French Democracy is in a state of decay. Easy money which flowed into the devastated areas overwhelmed the ethical standards of many of the Deputies. The reaction against corruption, which involves the honor of some high in office, is bitter. Colonel de la Rocque and his Croix de Feu, the powerful Fascist group, stage Armistice Day demonstration in historic Faubourg St. Antoine, whence sprang the mob that stormed the Bastille in the French Revolution.

A convention of extreme American radicals was called in Chicago, in September, 1919, made up of left-wing members of the old Socialist Party and other radicals. It was here that the Communist Party of America was born. It was a branch of the Communist International.

Former service men and the American people, during the years following the war, have become increasingly aware of destructive influences working to undermine fundamental American principles—the principles of government which the American soldier fought to preserve. These influences are seen in determined efforts to set class against class, worker against employer, regardless of the fact that they may lead to the bloody horrors of internal war. An early warning of major importance came from Calvin Coolidge, then President of the United States on September 7, 1923.


"The Constitution is not self-perpetuating. If it is to survive, it will be because it has public support. Such support is not a passive, but an active, operation. It means making adequate sacrifice to maintain what is of public benefit.

"The Constitution of the United States is the final refuge of every right that is enjoyed by an American citizen.

"So long as it is observed, those rights will be secure. Whenever it falls into disrespect or disrepute, the end of orderly organized government as we have known it for more than one hundred and twenty-five years, will be at hand.

"The Constitution represents a government of law. There is only one other form of authority, and that is a government of force.

"Americans must make their choice between these two. One signifies justice and liberty; the other tyranny and oppression."


In January of 1931 the Congressional Committee consisting of Congressmen Hamilton J. Fish, Jr., Carl G. Bachmann, Edward E. Eslick, and Robert S. Hall, appointed to investigate communistic propaganda in the United States, submitted its report. The following extracts are from House Report 2290, 71st Congress, 3d Session.


"At a meeting of the American commission of the Comintern, at Moscow, in the month of May, 1929, Stalin delivered two speeches, which the soviet press was careful not to divulge until January, 1930 ("Communist International," Russian edition, March 20, 1930). Stalin stated:

'I consider that the Communist Party of the United States is one of the few Communist Parties to which history has given decisive tasks from the point of view of the world revolutionary movement. The revolutionary crisis has not yet reached the United States, but we already have knowledge of numerous facts which suggest that it is approaching.

'It is necessary that the American Communist Party should be capable of meeting the moment of crisis fully equipped to take the direction of future class wars in the United States. You must prepare for that, comrades, with all your strength and by every means; you must constantly improve and bolshevize the American Communist Party. You must forge real revolutionary cadres and leaders of the proletariat who will be capable of leading the millions of American workers toward the revolutionary class wars.'

"The communists in the United States openly admit their allegiance to the Communist International at Moscow, and glory in the fact that they obey all the orders issued from there immediately and implicitly.

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