My Dear William,

Let me make the addition of my love in thy sister letter may inform thee I have been generally well – feel more now than usually poorly but hope a little rest will restore me. I have often my Dear thought of thee with desires that though might be preserved in and through this world of fluctuation – for the more one looks into it – the more fitly it will appear comparable to a sea of [missing] on which great love is need to be taken. [section missing] step –and I think my dear thy [missing] is too much absorbed in thy new proposed plans, -- for wealth when pursued in moderation and used with prudence is and may be productive of comfort to its possession and a blessing to others as it is rightly appliyed – But I hope it may always be a secondary devotion with me and mine – seek first my lovely boy the Kingdom of Heaven and the righteousness thereof and all things needful will be added – pleas to mention my love to my Dear Cousins and accept it largely thy self from thy very affectionate Mother—Mercy Ellis

Addressed to William Cox Ellis, No. 98 Arch Street, Philadelphia

Jan 5th