Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

April 16, 2014, Page 11

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

 April 1869


An “April Fool Snow” arrived and we were somewhat surprised that morning to see a furious snowstorm raging. We had been thinking nothing but summer, but alas for the rarity.  All day long the storm raged with more fury that at any time during the winter months and at night about a foot of snow had fallen.  The storm was the most disagreeable of any that we had during the winter.  Some pretend to say that sugar making will be brisk now and we have no wish to dispute their assertion.                                                                                            


Our very late spring is proving a loss to the farmers.  One year ago, wheat was sown in this county during the last of March.  The recent snowfall is fast disappearing.  The frost is not yet out of the ground and so plowing has not been done.


“Allow me to state that in town 28 and 29, range four west, also in town 28 three range west, there are about 7,000 acres of vacant University land, the richest soil in the State.  It is well watered and can all be cultivated.  The topography of the same is exceedingly favorable for agriculture purposes.  It is gently undulating and has an abundance of timber consisting of sugar maple, butternut, hickory, cherry, oak, elm and basswood.  The underbrush where there is any, is composed mostly of hazel and plum trees. The greater portion of this land is in town 28 range four west, between the Wolf and Eau Claire Rivers, both streams having many good water powers, are about four miles apart and have upon their banks a large growth of pine timber.


The University lands are sold at $1.25 per acre, of which 10 per cent is required to be paid down for certificate and the balance to be paid in ten years at the Land Office in Madison, Wis. “O. R. Dahl, State Agent”


(The above land being referred to would have been in the Township of Worden.  At that time, Cornell University owned plots of timberland here and there throughout Clark County. DZ)    


In attempting to run the “Angles” on Black River with a raft of square timber recently, as we have learned, five men were swept into the water by the raft when it struck a rock.  Four of them found refuge upon a rock projecting above the water and the other rafts-man, Sam Visno floated down the river to a log jam, where he succeeded in getting out very much exhausted.  The men upon the rock were compelled to stay there until the next morning, when they were rescued from their dangerous position by another raft brought close enough for them to leap upon it.


The largest log jam ever known on Black River was formed this spring on an island near Eaton’s Mill about 18 miles north of here.  The jam was three or four miles long and the amount of logs it contained were estimated, by competent judges, to be about 75,000,000 or 80,000,000 feet!  The jam was continually augmented by logs coming down the stream from the Popple River.  In some places it was twenty to thirty feet high with great, huge logs that were thrown together by the force of the current, in every conceivable shape, many of them standing on end above the surface of the water.  A crew of about forty men was kept constantly at work for several days to break the jam, who finally succeeded in getting the logs started and they came down filling the river for miles as full as it could hold, striking against rocks, thumping against each other, and creating a confused noise that would make a person think that all the timber in the upper Black River country has been put afloat and was causing fearful destruction along the whole river. 


In the absence of any millinery establishment here, Miss Mary Bacon has bought and just received a new and splendid stock of bonnets, hats, flowers, trimming and such to accommodate the ladies in this vicinity.  Her shop is at her father’s residence, Mr. Orson Bacon, where she will be please to receive her customers, who will also be pleased at the variety and style of goods.                                                                                          


Headquarters for Lumbermen is at L. R. Stafford, Staffordville, Wis.  General Dealer in Merchandise, wholesale & retail;

Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of: Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Ready-made clothing, Hardware & Largest Stock of Lumbermen’s Supplies in Clark County.


Also connected with the establishment, a large and extensive Flour & Feed Store & Grain Warehouse; Hay, Oats, Wheat & Feed; Bought & Sold at Fair prices.


Lumber, Lath & Shingles Always on Hand, Also Ox Yokes and Ox Bows in all sizes and descriptions, Wagon Blacksmith Shops.  The Pioneer Harness Shop with a large stock of Leather & Harness Trimmings.


Hotel Accommodations and Billiard Hall & Barber Shop connected.


