERSON & TIFFANY, patent medicines and manufs. of Punderson's Condition Powders, 323 Warren Ubrig Jacob, hairdresser, 342 Warren
Rainey & Tilley, clothiers, Warren e. Fourth Van Beck, Wm. hairdresser, 191 Warren
Reed T. confectionery, 301 Warren Van Deusen H. B. grocer, 127 Warren
REMINGTON, R. M. & CO. (C. Carpenter), coal dealers, 20 Warren VAN DEUSEN PETER, leather, findings, wool, &c., public square
Reynolds Allen, leather dealer, 19 Columbia Van Deusen S. & C. A. pork packers, public sqr.
Rifenbergh A. jeweler, 283 Warren Van Ness Sherman (Bogardus & Van Ness), 65 Diamond
Rivenburgh Jacob M. grocer, 72 Warren Van Tassle Wm. H. St. Charles hotel, 34 Columbia
Rockfellow Allen, mer. tailor, 330 Warren Van Valkenburgh Chas. H. grocer, State corner N. Fifth
Roe J. H. (Thomas & roe), 67 Warren Wagoner A. undertaker, 286 Warren
Rogers Henry, grocer, 204 Warren Wardle J. K. M. D., druggist, Front c. Warren
Rogers Walter, Hudson House n. R. R. depot Waring George, jeweler, 257 Warren
Rogers Walter, jr., saloon, 42 Front Warsher A. clothing, 55 Warren
Rogerson Jas. C. (Rogerson & Gray), 335 Warren Waterbury E. (Millard & Waterbury), Second corner Chapel
Rogerson & Gray (J. C. Rogerson and R. Gray), hardware, 335 Warren Waterman Jacob, bakery, 225 Warren
Roraback E. A. rectifier, 344 Warren Wattles Alfred (House & Wattles), 322 Warren
Roraback U. Harnessmaker, 314 Warren WEBB ALEXANDER N. printer, 327 Warren
Rossman L. J. (Rossman & Yager), Warren cor. Fourth Webb Isaac I. tailor, Public square
Rossman & McKinstry, druggist, 329 Warren Webb F. H. (Bryan & Web), 100 Warren
Rossman & Yager (L. J. Rossman and C. E. Yager), druggists, Warren cor. Fourth Weiss Samuel, clothier, 347 Warren
Rote Henry, grocer, 270 Warren WELCH JOHN M. attorney and counselor-at-law, 305 ½Warren
Rowe E. A. boots, 317½Warren Wells, Thos. O. furniture, 288 Warren
Rowles Bros, confectioners, 169 Warren Welch W. dry goods, 163 Warren
Rowley Alex S. com. of deeds, w. side Pub. sqr. Westcott S. leather, 260 Warren
Rundell Jeremiah, vinegar manuf. Allen n. Front Western Union Telegraph Co., Stephen Lawrence, manager, 178 Warren
Ryder B. H. milliner, 289 Warren Wheeler Abram, saloon, Public square, E.
Sackett C. grocer, 10 Warren Wheeler John P. Physician, 141 Warren
Schiffer Jacob, saloon, 196 warren Wheeler Ralph, jeweler, 297 Warren
Scism Wm. saloon, 105 Warren WHITBECK A. McK. physician, 213 Warren
Scott A. B. cashier, Nat. Hudson River Bank, 99 Warren Whitbeck John V. lawyer, 168 Warren
Shaller Frederick, watchmaker, Public square Whitbeck Volkerk, physician, 220 Warren
Shattuck F. W. boots, 330 Warren Whitfield S. A. carriage mnfr., Fifth cor. Union
Shaw & Coventry, grocers, 187 Warren White Joseph, grocer, 343 Warren
Sheldon H. (Potts & Sheldon), 326 Warren White R. H. (Du Bois & White), 339 Warren
SHELDON J. dentist, 329 Warren Wight Wm. H. dry goods, 149 Warren
Shepard Robert B. cashier First Nat. Bank of Hudson, 167 Warren Williams M. Parker (Williams & Clark), editor Daily Register and Weekly Gazette, Central square
Silberston M. (Silberston & Co.), 295 Warren Winans Edward, prop'r City Hall House, 158 Warren
Silberston & Co. (M. Silberston and M. Simons), dry goods, 295 Warren Winchell C. L. billiards, Public square
Simons Morris (Silberston & Co.), 295 Warren Wolfe Henry, dry goods 205 Warren
Simons Morris, clothiers, 337 Warren Worth House, C. H. Miller, 81 Warren
Skinner W. B. dry goods, 144 Warren Woulfe Man ice, grocer, 198 Warren
Sluyter Willard, grocer, 33 Warren Wronski Jacob, clothing, 341 Warren
Smith Cornell, physician, 265 Warren Yager C. E. (Rossman & Yager), Warren corner Fourth