BioM: Kiedrowski, Marguerite Ann (1975)

Transcriber: Stan

Surnames: Brockman, Kiedrowski, Johnson, Kopmeier, Grube, Jungen, Komasa, Heitzinger

----Source: Tribune/Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 07 Jan 1976

Kiedrowski, Marguerite Ann (27 Dec 1975)

The Rev. Vaughn Brockman officiated for the wedding ceremony of Marguerite Ann Kiedrowski and Douglas Lee Johnson at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Stevens Point, Saturday, December 27, 1975.

Dr. and Mrs. C. Kiedrowski, Stevens Point, are the parents of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Evert Johnson, Route 1, Unity, are the parents of the bridegroom.

The bride, given in marriage by her parents, selected Mrs. John Kopmeier Jr. as her maid of honor. Mrs. Duane Grube was her bridesmaid.

Mark Jungen was ben man, and Frank A. Kiedrowski was groomsman. Duane Grube and John Kiedrowski were ushers.

John Komasa was organist and Robert Heitzinger sang during the 12:30 p.m. ceremony.

A recpeetion and dinner followed at the Whiting Motor Hotel.

Mrs. Johnson is a graduate of Maria High School and the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point.

The bridegroom graduated from Colby High School and the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point.

The couple will live in Overland Park, Kansas.



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