L. R. Stafford, Proprietor, 1 mile North of Neillsville.


April 1944


A modern telephone building for Neillsville will eventually be constructed on the plot just south of the present Gambles Store, according to the intention of William L. Smith, manager of the Badger State Telephone and Telegraph Co.  Mr. Smith in reply to a question asked Tuesday evening, state his purpose to be, to erect such a building during his lifetime, and to make it worthy of the community.  Failure to construct such a building earlier was due to the depression, Mr. Smith said, with its seriously adverse effect on revenues.


This information was given at the conclusion of an address made by Mr. Smith at the Rotary club.  He added that the site in question, long owned by the Telephone Company, could be sold for other uses very readily, but it is being held as an ideal site for a telephone building.


Mr. Smith stated that the inability to build some years ago may turn out to have been a blessing, for the type of building needs to fit the nature of the equipment that is now used.


The pressure for this new equipment may come from the increasing cost of manual operation. Up to this time the telephone company, using the manual system, has been able to maintain a minimum rate of 30 cents per hour for employment. That rate will be stepped up to 40 cents in the not distant future, by regulation of the wage and hour’s division of the federal administration has suggested a minimum rate of 50 cents per hour.        


Marriage Licenses--Lester Buttke, Town of Cleveland, Jackson County, and Lillian Anklam, Town of York; Leo Geiger, Town of Mayville, and Dorothy Kroenig, Town of Mayville.           


Mrs. Albert Holt gave a 6 o’clock dinner party Saturday evening in honor of her daughter, Nancy, whose fifth birthday occurred on March 30.  Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson, Mrs. Ellen Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Dorn and son, Terry.                                                           


John M. Peterson alleges that he recently dug a parsnip 38 inches long.  This parsnip was grown on the garden back of Mr. Peterson’s place across from the courthouse.  The parsnips were is a spot, which had been covered with an old manure pile, and they all did well.  Mr. Peterson covered them liberally with leaves in the fall.  The ground under the leaves did not freeze and he dug the long parsnip two or three weeks ago.


Frosty Kurth, learning about the long parsnip, sent Mr Peterson a facetious souvenir, which seemed to raise a question about the possibility of a parsnip growing to a length of 38 inches and especially of being dug out of unfrozen ground in the latter part of March.  Mr. Kurth doubts whether ground can be kept unfrozen in this way.


However, Dr. J. H. Brooks used that method of storing vegetables commonly and he says it works well.  When fall comes, he covers such vegetables as carrots or beet with an ample quantity of leaves.  The leaves, if held in place, will prevent the vegetables from freezing and will keep them fresh and good.  This, Dr. Brooks says, makes it possible to have fresh vegetables right from the garden in the dead of winter.  All that needs be done is to remove the leaves and dig in the unfrozen ground.                                                                                               


A new worry came to the dairy industry of Clark County this week when it became evident that licensed cheesemakers under age 26 have no preferred claim for deferment.  Up to this time, the local selective service board, having an understanding of the urgency of the service of cheesemakers I n this dairy region, has been able to retain in the county sufficient help to handle the milk production in the factories, but now the local draft board has no authority to defer men under 26, unless they are directly engaged in farm production.  Young licensed cheesemakers appear at this time to have no better standing than any other non-farm boys.                                                                      


August Herman Dux died at home in Pine Valley Sunday. April 9, 1944.  Mr. Dux was born in Germany April 12, 1866 and came to this country at the age of six.  One year he lived at West Bend, Wis., and the remaining years on his farm in Pine Valley. 


He was confirmed in the Lutheran faith April 24, 1881, in the Town of Grant by the Rev. H. Fisher and was united in marriage to Minnie Seelow in Pine Valley June 7, 1895.


He is survived by his wife and one son, Arthur, residing on the home farm, and two daughters, Lillie, Mrs. Gust Carl of Pine Valley and Helen, Mrs. Ernest Carl, of Nekoosa; and eight grandchildren: Virginia Dux, Florence, Herman, Eileen, Jeanette and Evelyn Carl of Pine Valley; and Donald and Lawrence Carl of Nekoosa.


