By Captain Franklin Ellis124





     The Hudson post-office was established March 20, 1793, at which time the first postmaster of the city, Cotton Gelston, received his appointment.  He kept the office in his store on Warren Street, where now is the paint-shop of John T. Burdwin.  Although in political sentiment he was an extreme Federalist, he continued to hold the position of postmaster for more than a year after the inauguration of Mr. Jefferson.

     Capt. Alexander Coffin, the second postmaster of Huson, and as strong a Democrat as his predecessor had been a Federalist, was appointed April 1, 1802, and remained in undisturbed possession of the place for seven years under Jefferson and through the eight years of Madison's administration, was re-appointed by Monroe, June 16, 1818, and held until within two months of the inauguration of John Quincy Adams; the total period of his incumbency having been nearly twenty-three years.  When first appointed, Capt. Coffin located the office in his frame house, which stood on the present site of the residence of Mrs. Boies, on the north side of Warren street.  Afterwards (prior to his re-appointment) he removed it to the south side of the street, the present premises of Mr. C. Carpenter, where it was continued during the remainder of his term.

     William H. Coffin was appointed postmaster January 1, 1825, and held the office until May, 1833, through the entire administration of Adams and the first term of General Jackson.  Under him the post-office was located in Stevens & Coffin's crockery-store, on the north side of Warren street, nearly opposite the Hudson River Bank.

     Solomon Wescott, the fourth incumbent of the office, received his first appointment May 9, 1833, under President Jackson.  He was re-appointed under the same administration, February 20, 1837, and again re-appointed under Van Buren, February 27, 1841, but held the place only about one year after his last re-appointment.  During his postermasterhip the office was located on Warren street, south side, the present residence of Mrs. R. W. Evans.

     Justus McKinstry succeeded Mr. Wescott, the date of his appointment being March 14, 1842, under President Tyler.  he first located the office in the building now owned by Mr. Robert Hirst, but afterwards removed it to the premises of Mr. Paul; both these locations being on the south side of Warren street.

     Paul D. Carrique, the successor of Mr. McKinstry, was appointed under President Polk, May 1, 1845.  During his four years' term the location of the office was the same as under Mr. Solomon Wescott.

Robert A. Barnard, the seventh postmaster of Hudson, was appointed under General Taylor, April 12, 1849.  The office was kept by Mr. Barnard in the place which it last occupied under Postmaster McKinstry.

John S. Anable received his appointment under President Pierce, May 4, 1853, and located the office in the lower floor of the building now occupied by the Hudson Register.

      Henry C. Miller was made postmaster by appointment dated May 3, 1853.  Office in the Hirst building, where first kept by McKinstry.

     John S. Anable was re-appointed July 13, 1855, and returned the office to the Register building.

     H. C. Miller received a second appointment June 12, 1856, and a third on the 28th of May, 1860.  During these terms the business of the office was done, first in the Hirst block, and afterwards in the Odd-Fellows' building, adjoining the premises now occupied by George L. Little.

     Joseph G. Palen became postmaster of Hudson under President Lincoln, April 5, 1861, and was re-appointed under Johnson, June 9, 1865.  He continued the office at the place where it was last kept by Mr. Miller.

     It was during Mr. Palen's first term that the Hudson money-order office was instituted, Oct. 1, 1864.

     Hiram W. Dixon was appointed postmaster Oct. 5, 1866, and the location of the office was not removed by him.

     Joseph G. Palen received his third appointment March 15, 1867.  During this term he removed the post-office to the City Hall building,--corner of Warren street and City Hall place,--where it has continued to be kept until the present time.

     Jacob W. Hoysradt received his first appointment as postmaster under President Grant, April 19, 1869, and was re-appointed in the second term of the same President, March 12, 1873.

     William Bryan, the present postmaster of Hudson, was appointed to the office March 1, 1877.