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209 Seventh Buffalo
Oct 14, 1888

You had better let W
see this letter

Dear Mother

How do you enjoy living in town? You have been at home long enough to know some things about it. The letter which told of your moving and getting settled was a most interesting one. The neighbors were very good, and it seems to me you must be pleasantly surrounded. I want to hear how Skip et al are accommadated. She ought to have a good place if it can be found. Have you a good renter? I suppose Lena is with you.

The rain yesterday put a {quietus?} on my plan to visit the Falls, so I am at home today rather than there. Miss Bender, the teacher of Physiology in the H.S. and my co-laborer with the Phys. {lycog.?} classes was to go with me out as my guide and find entertainment for me with a friend of hers who has a "very English" boarding house on the Canadian side. We plan to go the first clear Sat that comes. You needn't fear the charms of Miss B., she is plenty old enough, and I am safe with her. She is a delightful friend to have, just the same.

Last Wednesday afternoon she swiggled me into the Medical College (where she is attending lectures) and gave me a seat beside her during the lecture which was by Dr. Horseley, of London, one of the most celebrated Eng. surgeons. He talked on the diagnosis of diseases of the brain,-a very intricate and difficult subject to set before a novice like me, but he handled it adimirably in the hour that was allotted him, and I got a great deal of good from seeing his methods of presenting the subject and the way he handled chalk. The amphitheater was crowded with students and doctors who were anxious to hear this distinguished visitor. I thought Miss B. did very well to give me such a good chance.

There is nothing new. It rains right along just the same as it has been doing for the last two wks. We begin to grow familiar with dripping trees and clouds and puddles in the streets, and I think we would miss the rain very much if it should stop for a day or so-might feel like fish out of water-I don't want it to stop-it makes everything so dry and rough. I don't like to have the sun shine-it is so warm, and it makes everything so dry. That's the way we all feel now. Yesterday some fellow changed umbrellas with me in a barber shop and left me a cotton affair with one rib broken so that it lopped beautifully. I am that proud and stuck up, that I walked hours in the rain with that umbrella for a cover (I didn't know I was putting so much poetical inspiration into those two lines, all unintentional.) I thought I would rather be seen bathed in the crystal dews of the bountious skies than walking under such an disreputable canopy as that umbrella.

I have spent two nights out this wk. Wednesday evening went calling on Mr. Delafield, the artist who rooms and boards here. Talked with his aunts and played parchesi. Thursday at six P.M. I dined with Orlando Ayers, and then spent the evening in his room at the Tifft House. Friday night, I went to the Library & Reading Room & think it was rather the best night of the three. - All things considered,- still I must see more of society.

Libraian Fletcher of Amherst gave me letters of introduction to the Supt. of the Buff. Library. Mr. Larned and to Mr. Putnam, one of the bookish men of the city who has a son at Amherst. I have met them both & they seem very pleasant to me. How much real profit I shall get from their acquaintances remains to be seen.

Dr. Pohlman of the Nat. Science Soc. has asked me to write a paper for the Soc. some time during the {winter?}. He says I may think the thing over, choose my own subject-& give it just as popular a {unreadable} as I please. I didn't give him much encouragement. {Then? or I ken?} so much about the learning of Mr. Rinden, my professor, that I don't want to seem ambitious to be considered a wise man like him. Those who knew him seem to expect a great deal of me. Dr. P. however encourages me by saying that Rinden was very superficial but had the "gift of gab" wonderfully developed. I imagine he & Dr. P. were somewhat rivals. I told Dr. P. that I made no pretensions to profound knowledge & that my work in the H. S. is new to me- mostly.

Now what do you & father think I out to do about this Society business?

Went to the {Covy.?} Ch. this A.M. found two of my girls there & they introduced me to their fathers one of them the pastor Rev. Mr. Fitch. I was very well {unreadable possibly: treated?} and liked Mr. F. This ch. has the name of the most social ch. in the city. - about 300 members.

Well, I wish I could drop in on you for the evening. I hope it is pleasant in the new house. Remember me very heartily to the Gregorys Calloways & Griffiths and all other good people.

With much love,

Dr. Anderson says he had "a real good letter" from you. Didn't say what was real good.

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