

New Lebanon, Columbia Co.

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A village on the Harlem extension Railroad, 17 miles form Chatham.  Here is located the extensive works of Messrs. Tilden & Co. manufacturers, phamaceutists and chemists, whose preparations have a world wide reputation.  Messrs. Kendall & Col, have a large barometer and thermometer manufactory here.  Mr. Tilden has just completed a fine building, at a cost of over $40,000, which is to be opened as a hotel.  The Mount Lebanon Shaker settlement is about half a mile east of New Lebanon.

Bacon, C. W., produce dealer, Main

Bates, X., physician, Main

Delevan, Misses, Delevan school, Main

Gale & Hull, harness makers, Main

Jackson, James, blacksmith, Main

Kendall, G. B., agent H. E. R. R. Depot

KENDALL, JOHN & CO., Manufrs of barometers and thermometers, Main [see adv.]

LEONARD, P. E., dry goods, &c, also postmaster, Main

Murdock, John, flour and produce, Main

Shaw, T. D., telegraph operator, Main

Sullivan, John, saloon, Main

TILDEN & CO., manufacturing chemists, Main, and 176 William, New York City.

  New Lebanon Centre, Columbia Co.

Abbot, Myron S., saloon

Adams, Joseph, flour mill

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Bacon, C. W., postmaster

Hines, John, blacksmith

Nelson, James S., tailor and groceries

O'Brien, Richard, boots and shoes

Quade, Edmund, boots and shoes

Richmond, Simeon H. & Co., stoves, tin, &c.

Salmon, George P., physician

Spaulding Grace Mrs., milliner