Funeral services will be be conducted on his birthday, Wednesday, April 12, 1:30 p.m. at the farm home and 2 p.m. from the Zion Lutheran Church of Pine Valley, the Rev. John Langholz of Loyal officiating.


Mr. Dux had lied for 70 years on his farm.  He had been a trustee of the church ever since its organization in 1901, being one of the charter members.                                                                      


Sheriff Ray Kutsche last week appointed Frank Dobes, of the Town of Levis, Undersheriff of Clark County.  Mr. Dobes has been a supervisor of the Town of Levis for ten years and has been employed for several years by Allen Covell, county forester.  Mr. Dobes is about 45 years of age and owns and operates a farm in the Town of Levis.


Eugene Short has purchased the Kleckner farm in the Town of Grant, with all implements and stock.  This was the former John Dietrich farm.                                                                            


Joe Cardarelle has traded the house on West Fifth Street, which he purchased some time ago from the Charles Campbell estate, for the Mrs. Bert Dresden building on West Sixth Street, where the Exchange Store is located.  Mrs. Dresden expects to move soon to her new home.                                                 


Congratulations and best wished from friends and relatives near and far were received by E. A. Beeckler Wednesday evening as he quietly observed his 90th birthday anniversary at his home with a dinner party attended by members of his immediate family and a few close friends.


Mr. Beeckler, who early in life showed a fondness for study, acquired a teacher’s certificate when very young and after teaching in the country schools of Sheboygan County for a few years, then came to Clark County, where he was engaged to teach in the schools in the Town of Lynn for several years.


When the local school district board found it necessary to enlarge their school building, soon after it organization 77 years ago and to employ two teachers, Mr. Beeckler was engaged to conduct the classes in the upper room.


Since that time the name of Beeckler has been closely connected with educational groups in this county.


Mr. Beeckler settled on a farm near the village and his daughters were all teachers in various rural and village schools in the county; now three of his granddaughters are teaching.              


Roy Olson and Ed Bauman will conduct the sheep shearing school to be held in Clark County May 3 and 4.  Location and times of meeting are: May 3, Phillip Capelle farm; May 4, William Tucker farm.  Both of these farms are located near Loyal.                                                                                                  


Twelve million men in occupied Europe are said to be awaiting the invasion.  Word had gone to them, and they will be prepared to strike when the signal is given.  It is evident that the time cannot be far distant.


Ben Frantz had made a final report for contributions of Clark County to the March of Dimes, aid for victims of infantile paralysis.  The total received from coin boxes and the Legion dance at Thorp was $202.83.  Local expenses, for supplies and stamps, were $1.52.  The dance at Thorp netted $100.


The contributions made through theaters of the county were reported independently, not going through the hands of Mr. Frantz.                                                                                                         


The house on Mrs. Edwin Timmler’s farm in the Town of Pine Valley burned to the ground Tuesday morning, April 4, when it apparently caught fire from sparks from the chimney.  Neighbors responded to the call for help and succeeded in saving a part of the personal belongings of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Timmler, Jr., who were occupying the house, but only a few articles belonging to the owner, Mrs. Edwin Timmler, Sr., which she had stored in the house. Some members of the Neillsville Fire Company went to the scene of the fire with the chemical engine, but were unable to save the house.  No other buildings were burned.


Mrs. Edwin Timmler, Sr., who has been living for some time at the home of her brother, Emit Dettman, of Boltonville, Wis., came to Neillsville in response to the news of the fire.  Mrs. Timmler is staying at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarion Counsell, while she makes arrangements for rebuilding the farm house.


(The former Timmler home is located on South Mound road, 2 miles northwest of Neillsville. DZ)


Ross’ Eddy is located about a mile south of Neillsville, near State Highway 73-95, where the Black River makes a horseshoe bend in it route.  That eddy was a challenge for lumberjacks as they tried maneuvering floating logs during spring log drives, attempting riding logs through the fast, treacherous currents, with most being “dumped.” (Photo courtesy of Steve Roberts)





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